Cisco Systems 102075 Cisco Aironet 802.11n Dual Band Access Points User Manual Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration Guide 8

Cisco Systems Inc Cisco Aironet 802.11n Dual Band Access Points Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration Guide 8

Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration Guide_8

 15-19Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Chapter 15      Configuring Hybrid REAP  Configuring Hybrid-REAP Groups3. To connect to the “guest-central” WLAN, you would create a client profile that uses open authentication. Once the client becomes authenticated, it should get an IP address from VLAN 101 on the network local to the access point. Once the client connects, the local user can type any http address in the web browser. The user is automatically directed to the controller to complete the web-authentication process. When the web login page appears, the user enters his or her username and password.To see if a client’s data traffic is being locally or centrally switched, choose Monitor > Clients on the controller GUI, click the Detail link for the desired client, and look at the Data Switching parameter under AP Properties.Configuring Hybrid-REAP GroupsIn order to better organize and manage your hybrid-REAP access points, you can create hybrid-REAP Groups and assign specific access points to them. The number of hybrid-REAP groups and access point support depends on the platform that you are using. You can configure the following:  • Up to 100 hybrid-REAP groups for a Cisco 5500 Series Controller  • Up to 500 hybrid-REAP groups for a Cisco Flex 7500 Series Controller. The Cisco Flex 7500 Series Controller can accommodate up to 50 access points per hybrid REAP group.  • Up to 20 hybrid-REAP groups with up to 25 access points per group for the remaining controller platforms.All of the hybrid-REAP access points in a group share the same backup RADIUS server, CCKM, and local authentication configuration information. This feature is helpful if you have multiple hybrid-REAP access points in a remote office or on the floor of a building and you want to configure them all at once. For example, you can configure a backup RADIUS server for a hybrid-REAP rather than having to configure the same server on each access point. Figure 15-9 shows a typical hybrid-REAP deployment with a backup RADIUS server in the branch office.Figure 15-9 Hybrid-REAP Group DeploymentBackup RADIUSserverWAN linkBranch802.1xDHCP serverVLAN 101Local VLANLocal switch231941Trunk portnative VLAN 100Trunk portnative VLAN 100Hybrid-REAP Access Points
 15-20Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Chapter 15      Configuring Hybrid REAP  Configuring Hybrid-REAP GroupsHybrid-REAP Groups and Backup RADIUS ServersYou can configure the controller to allow a hybrid-REAP access point in standalone mode to perform full 802.1X authentication to a backup RADIUS server. You can configure a primary backup RADIUS server or both a primary and secondary backup RADIUS server. These servers can be used when the hybrid-REAP access point is in of these two modes: standalone or connected.Hybrid-REAP Groups and CCKMHybrid-REAP Groups are required for CCKM fast roaming to work with hybrid-REAP access points. CCKM fast roaming is achieved by caching a derivative of the master key from a full EAP authentication so that a simple and secure key exchange can occur when a wireless client roams to a different access point. This feature prevents the need to perform a full RADIUS EAP authentication as the client roams from one access point to another. The hybrid-REAP access points need to obtain the CCKM cache information for all the clients that might associate so they can process it quickly instead of sending it back to the controller. If, for example, you have a controller with 300 access points and 100 clients that might associate, sending the CCKM cache for all 100 clients is not practical. If you create a hybrid-REAP that includes a limited number of access points (for example, you create a group for four access points in a remote office), the clients roam only among those four access points, and the CCKM cache is distributed among those four access points only when the clients associate to one of them.Note CCKM fast roaming among hybrid-REAP and non-hybrid-REAP access points is not supported. See the “WPA1 and WPA2” section on page 7-25 for information on configuring CCKM.Hybrid-REAP Groups and OKCStartingin the release, hybrid-REAP groups enable Optimistic Key Caching (OKC) to enable fast roaming of clients. OKC facilitates fast roaming by using PMK caching in access points that are in the same Hybrid- REAP group.This feature prevents the need to perform a full authentication as the client roams from one access point to another. Whenever a client roams from one hybrid-REAP access point to another, the hybrid-REAP group access point calculates the PMKID using the cached PMK.To see the PMK cache entries at the hybrid-REAP access point, use the show capwap reap pmk command. This feature is supported on Cisco hybrid-REAP access points.Note The hybrid-REAP access point must be in connected mode when the PMK is derived during WPA2/802.1x authentication.Hybrid-REAP Groups and Local AuthenticationYou can configure the controller to allow a hybrid-REAP access point in standalone mode to perform LEAP or EAP-FAST authentication for up to 100 statically configured users. The controller sends the static list of usernames and passwords to each hybrid-REAP access point when it joins the controller. Each access point in the group authenticates only its own associated clients.
 15-21Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Chapter 15      Configuring Hybrid REAP  Configuring Hybrid-REAP GroupsThis feature is ideal for customers who are migrating from an autonomous access point network to a lightweight hybrid-REAP access point network and are not interested in maintaining a large user database or adding another hardware device to replace the RADIUS server functionality available in the autonomous access point.Note This feature can be used with the hybrid-REAP backup RADIUS server feature. If a hybrid-REAP is configured with both a backup RADIUS server and local authentication, the hybrid-REAP access point always attempts to authenticate clients using the primary backup RADIUS server first, followed by the secondary backup RADIUS server (if the primary is not reachable), and finally the hybrid-REAP access point itself (if the primary and secondary are not reachable).The number of hybrid-REAP groups and access point support depends on the platform that you are using. You can configure the following:  • Up to 100 hybrid-REAP groups for a Cisco 5500 Series Controller  • Up to 500 hybrid-REAP groups for a Cisco Flex 7500 Series Controller. The Cisco Flex 7500 Series Controller can accommodate up to 50 access points per hybrid REAP group.  • Up to 20 hybrid-REAP groups with up to 25 access points per group for the remaining platforms.Follow the instructions in this section to configure hybrid-REAPs using the controller GUI or CLI.Using the GUI to Configure Hybrid-REAP GroupsTo configure hybrid-REAP groups using the controller GUI, follow these steps:Step 1 Choose Wireless > HREAP Groups to open the HREAP Groups page (see Figure 15-10).Figure 15-10 Hybrid REAP Groups PageThis page lists any hybrid-REAP groups that have already been created.Note If you want to delete an existing group, hover your cursor over the blue drop-down arrow for that group and choose Remove.Step 2 To create a new hybrid REAP Group, click New.
 15-22Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Chapter 15      Configuring Hybrid REAP  Configuring Hybrid-REAP GroupsStep 3 When the HREAP Groups > New page appears, enter the name of the new group in the Group Name text Box. You can enter up to 32 alphanumeric characters.Step 4 Click Apply to commit your changes. The new group appears on the HREAP Groups page.Step 5 To edit the properties of a group, click the name of the desired group. The HREAP Groups > Edit (General) page appears (see Figure 15-11).Figure 15-11 Hybrid REAPs > Edit (General) PageStep 6 If you want to configure a primary RADIUS server for this group (for example, the access points are using 802.1X authentication), choose the desired server from the Primary RADIUS Server drop-down list. Otherwise, leave the text box set to the default value of None.Step 7 If you want to configure a secondary RADIUS server for this group, choose the server from the Secondary RADIUS Server drop-down list. Otherwise, leave the field set to the default value of None.Step 8 To add an access point to the group, click Add AP. Additional fields appear on the page under “Add AP”.Step 9 Perform one of the following:  • To choose an access point that is connected to this controller, select the Select APs from Current Controller check box and choose the name of the access point from the AP Name drop-down list.Note If you choose an access point on this controller, the MAC address of the access point is automatically entered in the Ethernet MAC text box to prevent any mismatches from occurring.  • To choose an access point that is connected to a different controller, leave the Select APs from Current Controller check box unselected and enter its MAC address in the Ethernet MAC text box.Note If the hybrid-REAP access points within a group are connected to different controllers, all of the controllers must belong to the same mobility group.Step 10 Click Add to add the access point to this hybrid-REAP group. The access point’s MAC address, name, and status appear at the bottom of the page. Note If you want to delete an access point, hover your cursor over the blue drop-down arrow for that access point and choose Remove.
