Motorola Solutions 89FT7623 5400xxyyzzab User Manual Operations guide pt 3a

Motorola Solutions, Inc. 5400xxyyzzab Operations guide pt 3a

Operations guide pt 3a

Release 8 Installation and Configuration Guide
Issue 2, December 2006 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review 301
Note the color code that you enter. Ensure that you can readily associate this
color code both with the module and with the other data that you store about the
Sector ID
You can optionally enter an identifier to distinguish this link.
Downlink Data
The operator specifies the percentage of the aggregate (uplink and downlink total)
throughput that is needed for the downlink. The default for this parameter is 50%.
Transmit Frame Spreading
If you select Enable, then a BHS between two BHMs can register in the assigned BHM
(not the other BHM). Canopy strongly recommends that you select this option. With this
selection, the BHM does not transmit a beacon in each frame, but rather transmits a
beacon in only pseudo-random frames in which the BHS expects the beacon. This allows
multiple BHMs to send beacons to multiple BHSs in the same range without interference.
Transmitter Output Power
Nations and regions may regulate transmitter output power. For example
Both 900-MHz and 5.7-GHz modules are available as connectorized radios,
which require the operator to adjust power to ensure regulatory compliance. In
addition to setting the power in the 5.7-GHz connectorized module, the operator
must set the antenna gain/cable loss such that the module can accurately report
received power at the antenna.
Legal maximum allowable transmitter output power and EIRP (Equivalent
Isotropic Radiated Power) in the 2.4-GHz frequency band varies by country and
region. The output power of Series P9 2.4-GHz modules can be adjusted to meet
these national or regional regulatory requirements.
Countries and regions that permit the use of the 5.4-GHz frequency band (CEPT
member states, for example), generally require equipment using the band to
have adjustable power.
The professional installer of Canopy equipment has the responsibility to
maintain awareness of applicable regulations.
calculate the permissible transmitter output power for the module.
confirm that the initial power setting is compliant with national or regional
confirm that the power setting is compliant following any reset of the module to
factory defaults.
For information on how to calculate the permissible transmitter output power to enter in
this parameter, see Adjusting Transmitter Output Power on Page 326.
The Radio tab also provides the following buttons.
Installation and Configuration Guide Release 8
302 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review Issue 2, December 2006
Save Changes
When you click this button, any changes that you made on the IP Configuration page are
recorded in flash memory. However, these changes do not apply until the next reboot of
the module.
When you click this button
1. the module reboots.
2. any changes that you saved by a click of the Save Changes button are
Release 8 Installation and Configuration Guide
Issue 2, December 2006 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review 303
18.4.4 SNMP Tab of the BHM
An example of the SNMP tab in a BHM is displayed in Figure 109.
Figure 109: SNMP tab of BHM, example
In the SNMP tab of the BHM, you may set the following parameters.
Installation and Configuration Guide Release 8
304 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review Issue 2, December 2006
Community String
Specify a control string that allows Prizm or a Network Management Station (NMS) to
access the module through SNMP. No spaces are allowed in this string. The default
string is Canopy.
The Community String value is clear text and is readable by a packet monitor.
Additional security derives from the configuration of the Accessing Subnet, Trap
Address, and Permission parameters.
Accessing Subnet
Specify the addresses that are allowed to send SNMP requests to this BHM. Prizm or
the NMS has an address that is among these addresses (this subnet). You must enter
The network IP address in the form
The CIDR (Classless Interdomain Routing) prefix length in the form /xx
For example
the /16 in specifies a subnet mask of (the first 16 bits
in the address range are identical among all members of the subnet). specifies that any device whose IP address is in the range to can send SNMP requests to the BHM,
presuming that the device supplies the correct Community String value.
For more information on CIDR, execute an Internet search on “Classless
Interdomain Routing.
The default treatment is to allow all networks access.
Trap Address 1 to 10
Specify ten or fewer IP addresses ( to which trap information should be
sent. Trap information informs Prizm or an NMS that something has occurred. For
example, trap information is sent
after a reboot of the module.
when Prizm or an NMS attempts to access agent information but either
supplied an inappropriate community string or SNMP version number.
is associated with a subnet to which access is disallowed.
Trap Enable
Select either Sync Status or Session Status to enable SNMP traps. If you select
neither, then traps are disabled.
Read Permissions
Select Read Only if you wish to disallow any parameter changes by Prizm or an NMS.
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Issue 2, December 2006 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review 305
Site Name
Specify a string to associate with the physical module. This parameter is written into the
sysName SNMP MIB-II object and can be polled by an NMS. The buffer size for this field
is 128 characters.
Site Contact
Enter contact information for the module administrator. This parameter is written into the
sysContact SNMP MIB-II object and can be polled by an NMS. The buffer size for this
field is 128 characters.
Site Location
Enter information about the physical location of the module. This parameter is written into
the sysLocation SNMP MIB-II object and can be polled by an NMS. The buffer size for
this field is 128 characters.
The SNMP tab also provides the following buttons.
Save Changes
When you click this button, any changes that you made on the Configuration page are
recorded in flash memory. However, these changes do not apply until the next reboot of
the module.
When you click this button
1. the module reboots.
2. any changes that you saved by a click of the Save Changes button are
Installation and Configuration Guide Release 8
306 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review Issue 2, December 2006
18.4.5 Security Tab of the BHM
An example of the Security tab in a BHM is displayed in Figure 110.
Figure 110: Security tab of BHM, example
In the Security tab of the BHM, you may set the following parameters.
Authentication Mode
Specify whether the BHM should require the BHS to authenticate.
Authentication Key
Only if you set the BHM in the previous parameter to require authentication, specify the
key that the BHS should use when authenticating.
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Issue 2, December 2006 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review 307
Specify the type of air link security to apply to this BHM:
Encryption Disabled provides no encryption on the air link. This is the default
Encryption Enabled provides encryption, using a factory-programmed secret
key that is unique for each module.
In any BH link where encryption is enabled, the BHS briefly drops registration
and re-registers in the BHM every 24 hours to change the encryption key.
BHS Display of BHM Evaluation Data
You can use this field to suppress the display of data (Disable Display) about this BHM
on the BHM Evaluation tab of the Tools page in the BHS.
Web, Telnet, FTP Session Timeout
Enter the expiry in seconds for remote management sessions via HTTP, telnet, or ftp
access to the BHM.
IP Access Control
You can permit access to the BHM from any IP address (IP Access Filtering Disabled)
or limit it to access from only one, two, or three IP addresses that you specify (IP Access
Filtering Enabled). If you select IP Access Filtering Enabled, then you must populate
at least one of the three Allowed Source IP parameters or have no access permitted
from any IP address, including access and management by Prizm.
Allowed Source IP 1 to 3
If you selected IP Access Filtering Enabled for the IP Access Control parameter, then
you must populate at least one of the three Allowed Source IP parameters or have no
access permitted to the BHM from any IP address. You may populate as many as all
If you selected IP Access Filtering Disabled for the IP Access Control parameter, then
no entries in this parameter are read, and access from all IP addresses is permitted.
The Security tab also provides the following buttons.
