Raytheon IIS ARTU Air-Ground Radio System User Manual installation manual part two

Raytheon Company Air-Ground Radio System installation manual part two

installation manual part two

FCC ID: CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBITCC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEMCDBR/AIUa)  The mounting location of each CDBR/AIU should be accessible at later times forsystem checkout and troubleshooting.b)  Prior to unit installation, perform a visual inspection on each unit for damagedconnectors or mounting hardware.c)  When connecting device cabling to a unit, insure that the connectors are fully engagedand that the screws joining the connectors are securely fastened. Also ensure thatproper cable strain relief is provided at the unit interface to eliminate possible latentstress damage problems.d)  Only cables that are to be used with equipment presently installed in the aircraft shallbe connected to each unit (i.e. cables placed in the aircraft  for future  expansion  ofsystem  capabilities  shall  not be connected  to a CDBR/AIU).Note:  Only one digital  phone shall be connected  to a CDBR digital  handset port.Do not connect  more than one digital  phone to a CDBR digital  handset phone port.(Do !!.2! make a "split"  phone cable to connect  two  phones or two jacks  to oneCDBR phone port.)HANDSETS5.1.16.1  Generallnfomationa)  Prior to Handset installation, perform a visual inspection of each Handset andHandset cable  for damaged connectors or mounting hardware.b)  When connecting a Handset to the Handset cabling, insure that the connector is fullyengaged.c)  After  the  Handset  is installed  in the  aircraft,  remove  the  Handset  from  its holder  andinsure  that the  Handset  cord ratchet  mechanism  functions  properly.d)  Replace the Handset in the holder and insure that the Handset seats properly.  System OverviewThe MagnaStar C-2000 Airborne Radio Telecommunications Unit (ARTU) operates aLocal Area Network (LAN) bus. which LAN repeaters such as the CDBRs and the CASuse to interface with the ARTU. A Cabin Distribution Bus Repeater model 1 (CDBR-1) isused to interface one or two digital handsets to the system.  A Call Alerter Switch (CAS)can be used to interface a ringer to each digital handset to the system.  CDBR-1/Handset Cable (W6)The CDBR-1/Handset Cable is identified as cable W6 in the C-2000 Interface ControlDocument (ICD).  If needed, refer to paragraph of the C-2000 ICD for specificinformation about the pinouts or components of W6.  W6 P1 connects to the CDBR-1 J3or J4, and P2 provides a connection point for the digital handsetS-3 RevB
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAR EXHIBIT CC-2000  DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEMFigure 5-2 MagnaStar C-2000 System5.1.7 FAX/MODEM CABLEa)  Prior to FAX/modem cable installation, perform a visual inspection on theFAX/modem, the  Handset and the RJ-11 cable for damaged connectors ormounting hardware.b)  Remove the Handset from the bezel and connect the RJ-11 cable to the FAX/modemmachine and the Handset.c)  When connecting the FAX/modem to the Handset, insure that the RJ-11 cableconnectors  are fully engaged.d)  Place the Handset back in the bezel.  Insure that the RJ-11 cable is not pinched ordamaged  when the Handset is placed in the bezel.5.2 AIU SOFTWARE COMPATIBILITYThe operation of the AIU requires MAGNAST AR software Version 2.28 or later.After  all the  MagnaStar  system  components  have  been completely  installed  with the AIUconnected  to the  HF or intercom  equipment.  apply  power  to the system  and verify  thesoftware  version  of the ARTU.  This  is done  by use of the Set-up  and  Maintenancescreen  on the  handset.  From the main  menu  press  '9' to select  Setup,  press  '3' to selectInfo from  the  Setup  Menu,  and finally  press  '+' from  the  Info menu.  The  ARTC  softwareversion  will  be displayed,  verify  that the  version  is 2.28  or later.If the software  version  is not 2.28  or later  you will  need to download  the current  version  ofARTC  software.  Contact  your  dealer  or call Teledyne  Controls  (1-888-246-STAR)  for acopy  of the current  software  and technical  assistance.5-4 RevB
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAR EXHIBIT CC-2000  DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM5.3 AIU  FIELD  ALIGNMENT  PROCEDUREThe following alignment procedure should be used when an AIU is installed andinterfaced to a HF radio or to other equipment, which will require input from J3 pin 3 ofthe AIU.  This is a manual alignment procedure that adjusts the audio level that is outputat J3 pin 3 of the AIU. The level of this output audio should be set to the specification ofthe extemal device that will be using it.A. Tools  And Required Equipment:  The following items will be required:1.  Screwdriver: 1/16 Flat Head Adjustment Tool2.  Volt meterB. Alignment  Procedure:  The  following  procedure outlines the required tasks toperform  this alignment.~Procedure1Using the specification of the external device. which will receive audio from J3pin 3 of the AIU. note the nominal level which should be applied to its input fornormal operation.Audio  Input  Level for the  Extmal Device VAG RMS.2. Connect the positive lead of the voltmeter to the AlU test point located on theside of the AIU case and then place the negative lead on any point of the AIUcase. Set the meter to measure AC volts RMS.3. Using one of the  MagnaStar  handsets  setup  a HF link:From the  handset's  Main  Menu,Press  '6' to select  the  "Link"  option.Press  '3' to select  "HF  Radio"  (this label  can  be customized).4. With the HF link now connected continually press (or with ARTC 4.0A softwareand above press and release repeatedly) anyone of the handset's numerickeypad digits to generate a fixed tone.  This tone will in turn generate and audiosignal at J3 pin 3 of the AIU.5. Using the  voltage  measurement  read on the voltmeter  and the adjustmenttool/screwdriver,  set the AIU  audio  output  level to the level  noted  in step  1, byturning  the adjustment  potentiometer  located  through  the  hole  in the AIU  cover.6. Tenninate the call and  remove  the meter.  Place the adhesive  backed  circularaluminum  cover  PN 513917-2  packed  with the  unit over the AIU  adjustment  hole.5-5 RevB
