Raytheon IIS ARTU Air-Ground Radio System User Manual installation manual part one

Raytheon Company Air-Ground Radio System installation manual part one

installation manual part one

FCC ill:  CDG-ARTU EXHlBrrcMAGNASTAR C-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE TELEPHONEINSTAllATION  MANUALDocument Number: 481618Original Release -  September 16, 1994Rev B  August  9, 2000Copyright  @ 1994,  1996, 2000Raytheon  CompanyAll  Rights  ReservedReproduction of all or parts of this document by MagnaStar Dealers for use in sales, installation,or maintenance of MagnaStar products is authorized.
FCC ID: CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBITCC-2000  DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEMTABLE OF CONTENTSRecord of  Revisions1.0 INTRODUCTION1.1  Operational Features1.2  Equipment Description1.3  Installation Summary2.0 TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS3.0 UNPACKING EQUIPMENT4.0 CABLE  CONSTRUCTION  TECHNIQUES  and  CHECK-OUT4.1  Cable  Construction  Techniques4.2  Cable Check-Out4.3  Connector Kit DrawingsEQUIPMENT INSTALLATION5.1  Individual Equipment Installation5.2  AIU Software Compatibility5.3  AIU Field Alignment ProcedureEQUIPMENT  CHECKOUT  WITH  MAGNASTAR  MAINTENANCE  TERMINAL  (MMT)6.1  Introduction6.2  Test Equipment Requirements6.3  C-2000 Installation Check-Out with MMT7.0 Programming  The  MagnaStar  System7.1  Handset  Configuration  Screens7.2  MagnaStar Aircraft Configuration Settings Sheet8.0 MAGNASTAR MAINTENANCE TERMINAL (MMT) SOFTWARE LOADING9.0 TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES9.1  Troubleshooting Procedure for MMTI Tutorial9.2  Additional MMTI Troubleshooting Information9.3  MMTI Commanded Mode9.4  Handset Screen Fault Messages and Fault CodesAPPENDIX A USER  GUIDEAPPENDIX  B  INTERFACE  CONTROL  DOCUMENT  (ICD)1.0  INTRODUCTION2.0  EQUIPMENT INTERCONNECT CABLING3.0  CABLES AND CONNECTORS4.0  OUTLINE INSTALLATION DRAWING5.0  CABLE CONSTRUCTIONAPPENDIX C INSTALLATION SCHEMATICRevB
EXHIBITCC-2000 DIGITAL AI RBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEMFCC ill:  CDG-ARTUMAGNASTARRecord of RevisionsDate Page  #Section Description10/11/94 6-306.0 Equipment CheckoutAppendix B Rev. E of ICD 3/27/95 Entire SectionTitle Page 4/18/954/18/95 1-1 thru 1-41.0 Introduction2.0 4/18/95 2-1Technical Characteristics4/18/95 8-18.0 MMT Software Loading4/18/95 Title. 8, b. 2-20.2-22, 2-23. 2-33Appendix B Rev. F of ICD7/17/96CompleteDocumentComplete document revised. Total replacementof original document Entire  Document.8/9/2000 Entire DocumentCompleteDocument Complete  document revised. Total replacementof orioinaJ documentRevB
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBITCC-2000  DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM1.0 INTRODUCTIONThe MagnaStar Digital  Airborne Telephone System brings complete telephony service to businessand general aviation  aircraft.  From the GTE  Airfone  digital  air-ground telephone system to  SA TCOMconnections, the MagnaStar C-2000 offers a full-featured communications environment.1.1  Operational  FeaturesThe C-2000 system brings the office to the sky.  All  the communication features required in theoffice are made available in the airborne enviromnent. The system has been designed to provide thesefeatures with high quality of service and ease of operation.Direct  Dialing -  Callers can dial direct through the North American Public Switched TelephoneNetwork (PSTN) or to international destinations. Calls can be charged to thecorporate (MagnaStar equipment owner) account (I  + dialing) or to major creditcards (0 + dialing). Of course, operator assisted (0 +) calling is also available.Continuous  NorthAmerican  Coverage-  The MagnaStar Digital  Airborne  Telephone operates over the GenStarTM digitaltelephone system from  GTE  Airfone,  which  offers  continuous North  Americancoverage with  automatic cell-to-cell  voice-call hand-off without  call interruption.Ground  system covernge is  available  throughout  the  United  States, southernCanada, and Mexico.SA TCOM  Connection -  The MagnaStar system connects to SA TCOM  systems, on aircraft so equipped, toprovide easy access and choice of communication link  to callers from any cabinhandset.  The C-2000 supports both analog interfaces and the digital  CEPT-EIinterface to multi-channel SA TCOM  systems.Cabin  Management  -  MagnaStar air-ground communications can  be  provided to  aircraft  usingConnection  separately supplied cabin management systems. Contact  MagnaStar engineeringsupport on the StarLine at (888-246-ST AR)  for  further  infonnation  and specificinterface availability.Cellular  ConnectionHF Connection-  The MagnaStar system connects to the Cellular Phone (Cell Phone) Systemthrough the use of a Cell Phone Interface (CPI) to provide easy access to theCellular system whenever the aircraft is on the ground.