Raytheon IIS ARTU Air-Ground Radio System User Manual installation manual part five

Raytheon Company Air-Ground Radio System installation manual part five

installation manual part five

EXHIBrrcC-2000  DIGITAL  AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEMFCC ID: COO-ARTUMAGNASTAR7. Handset Alerter  and RJ-ll  Gain  SettingsThe Handset Alerter gain setting sets the audio level for the handset ringer on C-2000 digital handsets. The handset speakerprovides the ringer output.  The Handset Alerter gain can be adjusted between 0 to 31.  The default value is 27. There is verylittle  discernible audio level difference between 27 and 31.Select  +for  more-->Select  the  appropriatenumber  to  change  the  gainsettings.GainsHandset  27Alerter(+)  ->1(-)  ->731->3->9RJ-lSelect  +  to  reach  otherHandset  Attribute  screensMore  --->..Go  BAck  > Auxiliary  Call  Alerter  and Auxiliary  Call  Alerter  CadeneeEach active port can be configured to activate any combination of the ten output switches of the Call Almer  Switch (CAS)when the port is called.  The CAS configuration is station dependent and must be programmed for each individual  active port.When an aux.iliary call aImer  is selected from the maintenance screen, it will  activate the associated output oftbe  CAS. Theoutput will  stay active until another screen is selected. The current aux.iliary call alerter output values will  be highlighted onthe maintenance screen. Note that if CAS 0 is configured as a service availability  indicator or if CAS 9 is configured as a callin progress indicator, CAS 0 and CAS 9 (respectively) will not appear on either the Call Almer or Cadence menus shown inthis section.There are two different cadence patterns in which the CAS outputs can be configured.  They are either one second "on"followed by three seconds of "off'  to simulate a ring, or continuous "on".  Each of the ten individual outputs can beconfigured for either one of the types of cadence. The cadence is a system function and need only be programmed from onehandset. The cadence handset maintenance screen will  display the current setting values. A highlighted number correspondsto a simulated ring with a one second "on"  followed by a three second "off'.  The output will  activate when selected(assuming the output is also selected in the auxiliary call alerter screen) and will  stay active until another screen is selected.Auxiliary-CallAlerterCadenceSelect  the  appropriatenumber(s)  of  the  AuxiliaryCall  Alerter  required. Select  the  appropriatenumber(s)  to  change  theCadence  of  the  CASoutput.AuxiliaryCallAlerter(s)>1  >2  >3>4  >5  >6>7  >8  >9J~.~, >o"{iPress  the  number  again  todeselect  an  output. >1>2  >3>4  >5  >6>7  >8~9>0Press  *  to  view  theCadence  screen.  -->Cadence  >*More  --->+Go  Back  >1 Press  +  to  reach  otherhandset  attribute  screens Go  Back  >1RevS7-19
FCC 10: CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBrrcC-2000  DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM7. Speaker Gain:The alJdjo level of the earpiece on a digital  handset can be changed with the speaker gains screen. The range of val~  for thecoarse speaker gain is from 0 to 31.  Values greater than 24 may cause the receive audio quality to degrade and becomedistorted.  For this reason values above 24 are not recommended. Values in the range of  19 to 24 are normal for mostaircraft.  The speaker gain can temporarily be adjusted using the volume control on the handset. However, to makepennanent changes, this screen must be ~  The fine speaker gain resolution is small enough that it usua.lly is notdiscernible and therefore it is suggested that this value not be changed. The default value for Coarse Speaker Gains is 24 and0 for Fine Speaker Gain.Press  the  appropriate  number  to  changethe  Speaker  Gain  as  required.Press  +  to  reach  otherhandset  attribute  screens7. LED  BUnk RatesA digital handset incorporates an LED which can be used to visually indicate an incoming call.  It is possible to enable theLED to sjgnal in conjunction with the handset ringer.  The LED displays two different blinkjng  patterns to discern betweenan inplane call and an uplink call.  The rate at which these patterns blink  can be varied.  To enable the LED to blink for aninplane call a minimum  value of 5 must be entered. A value of 5 also represents the maximum blink rate for this sjgnal.Values greater than 5 will  result in a slower blinking  rate for the inplane call signaling.  Values of 4 or less will  disable theinplane call LED signaling.  To enable the LED to blink for an uplink call a minimum value of 5 must be entered. A value of5 also represents the maximum blink  rate for this sjgnal.  Values greater than 5 will  result in a slower blinkjng rate for theuplink call indicator.  Values of 4 or less will  disable the uplink call LED indicator.Press  the  appropriate  number  to  increase  ordecrease  the  values  of  the  LED  Blink  Rates.Press  +  to  proceed  to  the  next  HandsetAttribute  screen.RevS7-20
