Raytheon IIS ARTU Air-Ground Radio System User Manual installation manual part six

Raytheon Company Air-Ground Radio System installation manual part six

installation manual part six

EXHIBfi'  CC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEMFCC ID: CDG-ARTUMAGNASTARMagnaStar  Aircraft Configuration  SettingsAircraft  Tail Number  Date:Svstem Confil!uration  Settinl!s:Maintenance  Pa88code:Billing  Node:Aircraft  Aircall  NUmber:Direct  Call  pickup:Aircraft  Satcom  Terminal  ID:Call  waiting:Node  (AItJ):Satcom  ~edance  (AItJ):Satcom  Node  (ArO):Aero-I  Satcom  Dialing:Aero-B+  Satcom  Dialing:Auto  Link  SwitchzDialing  Plan:'800  MOD"  Call  Randoff  Mode:9600  MODBM Call  Bandoff  Mode:CAS  Service  Indicator:Auxilary  Call  Alerter  Cadence:PC  Station  uplink  Call  Mode:Programm8d  Speed  Dial  Humber8  zHI'  Decay  SettingzHI'  Sen.e  Setting:HP  Label:HP  P'1'T:Direct  I  Credit  Card PIN:Y/R-Y/NSatc~  I  GroundCellBighl  LowBand.et  I  PBXBnabled/Di8ahledBnabled/DiabledBnab1ed/Di8ahledUS-Canada  I  MexicoBDabled/Di8ab1edBDabled/DiabledAir-Ground/Satc~/QrouDdCe110113456789Voice/FAX/TDDY  I  N-8Dabled/  Di .&bledHandset Confi2uration  Settin2s:Hand..t  location:  -  -Inplane  Number  Assigned  a  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9Inplane  Label:  -Station  Aircall  Numbera Station  Aircall  pin:Ring  Handset  w/Aircraft  AircallaLinka  Air-Oround/Satc~Satc~  Station  Terainal  IDa  -  --Ring  Handset  w/Aircraft  Satc~  Term.  ID:  TINStation  Type:  Cockpit/Cabin/Pax/Mod../TDD/PCStation  Baud  Rate:  4800bp.  I  9600bp.Hand.et  Ringera  BDabl84  I  Di.abl84Hand..t  Alerter  Gain:Hand..t  RJ-ll  GainaHand..t  Coar..  Speaker  Gain  a  ._-Handset  pine  Speaker  GainaHand..t  Voice  Sidetone  GainaHand..t  D'l'KP  Oain:  -  --Hand..t  DTNP  IIoni  tor  Scale  aHand..t  DTNP  Moni  tor  Sen.e  a  .Hand..t  Coar..  Microphone  Tx  Gaina  ---Hand..t  pine  Microphone  Tz  Gaina  --Auxiliary  Call  Alerter:  012  3  4  567  8  9Call  In  progre..  Indicator  a  ~l84/Di.abl84Inplane  LBD Blink  Rateauplink  LBO Blink  Rate:Y/RHand..t  location:Inplane  II'W8b8r  A8.igne4a  0  1  2  J  6  5  ,  7  8  9Inplane  Label:Station  Aircall  II'W8b8raStation  Aircall  pin  a Ring  Handset  -/Aircraft  Aircalla  T/RLiDJr.:  Air-Ground/  satc~Satcom  Station  Ter8dnal  %DaRing  Handset  -/Aircraft  Satc~  Te~.  %Da Y/RStation  Type:  Cockpit/Cabin/rax/~eaJTDD/PCStation  Baud  Rate:  6800bp.  /9600bp.Hand..t  Ringer:  BDabled  /  Di8able4Hand..t  Alert.r  Gain:Hand..t  RJ-11  Gaina  -Hand..t  Coar..  Speaker  GainaHand..t  Fine  Speaker  Gain:  .  ~~ ~Band..t  voice  sid.tone  Gaina ,Hand..t  D'rIIJ'  Gain:  -Hand..t  DTMF  Noni  tor  Scale  aBand..t  D'rIIJ'  Noni  tor  Seu.e  aHand..t  Coar..  Microphone  '1'X  Gaina  ,Hand..t  Fine  Kicrophone  '1'x GainaAuxiliary  Call  Al.rter:  012  3  6  5  ,  7  8  9Call  In  Progr...  Indicator  a  BDable4/Di8able4Inplane  LBD  BliDJr.  Rat.aUpliDJr.  LBD  BliDJr.  Rate:Speed Diu'  "  .i 1 .!C:;i" Speed  D  a  ~~: i~~cSpeed  Dial'  ::~"Speed  Dial'  c',...",,'Speed  Dial'  ~
FCC ill:  COG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBITCC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEMMagnaStar  Aircraft  Configuration  SettingsAircraft  Tail Number  Date:0123~56789Y/R-BaDd.et  location: Inplane  Humber  Aa.igDed:  0  1  2  3  4  5  I  7  8  tInplane  Label:Station  Aircall  Ru8b8r:_-Station  Aircall  pin:  --Ring  BaDd.et  -/Aircraft  Aircall:  T/RLink:  Air-Ground/  SatcoaSatcoa  Station  Ter8inal  ID:Ring  Handset  _/Aircraft  Satcom  T8%m.  ID:  T/RStation  TYPe:  Cockpi  t/Cabin/Pax/MOd../TDD/PCStation  Baud  Rate:  4800bp.  /  'IOObp.BaDd.et  Ringer:  BDabled  /  Di.abledHand.et  Alerter  Gain:Hand.et  RJ-ll  Gain:Hand.et  Coar.e  Speaker  Gain:Hand.et  Fine  Speaker  Gain:  ;  .'Hand.et  voice  Sidetone  Gain:  .  ~_.,Handset  DTIIP  Gain:Hand.et  DTIIP  Honi  tor  Scale:Hand.et  DTIIP  Honi  tor  Senae:Hand.et  Coar.e  Microphone  Tx  Gain:  ---Hand.et  pine  Kicrophone  Tx  Gain:  --Auxiliary  Call  Alerter:  0  1  2  3  4  5  I  7  8  ,Call  In  progre..  Indicator:  BDabled/Di.abledInplane  LBD  Blink  Rate:Uplink  LED  Blink  Rate:Band..t  location:Inplan.  IfUmb8r  A8.ignedaInplan.  Labela  ~Station  Aircall  Rumb8r:Station  Aircall  pinaRing  Band.et  -/Aircraft  AircallaLink:  Air-QrouDdISatc~Sat com  Station  T.rminal  ID:  -Ring  Bands.t  -/Aircraft  Satcom  T.rm.  ID:  TINStation  TYPe:  Cockpit/Cabin/Fax/Mod../TDD/PCStation  Baud  Rate:  t800bp.  I  '600bp.Band..t  Ring.r:  Bnabled  I  Di.abledBand..t  Alert.r  Gain:Band..t  RJ-ll  Gain:  -Band..t  Coar..  Speak.r  Gain: Band..t  Fin.  Speak.r  Gain  a  ::,.;~-;;-Band..t  Voice  Sid.tone  Gaina  ~Band..t  DTIIF Gain:  ",-,.  :;.,Band..t  D'l'KF  ~ni  tor  Scal.  aBand..t  DTIIF  ~ni  tor  Sen..aBands.t  Coar..  Microphone  Tx  GaiDa ---Bands.t  FiD.  