Save Changes
When you click this button, any changes that you made on the Configuration page are
recorded in flash memory. However, these changes do not apply until the next reboot of
the module.
Installation and Configuration Guide Release 8
308 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review Issue 2, December 2006
When you click this button
1. the module reboots.
2. any changes that you saved by a click of the Save Changes button are
18.4.6 DiffServe Tab of the BHM
An example of the DiffServe tab in a BHM is displayed in Figure 111.
Figure 111: DiffServe tab of BHM, example
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Issue 2, December 2006 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review 309
In the DiffServe tab of the BHM, you may set the following parameters.
CodePoint 1
CodePoint 47
CodePoint 49
CodePoint 55
CodePoint 57
CodePoint 63
The DiffServe tab also provides the following buttons.
Save Changes
When you click this button, any changes that you made on the Configuration page are
recorded in flash memory. However, these changes do not apply until the next reboot of
the module.
When you click this button
1. the module reboots.
2. any changes that you saved by a click of the Save Changes button are
Installation and Configuration Guide Release 8
310 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review Issue 2, December 2006
18.4.7 Unit Settings Tab of the BHM
An example of the Unit Settings tab of the BHM is displayed in Figure 112.
Figure 112: Unit Settings tab of BHM, example
The Unit Settings tab of the BHM contains an option for how the BHM should react when
it detects a connected override plug. You may set this option as follows.
Set to Factory Defaults Upon Default Plug Detection
If Enabled is checked, then an override/default plug functions as a default plug. When
the module is rebooted with the plug inserted, it can be accessed at the IP address and no password, and all parameter values are reset to defaults.
A subscriber, technician, or other person who gains physical access to the module and
uses an override/default plug cannot see or learn the settings that were previously
configured in it. When the module is later rebooted with no plug inserted, the module
uses the new values for any parameters that were changed and the default values for
any that were not.
If Disabled is checked, then an override/default plug functions as an override plug. When
the module is rebooted with the plug inserted, it can be accessed at the IP address and no password, and all previously configured parameter values remain
and are displayed. A subscriber, technician, or other person who gains physical access
to the module and uses an override/default plug can see and learn the settings. When the
module is later rebooted with no plug inserted, the module uses the new values for any
parameters that were changed and the previous values for any that were not.
See Overriding Forgotten IP Addresses or Passwords on AP, SM, or BH on Page 375.
The Unit Settings tab also contains the following buttons.
Release 8 Installation and Configuration Guide
Issue 2, December 2006 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review 311
Save Changes
When you click this button, any changes that you made on the Configuration page are
recorded in flash memory. However, these changes do not apply until the next reboot of
the module.
When you click this button
1. the module reboots.
2. any changes that you saved by a click of the Save Changes button are
Installation and Configuration Guide Release 8
312 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review Issue 2, December 2006
If an ADMINISTRATOR-level password has been set in the BHS, you must log into the
module before you can configure its parameters. See Managing Module Access by
Passwords on Page 373.
18.5.1 General Tab of the BHS
An example of the General tab in a BHS is displayed in Figure 113.
Figure 113: General tab of BHS, example
In the General tab of the BHS, you may set the following parameters.
Release 8 Installation and Configuration Guide
Issue 2, December 2006 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review 313
Timing Mode
Select Timing Slave. This BH will receive sync from another source. Whenever you
toggle this parameter to Timing Slave from Timing Master, you should also do the
1. Make no other changes in this or any other interface page.
2. Save this change of timing mode.
3. Reboot the BH.
RESULT: The set of interface web pages that is unique to a BHS is made available.
In a BHS that cannot be converted to a BHM, this parameter is not present (for
example, in a BHS with Hardware Scheduling and Series P8 hardware.)
Link Speeds
Specify the type of link speed for the Ethernet connection. The default for this parameter
is that all speeds are selected. The recommended setting is a single speed selection for
all APs, BHs, and SMs in the operator network.
Webpage Auto Update
Enter the frequency (in seconds) for the web browser to automatically refresh the web-
based interface. The default setting is 0. The 0 setting causes the web-based interface to
never be automatically refreshed.
Bridge Entry Timeout
Specify the appropriate bridge timeout for correct network operation with the existing
network infrastructure. Timeout occurs when the BHM encounters no activity with the
BHS (whose MAC address is the bridge entry) within the interval that this parameter
specifies. The Bridge Entry Timeout should be a longer period than the ARP (Address
Resolution Protocol) cache timeout of the router that feeds the network.
This parameter governs the timeout interval, even if a router in the system has a longer
timeout interval. The default value of this field is 25 minutes.
An inappropriately low Bridge Entry Timeout setting may lead to temporary loss
of communication with some end users.
Bridging Functionality
Select whether you want bridge table filtering active (Enable) or not (Disable) on this
BHS. Selecting Disable allows you to use redundant BHs without causing network
addressing problems. Through a spanning tree protocol, this reduces the convergence
time from 25 minutes to mere seconds. However, you should disable bridge table filtering
as only a deliberate part of your overall network design. Otherwise, disabling it allows
unwanted traffic across the wireless interface.
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314 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review Issue 2, December 2006
SM Power Up Mode With No 802.3 Link
Specify the default mode in which this BHS will power up when it senses no Ethernet link.
Select either
Power Up in Aim Mode—the BHS boots in an aiming mode. When the BHS
senses an Ethernet link, this parameter is automatically reset to Power Up in
Operational Mode. When the BHS senses no Ethernet link within 15 minutes
after power up, the BHS carrier shuts off.
Power Up in Operational Mode—the BHS boots in Operational mode and
attempts registration. Unlike in previous releases, this is the default selection in
Release 8.
2X Rate
See 2X Operation on Page 91.
Frame Timing Pulse Gated
If this BHS extends the sync pulse to a BHM or an AP behind it, select either
Enable—If this BHS loses sync, then do not propagate a sync pulse to the BHM
or AP. This setting prevents interference in the event that the BHS loses sync.
Disable—If this BHS loses sync, then propagate the sync pulse anyway to the
BHM or AP.
See Wiring to Extend Network Sync on Page 369.
The General tab also provides the following buttons.
Save Changes
When you click this button, any changes that you made on the Configuration page are
recorded in flash memory. However, these changes do not apply until the next reboot of
the module.
When you click this button
1. the module reboots.
2. any changes that you saved by a click of the Save Changes button are
Release 8 Installation and Configuration Guide
Issue 2, December 2006 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review 315
18.5.2 IP Tab of the BHS
An example of the IP tab in a BHS is displayed in Figure 114.
Figure 114: IP tab of BHS, example
In the IP tab of the BHS, you may set the following parameters.
LAN1 Network Interface Configuration, IP Address
Enter the non-routable IP address to associate with the Ethernet connection on this BHS.
(The default IP address from the factory is If you set and then forget this
parameter, then you must both
1. physically access the module.
2. use an override plug to electronically access the module configuration
parameters at See Overriding Forgotten IP Addresses or
Passwords on AP, SM, or BH on Page 377.
Note or print the IP settings from this page. Ensure that you can readily
associate these IP settings both with the module and with the other data that you
store about the module.
