Sony Group DCRTRV950 Digital Video Camera Recorder TRV950 User Manual manual3

Sony Corporation Digital Video Camera Recorder TRV950 manual3


129“Memory Stick” OperationsUsing a “Memory Stick” – IntroductionUsing a touch panelMost operation buttons for use of a “Memory Stick” are displayed on the LCD screen.Touch the LCD screen directly with your finger or the supplied stylus (DCR-TRV950only) to operate each function.(1)Set the POWER switch to MEMORY/NETWORK (DCR-TRV950 only). Makesure that the LOCK switch is set to the further side (unlock position).(2)Press OPEN to open the LCD panel. Operation buttons appear on the LCDscreen. You can switch the memory playback/memory camera by pressingPLAY/CAM.(3)Press FN. Operation buttons appear on the LCD screen.(4)Press PAGE2 to go to PAGE2. Operation buttons appear on the LCD screen.(5)Press PAGE3 to go to PAGE3. Operation buttons appear on the LCD screen.(6)Press a desired operation item.Refer to relevant pages for each function.FN 13~62FNINDEXPLAY FNINDEXCAMSPOTFOCUS PLAY INDEX SPOTMETERSELFTIMERMEMMIX9PICPRINTLCDBRT PLAY INDEXPLAY INDEX+–PAGE1 PAGE2 PAGE3PAGE1 PAGE2 PAGE3SLIDESHOWPAGE1 PAGE2 PAGE3EXITEXITEXITLOCKPOWEROFF(CHG)CAMERAMEMORY/NETWORKVCRIn the memory cameraIn the memorycameraIn the memoryplayback (stillimage)
130Using a “Memory Stick” – IntroductionTo return to FNPress EXIT.To execute settingsPress   OK.To cancel settingsPress   OFF to return to PAGE1/PAGE2/PAGE3.Notes•When using the touch panel, press operation buttons with your thumb supporting theLCD screen from the back side of it or press those buttons lightly with your indexfinger.•Do not press the LCD screen with sharp-pointed objects other than the suppliedstylus. (DCR-TRV950 only)•Do not press the LCD screen too hard.•Do not touch the LCD screen with wet hands.•If FN is not on the LCD screen, touch the LCD screen lightly to make it appear. Youcan control the display with DISPLAY/TOUCH PANEL on your camcorder.•When operation buttons do not work even if you press them, an adjustment isrequired (CALIBRATION) (p. 238).•When the LCD screen gets dirty, clean it with the supplied cleaning cloth.When executing each itemThe green bar appears above the item.If the items are not availableThe color of the items changes to gray.Press FN to display the following buttons:In the memory cameraPAGE1 SELFTIMER, SPOT FOCUS, PLAY, INDEX, SPOT METERPAGE2 LCD BRT, PLAY, INDEX, MEM MIXPAGE3 SLIDE SHOW, PLAY, INDEX, 9PIC PRINTIn the memory playbackPAGE1 PB ZOOM, CAM, INDEX, DELETE, +, –PAGE2 LCD BRT, CAM, INDEX, +, –PAGE3 SLIDE SHOW, CAM, INDEX, 9PIC PRINT, +, –
131“Memory Stick” OperationsSelecting the still image qualityYou can select the image quality in still image recording. The default setting is SUPERFINE.(1)Set the POWER switch to MEMORY/NETWORK (DCR-TRV950 only) or VCR.Make sure that the LOCK switch is set to the further side (unlock position).(2)Press MENU, then select STILL SET in   with the SEL/PUSH EXEC dial(p. 211).(3)Turn the SEL/PUSH EXEC dial to select QUALITY , then press the dial.(4)Turn the SEL/PUSH EXEC dial to select the desired image quality , then pressthe dial.Using a “Memory Stick” – IntroductionMENU134MEMORY  SET  STILL  SET    BURST    QUALITY    IMAGESIZE       RETURNSUPER  FINEFINESTANDARD[MENU] : ENDREMAIN               12MEMORY  SET  STILL  SET    BURST    QUALITY    IMAGESIZE       RETURNSTANDARD[MENU] : ENDREMAIN               36LOCKPOWEROFF(CHG)CAMERAMEMORY/NETWORKVCR
132Image quality settingsSetting MeaningSUPER FINE (SFN) This is the highest image quality in your camcorder.The number of still images you can record is less thanin FINE mode. Super fine images are compressed toabout 1/3.FINE (FINE) Use this mode when you want to record high qualityimages. Fine images are compressed to about 1/6.STANDARD (STD) This is the standard image quality in your camcorder.Standard images are compressed to about 1/10.NoteIn some cases, changing the image quality may not affect the image quality, dependingon the type of images you are shooting.Differences in image qualityRecorded images are compressed in JPEG format before being stored in memory. Thememory capacity allotted to each image varies depending on the selected image qualityand image size. Details are shown in the table below. (You can select 1152 × 864 or 640 ×480 image size in the menu settings.)1152 × 864 image sizeImage quality Memory capacitySUPER FINE About 600 KBFINE About 300 KBSTANDARD About 200 KB640 × 480 image sizeImage quality Memory capacitySUPER FINE About 190 KBFINE About 100 KBSTANDARD About   60 KBImage quality indicatorThe image quality indicator is not displayed during playback.When you select image qualityThe number of images you can shoot in the currently selected image quality appears onthe screen.Using a “Memory Stick” – Introduction
133“Memory Stick” OperationsSelecting the image sizeYou can select either of two image sizesStill images: 1152 × 864 or 640 × 480. (When the POWER switch is set to CAMERAor VCR, the image size is automatically set to 640 × 480.)The default setting is 1152 × 864.Moving pictures: 320 × 240 or 160 × 112The default setting is 320 × 240.(1)Set the POWER switch to MEMORY/NETWORK (DCR-TRV950 only). Makesure that the LOCK switch is set to the further side (unlock position).(2)Press MENU, then turn the SEL/PUSH EXEC dial to select STILL SET (stillimage) or MOVIE SET (moving picture) in  , then press the dial (p. 211).(3)Turn the SEL/PUSH EXEC dial to select IMAGESIZE, then press the dial.(4)Turn the SEL/PUSH EXEC dial to select the desired image size, then press thedial.The indicator changes as follows:Still images:Moving pictures:Using a “Memory Stick” – Introduction1152 640320 1603413201152MEMORY  SET  STILL  SET    BURST    QUALITY    IMAGESIZE       RETURN 1152 × 864  640 × 480[MENU] : ENDMEMORY  SET  MOVIE  SET    IMAGESIZE         REMAIN       RETURN320 × 240160 × 112[MENU] : ENDREMAIN            1minMEMORY  SET  STILL  SET    BURST    QUALITY    IMAGESIZE       RETURN 640 × 480[MENU] : ENDREMAIN               40REMAIN               12MEMORY  SET  MOVIE  SET    IMAGESIZE         REMAIN       RETURN160 × 112[MENU] : ENDREMAIN            5minLOCKPOWEROFF(CHG)CAMERAMEMORY/NETWORKVCRMENUSTILL SET MOVIE SETSTILL SET MOVIE SET
134Using a “Memory Stick” – IntroductionImage size settingsSetting Meaning Indicator1152 × 864 Records 1152 × 864 still images.1152640 × 480 Records 640 × 480 still images.640320 × 240 Records 320 × 240 moving pictures.320160 × 112 Records 160 × 112 moving pictures.160Approximate number of still images you can record on a“Memory Stick”The number of images you can record varies depending on which image quality andimage size you select and the complexity of the subject.Approximate time of moving pictures you can record on a“Memory Stick”The time of moving pictures you can record varies depending on which image size youselect and the complexity of the subject.The table above shows approximate number and times of still images and movingpictures you can record on a “Memory Stick” formatted by your camcorder.NoteWhen still images recorded on your camcorder in 1152 × 864 size are played back onother equipment that does not support 1152 × 864 size, the full image may not appear,or images in the reduced size may appear in the center of the screen. Type of the “Memory Stick”Image size 8MB 16MB 32MB 64MB 128MB(supplied) (optional) (optional) (optional) (optional)320 × 240 1 min. 2 min. 5 min. 10 min. 21 min.20 sec. 40 sec. 20 sec. 40 sec. 20 sec.160 × 112 5 min. 10 min. 21 min. 42 min. 85 min.20 sec. 40 sec. 20 sec. 40 sec. 20 sec.Type of the “Memory Stick”Image quality Image size 8MB 16MB 32MB 64MB 128MB(supplied) (optional) (optional) (optional) (optional)SUPER FINE 1152 × 864 12 images 25 images 51 images 100 images 205 images640 × 480 40 images 80 images 160 images 325 images 650 imagesFINE 1152 × 864 25 images 50 images 100 images 205 images 415 images640 × 480 80 images 160 images 325 images 650 images 1310 imagesSTANDARD 1152 × 864 37 images 74 images 150 images 300 images 600 images640 × 480 120 images 240 images 485 images 980 images 1970 images
135“Memory Stick” OperationsYou can record still images on a “Memory Stick.”Before operationInsert a “Memory Stick” into your camcorder.(1)Set the POWER switch to MEMORY/NETWORK (DCR-TRV950 only). Makesure that the LOCK switch is set to the further side (unlock position).(2)Press PHOTO lightly. The green z mark stops flashing, then lights up. Thebrightness of the image and focus are adjusted, being targeted for the middleof the image and are fixed. Recording does not start yet.(3)Press PHOTO deeper.The still image will be displayed after the shutter sounds.Recording is complete when the bar scroll indicator disappears.The image when you pressed PHOTO deeper will be recorded on the“Memory Stick.”You can record still images on a “Memory Stick” in the taperecording or recording standbyFor the details, see p. 46.321 / 12SFN1152SFN1152FNINDEXPLAYFNINDEXPLAYPHOTOPHOTO1LOCKPOWEROFF(CHG)CAMERAMEMORY/NETWORKVCR[a][b][a]:Number of recorded images[b]:Approximate number of images can berecorded on the “Memory Stick”Recording still images on a “MemoryStick”– Memory Photo recording
136Recording still images on a“Memory Stick”– Memory Photo recordingWhen the POWER switch is set to MEMORY/NETWORK (DCR-TRV950 only)The following functions do not work:–Digital zoom–Wide mode–Fader–Picture effect–Digital effect–Sports lesson of PROGRAM AE (The indicator flashes.)–TitleWhile you are recording a still imageYou can neither turn off the power nor press PHOTO.When you press PHOTO on the Remote CommanderYour camcorder immediately records the image that is on the screen when you pressthe button.When you press PHOTO lightly in step 2The image momentarily flickers. This is not a malfunction.Recording dataThe recording data (date/time or various settings when recorded) are not displayedwhile recording. However, they are recorded automatically onto the “Memory Stick.”To display the recording data, press the DATA CODE button during playback. You canalso use the Remote Commander for this operation (p. 41).When the POWER switch is set to MEMORY/NETWORK (DCR-TRV950 only)The angle of view is slightly larger compared with the angle of view when the POWERswitch is set to CAMERA.