FCC ID: CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHlBrrcC-2000  DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM6.0  EQUIPMENT CHECKOUT WITH MAGNASTAR MAINTENANCE TERMINAL (MMT)6.1  INTRODUCTIONThe  MagnaStar  Maintenance  Terminal  (MMT)  consists of a laptop  computer  executing  applicationsoftware.  The  MMT  is connected  to the ARTU  via the computer's  serial  port.  The  MMT is usedto control  the ARTU  and monitor  its functions.  The  MMT software  includes  an InstallationTutorial.  This  tutorial  is a step-by-step  procedural  test that  verifies  the  C-2000  installation.  Whenthe tutorial  runs  a particular  test,  a description  of the test,  the  expected  results  of the test,  and theactual  results  of the test will  be displayed  to the  user.  A troubleshoot  screen  is also available  witheach test  step  that  provides  a short  description  of steps to use for troubleshooting  the system.The  MMT  is a very  powerful  tool for verifying  and troubleshooting  a MagnaStar  C-2000installation.This section of the equipment checkout provides a text description for each individual test step ofthe MMT and a procedure with the necessary steps to accomplish each test step. The textdescribing the necessary steps to perform each test are shown in bold print.Cable checkout, Section 4.0, and equipment installation, Section 5.0, should be completed beforestarting this section. Troubleshooting procedures screens are available while using the MMTI.These screens and troubleshooting information can be found in Section 9.0.The following MMTI screen information corresponds with MMTI software version 4.0.A.6.2  TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTSThe following list defines the test equipment necessary to completely check the functionality ofthe C-2000 system using the MagnaStar Maintenance Terminal.1)  MagnaStar  MMT  Installation  software  version  4.0  (MX 902156)2)  386 or 486  IBM compatible  computer  with 4 Megabytes  of extended  RAM3)  Power  Meter  or Thru-line  Watt  meter  for 895 MHz (20 watt  minimum  capability  @ 900  MHz)4)  MMT  cable  (MX 422632-801)5)  MagnaStar  Loop-Around  Test  Set  (MX 902185-802)6-: RevS
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBITCC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM6.3  C-2000 INSTAllATION  CHECKOUT with  MMTThe  installer  must  know the following  information  before  starting  the  MMT  Installation:a)  The  number  of CDBRs  and AIU's  that  are  used  in the  installation.b)  The  number  of Handsets  that  are to  be used  in the  installation.c)  If the  location  at which  the installation  is being  performed  will  supportcommunications  with  a GTE AIRFONE  GenStarTM System  Ground  Station.6.3.1  MMT COMPUTER  SET-UPSee Section 8 for computer set-up.6.3.2 MMT  CABLE  CONNECTIONThe MMT computer is to be connected to the ARTU using the MMT cable.  (The MMT interface is a RS-232C serial interface.)Connect the 9 pin D type  connector  of the MMT cable to the "COM .. port of the MMTcomputer.Remove  the protective  cap from the MMT connector  of the ARTU.Connect the circular connector of the MMT cable to the MMT connector on the ARTU.6.3.3 EXECUTING  MMT  SOFTWAREThe following  commands  are to  be used to start execution  of the  MMT application  software  in thecomputer.If required. power up the computer and wait for the computer to complete the bootprocess. It is assumed that the computer will boot up to the "C" drive with andhave no other applications running.Change the directory  to the MTU directory,  type:  "CD MTU and press "ENTER",C:> cd mtuTo start  execution  of the MMT software from the MTU directory,  type:  "MMTI"  andpress "ENTER".C:\MTU> mmtiNote:  when the computer is executing the MMT software. the computer will bereferenced as the "MMr  .RevB6-2
FCC ID: CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBITCC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM6.3.4 MMT  OPERATIONThis  step  selects  the  installation  tutorial  mode  of operation  for the  MMT from  the from  the start-upoptions menu after the MMT software has started execution.When the MMT software has started execution, the computer screen will display information intwo windows as shown below in Figure 6-1.  The upper window is the MMT Radio Responseswindow which is used to display feedback (response) information from the ARTU.  The installerwill view the information in this window to verify proper performance of the C-2000 system duringthe installation. The lower window is the MMT Menu Prompt window which provides the installerwith command options and provides a short summary of tasks for the installer to perform.Verify that the MMT cable connects  the computer  to the ARTU.With the MMT computer  screen display  shown  in Figure 6-1, type "2"  and thenpress "ENTER" to select the MMT Installation  option.Note:  The  MMT - Command Menus option is reserved for troubleshooting activities.+  V'.OA  HNT  Radio  Re8PQaae  +:  Proprietary  Soft~e  ::  MagDaStar  HNT Version'.  OA  ::  IKS'1'ALLD  VDS%c.  ::  (C)  Copyright  1.99'  Raytheon  Syst-  C~  ::  ~  DOS-8xt8Dd8r  (C)  Copyright  1.986-1.99'  Pbar  Lap  Soft~.,  %Dc.  ..  D81.-9S03  ::  >  Attach  Seria1.  Cable  <  :I  II  I+  ++  HNT ~u  ~t  +I  C-2000  ~  STARTUP  OP'1'%c.  .au  :I  II  I:  1.  -  Start."  -  C~  NeDus  ( UTO  or  CDB%)  ::  2  -  Start."  -  %D8tallatiOD  I:  I: Select  .-'!'  .tart-up  option  (1. -  2,  Q to  QUit  ~):  -  :.  fII  .I  JI  tI  .+  ~~~~Figure 6-1. MMT Installer display screen #16-3 RevB