-  The MagnaStar system connects to HF radios, on aircraft so equipped, to provideeasy access to that communication link  from any cabin handset. Push-to-talk(PTT) control is voice activated, eliminating the need for a PTT switch on thehandset.Multiple  Calls -  The MagnaStar system allows two  simultaneous phone calls of  any type (voice,data, FAX,  TDD)  over the GenStar system. Additionally,  simultaneous calls canbe made through a HF radio and over as many SA TCOM  channels as supportedby the appropriate equipment, if  so configured.Uplink  Calls -  Uplink  telephone numbers (or  SATCOM "Terminal IOlt  numbers) can beassigned to the aircraft or to each handset. For individuals with an AirCallnumber from GTE Airfone and signed on to the system, calls will  be routeddirectly to their seats. When a call is received, the calling number is displayedand the called party has the option of accepting the call or not.MagnaSlar is a trademark of the Raytheon Systems Ccxnpany. GenSIar is a lJademark of GTE Airfone  blcorporated.RevB
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBITCC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEMConference Calls Conferences can be set up between multiple  parties on-board and on the ground,over any of the available links (GenStar, SATCOM, HF).Call Transfer Incoming and outgoing calls can be transferred to other handsets on-board theaircraft.In-Plane Calls Seat-to-seat (cabin-to-cockpit) calling is a standard feature.Speed Dialing With the MagnaStar system. callers can store and quickly call frequently callednumbers as well as access services offered by GTE Airfone (hotel, car rental,weather, etc.).Multiple  Phones The basic C-2000 system allows installation of up to nine independent (non-party-line) telephone handsets. A  system configuration allowing  up to fifty  handsets iscurrently being developed.Fax I Data Modem The MagnaStar system provides  RJ.II  jacks  for  connection of  caller's  fax  orpersonal computer modem equipment. The RJ.II  jacks are integral to the handset;they may be remoted so that the fax / modem cable does not interfere with  use ofthe handset. The system is designed to support high quality  (low  error rate) voiceband data transmissions at  2400  bps;  4800  bps, and 9600  bps.  Higher  ratecapabilities are in development by Raytheon and GTE Airfone engineering.TOO Customer supplied TOO equipment is supported by the MagnaStar system, via thehandset itself or the RJ-II  jack.Call  Charging Service charges for calls made with the MagnaStar system are billed directly tothe equipment owner's account (1 + calls) or to credit card accounts (0 + calls).Direct charged (1 +) calls can be blocked, for example during charter use of theaircraft.Privacy The MagnaStar system uses an advanced modulation and signaling scheme whichoffers  inherent communications privacy.  Your  conversation is  protected fromcasual listening by others having 'scanners' or by even similarly  equipped aircraft.(This privacy is only limited by the normal private-line telephone service throughthe PSTN. Additional  security can be provided with optional features.)1-2 RevB
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAR EXHIBITCC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM1.2 Equipment DescriptionThe  MagnaStar C-2<XX> system is designed with the business aircraft in mind.  With two air-ground voice channel operations as a standard feature, the C-2<XX> consists of  an Airborne RadioTelecommunications Unit  (ARTU),  an antenna, a duplexer, a mounting tray for  the ARTU,  one or moreCabin Data Bus Repeaters (COBRs), and one to nine telephone handsets. Optional equipment includes oneto three Analog Interface Units (AlU),  a Call  Alerter  Switch (CAS),  Cell  Phone Interface (CPI), CockpitHeadset Interface Panel (CHIP), and other specialized devices.A&JJ1:  The ARTU  provides the private automatic base exchange (P ABX)  features, controls the C-2000system. and contains the receiver-transmitter functions for radio transmission.  This digital  radio has beenimplemented  using  state-of-the-art  multiple  digitaJ  signal  processor  techniques  to  provide  accuratewaveform  control  and  noise-free,  reliable  communications  in  the  noisy,  fading.  high-Doppler  signalenvironment  seen in  jet  aircraft-to-ground  communications.  Reliability  is  further  enhanced by  theautomated assembly and test techniques used to manufacture the high density surface-mount-device circuitcards.  