 15-23Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Chapter 15      Configuring Hybrid REAP  Configuring Hybrid-REAP GroupsStep 11 Click Apply to commit your changes.Step 12 Repeat Step 9 through Step 11 if you want to add more access points to this hybrid-REAP Group.Step 13 Enable local authentication for a hybrid-REAP Group as follows:a. Make sure that the Primary RADIUS Server and Secondary RADIUS Server parameters are set to None.b. Select the Enable AP Local Authentication check box to enable local authentication for this hybrid-REAP Group. The default value is unselected.c. Click Apply to commit your changes.d. Choose the Local Authentication tab to open the Hybrid REAPs > Edit (Local Authentication > Local Users) page (see Figure 15-12).Figure 15-12 Hybrid REAP > Edit (Local Authentication > Local Users) Pagee. To add clients that you want to be able to authenticate using LEAP or EAP-FAST, perform one of the following:  • Upload a comma-separated values (CSV) file by selecting the Upload CSV File check box, clicking the Browse button to browse to an CSV file that contains usernames and passwords (each line of the file needs to be in the following format: username, password), and clicking Add to upload the CSV file. The clients’ names appear on the left side of the page under the “User Name” heading.  • Add clients individually by entering the client’s username in the User Name text box and a password for the client in the Password and Confirm Password text boxes, and clicking Add to add this client to the list of supported local users. The client name appears on the left side of the page under the “User Name” heading.Note You can add up to 100 clients.f. Click Apply to commit your changes.
 15-24Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Chapter 15      Configuring Hybrid REAP  Configuring Hybrid-REAP Groupsg. Choose the Protocols tab to open the Hybrid REAPs > Edit (Local Authentication > Protocols) page (see Figure 15-13).Figure 15-13 HREAP Groups > Edit (Local Authentication > Protocols) Pageh. To allow a hybrid-REAP access point to authenticate clients using LEAP, select the Enable LEAP Authentication check box and then go to Step n. i. To allow a hybrid-REAP access point to authenticate clients using EAP-FAST, select the Enable EAP-FAST Authentication check box and then go to the next step. The default value is unselected.j. Perform one of the following, depending on how you want protected access credentials (PACs) to be provisioned:  • To use manual PAC provisioning, enter the server key used to encrypt and decrypt PACs in the Server Key and Confirm Server Key text boxes. The key must be 32 hexadecimal characters.  • To allow PACs to be sent automatically to clients that do not have one during PAC provisioning, select the Enable Auto Key Generation check box.k. In the Authority ID text box, enter the authority identifier of the EAP-FAST server. The identifier must be 32 hexadecimal characters.l. In the Authority Info text box, enter the authority identifier of the EAP-FAST server in text format. You can enter up to 32 hexadecimal characters.m. To specify a PAC timeout value, select the PAC Timeout check box and enter the number of seconds for the PAC to remain viable in the text box. The default value is unselected, and the valid range is 2 to 4095 seconds when enabled.n. Click Apply to commit your changes.Step 14 Click Save Configuration to save your changes.Step 15 Repeat this procedure if you want to add more hybrid-REAPs.
 15-25Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Chapter 15      Configuring Hybrid REAP  Configuring Hybrid-REAP GroupsNote To see if an individual access point belongs to a hybrid-REAP Group, you can choose Wireless > Access Points > All APs > the name of the desired access point > the H-REAP tab. If the access point belongs to a hybrid-REAP, the name of the group appears in the Hybrid REAP Name text box.Using the CLI to Configure Hybrid-REAP GroupsTo configure hybrid-REAP Groups using the controller CLI, follow these steps:Step 1 Add or delete a hybrid-REAP Group by entering this command:config hreap group_name {add | delete}Step 2 Configure a primary or secondary RADIUS server for the hybrid-REAP Group by entering this command:config hreap group_name radius server {add | delete} {primary | secondary} server_indexStep 3 Add an access point to the hybrid-REAP Group by entering this command:config hreap group_name ap {add | delete} ap_macStep 4 Configure local authentication for a hybrid-REAP group as follows:a. Make sure that a primary and secondary RADIUS server are not configured for the hybrid-REAP Group.b. To enable or disable local authentication for this hybrid-REAP group, enter this command:config hreap group_name radius ap {enable | disable} c. To enter the username and password of a client that you want to be able to authenticate using LEAP or EAP-FAST, enter this command:config hreap group_name radius ap user add username password passwordNote You can add up to 100 clients.d. To allow a hybrid-REAP access point to authenticate clients using LEAP or to disable this behavior, enter this command:config hreap group_name radius ap leap {enable | disable}e. To allow a hybrid-REAP access point to authenticate clients using EAP-FAST or to disable this behavior, enter this command:config hreap group_name radius ap eap-fast {enable | disable}f. Enter one of the following commands, depending on how you want PACs to be provisioned:  • config hreap group_name radius ap server-key key—Specifies the server key used to encrypt and decrypt PACs. The key must be 32 hexadecimal characters.  • config hreap group_name radius ap server-key auto—Allows PACs to be sent automatically to clients that do not have one during PAC provisioning.g. To specify the authority identifier of the EAP-FAST server, enter this command:
 15-26Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Chapter 15      Configuring Hybrid REAP  Configuring Hybrid-REAP Groupsconfig hreap group_name radius ap authority id idwhere id is 32 hexadecimal characters.h. To specify the authority identifier of the EAP-FAST server in text format, enter this command:config hreap group_name radius ap authority info infowhere info is up to 32 hexadecimal characters.i. To specify the number of seconds for the PAC to remain viable, enter this command:config hreap group_name radius ap pac-timeout timeoutwhere timeout is a value between 2 and 4095 seconds (inclusive) or 0. A value of 0, which the default value, disables the PAC timeout.Step 5 Save your changes by entering this command:save configStep 6 See the current list of hybrid-REAP Groups by entering this command:show hreap summaryInformation similar to the following appears:Hreap Summary: Count 2Group Name # ApsGroup 1 1Group 2 1 Step 7 See the details for a specific hybrid-REAP Groups by entering this command:show hreap detail group_nameInformation similar to the following appears:Number of Ap's in Group: 300:1d:45:12:f2:24    AP1240.EW3.f224  Joined00:1d:45:12:f7:12    AP1240.10.f712     Joined00:1d:a1:ed:9f:84    AP1131.23.9f84     JoinedGroup Radius Servers Settings: Primary Server Index............................ Disabled Secondary Server Index.......................... DisabledGroup Radius AP Settings:AP RADIUS server............ EnabledEAP-FAST Auth............... EnabledLEAP Auth................... EnabledServer Key Auto Generated... NoServer Key..................     <hidden>Authority ID................ 436973636f0000000000000000000000Authority Info.............. Cisco A_IDPAC Timeout................. 0Number of User's in Group: 20                   1cisco                    2cisco                   3cisco                    4cisco                    cisco                     test1                   test10                    test11                   test12                    test13                   test14                    test15                    test2                     test3
 15-27Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Chapter 15      Configuring Hybrid REAP  Configuring Hybrid-REAP Groups                    test4                     test5                    test6                     test7    test8       test9
 15-28Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Chapter 15      Configuring Hybrid REAP  Configuring Hybrid-REAP Groups
 A-1Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02APPENDIXASafety Considerations and Translated Safety WarningsThis appendix lists safety considerations and translations of the safety warnings that apply to the Cisco Inified Wireless Network (UWN) solution products. The following safety considerations and safety warnings appear in this appendix:  • Safety Considerations, page A-1  • Warning Definition, page A-2  • Class 1 Laser Product Warning, page A-5  • Ground Conductor Warning, page A-7  • Chassis Warning for Rack-Mounting and Servicing, page A-9  • Battery Handling Warning, page A-18  • Equipment Installation Warning, page A-20  • More Than One Power Supply Warning for Cisco 5500 and 4400 Series Controllers, page A-23Safety ConsiderationsFollow these guidelines when installing Cisco UWN solution products:  • The Cisco lightweight access points with or without external antenna ports are only intended for installation in Environment A as defined in IEEE 802.3af. All interconnected equipment must be contained within the same building including the interconnected equipment’s associated LAN connections.  • For lightweight access points provided with optional external antenna ports, make sure that all external antennas and their associated wiring are located entirely indoors. These lightweight access points and their optional external antennas are not suitable for outdoor use.  • Make sure that plenum-mounted lightweight access points are powered using Power over Ethernet (PoE) to comply with safety regulations.  • For all controllers, verify that the ambient temperature remains between 0 and 40°C (32 and 104°F), taking into account the elevated temperatures that occur when they are installed in a rack.  • When multiple controllers are mounted in an equipment rack, be sure that the power source is sufficiently rated to safely run all of the equipment in the rack.  • Verify the integrity of the ground before installing controllers in an equipment rack.