Microphone  Tx  GaiDa Auxiliary  Call  Al.rt..r:  0  1  2  3  t  5  ,  7  8  9Call  In  progr.ss  Indicatora  BDabled/Di.abledInplan.  LBD  Blink  Rate:Uplink  LED Blink  Rat.:  ---0123'5678.9 Band..t  location:Inplan.  NUmber  Aa.ignedl  0  ~  2  J  '5  ,  7  .  9Inplane  Label:  -Station  Aircall  -.her:  -Station  Aircall  pillaRing  Hand..t  -/Aircraft  Aircalll  Y/RLink:  Air-Qround/Satc~Satcom  Station  Ter8dnal  ID:  -Ring  Band..t  _/Aircraft  Satcoa  T.:m.  ID:  Y/RStation  Typ.1  Cockpit/Cabin/Fax/Modem/TDD/PCStation  Baud  Rat.1  4.00bp.  /  9600bp.BaDd..t  Ring.r:  Bnabled  /  Di.abledBand..t  Al.rt.r  Gain  IHand..t  RJ-ll  GainlHand..t  Coar..  Speaker  GainlHand..t  Fin.  Speak.r  Gain  I  ;iBand..t  Voice  Sid.tone  Gainl  ..,Band..t  I)'1'Np  Gain:  -Hand..t  ~  ~nitor  Scal.1Hand..t  DTKr  Moni  tor  S.n..1Band..t  Coar..  Microphon.  TX  GainlBaDd..t  pin.  Microphone  TX  GainlAuxiliary  Call  Al.rt.r:  0  ~  2  3  4  5  6  7  .  9Call  In  progr...  Indicator  I  Bnabled/Di.abledInplan.  LBD  Blink  Rat.1Uplink  LED Blink  Rat.:  -Hand.et  location:  -Inplane  B\uaber  Aa.igned  IInplane  LabellStation  Aircall  RU8b8r:Station  Aircall  Pinl  -Ring  Hand.et  -/Aircraft  Aircalll  T/BLinkl  Air-around/8at~Satc08  Station  Ter8dnal  ZDIRing  Hand.et  -/Aircraft  Satcam  T8~.  ID:  TINStation  Type:  Cockpit/Cabin/Pax/Nodea/TDD/PCStation  Baud  Ratel  tBOObp.  /  ,'OObp.Hand.et  Ringer:  BDabled  I  Di.abledHand.et  Alerter  aain  IHand.et  RJ-ll  Gain:  -Hand.et  Coar.e  Speaker  Gain:  .Hand.et  Fine  Speaker  (Jainl  2C~~Hand.et  voice  Sidetone  Gain: --Hand.et  DTIII'  aain:Hand.et  DTIII'  Monitor  ScalelHand.et  DTIII'  Moni  tor  Sen.elHand.et  Coar.e  Microphone  TX  Gain I  ~Hand.et  Fine  Microphone  TX  GaiDI Auxiliary  Call  Alerter:  0  1  2  3  ,  5  ,  7  B ,Call  In  Progre..  Indicator:  BDabled/Di.abledInplane  LED  Blink  Rate:Uplink  LED Blink  Rate:  -
FCC ID: CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHlBlTCC-2000  DIGITAL AI RBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM0123456789Band.et  location:  -Inplane  Rumber  Aa.ignedlInplane  Labell  -  -Station  Aircall  R\l8ber1Station  Aircall  pinsRing  Band.et  -/Aircraft  Aircalll  T/RLink  I  Air-GrouDd/Satc~Satcom  Station  Terminal  ID:Ring  Band.et  -/Aircraft  Satcom  Te~.  ID:  T/RStation  Type:  Cockpit/Cabin/Fax/Nodea/TDD/PCStation  Baud  Ratel  j800bp.  l'fOObp.Band..t  Ring.r:  8Dabled  I  DiaabledBand..t  Al.rt.r  Gain:Band..t  RJ-ll  Gain  IBand..t  Coar..  Speak.r  ~iD  1  -Band..t  Fine  Speak.r  ~inl  ~,,: ,Band..t  Voice  sid.tone  ~iDl  I'~Band..t  D'1'IIF ~in:Band..t  DTKF  Monitor  Scal.:Band..t  D'1'IIF Moni  tor  Sen..1BaDd..t  Coar.. Microphone  TX  ~inl  --Band..t  Fine  Microphon.  Tx  ~inlAuxiliary  Call  Al.rter:  0  1  2  3  j  5  f  7  8  ,Call  In  progr...  Indicator:  8Dabled/Di.abledInplane  LBD  Blink  RatelUplink  LED Blink  Rat.:  -BaD4..t  location:  -  -Inplane  Number  A8.ignedl  0  1  2  3  6  5  6  7  8  9Inplane  LabellStation  Aircall  RU8b8r1Station  Aircall  pin:  .Ring  BaD4..t  w/Aircraft  Aircalll  Y/RLink:  Air-GroUDd/Satc~Satcom  Station  T.rBdnal  ID:  -Ring  Band..t  w/Aircraft  Satc08  T8~.  ID:  Y I.Station  Type:  Cockpit/Cabin/rax/Modea/TDD/PCStation  Baud  Ratel  4800bp.  19600bp.BaD4..t  Ring.r  I  8Dabled  1  Di.abledBand..t  Alert.r  Gainl  -BaDd.et  RJ-ll  GainlBaD4..t  Coar..  Speaker  QainlBand..t  riDe  Speak.r  Qain:  10.';'Band.et  Voice  Sid.ton.  Qainl  ~--Band.et  D'1'IIF  Gain  IBand..t  D'1'IIF  Monitor  Scal.1  -Band.et  DTKr  Monitor  S8D8.1BaD4..t  Coar..  Microphone  TX  Gainl  --Band..t  riDe  Microphon.  TX  Gainl Auxiliary  Call  Al.rterl  0  1  2  3  6  5  6  7  8  9Call  In  Progr...  Indicator:  BDabled/Di.abledInplan8  LSD  Blink  Rate  I  -Uplink  LSD  Blink  Rat.:0123456789y,.Band.et  location:  -  -Inplane  NwDber  Aa.igD,ed1  0  1  2  J,  &  5  I'  7  8  9Inplane  LabellStation  Aircall  .u.berl  -Station  Aircall  PinlRing  Band.et  w/Aircra~t  Aircalll  T/RLinkl  Air-GroW1d/Satc~Satcom  Station  TermiDal  IDIRing  BaD4.et  w/Aircraft  Satc~~.  ID:  TISStation  TYPe:  Cockpit/Cabin/raz/~~~/TDD/PCStation  Baud  Ratel  4800bp.  191'OObp.Band.et  Ringer:  BDable4  I  Di.able4Band.et  Alerter  Gain:Band.et  RJ-ll  GainlBand.et  Coar.e  Speaker  Gain  I  -Band.et  Pine  Speaker  Gainl  --  --"Band.et  voice  sidetone  Gainl  -Band.et  D'1'KF  Gain I  -Band.et  DTMF  Monitor  Scale  IBaD4.et  DTHF  Moni  tor  Sen.elBand.et  Coar.e  Kicropbone  TZ  Gainl  ---Band.et  pine  Micropbone  TZ  Gainl  ---Auxiliary  Call  Alerterl  0  1  2  3  4  5  I'  7  8  9Call  In  Progre..  Indicator:  BDable4/Di.abledInplane  LSD  Blink  Ratel  -Uplink  LSD Blink  Rate:  -Band..t  location:Inplane  Number  A..igne4aInplane  Labela  ~-Station  Aircall  RU8b8ra  .  -"Station  Aircall  pina  'cot'Ring  BaDc!.et  -/Aircraft  Aircalla  -"Link  a  Ai r-Ground  I Satc~Satcom  Station  TerBdnal  ID:Ring  BaDc!..t  -/Aircraft  Satc~  T.Em.  XD:  Y/SStation  Type:  Cockpi  t/Cabin/Paz/Mod../TDD/PCStation  Baud  Rat.a  j800bp.  I'SOObp.BaDc!..t  Ring.r:  BDablec!  I  Di.ablec!BaDd..t  Al.rt.r  Gain:Ban4..t  RJ-ll  Gain aBaDc!..t  Coar..  Speaker  GainaBaD4..t  pine  Speak.r  Gaina  ."~'j.-~cBan4..t  Voice  Sid.ton.  Gaina  -  :":';;;:iiBaDd..t  D'1'IIF  Gain:  '0'  ,"'C:Band..t  D'1'IIF Koni  tor  Scale:BaDd..t  DTKF  Koni  tor  Sen..:  -Band..t  Coar..  Microphone  '1'z GaiDa  -BaDd..t  Pine  Microphon.  '1'z  Gaina  ---Auxiliary  Call  Al.rtera  0  1  2  3  .  5  S  7  8  ,Call  Xn  Progr...  Indicator:  8Dablec!/Di.ablec!Inplane  LED  Blink  Rate:uplink  ~D  Blink  Rat.a
