Sierra Wireless SB3000P PCS CDMA Voice/Data Modem for Handspring PDAs User Manual SB3000
Sierra Wireless, Inc PCS CDMA Voice/Data Modem for Handspring PDAs SB3000
Users Manual Part 5 of 6
Using Your Address Book 99
10 10 10 10 Using Your
Address Book 10
ᮣBy displaying the Internal Phone Book entry name or
phone number, the time and date of the alarm and the
following menu options.
Call Alarm Menu
<This section is not applicable. Confirmed by AirPrime. OK
to remove?>
When your phone is turned on and you have a call alarm
scheduled, your phone alerts you and displays the following
options. To select an option, highlight it and press .
ᮣOK to display the Call or Roam Call option.
To dial the number, press again.
Editing an Internal Phone Book Entry
<This section is not applicable. Confirmed by AirPrime. OK
to remove?>
To make changes to an entry:
1. Display an Internal Phone Book entry.
2. Highlight Edit Entry and press .
To select an option, highlight it and press .
ᮣName to change the entry’s name. Enter the new name
and press . (See “Entering Characters by Tapping
the Keypad” on page xx.)
ᮣRinger Type to assign an individual ringer type to the
entry. (See “Selecting a Ringer Type for an Entry” on
page xx.)
ᮣSecret Mode to select the entry’s Secret mode. (See
Secret Internal Phone Book Entries” on page xx.)
Selecting a Ringer Type for an Entry
<This section is covered in Speed Dial section. OK to
remove here?>
Section 10
100 Using Your Address Book
You can assign a ringer type to an Internal Phone Book
entry so you can identify the caller by the ringer type. (See
Ringer Types” on page xx.)
To select a ringer type for an entry:
1. Display an Internal Phone Book entry.
2. Highlight Edit Entry and press .
3. Highlight Ringer Type and press .
4. Highlight a ringer type and press .
(You will hear a preview of the ringer type when you
highlight it.)
Secret Internal Phone Book Entries
<This section is not applicable. Confirmed by AirPrime. OK
to remove?>
You can hide an entry’s phone number(s) and require your
lock code to change it by making the entry secret. The entry
name is still displayed, but the number is replaced by
To make an entry secret:
1. Display an Internal Phone Book entry.
2. Highlight Edit Entry and press .
3. Highlight Secret Mode and press .
4. Highlight Yes and press .
To make an entry not secret:
1. Display an Internal Phone Book entry.
2. Highlight Edit Entry and press .
3. Enter your lock code.
4. Highlight Secret Mode and press .
5. Highlight No and press .
Dialing Sprint PCS Services
<This section is not applicable. There is no way to access
Sprint PCS Services through the Address Book. OK to
You must be in Digital mode to access Sprint PCS Services.
Using Your Address Book 101
10 10 10 10 Using Your
Address Book 10
To dial a service:
1. From the main menu, highlight Phone Book and
press .
2. Highlight Services and press .
3. Highlight Account Info, Customer Care, Dir Assist,
Prepaid or Road Assist and press .
4. Highlight Call and press .
My Sprint PCS Communicator Number
<This section is not applicable. It’s not included in Address
Book. Will cover this in settings. OK to remove?>
To display your phone number:
1. From the main menu, highlight Phone Book and
press .
2. Highlight My Phone # and press .
Changing Your Module’s Settings 103
Changing Your
Module’s Settings11 11 11 11 11
Changing Your Module’s Settings
In this Section
ᮣSetting Your Phone Module Preferences
ᮣSetting Your Ringer Preferences
ᮣSetting Your Call Preferences
ᮣSetting Your Data Preferences
<change this to something more descriptive>
ᮣChanging the Contrast
ᮣDisplaying your Sprint PCS Communicator Number
ᮣChanging the Greeting
ᮣAdjusting the Volume
ᮣRinger Types
ᮣSelecting Ringer Types
ᮣChanging the Backlight Setting
his section describes how you can change your module’s settings to best
suit your requirements. Take a few moments to review these options
and add or adjust the settings that are right for you.
Changing Your Module’s Settings 105
Changing Your
Module’s Settings 11 11 Understanding
Roaming 11 11 11
Changing the Greeting
<This section is not applicable. Confirmed by AirPrime. OK
to discard?>
The greeting can be up to xx characters and is displayed on
the first line of your phone’s display screen in Standby
To change your greeting:
Setting Your Phone Module Preferences
You can customize how your module looks and behaves
using the Phone Preferences menu item. This menu item
lets you choose which screen you want to see when you
launch the Phone application and which screens are
available when you repeatedly press the Phone Application
button. You can also specify the type of DTMF tones your
module sends and load the current CDMA time onto your
To set your phone preferences:
1. Make sure your module is on.
2. Press the Phone Application button or tap the
Phone icon in the Applications Launcher to start the
Phone application.
3. Tap the Menu icon on your Visor™ handheld to
view the menus.
<Need icon.>
For more information
about using the menus,
see page 52. Also, refer
o the “Visor Handheld
User Guide” that came
with your handheld.
Section 11
106 Changing Your Module’s Settings
4. From the Options menu, tap Phone Preferences.
<Insert graphic of Phone Prefs screen.>
5. Use the following options to change how your module
looks. To select or change an option, tap it.
ᮣStarting View is the screen you see when you start
the Phone application. Tap to choose the
Speed Dial screen, tap to choose the Dialpad
screen, or tap to choose the Call History
screen. The current starting view is highlighted.
ᮣButton View controls which screens are available
to cycle through when you press the Phone
Application button repeatedly. Highlighted
views are available. Tap a view to select or de-select
ᮣShort DTMF tone sets the length of DTMF tones
your module sends. Short tones work well with
most automated systems.
ᮣLoad CDMA time to load the highly accurate
CDMA time onto your module. When prompted, tap
OK to confirm.
6. Tap OK to save your changes, or tap Cancel to return
to the Phone application without saving your changes.
Setting Your Ringer Preferences
The Ringer Preferences menu item lets you control how
your module alerts you to new voice calls, messages, and
service alerts. You can also use this menu item to turn off
all of the sounds on your module.
Tap the Information icon
<> on the Phone
Preferences screen to
get additional info.