LAN1 Network Interface Configuration, Subnet Mask
Enter an appropriate subnet mask for the BHS to communicate on the network. The
default subnet mask is See Allocating Subnets on Page 162.
Installation and Configuration Guide Release 8
316 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review Issue 2, December 2006
LAN1 Network Interface Configuration, Gateway IP Address
Enter the appropriate gateway for the BHS to communicate with the network. The default
gateway is
LAN1 Network Interface Configuration, DHCP State
If you select Enabled, the DHCP server automatically assigns the IP configuration
(IP address, subnet mask, and gateway IP address) and the values of those individual
parameters (above) are not used. The setting of this DHCP state parameter is also
viewable, but not settable, in the Network Interface tab of the Home page.
The IP tab also provides the following buttons.
Save Changes
When you click this button, any changes that you made on the IP Configuration page are
recorded in flash memory. However, these changes do not apply until the next reboot of
the module.
When you click this button
1. the module reboots.
2. any changes that you saved by a click of the Save Changes button are
18.5.3 Radio Tab of the BHS
An example of the Radio tab in a BHS is displayed in Figure 115.
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Issue 2, December 2006 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review 317
Figure 115: Radio tab of BHS, example
In the Radio tab of the BHS, you may set the following parameters.
Custom Radio Frequency Scan Selection List
Specify the frequency that the BHS should scan to find the BHM. The frequency band of
the BHs affects what channels you select.
In the 2.4-GHz frequency band, the BHS can register to a BHM that transmits on
a frequency 2.5 MHz higher than the frequency that the BHS receiver locks
when the scan terminates as successful. This establishes a poor-quality link. To
prevent this, select frequencies that are at least 5 MHz apart.
In a 2.4-GHz BHS, this parameter displays all available channels, but has only three
recommended channels selected by default. See 2.4-GHz AP Cluster Recommended
Channels on Page 137.
In a 5.2- or 5.4-GHz BHS, this parameter displays only ISM frequencies. In a 5.7-GHz
BHS, this parameter displays both ISM and U-NII frequencies. If you select all
frequencies that are listed (default selections), then the module scans for a signal on any
channel. If you select only one, then the module limits the scan to that channel. Since the
frequencies that this parameter offers for each of these two bands are 5 MHz apart, a
scan of all channels does not risk establishment of a poor-quality link as in the 2.4-GHz
band. Nevertheless, this can risk establishment of a link to the wrong BHM.
A list of channels in the band is provided in Considering Frequency Band Alternatives on
Page 136.
(The selection labeled Factory requires a special software key file for implementation.)
Color Code
Specify a value from 0 to 254. For registration to occur, the color code of the BHM and
the BHS must match. On all Canopy modules, the default setting for the color code value
is 0. This value matches only the color code of 0 (not all 255 color codes).
Note the color code that you enter. Ensure that you can readily associate this
color code both with the module and with the other data that you store about the
Transmitter Output Power
Nations and regions may regulate transmitter output power. For example
Both 900-MHz and 5.7-GHz modules are available as connectorized radios,
which require the operator to adjust power to ensure regulatory compliance. In
addition to setting the power in the 5.7-GHz connectorized module, the operator
Installation and Configuration Guide Release 8
318 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review Issue 2, December 2006
must set the antenna gain/cable loss such that the module can accurately report
received power at the antenna.
Legal maximum allowable transmitter output power and EIRP (Equivalent
Isotropic Radiated Power) in the 2.4-GHz frequency band varies by country and
region. The output power of Series P9 2.4-GHz modules can be adjusted to meet
these national or regional regulatory requirements.
Countries and regions that permit the use of the 5.4-GHz frequency band (CEPT
member states, for example), generally require equipment using the band to
have adjustable power.
The professional installer of Canopy equipment has the responsibility to
maintain awareness of applicable regulations.
calculate the permissible transmitter output power for the module.
confirm that the initial power setting is compliant with national or regional
confirm that the power setting is compliant following any reset of the module to
factory defaults.
For information on how to calculate the permissible transmitter output power to enter in
this parameter, see Adjusting Transmitter Output Power on Page 326.
The Radio tab also provides the following buttons.
Save Changes
When you click this button, any changes that you made on this tab are recorded in flash
memory. However, these changes do not apply until the next reboot of the module.
When you click this button
1. the module reboots.
2. any changes that you saved by a click of the Save Changes button are
Release 8 Installation and Configuration Guide
Issue 2, December 2006 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review 319
18.5.4 SNMP Tab of the BHS
An example of the SNMP tab in a BHS is displayed in Figure 116.
Figure 116: SNMP tab of BHS, example
In the SNMP tab of the BHS, you may set the following parameters.
Community String
Specify a control string that allows Prizm or an NMS (Network Management Station) to
access MIB information about this BHS. No spaces are allowed in this string. The default
string is Canopy.
Installation and Configuration Guide Release 8
320 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review Issue 2, December 2006
The Community String value is clear text and is readable by a packet monitor.
Additional security derives from the configuration of the Accessing Subnet, Trap
Address, and Permission parameters.
Accessing Subnet
Specify the addresses that are allowed to send SNMP requests to this BHS. Prizm or
the NMS has an address that is among these addresses (this subnet). You must enter
The network IP address in the form
The CIDR (Classless Interdomain Routing) prefix length in the form /xx
For example
the /16 in specifies a subnet mask of (the first 16 bits
in the address range are identical among all members of the subnet). specifies that any device whose IP address is in the range to can send SNMP requests to the BHS,
presuming that the device supplies the correct Community String value.
The default treatment is to allow all networks access (set to 0). For more information on
CIDR, execute an Internet search on “Classless Interdomain Routing.”
Trap Address 1 to 10
Specify ten or fewer IP addresses ( to which trap information should be
sent. Trap information informs Prizm or an NMS that something has occurred. For
example, trap information is sent
after a reboot of the module.
when Prizm or an NMS attempts to access agent information but either
supplied an inappropriate community string or SNMP version number.
is associated with a subnet to which access is disallowed.
Read Permissions
Select Read Only if you wish to disallow Prizm or NMS SNMP access to configurable
parameters and read-only fields of the SM.
Site Name
Specify a string to associate with the physical module. This parameter is written into the
sysName SNMP MIB-II object and can be polled by Prizm or an NMS. The buffer size for
this field is 128 characters.
Site Contact
Enter contact information for the module administrator. This parameter is written into the
sysContact SNMP MIB-II object and can be polled by Prizm or an NMS. The buffer size
for this field is 128 characters.
Site Location
Enter information about the physical location of the module. This parameter is written into
the sysLocation SNMP MIB-II object and can be polled by Prizm or an NMS. The buffer
size for this field is 128 characters.
Release 8 Installation and Configuration Guide
Issue 2, December 2006 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review 321
The SNMP tab also provides the following buttons.
Save Changes
When you click this button, any changes that you made on the Configuration page are
recorded in flash memory. However, these changes do not apply until the next reboot of
the module.
When you click this button
1. the module reboots.