 A-2Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix A      Safety Considerations and Translated Safety Warnings  Warning Definition  • Lightweight access points are suitable for use in environmental air space in accordance with Section 300.22.C of the National Electrical Code, and Sections 2-128, 12-010(3) and 12-100 of the Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1, C22.1.Warning DefinitionWarningIMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSThis warning symbol means danger. You are in a situation that could cause bodily injury. Before you work on any equipment, be aware of the hazards involved with electrical circuitry and be familiar with standard practices for preventing accidents. Use the statement number provided at the end of each warning to locate its translation in the translated safety warnings that accompanied this device. Statement 1071SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSWaarschuwingBELANGRIJKE VEILIGHEIDSINSTRUCTIESDit waarschuwingssymbool betekent gevaar. U verkeert in een situatie die lichamelijk letsel kan veroorzaken. Voordat u aan enige apparatuur gaat werken, dient u zich bewust te zijn van de bij elektrische schakelingen betrokken risico's en dient u op de hoogte te zijn van de standaard praktijken om ongelukken te voorkomen. Gebruik het nummer van de verklaring onderaan de waarschuwing als u een vertaling van de waarschuwing die bij het apparaat wordt geleverd, wilt raadplegen.BEWAAR DEZE INSTRUCTIESVaroitusTÄRKEITÄ TURVALLISUUSOHJEITATämä varoitusmerkki merkitsee vaaraa. Tilanne voi aiheuttaa ruumiillisia vammoja. Ennen kuin käsittelet laitteistoa, huomioi sähköpiirien käsittelemiseen liittyvät riskit ja tutustu onnettomuuksien yleisiin ehkäisytapoihin. Turvallisuusvaroitusten käännökset löytyvät laitteen mukana toimitettujen käännettyjen turvallisuusvaroitusten joukosta varoitusten lopussa näkyvien lausuntonumeroiden avulla.SÄILYTÄ NÄMÄ OHJEETAttentionIMPORTANTES INFORMATIONS DE SÉCURITÉ Ce symbole d'avertissement indique un danger. Vous vous trouvez dans une situation pouvant entraîner des blessures ou des dommages corporels. Avant de travailler sur un équipement, soyez conscient des dangers liés aux circuits électriques et familiarisez-vous avec les procédures couramment utilisées pour éviter les accidents. Pour prendre connaissance des traductions des avertissements figurant dans les consignes de sécurité traduites qui accompagnent cet appareil, référez-vous au numéro de l'instruction situé à la fin de chaque avertissement.CONSERVEZ CES INFORMATIONS
 A-3Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix A      Safety Considerations and Translated Safety Warnings  Warning DefinitionWarnungWICHTIGE SICHERHEITSHINWEISEDieses Warnsymbol bedeutet Gefahr. Sie befinden sich in einer Situation, die zu Verletzungen führen kann. Machen Sie sich vor der Arbeit mit Geräten mit den Gefahren elektrischer Schaltungen und den üblichen Verfahren zur Vorbeugung vor Unfällen vertraut. Suchen Sie mit der am Ende jeder Warnung angegebenen Anweisungsnummer nach der jeweiligen Übersetzung in den übersetzten Sicherheitshinweisen, die zusammen mit diesem Gerät ausgeliefert wurden.BEWAHREN SIE DIESE HINWEISE GUT AUF.AvvertenzaIMPORTANTI ISTRUZIONI SULLA SICUREZZA Questo simbolo di avvertenza indica un pericolo. La situazione potrebbe causare infortuni alle persone. Prima di intervenire su qualsiasi apparecchiatura, occorre essere al corrente dei pericoli relativi ai circuiti elettrici e conoscere le procedure standard per la prevenzione di incidenti. Utilizzare il numero di istruzione presente alla fine di ciascuna avvertenza  per individuare le traduzioni delle avvertenze riportate in questo documento. CONSERVARE QUESTE ISTRUZIONIAdvarselVIKTIGE SIKKERHETSINSTRUKSJONERDette advarselssymbolet betyr fare. Du er i en situasjon som kan føre til skade på person. Før du begynner å arbeide med noe av utstyret, må du være oppmerksom på farene forbundet med elektriske kretser, og kjenne til standardprosedyrer for å forhindre ulykker. Bruk nummeret i slutten av hver advarsel for å finne oversettelsen i de oversatte sikkerhetsadvarslene som fulgte med denne enheten.TA VARE PÅ DISSE INSTRUKSJONENEAvisoINSTRUÇÕES IMPORTANTES DE SEGURANÇA Este símbolo de aviso significa perigo. Você está em uma situação que poderá ser causadora de lesões corporais. Antes de iniciar a utilização de qualquer equipamento, tenha conhecimento dos perigos envolvidos no manuseio de circuitos elétricos e familiarize-se com as práticas habituais de prevenção de acidentes. Utilize o número da instrução fornecido ao final de cada aviso para localizar sua tradução nos avisos de segurança traduzidos que acompanham este dispositivo.GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUÇÕES ¡Advertencia!INSTRUCCIONES IMPORTANTES DE SEGURIDADEste símbolo de aviso indica peligro. Existe riesgo para su integridad física. Antes de manipular cualquier equipo, considere los riesgos de la corriente eléctrica y familiarícese con los procedimientos estándar de prevención de accidentes. Al final de cada advertencia encontrará el número que le ayudará a encontrar el texto traducido en el apartado de traducciones que acompaña a este dispositivo. GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES
 A-4Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix A      Safety Considerations and Translated Safety Warnings  Warning DefinitionVarning!VIKTIGA SÄKERHETSANVISNINGARDenna varningssignal signalerar fara. Du befinner dig i en situation som kan leda till personskada. Innan du utför arbete på någon utrustning måste du vara medveten om farorna med elkretsar och känna till vanliga förfaranden för att förebygga olyckor. Använd det nummer som finns i slutet av varje varning för att hitta dess översättning i de översatta säkerhetsvarningar som medföljer denna anordning.SPARA DESSA ANVISNINGAR
 A-5Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix A      Safety Considerations and Translated Safety Warnings  Class 1 Laser Product WarningClass 1 Laser Product WarningNote The 1000BASE-SX and 1000BASE-LX SFP modules contain Class 1 Lasers (Laser Klasse 1) according to EN 60825-1+A1+A2.WarningClass 1 laser product. Statement 1008WaarschuwingKlasse-1 laser produkt.VaroitusLuokan 1 lasertuote.AttentionProduit laser de classe 1.WarnungLaserprodukt der Klasse 1.AvvertenzaProdotto laser di Classe 1.AdvarselLaserprodukt av klasse 1.AvisoProduto laser de classe 1.¡Advertencia!Producto láser Clase I.Varning!Laserprodukt av klass 1.AvisoProduto a laser de classe 1.AdvarselKlasse 1 laserprodukt.