<Need info
If you set one ring
profile to have a loud
ring and the other
profile to vibrate only,
you can use the Ring
Profile Selector to
quickly change to a
vibrating ringer. That
way, you can be alerted
o calls and messages
without disturbing
others. You can also
immediately silence the
ringer by briefly
pressing the Power
Changing Your Module’s Settings 107
Changing Your
Module’s Settings 11 11 Understanding
Roaming 11 11 11
Your Sprint PCS Communicator uses ring profiles to help
you organize your sounds. A ring profile is a group of
settings that work together to determine what you hear
when you get an incoming call, message, or alert.
Your module allows you to set up two distinct ring profiles.
For each ring profile, you can set the type of sound you
want, the volume of the ringer, and whether you want the
module to vibrate. You can also choose whether you want
the module to ring when you have a new voicemail
message or to there is a network change.
To set your ringer preferences:
1. Make sure your module is on.
2. Press the Phone Application button or tap the
Phone icon in the Applications Launcher to start the
Phone application.
3. Tap the Menu icon on your Visor™ handheld to
view the menus.
<Need icon.>
4. From the Options menu, tap Ringer Preferences.
<Insert graphic of Ringer Prefs screen.>
5. The Ringer Preferences screen gives you the following
options. To change or select an option, tap it.
ᮣAll Sound Off turns off all of the sounds on your
module. This setting overrides all other ringer
ᮣRing is the sound you hear when you receive an
incoming call. You can choose between 9 different
For more information
about using the menus,
see page 52. Also, refer
o the “Visor Handheld
User Guide” that came
with your handheld.
Tap the Information icon
<> on the Phone
Preferences screen to
get additional info.
<Need info
There are certain
instances where you
might not hear the ring
you selected. See
“Using Special Ringers”
on page 108 for more
Section 11
108 Changing Your Module’s Settings
rings, including standard ringer types and familiar
music. To select the ring, tap the arrow next to
Ring, then tap the ring you want from the pull-
down menu.
ᮣVolume is the volume of the ring. You can choose
from three preset volume levels: Loud, Soft, or Off.
ᮣVibrate turns the vibrating mechanism on and off.
ᮣMsg Alert controls whether the module rings
when you have a new voicemail message.
ᮣSvc Alert controls whether the module rings when
there is a network change.
6. Tap OK to save your changes, or tap Cancel to return
to the Phone application without saving your changes.
Switching Between the Ring Profiles
Once you’ve set up your two ring profiles, you can quickly
switch between them using the Ring Profile
Selector on the top of the SB3000. The Ring
Profile Selector has two settings that correspond to the two
ring profiles.
To switch the ring profile:
▲Slide the Ring Profile Selector to the other
Using Special Ringers
Some special ringers may override the ring you selected in
the Ringer Preferences menu.
ᮣIf you receive a call from someone on your Speed Dial
list for whom you’ve set up a special ring (see
page 127), you will hear the special Speed Dial ringer
instead of the ring you selected in the Ringer
Preferences menu.
ᮣIf Roam ringer is enabled (see page 32) and you receive
a call while roaming, you will hear the special Roam
ringer instead of the ring you selected in the Ringer
Preferences menu.
The module plays the
ring as you make
changes to it. To disable
his feature, tap the
checkbox next to Play
ring when changed to
deselect it.
By using different
combinations of
settings, you can set
your module to ring and
vibrate, ring only, or
vibrate only.
Changing Your Module’s Settings 109
Changing Your
Module’s Settings 11 11 Understanding
Roaming 11 11 11
ᮣIf you selected All Sound Off in the Ringer Preferences
menu, you will not hear any ring.
Setting Your Call Preferences
The Call Preferences menu item lets you select how your
calls are handled. You can use this menu item to set up Call
Forwarding, disable Call Waiting, and block your outgoing
Caller ID.
Setting Up Call Forwarding
Call Forwarding lets you forward all your incoming calls to
another phone number – even when your module is turned
To set up Call Forwarding:
1. Make sure your module is on.
2. Press the Phone Application button or tap the
Phone icon in the Applications Launcher to start the
Phone application.
3. Tap the Menu icon on your Visor™ handheld to
view the menus.
<Need icon.>
4. From the Options menu, tap Call Preferences.
5. Tap the arrow next to forward all calls to and select a
number to forward your calls to, or select one of these
options from the pop-up Call Forwading list:
ᮣDo not forward to disable Call Forwarding.
ᮣEdit numbers to add new a new forwarding
number or edit an existing number (see
"Managing your Call Forwarding List" on page 68).
6. Tap OK.
Disabling Call Waiting
Call Waiting alerts you to an incoming call while you are
on the phone. If you disable Call Waiting, any calls that
come in while you are on the phone go directly to
For more information
about Call Forwarding,
see page 67.
You are charged a
higher rate for calls you
have forwarded.
For more information
about using the menus,
see page 52. Also, refer
o the “Visor Handheld
User Guide” that came
with your handheld.
For more information
about Call Waiting, see
page 64.
Section 11
110 Changing Your Module’s Settings
To disable Call Waiting:
1. Make sure your module is on.
2. Press the Phone Application button or tap the
Phone icon in the Applications Launcher to start the
Phone application.
3. Tap the Menu icon on your Visor™ handheld to
view the menus.
<Need icon.>
4. From the Options menu, tap Call Preferences.
5. Tap the checkbox next to Disable call waiting to
select it.
6. Tap OK.
Blocking Outgoing Caller ID
When you make a call from your Sprint PCS
Communicator, your phone number is displayed to the
person you call (if that person has Caller ID). If you do not
want your number to display on outgoing calls, you can
block outgoing Caller ID.
To block outgoing Caller ID:
1. Make sure your module is on.
2. Press the Phone Application button or tap the
Phone icon in the Applications Launcher to start the
Phone application.
3. Tap the Menu icon on your Visor™ handheld to
view the menus.
<Need icon.>
4. From the Options menu, tap Call Preferences.
5. Tap the checkbox next to Block outgoing caller id to
select it.
6. Tap OK.
Setting Your Security Preferences
You can use the Security Preferences menu item to lock
your phone and program special numbers that can be
Call Waiting is never
enabled when you are
on a data call.
You cannot disable Call
Waiting and block the
ougoing Caller ID at the
same time.
For more information
about Caller ID, see
page 64.
For more information
about using the menus,
see page 52. Also, refer
o the “Visor Handheld
User Guide” that came
with your handheld.
Changing Your Module’s Settings 111
Changing Your
Module’s Settings 11 11 Understanding
Roaming 11 11 11
dialed even when your phone is locked. You can also use
this menu to change the password for your module.
