Raytheon IIS ARTU Air-Ground Radio System User Manual installation manual part three

Raytheon Company Air-Ground Radio System installation manual part three

installation manual part three

FCC ill:  CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBITCC-2000  DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM7.0 PROGRAMMING THE MAGNAST AR SYSTEM7.1 HANDSET CONFIGURATION SCREENSThis section provides detailed information  in support of the C-2000 user guide to help the installer with the configurationprogramming of the MagnaStar system  Included in this section are a flow  chart of the maintenance set-up screens anddescriptions of the handset set-up screens. These screens apply to ARTU  software version ARTCC40B.7.1.1 CONFIGURATION SCREEN FLOW CHARTA flow  chart of the MagnaStar maintenance screens is shown in this section. The flow  chart is intended to provide areference guide to help the installers quickly find the location of individual  configuration screens. The flow chart includesboth the set-up maintenance screens and the airca]] screens.1.1 RevS
FCC ID: CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBIT CC-2000 DIGITAL AI RBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM-4 Phone #  I6AlURing Handset wIAircraft  CallDIsable  PTTDecaySenseL:  Label+4,  Call Waiting14 RevS
FCC ID: CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBUCC-2000  DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEMFigure 7. .8.  Configuration  Screen Flow  Chart  con't.70.:3 Rev 8
FCC 10: CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBIT CC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEML--t  Remote Station AssignedI  Main~n..ce  I1Station  Set Up  IS18tIon  I1 Cockpit2 CoinUplink  I3 Voice4 Fax5TDO*4 5+r~;~~all  Alerter  IFigure 7.1.I.C.  Configuration Screen Flow Chart con't.7-4 RevS
FCC ID: CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBIT CC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM7.1.2 DETAILED CONFIGURATION SCREENSThe following  section provides information about the individual  configuration screens. This section is intended to providethe installer with a visual reference to the configuration screens and is supplemental information to the user guide.  Howeverit is not intended as a replacement for the user guide.  Services ScreenThe following  screen is the Services screen. Whenever a digital handset is in the "on-hook"  configuration, the followingscreen will  be displayed. This screen displays the calling feature that the system is configured to support; i.e. includingInplane, Air-to-Ground,  GroundCeIl, SATCOM  or HF Radio.  The current default link  will  be highlighted.  This screen mayalso display thc tcxt "Messages" to indicate that there are aircall number(s) stored in memory.  The inplane, Station aircalland station terminal ID numbers may also be displayed on the Services screen.  Main  MenuTaking the handset "off-hook"  will  place the user at the main menu screen. The main menu screen provides the user with allthe calling options.  Additionally,  the set-up and aircall options are reached from the main menu.A digital  handset has a built  in Hall Effect switch which is activated by a magnet. If a digital handset is taken out of a holderthat is equipped with a magnet, then the main menu screen will  appear after five seconds. However, during this five secondperiod the main menu screen is active and numbers or functions can be selected even though the screen may not havechanged. If a digital handset holder does not have a magnet, the handset must be taken "off-hook"  by pressing the "+"  key.7-5 RevB
FCC ID: CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAR EXHmIT  CC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM7.1.2.3 Checking  Handset Setup Information  ScreensThe following  screen progressions show how to check the handset "setup" information.  These screens do not require the userto start a maintenance session.CabinStation SoftwareVersionNumbers.elect9-->Ringer  isEnabled. select+-->select3--> ARTCBootDSPUTE4o0B3o1C4o0B1002Inplane:lMore  --->+Go  Back  >tMore  --->+Go  Back  >tOCXOCalFactor-0138zCallWaiting  isEnabled. select+-->select+-->select+-->DirectCallPick-up  isEnabled .RSS:-O84dBMore  --->+Go  Back  >tMore  --->+Go  Back  >tselect+-->  Starting  a Maintenance  SessionThe following  screen progressions show how to establish a "maintenance session". A maintenance session is required toperfonn any changes to a handset or the system configuration.  The passcode can be installation dependent. The factorydefault passcode is 0000.PleaseEnterYourPasscodeselect9-->select+-->enterpass-codethenenter+-->OK  >+Clear  -->!7-6 RevB