137“Memory Stick” OperationsRecording images continuouslyYou can record still images continuously. Before recording, select one of the four modesdescribed below in the menu settings.NORMAL [a]Your camcorder shoots up to four still images in 1152 × 864 size or 13 still images in 640× 480 size at about 0.5 sec intervals. (   )EXP BRKTG (Exposure Bracketing)Your camcorder automatically shoots three images at about 0.5 sec intervals at differentexposures. (   )MULTI SCRN (Multi Screen) [b]Your camcorder shoots nine still images at about 0.4 sec intervals and displays theimages on a single page divided into nine boxes. Still images are recorded in 640 × 480size. (   )[a] [b]Recording still images on a“Memory Stick”– Memory Photo recording
138(1)Set the POWER switch to MEMORY/NETWORK (DCR-TRV950 only). Makesure that the LOCK switch is set to the further side (unlock position).(2)Press MENU, then select BURST while STILL SET is selected in  , then pressthe dial (p. 211).(3)Turn the SEL/PUSH EXEC dial to select the desired setting, then press thedial.(4)Press MENU to make the menu setting disappear.(5)Press PHOTO deeper.If the capacity of the “Memory Stick” becomes full” FULL” appears on the screen, and you cannot record a still image on this “MemoryStick.”The number of still images in continuous shootingThe number of still images you can shoot continuously varies depending on the imagesize and the capacity of the “Memory Stick.”During recording still images continuouslyThe flash does not work.The effect of exposure bracketing (EXP BRKTG)The effect may not appear clearly on the LCD screen.Checking images on a TV monitor or computer display for the expected effect isrecommended.When selecting NORMALRecording continues up to the maximum number of still images during pressingPHOTO deeper. Release PHOTO to stop recording.When shooting with the self-timer or the Remote CommanderYour camcorder automatically records up to the maximum recordable number of stillimages.Recording still images on a “Memory Stick”– Memory Photo recording23MEMORY  SET  STILL  SET    BURST    QUALITY    IMAGESIZE       RETURNOFF[MENU] : ENDMEMORY  SET  STILL  SET    BURST    QUALITY    IMAGESIZE       RETURNOFFNORMALEXP  BRKTGMULTI  SCRN[MENU] : ENDMEMORY  SET  STILL  SET    BURST    QUALITY    IMAGESIZE       RETURNNORMAL[MENU] : ENDMEMORY  SET  STILL  SET    BURST    QUALITY    IMAGESIZE       RETURNOFFNORMALEXP  BRKTGMULTI  SCRN[MENU] : ENDPHOTOMENU
139“Memory Stick” OperationsIf there is space remaining on the “Memory Stick” for less than three photosYou cannot carry out the exposure bracketing (EXP BRKTG). “  FULL” is displayedwhen you press PHOTO.Recording images with the flashThe flash automatically pops up to strobe. The default setting is auto (no indicator). Tochange the flash mode, press   (flash) repeatedly until the flash mode indicatorappears on the screen.Each press of   (flash) changes the indicator as follows: t  t   t (no indicator) Auto red-eye reduction: The flash fires before recording to reduce the red-eyephenomenon. Forced flash: The flash fires regardless of the surrounding brightness. No flash: The flash does not fire.The flash is automatically adjusted to the appropriate brightness. You can also changeFLASH LVL to the desired brightness in the menu settings (p. 208). Try recordingvarious images to find the most appropriate setting for FLASH LVL. (flash)Recording still images on a “Memory Stick”– Memory Photo recording
140Recording still images on a “Memory Stick”– Memory Photo recordingNotes•The recommended shooting distance using the built-in flash is 0.8 m to 2.5 m (2 3/5feet to 8 1/3 feet).•Attaching the lens hood or a conversion lens (optional) may block the light from theflash or cause lens shadow to appear.•You cannot use an external flash (optional) and the built-in flash at the same time.• (auto red-eye reduction) may not produce the desired effect depending onindividual differences, the distance to the subject, the subject not looking at the pre-recording flash or other conditions.•The flash effect cannot be obtained easily when you use forced flash in a brightlocation.•If it is not easy to focus on a subject automatically, for example, when recording in thedark, use HOLOGRAM AF (p. 141) or the focal distance information (p. 77) forfocusing manually.When the flashlight does not reach to the subjectsThe color of the image may change.If you leave your camcorder for five or more minutes after removing the powersupplyYour camcorder returns to the default setting (auto).The flash does not fire even if you select auto and   (auto red-eye reduction)during the following operations:–Spot light–Shutter speed adjustment–Sunset & moon of PROGRAM AE–Landscape of PROGRAM AE–Exposure–Flexible Spot meterWhen you use an external flash (optional) which does not have the auto red-eyereductionYou cannot select the auto red-eye reduction.During recording images continuouslyThe flash does not work.
141“Memory Stick” OperationsShooting with an auxiliary light – HOLOGRAM AFThe HOLOGRAM AF is an auxiliary light source used for focusing on subjects in darkplaces.Set HOLOGRAM F in   to AUTO in the menu settings. (The default setting is AUTO.)When   appears on the screen in a dark place, press PHOTO lightly. Then theauxiliary light will automatically emit until the subject is focused.About HOLOGRAM AF“HOLOGRAM AF (Auto-Focus),” an application of laser holograms, is a new AFoptical system that enables still image shooting in dark places. Having gentler radiationthan conventional high-brightness LEDs or lamps, the system satisfies Laser Class 1 (*)specification and thus maintains higher safety for human eyes.No safety problems will be caused by directly looking into the HOLOGRAM AF emitterat a close range. However, it is not recommended to do so, because you may experiencesuch effects like several minutes of image residual and dazzling, that you encounterafter looking into a flashlight.*HOLOGRAM AF satisfies Class 1(time base 30 000 seconds), specified in all of JIS(Japan), IEC(EU), and FDA(US) industry standards.Complying with these standards identifies the laser product to be safe, under acondition that a human looks at the laser light either directly or even through a lensfor 30 000 seconds.HOLOGRAM AF emitterRecording still images on a “Memory Stick”– Memory Photo recording
142Recording still images on a“Memory Stick”– Memory Photo recordingNotes•Attaching the lens hood or a conversion lens (optional) may obstruct theHOLOGRAM AF light and make focusing difficult. We recommend removing the lenshood or a conversion lens while shooting with the HOLOGRAM AF.•If enough light does not reach the subject even if the HOLOGRAM AF emitter isemitted (recommended shooting distance is 2.5 m (8 1/3 feet)), the subject will not befocused.•Focusing may be hampered if the light emitted from the HOLOGRAM AF is blockedby an obstruction.•Focus is achieved as long as HOLOGRAM AF light reaches to the subject even if itslight is slightly out of the middle position of the subject.•If HOLOGRAM AF light is dim, it sometimes becomes difficult to focus.  If thishappens, wipe the HOLOGRAM AF emitter with a soft, dry cloth.The HOLOGRAM AF does not emit when:–Flash is set to   No flash–Focus manually–Spot Focus–Sunset & moon of PROGRAM AE–Landscape of PROGRAM AE–Continuous photo recordingWhen you use the external flash (optional) as wellHOLOGRAM AF emits.