To set your security preferences:
1. Make sure your module is on.
2. Press the Phone Application button or tap the
Phone icon in the Applications Launcher to start the
Phone application.
3. Tap the Menu icon on your Visor™ handheld to
view the menus.
<Need icon.>
4. From the Options menu, tap Security Preferences.
<Insert graphic of Security Prefs screen.>
5. Tap the checkbox next to Lock Phone on power off to
lock your module the next time you turn it off. To turn
your phone back on, you will need to enter a password.
For more information, see page 121.
6. Enter up to three phone numbers that you want to be
able to dial even if your phone is locked. For more
information about using special numbers, see
page 124.
7. To change your password, tap Change Password. For
more information, see page 123.
8. Tap OK.
Tap the Information icon
<> on the Security
Preferences screen to
get additional info.
<Need info
Section 11
112 Changing Your Module’s Settings
Setting Your Roam Preferences
The Roam Preferences menu item lets you choose options
to help you control your roaming.
For more information on roaming, see page 29.
To choose your roaming preferences:
1. Make sure your module is on.
2. Press the Phone Application button or tap the
Phone icon in the Applications Launcher to start the
Phone application.
3. Tap the Menu icon on your Visor™ handheld to
view the menus.
<Need icon.>
4. From the Options menu, tap Roam Preferences.
<Insert graphic of Roam Prefs screen.>
5. The Roam Preferences screen gives you the following
options. To change or select an option, tap it.
ᮣAllow digital roaming: This option determines
whether you can roam off the Sprint PCS
Nationwide Network.
ᮣCall Guard: This feature causes a warning dialog
to appear when you try to place a call while you are
roaming off the Sprint PCS Network. See page 32
for more information.
ᮣRoam Ringer: This feature allows you to pick a
special ringer to alert you to incoming calls while
you are roaming. See page 32 for more
For more information
about using the menus,
see page 52. Also, refer
o the “Visor Handheld
User Guide” that came
with your handheld.
Tap the Information icon
<> on the Roam
Preferences screen to
get additional info.
<Need info
Call Guard and Roam
Ringer are only
applicable if Allow
digital roaming is
Changing Your Module’s Settings 113
Changing Your
Module’s Settings 11 11 Understanding
Roaming 11 11 11
6. Tap OK.
Setting Your Data Preferences
The Data Preferences menu item lets you select the data
applications you can launch using the Data Applications
button .
To set your data preferences:
1. Make sure your module is on.
2. Press the Phone Application button or tap the
Phone icon in the Applications Launcher to start the
Phone application.
3. From the Options menu, tap Data Preferences.
<Insert graphic of Data Prefs screen.>
4. Select the data applications you want to be able to
access using the Data Applications button . The
first application you select becomes your default data
5. Tap the arrow next to Idle timeout to select how long to
maintain the network connection after a data
application closes. This setting works with the network
settings on your Visor handheld. For more information,
refer to the “Visor Handheld User Guide” that came
with your handheld.
6. Tap OK.
You can access the
module’s menus by
apping the menu icon
on your Visor handheld.
For more information,
see the “Visor Handheld
User Guide” that came
with your handheld.
Tap the Information icon
<> on the Roam
Preferences screen to
get additional info.
<Need info
Once you have selected
your data applications,
you can cycle through
hem by repeatedly
pressing the Data
Applications button.
Section 11
114 Changing Your Module’s Settings
Setting Your Font Preferences
You can use the Font Preferences menu item to change the
font used to display your Call History. This menu is only
available when you are viewing the Call History screen.
For more information about setting your Call History
preferences, see page 92.
Using the About Phone Menu Item
The About Phone menu item gives you information about
your module, including your Sprint PCS phone number,
the model number of your module, and the Electronic
Serial Number (ESN). This menu also gives you
information about the software versions you are using.
To view the About Phone menu:
1. Make sure your module is on.
2. Press the Phone Application button or tap the
Phone icon in the Applications Launcher to start the
Phone application.
3. From the Options menu, tap About Phone.
<Insert graphic of About Phone screen.>
4. Tap OK to return to the Phone application.
Using the Activation Screen
The Activation screen is only available before your module
is activated. It is used to activate your module if it cannot be
activated over the air. Once your module is activated, this
screen is no longer available.
You can access the
module’s menus by
apping the menu icon
on your Visor handheld.
For more information,
see the “Visor Handheld
User Guide” that came
with your handheld.
Changing Your Module’s Settings 115
Changing Your
Module’s Settings 11 11 Understanding
Roaming 11 11 11
During the activation process, you may be instructed by
Sprint PCS Customer Care to go to this screen.
To go to the Activation sreen:
1. Make sure your module is on.
2. Press the Phone Application button or tap the
Phone icon in the Applications Launcher to start the
Phone application.
3. From the Options menu, tap Activation.
<Insert graphic of Activation screen.>
4. Enter the lock code and any other information given to
you by Sprint PCS Customer Care.
5. Tap OK to complete the activation process.
Adjusting the Ringer Volume
<Covered above. OK’d by AirPrime. OK to discard?>
To adjust the ringer volume:
Ringer Types
<Not applicable. Confirmed by AirPrime. OK to discard?>
Ringer types help you identify incoming calls and
messages. You can assign ringer types to individual Internal
Phone Book entries, types of calls and types of messages.
You can access the
module’s menus by
apping the menu
icon on your Visor
handheld. For more
information, see the
“Visor Handheld
User Guide” that
came with your
You can use the volume
control keys on the side
of the phone to adjust
he ringer volume in
Standby mode or the
voice or speakerphone
volume during a call.
Section 11
116 Changing Your Module’s Settings
ᮣPreprogrammed Ringers include a variety of standard
ringer types and familiar music.
ᮣVibrating Ringer alerts you to calls or messages
without disturbing others.
ᮣDownloadable Ringers can be downloaded from
Internet sites.
Selecting Ringer Types for Voice Calls
<Not applicable. Confirmed by AirPrime. OK to discard?>
To select a ringer type for voice calls so you can tell what
kind of call is coming in by the ringer:
Selecting Ringer Types for Messages
<Not applicable. Confirmed by AirPrime. OK to discard?>
To select a ringer type for messages:
Selecting Ringer Types for Alarms
<Not applicable. Confirmed by AirPrime. OK to discard?>
To select a ringer type for alarms:
Changing the Backlight Time Length
<Not applicable. Confirmed by AirPrime. OK to discard?>
The backlight setting lets you select how long the display
screen and keypad are backlit after any key press is made.