 A-6Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix A      Safety Considerations and Translated Safety Warnings  Class 1 Laser Product Warning
 A-7Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix A      Safety Considerations and Translated Safety Warnings  Ground Conductor WarningGround Conductor WarningWarningThis equipment must be grounded. Never defeat the ground conductor or operate the equipment in the absence of a suitably installed ground conductor. Contact the appropriate electrical inspection authority or an electrician if you are uncertain that suitable grounding is available. Statement 1024WaarschuwingDeze apparatuur dient geaard te zijn. De aardingsleiding mag nooit buiten werking worden gesteld en de apparatuur mag nooit bediend worden zonder dat er een op de juiste wijze geïnstalleerde aardingsleiding aanwezig is. Neem contact op met de bevoegde instantie voor elektrische inspecties of met een elektricien als u er niet zeker van bent dat er voor passende aarding gezorgd is.VaroitusLaitteiden on oltava maadoitettuja. Älä koskaan ohita maajohdinta tai käytä laitteita ilman oikein asennettua maajohdinta. Ota yhteys sähkötarkastusviranomaiseen tai sähköasentajaan, jos olet epävarma maadoituksen sopivuudesta.AttentionCet équipement doit être mis à la masse. Ne jamais rendre inopérant le conducteur de masse ni utiliser l'équipement sans un conducteur de masse adéquatement installé. En cas de doute sur la mise à la masse appropriée disponible, s'adresser à l'organisme responsable de la sécurité électrique ou à un électricien.WarnungDieses Gerät muss geerdet sein. Auf keinen Fall den Erdungsleiter unwirksam machen oder das Gerät ohne einen sachgerecht installierten Erdungsleiter verwenden. Wenn Sie sich nicht sicher sind, ob eine sachgerechte Erdung vorhanden ist, wenden Sie sich an die zuständige Inspektionsbehörde oder einen Elektriker.AvvertenzaQuesta apparecchiatura deve essere dotata di messa a terra. Non escludere mai il conduttore di protezione né usare l'apparecchiatura in assenza di un conduttore di protezione installato in modo corretto. Se non si è certi della disponibilità di un adeguato collegamento di messa a terra, richiedere un controllo elettrico presso le autorità competenti o rivolgersi a un elettricista.AdvarselDette utstyret må jordes. Omgå aldri jordingslederen og bruk aldri utstyret uten riktig montert jordingsleder. Ta kontakt med fagfolk innen elektrisk inspeksjon eller med en elektriker hvis du er usikker på om det finnes velegnet jordning.AvisoEste equipamento deve ser aterrado. Nunca anule o fio terra nem opere o equipamento sem um aterramento adequadamente instalado. Em caso de dúvida com relação ao sistema de aterramento disponível, entre em contato com os serviços locais de inspeção elétrica ou um eletricista qualificado.
 A-8Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix A      Safety Considerations and Translated Safety Warnings  Ground Conductor Warning¡Advertencia!Este equipo debe estar conectado a tierra. No inhabilite el conductor de tierra ni haga funcionar el equipo si no hay un conductor de tierra instalado correctamente. Póngase en contacto con la autoridad correspondiente de inspección eléctrica o con un electricista si no está seguro de que haya una conexión a tierra adecuada.Varning!Denna utrustning måste jordas. Koppla aldrig från jordledningen och använd aldrig utrustningen utan en på lämpligt sätt installerad jordledning. Om det föreligger osäkerhet huruvida lämplig jordning finns skall elektrisk besiktningsauktoritet eller elektriker kontaktas.
 A-9Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix A      Safety Considerations and Translated Safety Warnings  Chassis Warning for Rack-Mounting and ServicingChassis Warning for Rack-Mounting and ServicingWarningTo prevent bodily injury when mounting or servicing this unit in a rack, you must take special precautions to ensure that the system remains stable. The following guidelines are provided to ensure your safety: • This unit should be mounted at the bottom of the rack if it is the only unit in the rack. • When mounting this unit in a partially filled rack, load the rack from the bottom to the top with the heaviest component at the bottom of the rack. • If the rack is provided with stabilizing devices, install the stabilizers before mounting or servicing the unit in the rack. Statement 1006WaarschuwingOm lichamelijk letsel te voorkomen wanneer u dit toestel in een rek monteert of het daar een servicebeurt geeft, moet u speciale voorzorgsmaatregelen nemen om ervoor te zorgen dat het toestel stabiel blijft. De onderstaande richtlijnen worden verstrekt om uw veiligheid te verzekeren: • Dit toestel dient onderaan in het rek gemonteerd te worden als het toestel het enige in het rek is. • Wanneer u dit toestel in een gedeeltelijk gevuld rek monteert, dient u het rek van onderen naar boven te laden met het zwaarste onderdeel onderaan in het rek. • Als het rek voorzien is van stabiliseringshulpmiddelen, dient u de stabilisatoren te monteren voordat u het toestel in het rek monteert of het daar een servicebeurt geeft.VaroitusKun laite asetetaan telineeseen tai huolletaan sen ollessa telineessä, on noudatettava erityisiä varotoimia järjestelmän vakavuuden säilyttämiseksi, jotta vältytään loukkaantumiselta. Noudata seuraavia turvallisuusohjeita: • Jos telineessä ei ole muita laitteita, aseta laite telineen alaosaan. • Jos laite asetetaan osaksi täytettyyn telineeseen, aloita kuormittaminen sen alaosasta kaikkein raskaimmalla esineellä ja siirry sitten sen yläosaan. • Jos telinettä varten on vakaimet, asenna ne ennen laitteen asettamista telineeseen tai sen huoltamista siinä.
