NCR RSD Atlanta 7730GAI Electronic Pricing Transmitter User Manual Appendix B

NCR Corporation, RSD - Atlanta Electronic Pricing Transmitter Users Manual Appendix B

Users Manual Appendix B

Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files
This appendix contains listings of the following DecisioNet
Configuration files:
DecisioNet CBS Configuration file (dncbsconfig.xml)
DecisioNet Configuration file (dnconfig.xml)
DecisioNet Task Manager Configuration file (taskman.cfg)
DecisioNet Host Bridge Configuration file (dnhostbridge.xml)
DecisioNet CBs Configuration file (dncbsconfig.xml)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cbsconfig SYSTEM "dncbsconfig.dtd">
DecisioNet Configuration file (dnconfig.xml)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE config SYSTEM "dnconfig.dtd">
<section name="Ipc">
<!-- <param name="ServerIP"></param> -->
<param name="TraceLevel">0</param>
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<!-- * LogTally Manager Configuration parameters * -->
B-2 Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<section name="LogTally Manager">
<!-- Section: LogTally Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- SystemLogging -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Specifies whether or not to log to the OS system log. d -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: Y(yes) or N(no) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = Y (yes) -->
<param name="SystemLogging">Y</param>
<!-- Section: LogTally Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- CheckAction -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Specifies whether or not to check for any actions -->
<!-- required before sending event to the dnltmanager. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: Y - Send only if action required. -->
<!-- N - Send always. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = Y (yes) -->
<param name="CheckAction">Y</param>
<!-- Section: LogTally Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- MaxTallies -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Maximun number of tallies allowed per modue. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 1+ -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = 50 -->
<param name="MaxTallies">50</param>
<!-- Section: LogTally Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- TallyUpdateFrequency -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Interval to request tally dumps in minutes. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 1+ -->
<!-- -->
Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files B-3
<!-- Default = 10 -->
<param name="TallyUpdateFrequency">10</param>
<!-- Section: LogTally Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- TraceLevel -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Specifies level of verbose tracing. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 0-4 -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = 0 -->
<param name="TraceLevel">0</param>
<!-- Section: LogTally Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- TraceFile -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Specifies file name to write trace information. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: Valid file and or dir/file name. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = None -->
<!-- <param name="TraceFile">dnltmanager.trc</param> -->
<!-- Section: LogTally Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- EventsMax -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Specifies maximum number of records allowed -->
<!-- in EVENT table. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 1000+ -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = 10000 -->
<param name="EventsMax">10000</param>
<!-- Section: LogTally Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- EventsNumberToRemove -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Specifies number of records to delete when EventsMax -->
<!-- is reached. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 100+ -->
<!-- -->
B-4 Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files
<!-- Default = 1000 -->
<param name="EventsNumberToRemove">1000</param>
<!-- Section: LogTally Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- EventsDaysToRemove -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Specifies maximum retention days for EVENTS. -->
<!-- All EVENTS older than this number of day will be deleted.-->
<!-- Parameter superseeds EventMAx. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 1+ -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = 30 -->
<param name="EventsDaysToRemove">30</param>
<!-- Section: LogTally Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- HandleEmail -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Specifies whether to handle email type actions. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: Y(yes) or N(no) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = Y (yes) -->
<param name="HandleEmail">Y</param>
<!-- Section: LogTally Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- HandleAlarm -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Specifies whether to handle alarm type actions. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: Y(yes) or N(no) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = Y (yes) -->
<param name="HandleAlarm">Y</param>
<!-- Section: LogTally Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- HandleConsole -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Specifies whether to handle console type actions. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: Y(yes) or N(no) -->
<!-- -->
Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files B-5
<!-- Default = Y (yes) -->
<param name="HandleConsole">Y</param>
<!-- Section: LogTally Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- HandleSystemTray -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Specifies whether to handle systemtray type actions. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: Y(yes) or N(no) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = Y (yes) -->
<param name="HandleSystemTray">Y</param>
<!-- Section: LogTally Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Specifies whether or not to handle the action. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: Y(yes) or N(no) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = Y (yes) -->
<param name="HandleExecProcess">Y</param>
<!-- Section: LogTally Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Specifies whether to handle Esl Pager Tag type actions. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: Y(yes) or N(no) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = Y (yes) -->
<param name="HandlePager">Y</param>
<!-- Section: LogTally Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- HandleEslTag -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Specifies whether to handle Esl Manual Tag type actions. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: Y(yes) or N(no) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = Y (yes) -->
B-6 Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files
<param name="HandleEslTag">Y</param>
<!-- Section: LogTally Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- HandleThirdParty -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Specifies whether to handle ThirdParty type actions. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: Y(yes) or N(no) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = N (No) -->
<param name="HandleThirdParty">N</param>
<!-- Section: LogTally Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- ManualTagLinkID -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Specifies Manual Tag Link ID. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: AlphaNumeric -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = MANUAL -->
<param name="ManualTagLinkID">MANUAL</param>
<!-- Section: LogTally Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- ManualTagLinkType -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Specifies Manual Tag Link Type. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: Numbeic -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = 99 -->
<param name="ManualTagLinkType">99</param>
<!-- Section: LogTally Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- PagerTagLinkID -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Specifies Pager Tag Link ID. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: AlphaNumeric -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = PAGER -->
<param name="PagerTagLinkID">PAGER</param>
Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files B-7
<!-- Section: LogTally Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- PagerTagLinkType -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Specifies Pager Tag Link Type. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: Numeric -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = 98 -->
<param name="PagerTagLinkType">98</param>
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<!-- * CBS Manager Configuration parameters * -->
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<section name="CBS Manager">
<!-- Section: CBS Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- MaxWorkerThreads -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The maximum number of threads the CBS Manager is allowed -->
<!-- to create to communicate with CBS's. This parameter -->
<!-- will limit the number of connections to CBS's that the -->