To change the backlight setting:
Long backlight settings
affect the battery’s talk
and standby times.
Changing Your Module’s Settings 117
Changing Your
Module’s Settings 11 11 Understanding
Roaming 11 11 11
Changing the Contrast
To adjust the contrast on the module’s display screen:
1. Tap the Contrast control on your Visor handheld.
2. Use the Adjust Contrast screen to change the contrast.
3. Tap Done.
Data Mode
<Not applicable. Confirmed by AirPrime. OK to remove?>
The Sprint PCS Wireless Web™ Connection Kit (purchased
separately) lets you link your laptop PC to your
Sprint PCS Communicator so you can send and receive
Receiving Data
<Not applicable. Confirmed by AirPrime. OK to remove?>
To receive data with your module:
Returning to Voice Mode
<Covered in Data Apps chapter OK to discard here?>
To return to Standby mode at the end of a data
transmission, highlight Exit Data Mode and press .
To return to Standby mode from Data mode:
For more
information on the
Contrast control,
see "Handheld
Controls" on page
16, or refer to the
“Visor Handheld
User Guide” that
came with your
The module must be on
digital network to send
or receive data.
When your module is in
Data mode, you cannot
make or receive voice
The module always
powers up in Standby
mode, even if it was
powered down in
Data mode. The module
also returns to Standby
mode if the data cable is
Setting Your Module’s Security 119
Roaming 12 Your Module’s
Secruity 12 Understanding
Roaming 12 Getting Started 12 Getting Started 12
Setting Your Module’s Security
In this Section
ᮣAccessing the Security Preferences Menu
ᮣLocking Your Module
ᮣUnlocking Your Module
ᮣRestricting Calls
ᮣUsing Special Numbers
y using the security setting on your Sprint PCS Communicator™, you
receive peace of mind without sacrificing flexibility. With several
options available, you can customize your module to meet your personal
Section 12
120 Setting Your Module’s Security
Accessing the Security Preferences Menu
You can use the Security Preferences menu to lock your
phone and program special numbers that can be dialed
even when your phone is locked. You can also use this
menu to change the password for your module.
To access the Security Preferences menu:
1. Make sure your module is on.
2. Press the Phone Application button or tap the
Phone icon in the Applications Launcher to start the
Phone application.
3. Tap the Menu icon on your Visor™ handheld to
view the menus.
<Need icon.>
4. From the Options menu, tap Security Preferences.
<Insert graphic of Security Prefs screen.>
5. Tap the checkbox next to Lock Phone on power off to
lock your module the next time you turn it off. To turn
your phone back on, you will need to enter a password.
For more information, see page 121.
6. Enter up to three phone numbers that you want to be
able to dial even if your phone is locked. For more
information about using special numbers, see
page 124.
7. To change your password, tap Change Password. For
more information, see page 123.
8. Tap OK.
For more information
about using the menus,
see page 52. Also, refer
o the “Visor Handheld
User Guide” that came
with your handheld.
Tap the Information icon
<> on the Security
Preferences screen to
get additional info.
<Need info
Setting Your Module’s Security 121
Getting Started 12 Your Module’s
Secruity 12 Understanding
Roaming 12 Getting Started 12 Getting Started 12
Locking Your Module
When your module is locked, you can receive incoming
calls, missed call alerts, and SMS Text Messages. You can
also make calls to 911, Sprint PCS Customer Care or special
numbers. You cannot make other outgoing calls without
unlocking your phone.
To lock your module:
1. On the Security Preferences menu, tap the checkbox
next to Lock Phone on power off to select it. The
Password screen appears.
<Insert graphic of Password screen.>
2. Enter your password and tap OK.
3. Tap OK. Your module will lock when you turn it off.
The next time you turn on your module, you will need
to enter your password to place a call.
Placing a call while your module is locked
When your module is locked, you will see the Unlock Phone
<Insert graphic of Unlock Phone screen.>
If you can’t recall
your lock
password, try using
he last four digits
of either your Social
Security number or
Sprint PCS
Number or try 0000.
If none of these
work, call Sprint
PCS Customer Care
Section 12
122 Setting Your Module’s Security
ᮣTo place a regular call, enter your password and tap
ᮣTo place an emergency call, tap Make Emergency
Call and dial 911.
ᮣTo place a call to one of your special numbers, tap
Make Special Call and dial the number. For more
information about special numbers, see page 124.
Unlocking Your Module
Once you have locked your phone, it remains locked until
you use the Security Preferences menu to unlock it.
To unlock your module:
1. On the Security Preferences menu, tap the checkbox
next to Lock Phone on power off to deselect it. The
Password screen appears.
<Insert graphic of Password screen.>
2. Enter your password and tap OK.
3. Tap OK. Your module will unlock when you turn it off.
The next time you turn on your module, you will not
need to enter your password to place a call.
If you can’t recall your
lock password, try using
he last four digits of
either your Social
Security number or
Sprint PCS
Communicator Number
or try 0000. If none of
hese work, call Sprint
PCS Customer Care at
1-888-211-4PCS (4727).
Setting Your Module’s Security 123
Getting Started 12 Your Module’s
Secruity 12 Understanding
Roaming 12 Getting Started 12 Getting Started 12
Changing the Lock Password
To change your lock password:
1. On the Security Preferences menu, tap Change
Password. The Change Password screen appears.
<Insert graphic of Change Password screen.>
2. Enter your old password
3. Enter a new password.
4. Re-enter the new password.
5. Tap OK.
Restricting Calls
<Not applicable. Confirmed by AirPrime. OK to remove?>
You can restrict which phone numbers you can receive calls
from or dial. (The Restrict Calls setting does not apply to
911 or Sprint PCS Customer Care.)
To restrict calls:
Unrestricting Calls
To unrestrict all calls:
If you can’t recall
your lock
password, try using
he last four digits
of either your Social
Security number or
Sprint PCS
Number or try 0000.
If none of these
work, call Sprint
PCS Customer Care
incoming calls are
forwarded to
Section 12
124 Setting Your Module’s Security
Using Special Numbers
Use the Security Menu to save three special numbers. You
can make calls to these special numbers even when your
module is locked.
To add or replace a special number:
▲On the Security Preferences menu, enter up to three
special numbers. You can enter any combination of
numbers and letters.