EXHIBIT CC-2000  DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEMFCC ID: CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAR7.  Sidetone GainsAudio that is fed from the microphone to the earpiece speaker is called sidetooe. The value of the sidetone audio can beadjusted. The default value for voice sidetone is 13 and DTMF  is 70.  Values higher than these are not recommended. Theymay be found to be too loud and uncomfortable for the user.Press  the  appropriate  number  to  increase  ordecrease  the  voice  or  DTMP sidetone  audio  levelThe  DTMF  sidetone  adjustment  screen  will  not  appearunless  a  MMTI  is  not  connected  to  the  ARTU.Press  +  to  proceed  to  the  next  HandsetAttribute  screen. Autodial  DTMF  Mo8itorThe autodial DTMF  Monitor  values are used for auto detection of DTMF  tones on the handset RJ-II  interface. The defaultvalues are 3 for scale and 80 for sense. These values should not be changedThe  Autodial  DTMF Monitor  screen  will  not  appearunless  a  MMTI  is  connected  to  the  ARTU.Press  +  to  proceed  to  the  next  Handset  Attributescreen.1-21 RevB
FCC 10: CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBIT CC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM7. MicrophoneTXGainIt is possible to adjust the microphone audio gain.  Because the digital handset incorporates a noise canceling microphone,changing the microphone gain level can significantly  degnide the sound quality and therefore it is not recommended that themicrophone gain level be adjusted. The microphone gain level does not have a standard default value and therefore isadjusted individually  at the factory.  Depending on the software version in the digital  handset, the Microphone TX  Gain mayconsist of one or two screens.~ophoneTX Gain The  Microphone  TX  Gain  screen  will  only  appear  ifa  MMT is  connected  to  the  ARTU.Pine  000(+1)  ->7(-1)  ->7 This  screen  is  one  of  two  different  possible  microphoneTX  gain  adjustment  screen  progressions.(+5)  ->3(-5)  ->9Go  Back  >1~rophOneTX  Ge.it' TX GainAdjustment These  two  screens  are  the  second  of  twopossible  Microphone  TX  Gain  adjustmentscreen  progressions.049 20.1PineThe  value  203  is  the  factorydefaul  t  for  the  TX  Gain  AdjustmentEnter  newvalueClear  -->*Go  Back  >1More  --->+Go  Back  >1RevS7-22
FCC 10: CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBffCC-2000  DIGITAL AI RBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM7.1.2.8 Airall  SereeasThe aircall screens are used to enter personal aircall numbers, retrieve stored aircall messages from memory, reviewprogrammed aircall and SA TCOM  terminal ID's. Personal AireaU Number  RegisterIt is possible for users to enter their personal GTE Airfone Aircall  number in the C-2000 system  As many as nine personalaircaJl numbers can be entered in the C-2000 system  A personal aircall number will  only be active on the handset on whichit is entered. Personal aircall numbers are different from station and aircall numbers in that they are temporary and will  beerased from memory when power is removed from the system,...  YourAirfoneCallingCard  ThruSlot  onRightSelect  8  toview  aircall8creens.-->-PersonalRegister  >1 Select  Ifor  apersonalaircallregister-->ViewMessagesSWipe  aircallcard  throughcard  readerto  enter.  Ifkeypad  entry,see  aircallnuRber  entryin  the  setupsection.Aircraft  >2Station  ->3Personal  >4 KeypadEntryExit  - ,>+,>tMore  --->...Main  --->f7. Viewing  Stored AircaU  NumbeR  (Messages)If an aircall number is stored, then it is possible to review the stored aircaJI nwnber.  The text "Messages" will  appear on theServices screen when the handset is on-hook if an aircall number is stored. The following  screen progressions show how toreview stored aircall numbers.Services PersonalRegister  >1 Select  2,3  or4  to  view.toredaircraft,station  orpersonalaircallnumbers.--->-Messages.will  appearon  theservicesscreen  ifthere  arestoredaircallmessages.-->Select  8  toview  aircallscre8D8.--> viewMessagesInplaneAir-GroundSatcomHF  Radio Aircraft  >2Station  ->3Personal  >4MessagesInplane:  2TermID:  001(219)429-000~More  --->+Main  --->ofAircall  numbers  are  stored  in  the  followingformat.  If  more  than  one  aircall  number  is  stored.then  it  is  possible  to  scroll  through  the  differentnumbers  using  the  Next  or  Previous  options.Stored  aircall  numbers  may  also  be  deleted  with  theappropriate  selection. Viewing  Programmed  AircaU and SATCOM  TerminallD  NumbersRevB7-23