<!-- CBS Manager can create. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 1+ -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = 20 -->
<param name="MaxWorkerThreads">20</param>
<!-- Section: CBS Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- MaxConnectionsPerCBS -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The maximum number of connections the CBS Manager is -->
<!-- allowed to have open to each individual CBS. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 1+ -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = 10 -->
<param name="MaxConnectionsPerCBS">10</param>
<!-- Section: CBS Manager -->
<!-- -->
B-8 Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files
<!-- MaxChainedMessages -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The maximum number of ESL commands that should be -->
<!-- chained together in a single ESL message (downlink). -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 1-8 -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = 5 -->
<param name="MaxChainedMessages">5</param>
<!-- Section: CBS Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- MinChainedMessages -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The minimum number of ESL commands that should be -->
<!-- chained together in a single ESL message (downlink). If -->
<!-- fewer than this number need to be sent to process a -->
<!-- request NOP commands are appended to increase the number -->
<!-- of chained messages. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 1-8 -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = 1 -->
<param name="MinChainedMessages">1</param>
<!-- Section: CBS Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- TODUpdateFrequency -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Specifies how often (in minutes) the time of day should -->
<!-- be broadcast to all ESL's. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 1+ -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = 60 (minutes) -->
<param name="TODUpdateFrequency">60</param>
<!-- Section: CBS Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- NumberCBSAttempts -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Specifies how many times the CBS Manager should attempt -->
<!-- to connect to a CBS or send a command to a CBS before -->
<!-- giving up. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 1+ -->
<!-- -->
Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files B-9
<!-- Default = 3 -->
<param name="NumberCBSAttempts">3</param>
<!-- Section: CBS Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- NumberESLAttempts -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Specifies how many times the CBS Manager should attempt -->
<!-- to send a message to an ESL before giving up. The CBS -->
<!-- Manager will retry sending a message to an ESL up to -->
<!-- this limit when no response is received from the ESL. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 1+ -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = 5 -->
<param name="NumberESLAttempts">5</param>
<!-- Section: CBS Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- BroadcastSends -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Specifies the number of times the CBS Manager should -->
<!-- send broadcast messages to ESL's. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 1+ -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = 5 -->
<param name="BroadcastSends">5</param>
<!-- Section: CBS Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- ConnectTimeout -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The number of seconds the CBS Manager should wait while -->
<!-- attempting to open a connection to a CBS before giving -->
<!-- up. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 1+ -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = 10 seconds -->
<param name="ConnectTimeout">10</param>
<!-- Section: CBS Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- ResponseTimeout -->
<!-- -->
B-10 Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files
<!-- The number of seconds the CBS Manager should wait for a -->
<!-- response from a CBS before disconnecting and retrying. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 1+ -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = 15 seconds -->
<param name="ResponseTimeout">15</param>
<!-- Section: CBS Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- MaxFailureFrequency -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The maximum frequency in seconds that diagnostic -->
<!-- failures from each CBS should be logged. The CBS -->
<!-- Manager will accept no more than one diagnostic failure -->
<!-- from each CBS during this window. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 1+ -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = 15 seconds -->
<param name="MaxFailureFrequency">15</param>
<!-- Section: CBS Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- ResultTableExpirationTime -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Specifies how long (in minutes) the CBS Manager should -->
<!-- keep results of completed requests in it's result table -->
<!-- for retrieval by clients. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 1+ -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = 60 minutes -->
<param name="ResultTableExpirationTime">60</param>
<!-- Section: CBS Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- BufferFullAttempts -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Specifies how many times the CBS Manager should try -->
<!-- sending a message to an ESL when a CBS returns "buffer -->
<!-- full." -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 1+ -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = 99 -->
Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files B-11
<param name="BufferFullAttempts">99</param>
<!-- Section: CBS Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- BufferFullPause -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Specifies how many seconds the CBS Manager whould wait -->
<!-- before resending a message to a CBS after receiving a -->
<!-- "buffer full" error. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 1+ -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = 10 -->
<param name="BufferFullPause">10</param>
<!-- Section: CBS Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- CBSBusyAttempts -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Specifies how many times the CBS Manager should try -->
<!-- sending a message to an ESL when a CBS returns "busy," -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 1+ -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = 99 -->
<param name="CBSBusyAttempts">99</param>
<!-- Section: CBS Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- CBSBusyPause -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Specifies how many seconds the CBS Manager whould wait -->
<!-- before resending a message to a CBS after receiving a -->
<!-- "busy" error. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 1+ -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = 10 -->
<param name="CBSBusyPause">10</param>
<!-- Section: CBS Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- QuickFind -->
<!-- -->
<!-- If enabled the CBS Manager will return the results of a -->
<!-- find immediately after recieving a response from the ESL -->
<!-- being located. If disabled the CBS Manager will -->
B-12 Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files
<!-- continue trying to find the specified ESL -->
<!-- 'BroadcastSends' times to make sure the find returns -->
<!-- the CBS that received the strongest response from the -->
<!-- ESL. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 1 (enabled) or 0 (disabled) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = 1 -->
<param name="QuickFind">1</param>
<!-- Section: CBS Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- SimulationMode -->
<!-- -->
<!-- If set to 1 the CBS Manager will simulate communications -->
<!-- with CBS's and ESL's. If set to 2 the CBS Manager will -->
<!-- send ESL messages to CBS's but always return a good -->
<!-- uplink from the ESL, whether or not the actual received -->
<!-- uplink was good. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 0, 1, or 2. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = 0 -->
<param name="SimulationMode">1</param>
<!-- Section: CBS Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- StoreID -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The StoreID for the system. When the CBS Manager starts -->
<!-- it will ensure that all CBS's use the specified store ID -->
<!-- in beacons and all downlinks. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 0-255 -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = 255 -->
<param name="StoreID">255</param>
<!-- Section: CBS Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- TraceLevel -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Specifies the default trace level to use if none -->
<!-- specified on the command-line. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Trace level 0 = No trace output. -->
<!-- Trace level 1 = Trace output for errors only. -->
Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files B-13
<!-- Trace level 2 = Level 1 + CBS communications trace -->
<!-- output. -->
<!-- Trace level 3 = Level 2 + API-level function entry/exit. -->