To place a call to a special number while your module
is locked:
▲On the Unlock Phone dialog, tap Make Special Call
and dial the number.
Erasing the Internal Phone Book
<Not applicable. Confirmed by AirPrime. OK to discard?>
To erase all the names and phone numbers in your Internal
Phone Book:
Resetting Your Handheld
Although your module has been designed to work
seamlessly with your Visor handheld, occasionally you may
experience a problem that requires you to reset your
handheld. For more information, see the “Visor Handheld
User Guide” that came with your handheld.
Experiencing Sprint PCS Wireless Web 125
Roaming 13 13 Using
Speed Dial 13 13 13
Using Speed Dial
In this Section
ᮣAdding a Phone Number to your Speed Dial List
ᮣEditing your Speed Dial List
ᮣDeleting a Speed Dial Entry
ᮣSetting your Speed Dial Preferences
ᮣMaking a Call From the Speed Dial Screen
ᮣSpeed Dialing from the Dialpad Screen
Personal Information
<This entire section is not applicable. Cconfirmed with Air Prime. OK to
discard all PIM info and change this section to Speed Dial info? Change
side tabs as well.>
In this Section
ᮣAdding an Event to the Scheduler
ᮣEvent Alerts
ᮣAdding a Call Alarm to the Scheduler
ᮣAdding To Do Items
Experiencing Sprint PCS Wireless Web 126
Roaming 13 13 Using
Speed Dial 13 13 13
ᮣViewing the Scheduler Calendar
ᮣUsing the Calculator
ᮣPlaying Games
our Sprint PCS Communicator™ has been equipped with several
personal information management features to help you manage your
busy lifestyle. These features turn your phone into a time management
planner that helps you keep up with your contacts, schedules and
commitments. It takes productivity to a whole new level.
peed Dial lets you place a call without entering a phone number. You
can store up to 50 numbers in your Speed Dial list. Once a phone
number is in your Speed Dial list, you can call the number with just one
tap. You can also assign special ringers to entries in your Speed Dial list, so
you always know who’s calling you.
Experiencing Sprint PCS Wireless Web 127
13 13 Using
Speed Dial 13 13 13
Adding an Entry to your Speed Dial List
Before you can use your Speed Dial screen to call a phone
number, you need to add the number to your Speed Dial
To add an entry to your Speed Dial list:
1. Press the Phone Application button or tap the
Phone icon in the Applications Launcher to start the
Phone application.
2. Tap the Speed Dial icon or press the Phone button
repeatedly until the Speed Dial screen appears.
<Need updated graphic (time/date/no VM icon on top)
3. Tap any empty button. The Edit Entry screen displays.
<Insert graphic of Edit Entry screen here.>
4. Enter the name you want to display in the button on
your Speed Dial list. You can enter up to 16 characters,
however, the name may be shortened to fit on the Speed
Dial button.
Speed Dial
Page Number
assigned to
For more
information on
entering text and
other characters,
see the “Visor
Handheld User
Guide” that came
with your handheld.
Tap the Information icon
<> on the Edit Entry
screen to get additional
<Need info
You can also add a
number to your Speed
Dial list directly from
your Address Book. See
page 128.
Section 13
128 Personal Information Management
5. Enter the phone number. Make sure you enter all of the
digits required to dial the number. For example, if you
need to dial “1” + area code + phone number, be sure
to enter all 11 digits. You can also enter letters as well
as numbers.
6. Enter any extra digits, such as an extension or a
passcode (see "Adding Phone Numbers with Pauses and
Extra Digits" on page 130).
7. Select a special ring from the pop-up menu. This is the
ring you will hear when you receive a call from this
phone number. If you want to hear your regular ringer,
tap None.
8. Tap OK. The entry is assigned to the button you
<Need updated graphic showing 2nd button assigned to a
number (also - time/date/no VM icon on top) here.>
Adding Phone Numbers from your Address Book
You can use the Lookup feature to add entries from your
Address Book to your Speed Dial list.
To add a phone number from your Address Book:
1. On the Speed Dial screen, tap any empty button. The
You can also enter
numbers with pauses
and extra digits. This is
useful for speed dialing
automated systems that
require passcodes, or
for entering credit card
information after you’ve
dialed a phone number.
See "Adding Phone
Numbers with Pauses
and Extra Digits" on
page 130.
assigned to
After you’ve added an
entry, you can always
move it to a different
button. See"Moving
Entries on your Speed
Dial List" on page 133.
Experiencing Sprint PCS Wireless Web 129
13 13 Using
Speed Dial 13 13 13
Edit Entry screen displays.
<Insert graphic of Edit Entry screen here.>
2. Tap Lookup. The Phone Number Lookup screen
<Insert graphic of Phone Number Lookup screen here.>
3. Tap the Address Book entry you want to add to your
Speed Dial list. The name and phone number are
entered automatically on the Edit Entry screen.
<Insert graphic of Edit Entry screen here with .>
4. Edit the information (if necessary) and add any pauses
or extra digits (see below).
Use the Scroll
buttons on your
handheld to move
hrough the Phone
Number Lookup list.
You can also enter
he first character
of the entry. For
more information,
see the “Visor
Handheld User
Guide” that came
with your handheld.
Section 13
130 Personal Information Management
5. Select a special ring from the pop-up menu. This is the
ring you will hear when you receive a call from this
phone number. If you want to hear your regular ringer,
tap None.
6. Tap OK.
Adding Phone Numbers with Pauses and Extra Digits
Some numbers you dial may require pauses or extra digits.
For example, if you call an automated system that requires
a passcode, you may need to dial the phone number, pause
for a moment, then dial the passcode. With your new Sprint
PCS Communicator, you can enter these special numbers
into your Speed Dial list so that you can dial them with just
one tap.
There are two types of pauses:
ᮣA hard pause causes dialing to stop. The module then
waits for you to release the pause before it continues
dialing the next digits.
ᮣA timed pause causes dialing to stop for 1 second
before it dials the next digits.
To add a phone number with a pause and extra digits:
1. On the Speed Dial screen, tap any empty button. The
Edit Entry screen displays.
<Insert graphic of Edit Entry screen here.>
2. Enter the name.
3. On the first line of the Number field, enter the phone
4. On the second line, enter any pauses and extra digits.
To Speed Dial a number
with a hard pause, use
he Release Pause
button. See page 136 for
more information.