143“Memory Stick” OperationsSelf-timer memory photo recordingYou can record images on a “Memory Stick” with the self-timer. You can also use theRemote Commander for this operation.(1)Set the POWER switch to MEMORY/NETWORK (DCR-TRV950 only). Makesure that the LOCK switch is set to the further side (unlock position).(2)Press FN to display PAGE1.(3)Press SELFTIMER.The   (self-timer) indicator appears on the screen.(4)Press PHOTO deeper.Self-timer starts counting down from 10 with a beep. In the last two seconds ofthe countdown, the beep gets faster, then recording starts automatically.To cancel the self-timerPress SELFTIMER so that the   (self-timer) indicator disappears on the screen. Youcannot stop the countdown.NoteThe self-timer is automatically canceled when:–Self-timer recording is finished.–The POWER switch is set to OFF (CHG) or VCR.Recording still images on a “Memory Stick”– Memory Photo recording4PHOTO2FNPHOTO
144Your camcorder can read moving picture data recorded on a tape and record it as a stillimage on a “Memory Stick.” Your camcorder can also capture moving picture datathrough the input connector and record it as a still image on a “Memory Stick.”Before operationInsert a “Memory Stick” and the recorded tape into your camcorder.(1)Set the POWER switch to VCR.(2)Press N. Moving pictures recorded on the tape are played back.(3)Press PHOTO lightly until the picture you want to capture from the tapefreezes and CAPTURE appears on the screen. Recording does not start yet.To change from the selected image to another image, release PHOTO once andpress it lightly again.(4)Press PHOTO deeper. The image displayed on the screen will be recorded onthe “Memory Stick.” Recording is complete when the bar scroll indicatordisappears.[a] : Number of the recorded images[b] : Approximate number of the images that can be recorded on the “Memory Stick”Recording images from a tape as stillimages34CAPTUREFNINDEXPB FNINDEXPB1 / 12SFN640SFN6402PHOTOPHOTOREW FFPLAY[a] [b]
145“Memory Stick” OperationsImage size of still imagesImage size is automatically set to 640 × 480.When the access lamp is lit or flashingDo not shake or strike the unit. Also, do not turn the power off , eject the “MemoryStick.” Otherwise, image data may become damaged.If “  FORMAT ERROR” appears on the screenThe inserted “Memory Stick” is incompatible with your camcorder because its formatdoes not conform with your camcorder. Check the format of the “Memory Stick.”If you press PHOTO lightly in the playbackYour camcorder stops momentarily.Sound recorded on a tapeYou cannot record audio from a tape.Titles already recorded on cassettesYou cannot record titles on a “Memory Stick.” Titles do not appear while you arerecording a still image with PHOTO.Recording date/timeThe recording data (date/time) when it is recorded on a “Memory Stick” is recorded.Various settings are not recorded.Data codes recorded on a tape cannot be recorded on a “Memory Stick.”When you press PHOTO on the Remote CommanderYour camcorder immediately records the image that is on the screen when you pressthe button.Recording images from a tape as still images
146Recording images from a tape as still imagesRecording a still image from external equipmentBefore operationSet DISPLAY in   to LCD in the menu settings. (The default setting is LCD.)(1)Set the POWER switch to VCR.(2)Play back the recorded tape, or turn the TV on to see the desired program.The image of the external equipment is displayed on the screen.(3)Follow steps 3 and 4 on page 144.Using the A/V connecting cableConnect the yellow plug of the A/V connecting cable to the video jack on the VCR orthe TV.If your TV or VCR has an S video jackPictures can be reproduced more faithfully by using an S video cable (optional).With this connection, you do not need to connect the yellow (video) plug of the A/Vconnecting cable.Connect an S video cable (optional) to the S video jacks of both your camcorder and theTV or VCR.AUDIO/VIDEOS VIDEOS VIDEOVIDEOOUTAUDIO: Signal flowVCRYellowA/V connecting cable (supplied)
147“Memory Stick” OperationsUsing the i.LINK cableNoteIn the following instances, recording is interrupted or “  REC ERROR” is displayed,and recording is not possible. Reinsert the “Memory Stick” to record distortion-freeimages.–When recording on a tape in a poor recording state, for example, on a tape that hasbeen repeatedly used for dubbing.–When attempting to input images that are distorted due to poor radio wave receptionwhen a TV tuner unit is in use.Recording images from a tape as still imagesDVDV OUTDV: Signal flowi.LINK cable (optional)
148You can superimpose a still image you have recorded on the “Memory Stick” on themoving picture you are recording. You can record the superimposed images on a tapeor a “Memory Stick.” (However, you can record only superimposed still images on the“Memory Stick.”)M. CHROM (memory chroma key)You can swap a blue area of a still image such as an illustration or a frame with amoving picture.M. LUMI (memory luminance key)You can swap a brighter area of a still image such as a handwritten illustration or titlewith a moving picture. Record a title on the “Memory Stick” before a trip or event forconvenience.C. CHROM (camera chroma key)You can superimpose a moving picture on a still image such as an image can be used asbackground. Shoot the subject against a blue background. The blue area of the movingpicture will be swapped with a still image.M. OVERLAP* (memory overlap)You can make a moving picture fade in on top of a still image recorded on the “MemoryStick.”*The superimposed image using Memory overlap can be recorded on tapes only.Superimposing a still image in the“Memory Stick” on an image– MEMORY MIXM  C A MC H R O MM  C A M L U M IC A M   MC H R O MO V E R – L A PM. CHROM Still image Moving pictureM. OVERLAP*Still image Moving pictureC. CHROMBlueM. LUMI Still image Moving pictureBlueStill image Moving picture
149“Memory Stick” OperationsSuperimposing a still image in the “Memory Stick” on an image– MEMORY MIXRecording superimposed images on a tapeBefore operation•Insert a tape for recording into your camcorder.•Insert a “Memory Stick” recorded still images into your camcorder.(1)Set the POWER switch to CAMERA.(2)Press FN to display PAGE1.(3)Press MEM MIX. The last recorded or last composed image appears on thelower part of the screen as a thumbnail image.(4)Press –/+ on the right lower corner of the screen to select the still image whichyou want to superimpose.–:To see the previous image+: To see the next image(5)Press a desired mode. The still image is superimposed on the moving picture.(6)Press –/+ on the left lower corner of the screen to adjust the effect, then press OK to return to PAGE1.M. CHROM: Blue chroma key (only blue background portion) to extract astill image and superimpose it on a moving imageM. LUMI: Brightness level used when extracting a still image andsuperimposing it on a moving imageC. CHROM: Blue chroma key (only blue background portion) to extract amoving picture and superimpose it on a still imageM. OVERLAP: No adjustment necessaryThe fewer bars there are on the screen, the stronger the effect.(7)Press EXIT to return to FN.(8)Press START/STOP to start recording.
150Superimposing a still image in the “Memory Stick” on an image– MEMORY MIXTo change the still image to be superimposedPress –/+ on the right lower corner before step 6.To cancel MEMORY MIXPress   OFF to return to PAGE1.Notes•You cannot use the MEMORY MIX for moving pictures recorded on a “MemoryStick.”•When the overlapping still image has a large amount of white, the thumbnail image ofthe picture may not be clear.•You cannot change the mode setting. Press   OFF to return to PAGE1.Image data modified on your computer or shot with other equipmentYou may not be able to play back modified images with your camcorder.When you record the still image without superimposingSelect M. LUMI. mode. Press <-/+ mark> until all bars are displayed. Only the stillimage will be displayed on the screen.When you select M. OVERLAPYou cannot change the still image or the mode setting.To record the superimposed image as a still imagePress PHOTO deeper in step 8 (You should set PHOTO REC in   to TAPE in themenu settings beforehand).MEMM I X456FN+–+–28POWEROFF(CHG)CAMERAMEMORY/NETWORKVCR100–0001+–MEM  MIXMCCAMLUMI OVER-LAPOFF OKMCCAMCHROMCAMCMCHROMM. LUMI100–0001+–MEM  MIXOFF OK+–M. LUMI100–0001+–MEM  MIXOFF OK+–Still image
151“Memory Stick” OperationsSuperimposing a still image in the “Memory Stick” on an image– MEMORY MIXRecording superimposed images on a “Memory Stick” as a stillimageBefore operationInsert a “Memory Stick” recorded still images into your camcorder.(1)Set the POWER switch to MEMORY/NETWORK (DCR-TRV950 only). Makesure that the LOCK switch is set to the further side (unlock position).(2)Press FN and select PAGE2.(3)Press MEM MIX. The last recorded or last composed image appears on thelower part of the screen as a thumbnail image.(4)Press –/+ on the right lower corner of the screen to select the still image whichyou want to superimpose.–:To see the previous image+: To see the next image(5)Press a desired mode. The still image is superimposed on the moving picture.(6)Press –/+ on the left lower corner of the screen to adjust the effect, then press OK to return to PAGE2.M. CHROM: Blue chroma key (only blue background portion) to extract astill image and superimpose it on a moving imageM. LUMI: Brightness level used when extracting a still image andsuperimposing it on a moving imageC. CHROM: Blue chroma key (only blue background portion) to extract amoving picture and superimpose it on a still imageThe fewer bars there are on the screen, the stronger the effect.(7)Press EXIT to return to FN.(8)Press PHOTO deeper to start recording.The image displayed on the screen will be recorded on the “Memory Stick.”Recording is complete when the bar scroll indicator disappears.