 A-10Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix A      Safety Considerations and Translated Safety Warnings  Chassis Warning for Rack-Mounting and ServicingAttentionPour éviter toute blessure corporelle pendant les opérations de montage ou de réparation de cette unité en casier, il convient de prendre des précautions spéciales afin de maintenir la stabilité du système. Les directives ci-dessous sont destinées à assurer la protection du personnelþ: • Si cette unité constitue la seule unité montée en casier, elle doit être placée dans le bas. • Si cette unité est montée dans un casier partiellement rempli, charger le casier de bas en haut en plaçant l'élément le plus lourd dans le bas. • Si le casier est équipé de dispositifs stabilisateurs, installer les stabilisateurs avant de monter ou de réparer l'unité en casier.WarnungZur Vermeidung von Körperverletzung beim Anbringen oder Warten dieser Einheit in einem Gestell müssen Sie besondere Vorkehrungen treffen, um sicherzustellen, daß das System stabil bleibt. Die folgenden Richtlinien sollen zur Gewährleistung Ihrer Sicherheit dienen: • Wenn diese Einheit die einzige im Gestell ist, sollte sie unten im Gestell angebracht werden. • Bei Anbringung dieser Einheit in einem zum Teil gefüllten Gestell ist das Gestell von unten nach oben zu laden, wobei das schwerste Bauteil unten im Gestell anzubringen ist. • Wird das Gestell mit Stabilisierungszubehör geliefert, sind zuerst die Stabilisatoren zu installieren, bevor Sie die Einheit im Gestell anbringen oder sie warten.AvvertenzaPer evitare infortuni fisici durante il montaggio o la manutenzione di questa unità in un supporto, occorre osservare speciali precauzioni per garantire che il sistema rimanga stabile. Le seguenti direttive vengono fornite per garantire la sicurezza personale: • Questa unità deve venire montata sul fondo del supporto, se si tratta dell’unica unità da montare nel supporto. • Quando questa unità viene montata in un supporto parzialmente pieno, caricare il supporto dal basso all’alto, con il componente più pesante sistemato sul fondo del supporto. • Se il supporto è dotato di dispositivi stabilizzanti, installare tali dispositivi prima di montare o di procedere alla manutenzione dell’unità nel supporto.AdvarselUnngå fysiske skader under montering eller reparasjonsarbeid på denne enheten når den befinner seg i et kabinett. Vær nøye med at systemet er stabilt. Følgende retningslinjer er gitt for å verne om sikkerheten: • Denne enheten bør monteres nederst i kabinettet hvis dette er den eneste enheten i kabinettet. • Ved montering av denne enheten i et kabinett som er delvis fylt, skal kabinettet lastes fra bunnen og opp med den tyngste komponenten nederst i kabinettet. • Hvis kabinettet er utstyrt med stabiliseringsutstyr, skal stabilisatorene installeres før montering eller utføring av reparasjonsarbeid på enheten i kabinettet.AvisoPara se prevenir contra danos corporais ao montar ou reparar esta unidade numa estante, deverá tomar precauções especiais para se certificar de que o sistema possui um suporte estável. As seguintes directrizes ajudá-lo-ão a efectuar o seu trabalho com segurança: • Esta unidade deverá ser montada na parte inferior da estante, caso seja esta a única unidade a ser montada. • Ao montar esta unidade numa estante parcialmente ocupada, coloque os itens mais pesados na parte inferior da estante, arrumando-os de baixo para cima. • Se a estante possuir um dispositivo de estabilização, instale-o antes de montar ou reparar a unidade.
 A-11Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix A      Safety Considerations and Translated Safety Warnings  Chassis Warning for Rack-Mounting and Servicing¡Advertencia!Para evitar lesiones durante el montaje de este equipo sobre un bastidor, o posteriormente durante su mantenimiento, se debe poner mucho cuidado en que el sistema quede bien estable. Para garantizar su seguridad, proceda según las siguientes instrucciones: • Colocar el equipo en la parte inferior del bastidor, cuando sea la única unidad en el mismo. • Cuando este equipo se vaya a instalar en un bastidor parcialmente ocupado, comenzar la instalación desde la parte inferior hacia la superior colocando el equipo más pesado en la parte inferior. • Si el bastidor dispone de dispositivos estabilizadores, instalar éstos antes de montar o proceder al mantenimiento del equipo instalado en el bastidor.Varning!För att undvika kroppsskada när du installerar eller utför underhållsarbete på denna enhet på en ställning måste du vidta särskilda försiktighetsåtgärder för att försäkra dig om att systemet står stadigt. Följande riktlinjer ges för att trygga din säkerhet:  • Om denna enhet är den enda enheten på ställningen skall den installeras längst ned på ställningen. • Om denna enhet installeras på en delvis fylld ställning skall ställningen fyllas nedifrån och upp, med de tyngsta enheterna längst ned på ställningen. • Om ställningen är försedd med stabiliseringsdon skall dessa monteras fast innan enheten installeras eller underhålls på ställningen.     •••   •••
 A-12Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix A      Safety Considerations and Translated Safety Warnings  Chassis Warning for Rack-Mounting and ServicingAvisoPara evitar lesões corporais ao montar ou dar manutenção a esta unidade em um rack, é necessário tomar todas as precauções para garantir a estabilidade do sistema. As seguintes orientações são fornecidas para garantir a sua segurança: • Se esta for a única unidade, ela deverá ser montada na parte inferior do rack. • Ao montar esta unidade em um rack parcialmente preenchido, carregue-o de baixo para cima com o componente mais pesado em sua parte inferior. • Se o rack contiver dispositivos estabilizadores, instale-os antes de montar ou dar manutenção à unidade existente.AdvarselFor at forhindre legemesbeskadigelse ved montering eller service af denne enhed i et rack, skal du sikre at systemet står stabilt. Følgende retningslinjer er også for din sikkerheds skyld: • Enheden skal monteres i bunden af dit rack, hvis det er den eneste enhed i racket. • Ved montering af denne enhed i et delvist fyldt rack, skal enhederne installeres fra bunden og opad med den tungeste enhed nederst. • Hvis racket leveres med stabiliseringsenheder, skal disse installeres for enheden monteres eller serviceres i racket.•••
 A-13Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix A      Safety Considerations and Translated Safety Warnings  Chassis Warning for Rack-Mounting and Servicing
 A-14Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix A      Safety Considerations and Translated Safety Warnings  Chassis Warning for Rack-Mounting and Servicing
 A-15Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix A      Safety Considerations and Translated Safety Warnings  Chassis Warning for Rack-Mounting and Servicing   •••   ••••••
 A-16Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix A      Safety Considerations and Translated Safety Warnings  Chassis Warning for Rack-Mounting and Servicing
 A-17Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix A      Safety Considerations and Translated Safety Warnings  Chassis Warning for Rack-Mounting and Servicing
 A-18Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix A      Safety Considerations and Translated Safety Warnings  Battery Handling WarningBattery Handling WarningWarningThere is the danger of explosion if the controller battery is replaced incorrectly. Replace the battery only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Statement 1015WaarschuwingEr is ontploffingsgevaar als de batterij verkeerd vervangen wordt. Vervang de batterij slechts met hetzelfde of een equivalent type dat door de fabrikant aanbevolen is. Gebruikte batterijen dienen overeenkomstig fabrieksvoorschriften weggeworpen te worden.VaroitusRäjähdyksen vaara, jos akku on vaihdettu väärään akkuun. Käytä vaihtamiseen ainoastaan saman- tai vastaavantyyppistä akkua, joka on valmistajan suosittelema. Hävitä käytetyt akut valmistajan ohjeiden mukaan.AttentionDanger d'explosion si la pile n'est pas remplacée correctement. Ne la remplacer que par une pile de type semblable ou équivalent, recommandée par le fabricant. Jeter les piles usagées conformément aux instructions du fabricant.