The second line of the
Number field
automatically begins
with a hard pause. You
can delete this hard
pause, if desired.
Experiencing Sprint PCS Wireless Web 131
13 13 Using
Speed Dial 13 13 13
ᮣTo add a hard pause, enter >.
ᮣTo add a timed pause, enter ,.
<Insert graphic of Edit Entry screen with pause/extra digits
entered here.>
5. Select a special ring from the pop-up menu. This is the
ring you will hear when you receive a call from this
phone number. If you want to hear your regular ringer,
tap None.
6. Tap OK.
Editing your Speed Dial List
Making changes to your Speed Dial list is quick and easy.
You can even make changes while your module is turned
off. You can edit individual entries, or you can move entries
to different buttons or different pages on your Speed Dial
Editing Individual Entries
To edit an entry on your Speed Dial list:
1. Press the Phone Application button or tap the
Phone icon in the Applications Launcher to start the
Phone application.
You cannot change your
Voicemail phone
number, but you can
add pauses and extra
Section 13
132 Personal Information Management
2. Tap the Speed Dial icon or press the Phone button
repeatedly until the Speed Dial screen appears.
<Need updated graphic (time/date/no VM icon on top)
3. Tap the Menu icon on your Visor™ handheld to
view the Dialpad menus.
<Need icon.>
4. From the Edit menu, tap Edit Speed Dial.
<Insert graphic of Edit Speed Dial screen here.>
5. Tap the entry you want to edit. The Edit Entry screen
<Insert graphic of Edit Entry screen here.>
6. Edit the entry as needed.
Speed Dial
assigned to
For more information
about using the menus,
see page 52. Also, refer
o the “Visor Handheld
User Guide” that came
with your handheld.
Page Number
You can view other
pages of your Speed
Dial list by tapping the
Page Number icons, or
you can use the Scroll
buttons on your
handheld to move
between pages.
Experiencing Sprint PCS Wireless Web 133
13 13 Using
Speed Dial 13 13 13
7. Tap OK to save your changes and return to the Edit
Speed Dial screen.
8. Tap Done to return to the Speed Dial screen.
Moving Entries on your Speed Dial List
You can move entries to different buttons and different
pages on your Speed Dial list. For example, you might want
to move an entry you dial often to the upper-right button.
To move an entry to a different button on your Speed Dial
1. Tap the Speed Dial icon or press the Phone button
repeatedly until the Speed Dial screen appears.
2. Tap the Menu icon on your Visor™ handheld to
view the menus.
<Need icon.>
3. From the Edit menu, tap Edit Speed Dial.
<Insert graphic of Edit Speed Dial screen here.>
4. Tap and drag the entry from its original button position
to its new button position.
ᮣIf the destination button is empty, the entry is
moved to that button.
You cannot move your
Voicemail entry to a
different button or a
different page..
For more
information about
using the menus,
see page 52. Also,
refer to the “Visor
Handheld User
Guide” that came
with your handheld.
Page Number
Section 13
134 Personal Information Management
ᮣIf the destination button already has an entry, the
existing entry and any other affected entries are
shifted to accomodate the entry you are moving.
<Insert graphic of two Edit Speed Dial screens (1 before
move, 1 after) here.>
5. Tap Done to save your changes and return to the Speed
Dial screen.
To move an entry to a different page on your Speed Dial list:
1. Tap the Speed Dial icon or press the Phone button
repeatedly until the Speed Dial screen appears.
2. Tap the Menu icon on your Visor™ handheld to
view the menus.
<Need icon.>
3. From the Edit menu, tap Edit Speed Dial.
<Insert graphic of Edit Speed Dial screen here.>
4. Tap and drag the entry from its original button position
to the Page Number icon for the new page. The entry is
move to the first available button on that page.
5. Move the entry to a new button position, if desired (see
For more information
about using the menus,
see page 52. Also, refer
o the “Visor Handheld
User Guide” that came
with your handheld.
Page Number
Experiencing Sprint PCS Wireless Web 135
13 13 Using
Speed Dial 13 13 13
6. Tap Done to save your changes and return to the Speed
Dial screen.
Deleting a Speed Dial Entry
To delete an entry from your Speed Dial list:
1. Tap the Speed Dial icon or press the Phone button
repeatedly until the Speed Dial screen appears.
2. From the Edit menu, tap Edit Speed Dial.
3. Tap the entry you want to delete.
4. Tap Delete.
5. Tap OK to confirm the deletion.
Setting your Speed Dial Preferences
Each of the buttons on your Speed Dial screen correspond
with a Speed Dial entry number. You can choose to show the
entry numbers (in addition to the entry names) on the
Speed Dial buttons.
To show the Speed Dial entry numbers on the Speed Dial
1. Tap the Speed Dial icon or press the Phone button
repeatedly until the Speed Dial screen appears.
2. From the Edit menu, tap Show Button Number.
<Insert graphic of Speed Dial screen with numbers on
buttons here.>
Making a Call from the Speed Dial Screen
After you’ve added entries to your Speed Dial list, you can
dial them with just one tap from your Speed Dial screen.
To make a call from the Speed Dial screen:
You can view other
pages of your Speed
Dial list by tapping the
Page Number icons, or
you can use the Scroll
buttons on your
handheld to move
between pages.
The Speed Dial entry
numbers can be used to
Speed Dial from the
Dialpad screen. See
page 137.
To hide the button
numbers, tap Hide
Button Number on the
Edit menu.
Section 13
136 Personal Information Management
1. Press the Phone Application button or tap the
Phone icon in the Applications Launcher to start the
Phone application.
2. Tap the Speed Dial icon or press the Phone button
repeatedly until the Speed Dial screen appears.
<Need better graphic (one with more speed dial entries)
3. Tap the entry’s button to dial the number.
Speed Dialing Numbers with Hard Pauses
If the Speed Dial entry includes a hard pause (>), the
module will stop dialing when it reaches the pause. To
continue dialing, you must release the pause.
To Speed Dial a number with a hard pause:
1. On the Speed Dial screen, tap the entry’s button to dial
the number. The Active Call screen displays.
<Insert graphic of Speed Dial screen with numbers on
buttons here.>
2. Tap Release Pause to release the pause and send the
extra digits.
To view additional
Speed Dial entries, tap
he Page Number icon
at the bottom of the
screen, or use the Scroll
buttons on the front of
your handheld.