MAGNASTAR C-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM6.3.5  INTRODUCTION TO THE MMT INSTAllATION  TUTORIALAn  introduction  to the  MMT  Installation  tutorial  will  be displayed  on the  MMT  as shown  in Figure6-2.  This  screen  provides  information  on the  instructions  necessary  to move  from  one test step  toanother  within the  installation  procedure.  After  reading  the introduction,  continue  with  theinstallation  as follows:Type "C"  to go to the next screen.+  V~.OA.-T  -.dio  Re8PQD8  +I  I,  I,  II  ,I  II  I+  ++  V~.-T  Tutorial  +:  ms~Ol  .-T  D8ASTAa  m8TALLATX~  :I  II  I:  fti.  tutorial  i.  cODdlacted  .tep-by-.tep  with  iAf~ti~  pr.._ted  iD  thi.  ::  '-.or  Tutorial'  wiDdow,  iD8tructiAg  you  what  actioaa  to  take  to  acca8Pliah  :I  the  Objeotiv.  of  the  .tep  aDd  what  r..ult.  to  expect  (...8Ur888Dt.  to  tak.,  ::  di8Playa  to  Ob8erve,  etc.).  ~.-T  operati0D8  will  be  aut~te4  for  you.  II  II  I:  After  -oh  .tep,  you  ~  choo..  ODe  of  the  followiDg  optioaa  at  the  PZ'a8Pt:  :I  ,I  I:  ' c ' ~tiaa.  -  Step  ca8Pl.ted,  r.ady  for  th8  D8Xt  iDatallatiOD  .tep  ::  '7'roubl..hoot  -  Direct..  to  troubl..hootiDg  iDfor8&tiOD  for  thi.  .tep  ::  '.'epeat  -  Let'.  try  thi.  .tep  agaiA  I:  'Q'uit  -  X'a  fiDi.be4,  quit  th8  -.or  iDatallatiOD  :I  (C)~tiaa.,  (T)rouble.hoot,  (a)epeat,  (Q)uitl  -  :+  +Figure 6-2.  MMT  Installer  display  screen  #2.6-4 RevB
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBIT CC-2000  DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM6.3.6  C-2000 SYSTEM POWER UPThis  step will  apply  aircraft  power  to the  C-2000  system.  The  installer  should  view the  indicatorson the front  of the ARTU  to verify  proper  operation.Verify that the MMT display  screen is as shown  in Figure 6-3.Apply  aircraft  power to the ARTU.Note: insure that power  has  been  removed  from  the unit for  greater  that ten secondsprior to power  up if the  unit has  been  previously  had  power  applied.Observe the condition  of the two  indicators  on the front  of the ARTU.The FAULT indicator  should  be "Off"  (not illuminated).The POWER indicator  should  be "On"  (illuminated  green).If the condition of the two indicators is correct, type "C" to continue theinstallation.If the condition  of the two  indicators  is not correct,  proceed to troubleshootingprocedures  (Section 9).+  V..OA NNT Radio  ~  +I  ,,  ,I  II  II  II  I+  ++  ~  NNT  Tu~ori~  +:  D81A.102  ..,  ~TD.  msULLA.ft~  I:~I  I:  Power-up  tb8  U'IU.  :I  II  I:  DnCftD  "~81  ::  Power  ill4ic.~or  OD  f~~  of  ARTU  i.  illuaiDa~ed  (gZ'.~).  :I  II  I:ACT%~I  ::  0  Apply  poweZ'  to  D.ft.  ::  0  Ob8~  poweZ' iDdicatoZ'  i.  illuaiDa~ed  (gZ"~).  :j  (C)OD~iau8,  (~)zoab~88boo~,  (.)8P88~,  (Q)ai~1  -  :+  +Figure  6-3.  MMT  Installer  display  screen  #3.RevB6-5
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHffiIT  CC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM6.3.7 MMT  COMMUNICATION  VERIFICATIONThis  step will verify  that  the  MMT  is properly  communicating  with  the  ARTU.  View  the  data  in theMMT  Radio  Responses  display  window.  The  MMT display  screen  will  be similar  to that  shown  inFigure 6-4.Observe that the MMT display screen is similar to that shown in Figure 6-4.Verify that the MMT Radio Responses screen displays  the ARTU software filenames.(Note: the actual version numbers of the software loaded in the ARTU will bedisplayed on the MMT in place of the # characters shown in the window below. A letterwill replace the X.)If the MMT Radio Responses window  displays  the software  file  names, type "C" tocontinue  the MMT installation.+  V..OA  ~  Radio  aesp0a8es  +I  II  I:Pow8r-up  Statusz  80376  Kicroproeessor  OK.  SRAN  OK.  ::  AaTC  code  rile  ~IIX.s.x  Ver  1.1  Date  IIIIIIII  11:11  BaDk  I  CRCzlll1  ::  os.  code  rile  HDSPCllx.BBX  Ver  1.1  Date  IIIIIIII  11:11  BaDk  I  CRCzIIII  ::  8%T  code  rile  KaXTClIX.s.x  Ver  1.1  Date  IIIIIIII  11:11  BaDk  I  CRCzIIII  ::  8oot  code  rile  M_8TC1IX.s.x  Ver  1.1  Date  IIIIIIII  11:1'  BaDk,  CRCz""  ::  -.410  sort~  is  DOt  -ecuting  :+  ++  VlA  MMT Tutorial  +:  mBlAl03  ~Aa  mSTALLA.TXC8  :'O8.J.corxv.z  II  I:  Veriry  that  tha  Aftr1  is  c~cating  properly  with  tha  ~.  :I  II  I: DnC'1'8D  RUULTS:  ::  Aa'l'U'  s  sor~e  ril_s  are  displayed  in  the  ~  Radio  ae8P0D8es  wiDdOlfz  :I  II  I:  -AaTC  c0d8  rile  ARTCC"X.BBX  Ver  1.1  Date  "/"1,'  11:11  BaDk  I  CRCzI",-  ::  -os.  c0d8  rile  HDSPC"X.BBX  Ver  1.1  Date  fl/"/ll  11:11  BaDk  I  CRCz"I'-  :I  II  I:AC'r:tC8Sz  ::  0  Oh8erve  8Ort~e  ril-  displayed  in  ~  Radio  Re8P0D8es wiJIdow.  :I  II  ,:  (C)ootiDue.  (T)roableshoot.  (R)epeat.  (Q)uit:  -  :+  +Figure 6-4.  MMT  Installer  display  screen  #4.6-6 RevS
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBIT CC-2000  DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM6.3.8 START  ARTU  OPERATIONAL  SOFTWAREIn the following steps. the installer will start the execution of the ARTU operational software andverify successful completion of Power-up Built-ln- Test (BIT).  Operation of the Power-up BIT isverified by observing the status of the ARTU FAULT indicator and viewing the results in the MMTRadio Responses window.Type  "C"  to start ARTU operational software. Once the command is given to start theoperational software. Power-up BIT will begin execution.Note:  The time to complete Power-up BIT may vary from one to five minutes depending on theamount of time the ARTU frequency reference requires to warm-up.Observe that the MMT display screen is similar to that shown in Figure 6-5.+  V4.0A  -.T  Radio  aespouaes  +I  II  I:Pow8r-up  Btatusz  80376  Microprocessor  OK,  BRAN  OK.  ::  AaTC code  rile  AaTCC'Ix.RBX  Ver  1.1  Date  .1/.'1'1  Ilzll  BaDk  I  CRCzI'"  ::  DBP  code rile  HDSPC"x.RBX Ver  1.1  Date  "1"/'1  IIz"  BaDk I  CRcz.'"  ::  BZT  code  rile  HBZTCI.x.BBX  Ver  1.1  Date  "1"/"  "zI'  BaDk,  CRcz""  ::  Boot  code rile  H_BTC"X.BBX Ver  1.1  Date  '.1"1"  "Z"  ~.  CRcz""  ::  Radio  software  is  Dot  executing  :,  ,I  ,+  ++  ~  -.T  Tutorial  +: mBU.lO.  8'1'  KAC8AS'1'U  ZRS'l'ALLA'1'I<8  t: 08J8C'fIV8:  I:  V.rify  that  pGW8r-ap  BQilt-ID  T..t  (BI'1')  begiua  executioa.  II  II  I: DPBCftD  auUL'l'S:  ::  hult  iDdicator  CD  front  of  AR'l'O  i.  ill1miDated  (red).  ::  Power-up  81'1'  re.ult  _..ag..  are  4iaplayed  in  -.T  Radio  a.8PQD8..  window.  :I  II  I:AC'rZ~s  II  0  Pr...  'C'CDtiDDe  to  begiD  pGW8r-ap  BIT  ..ecutiCD.  It  II  II  II  I:  (C)~tinu.,  (T)roabl.8hoot,  (a)~t,  (Q)1Iits  -  ~+  +Figure 6-5. MMT Installer display screen #5.6--7 RevB