EXHIBrrcC-2000  DIGITAL  AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEMFCC ill:  CDG-ARTUMAGNASTARIt is possible to view Aircall  and SA TCOM  TenninallD  numbers programmed in the maintenance setup screens. Aircall  andSA TCOM  TenninaliD  numbers stored as station type can also be viewed from the Services screen on a digital handset.Ajrcall  and SA TCOM  T enninallD  numbers programmed as aircraft type can only be viewed using the following  screenprogressions.AIrc-allNumber (8)Select  8  toview  aircallscreens.-->PersonalRegister  >1 Select  +to  reviewprogr.-edAircall  andSAreOMTe~inal  IDnumber.  .-->Select  +to  reviewprogr8Jm\edSA'l'COMTerminalID  numbers-->Aircraft(219)429-0001viewMessagesAircraft  >2Station  ->3Personal  >4 Station(219)429-0000More  --->+Go  Back  >1More  --->+Main  --->1AssignedTerminalID(s) PrograJl8led  SATCOM Terminal  ID  numbers  screenAircraft(100)StationIOOl)Go  Back  >1RevB7-24
EXHIBITCC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEMFCC 10: CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAR7.1.2.9  Remote Station  ProgrammingRemote station programming is used to program CDBR-2 analog interface ports.  Equip~nt  connected to these ports do nothave LCD display capabilities.  Therefore, the programming of these interfaces must be performed remotely from a digitalhandset which is then applied to the assigned interface port.  An interface port that is to be assigned must be flash-hooked(taken off hook and then placed back on hook) in order to identify  the analog interface port that is to be programmed.Once the interface port has been flash-hooked, all screens then apply to that assigned interface port.  The maintenance screenscan then be used to program new features or to view items currently programmed for the assigned analog interface port.The screen progressions shown in this section describe only the steps necessary to start a remote programming session and donot detail each programming step for the interface port.  The programming features and functions that are applicable forremote programming are similar to those programming features previously described in this document.-Speed-  DialSetup  ->*Delete  >5 The  station  that  isto  be  prograDBned  mustnow  be  flash  hookedto  identify  the  station/port  the  programmingwill  be  applied.select9.elect7-->RemoteProgram  >/The  screen  will  changewhen  the  system  detectsthat  the  system  hasbeen  flash  hooked.-->Info  --->3More  --->+_in  --->fInfo  --->3Speed  DialSetup  ->*Delete  >5Select*toContinue-->RemoteStationhas  beenAssignedAfter  assigning  a  station/port  to  beremotely  programmed,  screen  selectionwill  be  similar  to  digital  handsetprograDming.RemoteAnswer-->9More  --->+Main  --->1CantExit -->---,-, CDBR-2  Station  SetupA MagnaStar CDBR-2 analog port when connected to the LAN  is considered a station.  It is possible to configure a CDBR-2analog port for different types of operation or station types. A Cabin station is the system default mode and is considered thenormal condition.  A Cockpit station is the same as a Cabin station except for operation when the system Billing  mode isconfigured for credit card.  If the system Billing  roode is set for credit card use, then any station configured as a Cockpitstation will  bill  the aircraft account and not require the use of a credit card. There is no limit  on the number of stations thatcan be configured as Cockpit stations.A CDBR-2 analog port can also be configured as a FAX,  Modem, TDD or PC station. Configuring the CDBR-2 analog portas a Fax, Modem or TDD  station has the following  effect; because the device type or call type is identified, only the ten digitnumber needs to be dialed (for do~c  calls).  When configured as a PC station, any dialing activity  must be preceded by a"3"  or "4"  prefix to identify the type of operation; Fax (3) or Modem (4).  Both functions can be used as long as the prefixidentifies the type of operation.  When a CDBR-2 analog port has been configured as a PC station, it can be programmed totreat an incoming ground to air call as either a Voice, FAX, or roD  call with 4.0B software and above. This is a systemfunction that affects all CDBR-2 ports configured as a PC station. Note that incoming ground to air MODEM  calls are notRevS7-25
EXHIBrrcC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEMFCC 10: CDG-ARTUMAGNASTARsupported. Follow the steps below to program a CDBR-2 port configured as a PC station to treat an incoming ground to aircall as either a Voice, FAX,  or TDD  call.Select1--~Begin  aRemoteProgramsessionasshC*nonpriorpage.Select+~stationcockpit  >1«ibin  ~Enterpas.code+-->nea..-EnterYourPassc~ Choice.will  beshaded .UplinkVoice  ->3.. -->.TDD --->!OK  >+Clear  -->* Go  Back  >t7.2 AIRCRAFT CONFIGURATION SHEETThe aircraft configuration sheets are used to provide the customer with a permanent record of the progrannning set-up of theC-2000 system in the aircraft.  It should be filled  out prior to aircraft delivery.  Because the programming of the system isstored in the ARTU  memory, if the ARTU  needs to be replaced, the system would have to be reprogrammed. The use of theaircraft configuration sheets can be used to help the person programming the system recall the exact set-up.7-26 RevB

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