EXHIBrrcC-2000  DIGITAL  AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEMFCC ID: CDG-ARTUMAGNASTARMMT SOFTWARE LOADING8.0This section covers loading of MMT software onto the MMT host computer.The host computer must be a 386 or faster IBM compatible computer with 4 Megabytes of RAM.a 3.5" high density floppy drive. and at least 1 Megabyte of memory available for use on the harddrive.  For the MMT software to run property it is important that the C: partition is no larger than1.5 Gigabytes and be designated FAT or FAT 16. The MMT software must be executed fromDOS and cannot be run from Windows or a Windows DOS shell.  A RS-232C serial port andserial cable (PIN 422632-801) are necessary for connection to the MagnaStar C-2000 system.Execution of the  MagnaStar  Maintenance  Terminal  (MMT)  software  can only  occur  after  it isloaded  in the  host computer  memory.  This  loading  process  will only  be required  to be performedthe first time the  MMT  software  is to be used  or if an updated  version  is required.  The  hostcomputer  when  loaded  with the  MagnaStar  Maintenance  Terminal  software  will  be referred  to asthe  MMT.  Loading  of the  MMT  software  will  automatically  start the  execution  of the  MMT  afterthe completion  of the software  download  to the  computer's  memory.  The  following  steps  are tobe used  if the  MMT software  has  not been  loaded  into the  host computers  memory  or if anupdated  version  is to be loaded:Power up the computer and wait for the computer to complete the boot process. Afterthe computer has completed the boot sequence, insert the 3.5- MagnaStar MaintenanceTerminal (MMT) software disk in the appropriate drive (A or B) of the computer.If you placed the diskette in the A drive use the following commands: From the rootdirectory type "A:\MMT COPY" . then press "ENTER" to execute this command.C:>A:\MMT COpy IENTERIIf you placed the diskette in the B drive use the following commands: From the rootdirectory type "B:\MMT COpy  B" , then press "ENTER" to execute this command.C:>B:\MMT  COpy  B I ENTERIThe  "MMT  COPY"  command will automatically load all the software files and create thenecessary directories required to operate the  MMT  software.  This  command  will alsostart the execution of the MMT software.RevB8-
FCC ID: CDG-ARTU  EXHIBIT CMAGNASTAR  C-2000  DIGITAL  AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEMEQUIPMENT TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES...9-1...9-1...9-19-2...9-3...9-5...9-6...9-7...9-9.9-11.9-12.9-13.9-14.9-15.9-16.9-16.9-17.9-17.9-18.9-18.9-20.9-22.9-23.9-26.9-279-279-29.9-309-309-329.0 EQUIPMENT TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES  ,..9.1 TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURE FOR MMT  INST ALLA TION TUTORIAL9.1.1  C-2000  SYSTEM  POWER  UP 9.1.2  MMT  COMMUNICATION  VERIFICATION 9.1.3  START  ARTU  OPERATIONAL  SOFTWARE 9.1.4  LOCKED  OFF-LINE  STATE 9.1.5  ARTU  MOUNTING  TRAY  FAN  TEST 9.1.6  ARTU  TRANSMI1TER  OUTPUT  POWER 9.1.7  ARTU  RECEIVE  SIGNAL  STRENGTH  MEASUREMENT 9.1.8  HANDSET  /  LAN  TEST  """""""".'.."""""""'"9.1.9  RESET  MAINTENANCE  ACCESS  PASSCODE 9.1.10  UNLOCKED  ONLINE  STATE 9.1.11  RSS  MEASUREMENT  USING  GENSTARGROUND  STATION 9.1.12  MMTI  TROUBLESHOOT  CONCLUSION 9.1  Additioul  MMTI  Troubleshoot  Informatio. 9.2.1  Data  Cable  Pull  Check  .""'  """"'.".""'.'  """"""'" 9.2.2  Fault  Counter  Check 9.2.3  Flight  Test  Log 9.2.4  L-Band  Interference  Tests 9.2.5  CEPT  -EI  Communication  Verification 9.3  MMTI  Commanded  Mode  ""  """""""""."""..""9.3.1  MMTI  Commanded  Mode  -  C-2000  MMT  Boot  Menu 9.3.2  MMTI  Commanded  Mode  -  C-2(xx)  MMT  Radio  Configuration  Menu 9.3.3  MMTI  Commanded  Mode  -  C-2(xx)  MMT  Radio  Installation/Test  Menu  C-2000  MMT  Commanded  BIT  Menu  C-2(xx)  MMT  RF  Test  Menu  """  '."..".'."'  '  ""'  "".."  C-2(xx)  MMT  Handset  Test  Menu  C-2(xx)  MMT  Radio  Maintenance  Operations  Menu  C-2000  MMT  Debug  Menu.  , 9.4  HaDdIet  Text  MeuagesRevS9-i