FCC 10: CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBITCC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEMType "c"  to start ARTU operational software.Observe  that the MMT display  screen is now similar  to that  shown  in Figure 6-6.Observe that the FAULT indicator  should  be "On"  (illuminated  red) indicating  thatPower-up BIT has started.Next observe that the MMT Radio Responses window  display  is similar  to thatshown  in Figure 6-6 for approximately  10-15 seconds  after the start  of Power-upBIT.After approximately  a 10-15 second  delay, the MMT Radio Responses window  willdisplay  the various  BIT tests  and a pass/fail  status  as each test  is completed.After approximately 30 seconds, Power-up BIT may appear to stop running.During this time period the ARTU software is waiting for the frequency reference towarm-up. This warm-up time may vary from 1 to 5 minutes (at room temperature).After the frequency reference has warmed-up, several more BIT tests will then becompleted.+  Vt.OA  NNT Radio  a..pQD8  +I  II  II  II  I:  DZ~  1'0.  ~-OP  B%T USULTS  «5  HDO'rB  ~T)  ::  pr...  'B.c'  to  Texaioat.  Wait  ::  aa4io  8Of~.  .taRing  _cuti~.  ::  ~  8!'  baa  ~  recca.figured  for  ~  Port  1. at  9.6  kh8.  :I  II  I+  ++  ~  8!'  Tutorial  +:  DSUJ.O5  8!'  U'IU  C-2000  mSTALL&T%<*  ::o  ac"i'%V8.  ::  Verify  tbat  power-up  8Qilt-%D  Teat  (B%T)  CO8Pl.t..  8Ucc...fu1.1.y.  !: BDBC'l'BD  USOLTS::  Fault  iD4icator  CD  frCDt  of  ARTU i.  extiDgUi.be4  (off).:  s-zy  ~r-up  B:IT  r..ult  _..ag.  i.  4iaplay8d  in  ~  ".apoD8..  wiJJ4ow::  .C-2000  ~-OP  BrT  pa..84.: AC'nC8S  :  ::  0  wait  for  paw8r-up  8I~  to  CQ8Plete  (aay  take  up  to  five  aiaat..).  ::  0  Ob8erve  fault  iDdicator  light  i.  .xtiDgui8bad  (off).  ::  0  Ob8erve  -ry  ~-up  8%~  re.ult  -.-ge  iDdicate.  paa-S.  ::  (C)ODtimue,  (~)roable8boot,  (Q)uit:  -  :+  +Figure 6-6.  MMT Installer display screen #6.RevS6-8
FCC 10: CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAR EXHIBIT CC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEMThe installer  should  observe two indications  that Power-up  BIT testing  hassuccessfully  been completed:First, the  MMT  Radio  Responses  window  will  display  "C-2000 Power-up BITPassed",  as  shown  in Figure 6-7.Second, the installer is to observe the FAULT indicator. The FAULTindicator should be "Off" (not illuminated).After  successful  completion  of Power-up BIT. type .'C" to continue  the MMTinstallation.If the  ARTU  does  not  successfully  pass  Power-up  BIT,  proceed  toTroubleshooting  Procedures  (Section  9).+  V&.OA HMT Radio  Re8PQDa  +:  .X~  78.~  POWER-UP ax~  pa..ed.  raul~:  00  00  00  00  :.  I.  I,  I,  I:  C-2000  ~-UP  arr  pa..ed  ::  S.l8C~  0  f~  C_auded  .X'1' Meuu  to  vi-  ax'1' a..ult.  :,  ,,  ,:  Radio  .of~  _tiDg  iD  UDloeked  ~liDe  .tat..  :+  ++  ~.-'!'  '1'utorial  +:  mSlAlOS  .-r  D.-aB'1'U  C-2000  ms'1'ALLA.'1'X~  :""-O=---=~-~  I,  :  I:  V.rity  ~t  ~-up  a.ilt-%D  78.t  (B%'!')  CO8pl.t..  8Ucc...fu1~y.  :I  II  I: UPBC'rBD  USUL'1'S:  ::  Fault  iDdicator  OD froDt  of  AR'1'U i.  axtiDgui.hed  (off).  ::  S-zy  ~r-up  an  r..ult  _..ag.  i.  diaplay.a  iD  ~  ...P0D8'.  wiD4ow:  ::  .C-2000  POM8R-UP Brr  P...ed.  :I  ,I  ,:AC'1':EC8S:  ::  0  Mait  for  po.er-up  a%'1' to  ca8pl.t.  (aay  ~.  up  to  fiV8  aiDQt..).  ::  0  Oba.rY8  fault  iD4icator  light  i.  axtiDguiahed  (off).  ::  0  Oh..rY8  ~  po.er-up  err  r.nlt  _..age  iDdicat..  paa~.  ::  (C)ODtiDa.,  ('1')roahl.8hoot,  (Q)uitz -  :+  +Figure  6-7.  MMT  Installer  display  screen  #7.6-9 RevB
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBITCC-2000  DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM6.3.9 LOCKED OFF-LINE STATEAfter  successful  completion  of Power-up  BIT. the ARTU  is to be placed  into a locked  Off-line  stateby the  MMT  software.  This  mode of operation  will  allow  the  installer  to control  and test selectedARTU  functions  that cannot  be easily  tested  in a normal  operational  mode.The MMT display screen should be as shown in Figure 6-8.Verify that the ARTU is in a Locked Off-line  state by observing  the MMT RadioResponses window  for the "Radio  software  executing  in locked  offline  state"message.Type "C"  to  continue.+  V..OA  NNT aadio  a.SP0D8.s  +I  II  .:  Radio  software  exeeu~iDg  in  locke4  offline  s~a~..  :I  II  .I  II  II  II  I+  ++  VtA  ~  Tu~orial  +:  IaUlO6  ~  D8AS'rAR.  x.8'rALLa.7X~  ::OBJBC'nftz  ::  Verify  tha~  AaTO  ...  pQ~  in~o  locked/offline  s~a~..  :I  II  I: DP~-TKU  RESULTS::  Following  _..age  di8Played  in  Iarr  Radio  aeap0D8e.  wiDdowz:  -Radio  aoftware  executiDg  in  locked  offliDe  atate.-+  +Figure 6-8. MMT Installer display screen #8.6-10 RevBI  II  I:ACTZ~S:  ::  0  Ob88rv8  above  -."9.  in  .-r  Bad1o  R..pcaa..  window.  :I  II  II  II  I:  (C)ODtinU..  (T)roubl..hoot.  (R)epeat.  (Q)uit:  -  :
FCC ID: CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHffiIT  CC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM6.3.10 ARTU MOUNTING TRAY FAN TESTThis step will verify that the ARTU  Mounting  Tray fan  is functional.The MMT display  screen shall  be as shown  in Figure 6-9.Verify that the ARTU Mounting Tray fan is operating.Observe that the Mounting Tray fan exit airflow is not restricted or blocked.Type  "C"  to continue.+  Vt.OA  HMT Radio  a..pooa  +I  II  I:  C-2000  report.  ~~~iDg  t..t  FA» CC*TaOL perf~.  :I  II  II  II  II  II  I+  ++  ~  HMT  TutQ&"~  +:  x..~O7  8T  lI&8&S'l'AR  mSTALLAT1:C8  ::08J8C'r:EV8:  ::  Vez-ifJ' that  U'I'U'.  KoaDtiDg '!'ray  PaD operat..  ~1J'.  :I  II  I: DPBC'l'BD  USUL'l'S  I  ::  ARft MoIIDtiDg 'rray  PaD operat...  ::  Airfl~  ~t  o~ back  of  AR'l'U NoaDtiDg 'l'ray  i.  QOt r..tricted.  :I  II  I:AC'l'%~1  ::  0  Ob8ezve that  AR'l'U ~tiDg  '!'ray  PaD i.  opezoatiDg.  ::  0  ob8.rve  that  air~l~  i.  QOt r..tricted  ~t  of  back  of  MoIIDtiDg '!'ray.  :I  II  II  II  I:  (C)ODt1au..  ('l')roUbl..boot.  (a)epeet.  (Q)uit:  -  :+  +Figure 6-9.  MMT  Installer  display  screen  #9.6-11 RevB