<!-- Trace level 4 - 6 = More function entry/exit output. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 0-6 -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default = 0 -->
<param name="TraceLevel">0</param>
<!-- Section: CBS Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- TraceFile -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Specifies the name of a file where trace output should -->
<!-- be written if none specified on the command-line. -->
<!--<param name="TraceFile">cbsmanager.trc</param>-->
<!-- End CBS Manager Section -->
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<!-- * ESL Manager Configuration parameters * -->
<!-- ************************************************************ -->
<section name="ESL Manager">
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- PeriodicVerify -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Whether the ESL Manager is enabled to schedule automatic -->
<!-- periodic verifies. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 0(=disabled)/1(=enabled) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 1 (enabled) -->
<param name="PeriodicVerify">0</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- VerificationRecurrence -->
<!-- -->
B-14 Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files
<!-- How often automatically scheduled Verifications take -->
<!-- place (Price Verifier) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: valid time period specification -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = hourly (P0Y0M0DT1H0M0S) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Note: only used if PeriodicVerify is enabled -->
<param name="VerificationRecurrence">P0Y0M0DT1H0M0S</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- VerificationStartDate -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The effective start date of automatic verifications. -->
<!-- Note that this parameter just gives a starting -->
<!-- point for the recurrence. It does not have to be -->
<!-- absolute, nor does it have to be continuously updated. -->
<!-- It simply gives A start date and time as a jumping off -->
<!-- point for use with the associated recurrence. -->
<!-- For example: If the action is desired every Monday at -->
<!-- 1am, then the recurrence would be P0Y0M7DT0H0M0S, and -->
<!-- the start date could be ANY date in the past that -->
<!-- happened to be a Monday, along with a time of 1am, -->
<!-- say 20010205010000 -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: valid time stamp (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default (if missing or invalid) = time config file read -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Note: only used if PeriodicVerify is enabled -->
<!-- <param name="VerificationStartDate">20000101000000</param> -->
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- PeriodicExistenceBedcheck -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Whether the ESL Manager is enabled to schedule automatic -->
<!-- periodic existence bedchecks. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 0(=disabled)/1(=enabled) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 1 (enabled) -->
<param name="PeriodicExistenceBedcheck">0</param>
Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files B-15
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- ExistenceBedcheckRecurrence -->
<!-- -->
<!-- How often automatically scheduled Existence Bedchecks -->
<!-- take place -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: valid time period specification -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = weekly (P0Y0M7DT0H0M0S) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Note: only used if PeriodicExistenceBedcheck is enabled -->
<param name="ExistenceBedcheckRecurrence">P0Y0M7DT0H0M0S</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- ExistenceBedcheckStartDate -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The effective start date of automatic ExistenceBedchecks -->
<!-- Note that this parameter just gives a starting -->
<!-- point for the recurrence. It does not have to be -->
<!-- absolute, nor does it have to be continuously updated. -->
<!-- It simply gives A start date and time as a jumping off -->
<!-- point for use with the associated recurrence. -->
<!-- For example: If the action is desired every Monday at -->
<!-- 1am, then the recurrence would be P0Y0M7DT0H0M0S, and -->
<!-- the start date could be ANY date in the past that -->
<!-- happened to be a Monday, along with a time of 1am, -->
<!-- say 20010205010000 -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: valid time stamp (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default (if missing or invalid) = time config file read -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Note: only used if PeriodicExistenceBedcheck is enabled -->
<!-- <param name="ExistenceBedcheckStartDate">20000101000000</param> -->
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- PeriodicHardwareBedcheck -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Whether the ESL Manager is enabled to schedule automatic -->
<!-- periodic hardware bedchecks. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 0(=disabled)/1(=enabled) -->
B-16 Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 1 (enabled) -->
<param name="PeriodicHardwareBedcheck">0</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- HardwareBedcheckRecurrence -->
<!-- -->
<!-- How often automatically scheduled Hardware Bedchecks -->
<!-- take place -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: valid time period specification -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = monthly (P0Y1M0DT0H0M0S) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Note: only used if PeriodicHardwareBedcheck is enabled -->
<param name="HardwareBedcheckRecurrence">P0Y1M0DT0H0M0S</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- HardwareBedcheckStartDate -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The effective start date of automatic HardwareBedchecks -->
<!-- Note that this parameter just gives a starting -->
<!-- point for the recurrence. It does not have to be -->
<!-- absolute, nor does it have to be continuously updated. -->
<!-- It simply gives A start date and time as a jumping off -->
<!-- point for use with the associated recurrence. -->
<!-- For example: If the action is desired every Monday at -->
<!-- 1am, then the recurrence would be P0Y0M7DT0H0M0S, and -->
<!-- the start date could be ANY date in the past that -->
<!-- happened to be a Monday, along with a time of 1am, -->
<!-- say 20010205010000 -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: valid time stamp (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default (if missing or invalid) = time config file read -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Note: only used if PeriodicHardwareBedcheck is enabled -->
<!-- <param name="HardwareBedcheckStartDate">20000101000000</param> -->
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files B-17
<!-- PeriodicSumcheckBedcheck -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Whether the ESL Manager is enabled to schedule automatic -->
<!-- periodic sumcheck bedchecks. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: valid time period specification -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 0(=disabled)/1(=enabled) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 1 (enabled) -->
<param name="PeriodicSumcheckBedcheck">0</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- SumcheckBedcheckRecurrence -->
<!-- -->
<!-- How often automatically scheduled Sumcheck (data) -->
<!-- Bedchecks take place -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: valid time period specification -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = daily (P0Y0M1DT0H0M0S) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Note: only used if PeriodicSumcheckBedcheck is enabled -->
<param name="SumcheckBedcheckRecurrence">P0Y0M1DT0H0M0S</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- SumcheckBedcheckStartDate -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The effective start date of automatic SumcheckBedchecks -->
<!-- Note that this parameter just gives a starting -->
<!-- point for the recurrence. It does not have to be -->
<!-- absolute, nor does it have to be continuously updated. -->
<!-- It simply gives A start date and time as a jumping off -->
<!-- point for use with the associated recurrence. -->
<!-- For example: If the action is desired every Monday at -->
<!-- 1am, then the recurrence would be P0Y0M7DT0H0M0S, and -->
<!-- the start date could be ANY date in the past that -->
<!-- happened to be a Monday, along with a time of 1am, -->
<!-- say 20010205010000 -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: valid time stamp (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default (if missing or invalid) = time config file read -->
<!-- -->
B-18 Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files
<!-- Note: only used if PeriodicSumcheckBedcheck is enabled -->
<!-- <param name="SumcheckBedcheckStartDate">20000101000000</param> -->
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- TransactionRecordLifetime -->
<!-- -->
<!-- How long after a transaction completes does -->
<!-- the transaction record remain in the transaction log -->
<!-- table? -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: valid time period specification -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 2 hours (P0Y0M0DT2H0M0S) -->