FCC ID: CDG-ARTU  EXHIBIT CMAGNAST  AR  C-2000  DIGITAL  AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM9.1.2  MMT  COMMUNICATION  VERIFICATIONThe  MMT  Communications  Verification  test assures that  the MMT  software  is properly  communicatingwith  the  ARTU  by  checking  the  version  of  software  that  is loaded  in  the  ARTU.Symptom: "ERROR=> MMT communications failure - timed out"The ARTU  and the MMT  are not communicating when this information is displayed in the RadioResponses window.  Check the MMT  cable connection between the MMT  computer and theARTU.  Check for a damaged connector on RS-232 serial communications port of the computer.After  checking these interface connections press "R"  to repeat the test.  If  the same error isdisplayed. cycle power on the computer. If the same error message is displayed after cyclingpower on the computer then replace the ARTU.Symptom:  "Radio software executing in unlocked online state"This message will  be displayed on the screen if the ARTU  was powered up before the computerwith the MMT  software running was connected to the ARTU.  Remove power to the ARTU  forgreater than 20 seconds. Apply  power to the ARTU  and press "R"  to repeat the test.+  V..OA  MNT  R6dio  Re8PQna  +,  I,  ,: Power-up  Status:  80376  Kicroproc...or  01,  BRAN OK.  ::  ARTC code  pile  ARTCC40B.HBX Ver  0.0  net.  0./06/00  1.:25  Bank  2  CRC:4CB8::  DBP  code  Pile  MDSPC.OB.HEX Ver  0.0  Dat.  03/27/00  12:13  B8Dk  4  cac:1298::  BIT  code  Pile  MBITC.OA.HBX Ver  0.0  net.  05/18/99  16:03  Bank  1  CRC:209C::  Boot  code  Pile  ~31C.HBX  Ver  0.0  Date  0./2./96  14:27  B8Dk  1  CRC:B818::  R6dio  software  is  not  executing.+  ++  MMT Tutorial  ~--~'DSlA103  .":  Sy8ptom:  "ERROR-> MNT cO8mUnications failure  - ti-.d  out."  1:  a)  Check  that  the  MNT cable  i.  properly  connected  to  the  AR'I'U.  ~:  b)  Pr..s  "R"  to  repeat  test  step.  J:  c)  If  the  error  -ssage  still  appears,  then  cycle  power  on  the  coqlUter  J:  and  start  again.  ::  d)  If  error  -.sage  still  appears,  turn  power  off  to  the  AR'I'U for  more::  than  ten  seconds.  Apply  ~r  to  the  AR'ro.  Does  the  pault  indicator  on  ::  the  front  of  the  AR'I'U illuminate  for  appr_~tely  one  .!nut.  or  8Ore?  ::  If  it  does,  cbeck  for  a  bad  MNT cable  or  bad  C(»I port  on  the  c~ter.  ::  e)  If  the  fault  indicator  does  not  illuminate,  tben  replace  the  ARTU.  :,(a.8tuzn  ,Figure 9.1.2.  MMT  Communications Verification  MMTI  Troubleshoot Screen.9-2 RevB
FCC ID: CDG-ARTU  EXHIBIT CMAGNASTAR  C-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE TELEPHONE SYSTEM9.1.3  START  ARTU  OPERATIONAL  SOFTWAREWhen the ARTU  is powered up with an MMT  connected, the ARTU  software will  not execute and will  bein what is termed a "boot"  mode.  When commanded by the MMT,  the ARTU  will  start the operationalsoftware. The first step in starting the operational is for the ARTU  to run Built-In-Test  (BIT).  The normalBIT process begins by turning "ON"  the ARTU  Fault indicator.  The MMT  will  indicate that the ARTU hasstarted software execution which is displayed in the Radio Responses window.  The ARTU  then begins anFEPROM test which takes approximately 15-20 seconds to complete. Owing  this time there will  be no newmessages displayed in the Radio Responses window.  BIT  test result information  will  be reported in theRadio Responses window.  Depending on how long the ARTU  has been powered prior to executing power-up BIT,  the screen may pause in the middle of the tests. This pause is to allow the ARTU  oscillator towarm-up.  This can take one to five minutes.  After this pause, BIT will  complete.Symptom:  Radio Responses window does not display test results.If the Radio Responses window does not appear to change, the user should look to see if the redFault light is illuminated.  If the red Fault light  is not illuminated then press "R"  to repeat the test.Symptom:  ARTU  fails power-up BIT.If the ARTU  fails a BIT  test, note which test has failed and replace the ARTU.After power up BIT has completed, it is possible to review the BIT test data by sending thefollowing MMT commands:Press "FI ",  ; scrolls screen to commanded mode menuspress "2" and then press ENTER,  ; selects Radio Test Menupress "2" and then press ENTER,  ; selects Commanded Bit Menupress "0" and then press ENTER.  ; selects view BIT resultsPressing "N" for next, or "P" for previous, will scroll the user through the BIT test results.Symptom:  ARTU  appears to pause during BIT  for longer than ten minutes.BIT  will  begin testing and stop during the middle of the tests to wait for the OCXO frequencyreference to warm up.  BIT testing will  stop at the "QUERY  AMX"  test.  Ifafter  stopping at the"QUERY  AM)("  test, the MMT  BIT  test times out after ten minutes and the RED Fault indicatoris still  illuminated, then the ARTU has faulted.  Replace the ARTU  and note that the ARTU  hasfailed for OCXO warm up.Symptom:  BIT test appears to repeat.If the BIT  test appears to be repeating over and over then one of two conditions is occurring.  One,the voltage at the ARTU  is dropping below +20.5 volts DC during the power up BIT.  Measure thevoltage at the radio interface with ARTU  attached. If the voltage drops below +20.5 VDC, checkthe gauge of wire used for the power cable to insure that it is of sufficient size to minimize thevoltage drop from the circuit breaker to the ARTU.  The second condition is current limiting.  Ifthe power system cannot support a 3-5 ampere current surge while maintaining a stable voltagethen the ARTU  will  repeat BIT.9-3 RevB