152Superimposing a still image in the “Memory Stick” on an image– MEMORY MIXTo change the still image to be superimposedPress –/+ on the right lower corner before step 6.To cancel MEMORY MIXPress   OFF to return to PAGE2.Notes•You cannot use MEMORY MIX for moving pictures recorded on a “Memory Stick.”•When the overlapping still image has a large amount of white, the thumbnail image ofthe picture may not be clear.•You cannot change the mode setting. Press   OFF to return to PAGE2.Image size of still picturesImage size is automatically set to 640 × 480.Image data modified with your computers or shot with other equipmentYou may not be able to play back modified images with your camcorder.When recording images on a “Memory Stick” using the MEMORY MIXThe PROGRAM AE does not work. (The indicator flashes.)The “Memory Stick” supplied with your camcorder stores 20 images–For M. CHROM: 18 images (such as a frame) 100-0001~100-0018–For C. CHROM: two images (such as a background) 100-0019~100-0020Sample imagesSample images stored in the “Memory Stick” supplied with your camcorder areprotected (p. 176).456FN+–28+–100–0001+–MEM  MIXMCCAMLUMIOFF OKMCCAMCHROMCAMCMCHROMM. LUMI100–0001+–MEM  MIXOFF OK+–M. LUMI100–0001+–MEM  MIXOFF OK+–PHOTOStill image
153“Memory Stick” OperationsYou can record moving pictures with sound on a “Memory Stick.”You can record picture and sound continuously up to the capacity of a “MemoryStick”(MPEG MOVIE EX).Before operationInsert a “Memory Stick” into your camcorder.(1)Set the POWER switch to MEMORY/NETWORK (DCR-TRV950 only). Makesure that the LOCK switch is set to the further side (unlock position).(2)Press START/STOP. Your camcorder starts recording. The camera recordinglamp located on the front of your camcorder lights up. The picture and soundare recorded up to the remaining capacity of the “Memory Stick.” For moreinformation about recording time, see page 134.To stop recordingPress START/STOP.2POWEROFF(CHG)CAMERAMEMORY/NETWORKVCR32040min REC 0:00:0315minBBBFNINDEXPLAY[a][b][a]:Recording time can be recorded on the“Memory Stick”.[b]:This indicator is displayed for five secondsafter pressing START/STOP. This indicatoris not recorded.Recording moving pictures on a“MemoryStick” – MPEG movie recording
154NoteSound is recorded in monaural.When the POWER switch is set to MEMORY/NETWORK (DCR-TRV950 only)The following functions do not work:–Digital zoom–Wide mode–Fader–Picture effect–Digital effect–Sports lesson of PROGRAM AE (The indicator flashes.)–TitleWhen using an external flash (optional)Turn the power of the external flash off when recording moving pictures on a “MemoryStick.” Otherwise, the charging sound for the flash may be recorded.Recording date/timeThe date/time are not displayed while recording. However, they are automaticallyrecorded onto the “Memory Stick.”To display the recording date/time, press the DATA CODE button during playback.You can also use the Remote Commander for this operation (p. 41). Various settingscannot be recorded.During recording on a “Memory Stick”Do not eject the cassette tape from your camcorder. During ejecting the tape, sound isrecorded on the “Memory Stick.”When the POWER switch is set to MEMORY/NETWORK (DCR-TRV950 only)The angle of view is slightly larger compared with the angle of view when the POWERswitch is set to CAMERA.Recording moving pictures on a “Memory Stick”– MPEG movie recording
155“Memory Stick” OperationsSelf-timer MPEG movie recordingYou can record images on a “Memory Stick” with the self-timer. You can also use theRemote Commander for this operation.(1)Set the POWER switch to MEMORY/NETWORK (DCR-TRV950 only). Makesure that the LOCK switch is set to the further side (unlock position).(2)Press FN to display PAGE1.(3)Press SELFTIMER.The   (self-timer) indicator appears on the screen.(4)Press START/STOP.Self-timer starts counting down from 10 with a beep. In the last two seconds ofthe countdown, the beep gets faster, then recording starts automatically.To stop the self-timerPress START/STOP. To restart the self-timer, press START/STOP again.To cancel the self-timerPress SELFTIMER so that the   (self-timer) indicator disappears on the screen.NoteThe self-timer is automatically canceled when:–Self-timer recording is finished.–The POWER switch is set to OFF (CHG) or VCR.42FNPOWEROFF(CHG)CAMERAMEMORY/NETWORKVCRSTART/STOP buttonRecording moving pictures on a “Memory Stick”– MPEG movie recording
156Your camcorder can read moving picture data recorded on a tape and record it as amoving picture on a “Memory Stick.” Your camcorder can also capture moving picturedata through the input connector and record it as a moving picture on a “MemoryStick.”Before operationInsert a “Memory Stick” and the recorded tape into your camcorder.(1)Set the POWER switch to VCR.(2)Press N. The picture recorded on the tape is played back.And press X at the scene where you want to start recording from.(3)Press START/STOP on your camcorder. The picture and sound are recordedup to the remaining capacity of the “Memory Stick.” For more informationabout recording time, see page 134.To stop recordingPress START/STOP.Recording pictures from a tape as amoving picture32PLAY PAUSEPOWEROFF(CHG)CAMERAMEMORY/NETWORKVCR320BBBN40min REC 0:00:0315min0:15:42:43FNINDEXPB[a]:The recording time can be recorded onthe “Memory Stick.”[b]:This indicator is displayed forfive seconds after pressing START/STOP. This indicator is not recorded.[a][b]
157“Memory Stick” OperationsNotes•Sound recorded in 48 kHz is converted to 32 kHz sound when recording images froma tape to a “Memory Stick.”•Sound recorded in stereo is converted to monaural sound when recording from a tape.When the access lamp is lit or flashingDo not shake or knock the unit. Also, do not turn the power off, eject the “MemoryStick.” Otherwise, image data may become damaged.Titles already recorded on cassettesYou cannot record titles on a “Memory Stick.” Titles do not appear while you arerecording moving picture with START/STOP.If “  AUDIO ERROR” is displayedSound that cannot be recorded by your camcorder has been recorded. Connect the A/Vconnecting cable to input images from external equipment used to play back the image(p. 158).Recording date/timeThe recording data (date/time) when it is recorded on a “Memory Stick” is recorded.Various settings are not recorded.Data codes recorded on a tape cannot be recorded on a “Memory Stick.”Recording pictures from a tape as a moving picture
158Recording a moving picture from external equipmentBefore operationSet DISPLAY in   to LCD in the menu settings. (The default setting is LCD.)(1)Set the POWER switch to VCR.(2)Play back the recorded tape, or turn the TV on to see the desired program.The image of the other equipment is displayed on the screen.(3)Follow the procedure on page 156 from the step 3 onwards at the point whereyou want to start recording from.Using the A/V connecting cableIf your TV or VCR has an S video jackPictures can be reproduced more faithfully by using an S video cable (optional).With this connection, you do not need to connect the yellow (video) plug of the A/Vconnecting cable.Connect an S video cable (optional) to the S video jacks of both your camcorder and theTV or VCR.Recording pictures from a tape as a moving pictureS VIDEOVIDEOOUTAUDIO/VIDEOS VIDEOAUDIO: Signal flowVCRYellowWhiteA/V connecting cable (supplied)Red
