VTech Telecommunications 80-5312-00 2.4 GHz Cordless Telephone System User Manual 91 000147 010 000 E2715B R0

VTech Telecommunications Ltd 2.4 GHz Cordless Telephone System 91 000147 010 000 E2715B R0

User manual part II

13Telephone OperationCall Forward and Call TransferCall Forward and Call TransferAn external call can be forwarded or transferred fromone handset to the other. The difference between for-ward and transfer depends on if the sending handsetneeds to talk with the receiving handset before theexternal call is sent to the other handset.Call Forward• The first handset (HS1) can forward an external callto the other handset (HS2) by pressing and holdingthe INTERCOM key. HS1 will display CALL FORWARD-ED.• To answer the call, HS2 can press PHONE, SPEAKERor any dial pad keys.NOTE:If the other HS2 does not respond within 30 seconds, theexternal call will be returned to HS1 and its display will show CALL BACK. Ifthe returned call is not answered within 30 seconds, the external call will endautomatically.Call Transfer• HS1 can forward an external call to HS2, by pressingthe INTERCOM key.NOTE:The external call is put on hold automatically.• HS2 will ring, showing an intercom call.• Press PHONE, SPEAKER or any dial pad key on HS2to answer the intercom call.• HS1 and HS2 can discuss the external call.• Press OFF on HS1 to transfer the call. HS2 is now onthe external call. CALL TRANSFERRED will displayon HS1.NOTE:If there is no answer on HS2 within approximately two minutes,HS1 will automatically reconnect to the external call.91-000147-010-000_E2715B_R0.qxd  11/9/2004  4:15 PM  Page 13
Handset settingsAt the feature menu you can change settings to customize how the telephone works. Press MENU, then use the ^V buttons to scroll tothe feature you want to change. As you scroll throughthe menu, the top menu item is always highlighted witha >symbol. Press SELECT to select the highlighted item.Press OFF at any time to cancel an operation, back upto the previous menu, or exit the menu display.Ringer volumeAt this menu you can set a default ring volume level (1-6), or turn the ringer off. Use the ^V buttons tohear an example of each volume level, then pressSELECT to select the one you prefer.Ringer volume can also be adjusted by pressing VOL-UME on the side of the handset during incoming ringing.Ringer toneThis feature allows you to choose one of 10 ringingtones. Use the ^V buttons to hear an example ofeach ringer tone, then press SELECT to select the oneyou prefer.Key toneThe handset is factory programmed to beep at each keypress. Use the ^V buttons to select ON or OFF,then press SELECT to save your preference. Highlightedmenu item> DIRECTORYCALL LOGRINGER VOLUMEOUTSIDE TONE1KEY TONEON14Telephone Operation91-000147-010-000_E2715B_R0.qxd  11/9/2004  4:15 PM  Page 14
15Telephone OperationHandset settingsHandset nameAt this menu you can customize the name that appearson the handset screen when the phone is idle. PressDELETE to erase letters, then replace them with aname of your preference, up to 16 characters long (seepage 17 to enter letters). Press SELECT to confirm.LanguageAt this menu you can select the language used in allmenus and screen displays. Use the ^V buttons toselect English, Spanish or French, then press SELECT tosave your preference.Dial TypeAt this menu you can choose Tone or Pulse dialing. Thefactory default setting is TONE. Change this to PULSEonly if you do not have touch-tone dialing service.Use the ^V buttons to select TONE or PULSE, thenpress SELECT to save your preference.CLR Voice Mail At this menu you can manually turn off the voice maillight. Press SELECT, then the ^V keys to select CLRVOICE MAIL. Press SELECT twice to confirm or OFF tocancel. HANDSET NAMEAT&T_LANGUAGEENGLISHDIAL TYPETONE91-000147-010-000_E2715B_R0.qxd  11/9/2004  4:15 PM  Page 15