Speed Dial
Page Number
You can choose to view
he button numbers on
your Speed Dial list. See
"Setting your Speed Dial
Preferences" on page
To learn how to add a
Speed Dial entry with a
hard pause, see
page 130..
Experiencing Sprint PCS Wireless Web 137
13 13 Using
Speed Dial 13 13 13
Speed Dialing from the Dialpad Screen
You can also Speed Dial a number from the Dialpad screen,
using the Speed Dial entry number that corresponds to the
button on your Speed Dial list.
To Speed Dial from the Dialpad screen:
1. Tap the digit(s) that correspond to the the button
number on your Speed Dial entry. (For example, to
Speed Dial your voicemail box, tap . To Speed Dial
the number that occupies the 24th button on your
Speed Dial list, tap .
2. Tap .
Adding an Event to the Scheduler
<The sections from here until the end of the chapter are
not applicable. OK to remove?>
Your Scheduler helps organize your time and reminds you
of important events.
To add an event:
Event Alerts
There are several ways your Sprint PCS Communicator
alerts you of scheduled events:
ᮣBy playing the assigned ringer type.
ᮣBy illuminating the backlight.
ᮣBy flashing the LED.
ᮣBy displaying event’s description, time and date.
Event Alert Menu
When your phone is turned on and you have an event
alarm scheduled, your phone alerts you and displays the
following options. To select an option, highlight it and
press .
ᮣSnooze to repeat the alarm in ten minutes.
If you move an entry to a
different button, the
corresponding digit(s)
will change.
Use the volume
control keys to
scroll by month
hrough the
Scheduler calendar
or press the Mouse
Key up or down to
scroll by week.
Default alarm times are
10 minutes for
Meetings, Events and
Dining Appointments, 24
hours for Special
Occasions and zero
minutes for Call Alarms.
ᮣErase to delete the event (even if it is a repeating
Adding a Call Alarm to the Scheduler
To add a call alarm from the Scheduler:
For call alarm alerts, see “Call Alarm Alerts” on page xx.
Viewing Events and Call Alarms
To view your scheduled events and call alarms:
1. From the main menu, highlight Scheduler and
press .
2. A weekly calendar is displayed. An asterisk is displayed
under days with events or call alarms scheduled.
Editing Events
To change an event:
Editing Call Alarms
To change a call alarm:
Adding To Do Items
Your phone can store and manage xx To Do items.
To add an entry to your To Do List:
You can also add a
call alarm from the
Phone Book menu.
(See “Adding a Call
Alarm from the
Internal Phone
Book” on page xx.)
Experiencing Sprint PCS Wireless Web 139
13 13 Using
Speed Dial 13 13 13
Viewing To Do Items
To view your To Do List:
Editing To Do Items
To change a To Do item:
Deleting To Do Items
Viewing and Clearing Memory
To view available and used memory space:
Using the Calculator
Your phone comes with a built-in calculator function. To
use this tool, follow these easy steps:
1. From the main menu, highlight Calculator and
press .
2. Enter numbers using your keypad. Press to insert
a decimal point.
3. To select an arithmetic option, press (press
again to scroll through options) or highlight the option
and press .
4. Press again to calculate the equation.
Playing Games
To start a game:
1. From the main menu, highlight Games and press
Section 13
140 Personal Information Management
2. To select a game, highlight it and press .
ᮣBlackjack: Press to begin the game. Try and
beat the Dealer’s score (D:) by choosing Hit or Stay and
pressing . A running dollar total keeps track of
your winnings (or losses).
Using the Data Applications 141
Roaming 14 14 Understanding
Roaming 14 Data
Applications 14 14
Using the Data Applications
Using the Voice Services of
Your Sprint PCS Communicator
<This whole section is not applicable. Confirmed by AirPrime. OK to use
this section for Data Apps? Also changed side tab.>
In this Section
ᮣInstalling Data Applications
ᮣLaunching Data Applications
ᮣSetting Up the Data Applications Button
ᮣViewing the Status Monitor
In this Section
ᮣUsing Voice Dialing
ᮣRecording Memos
ᮣUsing Commands
his section explains the features associated with your phone’s
Voice Services. The easy-to-follow instructions explain how to make
Using the Voice Services of Your Sprint PCS Communicator142
Roaming 14 14 Understanding
Roaming 14 Data
Applications 14 14
calls or go to a menu by simply speaking a command. You’ll also learn how
to record memos and personal ringers.
his section explains how to use your module to access all kinds of data
applications, such as a Web browser or an e-mail application. You can
also get information about your connection while you are using your data
Using the Voice Services of Your Sprint PCS Communicator143
14 14 Understanding
Roaming 14 Data
Applications 14 14
Installing Data Applications
Your new Sprint PCS Communicator comes with data
applications that you can use with your module. To use
these data applications, install them on your PC, then sync
your handheld with your PC.
To install the data applications, please follow the
instructions included with the CD-ROM in this box.
Launching Data Applications
You can use your Sprint PCS Communicator to access lots
of different data applications, including SMS Text Messages
(see page 75), Web browsers, and e-mail applications.
To launch a data application:
▲Press the Data Applications button to launch
your default data application or tap the application’s
icon in the Application Launcher. Press the Data
Applications button repeatedly to cycle through your
three favorite data applications.
Setting Up the Data Applications Button
The Data Applications button can launch up to three
of your favorite data applications.
Use the Data Preferences menu option to select the three
applications to attach to the Data Applications button.
For more information, see "Setting Your Data Preferences"
on page 113.
Returning to the Phone Application
To return to the Phone application:
▲Press the Phone Application button to return to
the Phone application.
Viewing the Status Monitor
The Status Monitor gives you information about your data
connection, including whether the connection is active, the
Press the Data
Applications button
repeatedly to cycle
hrough your favorite
data applications. You
can choose up to three
data applications to use
with the Data
Applications button, and
you can select the
default data application
by using the Data
Preferences menu
option (see "Setting Your
Data Preferences" on
page 113).
If you press the
Phone Application
button while you
are on a data call,
you will be asked if
you want to end the
data call.
Section 14
144 Using the Voice Services of Your Sprint PCS Com-
type of call, and the connection time. You can view the
Status Monitor whether your module is on or off.
To view the Status Monitor:
▲Press and hold the Data Applications button for
approximately 2 seconds.
Using Voice Dialing
<Not applicable. Confirmed by AirPrime. OK to discard?>
You can use a Voice Dial tag to automatically dial a phone
number in your Internal Phone Book.