159“Memory Stick” OperationsUsing the i.LINK cableNoteIn the following instances, “  REC ERROR” is displayed and you cannot recordpictures.–When recording on a tape in a poor recording state, for example, on a tape that hasbeen repeatedly used for dubbing.–When attempting to input images that are distorted due to poor radio wave receptionwhen a TV tuner unit is in use.– When the input signal is cut off.DV OUTDVDV: Signal flowi.LINK cable (optional)Recording pictures from a tape as a moving picture
160You can duplicate selected scenes (programs) for editing onto a “Memory Stick.”Making the programBefore operationInsert a “Memory Stick” and a recorded tape into your camcorder.(1)Set the POWER switch to VCR.(2)Press MENU, then turn the SEL/PUSH EXEC dial to set VIDEO EDIT in to MEMORY, then press the dial (p.217).(3)Turn the SEL/PUSH EXEC dial to select IMAGESIZE and select the desiredimage size, then press the dial.(4)Search for the beginning of the first scene you want to insert using the videooperation buttons, then pause playback.You can fine-adjust one frame at a time with EDITSEARCH.(5)Press MARK on the Remote Commander, or turn the SEL/PUSH EXEC dial toselect MARK, then press the dial.The IN point of the first program is set, and the top part of the program markchanges to light blue.(6)Search for the end of the first scene you want to insert using the videooperation buttons, then pause playback. You can fine-adjust one frame at a time with EDITSEARCH.(7)Press MARK on the Remote Commander, or the SEL/PUSH EXEC dial.The OUT point of the first program is set, then the bottom part of the programmark changes to light blue.(8)Repeat steps 4 to 7, then set the program.When one program is set, the program mark changes to light blue.You can set 20 programs in maximum.5784,7PAUSESTOPREW FFPLAY320 320 320VIDEO  EDIT  MARK  UNDO  ERASE  ALL  START  IMAGESIZE1   OUT0:08:55:06TOTAL   0:00:00SCENE  0                             2min TOTAL   0:00:12SCENE  1                             2min TOTAL   0:00:31SCENE  3                             2min[MENU] : ENDVIDEO  EDIT  MARK  UNDO  ERASE  ALL  START  IMAGESIZE2   IN 0:08:58:06[MENU] : ENDVIDEO  EDIT  MARK  UNDO  ERASE  ALL  START  IMAGESIZE4   IN 0:10:01:23[MENU] : ENDN X N X N XMENURecording edited pictures from a tape asa moving picture – Digital programediting (on a “Memory Stick”)
161“Memory Stick” OperationsErasing the program you have setErase OUT first and then IN of the last program.(1)Turn the SEL/PUSH EXEC dial to select UNDO, then press the dial.(2)Turn the SEL/PUSH EXEC dial to select EXECUTE, then press the dial.The last set program mark flashes, then the setting is canceled.To cancel erasingSelect RETURN with the SEL/PUSH EXEC dial in step 2.Erasing all programs(1)Turn the SEL/PUSH EXEC dial to select ERASE ALL, then press the dial.(2)Turn the SEL/PUSH EXEC dial to select EXECUTE, then press the dial.All the program marks flash, then the settings are canceled.To cancel erasing all programsSelect RETURN with the SEL/PUSH EXEC dial in step 2.To cancel a program you have setPress MENU.The program is stored in memory until the tape is ejected.Notes•You cannot dub the titles, display indicators, or the contents of cassette memory.•You cannot operate recording during the digital program editing on a “MemoryStick.”If the tape has a blank portionYou cannot set IN or OUT on the portionIf there is a blank portion between IN and OUT on the tapeThe total time code may not be displayed correctly.During making a programIf you eject the cassette, the program will be erased.Recording edited pictures from a tape as a moving picture– Digital program editing (on a “Memory Stick”)
162Recording edited pictures from a tape as a moving picture– Digital program editing (on a “Memory Stick”)Performing the program (Dubbing on a “Memory Stick”)(1)Turn the SEL/PUSH EXEC dial to select START, then press the dial.(2)Turn the SEL/PUSH EXEC dial to select EXECUTE, then press the dial.Search for the beginning of the first program, then start dubbing.The program mark flashes.The SEARCH indicator appears during search and the EDITING indicatorappears during writing of data on your camcorder, and REC appears duringdubbing on the screen.The program mark changes to light blue after dubbing is complete.When the dubbing ends, your camcorder automatically stops.To stop dubbing during editingPress x using the video operation buttons.The program you made is recorded on a “Memory Stick” up to the place where youpressed x.To end the Digital program editingYour camcorder stops when the dubbing ends. Then the display returns to VIDEOEDIT in the menu settings.Press MENU to erase the menu display.When the program to operate the Digital program editing has not been made.You cannot press START.When the “Memory Stick” does not have enough space to record“LOW MEMORY ” appears on the screen. However, you can record pictures up to thetime indicated.When the “Memory Stick” has no space to record“MEMORY FULL” appears on the screen.When a “Memory Stick” is not set“NO MEMORY STICK” appears on the screen.When the write-protect switch on the “Memory Stick” is set to LOCK“MEMORY STICK LOCKED” appears on the screen.
163“Memory Stick” OperationsUsing the search function, you can automatically capture only still images from tapesand record them on a “Memory Stick” in sequence.Before operation•Insert a recorded tape into your camcorder and rewind the tape.•Insert a “Memory Stick” into your camcorder.(1)Set the POWER switch to VCR.(2)Press MENU, then turn the SEL/PUSH EXEC dial to select PHOTO SAVE in, then press the dial (p. 212).PHOTO BUTTON appears on the screen.(3)Press PHOTO deeper. The still image from the tape is recorded on the“Memory Stick.” The number of still images copied is displayed. END isdisplayed when copying ends.To stop copyingPress x using the video operation buttons or press MENU.When the “Memory Stick” becomes full“MEMORY FULL” appears on the screen, and copying stops. Insert another “MemoryStick” and repeat the procedure from step 2.Copying still images from a tape– PHOTO SAVE32PHOTOSAV I NG0END4PHOTO BUTTON640STD640STD640STDPHOTO  SAVE 0:00:00:004/15[MENU] : ENDPHOTO  SAVE 0:30:00:008/15[MENU] : ENDMEMORY  SET  STILL  SET  MOVIE  SET  PHOTO  SAVE  FILE  NO.    RETURNREADY[MENU] : ENDPHOTO  SAVE 0:00:00:004/15[PHOTO] : START    [MENU] : ENDMENU
164Copying still images from a tape – PHOTO SAVEImage size of still imagesImage size is automatically set to 640 × 480.When the access lamp is lit or flashingDo not shake or knock your camcorder. As well do not turn the power off, eject the“Memory Stick.” Otherwise, image data may become damaged.If the write-protect switch on the “Memory Stick” is set to LOCK“NOT READY” appears when you select the item in the menu settings.When you change the “Memory Stick” during copyingYour camcorder resumes copying from the last image recorded on the previous“Memory Stick.”