16Phone bookShared phonebook directoryThe phonebook directory is stored in the base, and isshared by both handsets. Changes made at either hand-set will be reflected in both.Only one handset at a time can use the phonebook. If asecond handset attempts to use the phonebook, thescreen will display "Not avaiable at this time."Memory capacityThe phone book directory can store up to 50 entries.Each entry can contain a number up to 32 digits, and aname up to 16 letters long. A convenient search featurecan help you find and dial numbers quickly (see page 18).Timeouts and error messagesIf you pause for too long while making an entry, theprocedure will time out and you will have to begin again.If all memory locations are in use, the screen will display DIRECTORY IS FULL. You will not be able tostore a new number until you delete an existing one.Pat Williams555-123491-000147-010-000_E2715B_R0.qxd  11/9/2004  4:15 PM  Page 16
17Phone bookNew phone book entriesTo create a new phone book entryPress MENU twice to select DIRECTORY. Press Vtohighlight STORE. Press SELECT, then enter the telephone number when prompted. Use the dial pad to enter up to 32 digits, then pressSELECT. You will be notified if the number is already inyour phone book.To insert a number from your redial list, press REDIAL,then ^V to find the number, then press SELECT.• Press DELETE to erase numbers if you make a mistake.• Press and hold PAUSE to enter a 3-second dialing pause.To enter a namePress dial pad buttons once for the first letter, twice forthe second, three times for the third. Continue forlower-case letters or numerals. The cursor moves to the right when you press anotherdial pad button or the ^button. Press Vto movethe cursor to the left. Press 1to enter a space, orpress twice to enter “1”. • Press DELETE to erase letters if you make a mistake.• Press *repeatedly to enter an asterisk (*), question mark (?), exclamation point (!), slash (/) orparentheses.• Press #repeatedly to enter a pound sign (#),apostrophe ('), comma (,) hyphen (-), period (.), orampersand (&).Storing the entryPress SELECT to store your new phone book entry. Tochange it later, see page 19.Press once to enter “A” (5 times for “a”).Press twice to enter “B” (6 times for “b”).Press 3 times to enter “C” (7 times for “c”).Press 4 times to enter “2”.2AT&T> DIRECTORYCALL LOG> STOREREVIEWENTER NUMBER555-1234_ENTER NAMEPat Williams_Pat Williams555-123491-000147-010-000_E2715B_R0.qxd  11/9/2004  4:15 PM  Page 17
18Phone bookPhone book searchPress DIR to display the first listing in the phone book.You can then use the ^or Vto browse through thephone book, or search to find a specific entry. PressOFF at any time to exit the directory.To browse through the directoryTo browse, press ^or Vto scroll through allentries one by one. Entries will be displayed alphabeti-cally by the first letter in the name.To search by nameWhen any entry is displayed, you can press a dial padbutton to display the first name beginning with a letterassociated with that key. Press dial pad buttons once for the first letter, twice forthe second, three times for the third, as shown on theprevious page.For example, press 5 (JKL) once to find Jennifer, twiceto find Kevin, or three times to find Linda.To call a displayed numberWhen you find the entry you want, press PHONE (orSPEAKER) to dial. Or press SELECT to modify the entry(see next page).Viewing long numbersThe screen can display only 16 digits at a time. To viewnumbers longer than this, press *or #to displaythe remaining digits.57AT&TAndrew555-6789Barbara555-9876Jennifer555-4321Pat555-123491-000147-010-000_E2715B_R0.qxd  11/9/2004  4:16 PM  Page 18
19Phone bookTo dial, change or delete entriesTo dial a numberWhen any phone book entry is displayed, press PHONE(or SPEAKER) to dial the displayed number.To delete an entryWhen any phone book entry is displayed, press DELETEto delete the displayed entry from the phone book.Once deleted, an entry cannot be recovered. To change a listingWhen any phone book entry is displayed, press SELECTto modify the entry. (See page 17 for help in modifyingthe name or number.)Change the number as needed, then press SELECT.Change the name as needed, then press SELECT tosave the modified entry.AT&TAndrew555-6789EDIT NUMBER555-6789_EDIT NAMEAndy_Andy555-678991-000147-010-000_E2715B_R0.qxd  11/9/2004  4:16 PM  Page 19