<param name="TransactionRecordLifetime">P0Y0M0DT2H0M0S</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- SuccessfulSpoolRecordLifetime -->
<!-- -->
<!-- How long after a successful spool record completes -->
<!-- does the spool log record remain in the spool log table? -->
<!-- Note that update image requests associated with spool -->
<!-- records being deleted are deleted from the update image -->
<!-- table -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: valid time period specification -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 1 minute (P0Y0M0DT0H1M0S) -->
<param name="SuccessfulSpoolRecordLifetime">P0Y0M0DT0H1M0S</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- ErroredSpoolRecordLifetime -->
<!-- -->
<!-- How long after a spool record completes with errors -->
<!-- does the spool log record remain in the spool log table? -->
<!-- Note that update image requests associated with spool -->
<!-- records being deleted are deleted from the update image -->
<!-- table -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: valid time period specification -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 3 days (P0Y0M3DT0H0M0S) -->
Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files B-19
<param name="ErroredSpoolRecordLifetime">P0Y0M3DT0H0M0S</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- MaxNumberUpdateRetries -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Maximum number of times an update request is retried -->
<!-- at the ESL Manager level when errors occur. After -->
<!-- retries are exhausted, spool record is marked with last -->
<!-- error received. The record is always retried so that -->
<!-- both the minimum number of retries have been done and so -->
<!-- that the minimum retry period has elapsed, but retrying -->
<!-- stops when either the maximum number of retries have -->
<!-- have been done or the maximum retry period has elapsed, -->
<!-- whichever comes first. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: non negative integer -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 10 -->
<param name="MaxNumberUpdateRetries">10</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- MaxUpdateRetryPeriod -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Maximum amount of time an update request is retried -->
<!-- at the ESL Manager level when errors occur. After -->
<!-- retries are exhausted, spool record is marked with last -->
<!-- error received. The record is always retried so that -->
<!-- both the minimum number of retries have been done and so -->
<!-- that the minimum retry period has elapsed, but retrying -->
<!-- stops when either the maximum number of retries have -->
<!-- have been done or the maximum retry period has elapsed, -->
<!-- whichever comes first. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: valid time period specification -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 10 minutes (P0Y0M0DT0H10M0S) -->
<param name="MaxUpdateRetryPeriod">PT10M</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- MinNumberUpdateRetries -->
B-20 Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files
<!-- -->
<!-- Minimum number of times an update request is retried -->
<!-- at the ESL Manager level when errors occur. After -->
<!-- retries are exhausted, spool record is marked with last -->
<!-- error received. The record is always retried so that -->
<!-- both the minimum number of retries have been done and so -->
<!-- that the minimum retry period has elapsed, but retrying -->
<!-- stops when either the maximum number of retries have -->
<!-- have been done or the maximum retry period has elapsed, -->
<!-- whichever comes first. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: non negative integer -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 2 -->
<param name="MinNumberUpdateRetries">2</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- MinUpdateRetryPeriod -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Minimum amount of time an update request is retried -->
<!-- at the ESL Manager level when errors occur. After -->
<!-- retries are exhausted, spool record is marked with last -->
<!-- error received. The record is always retried so that -->
<!-- both the minimum number of retries have been done and so -->
<!-- that the minimum retry period has elapsed, but retrying -->
<!-- stops when either the maximum number of retries have -->
<!-- have been done or the maximum retry period has elapsed, -->
<!-- whichever comes first. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: valid time period specification -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 1 second (P0Y0M0DT0H0M1S) -->
<param name="MinUpdateRetryPeriod">PT1S</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- MaxNumberBedcheckRetries -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Maximum number of times an Bedcheck request is retried -->
<!-- at the ESL Manager level when errors occur. After -->
<!-- retries are exhausted, spool record is marked with last -->
<!-- error received. The record is always retried so that -->
<!-- both the minimum number of retries have been done and so -->
Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files B-21
<!-- that the minimum retry period has elapsed, but retrying -->
<!-- stops when either the maximum number of retries have -->
<!-- have been done or the maximum retry period has elapsed, -->
<!-- whichever comes first. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: non negative integer -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 10 -->
<param name="MaxNumberBedcheckRetries">10</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- MaxBedcheckRetryPeriod -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Maximum amount of time an Bedcheck request is retried -->
<!-- at the ESL Manager level when errors occur. After -->
<!-- retries are exhausted, spool record is marked with last -->
<!-- error received. The record is always retried so that -->
<!-- both the minimum number of retries have been done and so -->
<!-- that the minimum retry period has elapsed, but retrying -->
<!-- stops when either the maximum number of retries have -->
<!-- have been done or the maximum retry period has elapsed, -->
<!-- whichever comes first. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: valid time period specification -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 10 minutes (P0Y0M0DT0H10M0S) -->
<param name="MaxBedcheckRetryPeriod">PT10M</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- MinNumberBedcheckRetries -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Minimum number of times an Bedcheck request is retried -->
<!-- at the ESL Manager level when errors occur. After -->
<!-- retries are exhausted, spool record is marked with last -->
<!-- error received. The record is always retried so that -->
<!-- both the minimum number of retries have been done and so -->
<!-- that the minimum retry period has elapsed, but retrying -->
<!-- stops when either the maximum number of retries have -->
<!-- have been done or the maximum retry period has elapsed, -->
<!-- whichever comes first. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: non negative integer -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 2 -->
B-22 Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files
<param name="MinNumberBedcheckRetries">2</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- MinBedcheckRetryPeriod -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Minimum amount of time an Bedcheck request is retried -->
<!-- at the ESL Manager level when errors occur. After -->
<!-- retries are exhausted, spool record is marked with last -->
<!-- error received. The record is always retried so that -->
<!-- both the minimum number of retries have been done and so -->
<!-- that the minimum retry period has elapsed, but retrying -->
<!-- stops when either the maximum number of retries have -->
<!-- have been done or the maximum retry period has elapsed, -->
<!-- whichever comes first. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: valid time period specification -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 1 second (P0Y0M0DT0H0M1S) -->
<param name="MinBedcheckRetryPeriod">PT1S</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- MaxNumberFindRetries -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Maximum number of times an Find request is retried -->
<!-- at the ESL Manager level when errors occur. After -->
<!-- retries are exhausted, spool record is marked with last -->
<!-- error received. The record is always retried so that -->
<!-- both the minimum number of retries have been done and so -->
<!-- that the minimum retry period has elapsed, but retrying -->
<!-- stops when either the maximum number of retries have -->
<!-- have been done or the maximum retry period has elapsed, -->
<!-- whichever comes first. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: non negative integer -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 2 -->
<param name="MaxNumberFindRetries">2</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files B-23
<!-- MaxFindRetryPeriod -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Maximum amount of time an Find request is retried -->
<!-- at the ESL Manager level when errors occur. After -->
<!-- retries are exhausted, spool record is marked with last -->
<!-- error received. The record is always retried so that -->
<!-- both the minimum number of retries have been done and so -->