 A-19Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix A      Safety Considerations and Translated Safety Warnings  Battery Handling WarningWarnungBei Einsetzen einer falschen Batterie besteht Explosionsgefahr. Ersetzen Sie die Batterie nur durch den gleichen oder vom Hersteller empfohlenen Batterietyp. Entsorgen Sie die benutzten Batterien nach den Anweisungen des Herstellers.AvvertenzaPericolo di esplosione se la batteria non è installata correttamente. Sostituire solo con una di tipo uguale o equivalente, consigliata dal produttore. Eliminare le batterie usate secondo le istruzioni del produttore.AdvarselDet kan være fare for eksplosjon hvis batteriet skiftes på feil måte. Skift kun med samme eller tilsvarende type som er anbefalt av produsenten. Kasser brukte batterier i henhold til produsentens instruksjoner.AvisoExiste perigo de explosão se a bateria for substituída incorrectamente. Substitua a bateria por uma bateria igual ou de um tipo equivalente recomendado pelo fabricante. Destrua as baterias usadas conforme as instruções do fabricante.¡Advertencia!Existe peligro de explosión si la batería se reemplaza de manera incorrecta. Reemplazar la batería exclusivamente con el mismo tipo o el equivalente recomendado por el fabricante. Desechar las baterías gastadas según las instrucciones del fabricante.Varning!Explosionsfara vid felaktigt batteribyte. Ersätt endast batteriet med samma batterityp som rekommenderas av tillverkaren eller motsvarande. Följ tillverkarens anvisningar vid kassering av använda batterier.
 A-20Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix A      Safety Considerations and Translated Safety Warnings  Equipment Installation WarningEquipment Installation WarningWarningOnly trained and qualified personnel should be allowed to install, replace, or service this equipment. Statement 1030WaarschuwingDeze apparatuur mag alleen worden geïnstalleerd, vervangen of hersteld door bevoegd geschoold personeel.VaroitusTämän laitteen saa asentaa, vaihtaa tai huoltaa ainoastaan koulutettu ja laitteen tunteva henkilökunta.AttentionIl est vivement recommandé de confier l'installation, le remplacement et la maintenance de ces équipements à des personnels qualifiés et expérimentés.WarnungDas Installieren, Ersetzen oder Bedienen dieser Ausrüstung sollte nur geschultem, qualifiziertem Personal gestattet werden.AvvertenzaQuesto apparato può essere installato, sostituito o mantenuto unicamente da un personale competente.AdvarselBare opplært og kvalifisert personell skal foreta installasjoner, utskiftninger eller service på dette utstyret.AvisoApenas pessoal treinado e qualificado deve ser autorizado a instalar, substituir ou fazer a revisão deste equipamento.
 A-21Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix A      Safety Considerations and Translated Safety Warnings  Equipment Installation Warning¡Advertencia!Solamente el personal calificado debe instalar, reemplazar o utilizar este equipo.Varning!Endast utbildad och kvalificerad personal bör få tillåtelse att installera, byta ut eller reparera denna utrustning.AvisoSomente uma equipe treinada e qualificada tem permissão para instalar, substituir ou dar manutenção a este equipamento.AdvarselKun uddannede personer må installere, udskifte komponenter i eller servicere dette udstyr.
 A-22Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix A      Safety Considerations and Translated Safety Warnings  Equipment Installation Warning
 A-23Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix A      Safety Considerations and Translated Safety Warnings  More Than One Power Supply Warning for Cisco 5500 and 4400 Series ControllersMore Than One Power Supply Warning for Cisco 5500 and 4400 Series ControllersWarningThe wireless lan controller might have more than one power supply connection. All connections must be removed to de-energize the unit. Statement 1028WaarschuwingDeze eenheid kan meer dan één stroomtoevoeraansluiting bevatten. Alle aansluitingen dienen ontkoppeld te worden om de eenheid te ontkrachten.VaroitusTässä laitteessa voi olla useampia kuin yksi virtakytkentä. Kaikki liitännät on irrotettava, jotta jännite poistetaan laitteesta.AttentionCette unité peut avoir plus d'une connexion d'alimentation. Pour supprimer toute tension et tout courant électrique de l'unité, toutes les connexions d'alimentation doivent être débranchées.WarnungDieses Gerät kann mehr als eine Stromzufuhr haben. Um sicherzustellen, dass der Einheit kein Strom zugeführt wird, müssen alle Verbindungen entfernt werden.AvvertenzaQuesta unità può avere più di una connessione all'alimentazione elettrica. Tutte le connessioni devono essere staccate per togliere la corrente dall'unità.AdvarselDenne enheten kan ha mer enn én strømtilførselskobling. Alle koblinger må fjernes fra enheten for å utkoble all strøm.AvisoEsta unidade poderá ter mais de uma conexão de fonte de energia. Todas as conexões devem ser removidas para desligar a unidade.¡Advertencia!Puede que esta unidad tenga más de una conexión para fuentes de alimentación. Para cortar por completo el suministro de energía, deben desconectarse todas las conexiones.Varning!Denna enhet har eventuellt mer än en strömförsörjningsanslutning. Alla anslutningar måste tas bort för att göra enheten strömlös.
 A-24Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix A      Safety Considerations and Translated Safety Warnings  More Than One Power Supply Warning for Cisco 5500 and 4400 Series ControllersAvisoEsta unidade pode ter mais de uma conexão de fonte de alimentação. Todas as conexões devem ser removidas para interromper a alimentação da unidade.AdvarselDenne enhed har muligvis mere end en strømforsyningstilslutning. Alle tilslutninger skal fjernes for at aflade strømmen fra enheden.
 A-25Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix A      Safety Considerations and Translated Safety Warnings  More Than One Power Supply Warning for Cisco 5500 and 4400 Series Controllers
 A-26Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix A      Safety Considerations and Translated Safety Warnings  More Than One Power Supply Warning for Cisco 5500 and 4400 Series Controllers
 B-1Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02APPENDIXBDeclarations of Conformity and Regulatory InformationThis appendix provides declarations of conformity and regulatory information for the products in the Cisco UWN solution. This appendix contains these sections:  • Guidelines for Operating Controllers in Japan, page B-1  • Declaration of Conformity Statements, page B-2  • FCC Statement for Cisco 5500 Series Wireless LAN Controllers, page B-3  • FCC Statement for Cisco 4400 Series Wireless LAN Controllers, page B-3  • FCC Statement for Cisco 2100 Series Wireless LAN Controllers, page B-3Guidelines for Operating Controllers in JapanThis section provides guidelines for avoiding interference when operating Cisco Aironet 5500, 4400, and Cisco 2100 Series Controller in Japan. These guidelines are provided in both Japanese and English.VCCI Class A Warning for Cisco 5500 Series Controllers and 4400 Series Controllers in JapanWarningThis is a Class A product based on the standard of the Voluntary Control Council for Interference by Information Technology Equipment (VCCI). If this equipment is used in a domestic environment, radio disturbance may arise. When such trouble occurs, the user may be required to take corrective actions.
 B-2Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix B      Declarations of Conformity and Regulatory Information  Declaration of Conformity StatementsVCCI Class B Warning for Cisco 2100 Series Controller in JapanPower Cable and AC Adapter Warning for JapanDeclaration of Conformity StatementsAll the Declaration of Conformity statements related to this product can be found at the following URL:http://www.ciscofax.comWarningThis is a Class B product based on the standard of the Voluntary Control Council for Interference from Information Technology Equipment (VCCI). If this is used near a radio or television receiver in a domestic environment, it may cause radio interference. Install and use the equipment according to the instruction manual. WarningWhen installing the product, please use the provided or designated connection cables/power cables/AC adaptors. Using any other cables/adaptors could cause a malfunction or a fire. Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law prohibits the use of UL-certified cables (that have the “UL” shown on the code) for any other electrical devices than products designated by CISCO. The use of cables that are certified by Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law (that have “PSE” shown on the code) is not limited to CISCO-designated products.