FCC ID: CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBITCC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM6.3.11 ARTU TRANSMITTER POWER OUTPUT MEASUREMENTThese  test steps  will  measure  the ARTU  transmitter  power  level  at the Antenna  port of theDuplexer.  The  installer  will  be required  to disconnect  the Antenna  coaxial  cable  from  the Antennaport of the  Duplexer  and  insert  a power  meter  or thru-line  watt  meter  between  this  port  and theantenna.  Be sure to have either  a 50  ohm  RF load or antenna  connected  to the thru-line  wattmeter.  The  ARTU  will then  be commanded  to transmit  a CW carrier  for measurement.  It is veryimportant  that  the installer  properly  protect  the test  equipment  from  damage  by the ARTUtransmitter  output  which  can have an average  power  level  as high as +42 dBm  (16 watts). Afterthe power  measurement  is completed.  the ARTU  will be commanded  to stop  transmitting  and theAntenna  coaxial  cable  is to be reconnected.The MMT display  screen should  be as shown  in Figure 6-10.The installer is to disconnect the Antenna coaxial cable from the Antenna port ofthe Duplexer. A Power Meter is to then to be connected to the Antenna port of theDuplexer. If a thru-line watt meter is used, be sure to reconnect the antenna to theoutput terminal of the thru-line.CAUTION:  PRESSING "c"  WILL MAKE THE ARTU TRANSMIT.  THIS PRESENTS ARADIATION HAZARD FOR PERSONNEL WITHIN 5 FOOT OF THE ANTENNA.ENSURE THAT THE LOOP-AROUND TEST SET IS SET UP AND CONNECTEDPRIOR TO INITIATING THE TEST SEQUENCE. The Power Meter, with or withoutpadding, shall be capable of withstanding average power levels as high as +42 dBm (16watts) without damage.Once the Power Meter is connected  to the Duplexer, the installer  is ready tocommand the ARTU to transmit.  Type  "C"  to command the ARTU to starttransmitting.Note:  Execution of this command may take from ten to thirty seconds to complete duringwhich time the MMT may appear to be stopped or several command screens may appearto flash by and momentarily stop before the test is configured in the MMT.+  vt.OA  HHT Radio  R..p0a8  +:  I: C-2OOO r.port.  ~.x-iDG  t..t  PAR ~OL  ~rf~.  :I  ,I  ,+  ++  ~  MMT Tutorial  +: ms~O8  ~  D8AS'l'U  mftALLl.tlI~  :: 08JKC'1'IV8:  ::  .r~  to  -.ur.  Aa'rO'.  ~tPlt  po-.r  OD po-.r  _t.r.  :I  II  I: BDBC'l'BD  USULTS:  ::  .~  -ter  ~ct~  to  dupl_.r  in  pr.paratiOD  to  -a~  ~r  ~tPI&t.  :I  II  I:ACTI~S:  ::  0  Di.coaaect  aut8DD&  cable  fro.  4upl_er.  ::  0  Coaaect  BP  ~r  _ter  to  4upl.-r.  :I  II  I:  Bot.: pzo_.iag 'C'ODtinU. -  will  caus. th. radio to begin t~ttiDG.  :I  II  I:  (C)oatiau..  (tI)roubl..hoot.  (R)epeat.  (Q)uit:  -  :+  +Figure 6-10. MMT  Installer  display  screen  #10.6--12 RevB
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBITCC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEMThe MMT display  screen shall  be as shown  in Figure 6-11.Observe  the ARTU transmitter output power at the Antenna port of the Duplexerusing the Power Meter.  This level shall  be greater than +36 dBm (4 watts).+  V6.0A  MHT Radio  ae.POD.e  +I  II  .:  C-2000  report;.  eqiDeeriDg  te.t  TOMB  SYBTBUXZD  perfoz-.cl.  :I  II  II  .I  II  II  I+  ++  ~  MMT TUtorial  +:  XBSU3.09  MMT  ~U  DS'l'ALLATXC8  ::0BJBC'1'%V81  ::  Verify  power  OIItput  of  AR'1'IJ.  :I  II  I: ZD~TED  USULTS:  ::  Pow.r  ..ter  re&diDg  .bould  be  greater  thaD  +36 dB8  (6  Watt.).  :I  II  I:  AC'1'%~  :  ::  0  Ob88%V8 po-.r  _ter  r8a4iDg  to  be  -  expectad.  :I  II  I:  (C)OD~iDu.,  (7)roable8boo~,  (.)epea~,  (Q)ul~:  -  :+  +Figure  6-11, MMT Installer display screen #11Type  "C"  to  command the ARTU to stop transmitting.The MMT display  screen should  now be as shown  in Figure 6-12.Reconnect the Antenna coaxial  cable to the Antenna port of the Duplexer.+  V'.OA  HNT Radio  a..p0a8  +I  II  I:  C-2000  report.  811GiDeeriDg t..t  S'l'OP TRANSIa'1' perfoz88c!.  :I  II  II  II  II  II  II  II  I+  ++  V~  ~  Tutorial  +:  D81A1.10  ~  ~'1'U  m8'1'ALLa.n~  ::~r  ::  Verify  AaTU  has  .topped  trU18aittiDg.  :I  II  I: DnC'1'ZD  USOLTS  r  ::  Po-.r  -ter  r.a4iDg  .hOIald  iDdicat.  DO  t~t  .igDal  pr..ent.  :I  II  I:ACT%C8Sr  ::  0  Ob.8rV'8  power  -ter  readiDg  to  be  -  expected.  ::  0  Di.~.ct  power _ter  f~  d'iPlexer.  ::  0 C_t  ant-  cable to  d1iplexer.  :I  II  II  II  I:  (C)ODtiDa.,  (~)roubl..hoot,  (a)~t,  (Q)uitl  -  :+  +Figure 6-12. MMT  Installer  display  screen  #12.6-13 RevB
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHffiIT  CC-2000  DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM6.3.12 RECEIVE  SIGNAL  STRENGTH  MEASUREMENTThis  step  will  use the ARTU  to measure  the  Receive  Signal  Strength  (RSS)  of the  C-2000  systemin an RF loop-around  configuration  using  the  MagnaStar  Loop-Around  Test  Set.  This  test  willverify  the  performance  of the aircraft  RF interface  between  the ARTU  and the  Antenna.In this test,  the ARTU  will transmit  a OAM  signal  at frequency  of 894.9495  MHz.  This  signal  willbe frequency  translated  (i.e.  mixed)  by 45  MHz to a frequency  of 849.9495  MHz  and  transmittedback to the ARTU  via the  MagnaStar  Loop-Around  Test  Set.  Both  the TSC  and  Pilot receiversare tuned  to the  receive  frequency.  The  installer  is to the view  the  RSS  value  of the  loop-aroundsignal  to verify  the  RF signal  path of the C-2000  system.The  following  steps  are to be used with  the  MagnaStar  Loop-Around  Test  Set.Type  "C"  to begin the Receive Signal Strength  test step.  The MMT display  screenshould  be as shown  in Figure 6-13.Turn "ON" the Loop-Around  Test Set.Measure that the MagnaStar Loop-Around Test Set battery voltage is greater than6.0 volts  DC by pressing  the battery  check switch.  