Should any problem occur, built-in-test  identifies the source of the problem for quick circuit  cardreplacement and return of the unit to service.Antenna /  D~lexer:  The antenna is a low drag, quarter wavelength design swtable for use on highperforDJance jet aircraft. The duplexer is a passive signal filter-combiner that combines the receive andtransmit lines to the common antenna.~:  The data and control interface to the ARTU  is by means of a high speed time division  multiplexeddigital bus operating as a local area network (LAN).  User interface devices such as handsets, fax machines,modems, etc. connect to  the system via this  LAN.  There are two  different  nx>dels of  the CDBR.  TheCDBR-l  (~ell)  provides for physical connection of up to two digital  handsets (with  their  RJ-ll  jacksfor the fax I modem connections) to the LAN  bus.  The CDBR-2 (model 2) provides two analog interfaceconnections, each of  which  can support either a four  wire  analog handset or  two  wire  data for  directconnection of  a fax  machine or  modem  Additionally,  the  CDBR-2  provides  a  separate interface forconnection of a digital handset.Di2ital  Handset: The telephone handsets have been selected for performance and reliability.  The handsetscontain noise-canceling microphones to overco~  the aircraft noise environment; audio is digitized at thehandset to further ensure clear communication.  Special function  keys and a liquid  crystal display alloweasy use of  all  options  available to  the user.  The  digital  handsets are offered  with  varied  mountingprovisions to fit any installation requirement.  Handsets are offered with  a) a standard build-in  style mountto hold the handset when not in  use, with  a ratcheting cord reel, b) that version with  a bulkhead mountingadapter, c) the handset and cord reel without  a mount, for  custom mounting, and d) a "curly-cord"  (likestandard office phones) with a plug for the ability  to relocate the handset to various locations wired with thematching jack.  Variations a - c also are available with  the RJ-ll  jack  remoted from the handset, to belocated where it  best fits  in the interior  design of the aircraft.  All  variations come in  four colors:  white,platinum, pepper dust, and black.  Develop~nt  is on-going for additional telephone handset options.AllJ.:  The AIU  can be used to connect an analog SA TCOM unit, a Cel1 Phone Interface (CPI), a HF radio,or a Public Address (P A)  amplifier,  and/or other communications devices to the MagnaStar system  TheAIU  bas been designed with  electrical  interfaces to  optimize  the  connection to  any  analog-interfaceSA TCOM  system selected by the custo~.  Separate connections are provided to accotmt for variations inaudio-line impedance and level and in the hook switch and status interfaces between SATCOM equip~nt.HF  radio  connections can be made directly  or  through the aircraft  audio control  panel.  The  varyingrequirements for the SA TCOM  and HF interfaces led to an AIU  design that offers the flexibility  to connecta wide variety of equip~nt  and systems to the C-2000.  AIUs  interface to the ARTU  over the LAN,  likethe COORs.RevB1-3
FCC ID: CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBITCC-2000  DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM~:  The CAS provides ten switches to  control  call alerting devices (supplied by the installer)  such asbells, lights, cabin chime, etc.  (Even in the relatively  noise-quieted cabins of business jets,  the ambientnoise can make it difficult  to hear the electronic ringer of the standard handset.  Increasing the volume ofthe handset speaker could be annoying should the handset be close to a user's ear when it rang.  A separatealerter avoids this problem and allows for installation of the handsets in enclosed compartments.) Single ormultiple  switches can be assigned to  a handset and to  multiple  handsets; and the cadence of  the "ring"pattern can be controlled, giving  a great deal of flexibility  to customize uplink  call notification.  One CASis used per aircraft; it connects to a digital  handset port of any of the CDBRs in the system. The CAS mayalso be used to  signal when Air-Ground,  SA TCOM  or  HF  services are available  or  when one or  moreparticular handsets are in use.Miscellaneous: The MagnaStar system can interface to many other communications equipment. The"-802" modification  to the ARTU  provides a CEPT -EI  interface to connect directly  to SA TCOM  systemsor to cabin management equipment.  The flexibility  is built  in  to the system to  accommodate customer-unique requirements with minimum new development.1.3 Installation  SummaryThe  ARTU  is  installed  in  an ARINC  style  mounting  tray  using two  type  A  hold  downs.  