 B-3Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix B      Declarations of Conformity and Regulatory Information  FCC Statement for Cisco 5500 Series Wireless LAN ControllersFCC Statement for Cisco 5500 Series Wireless LAN ControllersThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case users will be required to correct the interference at their own expense.FCC Statement for Cisco 4400 Series Wireless LAN ControllersThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.FCC Statement for Cisco 2100 Series Wireless LAN ControllersThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. [cfr reference 15.105]
 B-4Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix B      Declarations of Conformity and Regulatory Information  FCC Statement for Cisco 2100 Series Wireless LAN Controllers
 C-2Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix C      End User License and Warranty  End User License AgreementThe following terms of this End User License Agreement (“Agreement”) govern Customer’s access and use of the Software, except to the extent (a) there is a separate signed agreement between Customer and Cisco governing Customer’s use of the Software or (b) the Software includes a separate “click-accept” license agreement as part of the installation and/or download process. To the extent of a conflict between the provisions of the foregoing documents, the order of precedence shall be (1) the signed agreement, (2) the click-accept agreement, and (3) this End User License Agreement. License. Conditioned upon compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Cisco Systems, Inc. or its subsidiary licensing the Software instead of Cisco Systems, Inc. (“Cisco”), grants to Customer a nonexclusive and nontransferable license to use for Customer’s internal business purposes the Software and the Documentation for which Customer has paid the required license fees. “Documentation” means written information (whether contained in user or technical manuals, training materials, specifications or otherwise) specifically pertaining to the Software and made available by Cisco with the Software in any manner (including on CD-ROM, or on-line).Customer’s license to use the Software shall be limited to, and Customer shall not use the Software in excess of, a single hardware chassis or card or that number of agent(s), concurrent users, sessions, IP addresses, port(s), seat(s), server(s) or site(s), as set forth in the applicable Purchase Order which has been accepted by Cisco and for which Customer has paid to Cisco the required license fee.Unless otherwise expressly provided in the Documentation, Customer shall use the Software solely as embedded in, for execution on, or (where the applicable documentation permits installation on non-Cisco equipment) for communication with Cisco equipment owned or leased by Customer and used for Customer’s internal business purposes. NOTE: For evaluation or beta copies for which Cisco does not charge a license fee, the above requirement to pay license fees does not apply.General Limitations. This is a license, not a transfer of title, to the Software and Documentation, and Cisco retains ownership of all copies of the Software and Documentation. Customer acknowledges that the Software and Documentation contain trade secrets of Cisco, its suppliers or licensors, including but not limited to the specific internal design and structure of individual programs and associated interface information. Accordingly, except as otherwise expressly provided under this Agreement, Customer shall have no right, and Customer specifically agrees not to: (i)   transfer, assign or sublicense its license rights to any other person or entity, or use the Software on unauthorized or secondhand Cisco equipment, and Customer acknowledges that any attempted transfer, assignment, sublicense or use shall be void; (ii)   make error corrections to or otherwise modify or adapt the Software or create derivative works based upon the Software, or permit third parties to do the same;(iii)   reverse engineer or decompile, decrypt, disassemble or otherwise reduce the Software to human-readable form, except to the extent otherwise expressly permitted under applicable law notwithstanding this restriction; (iv)   use or permit the Software to be used to perform services for third parties, whether on a service bureau or time sharing basis or otherwise, without the express written authorization of Cisco; or(v)   disclose, provide, or otherwise make available trade secrets contained within the Software and Documentation in any form to any third party without the prior written consent of Cisco. Customer shall implement reasonable security measures to protect such trade secrets; or(vi)   use the Software to develop any software application intended for resale which employs the Software.To the extent required by law, and at Customer's written request, Cisco shall provide Customer with the interface information needed to achieve interoperability between the Software and another independently created program, on payment of Cisco's applicable fee, if any. Customer shall observe strict obligations of confidentiality with respect to such information and shall use such information in
 C-3Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix C      End User License and Warranty  End User License Agreementcompliance with any applicable terms and conditions upon which Cisco makes such information available. Customer is granted no implied licenses to any other intellectual property rights other than as specifically granted herein.Software, Upgrades and Additional Copies. For purposes of this Agreement, “Software” shall include (and the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall apply to) computer programs, including firmware, as provided to Customer by Cisco or an authorized Cisco reseller, and any upgrades, updates, bug fixes or modified versions thereto (collectively, “Upgrades”) or backup copies of the Software licensed or provided to Customer by Cisco or an authorized Cisco reseller. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISION OF THIS AGREEMENT: (1) CUSTOMER HAS NO LICENSE OR RIGHT TO USE ANY ADDITIONAL COPIES OR UPGRADES UNLESS CUSTOMER, AT THE TIME OF ACQUIRING SUCH COPY OR UPGRADE, ALREADY HOLDS A VALID LICENSE TO THE ORIGINAL SOFTWARE AND HAS PAID THE APPLICABLE FEE FOR THE UPGRADE OR ADDITIONAL COPIES; (2) USE OF UPGRADES IS LIMITED TO CISCO EQUIPMENT FOR WHICH CUSTOMER IS THE ORIGINAL END USER PURCHASER OR LESSEE OR WHO OTHERWISE HOLDS A VALID LICENSE TO USE THE SOFTWARE WHICH IS BEING UPGRADED; AND (3) THE MAKING AND USE OF ADDITIONAL COPIES IS LIMITED TO NECESSARY BACKUP PURPOSES ONLY. Proprietary Notices. Customer agrees to maintain and reproduce all copyright and other proprietary notices on all copies, in any form, of the Software in the same form and manner that such copyright and other proprietary notices are included on the Software. Except as expressly authorized in this Agreement, Customer shall not make any copies or duplicates of any Software without the prior written permission of Cisco. Open Source Content. Customer acknowledges that the Software contains open source or publicly available content under separate license and copyright requirements which are located either in an attachment to this license, the Software README file or the Documentation. Customer agrees to comply with such separate license and copyright requirements. Third Party Beneficiaries. Certain Cisco or Cisco affiliate suppliers are intended third party beneficiaries of this Agreement. The terms and conditions herein are made expressly for the benefit of and are enforceable by Cisco’s suppliers; provided, however, that suppliers are not in any contractual relationship with Customer. Cisco’s suppliers include without limitation: (a) Hifn, Inc., a Delaware corporation with principal offices at 750 University Avenue, Los Gatos, California and (b) Wind River Systems, Inc., and its suppliers. Additional suppliers may be provided in subsequent updates of Documentation supplied to Customer.Term and Termination. This Agreement and the license granted herein shall remain effective until terminated. Customer may terminate this Agreement and the license at any time by destroying all copies of Software and any Documentation. Customer’s rights under this Agreement will terminate immediately without notice from Cisco if Customer fails to comply with any provision of this Agreement. Cisco and its suppliers are further entitled to obtain injunctive relief if Customer’s use of the Software is in violation of any license restrictions. Upon termination, Customer shall destroy all copies of Software and Documentation in its possession or control. All confidentiality obligations of Customer and all limitations of liability and disclaimers and restrictions of warranty shall survive termination of this Agreement. In addition, the provisions of the sections titled “U.S. Government End User Purchasers” and “General Terms Applicable to the Limited Warranty Statement and End User License” shall survive termination of this Agreement.Customer Records. Customer grants to Cisco and its independent accountants the right to examine Customer’s books, records and accounts during Customer’s normal business hours to verify compliance with this Agreement. In the event such audit discloses non-compliance with this Agreement, Customer shall promptly pay to Cisco the appropriate license fees, plus the reasonable cost of conducting the audit.