If the Battery check LEDilluminated,  then the battery  is within  tolerance.  Otherwise  replace the battery.Carefully place the clip-on antenna test fixture (at one end of the MagnaStar Loop-Around Test Set cable) onto the center of the MagnaStar antenna. Centerng of theclip-on antenna onto the aircraft antenna is necessary for best results.Set the attenuator  on the Test Set for  30 dB attenuation.  (Attenuation  switched"On".)+  v~.  OA HNT  Radio  K8.P0D88  ~~:  t'I,I  I,  II  ,I  ,I  ,I  I,  I,  I+  ++  ~  MMT  Tutorial  +: :laU200  8'r  DaASTU  C-2000  :EU~nC8  I:08.7E'r:EV81  ::  Prepare  to  _a.ur8  8Y8t-  r8C8i~  .igDal  .treDgth.  I,  I,  ,: DPac-~  RB8ULTS  I  I:  Tbe  HagnaStar  loop  aroaDd  t..t  box  i.  to  be  CODDeCted to  the  aircraft  I:  _t-  in  preparati~  to  ~  rec.i~  .ignal  .tr8Dgth.  :,  I,  I: AC'l'ZORS I  ::  0  C-.ct  the  HagnaStar  loop  arouD4  t.at  box  to  the  aircraft  ant_.  ::  0  s.t  po.er  aDd  atteauator  .-itch  to  the  "OR-  PO8iti~.  :I  I,  I:  8ot.: pr...iDg 'C.~tiDU. -  will  cau.. the radio to begin t~ttiDg.  ::  (C)~tiDU..  (T)roubl..boot.  (K)epeat.  (Q)uitl  -  I+  +Figure 6-13.  MMT Installer display screen #13.6-14 RevB
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBIT CC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEMType "C" to start the ARTU transmitting  a QAM signal for  loop-around  testing.Note:  Execution of this command may take from ten to thirty seconds to complete duringwhich time the MMT may appear to be stopped or several command screens may appearto flash by and momentarily stop before the test is configured in the MMT.CAUTION:  THE  ARTU  IS NOW  TRANSMITTING  ABOUT  10 WATTS.  THISPRESENTS  A  RADIATION  HAZARD  FOR  PERSONNEL  WITHIN  5 FOOT  OF THEANTENNA.  ENSURE  THAT  THE  LOOP-AROUND  TEST  SET  IS SET  UP ANDCONNECTED  PRIOR  TO INITIATING  THE  TEST  SEQUENCE.The MMT display  screen should  be as shown  in Figure 6-14.The installer  will  observe the RSS value for  both the TSC receiver  (TxRx) and thePilot receiver  (Rx) in the MMT Status Updates window  as explained  in the nextstep.+  V&.OA MMT Radio  ...~  +I  II  I:  C-2000  report.  .tatu.  update  BRABLZD.  :I  II  II  II  I:  Pr...  P2  to  Vi..  Statua  ni8P~  :I  II  I+  ++  ~.-T  Tutorial  +:  XR81A201  .-T  HAl8ASTU  m8'rALLA.'1'%~  ::~:  ::  V.rify  aeceiv.4  SigDal  Strength  (US)  fr~  '1'SC/Pilot  ~.  :I  II  I:DP~  USUL'1'S:  ::  US  reported  for  TxRx  aJI4  for  ...  on  the  ~  Statua  Updat..  wiaaow  are  .ach  ::  >  -95  dBa  (..  .~  below):  ::  -  TxRx  US  TxRx  ::  -A8.igD88Dt:  '1'06:25  MOR  1"  ::  -US  (dba):  -  II  0.0  -  II-  :I  II  I:AC'1'%C88:  ::  0  Pr...  r2  to  vi-  US  a.  above  OD  8'J'  Statua  Q»dat..  w!D4OIf.  ::  (C)oatiDue.  ('1')roubl..hoot.  (a)epeat.  (Q)u!t:  -  :+  +Figure 6-14.  MMT Installer display screen #14.Press  the  "F2"  function  key once to view the MMT Status Updates window.After  pressing  "F2"  key, the MMT Status Updates window  should  be similar  to thethat shown  in Figure 6-15.Note the values of the RSS readings  of the TxRx and Rx receivers.  These valuesshould  be between -107 dam  and -99 demo  (The RSS  readings will  varydependent  on the placement of Loop-Around  Test Set clip-on  antenna placement,cable losses and other system variables.)6-1S RevB
FCC ID: CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBIT CC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEMSet the attenuator switch settings on the MagnaStar Loop-Around Test Set for0 dB of attenuation.  (Set the attenuator  switch  to .'Off".)View the  RSS values  on  the  MMT  Status Update  windows.  These  values  should  beapproximately  30 dB higher than the values  noted prior  to the attenuator  change.Rx measurement+"dio  xD..aOOOl  :(~l..  StatU8  ScreeD)  :IIAa'rO  Stat-  :Ad8iD  :  LOCK  Oper  .  aA.  :ATaJ.l.:  8OT  DQ  v...  ma.  :IICODtrl..OrI'LXD  :Rando!!  Stat.:  ~l.  :II!0.0+  ~  S~a~U8  upaa~ : Aircraf~  XD:  B800(  064h:  (Pl.bturn  ~o  Prj,c,r  Menu)  U'rU  ftATUS' ,:  'l'2 :Rx  RBS  ~  Rx:A8.i~~:  'r~:US  (~):  ~:Doppl.r  (8s):  0  0:Oper  Sta~.,  BRA  BRA:'1'SC/ACC  S~a~.:  SsPOD: Ch  'l'o~  lOx':  0  0:Ch  Err  10x3:  0  0:Ch  ...  :  .000000  .000000  ~  8wi~ch:  OUT: acL  'ro~  10x3 I  0  0  ~  :rJIdica~or  I  on:RCL  Errl  0  0  o.cil1a~orl"":acL'"  I  .000000  .000000:B8Ddoff  -oftl  Bathed  CPO  %41..  0%  (CIa)  0%  (J:II8~)' ,:  trSC  1/1  trSC  1/3  UTU: trSC  Sta~.:  RaDQAM  a.DQAK  Call  C~l:  ~:ca11  bfl  0  0:Bearer  Capl  Low  AC8:  ~:Rx  Ctrl,  High  AC8:  ~:"-  Cull  Pil.  Xfr:  ~+  Figure 6-15.  MMT Installer display screen #15.Press  the  "F1"  function  key once to return to the MMT installation  menu.  TheMMT  display  screen  will  again  be  similar  to  that  shown  in  Figure  6-14.Next type "C" to proceed to the next step and to turn "Oft" the ARTU transmitter.Tum the MagnaStar Loop-Around  Test Set "OFF" to conserve battery life.6-16 Rev 8
FCC ID: CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBIT CC-2000  DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM6.3.13 HANDSET  I LAN  TESTThis  step  will  verify  the  number  of CDBR/AIUs  and Handsets  that  are connected  to the ARTU.The  installer  is required  to know  the  number  of CDBR/AIUs  and  Handsets  connected  to thesystem  so that these  numbers  may  be compared  to the value  with  which  the ARTU  is able tocommunicate.  It should  be noted  that the  Handset  ILAN  test  will  report  an AIU  as a CDBR.The MMT display  screen will  now be similar  to that shown  in Figure 6-16.Note:  The MMT Radio Response window may require as long as 20 seconds to returnwith the a proper response.Compare the number of Handsets assigned  as reported  in the MMT RadioResponses window  to the actual number of Handsets installed  in the aircraft.Compare the number  of CDBR/AIUs present as reported  in the MMT RadioResponses window  to the actual number of CDBR/AIUs installed  in the aircraft.Note:  The Handset ILAN test will report an AIU as a COeR.  A CAS will not be reportedas being present.HMT  Radio  ...~  +I  II  .: ~  '!'e.t  BSTABLXSB  BARDSET  LAB  a..ult..  PASS:  Tl8XDSync:  2  Ball48et.  Aa8igned:  1  CDBR.8 Pre.ent: C-2000  report.  eDgin_ring  te.t  BSTABLXSB  BARDSET  LU  P8rfo~.II+  ++  V~  ~  Tutoria~  +:  %881A202  ~  ~AK  C-2000  mftALL&S':EI*  I:  OBJBCT%V8 :  f:  V.rify  Duaber  of  CoaDeCted  CDBa8 aDd BaJI48.t..  II  II  I:  DP8corBI)  USULTS:  ::  Po~~owiDg  -.-ge  di8P~ayed  in  8'r  Radio  R..pQD8..  window:  ::  -DO  T..t  U'1'ABL%8B  BARDSB'l'  LAB  "8U~t.:  PASS-  ::  -  'rI8  %0  Sync  -  ::  -  .  BaJI48.t.  A8.igned  -  ::  -  .  CDBa8 Pre._t  -  ::~%ORS:  ::  0  Wait  at  ~...t  ~5  .ec0Dd8  for  abO98  r.8p0n8.  to  be  di8P~aye4.  ::  0  Verify  correct  DU8ber  of  c-.cted  CDBa8 aDd  BaJI48.t.  r~e4.  ::  (C)ODt!Da.,  (T)roub~e8hoot,  (R)epeat,  (Q)uit:  -  :+  +Figure 6-16  MMT Installer display screen #166-17 RevB