2. any changes that you saved by a click of the Save Changes button are
18.5.5 Quality of Service (QoS) Tab of the BHS
An example of the Quality of Service tab of the BHS is displayed in Figure 117.
Figure 117: Quality of Service (QoS) tab of BHS, example
In the Quality of Service (QoS) tab of the BHS, you may set the following parameters.
Low Priority Uplink CIR
Committed Information Rate on Page 87
Setting the Configuration Source on Page 292.
Low Priority Downlink CIR
Committed Information Rate on Page 87
Installation and Configuration Guide Release 8
322 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review Issue 2, December 2006
Setting the Configuration Source on Page 292.
18.5.6 Security Tab of the BHS
An example of the Security tab in a BHS is displayed in Figure 118.
Figure 118: Security tab of BHS, example
In the Security tab of the BHS, you may set the following parameters.
Authentication Key
Only if the BHM to which this BHS will register requires authentication, specify the key
that the BHS should use when authenticating. For alpha characters in this hex key, use
only upper case.
Canopy recommends that you enter 32 characters to achieve the maximal
security from this feature.
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Issue 2, December 2006 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review 323
Select Key
The Use Default Key selection specifies that the link should continue to use the
automatically generated authentication key. See Authentication Manager Capability on
Page 385.
The Use Key above selection specifies the 32-digit hexadecimal key that is permanently
stored on both the BHS and the BHM.
Web, Telnet, FTP Session Timeout
Enter the expiry in seconds for remote management sessions via HTTP, telnet, or ftp
access to the BHS.
IP Access Control
You can permit access to the BHS from any IP address (IP Access Filtering Disabled)
or limit it to access from only one, two, or three IP addresses that you specify (IP Access
Filtering Enabled). If you select IP Access Filtering Enabled, then you must populate
at least one of the three Allowed Source IP parameters or have no access permitted
from any IP address, including access and management by Prizm.
Allowed Source IP 1 to 3
If you selected IP Access Filtering Enabled for the IP Access Control parameter, then
you must populate at least one of the three Allowed Source IP parameters or have no
access permitted to the BHS from any IP address. You may populate as many as all
If you selected IP Access Filtering Disabled for the IP Access Control parameter, then
no entries in this parameter are read, and access from all IP addresses is permitted.
The Security tab of the BHS also provides the following buttons.
Save Changes
When you click this button, any changes that you made on this tab are recorded in flash
memory. However, these changes do not apply until the next reboot of the module.
When you click this button
1. the module reboots.
2. any changes that you saved by a click of the Save Changes button are
Installation and Configuration Guide Release 8
324 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review Issue 2, December 2006
18.5.7 DiffServe Tab of the BHS
An example of the DiffServe tab in a BHS is displayed in Figure 119.
Figure 119: DiffServe tab of BHS, example
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Issue 2, December 2006 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review 325
You may set the following Differentiated Services Configuration page parameters.
CodePoint 1
CodePoint 47
CodePoint 49
CodePoint 55
CodePoint 57
CodePoint 63
18.5.8 Unit Settings Tab of the BHS
An example of the Unit Settings tab in a BHS is displayed in Figure 120.
Figure 120: Unit Settings tab of BHS, example
The Unit Settings tab of the BHS contains an option for how the BHS should react when it
detects a connected override plug. You may set this option as follows.
Installation and Configuration Guide Release 8
326 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review Issue 2, December 2006
Set to Factory Defaults Upon Default Plug Detection
If Enabled is checked, then an override/default plug functions as a default plug. When
the module is rebooted with the plug inserted, it can be accessed at the IP address and no password, and all parameter values are reset to defaults.
A subscriber, technician, or other person who gains physical access to the module and
uses an override/default plug cannot see or learn the settings that were previously
configured in it. When the module is later rebooted with no plug inserted, the module
uses the new values for any parameters that were changed and the default values for
any that were not.
If Disabled is checked, then an override/default plug functions as an override plug. When
the module is rebooted with the plug inserted, it can be accessed at the IP address and no password, and all previously configured parameter values remain
and are displayed. A subscriber, technician, or other person who gains physical access
to the module and uses an override/default plug can see and learn the settings. When the
module is later rebooted with no plug inserted, the module uses the new values for any
parameters that were changed and the previous values for any that were not.
See Overriding Forgotten IP Addresses or Passwords on AP, SM, or BH on Page 375.
The Unit Settings tab also contains the following buttons.
Save Changes
When you click this button, any changes that you made on all tabs are recorded in flash
memory. However, these changes do not apply until the next reboot of the module.
When you click this button
1. the module reboots.
2. any changes that you saved by a click of the Save Changes button are
Undo Unit-Wide Saved Changes
When you click this button, any changes that you made in any tab but did not commit by
a reboot of the module are undone.
Set to Factory Defaults
When you click this button, all configurable parameters on all tabs are reset to the factory
Authorities may require transmitter output power to be adjustable and/or lower than the
highest that a module produces. Canopy adjustable power modules include a Radio tab
parameter to reduce power to achieve compliance. If you set this parameter to lower than
the range of the hardware in a given module, the value is automatically reset to the
lowest value the hardware is capable of.
The best practice is to
maintain awareness of applicable regulations.
calculate the permissible transmitter output power for the module.
confirm that the initial power setting is compliant.
Release 8 Installation and Configuration Guide
Issue 2, December 2006 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review 327
confirm that the power setting is compliant following any reset of the module to
factory defaults.
Adjust (usually reduce) transmit power so as to have a good signal at the
receiver without transmitting excesss power. Note this usually means reducing
transmit power for close-in SMs, while setting the AP to reach its most distant
SM. For BHs, this usually means reducing the power symmetrically.
In the European Union, operators are under regulatory requirements to control
transmit power so as to enhance sharing with other band users.
The total gain per antenna in 900-MHz and 5.7-GHz Canopy radios is stated in Table 52.
Table 52: Total gain per antenna
Antenna Gain
Cable Loss1
Net Gain
900-MHz Integrated
12.5 dBi
0.2 dB
12 dBi
900-MHz Connectorized with
Mars, MTI, or Maxrad antenna.
10 to 10.5 dBi
0.3 dB
10 dBi
5.7-GHz Connectorized
0.3 dB + from
any additional
See Note 2
5.7-GHz Connectorized with
Mars antenna
15.5 dBi
0.3 dB
15 dBi
1. Received signal measurements take this loss into account, but the
transmitter output power setting cannot. Set the transmitter output
power higher by this amount.
2. Antenna gain minus cable loss.
Integrated patch antenna and reflector gains are provided in Table 53.
Table 53: Patch antenna and reflector gain
Band Range
2.4 GHz
8 dBi
5.2, 5.4, or
5.7 GHz
7 dBi
Installation and Configuration Guide Release 8
328 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review Issue 2, December 2006
The calculation of transmitter output power is as follows:
- -
solve, then set
in parameter
from applicable
from the preceding
from the preceding
Transmitter output power is settable as dBm on the Radio tab of the module. Example
cases of transmitter output power settings are shown in Table 54.