 C-4Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix C      End User License and Warranty  Limited WarrantyExport. Software and Documentation, including technical data, may be subject to U.S. export control laws, including the U.S. Export Administration Act and its associated regulations, and may be subject to export or import regulations in other countries. Customer agrees to comply strictly with all such regulations and acknowledges that it has the responsibility to obtain licenses to export, re-export, or import Software and Documentation. Customer’s failure to comply with such restrictions shall constitute a material breach of the Agreement.U.S. Government End User Purchasers. The Software and Documentation qualify as “commercial items,” as that term is defined at Federal Acquisition Regulation (“FAR”) (48 C.F.R.) 2.101, consisting of “commercial computer software” and “commercial computer software documentation” as such terms are used in FAR 12.212. Consistent with FAR 12.212 and DoD FAR Supp. 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4, and notwithstanding any other FAR or other contractual clause to the contrary in any agreement into which this End User License Agreement may be incorporated, Customer may provide to Government end user or, if this Agreement is direct, Government end user will acquire, the Software and Documentation with only those rights set forth in this End User License Agreement. Use of either the Software or Documentation or both constitutes agreement by the Government that the Software and Documentation are “commercial computer software” and “commercial computer software documentation,” and constitutes acceptance of the rights and restrictions herein.Limited WarrantyLimited WarrantyHardware for Cisco 2100 Series Wireless LAN Controllers, Cisco 4400 Series Wireless LAN Controllers, Cisco 5500 Series Wireless LAN Controllers, and Cisco Wireless Services Modules. Cisco Systems, Inc., or the Cisco Systems, Inc. subsidiary selling the Product (“Cisco”) warrants that commencing from the date of shipment to Customer (and in case of resale by a Cisco reseller, commencing not more than ninety (90) days after original shipment by Cisco), and continuing for a period of ninety (90) days, the Hardware will be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use. The date of shipment of a Product by Cisco is set forth on the packaging material in which the Product is shipped. This limited warranty extends only to the original user of the Product. Customer's sole and exclusive remedy and the entire liability of Cisco and its suppliers under this limited warranty will be, at Cisco's or its service center's option, shipment of a replacement within the warranty period and according to the replacement process described in the Warranty Card (if any), or if no Warranty Card, as described at or a refund of the purchase price if the Hardware is returned to the party supplying it to Customer, freight and insurance prepaid. Cisco replacement parts used in Hardware replacement may be new or equivalent to new. Cisco's obligations hereunder are conditioned upon the return of affected Hardware in accordance with Cisco's or its service center's then-current Return Material Authorization (RMA) procedures. Software. Cisco warrants that commencing from the date of shipment to Customer (but in case of resale by an authorized Cisco reseller, commencing not more than ninety (90) days after original shipment by Cisco), and continuing for a period of the longer of (a) ninety (90) days or (b) the software warranty period (if any) set forth in the warranty card accompanying the Product (if any): (a) the media on which the Software is furnished will be free of defects in materials and workmanship under normal use; and (b) the Software substantially conforms to its published specifications. The date of shipment of a Product by Cisco is set forth on the packaging material in which the Product is shipped. Except for the foregoing, the Software is provided AS IS. This limited warranty extends only to the Customer who is the original licensee. Customer's sole and exclusive remedy and the entire liability of Cisco and its suppliers and licensors under this limited warranty will be, at Cisco's option, repair, replacement, or refund of the Software if reported (or, upon request, returned) to Cisco or the party supplying the Software to Customer. In no event does Cisco warrant that the Software is error free or that Customer will be able to operate the Software without problems or interruptions. In addition, due to the continual development
 C-5Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix C      End User License and Warranty  General Terms Applicable to the Limited Warranty Statement and End User License Agreementof new techniques for intruding upon and attacking networks, Cisco does not warrant that the Software or any equipment, system or network on which the Software is used will be free of vulnerability to intrusion or attack. Restrictions. This warranty does not apply if the Software, Product or any other equipment upon which the Software is authorized to be used (a) has been altered, except by Cisco or its authorized representative, (b) has not been installed, operated, repaired, or maintained in accordance with instructions supplied by Cisco, (c) has been subjected to abnormal physical or electrical stress, misuse, negligence, or accident; or (d) is licensed, for beta, evaluation, testing or demonstration purposes for which Cisco does not charge a purchase price or license fee. Disclaimer of Warranty DISCLAI MER OF WARRA NTY EXCEPT AS SPECIFIED IN THIS WARRANTY, ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS, AND WARRANTIES INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, NON-INTERFERENCE, ACCURACY OF INFORMATIONAL CONTENT, OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, LAW, USAGE, OR TRADE PRACTICE, ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY APPLICABLE LAW AND ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED BY CISCO, ITS SUPPLIERS AND LICENSORS. TO THE EXTENT AN IMPLIED WARRANTY CANNOT BE EXCLUDED, SUCH WARRANTY IS LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE EXPRESS WARRANTY PERIOD. BECAUSE SOME STATES OR JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. THIS WARRANTY GIVES CUSTOMER SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, AND CUSTOMER MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS WHICH VARY FROM JURISDICTION TO JURISDICTION. This disclaimer and exclusion shall apply even if the express warranty set forth above fails of its essential purpose.General Terms Applicable to the Limited Warranty Statement and End User License AgreementGeneral Terms Applicable to the Limited Warranty Statement and End User License AgreementDisclaimer of Liabilities. REGARDLESS WHETHER ANY REMEDY SET FORTH HEREIN FAILS OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OR OTHERWISE, IN NO EVENT WILL CISCO OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST REVENUE, PROFIT, OR LOST OR DAMAGED DATA, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF CAPITAL, OR FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY OR WHETHER ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE SOFTWARE OR OTHERWISE AND EVEN IF CISCO OR ITS SUPPLIERS OR LICENSORS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. In no event shall Cisco's or its suppliers' or licensors’ liability to Customer, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of warranty, or otherwise, exceed the price paid by Customer for the Software that gave rise to the claim or if the Software is part of another Product, the price paid for such other Product. BECAUSE SOME STATES OR JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.
 C-6Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration GuideOL-21524-02Appendix C      End User License and Warranty  Notices and DisclaimersCustomer agrees that the limitations of liability and disclaimers set forth herein will apply regardless of whether Customer has accepted the Software or any other product or service delivered by Cisco. Customer acknowledges and agrees that Cisco has set its prices and entered into this Agreement in reliance upon the disclaimers of warranty and the limitations of liability set forth herein, that the same reflect an allocation of risk between the parties (including the risk that a contract remedy may fail of its essential purpose and cause consequential loss), and that the same form an essential basis of the bargain between the parties.The Warranty and the End User License shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, without reference to or application of choice of law rules or principles. The United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods shall not apply. If any portion hereof is found to be void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Except as expressly provided herein, this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the license of the Software and Documentation and supersedes any conflicting or additional terms contained in any purchase order or elsewhere, all of which terms are excluded. This Agreement has been written in the English language, and the parties agree that the English version will govern. For warranty or license terms which may apply in particular countries and for translations of the above information please contact the Cisco Legal Department, 300 E. Tasman Drive, San Jose, California 95134.Notices and DisclaimersThis section contains notices and disclaimers that pertain to Cisco controllers.NoticesThe following notices pertain to this software license.OpenSSL/Open SSL ProjectThis product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit ( product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young ( product includes software written by Tim Hudson ( IssuesThe OpenSSL toolkit stays under a dual license, i.e. both the conditions of the OpenSSL License and the original SSLeay license apply to the toolkit. See below for the actual license texts. Actually both licenses are BSD-style Open Source licenses. In case of any license issues related to OpenSSL please contact License:Copyright © 1998-2007 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved.Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

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