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBU  CC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM6.3.14 RESET  MAINTENANCE  ACCESS  PINThis  test step will  reset the  Maintenance  Access  Passcode,  stored  in the  ARTU  Non-Volatilememory,  to the default  value  of (0000).  This  action  is to insure  that  the  installer  knows  thenumber  to which  the  Maintenance  Access Passcode has been set.The MMT display  screen will  be similar  to that shown  in Figure 6-17.Verify that the MMT Radio Responses window  displays  the following  message:  "C-2000 reports  engineering  test RESET MAINTENANCE ACCESS PIN performed".Type  "C"  to continue  with  this test step.+  V..O&.-T  Ba4io  ".poaa  +i  C-2000  report.  eDQ'iDeeriDG  t_t  a8n'r  DIft  ACC888 pm  perfo~.  :I  .I  .I  II  II  II  II  .I  .I  .I  I+  ++  ~  -.r  Tutorial  +: %881A206  ..,  ~U  :E88'rALLA.n..  ::C8.I~-T~Y.1  ::  Verify  that  tha 8aDd8.t _iDt_.  aO088. p~  i.  reporte4  -~.  :I  II  I: 8DBC'1'8D  U8ULT8  I  ::  rollowing  _..ag.  41aplayed  in  ..,  aadio  bapcma..  wiDdow:  ::  .C-2000  report.  engiDeeriDG  t..t  usn  D%8T ACC888 pm  perf~..  !I  'I  I:AC'r:E~1  ::  0 vez1fy  ahoY8 _..&g8  418Pl&yed 111. ~  b410  h~..  wiDdow.  :I  II  I:  'rh8 _1II.t-  &co... PUSCOI8 ba8 -  heeD ..t  to the default Yalu. of  ::  (0000).  'rh8  P~8CO18  -y  be  chaDge4  u.1Dg  th.  BaD48.t.  ..tup  Qpt1oa.  ::  (C)ODt1Du.,  (~)roubl.8boot,  (.)~t,  (Q)u1tl  -  :+  +Figure 6-17. MMT Installer display screen #17RevS6-18
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBITCC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM6.3.15  UNLOCKED ONLINE STATEThis  step will  set the ARTU  software  executing  in an unlocked  online  state.  This  command  willchange  the C-2000  operation  from  a test  mode  to an operational  mode  to allow  the  installer  toperform  normal  operational  functions.The MMT display  screen will  be similar  to that shown  in Figure 6-18.Verify that the MMT Radio Responses window  displays the following  message:"Radio  software  executing  in unlocked  online  state".Type  "C"  to continue  with this test  step.+  V..~  ~  Ra410 a..~  +I  II  II  884io  8Of~  _tillg  in  ~oc:ke4  ~1De  .tat..  II  II  II  I+  ++  Vl&  ~  Tutorial  +:  %81&205  ~  a8U'rAa  mrrALLa.UC8  II~~-T%Y.I  I:  Verity  t:!Iat  AR'fV  -.  Pl&t  into  ~oc:ke4/~1De  .tat..  II  II  I:  8D8C'1'81)  U8ULTS:  I:  PolloriAg  _..ag.  4i8Played  in  ~  Radio  Ra8P0D8..  Willdowl  I:  -Ra4io  8Of~.  _tiDg  in  ~0cke4  ~1De  .tat..  -  I:  I: ACT%C88 I  I:  0  ON8rY8  abo98 -..age  in  ~  Ra4io  a..~..  ~.  I:  I:  I:  (C)oatiDu.,  (7)roubl.8boot,  (a)epeat,  (Q)ait.  -  I+  +Figure 6-18. MMT Installer display screen #18.RevB6-19
EXHIBffCC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEMFCC ill:  CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAR6.3.16  RECEIVE  SIGNAL  STRENGTH  MEASUREMENT  USING  GENSTAR  GROUNDSTATIONThis test step will verify the  ability  of the  MagnaStar  system  to properly  monitor  a GTE  AIRFONEGenStarTU system  ground  station.  This  step will  use the  ARTU  to measure  the Receive  SignalStrength  (RSS)  of the  Pilot signal  from  the  GenStarTM system  ground  station.  This  test  will verifythe performance  of the  aircraft  RF interface  between  the  ARTU  and the Antenna.  (Thismeasurement  is a relative  measurement  because  of the  possible  RF link variations  between  theC-2000  Antenna  and the GenStarTU ground  station).  This  test  is only  valid  if the  test  locationwill  support  an  RF link  with  a GenStarTM system  ground  station.The installer is to view the MMT Status Updates window and verify that the ARTU has acquiredand is monitoring the pilot signal from a nearby GenStarN ground station. The MMT StatusUpdates window will indicate that the ARTU is monitoring a pilot signal by the presence of the"MON" indication in the "Assignment" row.  This indication will be associated with only one of theten possible subbands on which pilot signals may be present.  If the "MON" indication is notpresent, then the ARTU has not acquired the signal from a ground station.  In the column belowthe "MON" indication the installer will find the associated RSS value in units of demo A valuebetween -5OdBm and  -105 dBm will allow the installer to establish normal communications withthe GenStarTM ground station.  However, values less than -105 dBm may not constitute a failure.Because the ARTU is in a normal operational mode when this test is performed. the pilot receiverwill periodically scan each of the ten different subbands searching for the best quality pilot signalfrom a ground station.  For this reason the reported RSS value may change to a different valuewhile the pilot receiver is scanning other subbands.The MMT display  screen will  be similar  to that shown  in Figure 6-19.V&.OA ~  ..410  a..paD8e  ~II: C-2000  ~Z't8  8tatua  update  8A.~-8DII!Pr...  P2 to  vi-  sut-  Diaplay,,  i,  ',  I+  ++  ~  ~  ~~ori.l  +:  %DUllS  ~  D8AftU  C-2000  m8'1'Al.l,A.n~  :"(8.,~-T~Y.1  II  I:  Verify  ~.iY84  .igDal  S~reDQth  (U.)  f~.  08D8~ar  grcRaDII  .ta~iC8.  :I  II  I:DP~-Tau  USUL7S1  ::  U'fU  ~r.~iJIQ  iD  ~~or  8)d.  ~  ~  S~.~u.  opcSa~..  wiDdOIf  ..  .~  bel~1  :I  .A8.i~~  -  .  ::  ."S  (dBa)  11.1  1t.1  11.1  11.1  1t.1  11.1  1t.1  11.1  1t.1  11.1.  ::Acor%~SI  ::  0  Pr8..  r2  ~o  yi-  ~t.or  .~.~U8  aboY8  ~  ~  S~.~U.  opcSa~..  wiadow.  :I  II  I:  80~.  t:ba~ -  or  ~.  ..~~Dd.  ~  8hCJW u.  aDd t:ba~  ,-,  .ill  be  8bo.D  ::  ..  t:ba~ 8abb8M'.  ...1~~  --  .  8Uitabl.  8abb8M  i.  loca~e4.  ::  (C)~~iDD..  (7)roubl..hoot..  (a)epeat..  (Q)ui~1  -  :+  +Figure  6-19.  MMT  Installer  display  screen  #19.RevB6-20