Release 8 Installation and Configuration Guide
Issue 2, December 2006 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review 329
Table 54: Transmitter output power settings, example cases
Transmitter Output
Power Setting
Frequency Band Range
and Antenna Scheme
Maximum EIRP
in Region
AP, SM, or BH with
No Reflector
SM or BH with
900 MHz Integrated
36 dBm (4 W)
24 dBm
36 dBm (4 W)
26 dBm1
900 MHz Connectorized
30 dBm (1 W)
Depends on
Depends on
antenna gain
25 dBm
25 dBm
2.4 GHz Integrated
20 dBm (100 mW)
12 dBm
1 dBm
5.2 GHz Integrated
30 dBm (1 W)
23 dBm
5.4 GHz Integrated
30 dBm (1 W)
23 dBm
5 dBm
5.7 GHz Connectorized
33 dBm (2 W)
Depends on
5.7 GHz Connectorized2
36 dBm (4W)
21 dBm
1. With Mars, MTI, or Maxrad antenna. This is the default setting, and 28 dBm is the highest settable
value. The lower default correlates to 36 dBm EIRP where 10-dBi antennas are used. The default
setting for this parameter is applied whenever Set to Factory Defaults is selected.
2. Only AP available
Release 8 Installation and Configuration Guide
Issue 2, December 2006 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review 331
Use shielded cable for all Canopy infrastructure connections associated with
BHs, APs, and CMMs. The environment that these modules operate in often has
significant unknown or varying RF energy. Operator experience consistently
indicates that the additional cost of shielded cables is more than compensated
by predictable operation and reduced costs for troubleshooting and support.
For RF spectrum analysis or module aiming on a roof or tower, a personal digital
assistant (PDA) is easier to carry than, and as convenient to use as, a notebook
computer. The PDA is convenient to use because no scrolling is required to view
spectrum analysis results.
RSSI and jitter.
master module evaluation data.
information that identifies the module, software, and firmware.
To access this data in a format the fits a 320 x 240 pixel PDA screen, the PDA must have
all of the following:
a Compact Flash card slot.
any of several Compact Flash wired Ethernet cards.
a wired Ethernet connection to the module.
a browser directed to http://ModuleIPAddress/pda.html.
The initial PDA tab reports link status, as shown in Figure 121.
Installation and Configuration Guide Release 8
332 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review Issue 2, December 2006
Figure 121: PDA Quick Status tab, example
An example of the Spectrum Analyzer tab for PDAs is displayed in Figure 122. For
additional information about the Spectrum Analyzer feature, see Monitoring the RF
Environment on Page 365.
Figure 122: PDA Spectrum Analyzer tab of SM, example
Examples of the Spectrum Results and Information tabs for PDAs are shown in
Figure 123 and Figure 124.
Release 8 Installation and Configuration Guide
Issue 2, December 2006 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review 333
Figure 123: PDA Spectrum Results tab of SM, example
Figure 124: PDA Information tab of SM, example
Examples of the AP Evaluation and Aim tabs for PDAs are shown in Figure 125 and
Figure 126.
Installation and Configuration Guide Release 8
334 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review Issue 2, December 2006
Figure 125: PDA AP Evaluation tab of SM, example
Figure 126: PDA Aim tab of SM, example
To install the Canopy AP, perform the following steps.
Procedure 19: Installing the AP
Release 8 Installation and Configuration Guide
Issue 2, December 2006 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review 335
1. Begin with the AP in the powered-down state.
2. Choose the best mounting location for your particular application. Modules need
not be mounted next to each other. They can be distributed throughout a given
site. However, the 60° offset must be maintained. Mounting can be done with
stainless steel hose clamps or another equivalent fastener.
3. Align the AP as follows:
a. Move the module to where the link will be unobstructed by the radio horizon
and no objects penetrate the Fresnel zone. (The Canopy System Calculator
page AntennaElevationCalcPage.xls automatically calculates the minimum
antenna elevation that is required to extend the radio horizon to the other end
of the link. The Canopy System Calculator page FresnelZoneCalcPage.xls
automatically calculates the Fresnel zone clearance that is required between
the visual line of sight and the top of a high-elevation object.)
b. Use a local map, compass, and/or GPS device as needed to determine the
direction that one or more APs require to each cover the intended 60° sector.
c. Apply the appropriate degree of downward tilt. (The Canopy System
Calculator page DowntiltCalcPage.xls automatically calculates the angle of
antenna downward tilt that is required.)
d. Ensure that the nearest and furthest SMs that must register to this AP are
within the beam coverage area. (The Canopy System Calculator page
BeamwidthRadiiCalcPage.xls automatically calculates the radii of the beam
coverage area.)
4. Using stainless steel hose clamps or equivalent fasteners, lock the AP in the
proper direction and downward tilt.
5. Remove the base cover of the AP. (See Figure 52 on Page 178.)
6. Attach the cables to the AP.
(See Procedure 5 on Page 184.)
NOTE: When power is applied to a Canopy module or the unit is reset on the web-based
interface, the module requires approximately 25 seconds to boot. During this interval,
self-tests and other diagnostics are being performed. See Table 44 on Page 179.
=========================== end of procedure ===========================
To install a connectorized flat panel antenna to a mast or structure, follow instructions
that the manufacturer provides. Install the antenna safely and securely, consistent with
industry practices.
The Universal Mounting Bracket available from Motorola (Part Number SMMB-1 and
consisting of a mounting bracket and L-shaped aluminum tube) holds one Canopy
module, but cannot hold both the module and a connectorized antenna. The SMMB-2 is a
heavy duty bracket that can hold both a 900-MHz module and its connectorized antenna.
See Module Support Brackets on Page 59.
Installation and Configuration Guide Release 8
336 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review Issue 2, December 2006
Connectorized antennas require professional installation.
The professional installer is responsible for
selection of an antenna that the regulatory agency has approved for use with the
Canopy 900-MHz AP and SM.
setting of the gain consistent with regulatory limitations and antenna
ensuring that the polarity—horizontal or vertical—is identical on both ends of the
link. (This may be less obvious where an integrated antenna is used on one end
and a connectorized on the other.)
use of moisture sealing tape or wrap to provide long-term integrity for the
The following information describes the recommended tools and procedures to mount the
GPS antenna.
Recommended Tools for GPS Antenna Mounting
The following tools may be needed for mounting the GPS antenna:
3/8” nut driver
12” adjustable wrench
7/16” wrench
Needle-nose pliers
Mounting a GPS Antenna
Perform the following procedure to mount a GPS antenna.
Procedure 20: Mounting the GPS antenna
1. Ensure that the mounting position
has an unobstructed view of the sky to 20º above the horizon.
is not the highest object at the site. (This is important for lightning protection.)
is not further than 100 feet (30.4 meters) of cable from the CMM2 or
2. Select a pole that has an outside diameter of 1.25 to 1.5 inches (3 to 4 cm) to
which the GPS antenna bracket can be mounted.
