Psion WLPC24H User Manual 80440 apacabls

Psion Inc 80440 apacabls

Teklogix 9150 Wireless Gateway User Manual Appendix A

Teklogix 9150 Wireless Gateway User Manual A-1
A.1 Console Port
* always pulled high
A.2 RS-232 Plus Port (SLIM Card)
Pin No. Name Function Direction
3 TD Transmit Data Out
2 RD Receive Data In
5 SG Signal Ground
4* DTR Data Terminal Ready Out
7* RTS Request to Send Out
Pin No. Name Function Direction
1 FG Frame Ground
2 TD Transmit Data Out
3 RD Receive Data In
7 SG Signal Ground
Appendix A: Port Pinouts And Cable Diagrams
RS-232/Current Loop Port (SLIM Card)
A-2 Teklogix 9150 Wireless Gateway User Manual
A.3 RS-232/Current Loop Port (SLIM Card)
Pin No. Name Function Direction
1 FG Frame Ground
2 TD Transmit Data Out
3 RD Receive Data In
4 RTS Request to Send Out
5 CTS Clear to Send In
6 DSR Data Set Ready In
7 SG Signal Ground
8 DCD Data Carrier Detect In
12 20 mA Current Loop In
13 20 mA Current Loop In
14 20 mA Out Out
19 Loop Enable Out
20 DTR Data Terminal Ready Out
Teklogix 9150 Wireless Gateway User Manual A-3
Appendix A: Port Pinouts And Cable Diagrams
DA15 Connector Pinout (10Base5 Ethernet)
A.4 DA15 Connector Pinout (10Base5 Ethernet)
Pin No. Function Direction
1 Signal Ground
2 Collision + In
3 Transmit + Out
4 Signal Ground
5 Receive + In
6 Signal Ground
7 No Connection
8 Signal Ground
9 Collision - In
10 Transmit - Out
11 Signal Ground
12 Receive - In
13 +12 Volt Supply Out
14 Signal Ground
15 No Connection
Appendix A: Port Pinouts And Cable Diagrams
RJ-45 Connector Pinouts (10Base-T Ethernet)
A-4 Teklogix 9150 Wireless Gateway User Manual
A.5 RJ-45 Connector Pinouts (10Base-T Ethernet)
Note: Usually, a straight-through connection is needed to connect Twisted-Pair
(10Base-T) to the hub.
Contact Signal
4 Not used
5 Not used
7 Not used
8 Not used
Teklogix 9150 Wireless Gateway User Manual A-5
Appendix A: Port Pinouts And Cable Diagrams
Token Ring Dsub9 Connector
A.6 Token Ring Dsub9 Connector
* This connection supports Shielded Twisted Pair (IBM STP) cable Type 1 or 6.
Pin No. Function Direction
1 Ring Input (A) In
2 Frame Ground
3 +5 Volt Supply Out
4 Frame Ground
5 Ring Output (B) Out
6 Ring Input (B) In
7 Frame Ground
8 Frame Ground
9 Ring Output (A) Out
Appendix A: Port Pinouts And Cable Diagrams
Serial Cable Descriptions
A-6 Teklogix 9150 Wireless Gateway User Manual
A.7 Serial Cable Descriptions
DTE to DTE Cable No. 16590
Cable No. Function Connection Standard
16590 9400/9300 to 9150 Direct RS-232 15 feet
16598 9400/9300 to 9150 Modem RS-232 8 feet
16599 9400/9300 to 9150 Current Loop 15 feet
19387 9150 to Console Direct 6 feet
Teklogix 9150 Wireless Gateway User Manual A-7
Appendix A: Port Pinouts And Cable Diagrams
Serial Cable Descriptions
DTE to DCE Cable No. 16598
Current Loop Cable No. 16599
Appendix A: Port Pinouts And Cable Diagrams
Serial Cable Descriptions
A-8 Teklogix 9150 Wireless Gateway User Manual
Console Port Cable No. 19387