It  isdesigned for installation in pressurized or non-pressurized locations.  The mounting tray provides anair plenum and fan for cooling.  The fan is quiet enough to allow  cabin installation.  The duplexercan be mounted in any convenient location between the ARTU  and the antenna. The antenna comeswith  a standard six hole mounting flange.  As an option,  a four  hole flange is available for  directreplacement of  standard 450  MHz  radio  telephone antennas.  The  handsets are  designed forinstallation  in  any  convenient  area of  the  cabin.  Custom  mounting  provisions  can be  readilyprovided.Installation information and equipment outline drawings are available in  the Interface ControlDocument (ICD) Appendix B.ReYB-4
FCC 10: CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAR EXHIBITCC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM2.0 TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICSTechnical characteristics for the C-2000 system are shown in the following  table.Frequency RangeReceiveTransmit 849-851 MHz894-896 MHzRF Channels 290AirfonesM Service Voice IData Channels 2 (Independent operation)Operation Full DuplexTransmit  Power 10 WattsReceive Sensitivity < -110 dBmFrequency Stability < 0.2 ppm!Size See ICD Appendix B forOutline Installation DrawingsWeight7.0  kg1.  - TrayAntennaDuplexerHandset (typ.)CDBR-ICDBR-2AIUCASCHIPCPI15.4 Ibs3.  - Transmit- Nominal (2 phones)-MaximumReceive - Nominal212 Watts (7.7 A  at 27.5 Vdc)265 Watts (9.6 A. at 27.5 Vdc)120 Watts (4.4 A. at 27.5 Vdc)Voltage Range 20.5 to 32.5 Vdc(00-16OC, Category B)Environmental (Tested per 00-16OC)Temperature. Startup. Continuous Operation.  Intemrittent OperationAltitudeVibrationShock-30°C to +55°C-55°C to +55°Cto + 70°Cto 55,000 feetRobust Random (Category Sf)15 gSpecifications furnished are believed to be accurate and reliable.  However, all specification data is subject tochange without notice.2-1 RevS
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FCC ID: CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBIT CC-2000  DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEMFlammabilityAll materials used in the construction of the MagnaStar system meet the flammability requirements of atleast class VI  ofUL-94 or has been tested per the requirements of FAR 25.853 appendix F.PMAFor FAA-PMA  applicability  see Raytheon Document 4815712-3 RevS
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAR EXHIBITCC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM3.0 UNPACKING  AND  INSPECTING  EQUIPMENTPhysically compare the presence of each item in the shipment with that shown on the packing list.  Exercisecare when unpacking each unit.  Make a visual inspection of each unit for evidence of damage incurredduring shipment. If a claim for damage is to be made, save the shipping container to substantiate the claimAntenna:The Antenna will  be marked with the manufacturer's part nwnber as follows:MagnaStarPart  NumberDorne &  Margolin  Inc.Part  Number Description902131-1902131-2 OM N124-19-1OM N124-18-1 6 Hole Antenna4 Hole AntennaDigital  Handsets:MagnaStar digital handsets, part numbers 724866-805XX, -806XX,  -808XX,  and -81 OX:)(. are shippedwith a stronger spring and installation instructions.  This spring is recommended for use in installationswhere the handsets are mounted horizontally.  The spring is a stronger spring which will  make removingthe handset from the bezel easier. The part number for the spring is LC-O21AB-IOMWConnector  Kits:The ARTU,  AIU,  CDBR-I,  and CDBR-2 are shipped with connector kits.  These connector kits arecontained within the unit shipping package. The connector kits provide most of the connectors required tointerface these units to other devices. Refer to section 3.3 of the Interface Control Document (ICD)  inAppendix B of the MagnaStar Installation Manual for a list of connector kit parts.The connector kits are also accompanied by a connector kit  drawing.  This document provides assemblyinstructions describing cable construction steps. Copies of these drawing can be found in section 4 of theMagnaStar Installation Manual.ARTU  Shipping  Items:Within  the ARTU  packaging, several items are shipped with the unit.  The items are as follows:- ARTU  Connector Kit  (pIN 744319-802).- C-2000 User Guide.- GTE Airfone  Service Agreement.- GTE Airfone  Equipment Exchange Form.AEA Warranty Registration Form.Contains mating connectors for the ARTU.The C-2000 User Guide is to be provided to thecustomer. For additional copies call the StarLine.To be completed with the customer. See DealersManual for detailed information.Only required for ARTU  equipment exchange aftercustomer takes delivery of system. See DealersManual for detailed information.To be filled  out by the customer and sent to theMagnaStar manufacturer.3-1 RevB