3. Place the U-bolts (provided) around the pole as shown in Figure 127.
4. Slide the GPS antenna bracket onto the U-bolts.
5. Slide the ring washers (provided) onto the U-bolts.
Release 8 Installation and Configuration Guide
Issue 2, December 2006 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review 337
6. Slide the lock washers (provided) onto the U-bolts.
7. Use the nuts (provided) to securely fasten the bracket to the U-bolts.
=========================== end of procedure ===========================
Figure 127: Detail of GPS antenna mounting
19.4.1 Recommended Materials for Cabling the GPS Antenna
The following materials are required for cabling the GPS antenna:
up to 100 feet (30.4 meters) of LMR200 coaxial cable
2 Times Microwave N-male connectors (Times Microwave P/N TC-200-NM) or
equivalent connectors.
19.4.2 Cabling the GPS Antenna
Connect the GPS coax cable to the female N-connector on the GPS antenna.
Ensure that you comply with standard local or national electrical and climbing procedures
when you install the CMM2.
19.5.1 CMM2 Installation Temperature Range
Install the CMM2 outside only when temperatures are above –4° F (–20° C). The
bulkhead connector and the bushings and inserts in the bulkhead connector are rated for
the full 40° to +131° F (–40° to +55° C) range of the CMM2. However, for dynamic
operations (loosening, tightening, and inserting), they are compliant at, and rated for, only
temperatures at or above –4° F (–20° C).
19.5.2 Recommended Tools for Mounting a CMM2
The following tools may be needed for mounting the CMM2:
3/8” nut driver
12” adjustable wrench
14-mm wrench for pole-mounting
needle-nose pliers
Installation and Configuration Guide Release 8
338 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review Issue 2, December 2006
19.5.3 Mounting a CMM2
Perform the following procedure to mount the CMM2.
Procedure 21: Mounting the CMM2
1. Ensure that the mounting position
is not further than 328 feet (100 meters) of cable from the furthest AP or BH
that the CMM2 will serve.
is not closer than 10 feet (3 meters) to the nearest AP or BH.
is not further than 100 feet (30.4 meters) of cable from the intended mounting
position of the GPS antenna.
allows you to fully open the door of the CMM2 for service.
2. Select a support structure to which the flanges of the CMM2 can be mounted.
3. If the support structure is a wall, use screws or bolts (neither is provided) to
attach the flanges to the wall.
4. If the support structure is an irregular-shaped object, use adjustable stainless
steel bands (provided) to attach the CMM2 to the object.
5. If the support structure is a pole that has an outside diameter of 3 to 8 cm, or
1.25 to 3 inches, use a toothed V-bracket (provided) to
a. attach the V-bracket to the pole as shown in Figure 128.
b. attach the CMM2 flanges to the V-bracket.
Figure 128: Detail of pole mounting
=========================== end of procedure ===========================
19.5.4 Cabling a CMM2
Where you deploy CMM2s, one AP in each AP cluster must be connected to the
master port on the CMM2, and each module connected to a CMM2 must be
configured to Sync to Received Signal (Timing Port). If either is not done, then
the GPS receiver sends no sync pulse to the remaining ports.
Release 8 Installation and Configuration Guide
Issue 2, December 2006 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review 339
Perform the following procedure to attach the CMM2 cables on both ends:
Procedure 22: Cabling the CMM2
1. Carefully review the practices recommended in Best Practices for Cabling on
Page 182.
2. Remove the base cover from any AP or BH that is to be connected to this CMM2.
See Figure 52 on Page 178.
3. Remove the GPS sync cable knockout from the base cover.
4. For any AP that is to be connected to this CMM2, set the AP Sync Input
Configuration Page parameter to the Sync to Received Signal (Timing Port)
5. Review the schematic drawing inside the CMM2.
6. Set the 115-/230-volt switch in the CMM2 consistent with the power source. See
Figure 129.
115/230 V switch
AC power
Fuse receptacle
Figure 129: Location of 115-/230-volt switch
Failure to set the 115-/230-volt switch correctly can result in damage to
The AC power connectors are labeled N for Neutral, L for Line, and PE for
Protective Earth (PE)
or ground. The maximum thickness of wire to be used is
4 mm2 or 12 AWG.
Installation and Configuration Guide Release 8
340 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review Issue 2, December 2006
7. Route the Ethernet cables from the APs and or BHs to the CMM2.
The strain relief plugs on the CMM2 have precut holes. Each hole of the strain
relief is designed to hold two CAT 5 UTP cables or one shielded cable. The
Ethernet cables have RJ-45 (standard Ethernet) connectors that mate to
corresponding ports inside the CMM2.
These ports are labeled J3. Eight J3 ports are available on the CMM2 to
accommodate any combination of APs and BHs.
The logical connections in the CMM2 are displayed in Figure 130.
J3 GPS Sync
J1 Ethernet In
876 5 4 3 2 1
J2 Ethernet to Switch
Interconnect Board
Power Supply
Strain relief strap for
incoming power wiring
+ -
115/230V Switch Replace Fuse with
Type FSM 3.15A
+ - +
Remove lines from power supply if using external DC supply
Figure 130: Layout of logical connections in CMM2
8. Connect the Ethernet cable from the first AP or BH to the Port 1 in the J3 ports in
the CMM2. This port is the master Ethernet port for the CMM2 and should be
connected first in all cases. Figure 131 on Page 341 is a photograph of a
properly wired CMM2.
Release 8 Installation and Configuration Guide
Issue 2, December 2006 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review 341
Figure 131: Canopy CMM2, front view
9. Connect the remaining Ethernet cables to the remaining J3 ports.
10. Route the GPS sync (serial) cables from the APs to the CMM2.
The GPS sync cables have 6-conductor RJ-11 connectors that mate to
corresponding ports inside the CMM2.
These ports are labeled J1. Eight J1 ports are available on the CMM2 to
accommodate any combination of APs and BHs.
11. Connect the GPS sync cable from the first AP or BH to the Port 1 in the J1 ports
in the CMM2. See Figure 131 on Page 341.
This port is the master GPS sync port for the CMM2 and should be connected
first in all cases. This is necessary to initialize the GPS on the CMM2.
12. Connect the remaining GPS sync cables to the remaining J1 ports.
13. If this CMM2 requires network connection, perform the following steps:
a. Route a network cable into the CMM2.
b. Connect to the uplink port on the switch.
c. Properly ground (connect to Protective Earth [PE]
) the Ethernet cable. The
Canopy Surge Suppressor provides proper grounding for this situation.
NOTE: Instructions for installing a Canopy Surge Suppressor are provided in
Procedure 28 on Page 346.
Installation and Configuration Guide Release 8
342 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review Issue 2, December 2006
14. Connect GPS coaxial cable to the N-connector on the outside of the CMM2. See
Figure 53 on Page 180.
15. Connect AC or DC power to the CMM2, consistent with Figure 130 on Page 340.
NOTE: When power is applied, the following indicators are lighted:
the power LED on the Ethernet switch
the green LED on the circuit board, as shown in Figure 132.
Figure 132: Port indicator LED on Ethernet switch
16. Verify that each port indicator LED on the Ethernet switch is lit (each AP or BH is
reliably connected to the Ethernet switch).