<!-- that the minimum retry period has elapsed, but retrying -->
<!-- stops when either the maximum number of retries have -->
<!-- have been done or the maximum retry period has elapsed, -->
<!-- whichever comes first. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: valid time period specification -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 5 minutes (P0Y0M0DT0H10M0S) -->
<param name="MaxFindRetryPeriod">PT5M</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- MinNumberFindRetries -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Minimum number of times an Find request is retried -->
<!-- at the ESL Manager level when errors occur. After -->
<!-- retries are exhausted, spool record is marked with last -->
<!-- error received. The record is always retried so that -->
<!-- both the minimum number of retries have been done and so -->
<!-- that the minimum retry period has elapsed, but retrying -->
<!-- stops when either the maximum number of retries have -->
<!-- have been done or the maximum retry period has elapsed, -->
<!-- whichever comes first. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: non negative integer -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 0 -->
<param name="MinNumberFindRetries">0</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- MinFindRetryPeriod -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Minimum amount of time an Find request is retried -->
<!-- at the ESL Manager level when errors occur. After -->
<!-- retries are exhausted, spool record is marked with last -->
<!-- error received. The record is always retried so that -->
<!-- both the minimum number of retries have been done and so -->
<!-- that the minimum retry period has elapsed, but retrying -->
B-24 Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files
<!-- stops when either the maximum number of retries have -->
<!-- have been done or the maximum retry period has elapsed, -->
<!-- whichever comes first. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: valid time period specification -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 1 second (P0Y0M0DT0H0M1S) -->
<param name="MinFindRetryPeriod">PT1S</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- MaxNumberAssignRetries -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Maximum number of times an Assign request is retried -->
<!-- at the ESL Manager level when errors occur. After -->
<!-- retries are exhausted, spool record is marked with last -->
<!-- error received. The record is always retried so that -->
<!-- both the minimum number of retries have been done and so -->
<!-- that the minimum retry period has elapsed, but retrying -->
<!-- stops when either the maximum number of retries have -->
<!-- have been done or the maximum retry period has elapsed, -->
<!-- whichever comes first. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: non negative integer -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 10 -->
<param name="MaxNumberAssignRetries">10</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- MaxAssignRetryPeriod -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Maximum amount of time an Assign request is retried -->
<!-- at the ESL Manager level when errors occur. After -->
<!-- retries are exhausted, spool record is marked with last -->
<!-- error received. The record is always retried so that -->
<!-- both the minimum number of retries have been done and so -->
<!-- that the minimum retry period has elapsed, but retrying -->
<!-- stops when either the maximum number of retries have -->
<!-- have been done or the maximum retry period has elapsed, -->
<!-- whichever comes first. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: valid time period specification -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 10 minutes (P0Y0M0DT0H10M0S) -->
Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files B-25
<param name="MaxAssignRetryPeriod">PT10M</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- MinNumberAssignRetries -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Minimum number of times an Assign request is retried -->
<!-- at the ESL Manager level when errors occur. After -->
<!-- retries are exhausted, spool record is marked with last -->
<!-- error received. The record is always retried so that -->
<!-- both the minimum number of retries have been done and so -->
<!-- that the minimum retry period has elapsed, but retrying -->
<!-- stops when either the maximum number of retries have -->
<!-- have been done or the maximum retry period has elapsed, -->
<!-- whichever comes first. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: non negative integer -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 2 -->
<param name="MinNumberAssignRetries">2</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- MinAssignRetryPeriod -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Minimum amount of time an Assign request is retried -->
<!-- at the ESL Manager level when errors occur. After -->
<!-- retries are exhausted, spool record is marked with last -->
<!-- error received. The record is always retried so that -->
<!-- both the minimum number of retries have been done and so -->
<!-- that the minimum retry period has elapsed, but retrying -->
<!-- stops when either the maximum number of retries have -->
<!-- have been done or the maximum retry period has elapsed, -->
<!-- whichever comes first. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: valid time period specification -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 1 second (P0Y0M0DT0H0M1S) -->
<param name="MinAssignRetryPeriod">PT1S</param>
B-26 Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- MaxNumberForceSearchModeRetries -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Maximum number of times an ForceSearchMode request is -->
<!-- retried -->
<!-- at the ESL Manager level when errors occur. After -->
<!-- retries are exhausted, spool record is marked with last -->
<!-- error received. The record is always retried so that -->
<!-- both the minimum number of retries have been done and so -->
<!-- that the minimum retry period has elapsed, but retrying -->
<!-- stops when either the maximum number of retries have -->
<!-- have been done or the maximum retry period has elapsed, -->
<!-- whichever comes first. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: non negative integer -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 10 -->
<param name="MaxNumberForceSearchModeRetries">10</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- MaxForceSearchModeRetryPeriod -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Maximum number of times an ForceSearchMode request is -->
<!-- retried -->
<!-- at the ESL Manager level when errors occur. After -->
<!-- retries are exhausted, spool record is marked with last -->
<!-- error received. The record is always retried so that -->
<!-- both the minimum number of retries have been done and so -->
<!-- that the minimum retry period has elapsed, but retrying -->
<!-- stops when either the maximum number of retries have -->
<!-- have been done or the maximum retry period has elapsed, -->
<!-- whichever comes first. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: valid time period specification -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 10 minutes (P0Y0M0DT0H10M0S) -->
<param name="MaxForceSearchModeRetryPeriod">PT10M</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- MinNumberForceSearchModeRetries -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Maximum number of times an ForceSearchMode request is -->
<!-- retried -->
Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files B-27
<!-- at the ESL Manager level when errors occur. After -->
<!-- retries are exhausted, spool record is marked with last -->
<!-- error received. The record is always retried so that -->
<!-- both the minimum number of retries have been done and so -->
<!-- that the minimum retry period has elapsed, but retrying -->
<!-- stops when either the maximum number of retries have -->
<!-- have been done or the maximum retry period has elapsed, -->
<!-- whichever comes first. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: non negative integer -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 2 -->
<param name="MinNumberForceSearchModeRetries">2</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- MinForceSearchModeRetryPeriod -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Maximum number of times an ForceSearchMode request is -->
<!-- retried -->
<!-- at the ESL Manager level when errors occur. After -->
<!-- retries are exhausted, spool record is marked with last -->
<!-- error received. The record is always retried so that -->
<!-- both the minimum number of retries have been done and so -->
<!-- that the minimum retry period has elapsed, but retrying -->
<!-- stops when either the maximum number of retries have -->
<!-- have been done or the maximum retry period has elapsed, -->
<!-- whichever comes first. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: valid time period specification -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 1 second (P0Y0M0DT0H0M1S) -->
<param name="MinForceSearchModeRetryPeriod">PT1S</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- MaxCBSUpdateResponseWait -->
<!-- -->
<!-- How long does the ESL Manager wait for a "fire event" -->
<!-- from the CBS Manager before explicit requesting the -->