To use a Voice Dial tag to call a phone number:
1. Press the Voice Services key on the side of the phone.
2. Follow the voice prompts and recite the entry’s
Voice Dial tag into your phone’s microphone.
Recording Memos
<Not applicable. Confirmed by AirPrime. OK to discard?>
To record a memo:
Memo Options
<Not applicable. Confirmed by AirPrime. OK to discard?>
To select a memo option:
Using Commands
<Not applicable. Confirmed by AirPrime. OK to discard?>
Commands allow you to perform some of your phone’s
features by using your voice.
ᮣCall Back redials your last outgoing phone number.
Train Voice Dial
ags in a quiet
environment and
without the aid of
an accessory (for
example, a headset
or hands-free car
Using the Voice Services of Your Sprint PCS Communicator145
14 14 Understanding
Roaming 14 Data
Applications 14 14
ᮣSprint PCS Wireless Web Bookmarks displays the
appropriate bookmark.
To use a command, you must first train the command (see
“Training Commands” on page xx).
To use a command:
1. Press the Voice Services key on the side of the phone.
2. Follow the voice prompt and recite your command.
Training Commands
<Not applicable. Confirmed by AirPrime. OK to discard?>
To train your phone to react to your voice commands:
Voice Dial Options
<Not applicable. Confirmed by AirPrime. OK to discard?>
To use a Voice Dial tag, see “Using Voice Dialing” on
page xx.
To display Voice Dial tag options:
Train commands in a
quiet environment and
without the aid of an
accessory (for example,
a headset or hands-free
car kit).
Experiencing Sprint PCS Wireless Web 147
15 15 15 15 Sprint PCS
Wireless Web 15
Experiencing Sprint PCS
Wireless WebSM
<This whole section is not applicable. Cconfirmed by AirPrime. OK to
In this Section
ᮣLaunching and Using the Sprint PCS Wireless Web Browser
ᮣCreating and Finding Bookmarks
ᮣUsing Sprint PCS Wireless Web MailSM
ᮣUsing the AOL Instant MessengerSM Service with
Your Sprint PCS Communicator
ᮣUsing Sprint PCS Wireless Web Short MailSM
ᮣSigning up for Sprint PCS Wireless Web Updates
ᮣSetting up a Sprint PCS Wireless Web Connection
y now you’ve discovered the great features that come with your
Sprint PCS Phone™. Now it’s time to experience the Sprint PCS
Wireless Web. Let the adventure begin.
Section 15
148 Experiencing Sprint PCS Wireless Web
The Sprint PCS Wireless Web
With the Sprint PCS Wireless Web and your wireless
Internet-ready phone, you have access to many features via
the wireless Internet:
ᮣThe Sprint PCS Wireless Web Browser allows you
to view specially-designed text versions of popular web
ᮣSprint PCS Wireless Web Mail lets you send and
receive e-mail quickly and easily.
ᮣThe AOL Instant Messenger Service lets you keep in
touch with family and friends via two-way instant
ᮣWith Sprint PCS Wireless Web Short Mail, you can
use a person’s Sprint PCS Communicator Number to
send instant text messages from your Internet-ready
Sprint PCS Phone to their Internet-ready Sprint PCS
Communicator – and they can send messages to you.
ᮣThe Sprint PCS Wireless Web Connection lets you
connect to the Internet or your company's network with
a laptop PC or hand-held computing device and a
Sprint PCS Wireless Web™ Connection Kit.
ᮣSprint PCS Wireless Web Updates let you receive
daily information updates, including weather, stock
quotes and sports scores.
Sprint PCS
Wireless Web service
will not work when
roaming off the
Sprint PCS Nationwide
Network and may not be
available in select
affiliate areas.
Experiencing Sprint PCS Wireless Web 149
15 15 15 15 Sprint PCS
Wireless Web 15
The Sprint PCS Wireless Web Browser
Your phone comes equipped with a MiniBrowser, which
allows you to access up-to-the minute information through
the Sprint PCS Wireless Web.
You can view specially-designed text versions of popular
Internet sites, including Yahoo!®,®, The
Weather Channel®, and more. Browsing the Sprint PCS
Wireless Web using your phone is different than using a
home computer because sites display specialized text and
reduce their graphics.
The MiniBrowser connects to the Internet by placing a call.
Note that appears on the display whenever a call is in
progress, just as with a regular voice call. Service charges
vary depending on your service option.
Section 15
150 Experiencing Sprint PCS Wireless Web
Launching a Sprint PCS
Wireless Web Browser Session
To launch the Sprint PCS Wireless Web Browser:
ᮣFrom the main menu, highlight Wireless Web and
press . You'll see a few introductory messages as
the browser launches.
The first time you use the MiniBrowser, you'll be prompted
to enable the security feature. This automatic process will
take 3–6 minutes to complete and it occurs just once. When
the process is complete, you're ready to start using the
Sprint PCS Wireless Web.
Following the security setup, you'll see the Sprint PCS
Wireless Web Home Page. This is the main page for the
MiniBrowser and it gives you access to all the sites in the
Sprint PCS Wireless Web. The next time you use the
MiniBrowser, you may not see the home page at first
because the MiniBrowser will display the page you were
viewing when you last exited the MiniBrowser.
The Sprint PCS Wireless Web Home Page
The Sprint PCS
Wireless Web Home
Page is subject to
1. Messaging
2. My Wireless Web
3. AOL
6MSN Mobile
9Business Tools
Experiencing Sprint PCS Wireless Web 151
15 15 15 15 Sprint PCS
Wireless Web 15
You may notice that sometimes the MiniBrowser will
launch without placing a call. This is because the phone
stores recently viewed pages in its memory cache. The
MiniBrowser will connect automatically when you access a
page that's not stored in the cache.
If the phone has been inactive for awhile and a new wireless
Internet site has not been requested, the MiniBrowser will
automatically disconnect. The MiniBrowser will remain
active – only the connection will end. The MiniBrowser will
automatically reconnect when you go to a wireless Internet
site that's not stored in the phone's memory cache. For this
reason, you may find that you are billed for several network
connections within a single session. This is normal and is
designed to minimize airtime charges.
When launching the MiniBrowser, you may need to take an
extra step or see a reminder that MiniBrowser calls will be
charged. If you need to take an extra step, see “Web Guard”
on page xx to disable the setting.