FCC 10: CDG-ARTU  EXHIBIT CMAGNASTAR  C-2000  DIGITAL  AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM+  V4. OA NNT Radio  Response  +I  II  I:  Power-up  Statu8,  80376  Kicroproc...or  OK.  SRAH ox.  ::  ARTC code  Pile  ARTCC4OB.HIX Ver  0.0  Date  04/06/00  14,25  BaDk  1  CRC,~::  DSP  code  Pile  KDSPC40A.HIX Ver  0.0  Date  03/27/00  12,13  BaDk  2  CRC,1298::  BIT  code  pile  MBITC40A.HIX  Ver  0.0  Date  05/18/99  16,03  BaDk  1  CRC,209C::  Boot  code  Pile  ~31C.HBX  Ver  0.0  Date  04/24/'6  14,27  BaDk  1  CRC,B8&  ::  Radio  sottware  is  not  executing.+  ++  V1A  NNT Tutorial  +: IJfS1A104  1:  This  test  step  is  info~tional  only.  ::  Pressing  .C'  will  start  Built-In-Test  (BIT).  The  no~l  BIT  process  begina  1:  by  turning  .(»t.  the  ARro  pault  indicator.  The  ~  will  indicate  in  that  the  ::  AR'1'U baa  started  sott~e  execution  which  is  displayed  in  the  Radio  ::  Respon...  window.  The  AR'1'U then  begins  an  PBPftCIf test  which  takes  ::  approximately  15-20  seconds.  During  this  time  there  will  be  no  new  ..ssages  ::  di8Played  in  the  Radio  Responses  window.  BIT  test  result  into~tion  will::  be  reported  in  the  Radio  Responses  window.  Depending  on  how  long  the  ARTU  ::  baa  been  powered  prior  to  executing  power-up  BIT.  the  screen  may  paU8e  in  ::  the  middle  ot  the  tests.  This  paU8e  is  to  allow  the  ARTU  08cillator  to  ::  _ra-up.  This  can  take  one to  five  IBinutes.  After  this  paU8e. BIT  will  ::  complete.  ::  (R)eturn, -  :+  +Figure 9.l.3.A.  Start ARTU  Operational Software MMTI  Troubleshoot Screen.V4.  OA  MMT  Radio  Responses:  WAITDfG FOR POWER-UP BIT  RESULTS «5  IIIMnE  DELAY::  Press  'B8c'  to  Terminate  Wait: Radio  software  starting  execution.: The  KIlT  baa  been  reconfigured  for  CON Port  1  at  9.6  kbs.'IR S'.'O S c  ;' f',  ,C',:  S~t_:  Radio  ~SP0D8es  window  does  not  change.  ';;';;~:  al  Did  you  W8~t  for  the  PZPROM test  to  cO8plete.  if  80  Pr88s  "R"  for,:,~:  rete.t.  "};:  bl  Did  the  ARro  fault  light  illlainate?  cf:  Sy8ptoa:  ARro  fails  power-up  BIT.  ::  al  Determine  the  Brr  fault  and  record  for  repair  information.  See  ::  KagnaStar  Inatallation  Manual  for  steps  required  to  view  fault  ::  information.  Replace  faulted  ARTU.  ::  Symptom:  ARro  appears  to  pause  during  Brr  for  l~ger  than  ten  ainutes.  ::  al  If  the  BIT  testing  stops  at  the  "TEST AKX"  test  step  for  longer  than  ::  ten  ainute.  at  ro-  t~rature  then  note  that  the  ARTU baa  failed  ::  OCXO ~-up.  Replace  the  failed  ARTU.  ::  (Rleturn:  -  I+  +Figure  Start ARTU  Operational Software MMTI  Troubleshoot Screen.9-4 RevB
FCC 10: CDG-ARTU  EXHIBIT CMAGNAST AR  C-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE TELEPHONE SYSTEM9.1.4  LOCKED  OFF-LINE  STATEFor the MMT  to command certain tests for the installation checkout, the ARTU  software must be placed ina mode which will  allow the ARTU  the flexibility  to perform these tests. This mode of operation is calledthe "Locked  OFF-Line State".  This test step is a mode change only.  Failure of this mode change will  onlyoccur iftbe  MMT  is not communicating with the ARTU.It should be noted that while the ARTU  is in this mode, the Handset screen may go blank and will  notrespond to keypad inputs.Symptom:  ERROR=> MMT  communications failure - timed out.If this message is displaycd in thc Radio Responses window then check the cabling between thcARTU  and the MMT.  If the cabling is correct then press "R" to repeat the test.V4.0A  MMT Radio  Re~Radio  8oftw8re  executing  in  locked  offline  state.+ +  VlA  ~  Tutorial':DlS1A1O6,,:  Syq>toa:  ERROR-> I8rr  c~icati0D8  failure  -  tiJ:  a)  Check  the  I8rr  cable  connecti_.:  b)  Press  .R.  for  repeat.Figure 9.].4.  Locked Off-Line State MMT] Troubleshoot Screen.9-5 RevB
