User Manual 16

164Customize Menu Settings and User PreferencesSet-upMenuListMenu/Item ExplanationoffunctionAvailablesettings (DefaultvaluesshowninBOLD)DISPLAY1DISPLAYSELECT Screen display settings when   is pressed brieflyALTITUDE: ON / OFFTIMER/CLOCK: ON / OFFGPS INFO: ON / OFF2TARGETLOCATION Switch between the compass screen and the latitude and longitude display screen when using the GPS and GM functionsCOMPASS / NUMERIC3BACKGROUNDCOLORSet the display background colorORANGE / GREEN / BLUE / PURPLE / GRAY4 BANDSCOPE Scope Display width settingNARROW / WIDE5LCDBRIGHTNESS Touch panel brightness MIN / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / MAX6LCDCONTRAST Touch panel contrast -3 / -2 / -1 / 0 / +1 / +2 / +37TIME/VDD Time / Voltage Display settingTIME / VDDTX/RXMODE Setting the signal format in the analog modeAUTO(FM) / FM / NARROW FM / AMDIGITAL1AMSTXMODE Set the AMS transmission modeTXM / TX FM FIXED / TX DN FIXED /TX VW FIXED / AUTO2SQLTYPE Digital mode Squelch type settingOFF / CODE / BREAK3SQLCODE Squelch code setting in the digital modeCODE: 001 to 1264 DIGITALPOPUPTIME Information screen pop-up timeOFF / 2 sec / 4 sec / 6 sec / 8 sec / 10 sec / 20 sec / 30 sec / 60 sec / CONTINUE5LOCATIONSERVICE Own (MY) position display setting in the digital modeON / OFFRefer to the separate Operating Manual GM Edition for details on the functions.6STANDBYBEEP Standby Beep setting ON / OFF7DSPVERSION DSP version display Ver. 2.** (cannot be edited; differs depending on the time of release)AUDIO1SUBBANDMUTE Sub-band mute setting OFF / ON 2MICGAIN Microphone sensitivity settingMIN / LOW / NORMAL / HIGH / MAXMEMORY1ALPHATAGSIZE Display size setting of memory channel tagSMALL / LARGE2MEMSCANTYPE Scanning method setting during memory scanALLMEM / SELECT MEMSIGNALING1TONESQLFREQ Tone frequency (CTCSS)67.0Hz - 254.1 Hz   88.5Hz2DCSCODE DCS code setting 023 - 7543AUTODIALER DTMF code automatic transmission settingOFF / ON4 DTMFMEMORY DTMF code registration 1 - 9 ways   16 characters eachApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620345X40 / IC: 511B-20345X40
165Customize Menu Settings and User PreferencesSet-upMenuListMenu/Item ExplanationoffunctionAvailablesettings (DefaultvaluesshowninBOLD)SIGNALING5PAGERCODE Pager individual code settingRX CODE : 01 - 50   05RX CODE 2: 01 - 50   47 TX CODE 1: 01 - 50   05TX CODE 2: 01 - 50   476PRGREVTONE User programmed reverse tone frequency300 Hz - 3000 Hz   1500Hz7BELLRINGER Recall sound length settingOFF / 1 time / 3 times / 5 times / 8 times / CONTINUOUS8SQLEXPANSION Separate squelch type setting for transmit and receiveOFF / ON9WXALERT(USA Version Only)Weather alert operation settingOFF / ONSCAN1DUALWATCHSTOP Setting the signal reception methodAUTO / HOLD2SCANDIRECTION Scanning direction settingUP / DOWN3SCANRESUMESet the resume operation after scan stopBUSY / HOLD / 1 sec / 3 sec / 5 secGM1RANGERINGER Bell sound setting when checking for stations within sphere of communicationsOFF / ON2RADIOID Specific ID display by transceiver- (cannot be edited)* Refer to the separate Operating Manual GM Edition for details on the functions.WIRESX1RPT/WIRESFREQ   PRESETFREQUENCYSetting of operating frequency in repeater / WIRES-X Registration of the preset frequencyMANUAL / PRESET   144.000 - 146.000   144.6202SEARCHSETUP Setting the WIRES ROOM selection methodHISTORY / ACTIVITY3EDITCATEGORYTAG Editing the category tag C1 - C54 REMOVEROOM/NODE Deletion of the registered categoriesC1 - C5* Refer to the