Teklogix 9150 Wireless Gateway User Manual Appendix A

Teklogix 9150 Wireless Gateway User Manual A-1
A.1 Console Port
* always pulled high
A.2 RS-232 Plus Port (SLIM Card)
Pin No. Name Function Direction
3 TD Transmit Data Out
2 RD Receive Data In
5 SG Signal Ground
4* DTR Data Terminal Ready Out
7* RTS Request to Send Out
Pin No. Name Function Direction
1 FG Frame Ground
2 TD Transmit Data Out
3 RD Receive Data In
7 SG Signal Ground
Appendix A: Port Pinouts And Cable Diagrams
RS-232/Current Loop Port (SLIM Card)
A-2 Teklogix 9150 Wireless Gateway User Manual
A.3 RS-232/Current Loop Port (SLIM Card)
Pin No. Name Function Direction
1 FG Frame Ground
2 TD Transmit Data Out
3 RD Receive Data In
4 RTS Request to Send Out
5 CTS Clear to Send In
6 DSR Data Set Ready In
7 SG Signal Ground
8 DCD Data Carrier Detect In
12 20 mA Current Loop In
13 20 mA Current Loop In
14 20 mA Out Out
19 Loop Enable Out
20 DTR Data Terminal Ready Out
Teklogix 9150 Wireless Gateway User Manual A-3
Appendix A: Port Pinouts And Cable Diagrams
DA15 Connector Pinout (10Base5 Ethernet)
A.4 DA15 Connector Pinout (10Base5 Ethernet)
Pin No. Function Direction
1 Signal Ground
2 Collision + In
3 Transmit + Out
4 Signal Ground
5 Receive + In
6 Signal Ground
7 No Connection
8 Signal Ground
9 Collision - In
10 Transmit - Out
11 Signal Ground
12 Receive - In
13 +12 Volt Supply Out
14 Signal Ground
15 No Connection
Appendix A: Port Pinouts And Cable Diagrams
RJ-45 Connector Pinouts (10Base-T Ethernet)
A-4 Teklogix 9150 Wireless Gateway User Manual
A.5 RJ-45 Connector Pinouts (10Base-T Ethernet)
Note: Usually, a straight-through connection is needed to connect Twisted-Pair
(10Base-T) to the hub.
Contact Signal
4 Not used
5 Not used
7 Not used
8 Not used
Teklogix 9150 Wireless Gateway User Manual A-5
Appendix A: Port Pinouts And Cable Diagrams
Token Ring Dsub9 Connector
A.6 Token Ring Dsub9 Connector
* This connection supports Shielded Twisted Pair (IBM STP) cable Type 1 or 6.
Pin No. Function Direction
1 Ring Input (A) In
2 Frame Ground
3 +5 Volt Supply Out
4 Frame Ground
5 Ring Output (B) Out
6 Ring Input (B) In
7 Frame Ground
8 Frame Ground
9 Ring Output (A) Out
Appendix A: Port Pinouts And Cable Diagrams
Serial Cable Descriptions
A-6 Teklogix 9150 Wireless Gateway User Manual
A.7 Serial Cable Descriptions
DTE to DTE Cable No. 16590
Cable No. Function Connection Standard
16590 9400/9300 to 9150 Direct RS-232 15 feet
16598 9400/9300 to 9150 Modem RS-232 8 feet
16599 9400/9300 to 9150 Current Loop 15 feet
19387 9150 to Console Direct 6 feet
Teklogix 9150 Wireless Gateway User Manual A-7
Appendix A: Port Pinouts And Cable Diagrams
Serial Cable Descriptions
DTE to DCE Cable No. 16598
Current Loop Cable No. 16599
Appendix A: Port Pinouts And Cable Diagrams
Serial Cable Descriptions
A-8 Teklogix 9150 Wireless Gateway User Manual
Console Port Cable No. 19387

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