20Caller ID LogsHow Caller ID works If you subscribe to Caller ID service provided by yourlocal phone company, information about each caller willbe displayed after the first ring.Information about the last 50 incoming calls is stored inyour call log. You can review the call log to find outwho has called, return the call without dialing, or copythe caller’s name and number into your phone book.When the call log is full, the oldest entry is deleted tomake room for new incoming call information.If you answer a call before the information appears onthe screen, it will not be saved in your call log.NOTE: Only one handset can review the call at a time. If the otherhandset attempts to enter the call log, will display NOT AVAILABLE AT THISTIME.About names Names of callers will be displayed only if this informationis provided by your local telephone company. If the telephone number of the person calling matches anumber in your phone book, the name that appears onscreen will match the name as you entered it into yourphone book. (Example: If Christine Smith calls, her name will appearas “Chris” if this is how you entered it into your phonebook.)Caller’s name Caller’s numberAppears whennew call isreceivedTime of callDate of callPat Williams908-555-0100NEW 11/23 10:01 AMPat Williams908-555-0100NEW 11/23 10:01 AM91-000147-010-000_E2715B_R0.qxd  11/9/2004  4:16 PM  Page 20
21Caller ID LogsTo review your call logTo review your call logPress CID to review your call log. The most recent callis displayed first. Use the arrow buttons to scrollthrough the list as shown at left.To return a callPress PHONE (or SPEAKER) to call the number as displayed. To change the number before calling, press #repeat-edly to see a list of dialing options (you can choose todial with or without the area code), then press PHONE(or SPEAKER) to place the call.Example:CID..............................Number displayed as 908-555-0100# (twice)  ................Number changes to 555-0100 (drops “1” + area code)PHONE/SPEAKER..................Dials 555-0100Other options• Press DELETE to delete this entry from your call log.• Press and hold DELETE to delete all entries fromyour call log. When asked to confirm, press SELECTto clear your call log of all entries, or OFF to exitand leave all call log entries intact.• Press SELECT to copy this entry into your phonebook. If the name or number is not provided, youwill be prompted to enter them. AT&T6 NEW CALLSNEWPat Williams555-1234NEW11/23 10:31 AMChris Thompson908-555-0100NEW11/23 10:21 AMJeffrey Adams555-9876NEW11/23 10:11 AM91-000147-010-000_E2715B_R0.qxd  11/9/2004  4:16 PM  Page 21
22AppendixScreen icons, indicator lights & tonesHandset screen icons & alert tonesSpeakerphone in use.Ringer off.Battery charging (animated display).Low battery (flashing); place handset in base to recharge.MUTE Microphone is muted.NEW New calls (press CID to review call log).Happytone Programming command completed successfully.2 beeps Programming error (or last record in list displayed).Indicator lightsIn UseOn when handset is in use. Flasheswhen another phone is in use on thesame line, or answering system isanswering an incoming call.ChargingOn when handset battery is charging.Visual MSGWaiting IndicationOn when you have newvoice mail.SpeakerOn when speakerphone is in use.Screen iconsAlert tonesAT&TNEWMUTE 11/23 10:01 AMNew Voice MailFlashes when you have new voicemail(requires voice mail service from  yourlocal telephone company).91-000147-010-000_E2715B_R0.qxd  11/9/2004  4:16 PM  Page 22
23AppendixIn case of difficultyIf you have difficulty with your phone, please try the suggestions below. For CustomerService, visit our web site at www.telephones.att.com, or call 1-800-222–3111.Telephone doesnot work at all• Make sure battery is installed and charged correctly (see page 7).• Make sure the AC adapter is plugged into an outlet not controlled bya wall switch.• Make sure the telephone line cord is plugged firmly into the base unitand the modular jack.• If you have dial-pulse telephone service, make sure the dial mode isset to Pulse (see page 15).• If these suggestions do not work, unplug the base, remove and re-insert the battery, then place the handset in the base to re-initialize.Phone does notring• Make sure the ringer is on (see page 14).• Make sure the telephone line cord and AC adapter are plugged inproperly (see page 6).• Move the handset closer to the base.• You might have too many extension phones on your telephone line toallow all of them to ring. Try unplugging some of them.If you hearnoise or interferenceduring a call• You may be out of range. Move closer to the base.• Appliances plugged into the same circuit as the base can cause interference. Try moving the appliance or base to another outlet.• The layout of your home or office might be limiting the operatingrange. Try moving the base to another location, preferably on anupper floor.• If the buttons don’t work, try placing the handset in the base for atleast 15 seconds.• Disconnect the base from the modular jack and plug in a corded tele-phone. If calls are still not clear, the problem is probably in yourwiring or local service. Call your local telephone service company.91-000147-010-000_E2715B_R0.qxd  11/9/2004  4:16 PM  Page 23