<!-- results of a spool log transaction? -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: valid time period specification -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 5 minutes (P0Y0M0DT0H5M0S) -->
B-28 Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files
<param name="MaxCBSUpdateResponseWait">PT5M</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- SumcheckCorrectiveAction -->
<!-- -->
<!-- When a sumcheck (data) bedcheck fails, should corrective -->
<!-- action be taken automatically? If so, a FORCED update -->
<!-- is issued for the ESL that failed. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 0(=disabled)/1(=enabled) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 1 (enabled) -->
<param name="SumcheckCorrectiveAction">1</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- PingUnresponsiveTags -->
<!-- -->
<!-- When tags fail to respond to a find command, should -->
<!-- the tags be periodically "pinged" (i.e. another find -->
<!-- issued) to see if the ESL comes back into communication? -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 0(=disabled)/1(=enabled) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 1 (enabled) -->
<param name="PingUnresponsiveTags">1</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- IgnoreUnresponsiveTags -->
<!-- -->
<!-- When tags fail to respond to a find command, they are -->
<!-- marked as unresponsive. Should such unresponsive tags -->
<!-- be ignored for future updates, bedchecks, and verifies? -->
<!-- It may be desirable to continue to send commands to -->
<!-- unresponsive tags in cases of high noise, etc. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 0(=disabled)/1(=enabled) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 1 (enabled) -->
<param name="IgnoreUnresponsiveTags">1</param>
Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files B-29
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- AutoFindAfterNoResponse -->
<!-- -->
<!-- When a tag gives no response after an update, bedcheck, -->
<!-- or verify, should there be an automatic find to try to -->
<!-- locate these tags? It may be desirable to turn off auto -->
<!-- find in coordination with turning off the -->
<!-- IgnoreUnresponsiveTags flag in situations with high -->
<!-- noise. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 0(=disabled)/1(=enabled) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 1 (enabled) -->
<param name="AutoFindAfterNoResponse">1</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- SearchModeAfterNotFound -->
<!-- -->
<!-- When a tag gives no response after a find has been -->
<!-- issued, should the ESL Manager send a command to try -->
<!-- to place the tag in to search mode in an effort to -->
<!-- reestablish communications (under the assumption that -->
<!-- the tag may be able to hear the CBS but not vice versa)? -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 0(=disabled)/1(=enabled) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 1 (enabled) -->
<param name="SearchModeAfterNotFound">1</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- AutoAssignAfterFind -->
<!-- -->
<!-- When a tag is found after a find is issued, should an -->
<!-- automatic assign be issued? -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 0(=disabled)/1(=enabled) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 1 (enabled) -->
<param name="AutoAssignAfterFind">1</param>
B-30 Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- ForceSearchModeAfterFindFail -->
<!-- -->
<!-- When a tag does not respond to a find, should the ESL -->
<!-- Manager send a command to force the tag to go into -->
<!-- search mode? -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 0(=disabled)/1(=enabled) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 1 (enabled) -->
<param name="ForceSearchModeAfterFindFail">1</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- UnresponsiveTagRecurrence -->
<!-- -->
<!-- How often does the ESL Manager ping unresponsive tags? -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: valid time period specification -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = daily (P0Y0M1DT0H0M0S) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Note: only used if PingUnresponseTags is enabled -->
<param name="UnresponseTagRecurrence">P0Y0M1DTH0M0S</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- UnresponsiveTagStartDate -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The effective start date of automatic UnresponsiveTags -->
<!-- Note that this parameter just gives a starting -->
<!-- point for the recurrence. It does not have to be -->
<!-- absolute, nor does it have to be continuously updated. -->
<!-- It simply gives A start date and time as a jumping off -->
<!-- point for use with the associated recurrence. -->
<!-- For example: If the action is desired every Monday at -->
<!-- 1am, then the recurrence would be P0Y0M7DT0H0M0S, and -->
<!-- the start date could be ANY date in the past that -->
<!-- happened to be a Monday, along with a time of 1am, -->
<!-- say 20010205010000 -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: valid time stamp (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) -->
<!-- -->
Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files B-31
<!-- default (if missing or invalid) = time config file read -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Note: only used if PingUnresponseTags is enabled -->
<!-- <param name="UnresponsiveTagStartDate">20000101000000</param> -->
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- PriceChecking -->
<!-- -->
<!-- When tags receive successful notification of an update, -->
<!-- should a follow-up sumcheck (data) bedcheck be issued -->
<!-- to ensure the correct information is on the tag? -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: 0(=disabled)/1(=enabled) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 1 (enabled) -->
<param name="PriceChecking">1</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- DefaultUpdatePriority -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default Priority to use for update transactions when -->
<!-- no priority is specified. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: integer 1 through 10, 1 being highest priority -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 3 -->
<param name="DefaultUpdatePriority">3</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- DefaultBedcheckPriority -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default Priority to use for Bedcheck transactions when -->
<!-- no priority is specified. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: integer 1 through 10, 1 being highest priority -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 5 -->
<param name="DefaultBedcheckPriority">5</param>
B-32 Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- DefaultVerifyPriority -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default Priority to use for Verify transactions when -->
<!-- no priority is specified. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: integer 1 through 10, 1 being highest priority -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 7 -->
<param name="DefaultVerifyPriority">7</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- DefaultFindPriority -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default Priority to use for Find transactions when -->
<!-- no priority is specified. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: integer 1 through 10, 1 being highest priority -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 10 -->
<param name="DefaultFindPriority">10</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- DefaultAssignPriority -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default Priority to use for Assign transactions when -->
<!-- no priority is specified. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: integer 1 through 10, 1 being highest priority -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 3 -->
<param name="DefaultAssignTimeslotPriority">3</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- DefaultForceSearchModePriority -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Default Priority to use for forcing an ESL into search -->
<!-- mode. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: integer 1 through 10, 1 being highest priority -->
Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files B-33
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 3 -->
<param name ="DefaultForceSearchModePriority">3</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- TransactionResolveSleepTime -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The amount of time (in milliseconds) that the ESL -->
<!-- Manager sleeps between ESL record processing during -->
<!-- a transaction resolution. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: non-negative integer -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 50 -->
<param name="TransactionResolveSleepTime">50</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- TransactionThreadSleepTime -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The amount of time (in milliseconds) that the ESL -->
<!-- Manager sleeps between transactions during high-level -->
<!-- transaction processing. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: non-negative integer -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 500 -->