separate Operating Manual WIRES-X Edition for details on the functions.CONFIG1DATE&TIMEADJUSTSetting the date and time-2DATE&TIMEFORMAT Setting the date and time display formatsDATE: mmm/dd/yyyy /  yyyy/mmm/dd / dd/mmm/yyyy /  yyyy/dd/mmmTIME: 24hour / 12 hour3TIMEZONE Time zone setting UTC±14: 00 (0.5 h interval)   UTC+0:004 AUTORPTSHIFTAuto repeater shift settingOFF / ON5RPTSHIFT Repeater shift direction settingOFF / − / +(Differs depending on frequency)Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620345X40 / IC: 511B-20345X40
166Customize Menu Settings and User PreferencesSet-upMenuListMenu/Item ExplanationoffunctionAvailablesettings (DefaultvaluesshowninBOLD)CONFIG6RPTSHIFTFREQ Repeater TX offset setting0.00 - 99.95 MHz(Differs depending on frequency)7FMAMSTEP Channel step setting AUTO / 5.00 KHz / 6.25 KHz / 10.00 KHz / 12.50 KHz / 15.00 KHz / 20.00 KHz /  25.00 KHz / 50.00 KHz / 100.00 KHz8BEEP Beep setting OFF / LOW / HIGH9CLOCKTYPE Clock shift setting A / B 10 MICPROGRAMKEY Microphone P buttons settingOFF (disable the P button) / BAND SCOPE / SCAN / HOME / DCS CODE / TONE FREQ / RPT SHIFT / REVERSE / TX POWER / SQL OFF / T-CALL / VOICE / D_X / WX / S-LIST / MSG / REPLY / M-EDITP1: SQLOFF (T-CALL: European version)P2: HOMEP3: D_XP4: TXPOWER11 RXCOVERAGE Reception range expansion settingNORMAL / WIDE 12 UNIT Display unit setting METRIC / INCH(Depends on the transceiver version)13 APO Automatic power OFF operating timeOFF / 0.5 hour - 12.0 hour14 TOT TX time out setting OFF / 1 min - 5 min - 30 min15 BluetoothPAIRING PIN code setting and pairing start0000 - 9999   611116 GPSDATUM GPS function positioning selectionWGS-84 / TOKYO MEAN17 GPSDEVICE GPS receiver selection INTERNAL / EXTERNAL18 GPSLOG GPS access time setting OFF / 1 sec - 60 secDATA1COMPORTSETTING COM port setting SPEED: 4800 bps / 9600 bps /  19200 bps / 38400 bps / 57600 bpsOUTPUT: OFF(camera) /  GPS OUT / PACKET / WAYPOINTWP FORMAT: NMEA 6 / NMEA 7 /  NMEA 8 / NMEA9 WP FILTER: ALL / MOBILE / FREQUENCY / OBJECT/ITEM / DIGIPEATER / VoIP / WEATHER / YAESU / CALL RINGER / RNG RINGER2DATABANDSELECT APRS/DATA band selection settingAPRS: MAIN BAND / SUB BAND / A-BAND FIX / B-BANDFIX /  A=TX/B=RX / A=RX/B=TXDATA: MAIN BAND / SUB BAND / A-BAND FIX / B-BANDFIX / A=TX/B=RX /  A=RX/B=TX3DATASPEED APRS/DATA communication baud rate settingAPRS: 1200 bps / 9600 bps DATA: 1200 bps / 9600 bpsApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620345X40 / IC: 511B-20345X40
167Customize Menu Settings and User PreferencesSet-upMenuListMenu/Item ExplanationoffunctionAvailablesettings (DefaultvaluesshowninBOLD)DATA4 DATASQUELCH Squelch detection settingAPRS: RXBAND / TX/RX BANDDATA: RXBAND / TX/RX BANDTX: ON / OFFAPRS1APRSCOMPASS APRS compass display orientationNORTH UP / HEADINGUP2APRSDESTINATION Model code display Non-editableAPY4003APRSFILTER Filter function setting Mic-E: ON / OFFPOSITION: ON / OFFWEATHER: ON / OFFOBJECT: ON / OFFITEM: ON / OFFSTATUS: ON / OFFOTHER: ON / OFFRANGE LIMIT: 1 mi - 3000 mi / OFFALT.NET: ON / OFF4 APRSMESSAGETEXT Standard message text input1 to 8 ch5APRSMODEM APRS function ON/OFF settingOFF / ON6APRSMUTE Band B AF mute setting for APRSOFF / ON7APRSPOP-UP Display time setting for pop-up display of beacons and messagesBEACON: OFF / 3 sec / 5 sec / 10 sec / HOLDMESSAGE: OFF / 3 sec / 5 sec / 10 sec /  HOLDMYPACKET: OFF / ON8APRSPOP-UPCOLOR Screen color setting for pop-up display of beaconsCHECK OFF / GREEN / BLUE /  ORANGE / PURPLE / SKY-BLUE / YELLOW / AMBER / WHITE1 BEACON: CHECKOFF2 MOBILE: CHECKOFF3 OBJECT/ITEM: CHECKOFF4 CAL RINGER: CHECKOFF5 RNG RINGER: CHECKOFF6 MESSAGE: CHECKOFF7 GRP/BULT: CHECKOFF8 MY PACKET: CHECKOFF9APRSRINGER Bell sound setting at beacon arrivalTX BEACON: ON / OFF TX MESSAGE: ON / OFF RX BEACON: ON / OFF RX MESSAGE: ON / OFF MY PACKET: ON / OFF CALL RINGER: ON / OFF RNG RINGER: 1km - 100km / OFFMSG VOICE: ON / OFF10 APRSRINGER(CALL) Call sign setting for CALL RINGER1 - 8 stationsApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620345X40 / IC: 511B-20345X40
168Customize Menu Settings and User PreferencesSet-upMenuListMenu/Item ExplanationoffunctionAvailablesettings (DefaultvaluesshowninBOLD)APRS11 APRSTXDELAY Data transmit delay time setting100 ms / 150 ms / 200 ms / 250 ms /  300 ms / 400 ms / 500 ms / 750 ms /  1000 ms12 APRSUNITS APRS display unit setting1 POSITION: dd°mm.mm' / dd°mm'ss''2 DISTANCE: km / mile3 SPEED: km/h / mph / knot4 ALTITUDE: m / ft5 BARO: hPa / mb / mmHg / inHg6 TEMP: °C / °F7 RAIN: mm / inch8 WIND: m/s / mph / knot13 BEACONINFOSELECTTransmit beacon information settingAMBIGUITY: OFF / 1 - 4 digit SPEED/COURSE: ON / OFF ALTITUDE: ON / OFF14 BEACONSTATUSTEXTStatus text input setting SELECT: TEXT 1 - 5 / OFFTX RATE: 1/1 - 1/8 /  1/2 (FREQ) - 1/8 (FREQ)TEXT 1 - 5: NONE / FREQUENCY /  FREQ & SQL & SHIFT15 BEACONTX Beacon automatic transmit / manual transmission switchAUTO: OFF / ONINTERVAL: 30 sec - 60 min   5 minPROPORTIONAL: ON / OFFDECAY: ON / OFFLOW SPEED: 1 - 99    3 RATE LIMIT: 5 sec - 180 sec   30 sec16 DIGIPATHSELECT Digital repeater route settingOFF / WIDE 1-1 / WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1 / PATH 1 - PATH 4 / FULL 1 / FULL 217 DIGIPATH1 Digital repeater route address settingADDRESS 1: -ADDRESS 2: -18 DIGIPATH2 ADDRESS 1: -ADDRESS 2: -19 DIGIPATH3 ADDRESS 1: -ADDRESS 2: -20 DIGIPATH4 ADDRESS 1: -ADDRESS 2: -21 DIGIPATHFULL1 Digital repeater route address settingADDRESS 1: -ADDRESS 2: -ADDRESS 3: -ADDRESS 4: -ADDRESS 5: -ADDRESS 6: -ADDRESS 7: -ADDRESS 8: -22 DIGIPATHFULL2 ADDRESS 1: -ADDRESS 2: -ADDRESS 3: -ADDRESS 4: -ADDRESS 5: -ADDRESS 6: -ADDRESS 7: -ADDRESS 8: -Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620345X40 / IC: 511B-20345X40
169Customize Menu Settings and User PreferencesSet-upMenuListMenu/Item ExplanationoffunctionAvailablesettings (DefaultvaluesshowninBOLD)APRS23 CALLSIGN(APRS) My call sign setting -24 MESSAGEGROUP Group filter setting for received messagesGROUP 1: ALL✽✽✽✽✽✽ GROUP 2: CQ✽✽✽✽✽✽✽GROUP 3: QST✽✽✽✽✽✽GROUP 4: YAESU✽✽✽✽GROUP 5: -GROUP 6: -BULLETIN 1: BLN?✽✽✽✽✽BULLETIN 2: BLN?BULLETIN 3: BLN?25 MESSAGEREPLY Automatic response setting of received messagesREPLY: OFF / ONCALLSIGN: ✽✽✽✽✽✽-✽✽REPLY TEXT: -26 MYPOSITIONSET My position setting GPS / MANUAL27 MYPOSITION My position manual settingLAT: N 0°00. 00' (' 00'')LON: E 0°00. 00' (' 00'')28 MYSYMBOL My symbol setting ICON1:[/>] CarICON 2: [/R] REC.VehicleICON 3: [/-] House QTH (VHF)USER: [YY] Yaesu Radios29 POSITIONCOMMENT Position comment settingOffDuty / En Route / In Service / Returning / Committed / Special / Priority / Custom 0 - 6 / Emergency!30 SmartBeaconing Smart beaconing setting 1 STATUS: OFF / TYPE 1 / TYPE 2 /  TYPE 32 LOW SPEED: 2 - 30    53 HIGH SPEED: 3 - 90    704 SLOW RATE: 1 - 100 min   30 min5 FAST RATE: 10 - 180 sec   120 sec6 TURN ANGLE: 5 - 90°   28°7 TURN SLOPE: 1 - 255   268 TURN TIME: 5 - 180 sec   30 sec31 SORTFILTER Sort function / filter function settingSORT: TIME / CALLSIGN / DISTANCEFILTER : ALL / MOBILE / FREQUENCY /  OBJECT/ITEM / DIGIPEATER / VoIP / WEATHER / YAESU / OTHER PACKET / CALL RINGER / RANGE RINGER /  1200 bps / 9600 bps32 VOICEALERT Voice alert function settingVOICE ALERT: NORMAL / TONE SQL / DCS / RX-TSQL / RX-DCSTONE SQL: 67.0 Hz - 254.1 Hz   100.0HzDCS: 023 - 754   023* Refer to the separate Operation Manual APRS Edition for details on the functions.SDCARD1BACKUP Reading and writing information of the radio to the micro-SD cardWrite to SD / Read from SD2GROUPID Reading and writing GROUP ID information to the micro-SD cardWrite to SD / Read from SDApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620345X40 / IC: 511B-20345X40
170Customize Menu Settings and User PreferencesSet-upMenuListMenu/Item ExplanationoffunctionAvailablesettings (DefaultvaluesshowninBOLD)SDCARD3FORMAT Initializing the micro-SD card-OPTION1USBCAMERA Picture size / picture quality setting for the microphone with cameraPICTURE SIZE: 160 ✽ 120 / 320 ✽ 240PICTURE QUALITY: LOW / NORMAL / HIGH2Bluetooth Bluetooth headset settingAUDIO: AUTO / FIXBATTERY: NORMAL / SAVEVOX: ON /OFF GAIN: HIGH / LOW3VOICEMEMORY Voice memory function settingPLAY/REC: FREE5min / LAST 30 secANNOUNCE: AUTO / OFF / MANUALLANGUAGE: JAPANESE / ENGLISHVOLUME: HIGH / MID / LOWRX MUTE: ON / OFFRESET/CLONE1FACTORYRESET Return all settings to default settings when shipped-2PRESET Preset registration -3RECALLPRESET Recall preset -4 MEMCHRESET Erasing registered memory channels-5MEMCHSORT Sorting registered memory channels-6APRSRESET Return APRS settings to default settings when shipped-7CLONE Copy all saved data This radio → other / Other → This radioCALLSIGNCALLSIGN My call sign setting -Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620345X40 / IC: 511B-20345X40
171Customize Menu Settings and User PreferencesUsingtheSet-upMenuScreendisplaysettingsSelectthescreentobedisplayedSet the type of screen to be displayed when pressing   briefly.1 Press   for one second or longer  The set-up menu will be displayed.2 Touch [DISPLAY]$#%-$#%-6:4:5'672/'074'5'6%.10'%10(+)9Ჰ4'55%#0&+52.#;5+) 0#.+0)#245 126+105&%#4&/'/14;&#6#%#..5+) 03 Touch [1DISPLAYSELECT]  The display setting screen will be displayed.Ż6#4)'6.1%#6+10&+52.#;&+52.#;5'.'%6#0)'41$#%-)4170&%1.14%1/2#559+&'$#0&5%12'ᲹᲺ᲻᲼$#%-$#%-4  Touch the item to be displayed  Select from “ALTITUDE”, “TIMER/CLOCK” and “GPS INFO”, the screen that you would like to display.  Each time the item is touched, the setting will switch between “ON” and OFF”.&+52.#;)25+0(1#.6+67&'((1((1((16+/'4%.1%-&+52.#;5'.'%6Ჹ$#%-$#%-5  Set the other screens as well  Repeat Step 4 and set the other screens as well.6 Press   for one second or longer  The screen to be displayed will be set and the display will return to the previous screen. Tip   Factory default value: All screens are set to “OFF”Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620345X40 / IC: 511B-20345X40
172Customize Menu Settings and User PreferencesUsingtheSet-upMenuSwitchingbetweenCOMPASSandPOSITIONINFORMATIONscreensWhen using the GPS and GM functions, the screen will switch between the “Compass Screen” and the “Position Information (Latitude and Longitude) Display Screen”.1 Press   for one second or longer  The set-up menu will be displayed.2 Touch [DISPLAY]$#%-$#%-6:4:5'672/'074'5'6%.10'%10(+)9Ჰ4'55%#0&+52.#;5+) 0#.+0)#245 126+105&%#4&/'/14;&#6#%#..5+) 03 Touch [2TARGETLOCATION] to select the display content  Each time this symbol is touched, the setting will switch between “COMPASS” and “NUMERIC”.  