17. Replace the base cover on each AP or BH.
18. Close and lock the CMM2.
=========================== end of procedure ===========================
19.5.5 Verifying CMM2 Connections
To verify the CMM2 connections after the APs and or BHs have been installed, perform
the following steps:
Procedure 23: Verifying CMM2 connections
1. Access the web-based interface for each AP or BHM by opening
http://<ip-address>, where the <ip-address> is the address of the individual
2. In the General Status tab of the Home page, verify that the System Time field
displays the time in GMT.
=========================== end of procedure ===========================
Ensure that you comply with standard local or national electrical and climbing procedures
when you install the CMMmicro.
Release 8 Installation and Configuration Guide
Issue 2, December 2006 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review 343
19.6.1 CMMmicro Temperature Range
Install the CMMmicro outside only when temperatures are above –4° F (–20° C). The
bulkhead connector and the bushings and inserts in the bulkhead connector are rated for
the full 40° to +131° F (–40° to +55° C) range of the CMMmicro. However, for dynamic
operations (loosening, tightening, and inserting), they are compliant at, and rated for, only
temperatures at or above –4° F (–20° C).
19.6.2 Recommended Tools for Mounting a CMMmicro
The following tools may be needed during installation:
3/8” nut driver
12” adjustable wrench
14-mm wrench for installation of pole-mounting brackets
needle-nose pliers
19.6.3 Mounting a CMMmicro
Perform the following procedure to mount the CMMmicro.
Procedure 24: Mounting the CMMmicro
1. Ensure that the mounting position
is not further than 328 feet (100 meters) from the furthest AP or BH that the
CMMmicro will serve.
is not closer than 10 feet (3 meters) to the nearest AP or BH.
is not further than 100 feet (30.5 meters) of cable from the intended mounting
position of the GPS antenna.
allows you to fully open the door for service.
2. Select a support structure to which the flanges can be mounted.
3. If the support structure is a wall, use screws or bolts (neither is provided) to
attach the flanges to the wall.
If the support structure is an irregular-shaped object, use adjustable stainless
steel bands (provided) to attach the CMMmicro to the object.
4. If the support structure is a pole that has an outside diameter of 1.25 to 3 inches
(3 to 8 cm), use a toothed V-bracket (provided) to
d. attach the V-bracket to the pole as shown in Figure 128 on Page 338.
e. attach the CMMmicro flanges to the V-bracket.
=========================== end of procedure ===========================
19.6.4 Installing the Power Supply for the CMMmicro
Install the CMMmicro power converter in only a hut, wiring closet, or weatherized NEMA-
approved enclosure. This is imperative to keep moisture away from the power converter,
not to shield it from harsh temperatures.
Installation and Configuration Guide Release 8
344 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review Issue 2, December 2006
Although the output of the power converter is 24 V, the 100-W power rating
classifies the converter as a Class 2 electric device. For this reason, whenever
you work on power in the CMMmicro, you must first disconnect the DC converter
from the AC power source.
Perform the following procedure to install the provided power supply.
Procedure 25: Installing the Power Supply for the CMMmicro
1. Connect the 6-ft (2-m) AC power cord to the power converter (but not yet to an
AC receptacle).
2. Select the length of power cord as follows:
a. If either mounting the unit inside with the power converter or outside within 9
ft (2.8 m) of the power converter, select the 10-ft (3-m) DC power cord (rated
for outdoor use).
b. If mounting the unit outside and further than 9 ft (2.8 m) from the power
converter, ensure that this additional length of cord is either UV-resistant or
shielded from UV rays.
use a terminal block, connector, or splice to add the additional length.
protect the terminal block, connector, or splice (as inside a weatherized
enclosure, for example).
Table 55: Wire size for CMMmicro power runs of longer than 9 feet (2.8 m)
DC Power Cord Length
Proper Wire Size
990 ft (325 m)
12 AWG (4 mm2)
91145 ft (2645 m)
10 AWG (6 mm2)
146230 ft (4670 m)
8 AWG (10 mm2)
>230 ft (>70 m)
6 AWG (16 mm2)
3. Refer to Figure 76: CMMmicro connections on Page 220.
4. Feed the power cord through the bulkhead connector of the CMMmicro.
5. Connect the converter lead whose insulation has a white stripe to +V on the
CMMmicro terminal block.
6. Connect the converter lead whose insulation is solid black to V on the
CMMmicro terminal block.
=========================== end of procedure ===========================
19.6.5 Cabling a CMMmicro
Perform the following procedure to attach the CMMmicro cables on both ends:
Procedure 26: Cabling the CMMmicro
1. Remove the base cover from any AP or BH that is to be connected to this
CMMmicro. See Figure 52 on Page 178.
Release 8 Installation and Configuration Guide
Issue 2, December 2006 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review 345
2. Review the schematic drawing inside the CMMmicro and see
Figure 76: CMMmicro connections on Page 220.
3. Note that the inserts in the bulkhead connector bushings have precut holes.
4. Remove the hard silicon spacer.
5. Route the Ethernet cables from the APs through the bulkhead connectors to the
Ethernet switch inside the CMMmicro.
6. If the BH at this site is a 30/60- or 150/300-Mbps BH
a. connect the BH outdoor unit (ODU) to the ODU port of the power indoor unit
b. connect the PIDU to an unpowered port of the CMMmicro.
If the BH is of another modulation rate, route the Ethernet cables from the BH
through the bulkhead connectors to the Ethernet switch in the CMMmicro.
7. If the site has a wired network feed, route the cable into the CMMmicro and
connect it to an unpowered port on the switch.
8. Mount a Canopy surge suppressor at a low point of the network feed and
connect the surge suppressor to solid ground.
9. On the door label, record the MAC and IP addresses of the CMMmicro and all
connected equipment.
10. Consistent with practices in your company, note the above information to add
later to the company equipment database.
11. Connect the GPS coax cable from the GPS antenna to the female BNC
connector in the CMMmicro.
12. If this CMMmicro requires network connection, perform the following steps:
a. Route a network cable into the CMMmicro.
b. Connect to the uplink port on the switch.
c. Properly ground (connect to Protective Earth [PE]
) the Ethernet cable. The
Canopy Surge Suppressor provides proper grounding for this situation.
NOTE: Instructions for installing a Canopy Surge Suppressor are provided as
part of Procedure 28 on Page 346.
13. Connect the DC power cable to the CMMmicro.
14. Plug the DC converter into an AC receptacle.
15. Verify that the LEDs light.
=========================== end of procedure ===========================
19.6.6 Verifying CMMmicro Connections
To verify the CMMmicro connections after the APs and or BHs have been installed,
perform the following steps.
Procedure 27: Verifying CMMmicro connections
1. Access the web-based interface for each AP or BH by opening
http://<ip-address>, where the <ip-address> is the address of the individual
2. In the Status page, verify that the time is expressed in GMT.
3. In the menu on the left-hand side of the web page, click on GPS Status.
4. Verify that the AP or BH is seeing and tracking satellites. (To generate the timing
pulse, the module must track at least 4 satellites.)
Installation and Configuration Guide Release 8
346 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review Issue 2, December 2006
=========================== end of procedure ===========================
Installing a Canopy SM consists of two procedures:
Physically installing the SM on a residence or other location and performing a
course alignment using the alignment tone (Procedure 28).