<param name="TransactionThreadSleepTime">500</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- SpoolLogThreadSleepTime -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The amount of time (in milliseconds) that the ESL -->
<!-- Manager sleeps between spool log transaction processing -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: non-negative integer -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 200 -->
<param name="SpoolLogThreadSleepTime">200</param>
B-34 Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- ProcessingThreadSleepTime -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The amount of time (in milliseconds) that the ESL -->
<!-- Manager sleeps between processing CBS Manager requests -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: non-negative integer -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 0 -->
<param name="ProcessingThreadSleepTime">0</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- MaxHistoryDepth -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The maximum history depth for any type of transaction -->
<!-- sequence. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: unsigned integer -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 10 -->
<param name="MaxHistoryDepth">10</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- MaxAutofindSequence -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The maximum number of "autofind" sequences to be issues -->
<!-- before stopping. An autofind sequence consists of a -->
<!-- find followed by an assign followed by an appropriate -->
<!-- repeat of the original transaction (update,bedchk, etc.) -->
<!-- Note that this is affected by MaxHistoryDepth, in that -->
<!-- MaxHistoryDepth counts EVERY individual transaction and -->
<!-- could cause stopping before MaxAutofindSequence is -->
<!-- exhausted. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: unsigned integer -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 1 -->
<param name="MaxAutofindSequence">1</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files B-35
<!-- MaxPricecheckCorrectiveDepth -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The maximum number of pricecheck/corrective action tasks -->
<!-- to process before stopping. Price checks and corrective -->
<!-- actions on sumchecks are related, in that one can -->
<!-- eventually cause the other. -->
<!-- Note that this is affected by MaxHistoryDepth, in that -->
<!-- MaxHistoryDepth counts EVERY individual transaction and -->
<!-- could cause stopping before this parameter is exhausted. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: unsigned integer -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 3 -->
<param name="MaxPricecheckCorrectiveDepth">3</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- MaxTransactionRecordBlock -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The maximum record block size for Transaction record -->
<!-- sets. The larger the number, the greater the memory -->
<!-- usage, but the faster the processing. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: unsigned integer -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 128 -->
<param name="MaxTransactionRecordBlock">128</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- MaxESLTransactionRecordBlock -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The maximum record block size for ESLTransaction record -->
<!-- sets. The larger the number, the greater the memory -->
<!-- usage, but the faster the processing. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: unsigned integer -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 128 -->
<param name="MaxESLTransactionRecordBlock">128</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
B-36 Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files
<!-- MaxTransactionRecordBlock -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The maximum record block size for ESL record -->
<!-- sets. The larger the number, the greater the memory -->
<!-- usage, but the faster the processing. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: unsigned integer -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 128 -->
<param name="MaxESLRecordBlock">128</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- MaxUpdateImageAgeBeforeRefresh -->
<!-- -->
<!-- When update requests are posted to the spool file, an -->
<!-- update image is also posted to the update image file and -->
<!-- represents the data obtained from the data reader. -->
<!-- Since the update image can get out of date, this -->
<!-- parameter gives the ability to specify how old an update -->
<!-- image may get before the ESL Manager refreshes the -->
<!-- update image with a fresh read from the data reader. A -->
<!-- setting of all 0's forces the ESL Manager to request the -->
<!-- data from the data reader each time the update is sent. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: valid time period specification -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = 7 days (P0Y0M7DT0H0M0S) -->
<param name="MaxUpdateImageAgeBeforeRefresh">P0Y0M7DTH0M0S</param>
<!-- Section: ESL Manager -->
<!-- -->
<!-- OperatingMode -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Mode the ESL Manager is operating in. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Values: INSTALL or NORMAL -->
<!-- -->
<!-- default = NORMAL -->
<!-- -->
<param name="OperatingMode">NORMAL</param>
Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files B-37
<!-- End ESL Manager Section -->
<!-- DecisioNet Console Section -->
<section name="DecisioNet Console">
<!-- TraceFileName -->
<!-- TraceLevel -->
<!-- Specifies the trace log filename and the logging level. -->
<param name="TraceFileName">dnConsoleTrace.trc</param>
<param name="TraceLevel">0</param>
<!-- ForcePrintEnabled -->
<!-- GCA parameter -->
<!-- Valid Values = 0 1 -->
<!-- Default = 0 -->
<param name="ForcePrintEnabled">0</param>
<!-- PrintOverlaysEnabled -->
<!-- Valid Values = 0 1 -->
<!-- Default = 0 -->
<!-- controls whether the system provides the capability to -->
<!-- print overlays or reprint overlays -->
<param name="PrintOverlaysEnabled">1</param>
<!-- PriceLevel -->
<!-- Valid Values = 0 1 -->
<!-- Default = 0 -->
<!-- controls whether the system provides input fields for -->
<!-- price level at the Link/Modify/Unlink screens -->
<param name="PriceLevel">0</param>
<!-- PriceUnit -->
<!-- Valid Values = 0 1 -->
<!-- Default = 1 -->
<!-- controls whether the system provides field for -->
<!-- unit at the Link/Modify/Unlink screens -->
<param name="ProductUnit">1</param>
<!-- ESLDefaultToProduct -->
<!-- Valid Values = 0 1 -->
<!-- Default = 1 -->
<!-- controls whether the which field recieves input focus -->
<!-- Product Number or Serial Number on the -->
B-38 Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files
<!-- Link/Modify/Unlink screens -->
<param name="ESLDefaultToProduct">1</param>
<!-- Report Sub Section -->
<!-- After changing the SQL statement, please ensure to chg. -->
<!-- displayed column headings in the verbage xml file too. -->
<!-- ReportSQL1 -->
<!-- SQL query to generate the report -->
<param name="ReportSQL1">select DATE_FORMAT(esl.LASTNORESPONSE,"%Y/%m/%d
%H:%i"), item.item_desc, HEX(esl.SERIAL_NUMBER),
location_description.location_name, esl.LINK_ID, esl.LINK_SUB_ID,
DATE_FORMAT(esl.LASTACKTIME,"%Y/%m/%d %H:%i"),
from location_description, esl, item
WHERE location_description.location_id = esl.esl_location_id
AND item.item_id = esl.link_id
AND item.item_sub_id = esl.link_sub_id</param>
<!-- ReportSQL1SelectColumn -->
<!-- Valid Values = 0 1 -->
<!-- Default = 0 -->
<!-- controls whether the checkbox is present in the first -->
<!-- column of the report -->
<param name="ReportSQL1SelectColumn">1</param>
<!-- ReportSQL1KeyColumn -->
<!-- Valid Values = 0 .. nbr of columns in SQL query - 1 -->
<param name="ReportSQL1KeyColumn">3</param>
<!-- ReportSQL1Button -->
<!-- Valid Values = 0 1 -->
<!-- Default = 0 -->
<!-- controls whether there is a button in addition to the -->
<!-- 'Cancel' button on the screen -->
<param name="ReportSQL1Button">1</param>
<!-- ReportSQL2 -->
<!-- SQL query to generate the report -->
<param name="ReportSQL2">select
DATE_FORMAT(spool_log.record_complete_date,"%Y/%m/%d %H:%i"),
DATE_FORMAT(spool_log.start_date,"%Y/%m/%d %H:%i"), item.item_desc,
Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files B-39
HEX(spool_log.SERIAL_NUMBER), location_description.location_name,
spool_log.LINK_ID, spool_log.LINK_SUB_ID,
, HEX(spool_log.record_Status + 1)
from location_description, spool_log, item, esl
WHERE esl.serial_number = spool_log.serial_number
AND location_description.location_id = esl.esl_location_id
AND item.item_id = spool_log.link_id
AND item.item_sub_id = spool_log.link_sub_id
AND spool_log.record_status &lt; 0</param>
<!-- ReportSQL2SelectColumn -->
<!-- Valid Values = 0 1 -->
<!-- Default = 0 -->
<!-- controls whether the checkbox is present in the first -->
<!-- column of the report -->
<param name="ReportSQL2SelectColumn">1</param>
<!-- ReportSQL2KeyColumn -->
<!-- Valid Values = 0 .. nbr of columns in SQL query - 1 -->
<param name="ReportSQL2KeyColumn">4</param>
<!-- ReportSQL2Button -->
<!-- Valid Values = 0 1 -->
<!-- Default = 0 -->
<!-- controls whether there is a button in addition to the -->
<!-- 'Cancel' button on the screen -->
<param name="ReportSQL2Button">1</param>
<!-- ReportSQL3 -->
<!-- SQL query to generate the report -->
<param name="ReportSQL3">select DATE_FORMAT(esl.LASTNORESPONSE,"%Y/%m/%d
%H:%i"), item.item_desc, HEX(esl.SERIAL_NUMBER),