24AppendixIncompletemessages• If a caller leaves a very long message, part of it may be lost when thesystem disconnects the call after 4 minutes.• If the caller pauses for more than 7 seconds, the system stopsrecording and disconnects the call.• If the system’s memory becomes full during a message, the systemstops recording and disconnects the call.Difficulty hear-ing messages • Press ^on the base to increase speaker volume.System doesnot answerafter correctnumber of rings• Make sure that the answering system is on.• If Toll Saver is activated, the number of rings changes to 2 when youhave new messages waiting (see page 26).• In some cases, the system may be affected by the ringing systemused by the local telephone company.• If the memory is full or the system is off, the system will answer after10 rings.“CL” flashes inmessage window• You need to reset the answering system clock (see page 23).Announcementmessage is notclear• When you record your announcement, make sure you speak in a normal tone of voice, about 9 inches from the base.• Make sure there is no background noise (TV, music, etc.) while youare recording.System doesnot respond to remote commands• Make sure to enter your Remote Access Code correctly (see page 30).• Make sure you are calling from a touch-tone phone. When you dial anumber, you should hear tones. If you hear clicks, the phone is not atouch-tone telephone and cannot activate the answering system.• The answering system may not detect the Remote Access Codewhile your announcement is playing. Try waiting until the announce-ment is over before entering the code.• There may be noise or interference on the phone line you are using.Press dial-pad buttons firmly.In case of difficulty91-000147-010-000_E2715B_R0.qxd  11/9/2004  4:16 PM  Page 24
25AppendixTechnical specificationsRF Frequency Band(Handset to base)2400 MHz — 2485 MHzOutput Power 20 dBmSensitivity -96 dBmModulation GFSKRF Frequency Band(Base to handset)2400 MHz — 2485 MHzChannels 95Channel Spacing 864 KHzOperating Temperature 32°F — 122°F0°C — 50°CBase Unit Voltage(AC Voltage, 60Hz)96 — 130 VrmsBase Unit Voltage(AC Adapter Output)9VDC @400mAHandset Voltage 3.2 — 4.7 VDC 700mAh91-000147-010-000_E2715B_R0.qxd  11/9/2004  4:16 PM  Page 25
26AppendixAAC adapter, 6Alert tones, 31Answering calls, 10BBattery charging, 7Battery installation, 7Belt clip, 9CCall Forward, 13Call Transfer, 13Caller ID, 20add entries to phone directory, 21delete entries, 21dial entries, 21CID, 20DDelete Call Log entries, 21Delete redial entries, 10Dialing, from a CID record, 21phone book dialing, 19EElapsed time, 10Ending calls, 10FFlash (switchhook flash), 11HHands-free use, 10Handset locator, 10Headset, 9IIncoming call log, 20Incoming calls, answering, 10Indicator lights, 22LLast number redial, 10Low battery, 7MMaking calls, 10Menus, 2Mute, 11NNames,enter into phone book, 17search for, 18OOperating range, 5PPhone book, 16dial number, 19edit entries, 19name search, 18new entries, 17Problems, 23QQuick reference guide, 2-3RReceiving calls, 10Recharging, 7Redial, 10Ring silencing, 11Ring tone options, 14SSearch for name, 18Speakerphone, 10Switchhook flash, 11TTechnical specifications, 25Troubleshooting, 23VVolume controls, 11Index91-000147-010-000_E2715B_R0.qxd  11/9/2004  4:16 PM  Page 26
Copyright © 2004 Advanced American Telephones. All Rights Reserved. AT&T and the Globe Design are trademarks of AT&T Corp., licensed to Advanced American Telephones. Printed in China. Issue 1 AT&T 11/04.91-000147-010-000www.telephones.att.com91-000147-010-000_E2715B_R0.qxd  11/9/2004  4:16 PM  Page 27

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