165“Memory Stick” OperationsYou can play back still images recorded on a “Memory Stick.” You can also play backsix images including moving pictures in order at a time by selecting the index screen.You can also use the Remote Commander for this operation.Before operationInsert a “Memory Stick” into your camcorder.(1)Set the POWER switch to MEMORY/NETWORK (DCR-TRV950 only) or VCR.Make sure that the LOCK switch is set to the further side (unlock position).(2)Press PLAY or   PB. The last recorded image is displayed.(3)Press –/+ on your camcorder to select the desired still image.–:To see the previous image+: To see the next imageTo stop memory photo playbackPress CAM, VCR on your camcorder or MEMORY PLAY button on the RemoteCommander.PLAY PB2Viewing still images– Memory photo playback
166You may not be able to play back images with your camcorder:–when playing back image data modified on your computer.–when playing back image data shot with other equipment.Notes on the file name•The directory number may not be displayed and only the file name may be displayedif the structure of the directory does not conform to the DCF standard.•“  - DIRECTORY ERROR” may appear on screen if the structure of the directorydoes not conform to the DCF standard. While this message appears, you can play backimages but cannot record them on the “Memory Stick.”•The file name flashes on the screen if the file is corrupted or the file is unreadable.To play back recorded images on a TV screen•Before operation, connect your camcorder to the TV with the A/V connecting cablesupplied with your camcorder.•When operating memory photo playback on a TV or on the LCD screen, image qualitymay appear to have deteriorated. This is not a malfunction. The image data is as goodas ever.•Turn the audio volume of the TV down before operation, or noise (howling) may beoutput from the TV speakers.Still imagesYou can select still images also with –/+ on PAGE1/PAGE2/PAGE3.When no still image is recorded on the “Memory Stick”When you press MEMORY PLAY on the Remote Commander, “  NO FILE” appears.Screen indicators during still image playbackRecording dataYou can view recording data (date/time or various settings when recorded) when youpress DATA CODE. You can also use the Remote Commander for this operation (p. 41).To make screen indicators disappearPress DISPLAY/TOUCH PANEL.Viewing still images – Memory photo playbackRecording date/time/various settings6/ 40MEMORY  PLAY100–00061152JUL  4  200212:05:56 AMFNINDEXCAM+–Image number/Total number of recorded imagesImage sizeData Directory Number, File NumberProtectPrint markWhen the POWER switch is set to VCR, VCR isdisplayed instead of CAM
167“Memory Stick” OperationsPlaying back six recorded images at a time (index screen)You can play back six recorded images at a time. This function is especially useful whensearching for a particular image.Before operationInsert a “Memory Stick” into your camcorder.(1)Set the POWER switch to MEMORY/NETWORK (DCR-TRV950 only) or VCR.Make sure that the LOCK switch is set to the further side (unlock position).(2)Press INDEX to display the index screen.A red B mark appears above the image that is displayed before changing to the indexscreen mode.T : To display the previous 6 imagest : To display the following 6 imagesTo return to FNPress EXIT.To return to the normal playback screen (single screen)Press the image you want to display.NoteWhen displaying the index screen, the number appears above each image. Thisindicates the order in which images are recorded on the “Memory Stick.” Thesenumbers are different from the data file names.Image data modified on your computer or shot with other equipmentThese files are sometimes not displayed on the index screen.1 / 40123456EXITDELMARK-MARKT tB markViewing still images – Memory photo playback
168You can play back moving pictures recorded on a “Memory Stick.” You can also playback six images including still images in order at a time by selecting the index screen.Before operationInsert a “Memory Stick” into your camcorder.(1)Set the POWER switch to MEMORY/NETWORK (DCR-TRV950 only) or VCR.Make sure that the LOCK switch is set to the further side (unlock position).(2)Press PLAY or   PB. The last recorded image is displayed.(3)Press +/– to select the desired moving pictures.– : To see the previous picture+ : To see the next picture(4)Press MPEG N X to start playback.(5)To adjust the volume, press either of the two buttons on VOLUME.– : To turn down+ : To turn upWhen you close the LCD panel, sound is muted.To stop MPEG movie playbackPress MPEG N X.NoteYou may not be able to play back images with your camcorder:–When playing back image data modified on your computer.–When playing back image data shot with other equipment.To play back recorded images on a TV screen•Before operation connect your camcorder to the TV with the A/V connecting cablesupplied with your camcorder.•Turn the audio volume of the TV down before operation, or noise (howling) may beoutput from the TV speakers.Moving picturesYou can select moving pictures also with –/+ on PAGE1/PAGE2/PAGE3.When no image is recorded on the “Memory Stick”When you press MEMORY PLAY on the Remote Commander, the message “  NOFILE” appears.Viewing moving pictures– MPEG movie playbackPLAY PB2VOLUME
169“Memory Stick” OperationsPlaying back a moving picture from the desired partThe moving picture recorded on a “Memory Stick” is divided into 23 parts.You can select every each one point and play back pictures.Before operationInsert a “Memory Stick” into your camcorder.(1)Set the POWER switch to MEMORY/NETWORK (DCR-TRV950 only) or VCR.Make sure that the LOCK switch is set to the further side (unlock position).(2)Press PLAY or   PB. The last recorded image is displayed.(3)Press –/+ to select the desired moving pictures.– : To see the previous picture+ : To see the next picture(4)Press </, to select the point where you want to play back.< :To see previous part, :To see next part(5)Press MPEG N X to start playback.To stop MPEG movie playbackPress MPEG  N XWhen recording time is too shortThe moving picture may not be divided into 23 parts.FNMPEGN XINDEXCAM+–3201/20 : 00 : 00MOV00001Viewing moving pictures – MPEG movie playback
170Screen indicators during moving picture playbackRecording date/timeTo display the recording date/time, press DATA CODE. You can also use the RemoteCommander for this operation. (p. 41)To make screen indicator disappearPress DISPLAY/TOUCH PANEL.Viewing moving pictures – MPEG movie playbackFNMPEGN X–– ––– –INDEXCAM+–3201/200 : 01 : 00MOV00001––JUL 4 200212 : 05 : 56Data directory number/File numberPicture number/Total number of recorded picturesImage sizeProtectRecording date/time. (Various settings are displayed as“– – –”.)When the POWER switch is set to VCR, VCR isdisplayed instead of CAM.
171“Memory Stick” OperationsYou can copy images recorded on a “Memory Stick” and record them to a tape.Before operationInsert a “Memory Stick” and a tape for recording into your camcorder.(1)Set the POWER switch to VCR.(2)Using the video control buttons, search a point where you want to record thedesired images. Set the tape to playback pause.(3)Press z REC and the button on its right simultaneously on your camcorder.The tape is set to the recording pause.(4)Press   PB. The last recorded image is displayed.(5)Press –/+ to select the desired image.– : To see the previous image+ : To see the next image(6)Press X to start recording and press X again to stop.z appears on the screen during recording.(7)If you have more to copy, repeat steps 5 and 6.To stop copying in the middlePress x.Copying images recorded on a “MemoryStick” to a tape34PB2REC PAUSE
172Copying images recorded on a “Memory Stick” to a tapeDuring copyingYou cannot operate the following functions:–MEMORY PLAY–MEMORY INDEX–MEMORY DELETE–MEMORY +/–Note on the index screenYou cannot record the index screen.If you press EDITSEARCH during pauseMemory playback stops.Image data modified on your computers or shot with other equipmentYou may not be able to copy modified images with your camcorder.When copying moviesAfter step 6, press MPEG u and play back the image.
173“Memory Stick” OperationsYou can enlarge still images recorded on a “Memory Stick.” You can select and view adesired part from the enlarged still image. Also, you can copy the desired part of theenlarged still image to tapes or a “Memory Stick”.Before operationInsert a “Memory Stick” into your camcorder.(1)Set the POWER switch to MEMORY/NETWORK (DCR-TRV950 only). PressFN to display PAGE1 during the memory playback. When you set the POWERswitch to VCR, press FN and select PAGE2 during the memory playback.(2)Press PB ZOOM. PB ZOOM screen appears.(3)Press the area that you want to enlarge in the frame on the PB ZOOM screen.The area you pressed moves to the center of the screen, and the playbackimage is enlarged approximately at twice the size. If you press the other area,the area moves to the center of the screen.(4)Adjust the zoom ratio by the power zoom lever.You can enlarge the image from approximately 1.1 times up to five times itssize.W : Decreases the zoom ratio. T  : Increases the zoom ratio.To cancel PB ZOOMPress   END.14FN2PBZOOMMEMORY  PLAY3/14END100–00031152MEMORY  PLAY3/14END100–00031152PB  ZOOMPB  ZOOM × 5.0Enlarging still images recorded on a“Memory Stick” – Memory PB ZOOM
174Enlarging still images recorded on a “Memory Stick”– Memory PB ZOOMThe PB ZOOM is canceled when executing the following operations:–MENU–MEMORY PLAY*–MEMORY INDEX*–MEMORY +/–** When these functions are selected by the Remote Commander.Moving pictures recorded on a “Memory Stick”The PB ZOOM does not work.To record the still image processed by Memory PB ZOOM on a “Memory Stick”Press PHOTO to record the still image processed by PB ZOOM. (Images are recorded at640 × 480 size.)In the PB ZOOM modeIf you press DISPLAY/TOUCH PANEL button, the frame on the PB ZOOM screendisappears. You cannot move the part you pressed to the center of the screen.Edge of the enlarged imageThe edge of the enlarged image cannot be displayed at the center of the screen.To record an image processed on PB ZOOM on tapesFollow the procedure on page 171 and execute the PB ZOOM after step 5.