COMPASS:  The compass screen will be displayed.  NUMERIC:  The position information (latitude and longitude) display screen will be displayed. Tip   Factory default value: COMPASSŻ6#4)'6.1%#6+10&+52.#;5'.'%6#0)'41$#%-)4170&%1.14%1/2#559+&'$#0&5%12'ᲹᲺ᲻᲼$#%-$#%-4 Press   for one second or longer  The display contents will be set and the display will return to the previous screen.SettingthedisplaybackgroundcolorThe display background color can be selected from the following 5 colors.• Orange   • Green   • Blue   • Purple   • GreyRefer to “Changing the background color of the frequency display area” ( P.60) for details.SettingthebandscopedisplaywidthThe frequency bandwidth and memory channel number to be displayed when band scope is running can be set.1 Press   for one second or longer  The set-up menu will be displayed.2 Touch [DISPLAY]$#%-$#%-6:4:5'672/'074'5'6%.10'%10(+)9Ჰ4'55%#0&+52.#;5+) 0#.+0)#245 126+105&%#4&/'/14;&#6#%#..5+) 0Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620345X40 / IC: 511B-20345X40
173Customize Menu Settings and User PreferencesUsingtheSet-upMenu3 Touch [4BANDSCOPE] to select the frequency width  The frequency bandwidth will switch between “WIDE” and “NARROW” each time this symbol is touched.  WIDE:  The frequency bandwidth will be displayed using a wide search width.  NARROW:  The frequency bandwidth will be displayed using a narrow search width.VFOmode MemorymodeWIDE ±25 steps ±25 channelsNARROW ±12 steps ±5 channels Tip   Factory default value: WIDE#0)'41$#%-)4170&%1.149+&'$#0&5%12'᲻᲼$#%-$#%-4 Press   for one second or longer  The bandwidth of the frequency will be set and the display will return to the previous screen.SettingthedisplaybrightnessThe brightness of the touch panel can be set.Refer to “Adjusting the display brightness” ( P.58) for details.SettingthedisplaycontrastThe contrast of the touch panel can be adjusted.Refer to “Adjusting the display contrast” ( P.58) for details.SwitchingthetimedisplayandthevoltagedisplayThe display at the top right of the display can be changed between “Time Display” and “Voltage Display”.1 Press   for one second or longer  The set-up menu will be displayed.2 Touch [DISPLAY]$#%-$#%-6:4:5'672/'074'5'6%.10'%10(+)9Ჰ4'55%#0&+52.#;5+) 0#.+0)#245 126+105&%#4&/'/14;&#6#%#..5+) 0Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620345X40 / IC: 511B-20345X40
174Customize Menu Settings and User PreferencesUsingtheSet-upMenu3 Touch [7TIME/VDD] to select the display content  The display content changes between “TIME” and “VDD” each time the symbol is touched.  TIME: The time will be displayed.  VDD: The voltage will be displayed. Tip   Factory default value: TIME6+/'.%&%1064#56 ⌽6+/'8&&ᲾᲿ$#%-$#%-4 Press   for one second or longer  The display content will be set and the display will return to the previous screen.TransmitandreceivesettingsSettingthesignalformatThe radio signal format can be selected from “FM”, “AM” and “NARROW FM” in the analog mode.Refer to “Changing the radio signal format” ( P.46) for details.SettingtheAMStransmissionmodeWhen operating in the AMS function, the transmit mode may be selected:1 Press   for one second or longer  The set-up menu will be displayed.2 Touch [TX/RX]$#%-$#%-6:4:5'672/'074'5'6%.10'%10(+)9Ჰ4'55%#0&+52.#;5+) 0#.+0)#245 126+105&%#4&/'/14;&#6#%#..5+) 03 Touch [DIGITAL]$#%-$#%-6:4:ŻŻ/1&'&+)+6#.#7&+1#761(/Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620345X40 / IC: 511B-20345X40

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