Verifying the AP to SM link and finalizing alignment using review of power level
and jitter, link tests, and review of registration and session counts (Procedure 29
on Page 349).
Procedure 28: Installing the SM
1. Choose the best mounting location for the SM.
2. Select the type of mounting hardware appropriate for this location. (For mounting
2.4, 5.2, 5.4, and 5.7 GHz SMs, Motorola offers the SMMB-1 mounting bracket.
For mounting 900 MHz SMs, Motorola offers the SMMB-2 mounting bracket.)
3. Remove the base cover of the SM. (See Figure 52 on Page 178.)
4. Terminate the UV outside grade Category 5 Ethernet cable with an RJ-45
connector, and connect the cable to the SM. (See Procedure 8 on Page 192.)
5. Optionally, attach the SM to the arm of the Canopy Passive Reflector dish
assembly as shown in Figure 133.
A reflector in this instance reduces the beamwidth to reduce
interference. The arm is molded to receive and properly aim the
module relative to the aim of the dish. Use stainless steel hose
clamps for the attachment.
Stainless steel
hose clamps
Reflector dish arm
Figure 133: SM attachment to reflector arm
Release 8 Installation and Configuration Guide
Issue 2, December 2006 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review 347
6. Use stainless steel hose clamps or equivalent fasteners to lock the SM into
NOTE: The SM grounding method is shown in Figure 134.
Figure 134: SM grounding per NEC specifications
7. Remove the cover of the 300SS Surge Suppressor.
Installation and Configuration Guide Release 8
348 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review Issue 2, December 2006
Holes—for mounting the Surge Suppressor to a flat surface
(such as an outside wall). The distance between centers is 4.25
inches (108 mm).
RJ-45 connectors—One side (neither side is better than the
other for this purpose) connects to the Canopy product (AP,
SM, BHM, BHS, or cluster management module). The other
connects to the AC adaptor’s Ethernet connector.
Ground post—use heavy gauge (10 AWG or 6 mm2) copper
wire for connection. Refer to local electrical codes for exact
Ground Cable Opening—route the 10 AWG (6 mm2) ground
cable through this opening.
CAT-5 Cable Knockouts—route the two CAT-5 cables through
these openings, or alternatively through the Conduit
Conduit Knockouts—on the back of the case, near the bottom.
Available for installations where cable is routed through
building conduit.
Figure 135: Internal view of Canopy 300SS Surge Suppressor
8. With the cable openings facing downward, mount the 300SS to the outside of the
subscriber premises, as close to the point where the Ethernet cable penetrates
the residence or building as possible, and as close to the grounding system
(Protective Earth) as possible.
9. Using diagonal cutters or long nose pliers, remove the knockouts that cover the
cable openings to the 300SS.
10. Connect an Ethernet cable from the power adapter (located inside the residence
or building, outward through the building penetration) to either RJ-45 port of the
11. Connect another Ethernet cable from the other RJ-45 port of the 300SS to the
Ethernet port of the SM.
12. Refer to Grounding SMs on Page 172.
Release 8 Installation and Configuration Guide
Issue 2, December 2006 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review 349
13. Wrap an AWG 10 (or 6mm2) copper wire around the Ground post of the 300SS.
14. Tighten the Ground post locking nut in the 300SS onto the copper wire.
15. Securely connect the copper wire to the grounding system (Protective Earth)
according to applicable regulations.
16. Connect a ground wire to the 300SS.
17. Replace the cover of the 300SS surge suppressor.
18. For coarse alignment of the SM, use the Audible Alignment Tone feature as
a. Set the 2X Rate parameter in the SM to Disable.
b. At the SM, connect the RJ-11 6-pin connector of the Alignment Tool Headset
to the RJ-11 utility port of the SM.
Alternatively, instead of using the Alignment Tool Headset, use an earpiece
or small battery-powered speaker connected to Pin 5 (alignment tone output)
and Pin 6 (ground) of an RJ-11 connector.
c. Listen to the alignment tone for
pitch, which indicates greater signal power (RSSI/dBm) by higher
volume, which indicates better signal quality (lower jitter) by higher
Figure 136: Audible Alignment Tone kit, including headset and connecting
d. Adjust the module slightly until you hear the highest pitch and highest
e. If the Configuration web page of the SM contains a 2X Rate parameter, set it
back to Enable.
19. When you have achieved the best signal (highest pitch, loudest volume), lock the
SM in place with the mounting hardware.
=========================== end of procedure ===========================
To verify the AP-SM link after the SM has been installed, perform the following steps.
Procedure 29: Verifying performance for an AP-SM link
Installation and Configuration Guide Release 8
350 Draft 2 for Regulatory Review Issue 2, December 2006
1. Using a computer (laptop, desktop, PDA) connected to the SM, open a browser
and access the SM using the default IP address of (or the IP
address configured in the SM, if one has been configured.)
2. On the General Status tab of the Home page in the SM (shown in Figure 66 on
Page 198), look for Power Level and Jitter.
IMPORTANT: The received Power Level is shown in dBm and should be
maximized. Jitter should be minimized. However, better/lower jitter should be
favored over better/higher dBm. For example, if coarse alignment gives an SM
a power level of 75 dBm and a jitter measurement of 5, and further refining
the alignment drops the power level to 78 dBm and the jitter to 2 or 3, the latter
would be better, with the following caveats:
When the receiving link is operating at 1X, the Jitter scale is 0 to 15 with
desired jitter between 0 and 4.
When the receiving link is operating at 2X, the Jitter scale is 0 to 15 with
desired jitter between 0 and 9.
For historical reasons, RSSI is also shown and is the unitless
measure of power. The best practice is to use Power Level and
ignore RSSI, which implies more accuracy and precision than is
inherent in the measurement.
3. Fine-adjust the SM mounting, if needed, to improve Jitter or Power Level.
4. Click the Link Capacity Test tab of the Tools web page in the SM.
NOTE: Use of this tool is described under Using the Link Capacity Test Tool (All)
on Page 434.
5. Perform several link tests of 10-second duration as follows:
a. Type into the Duration field how long (in seconds) the RF link should be
b. Leave the Packet Length field (when present) set to the default of 1522
bytes or type into that field the packet length at which you want the test
c. Leave the Number of Packets field set to 0 (to flood the link).
d. Click the Start Test button.
e. View the results of the test.
6. If these link tests fail to consistently show 90% or greater efficiency in 1X
operation or 50 to 60% efficiency in 2X, troubleshoot the link, using the data as
If the downlink is consistently 90% efficient, but the uplink is only 40%, this
indicates trouble for the SM transmitting to the AP. Have link tests performed
for nearby SMs. If their results are similar, investigate a possible source of
interference local at the AP.
If the uplink is consistently 90% efficient, but the downlink is only 40%, this
indicates trouble for the AP transmitting to the SM. Investigate a possible
source of interference near the SM.
If these link tests consistently show 90% or greater efficiency in 1X operation, or
50 to 60% efficiency in 2X operation, in both uplink and downlink, continue this

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