esl_type_description.esl_type_name, location_description.location_name,
from location_description, esl, item, esl_type_description
WHERE location_description.location_id = esl.esl_location_id
AND esl.Link_type_id = 0
AND item.item_id = esl.prev_link_id
AND item.item_sub_id = esl.prev_link_sub_id
AND esl.serial_number &gt; esl_type_description.esl_type_low_serial
AND esl.serial_number &lt;
B-40 Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files
<!-- ReportSQL1SelectColumn -->
<!-- Valid Values = 0 1 -->
<!-- Default = 0 -->
<!-- controls whether the checkbox is present in the first -->
<!-- column of the report -->
<param name="ReportSQL3SelectColumn">0</param>
<!-- ReportSQL3KeyColumn -->
<!-- Valid Values = 0 .. nbr of columns in SQL query - 1 -->
<param name="ReportSQL3KeyColumn">2</param>
<!-- ReportSQL3Button -->
<!-- Valid Values = 0 1 -->
<!-- Default = 0 -->
<!-- controls whether there is a button in addition to the -->
<!-- 'Cancel' button on the screen -->
<param name="ReportSQL3Button">0</param>
<!-- ReportSQL4 -->
<!-- SQL query to generate the report -->
<param name="ReportSQL4">select
DATE_FORMAT(spool_log.record_complete_date,"%Y/%m/%d %H:%i"),
DATE_FORMAT(spool_log.start_date,"%Y/%m/%d %H:%i"), item.item_desc,
HEX(spool_log.SERIAL_NUMBER), location_description.location_name,
spool_log.LINK_ID, spool_log.LINK_SUB_ID,
, ELT((spool_log.record_Status + 1),"SUCCESS","IN PROGRESS","PENDING")
from location_description, spool_log, item, esl
WHERE esl.serial_number = spool_log.serial_number
AND location_description.location_id = esl.esl_location_id
AND item.item_id = spool_log.link_id
AND item.item_sub_id = spool_log.link_sub_id
AND spool_log.record_status = 0</param>
<!-- ReportSQL4SelectColumn -->
<!-- Valid Values = 0 1 -->
<!-- Default = 0 -->
<!-- controls whether the checkbox is present in the first -->
<!-- column of the report -->
<param name="ReportSQL4SelectColumn">0</param>
<!-- ReportSQL4KeyColumn -->
<!-- Valid Values = 0 .. nbr of columns in SQL query - 1 -->
Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files B-41
<param name="ReportSQL4KeyColumn">3</param>
<!-- ReportSQL4Button -->
<!-- Valid Values = 0 1 -->
<!-- Default = 0 -->
<!-- controls whether there is a button in addition to the -->
<!-- 'Cancel' button on the screen -->
<param name="ReportSQL4Button">0</param>
<!-- ReportSQL5 -->
<!-- SQL query to generate the report -->
<param name="ReportSQL5">select
DATE_FORMAT(spool_log.record_complete_date,"%Y/%m/%d %H:%i"),
DATE_FORMAT(spool_log.start_date,"%Y/%m/%d %H:%i"), item.item_desc,
HEX(spool_log.SERIAL_NUMBER), location_description.location_name,
spool_log.LINK_ID, spool_log.LINK_SUB_ID,
, ELT((spool_log.record_Status + 1),"SUCCESS","IN PROGRESS","PENDING")
from location_description, spool_log, item, esl
WHERE esl.serial_number = spool_log.serial_number
AND location_description.location_id = esl.esl_location_id
AND item.item_id = spool_log.link_id
AND item.item_sub_id = spool_log.link_sub_id
AND spool_log.record_status &gt; 0</param>
<!-- ReportSQL5SelectColumn -->
<!-- Valid Values = 0 1 -->
<!-- Default = 0 -->
<!-- controls whether the checkbox is present in the first -->
<!-- column of the report -->
<param name="ReportSQL5SelectColumn">0</param>
<!-- ReportSQL5KeyColumn -->
<!-- Valid Values = 0 .. nbr of columns in SQL query - 1 -->
<param name="ReportSQL5KeyColumn">3</param>
<!-- ReportSQL5Button -->
<!-- Valid Values = 0 1 -->
<!-- Default = 0 -->
<!-- controls whether there is a button in addition to the -->
<!-- 'Cancel' button on the screen -->
<param name="ReportSQL5Button">0</param>
B-42 Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files
<!-- End DecisioNet Console Section -->
<!-- Data Reader Configuration Parameters -->
<section name="Data Reader">
<!-- Number of digits after the decimal postion for the -->
<!-- unit price field. -->
<!-- Valid Values: 0, 2, 3 -->
<param name="PriceDecimalPosition">2</param>
<!-- Number of digits after the decimal postion for the -->
<!-- price field. -->
<!-- Valid Values: 0, 2, 3 -->
<param name="UnitPriceDecimalPosition">2</param>
<!-- Name of the debug file. This will be created in -->
<!-- DecisioNet data directory. -->
<param name="DebugFilename">DataReaderServer.log</param>
<!-- Debug level -->
<!-- 0 - None -->
<!-- 1 - Errors -->
<!-- 2 - Function Entry Points -->
<!-- 3 - Messaging Trace -->
<!-- 4 - Full Trace -->
<param name="DebugLevel">2</param>
<!-- What should the tag display when prices are < 1.00?-->
<!-- Valid Values: CentSign, LeadingZero, NoLeadingZero -->
<!-- For instance, if the price is .90 in the U.S. -->
<!-- CentSign would display 90c where c is the cent sign-->
<!-- LeadingZero would display 0.90 -->
<!-- NoLeadingZero would display .90 -->
<param name="PriceLessThanDollar">CentSign</param>
<!-- What should the tag display when unit prices are -->
<!-- less than < 1.00? -->
<!-- Valid Values: CentSign, LeadingZero, NoLeadingZero -->
<!-- For instance, if the unit price is .90 in the U.S. -->
<!-- CentSign would display 90.0c where c is the cent -->
<!-- sign. -->
<!-- LeadingZero would display 0.90 -->
<!-- NoLeadingZero would display .90 -->
<param name="UnitPriceLessThanDollar">LeadingZero</param>
<!-- What is the character used for a decimal separator -->
<!-- Valid Values: Comma, Period -->
<param name="DecimalSymbol">Comma</param>
<!-- What king of rounding method should be used for -->
Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files B-43
<!-- price and unit price. -->
<!-- Valid Values: Normal, Up, Down -->
<!-- For instance, the price or unit price is 3.555 -->
<!-- Normal would display 3.56 -->
<!-- Up would display 3.56 -->
<!-- Down would display 3.55 -->
<param name="RoundingType">Normal</param>
DecisioNet Task Manager Configuration file (taskman.cfg)
# This is the configuration file for the DecisioNet 3.0 Task Manager.
# specifies the number of MINUTES between each check of the
# context directories for new or updated Task files.
# Default if not specified is 1 minute.
# When Task Mgr. is requested to shut down, it first sends REQUESTS
# to all the apps. to close themselves. If after a while the apps
# still have not closed themselves, TM kills them with an NT
# "TerminateProcess()". KILLINTERVAL specifies how many seconds to wait
# between asking the apps to close themselves and killing the remaining
# alive apps.
# Default if not specified is 15 seconds.
# specifies the number of seconds between each time TM checks to see
# if any tasks have died. This is needed because currently TM uses
# a polling method to determine if tasks have died. Normally, in NT
# a "WaitForMultipleObjects()" would be executed on the process handles
# of all the tasks, but that API can only handle a max of 64 handles. So
# in order for TM to handle > 64 tasks, this method is used. The number
# should be an even divisor of 60 (number of seconds in a minute), and if
# it is not, TM will round it UP to the NEXT even divisor of 60.
B-44 Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files
# Default if not specified is 5 seconds.
# Specifies a default exception handler for tasks which don't have one
# defined to that task in the task file. Exception handlers are programs
# which are run immediately if the main task dies and exits with a
# non-zero status. The exception handler will be run with the following
# args passed to it (in addition to whatever args are specified in the
# config file):
# <exception hldr [any args]> <task exit code> <task #> <task cmd line>
# Default is to NOT have a default exception handler
# EXCEPTION=excphdlr.exe -v (for example only - no such program exists)
# Specifies a new context to Task Manager. The context name must be
# unique and not have any whitespace in it. It MUST be followed by
# a TFILES= keyword to specify where to get the task files for this
# context.
# Specifies a path and a file mask for finding valid task files for
# the preceeding context. If the path specified is not ABSOLUTE, ie.
# it doesn't start with either a drive letter or a \, then the path
# is relative from the DNET Data Directory (usually c:\DNET\data)
# The mask specifies which files in that directory will be scanned for
# task information. Each file can have information about one or more
# tasks, and there can be multiple task files in the directory. Files
# in the directory that do not match the mask are ignored.
DecisioNet Host Bridge Configuration file
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<!DOCTYPE HostDataBridge SYSTEM "dnhostbridge.dtd">
Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files B-45
Description="Host Modification Data"
LinkType = "1"></SendESLData>
LinkType = "1"></UpdateLabelRecord>
B-46 Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files
Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files B-47
Description="Host Modification Data"
LinkType = "1"></SendESLData>
LinkType = "1"></UpdateLabelRecord>
B-48 Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files
Description="Price Modification Data"
LinkType = "1"></SendESLData>
Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files B-49
LinkType = "1"></UpdateLabelRecord>
Description="PRE ESL Tag Modification Data"
LinkType = "1"></SendESLData>
B-50 Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files
Description="Front Back Tag Modification Data"
Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files B-51
LinkType = "1"></SendESLData>
B-52 Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files

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