175“Memory Stick” OperationsYou can automatically play back images in sequence. This function is useful especiallywhen checking recorded images or during a presentation.Before operationInsert a “Memory Stick” into your camcorder.(1)Set the POWER switch to MEMORY/NETWORK (DCR-TRV950 only). Makesure that the LOCK switch is set to the further side (unlock position).(2)Press FN and select PAGE3.(3)Press SLIDE SHOW.(4)Press START. Your camcorder plays back the images recorded on the“Memory Stick” in sequence.To stop the slide showPress   END.To pause during a slide showPress PAUSE.To return to FNPress   END to return to PAGE3, then press EXIT.To start the slide show from a particular imageSelect the desired image using –/+ buttons before step 4.To view recorded images on TVBefore operation connect your camcorder to a TV with the A/V connecting cablesupplied with your camcorder.If you change the “Memory Stick” during operationThe slide show does not operate. If you change the “Memory Stick,” be sure to followthe steps again from the beginning.2FN41 / 6        SLIDE  SHOW100–00001+–STARTEND1152Playing back images in a continuous loop– SLIDE SHOW
176You can protect selected images to prevent accidental erasure of important images.Before operationInsert a “Memory Stick” into your camcorder.(1)Set the POWER switch to MEMORY/NETWORK (DCR-TRV950 only) or VCR.Make sure that the LOCK switch is set to the further side (unlock position).(2)Press INDEX on your camcorder to display the index.(3)Press - MARK. The screen to protect the image appears.(4)Press the image you want to protect. A “-” appears on the protected image.To return to FNPress EXIT.To cancel image protectionPress the image you want to cancel image protection in step 4 again. The “-”disappears.NoteFormatting erases all information on the “Memory Stick,” including the protectedimage data. Before formatting a “Memory Stick,” check its contents.If the write-protect switch on the “Memory Stick” is set to LOCKYou cannot protect images.Preventing accidental erasure– Image protection2INDEX3,4123456EXITRET.-MARK1 / 40123456EXITDELMARK-MARKT t-2 / 40Tt-MARK
177“Memory Stick” OperationsYou can delete images stored in a “Memory Stick.” You can delete all images or onlyselected images.Deleting selected imagesBefore operationInsert a “Memory Stick” into your camcorder.(1)Set the POWER switch to MEMORY/NETWORK (DCR-TRV950 only) or VCR.Make sure that the LOCK switch is set to the further side (unlock position).(2)Play back the image you want to delete.(3)Press FN to display PAGE1.(4)Press DELETE. “DELETE?” appears on the LCD screen.(5)Press OK. The selected image is deleted.To return to FNPress EXIT.To cancel deleting an imagePress CANCEL in step 5.Notes•To delete a protected image, first cancel image protection.•Once you delete an image, you cannot restore it. Before deleting an image, carefullycheck the image.If the write-protect switch on the “Memory Stick” is set to LOCKYou cannot delete images.4DELE–TEDELETE100–00003 3 / 40DELETE?OK CAN–CEL3FN1152Deleting images – DELETE
178Deleting selected images on the index screenBefore operationInsert a “Memory Stick” into your camcorder.(1)Set the POWER switch to MEMORY/NETWORK (DCR-TRV950 only). Makesure that the LOCK switch is set to the further side (unlock position).(2)Press INDEX to display the index screen.(3)Press DEL. Then press the images you want to delete. The number of theselected image is highlighted.(4)Press EXEC. “DELETE?” appears on the LCD screen.(5)Press OK. The selected images are deleted.To return to FNPress EXIT.To cancel deleting an imagePress CANCEL in step 5.Deleting images – DELETE2INDEX3132456EXIT123456EXITDELMARK-MARK-EXECDEL1 / 40Tt 3 / 40TtRET.DEL
179“Memory Stick” OperationsDeleting all imagesYou can delete all unprotected images in the “Memory Stick.”Before operationInsert a “Memory Stick” into your camcorder.(1)Set the POWER switch to MEMORY/NETWORK (DCR-TRV950 only). Makesure that the LOCK switch is set to the further side (unlock position).(2)Press MENU, then turn the SEL/PUSH EXEC dial to select DELETE ALL in, then press the dial (p. 212).(3)Turn the SEL/PUSH EXEC dial to select OK, then press the dial. OK changesto EXECUTE.(4)Turn the SEL/PUSH EXEC dial to select EXECUTE, then press the dial.DELETING flashes on the screen. When all unprotected images are deleted,COMPLETE is displayed.To cancel deleting all the images in the “Memory Stick”Select RETURN in step 3 or 4.While DELETING appearsDo not turn the POWER switch or press any buttons.243MEMORY  SET  STILL  SET  MOVIE  SET  FILE  NO.  DELETE  ALL  FORMAT    RETURN[MENU] : ENDREADYMEMORY  SET  STILL  SET  MOVIE  SET  FILE  NO.  DELETE  ALL  FORMAT    RETURN[MENU] : ENDRETURNOKMEMORY  SET  STILL  SET  MOVIE  SET  FILE  NO.  DELETE  ALL  FORMAT    RETURN[MENU] : ENDRETURNOKMEMORY  SET  STILL  SET  MOVIE  SET  FILE  NO.  DELETE  ALL  FORMAT    RETURN[MENU] : ENDRETURNEXECUTEMEMORY  SET  STILL  SET  MOVIE  SET  FILE  NO.  DELETE  ALL  FORMAT    RETURN[MENU] : ENDDELETINGMEMORY  SET  STILL  SET  MOVIE  SET  FILE  NO.  DELETE  ALL  FORMAT    RETURN[MENU] : ENDCOMPLETEDeleting images – DELETEMENU
180You can specify a recorded still image to print out by writing a print mark. Thisfunction is useful for printing out still images later.Your camcorder conforms to the DPOF (Digital Print Order Format) standard forspecifying still images to print out.Before operationInsert a “Memory Stick” into your camcorder.(1)Set the POWER switch to MEMORY/NETWORK (DCR-TRV950 only) or VCR.Make sure that the LOCK switch is set to the further side (unlock position).(2)Press INDEX to display the index screen.(3)Press   MARK. The screen used to write a print mark appears.(4)Press the image for which you want to write a print mark. A “ ” appears onthe selected image.To return to FNPress EXIT.To cancel writing print marksPress the image for which you want to cancel the print mark set in step 4 again. The disappears.If the write-protect switch on the “Memory Stick” is set to LOCKYou cannot write print marks on still images.Moving picturesYou cannot write print marks on moving pictures.Writing a print mark – PRINT MARK2INDEX3,4123456EXIT123456EXITDELMARK-MARKMARK1 / 40Tt 2 / 40TtRET. MARK
181“Memory Stick” OperationsYou can use the optional printer on your camcorder to print images on print paper.For details, refer to the operating instructions of the printer.There are various ways of printing still images. The following describes the setup forprinting with the DATE/DAY & TIME information superimposed and the print setuprequired to select 9PIC PRINT.Before operation•Insert a recorded “Memory Stick” into your camcorder.•Attach the optional printer to your camcorder as illustrated.Inserting DATE/DAY & TIMEYou can print the recorded DATE/DAY & TIME data on the print paper.(1)Set the POWER switch to MEMORY/NETWORK (DCR-TRV950 only). Makesure that the LOCK switch is set to the further side (unlock position).(2)Press MENU, then turn the SEL/PUSH EXEC dial to select DATE/TIME in, then press the dial (p. 213).(3)Turn the SEL/PUSH EXEC dial to select the desired mode.DATE DAY & TIMEJUL    4  20024  12:00AMUsing the optional printer2FNMENUPrinter
182Selecting 9PIC PRINTYou can make 9 stickers on a single sheet when you print images recorded on a“Memory Stick” in 9PIC PRINT.(1)Set the POWER switch to MEMORY/NETWORK (DCR-TRV950 only). Makesure that the LOCK switch is set to the further side (unlock position).(2)Press FN and select PAGE3.(3)Press 9PIC PRINT.(4)Press the desired mode.*Nine still images with print marks are printed together.Moving pictures recorded on a “Memory Stick”You cannot print moving pictures. When there are no files other than moving pictures,“ NO STILL IMAGE FILE” appears on the screen.When the “Memory Stick” has no files“ NO FILE” appears on the screen.When there are no files with a PRINT MARK“ NO PRINT MARK” appears on the screen.Images processed by 9PIC PRINTYou cannot insert a DATE/TIME indicator.Images recorded in the MULTI SCRNYou can print images recorded in the multi screen mode on sticker type print paper.However, each flame cannot be properly adjusted to the flames on the print paper.Using the optional printerSAME PICS MULTI PICS or MARKED PICS*
183Viewing Images Using your ComputerThere are the following ways of connecting the camcorder to a computer in order toview images saved on the “Memory Stick” or recorded on the tape on your computer.To view images on a computer which has a “Memory Stick” slot, first remove the“Memory Stick” from the camcorder and then insert it into the computer’s “MemoryStick” slot.When connecting to a computer via the USB jack, complete installation of theUSB driver before connecting the camcorder to the computer. If you connectthe camcorder to the computer first, you will not be able to install the USBdriver correctly.For details about your computer’s connectors and editing software, contact thecomputer manufacturer.Viewing images recorded on a tapeWhen connecting to a computer using the USB jackFor more information, see page 186.Camcorder Connection  Computer environmentConnection jack cable requirementsUSB jack USB cable USB connector,Tape stills and (supplied) editing softwaremovies i.LINK i.LINK cable DV connector,(DV Interface) (optional) editing software“Memory Stick” USB jack USB cable USB connector,stills and movies (supplied) editing software— Viewing Images Using your Computer —Viewing images on your computer– Introduction (USB) jackUSB connectorUSB cable (supplied)Push into the end
184When connecting to a computer using the i.LINK (DV interface)Your computer must have a DV connector and editing software installed that can readvideo signals.Viewing images recorded on a “Memory Stick”When connecting to a computer using the USB jackThere are two methods of USB connection, NORMAL and PTP. The default setting isNORMAL. Here we explain how to use the camcorder with a standard USB connection(NORMAL).See page 186 when using Windows and page 201 when using Macintosh.You can also use a Memory Stick Reader/Writer (optional).When connecting to a computer without a USB jackUse an optional floppy disk adaptor for a Memory Stick or a PC card adaptor for aMemory Stick.When purchasing an accessory, check its catalog beforehand for the recommendedoperating environment.Viewing images on your computer – IntroductionUSB cable (supplied) (USB) jackUSB connectorDV connectori.LINK cable (optional) DV is marked on this side
185Viewing Images Using your ComputerViewing images on your computer – IntroductionNotes on using your computer“Memory Stick”•“Memory Stick” operations on your camcorder cannot be assured if a “Memory Stick”formatted on your computer is used on your camcorder, or if the “Memory Stick” inyour camcorder was formatted from your computer when the USB cable wasconnected.•Do not compress the data on the “Memory Stick.” Compressed files cannot be playedback on your camcorder.Software•Depending on your application software, the file size may increase when you open astill image file.•When you load an image modified using retouching software from your computer toyour camcorder or when you directly modify the image on your camcorder, the imageformat will differ so a file error indicator may appear and you may be unable to openthe file.Communications with your computerCommunications between your camcorder and your computer may not recover afterrecovering from Suspend, Resume, or Sleep.