FCC 10: CDG-ARTU  EXHIBIT CMAGNASTAR  C-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE TELEPHONE SYSTEM9.1.5  ARTU  MOUNTING  TRAY  FAN  TESTUnder normal operational conditions, the ARTU  Mounting Tray Fan is activated by a switch in the ARTUwhich is under software control.  The ARTU  monitors a temperature sensor located in the ARTU  and isprogrammed to turn on the Fan when the temperature is at approximately room temperature. The ARTUMounting Tray Fan test will  command the ARTU  to turn the fan "ON"  to check operation.Symptom:  The ARTU  Mounting Tray Fan is not operational.If the ARTU  Mounting Tray Fan is not operational, the problem can be caused by the ARTU,wiring  to the ARTU  Mounting Tray or the Mounting Tray Fan itself.  Several steps wi)] berequired to detennine the cause of failure.  These steps may also vary depending on whichassembly of the ARTU mounting Tray assembly that is used in the aircraft.For -801 Tra~:  Remove power from system  Remove the power connector from ARTU  J2connector interface and ground pin P I-F of the ARTU  Power cable. Apply power to the system.If the fan operates, perform a continuity check on the ARTU  Tray - ARTU  Power cable interface.If the wiring  is correct, replace the ARTU.  If the fan does not operate, replace the ARTUMounting Tray.For -802 Trax: Remove the PI connector from the ARTU Mounting Tray. With power removed,grotmd pin Jl-9 on the ARTU Tray. Apply power to the system. If the fan does not operate,replace the ARTU Mounting Tray. If the fan operates, perform a continuity check on the 802ARTU Tray - ARTU Power cable. If the wiring is correct, replace the ARTU. Ifnot replacecable.V4.0A  8'l'  Radio  Response.C-2000  report8  engineering  teat  FAN CONTROL performed+  ++  VlA  MNT  Tutorial  +:IRS1A101  :: SYJI4>tca:  Pen  do..  DOt  operate.  ::  por  -801  Tray:  ~e  power  from  syst_.  R~  J2  connector  fr..  ARTU  end  ::  ground  pin  Pl-P  of  the  ARTU Power  cable.  Apply  ~r  to  the  ayst_.  If  ::  the  fen  operate8.  replace  the  ARTU.  If  the  fan  does  not  operate.  replace::  the  ARTU  Mounting  Tray.  ::  For  -802  Tray:  a..ove  the  Pl  connector  from  the  ARTU Mounting  Tray.  with  ::  power  r~ed.  gr~  pin  Jl-'  on  the  ARTU Tray.  Apply  power  to  the  ::  syst_.  If  the  fen  ~  DOt  operate.  replace  the  ARTU Mounting  Tray.  If  ::  the  fan  operatH.  perfora  .  continuity  on  the  802  ARTU Tray  -  ARTU  ::  Power  cable.  If  the  continuity  is  correct.  replace  the  ARTU.  If  not  ::  replace cable.  :~Figure 9.1.5.  ARTU  Mounting Tray Fan MMTI  Troubleshoot Scret9-6 RevB
FCC 10: CDG-ARTU  EXHIBIT CMAGNASTAR  C-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE TELEPHONE SYSTEM9.1.6  ARTU  TRANSMITTER  OUTPUT  POWERDuring the ARTU  Transmitter Output Power test, the ARTU  will  transmit a CW signal at a frequency of894.9495 MHz.  The power level transmitted by the ARTU  will  be 10 watts minimum.  Measurement ofthe transmitted signal should be made as close to the Antenna as possible to check the functionality of thegreatest number of the C-2000 components. The insertion loss of components in addition to the ARTUmust be accounted for when measuring the output power of the C-2000 system. The maximum total cableloss that can be used with the C-2000 system is specified at 3 dB.  The maximum specified insertion loss ofthe Duplexer is 1.4 dB.  If power is measured at the Antenna connector, the minimum power measuredshould be no less than 4 watts.It should be noted that the power meter or thru-line wattmeter used for this test must be capable ofwithstanding 16 Watts of RF energy and must be capable of operating at frequency of  I Ohz for correctresults.Symptom:  The MMTI  appears stuck.Wait for the MMTI  to properly execute commands to ARTU  (5-10 sec). Commands to the ARTUvia the MMTI  may take from 5 to 10 seconds to execute during which time the MMTI  screens willappear to change and then stop before completing.Symptom:  Low output power / No output power.If power measurements at the Antenna connector are low, it will  be necessary to determine whichcomponent is responsible for the excessive loss by process of elimination.  First, measure theoutput power directly out of the ARTU.  If the power measurement is incorrect replace the ARTU.If the power measurement is correct, measure the output at the end of the transmit cable.  If thepower measurements is incorrect, replace the transmit cable.  If the power measurement is correct,measure the power at the Antenna output of the Duplexer.  If the power measurement is incorrect,replace the Duplexer.V..  OA MMT Radio  Respons  ''ing  teat  FAN CONTROL perfo~d.:::::::::: ~ - ~- ~~;w::::7J;~~DfSlAl08This  t..t  step  is  inatructional  only.During  the  next  test  step  the  ARTU will  transmit  a  CW signal  at  a  powerlevel  of  +40  to  +42  dBm.  The  Duplexer  is  specified  for  a  n8Xi.u.  lossof  1.4  dB.  The  8aXimu8  syat..  C8ble  loas  for  the  RP cables  is  specifiedat  3  dB.  The  ~r  _ter  should  measure  greater  than  +36  dBm when  allthe  above  factors  are  taken  into  account.[aleturnFigure 9.1.6.A.  ARTU  Transmitter Output Power MMTI  Troubleshoot Screen.,,"1 RevS
