Shinko Electric Co 199909010001 Communication Modem Controller User Manual OHVC Operation Manual

Shinko Electric Co Ltd Communication Modem Controller OHVC Operation Manual

OHVC Operation Manual

FCC ID : OPO199909010001CRP6T3142-01E Rev.0 1/15Shinko Manufacturing number:  CONFIDENTIALOPERATION MANUALOfOHVC(INTRABAY OHT SYSTEM)Sep 6. 1999
FCC ID : OPO199909010001CRP6T3142-01E Rev.0 2/15HistoryRev. Date Description App Chk Drwn0 ‘99.09.06 First issue Y.F
FCC ID : OPO199909010001CRP6T3142-01E Rev.0 3/15***** CONTENTS *****1. General -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.1 Application ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. System Configuration -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.1 System Configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. System Startup -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.1 System startup procedure ---------------------------------------------------------------------------3.2 System shutdown procedure -----------------------------------------------------------------------3.3 Error recovery procedure ----------------------------------------------------------------------------4. Transpotation Control ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.1 Basic transport flow -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. OHVC operation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.1 Operation mode control ------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.1.1 Maintenance mode ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.1.2 Manual mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.1.3 Auto mode ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.1.4 Paused mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.1.5 Shutdown -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.2 Display control ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.3 Log -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.4 Statistics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.5 Manual operation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.6 Maintenance operation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.7 Parameter setup ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.8 Engineer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.9 HELP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------44445555788888888910111213141515
FCC ID : OPO199909010001CRP6T3142-01E Rev.0 4/15CHAPTER 1 General1.1 Application  This document describes the operation method of OHVC.CHAPTER 2 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION2.1 System configuration   The OHVC control the transportation of FOUP using several kinds of communication lines.    A system configuration is shown in Fig. 1.Fig.1 System Configuration
FCC ID : OPO199909010001CRP6T3142-01E Rev.0 5/15CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM STARTUP3.1 System startup procedure  The following procedure is used for ONLINE operation of OHVC.    (1)Apply powersource for OTH system.    (2)Power On OHVC, and wait completion of windows startup.    (3)Enter CTRL+ALT+DEL, and ENTER for login window(no password).    (4)Start OHVC application program as follows.          a) Click and activate the process from windows console as follows,             START-PROGRAM-OHVCSYSTEM-OHVC             then OHVC monitor screen is displayed on the screen,             and operation mode will be changed from startup to maintenance mode.          b) Login using login box (User: sdk password: ***).    (5)Start Auto mode operation as follows.        a)Click operation mode box, and select Manual mode.        b)Entry all vehicles using vehicle entry dialog screen that          is activated by manual command menu bar.        c)Click operation mode box, and select Hold mode, and select Auto mode.          After that, all vehicles start running on the monitor screen.        d)Then, OHVC is able to accept and execute Remote Command from the HOST          computer.3.2 System shutdown procedure  The following procedure is used for shutdown operation of OHVC.    (1)Termination of Auto mode operation          a)Click operation mode box, and select manual mode.    (2)Shut down of OHVC          a)Click operation mode box, and select maintenance mode.          b)Click operation mode box, and select shutdown.          c)Shutdown windows using Windows system shutdown window.          d)Power off OHVC.    (3)Shutdown power source of OHT system.3.3 Error recovery procedure of OHVC    (1)OHVC is changed the control mode from Auto to Hold mode if several error occured.       All vehicles are stopped by OHVC.    (2)Remove error, and perform Error reset operation by maintenance menu bar.    (3)Perform Reentry operation by maintenance menu bar.    (4)If need, delete transport request using Trans.Req screen and delete the request command       from Host.    (5)Change the OHVC mode from Paused to Auto, then all vehicle continue transportaion.