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAR EXHIBIT CC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEMCABLE CONSTRUCTION  TECHNIQUES  and  CHECK-OUTThis  section  provides  cable  construction  techniques  for  LAN  (high  speed  data bus) cabling and  givesinstructions  for the  inspection  of MagnaStar  C-2000 cables before the  installation  of the  MagnaStar  C-2000 equipment.  Cable  fabrication  and  installation  is very  important  for  successful  performance  of thesystem.  The fabrication  of these  cables  requires  the skill  and attention  required  for any modem  digitalradio system  installation.  Therefore.  special  attention  must be given to grounding  and shieldconcerns.4.1 Cable Construction  TechniquesCable  requirements  and special  fabrication  instructions  are included  in the  Interface  Control  Document(ICD)  in APPENDIX  B of the  MagnaStar  Installation  Manual.  Also,  connector  kit drawings  are included  atthe end of this  section.  See paragraph  4.3.  These  drawings  provide  detailed  cable  constructioninformation  for the ARTU,  CDBR-1,  CDBR-2  and AIU.4.2 Cable Check-OutThis  section  provides  some  basic  instructions  for  inspecting  the cable  prior to installation  of theMagnaStar  equipment.ARTU  Data, Inter-CDBR/AIU and Handset CablesThese cables should be verified for correct  wiring prior to installation of MagnaStar equipment. Cablecheck-out  should  include  a visual  inspection  for  bent or damaged  connector  pins.  These  cables  shouldthen  be checked  for  proper  interconnection.  The  required  check  list is:SIGNAL CABLE INSTALLATION CHECK LISTa)  Visually inspect cables for bent or damaged connector pins.b)  Visually inspect for proper back shell installation.c)  Continuity check for proper pin-to-pin interconnection between cable connectors.d)  Check for open circuit condition between each pin and the back shell.e)  Check for open circuit condition between each pin and all other connector pins.f)  Continuity check from back shell to back shell for shield connection to connector back shells.Notes:1) An individual ARTU Data cable or Inter-CDBR cable cannot exceed a length of 50 feet.2)  The ARTU Data cable plus alllnter-CDBR cables cannot exceed 200 feet in total length.3)  The maximum length of the Handset cable cannot exceed 8 feet.4)  Reduce potential electrical interference problems by routing these cables away from high currentaircraft cables.5)  Do not attach an Inter-CDBR cable for "growth". Install such cables as desired but do not connect tothe last CDBR/AIU.4.2.2 Coaxial RF Cables:  Antenna, Transmit  and Receive cablesRF cables  should  be visually  inspected  for  proper  construction  as well as correct  interconnection.  Therequired  check  list is:RF CABLE CHECK LISTa)  Visual inspection of cables for bent or damaged pins.b)  Mechanically inspect cables to insure minimal movement between cable connector and coaxcable.c)  Continuity check for center conductor interconnect between coax cable connectors.d)  Continuity check for shield interconnection between coax cable connectors.e)  Check for open circuit between center conductor and shield braid.4-1 RevB
FCC ID: CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBITCC-2000  DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEMf) Measure  cable  RF  loss  at  900  MHz  if  test  equipment  is  available.Note:  The  total  RF  cable  path  loss  from  the  ARTU  to  the  ANTENNA  should  not  exceed  3  dB.  The  twodifferent  RF  paths  include  the  combination  of  the  Antenna  and  Receive  cables  or  the  Antenna  andTransmit  cables.  The  lengths  of  the  RF  cables  are  limited  by  this  requirement.Aircraft  Power CablePrior to  installation  of the ARTU.  verify  the  power  cable  installation  for  proper  interconnection  and correctvoltages.  Calculate  the voltage  drop  based  on wire  gauge  and rated  system  current.  Required  check  listfor this cable  is:POWER CABLE CHECK LISTa)  Visually inspect cable for bent or damaged pins.b)  Continuity check for proper pin-to-pin interconnection between cable connectors.c)  Check for open circuit condition between each pin and the back shell.d)  Check for open circuit condition between each pin and all other connector pins.e)  Apply aircraft power to the Power Cable.  