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTU  EXHmrr  CMAGNAST  AR  C-2000  DIGITAL  AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM+  ~.~  MMT Radio  R88p0D8" ti C-2000  reports  eagiDeeriDQ  teat  ~  INITIAL  PA ~  perfo~.,DS1Al09  ,  v4~,I  ::  ~t~:  81'1  aR>ear.  .tuck.  ::  Wait  for  tha  *1'I  to  properly  .-cute  c~  to  AR'fU  (5-10  Me).  ::  t:  ~t08:  Low output  power  /  No output  power.  T:  H.-ure  the  output  p~r  directly  out  of  the  AR'ro. If  the  power  r:  me&8Ur..-Dt i.  incorrect  replace the AR'ro. If  the power 8ea8Ur888Dt i.  1:  correct.  -=e  the  output  at  the  end  of  the  tran~t  cable.  If  the  .f:  power  _.ur-ts  is  incorrect.  replace  the  tr~t  cable.  If  the  ~  ::  -..ur~t  i.  correct.  _sure  the  power  at  the  Antenna  output  of  the  ::  Duplex8r.  If  the  power  88a8Ur8ment  is  incorrect.  replace  the  Duplexer.  t,  ..,  .:  (R)eturn:  -  :+  +Figure  ARTU  Transmitter Output Power MMTI  Troubleshoot Screen.7  Vt.OA  MItT Radio  Resp0n8  "~::.~  7!  C-2000  reporta  engineeriD9  teat  STOP  TRANSMIT  perfor8ed.  ::i  :,DlS1Al10  c  c"  -1,  ..,  ,:  ~t_:  ARTU does  not  stop  tran8lRitting.  l:  If  the  ARTIS does  not  stop  transmitting  check  that  the  ~  ~.  1.  '1:  properly  eonneeted.  If  the  cable  is  properly  connected.  pr..s  "R-  for  1:  repeat.  :~Figure 9.1.6.C.  ARTU  Transmitter Output Power MMTI  Troubleshoot Screen.9-8 RevB
FCC ID: CDG-ARTU  EXHIBIT CMAGNASTAR  C-2000  DIGITAL  AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM9.1.7  ARTU  RECEIVE  SIGNAL  STRENGTH  MEASUREMENTThe ARTU  Receive Signal Strength measurement test will  verify  the complete RF portion of the C-2000system. This test will  require the use of a MagnaStar Loop-Around test box.  During this test a 16 QAMsignal is transmitted by the ARTU.  With the MagnaStar Loop-Around test box connected to the Antenna,the signal is coupled into the Loop-Around test box where it is mixed by 45 MHz and coupled back into theAntenna.  A receive signal strength measurement using the ARTU  checks out both the TSC and Pilotreceive channels of the ARTU  as well all the components between the ARTU  and the Antenna.  Thefrequency of the transmitted signal is 894.9495 MHz.This test is to check for gross loss problems in the RF cables and associated hardware and is not intended tobe a calibrated test measurement. Typically  the value should be measured at - 103 dBm +/- 6 dB withnominally valued components. Because the TSC and Pilot channels are separate receivers, variationsbetween measurements are possible.  If, however, there is a delta between the two receivers of greater than10 dB, the ARTU  is to be rejected.The Loop-Around test box is powered by a 9 volt battery.  The battery voltage must be greater than 6.0volts to operate and provide the expected perfonnance results. The Loop-Around test box provides thecapability to check the battery to ensure that the voltage is correct.  The Loop-Around test box attenuatorsetting should be set to the "ON"  position for the first part of this test.  Switching the attenuator to the"OFF"  position should change the receive signal strength by approximately 30 dB.Symptom:  Reading between the TXRX  and RX receivers greater than 10 dB.If the delta between the TXRX  (TSC) and RX (Pilot) receivers is greatertban  10 dB, repeat thetest. If after repeating the test the same results occur then replace the ARTU.Symptom:  RSS readings on both the TXRX  and RX channels less than -109 dBm (-103 dBm - 6 dB)If the RSS readings are less than -109 dBm then the lossy component needs to be located.  If theARTU  Transmitter Output Power test has been successfully completed then the problem is eitherthe Antenna, Duplexer, Receive cable or ARTU.  If the ARTU  has successfully passed BIT, thenthe most likely  candidates are the Antenna, Duplexer or the receive cable.  With the properadapters, cable loss should be measured for the ARTU  receive cable.  Elimination  of the receivecable as the problem leaves the Duplexer and Antenna.  With the proper adapters and a 30 dB/25Watt pad, the antenna cable can be directly attached to the Loop-Around test box bypassing theAntenna.  If the loss problem still exists after bypassing the Antenna, replace the Duplexer.,  V4.  OA  10ft'  Radio  ReSPO8'8M+  ~  ++  VlA  IGrr  TutorW;'  +'mS1A200  II  I:  This  test  step  i8  instructional  only.  :I  ,I  I:  In  preparation  for  measuring  the  syst..  receive  8ignal  strength.  the  ::  loop  around  test  box  -.t  be  configured  and  properly  placed  for  expected  ::  results.  Perfora  a  battery  check  prior  to  use  by  turning  .ON.  the  loop  ::  around  test  box  and  pressing  the  -.ntary  battery  check  _itch.  'ft1e  ::  indicator  light  vill  illU8inate  if  the  battary  is  within  operational  ::  require8eDts.  set  the  attenuator  svitch  to  the  .ON.  position.  Place  the  ::  cable  clip-on  cla.p  on  the  center  of  the  blade  antenna  for  best  results.  :(a}~.-Figure 9. 7 A.  ARTU  Receive Signal Strength Measurement MMTI  Troubleshoot Screen.'  V4.0A  MMT Radio  Responses.2000  ~rta  .tatu.  update  ENABLED.9-9 RevB