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBIT CC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEMPress the "F2" function  key to view the MMT Status Updates window.The MMT display  screen will  be similar  to that shown  in Figure 6-20.The installer can verify that the ARTU is monitoring the ground station by thepresence of a "MON" indication in the "Assignment" row of the MMT StatusUpdates window.The installer  is to verify that the RSS value of the received  pilot  signal  is greaterthan -105 dBm (between -50dBm and -105 dBm)  in the column  directly  below the"MON" indication.  It should  be noted that  a value less than -105 dBm may notconstitute  a failure.Press the "F1"  function  key to return to the MMT Status Updates window.Type "C"  to go to the next step.RSS  value-~  Statu.  Q»dat  +IIP%I.o'r ftATUS  ('r-'ron1.  Stat-  8ea"..o)  :3  6  5  ,  1  8  ,  10  :II000000000: II.(9}o.o):  (P3..bturn  to  ~ior:8IIhbaDd  3.I, :  RaIIk  3.08:  A8.i~t:  ass  (488)  ---'  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0:  Doppler  (B8)  3.3.  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0:  8YDe  m  00'r  0U'1'  0U'1'  0U'1'  0U'1'  0U'1'  0U'1'  0U'1'  00'r:  Pree  TSC.  3.3  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0:  ..  Path  Lo8.  58  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0:  Cell  Stat-  ~  3.  8C 0 8C  0 8C  0.:  0.:  0.:  0.:  0':  0':  0:  Cell  Type  xa  3.  nOD  0 non  0 xa  0 noxa  0 D  0 D  0:  TSC A?ail  Wt.  3.  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0:  Doppler  .t.  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0:  TX  Power  Wt.  3.  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0,, :  ~sx  30  25  20  3.5  3.0  5  3. Pilot  aav:  SB  3.:  .  A  .  A  A  A  A  X  A  A  A  X  A  A  A  X  A  A  A  A  A  A  A  X  A  .  .  ..  8tat1l8:  S8  ::..  :  3:~,  i.  ,II+Figure 6-20. MMT Installer display screen #20.6-21 RevB
FCC ID: CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAR EXHIB IT CC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM6.3.17  C-2000 INSTALLATION CONCLUSIONThe  C-2000  Installation  testing  with the GTE Airfone  GenStarTM Ground  Station  is finished  at thispoint.  Any  further  installation  steps  may  not require  MMT  connection  to the ARTU.  If this  is newinstallation,  the  next  step  is Handset  Configuration  (Section  7).  This  step  concludes  the  MMTInstallation  by having  the  installer  enter  a command  to quit the  MMT  Installation  mode.Quitting  the  MMTTo quit the  MMT at this point.  continue  with the following  steps:The MMT display  screen will  be similar  to that shown  in Figure 6-21.Type "Q"  to quit the MMT C-2000 Installation.Note:  Turn "off'the  MMT computer to conserve battery power.Disconnect  the MMT cable from  the ARTU.Reconnect the  MMT dust  cover to the MMT connector.+  Vt.OA  -.T  Radio  R..POD  +I  II  II  II  II  ,I  ,I  II  II  II  I+  ++  VlA  ~  Tutorial  +: D8~]"  8'r  orB  C-2000  ~~  :I  II  I:  ~.  CODclude. the 8'r  C-2000 XD8ta11atiOD.  :I  II  I:  To  QDit  the  MNT,  pr...  '0'  at  thi.  t!8e.  :I  II  I:  To r.-_cut.  the  8'r  Tutorial,  pre..  'c'  at  thi.  t~.  :I  II  II  II  II  II  II  II  I:  (C)ODtiau8,  (7)roQbl..boot,  (a)epeat,  (Q).t~1  -  :+  +Figure 6-21.  MMT Installer display screen #21Re-executina the MMTThe  MMT tutorial  may  be also  be re-executed  at this  point.  If the  MMT  is to be re-executed,power to the ARTU  must  be removed  for greater  than ten  seconds.The MMT display  screen will  be similar to that shown  in Figure 6.21Remove  power to the ARTU for greater than 20 seconds.Type "C"  to re-execute the MMT C-2000 Installation.PROGRAMMING  THE MAGNAST AR SYSTEM6-22 RevS
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBIT CC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM7-17-17-17-S7-S7-S...7-6...7-6...7-7...7-7...7-8...7-9.7-10.7-10.7-11.7-11.1-12.7-12.7-12.1-13.7-13.7-1S.7-1S.7-16.1-16.7-16.7-17.7-18.7-18.7-19.7-19.7-20.7-20,7-217-217-227-237-237-237-237-2S7-257-267.0  PROGRAMMING  THE  MAGNASTAR  SYSTEM 7.1 HANDSET CONFIGURATION SCREENS7.1.1  CONFIGURATION  SCREEN  FLOW  CHART 7.1.2  DETAILED  CONFIGURATION  SCREENS  Services  Screen  .".'."""""""""""""""""""""'...'  Main  Menu  Checking  Handset  Setup  Information  Screens  Starting  a  Maintenance  Session  Maintenance  Screen  #1  Changing  the  Passcode  and  Billing  Mode  Inplane  Numbers  Aircall  Numbers  Disabling  a  Handset  From  Ringing  with  an  Aircraft  Aircall  Number  Direct  Call  Pickup  SA  TCOM  TerminallD's  Disabling  a  Station  From  Ringing  with  a  SATCOM  Aircraft  TerminallD7.  Call  Waiting  Speed  Dial  AIU  Configuration  -  SATCOM  AIU  Configuration  -  HF  Radio  Maintenance  Screen  #2  Station  Setup  , Select Aero-H  or Aero-l  SATCOM  Service  , Ringer  Enable/Disable  ,  Dialing  Plan  Default  Link  and  Auto  Link  Switch  Service  Availability  and  Call  In  Progress  Indicators  MODEM  Settings  Handset  Attributes  Handset  Alerter  and  RJ-l1  Gain  Settings  Auxiliary  Call  Alerter  and  Auxiliary  Call  Alerter  Cadence  Speaker  Gain:  LED  Blink  Rates  Sidetone  Gains.  Autodial  DTMF  Monitor  Microphone  TX  Gain  Aircall  Screens  ,  Personal  Aircall  Number  Register  Viewing  Stored  Aircall  Numbers  (Messages)  Viewing  Programmed  Aircall  and  SATCOM  TerminallD  Numbers  Remote  Station  Programming..  CDBR-2  Station  Setup 7.2  AIRCRAFT  CONFIGURATION  SHEET7-i RevB

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