Check for correct voltage on the proper pins.f)  Check for ground connection on the proper pins.g)  Check for the absence of ground or aircraft power on all other connector pins.RJ-11 CablesPrior to installation of a FAX or Modem to a Handset. check the RJ-11 cable for proper interconnection. Arequired check list for this cable is:a)  Visually inspect cable for bent or damaged pins.b)  Continuity check for proper pin-to-pin interconnection between cable connectors.c)  Check for open circuit condition between each pin and all other connector pins.MagnaStar Maintenance Terminal (MMT Cable)Note:  Do not permanently  connect the MMT cable to the ARTU.  This connector  port  is forcheckout  and troubleshooting  only.  For normal operation,  disconnect  the MMT cable and replacethe dust  cover on the ARTU MMT connector.With  the  MMT  cable  connected.  after  power  up. the ARTU  will not start running  its operational  softwareuntil instructed  to do so by the  MMT  unit.4.3 Connector  Kit DrawingsThe connector kit drawings  provide  detailed  instructions  for constructing  the  interface  cabling  using theparts provided  with  an individual  unit  in the  connector  kit.  The  connector  kit drawings  are shipped  witheach  unit and are provided  in the  installation  manual  for reference.  The connector  kit drawings  includedin the  installation  manual  are as follows:744434 - TMU Connector Kit. use:ARTU Connector Kit Drawing -  744319743425 -  AIU Connector Kit Drawing744319 - ARTU Connector Kit Drawing744321 -  CDBR-1 Connector Kit Drawing744428 -  CDBR-2 Connector Kit Drawing4-2 ReYB
FCC ID: CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBIT CC-2000  DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM5.0 EQUIPMENT INSTAllATION5.1  INDIVIDUAL EQUIPMENT INSTAllATIONAfter cable check-out. the aircraft is ready for the installation of the MagnaStar C-2000equipment. The following check-out must be followed prior to application of aircraft power.ANTENNAa)  The Antenna should be mounted to a paint free metal grounded surface.  Ensure thatthe screw contact (countersink) surface of the Antenna is free of paint. The screwthreads must make metallic contact to the ground plane. The ground plane mustextend at least one foot radially from the Antenna.b)  After installing the Antenna, measure the DC resistance between the Antenna and theairframe.  Bonding resistance must be less than 2.5 milliohms.c)  Check that the antenna cable to Antenna connection is mechanically secure.d)  Ensure that the minimum distance between the C-2000 antenna and any antenna forequipment operating in the 800 Mhz to 1200 Mhz frequency band (e.g. DME,Transponder. TCAS) shall be 3 feet. minimum. The minimum distance between theC-2000 and any other antenna shall be two feet.e)  It should be noted that the MagnaStar system is a line of sight system that operateswith equipment located on the ground. The MagnaStar antenna should not be locatedin position that will be blocked by other mechanical devices in close proximity or easilyshadowed when the aircraft maneuvers during flight.5.1.2 DUPLEXERa)  After installing the duplexer. measure the DC resistance between the duplexer andthe airframe.  Bonding resistance must be less than 2.5 milliohms.b)  Check the antenna cable. transmit cable. and receive cable connections to theduplexer.These connections must be mechanically secure so they will not become looseduring aircraftvibration.  The SMA connectors (transmit and receive connectors) should betightened to 7in-ibs of torque if using a 620317-1 duplexer.ARTU MOUNTING TRAYa)  After ARTU Mounting Tray installation. measure DC resistance between the ARTUMountingTray and the airframe. Resistance must be less than 2.5 milliohms.b)  Check the input and exit airflow paths from the fan in the ARTU Mounting Tray.Airflow pathsmust be clear of any obstructions that could restrict cooling.ARTUa)  When installing the ARTU on the ARTU Mounting Tray, insure that the ARTU sits flaton thetray and that the ARTU fully engages the guide pins in the rear of the tray.b)  Attach and tighten the turn-lock fasteners of the ARTU Mounting Tray to the ARTU.c)  Connect the ARTU Data, Power, Transmit and Receive cables to the ARTU.  Insurethateach  of these  connections  is mechanically  tight  and secure  to the ARTU.  Connectthe ARTU5-1 RevS
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBIT CC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEMTray cable.d)  Check that the dust cap is properly secured to the J3 connector (MMT) of the ARTU.e)  Verify that there are no airflow restrictions at the top of the ARTU.f)  Verify that the Receive coaxial cable is connected from the Receive port (RCV - J4)of theARTU to the Receive port (RCV - J3) of the Duplexer.g)  Verify that the Transmit coaxial cable is connected from the Transmit port (XMT - J5)of theARTU to the Transmit port (XMT - J1) of the Duplexer.5-2 RevS

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