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTU  EXHIBIT CMAGNASTAR  C-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE TELEPHONE SYSTEMPr'-'  F2  to  View  Status  Display+  ++  VlA  I8rr  Tutorial :mSlA20l  ::  SY8f{)tom,  us  Value  alUch  lower  than  ~kings  on  Loop-Around  Teat  Box.  ::  a)  Are  the  ON/OFF and  Attenuator  awitches  in  the  correct  po8ition?  ::  Is  the  battery  voltage  greater  than  6  volts?  ::  b)  .ove  ~e  Loop-Around  Test  Cable  connection  plac_t  on  the  Ant~a.  ::  c)  Replace  cables  or  C-2000  RP  components  one  at  a  time  to  isolate  the  ::  faulted  unit.  :I  I.  I:  ~t_,  RSS value  difference  bet_en  the  TXRX and  RX is  gre.ter  than  10  dB.  ::  If  values  of  the  US  readings  bet_en  the  TSC  (TXRX)  and  the  Pilot  (RX)  ::  receivers  is  greater  than  10  dB  replace  the  ARTU.  :._"'~~:_:Figure 9.1.7B.  ARTU  Receive Signal Strength Measurement MMTI  Troubleshoot Screen.9-10 RevB
FCC 10: CDG-ARTU  EXHIBIT CMAGNASTAR  C-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE TELEPHONE SYSTEM9.1.8  HANDSET  I LAN  TESTThe Handset I LAN  test wilt  inform the installer of the number ofCDBRs/AIUs  and Handsets with whichthe ARTU  can cornrnunicate. This test does not distinguish the difference between a CDBR or an Am.Also, this test will  not identify  the presence of a CAS.Symptom:  The MMTI  does not respond with the correct number of CDBRs or Handsets.Isolation of the faulted componellt will  require a process of elimination and possible componentswapping.  Start by disconnecting the Inter-CDBR cable from the 12 port of the second to lastCDBR.  Repeat the Handset/LAN test and determine if the correct number of componentsconnected to the system is displayed  If an incorrect number of components is displayed, repeatthe process until  only the ARTU  Data cable and one CDBR are connected to the system. If theHandset LAN  test still  fails, disconnect the ARTU  Data cable from the ARTU.  Perform acontinuity check on the ARTU  Data cable.  Be sure to check for opens, pin to pin shorts and pin toshield shorts. Also check continuity of the shield from end to end.  If the cable continuity checkscorrectly, swap CDBRs and reconnect the cable and CDBR.  If the system still does not displaythe presence of a CDBR, then replace the ARTU.+  V4.0A  MNT Radio  Re~  +I  II  I:  DIG  Test  ESTABLISH  HANDSET  LAN  Result..  Pas.  ::  TDI  IN  Sync  ::  X Handsets Assigned  ::  X CDBRa Present  ::  C-2000 reports  engineering  test  ESTABLISH HANDSBT LAN perfOC8.d.  ::mS1A202  ."  C  iII:  ~t_:  Ro  di8Play  in  the  IDtr  Radio  RaSP0D888 window.:  Did  you  wait  greater  than  15  seconds  for  the  test  to  c~lete?,,: SyqItoa:  The  wrong  nU8ber  of  CDBRs and  Handsets  are  displayed.:  Starting  with  the  last  CDBR, disconnect  the  cabling  from  the  J2  connector:  of  next  CDBR in  line.  Then press  .R.  to  repeat  the  test.  If  correct  nU8ber:  appears,  check  the  cabling.  If  cabling  is  correct,  replace  CDBR.  If  the:  incorrect  nU8ber  appears,  repeat  the  above  steps  until  the  correct  number:  of  COBRa appears.  If  left  with  only  one  CDBR,  check  cabling  and  swap  out:  CDBR.  If  problem  still  exists  replace  ARTU.,,:  (R)eturn: -Figure 9.1.8.  Handset / LAN  MMTI  Troubleshoot Screen.RevB9-11
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTU  EXHIBIT CMAGNASTAR  C-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE TELEPHONE SYSTEM9.1.9  RESET  MAINTENANCE  ACCESS P ASSCODEThis test step will  reset the Maintenance Access Passcode to the factory setting of 0000.  If theMaintenance Access Passcode was previously set to a value other than 0000 for protection purposes, thenthe installer will  want to reprogram the desired passcode into the system after completing the system check-out.  Failure to reset the Maintenance Access Passcode will  only occur if the MMT  is not communicatingwith the ARTU.Symptom:  ERROR=> MMT  communications failure - timed out.If this message is displayed in the Radio Responses window then check the cabling between theARTU  and the MMT.  If the cabling is correct then press "Rtt to repeat the test.i  V4. OA MMT Radio R.~  ~~~-:t~--i! C-2000  ~rta  eDgineering  test  RESET  DINT  ACCESS  pm  perf~  ..!~~t08:  .RESET KA:INT ACCESS PDi  perfo~.  does  not  appear  in  IDrr  window.a)  Check  IDrr  cable connection.b)  Press  .R.  for  repeat.It  should  be  noted  that  this  test  step  changed  the  Maintenance  Access  PINto  0000.  The  Maintenance  Acce..  PDi  is  required  to  start  a  maintenancesession  when  using  the  Handset.  To  change  this  value  to  a  value  other  than0000.  use  the  Handset.  s  setup  option.~Figure 9.1.9. Rest Maintenance Access Passcode MMTI  Troubleshoot Screen.9-12 RevS

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