186Connecting your camcorder to your computerusing the USB cable – For Windows usersComplete installation of the USB driver before connecting the camcorder tothe computer. If you connect the camcorder to the computer first, you will notbe able to install the USB driver correctly.When connecting to a computer using the USB cableYou must install a USB driver onto your computer in order to connect the camcorder tothe computer’s USB connector. The USB driver can be found on the CD-ROM supplied,along with the application software required for viewing images.If you connect your camcorder and your computer using the USB cable, you can viewpictures live from your camcorder and pictures recorded on a tape on your computer(USB streaming function).Furthermore, if you download pictures from your camcorder to your computer, youcan process or edit them in image processing software and append them to e-mail.You can view images recorded on the “Memory Stick” on your computer.Recommended computer usage environment when connectingvia USB cable and viewing tape images on the computerOS:Microsoft Windows 98SE, Windows Me, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XPHome Edition or Windows XP ProfessionalStandard installation is required.However, operation is not assured if the above environment is an upgraded OS.You cannot hear sound if your computer is running Windows 98, but you can read stillimages.CPU:Minimum 500 MHz Intel Pentium III or faster (800 MHz or faster recommended)Application:DirectX 8.0a or laterSound system:16 bit stereo sound card and speakersMemory:64 MB or moreHard disk:Available memory required for installation:at least 200MBAvailable hard disc memory recommended:at least 1GB (depending on the size of the image files edited)Display:4 MB VRAM video card, Minimum 800 × 600 dot Hi color (16 bit color, 65,000 colors),Direct Draw display driver capability (At 800 × 600 dot or less, 256 colors and less, thisproduct will not operate correctly.)Others:This product is compatible with DirectX technology, so it is necessary to install DirectX.The USB connector must be provided as standard.You cannot use this function in the Macintosh environment.
187Viewing Images Using your ComputerConnecting your camcorder to your computer using the USB cable– For Windows usersRecommended computer usage environment when connectingvia USB cable and viewing “Memory Stick” images on thecomputerOS:Microsoft Windows 98, Windows 98SE, Windows Me, Windows 2000 Professional,Windows XP Home Edition or Windows XP ProfessionalStandard installation is required.However, operation is not assured if the above environment is an upgraded OS.CPU:MMX Pentium 200 MHz or fasterThe USB connector must be provided as standard.Windows Media Player must be installed (to play back moving pictures).Notes•Operations are not guaranteed for the Windows environment if you connect two ormore USB equipment to a single computer at the same time, or when using a hub.•Some equipment may not operate depending on the type of USB equipment that isused simultaneously.•Operations are not guaranteed for all the recommended computer environmentsmentioned above.•Windows and Windows Media are trademarks or registered trademarks of MicrosoftCorporation in the United States and/or other countries.•Pentium is trademark or registered trademark of Intel Corporation.•All other product names mentioned herein may be the trademarks or registeredtrademarks of their respective companies. Furthermore, “TM” and “®” are notmentioned in each case in this manual.
188Installing the USB driverStart the following operation without connecting the USB cable to yourcomputer.Connect the USB cable according to “Making the computer recognize thecamcorder.”If you are using Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP Home Edition/Professional, log in with permission of Administrators.(1)Turn on your computer and allow Windows to load.(2)Insert the supplied CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive of your computer. Theapplication software starts up and the title screen appears.(3)Move the cursor to “USB Driver” and click. This starts USB driver installation.(4)Follow the on-screen messages to install the USB driver.(5)Remove the CD-ROM and then restart the computer, in accordance with theinstructions on the screen.NoteIf you connect the USB cable before USB driver installation is complete, the USB driverwill not be properly registered. Carry out installation again in accordance with the stepson page 191.Windows XP Home Edition/Professional usersIf you go to “USB CONNECT” in the menu settings and select “PTP,” you can copy“Memory Stick” images from the camcorder onto your computer without installing theUSB driver. This is ideal for simply copying images from a camcorder onto a computer.Refer to page 215 for details.Connecting your camcorder to your computer using the USB cable– For Windows users
189Viewing Images Using your ComputerMaking the computer recognize the camcorderViewing images recorded on a tapeRefer to page 190 for details on viewing “Memory Stick” images on your computer.You need to install “PIXELA ImageMixer ” to view images recorded on a tape on yourcomputer. Install it from the CD-ROM supplied with your camcorder.To install and use this software in Windows 2000 Professional. You must be authorizedas Power Users or Administrators. For Windows XP Home Edition/Professional, youmust be authorized as Administrators.(1)Turn on your computer and allow Windows to load.If you are using your computer, close all running applications.(2)Insert the supplied CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive of your computer.The application software starts up and the title screen appears. If the titlescreen does not appear, double-click “My Computer” and then “ImageMixer”(CD-ROM Drive). The application software screen appears after a while.(3)Move the cursor to “PIXELA ImageMixer” and click.The Install Wizard program starts up and the “Select Settings Language”screen appears.(4)Select the language for installation.(5)Follow the on-screen messages.The installation screen disappears when installation is complete.(6)Click DirectXFollow the on-screen messages to install DirectX.Restart your computer when the installation is completed.(7)Connect the AC power adaptor to your camcorder.(8)Set the POWER switch to VCR.(9)Select USB STREAM in   to ON in the menu settings (p. 215).(10)With the CD-ROM inserted, connect the USB jacks of the camcorder andcomputer using the USB cable supplied with your camcorder.Your computer recognizes the camcorder, and the Add Hardware Wizardstarts.Connecting your camcorder to your computer using the USB cable– For Windows usersUSB connector (USB) jackUSB cable (supplied)Push into the end(continued on the following page)
190(11) Follow the on-screen messages so that the Add Hardware Wizard recognizesthat the USB drivers have been installed. The Add Hardware Wizard startsthree times because three different USB drivers are installed. Be sure to allowthe installation to complete without interrupting it.For Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP Home Edition/Professional users(12)After the “File Needed” screen appears.Open “Browse...” t “My Computer” t “ImageMixer” t “Sonyhcb.sys”,and click “OK.”Viewing images recorded on a “Memory Stick”Set USBCONNECT in   to NORMAL in the menu settings. (The default setting is setto NORMAL.)(1)Insert a “Memory Stick” into your camcorder.(2)Connect the AC power adaptor and set the POWER switch to MEMORY/NETWORK (DCR-TRV950 only).(3)Connect the   (USB) jack on your camcorder to the USB connector on yourcomputer using the supplied USB cable.USB MODE appears on the LCD screen of your camcorder. Your computerrecognizes the camcorder, and the Add Hardware Wizard starts.(4)Follow the on-screen messages to make the Add Hardware Wizard recognizethat the USB drivers have been installed. The Add Hardware Wizard startstwo times because two different USB drivers are installed. Be sure to alloweach installation to complete without interrupting it.You cannot install the USB driver if a “Memory Stick” is not in your camcorder.Be sure to insert a “Memory Stick” into your camcorder before installing the USBdriver.Connecting your camcorder to your computer using the USB cable– For Windows usersUSB connector (USB) jackUSB cable (supplied)Push into the end
191Viewing Images Using your ComputerConnecting your camcorder to your computer using the USB cable– For Windows usersIf you cannot install the USB driverThe USB driver has been registered incorrectly as your computer was connected to yourcamcorder before installation of the USB driver was completed. Perform the followingprocedure to correctly install the USB driver.Viewing images recorded on a tapeStep 1: Uninstall the incorrect USB driver1Turn on your computer and allow Windows to load.2Connect the AC power adaptor, and set the POWER switch to VCR.3Connect the USB connector on your computer to the   (USB) jack on yourcamcorder using the USB cable supplied with your camcorder.4Open your computer’s “Device Manager.”Windows XP Home Edition/Professional:Select “Start” t “Control Panel” t “System” t “Hardware,” and click the“Device manager” button.If there is no “System” inside “Pick a category” after clicking “Control Panel,”click “Switch to classic view” instead.Windows 2000 Professional:Select “My Computer” t “Control Panel” t “System” t “Hardware” tab,and click the “Device Manager” button.Windows 98 SE/Windows Me:Select “My Computer” t “Control Panel” t “System,” and click “DeviceManager.”(continued on the following page)
192Windows 2000 ProfessionalWindows XP Home Edition/ProfessionalConnecting your camcorder to your computer using the USB cable– For Windows usersWindows 98SE Windows Me5Select and delete the underlined devices below.

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