FCC ID : OPO199909010001CRP6T3142-01E Rev.0 6/15                                     Power On(Windows) .Not function                                 Key operation                                   (Startup/Shutdown)MAINTENANCE             MODE(TSCINIT).Maintenance operation is available                                Key operation                                    (Mainte<->Manual)MANUAL MODE(TSCINIT) .Manual operation is available     Key operation       (Manual->Hold)          Key oparation                                     (Auto->Manual) MODE(AUTO) .Host command is available                                Key operation                                     (Auto<->Hold)                                or Alarm conditionHOLD MODE(PAUSED) .Host comand is available.Transportation is pausedFigure.2 OHVC Mode control
FCC ID : OPO199909010001CRP6T3142-01E Rev.0 7/15Chapter 4 Transportation Control4.1 Basic transport flowHOST OHVC AllocatedVehicle FROM  station TO  station Vehicle Stage Vehicle StageTRANSFERCOMMANDNGOK  Transfer   Vehicle  Vehicle    Trans    Vehicle   Carrier   Vehicle    Vehicle   Vehicle   Vehicle   Carrier   Vehicle   Vehicle  Transfer                Check                Avail.                 (Note)Vehicle DispatchControlInitiatedAssignedTransportcommand         (From-To)ArrivedFerringAquireStartedInstalledAquireCompletedDepartedArrived  (Load Incompletion)(Recovery procedure)    (Stored in Stocker)DepositStartedRemovedDepositCompleted       Idling CommandUnasignedCompleted Free run orWaitingArrivalAcquiringArrivalDepositingCompFig. 3 Basic transport flow
FCC ID : OPO199909010001CRP6T3142-01E Rev.0 8/15Chapter 5 OHVC operation5.1 Operation Mode control5.1.1 Maintenance Mode      .Using for parameter change of OHVC.      .Entry,Deletion of the vehicle and several parameter change using maintenance menu bar.      .Maintenance mode is initial condition of OHVC after program started.5.1.2 Manual mode      .Using for manual operation of the vehicle.      .Vehicle manual running command is available using manual memu bar.5.1.3 Auto mode      .Execute Host remote command.5.1.4 Paused mode      .Stop auto mode transportation by Host remote command or operator command.      .If OHVC detect the fatal error, then Paused mode is selected automatically.5.1.5 Shutdown      .Save all controll data, and terminate OHVC application program.Function OutlineOperation OHVC mode change operationMode Change the OHVC operation modeMaintenance mode .To maintenance modeManual mode .To manual modeAuto mode .To auto modeHold mode .To hold modeShutdown .Shutdown the OHVC
FCC ID : OPO199909010001CRP6T3142-01E Rev.0 9/155.2 Display control      .OHVC operation can be select by menu bar on the screen.      .Tool bar is used for zoom up/down the root monitor screen.      .Help is usefull for the operation without the manual.Function OutlineMonitor Monitoring the OHVCMonitor display Monitor the data/status of the OHVCRoute monitor .Display actual position of vehicles on the route.Vehicle color indicate the tranport condition.Zoom up/down and scroll is available for confirmation of vehicle position.Trans.Request Monitor .Display contents of transport request command   Trans.ID/From.ST->To.ST/Priority/Alt/VehicleNo./Staus.Detailed monitor is activated by LeftDoubleClick of the mouse..Delete screen is activated by RightDoubleClick of the mouse.VehicleStatus Monitor .Display vehicle status.   VehicleNo./Status/TransKind/TransID/Priority/Position/   From.ST/To.ST/Foup/LoopNo..Detailed monitor is activated by LeftDoubleClick of the mouse..Vehicle operation screen is activated by RightDoubleClick of themouse.Alarm monitor .Display latest 100 alarm event.   Date&Time/Position/EventCode/AlarmContent/.Alarm log screen displays total of 2000event cyclickly.Controller Monitor .Display controller status by tree format.    OHVC/Vehicle/EPLC.Detailed monitor is activated by LeftDoubleClick of the mouse.