FCC ID: CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBITCC-2000  DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM7.1.2.5 Maintenance  Screen #1The first maintenance screen allows the user to change the passcode, change the bi11ing mode, enter handset phone numbers(inplane, aircall and terminal 10's), enter speed dial numbers .510  -.549  and change the AIU  setup. Changing  the Passcode and Billing  ModeThe billing  mode appears below the passcode change selection.  The current value for the billing  mode, either Direct orCredit. is highlighted.  To change the billing  mode, select the appropriate number.  The selection will  be verified by a changein the highlighted option type.The following  screen progressions show how to change the passcode. The system does not ask for reverification of thepasscode once "+"  has been entered for OK.This  is  thescreen  thatwill  appearif  an  invali<passcode  isentered  whenstarting  amaintenancesession<---PasscodeChange  >1Charge~i~Credit  >3Phone  I  >4Speed  DialSetup  ->*Delete  >5nu  >6More  --->+Main  --->1Select1-->Enter  a  newpasscode.We  Coproc'yourrequothisPleaseEnterYourNewpasscodeThen  enter InvalidPasscodeOK  >+Clear  -->*RevBannatessest  attime.
FCC ID: CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBITCC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM7. (nplane  NumbersThe following  screen progressions show how to enter an inplane number and corresponding label.  Inplane numbers are usedto make seat to seat calls.  Inplane numbers can vary from 0-9 and an eight character label can be associated with eachinplane number.Inplane  >1Aircall  >2Satcom  ->3AvailableInplaneNumbersSelect  an  inplanenumber  from  theavailable  list.The  selected  numberwill  be  highlighted>1  >2  >3>4  >5  >6>7  >8  >9>0Select4-->Select1--:>To  DisableCallWaiting  >4Select  +  to  ente:an  inplane  labelMore  --->+Go  Back  >1Go  Back  >.Press-'S'to  pick  acharacterlist.You mayenter  an  8characterlabel.EnterLabel Press0for  ahelpscreen>Press  '6'or  '4'  tomove  up  ordown  thelist.Press  *to  movecursor.There  arefourcharacterlists(A,  a,  0,  /  )from  which  tochoose.cursor  ->*OK  >tHelp  --->0Press'whenfinished Go  Back  >tRevS7-8
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHIBITCC-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM7. Aircall  NumbenThe following  screen progressions show how to enter an aircall number.  The procedure to enter a station or aircraft aircallnumber are the same. A station aircall number applies only to the associated handset that the aircall number is programmed.An aircraft aircall number applies to all the handsets in system  The installer must know the aircall PIN number in order toenter this number.  The aircall PIN will  only be valid for a particular aircail number.  Aircall  and associated PIN numbersmust be obtained from GTE Airfone.  An error screen is shown if an invalid aircall PIN number is entered. The screenprogressions also show how to cancel an aircall number.  An aircraft aircall number is a system function and need only beprogrammed from one handset.Inplane-;;:-  iAircall  >2Satcom  ->3 Select  Aircraft  orStation  to  enter  anaircall  number.Select4-->Select2-->Select  Aircraft  orStation  to  cancel  anaircall  number.To  DisableCallWaiting  >4Go  Back  >tPleaseEnterYourPINStationAircallNumberUpdated.Pass  YourAirfoneCallingCard  ThruSlot  onRiQ'ht~terYourAircallNumber EnterPINnumberSelect+forkeypadentry-->Enteraircallnumber.(212)429-0000 0175 Registeredto  receivemessagesfrom  theground.Pr..s+-->Press+-->~.ypadEntry  ->+Exit  --->t 01:  >+c1.ear  -->*OK  >+Clear  -->*StationAircallNumberCancelledCardInvalidThis  screenshows  theresults  when  aninvalid  PINnumber  isentered.  -->This  screenshows  the  messagedisplayed  afteran  aircallnumber  iscancelled  -->No  longerregisteredto  receivemessagesfrom  theground.Pass  CardthruSlot  -->KeypadBntry  ->+Bxit  >f7-9 RevB
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTUMAGNASTAREXHffiIT  CC-2000 DIGITAL  AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM7. Disabling  a Handset From  Ringing  with  an Aircraft  Aircall  NumberIt is possible to disable any nwnber of individual  handsets from ringing (including the CAS output) when an aircraft aircallnwnber is prograrnrned in the system. Each handset that is not to respond to an aircraft aircall number must be programmedas such. The following  screen progressions show the steps necessary to cancel an aircraft aircall response from an individualhandset.Passc-o~Change  >1chargen~?!JCredit  >3Phone'  >4Speed  DialSetup  ->*Delete  >5AIU  >6More  --->+.in  --->.5eThseYeNoSelect4-->select2--> Direct  Call  PickupIt is possible to configure the MagnaStar system for direct pickup of calls to the aircraft.  A direct call pickup willautomatically dial the ground party when the handset is taken off hook.  The following  screen progressions shown are for thedirect call pickup feature. The Direct Call Pickup is a system function and need only be programmed from one handset.Inplane  >1Aircall  >2Satcom  ->3 Select+--->Select.-->Select2-->To  DisableCallWaiting  >4Go  Back  >1Select+Select  -Yes.  or  -No.  to  configurethe  system  the  for  direct  callpickup.  The  selection  willbe  highlighted.  -Yes.  is  thesyst~  default  value.7-10 RevS1.+en1es  'ct>ctor

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