FCC ID : OPO199909010001CRP6T3142-01E Rev.0 10/155.3 Log      .OHVC is able to display several kind of Log screen at same time.      .Each Log data is available jump,search and save function.      .Log screen displays 100event/Page, and page up/down button is available.      .3 level display control is available for some screen.Function OutlineLog Display,Save the Log dataLog display Display the Log dataTransportResult .Transport Result of Host requested command   Date&Time/TransKind/TransID/From.ST->To.ST/Priority    /VehicleNo./Alt,etcAlarm .Display alarm event of vehicle and OHVC    Date&Time/Position/EventCode/ContentOHVC event .Display OHVC event:Mode change,Trans Start/End,Alarm     Date&Time/EventCode/ContentHost Comm. .Display ethernet communication log.     Date&Time/Partner/Direction/MsgName/ContentVehicle event .Display vehicle event that is stored in the vehicle.     Date&Time/EventCode/Content.Vehicle event is gathered by specific command of mainten -ance menu bar.Vehicle Comm. .Display communication log with OHVC and vehicles     Date&Time/VehicleNo/Direction/MsgName/ContentEPLC Comm. .Display communication log with OHVC and EPLC     Date&Time/Direction/MsgName/ContentLog operation Operation for log dataJump .Jump to indicated Date&Time positionSearch .Search indicated keyword in the log     Keyword:TransID,VehicleNo,EventCode,etcPickup .Pickup indicated keyword in the log     Keyword:TransID,VehicleNo,EventCode,etcSave .Save log data of indicated range to the file(FD,MO)     Range(Start/End),FileName,Format(Text,CSV)
FCC ID : OPO199909010001CRP6T3142-01E Rev.0 11/155.4 StatisticsFunction OutlineStatistics Display/Save the statistics dataDisplay Statistics Display several statistics dataTransportCount .Display Transport count with From.ST-To.ST matrix.VehicleMileage .Display mileage of each vehicles.VehicleAvailability .Display availability data of each vehicle.  TotalEntryTime/TotalYransportTime/TotalWaitingTime/    Etc.VehicleTransTime .Display MAX/MIN/AVE time of transport.    TransCommandReceive to From.ST arrival    TransCommandReceive to LoadCompletion    TransCommandReceive to To.ST arrival    TransCommandReceive to UnloadCompletionSystem Maintenance data .Display system maintenance data    MTBF/MCBF/MTBA/MCBA/Uptime/MTTR/MTOL/.This function is depend on operater input data.Vehicle Maintenance data .Display alarm count of each vehicle.    VehicleNo./EventCode/CountOHVC Maintenance data .Display alarm count of OHVC.    EventCode/CountStatistics Input .Input base data of system maintenance data.    FABdown time/MaintenanceDaleyTime/etc.Operation for statistics data Operation for statistics dataDeletion .Clear statistics data    Range or VehicleNo. is indicate by operaterSave .Save indicated statistics data to the file(FD,MO)
FCC ID : OPO199909010001CRP6T3142-01E Rev.0 12/155.5 Manual operationFunction OutlineOperation OperationManual operation Manual operationDeletion of Trans.Req .Delete the indicated transport Request from HostManual running .Command for the vehicle->Run From.ST to To.STContinuous running test .Continuous run,stop test of the vehicle..This function is used for site installation test.BarCode test .Vehicle run by barcode test mode..This function is used for site installation test.Compulsory mode transition . Terminate OHVC mode transition compulsory.Emergency stop the vehicle .Stop the vehicle.
FCC ID : OPO199909010001CRP6T3142-01E Rev.0 13/155.6 Maintenance operationFunction OutlineOperation OperationMaintenance operation Maintenance operationEntry .Entry the vehicle on the route.Exit .Exit the vehicle from the routeDLL .Down line the Map data to the vehicle.VehicleEventGatherring .Gather vehicle event data that stored in the vehicle.ErrorReset .Send error reset command to all vehicles.CommunicationTest .Execute and display result of communication test with OHVC and vehicles.Initialize vehicle .Request the vehicle initial condition.
FCC ID : OPO199909010001CRP6T3142-01E Rev.0 14/155.7 Parameter setupFunction OutlineOperation OperationSetup Data setupParameterAlternate station .Display alternate destination tableNo-destinationTrans .Display and setup No-destination Trans.Req table.User .Setup user password and operation level.Date&Time .Setup OHVC&Vehicle’s Date&TimeRoute .Setup the vehicle loop no(OHV is all ways 1).Color setup .Setup the color for each status of the vehicleMapFileRead .Map data file read from FD drive.
FCC ID : OPO199909010001CRP6T3142-01E Rev.0 15/155.8 EngineerFunction OutlineOperation OperationEngineer Maintenance operation of maker engineerEPLC registerMonitor .Monitor the EPLC control registor.VehicleParameter .Setup vehicle parameter temporary.5.9 HELPFunction OutlineHELP HELPDisplay HELP file Display HELP fileBasic operation .Display OHVC basic operation methodVersion .Display OHVC and Vehicle program version..Display Map data version in the vehicleHELP operation HELP operationSearch .Serach keyword in HELP file.Save .Save indicated page to the file(FD).

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