Cygnion HRCU10102 Cordless Phone User Manual Chapter3
Cygnion Corporation Cordless Phone Chapter3
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CG2400 chapter 3
Chapter The User Interface The Three Interfaces An interface is a way of interacting with a system. In the CG 2400 system, you have three basic user interfaces: Handset User Interface (HUI) The interface you use when you access features and functions by pressing keys on the handset keypad, or by using the menus on the handset display. Speech User Interface (SUI) When you “talk” to CyberGenie to access your mail, place calls, or change your outgoing messages (incoming call greetings and voicemail greetings), you are using the speech user interface. Graphical User Interface (GUI) The software application, CyberGenie@Work, from which you can set up and configure your system, add users and handsets, update your contacts list, monitor calls, place calls, and more. The GUI includes online help. NOTE: When using the handset, you cannot combine speech and handset commands. If you start using speech commands during a procedure, then switch to keystrokes on the keypad, the speech interface becomes inactive until the current call activity is ended. 37 CG 2400 User Guide Handset User Interface The handset has keys on the keypad that perform specific functions. There are also menu options you can view on the handset display and select by pressing keys. Many of the features available can be accessed either from the keypad or by using speech commands with CyberGenie. Modes of Operation Handsets can be used with the system in either of two modes: Full function mode When the CG 2400 system is working with an active PC, it is in full function mode. Standalone mode If the PC is turned off or the USB cable is unplugged, the CG 2400 can run in standalone mode, which lets you place and receive external calls but does not provide CyberGenie functions. Handset Keys Press to start a CyberGenie session. Press to answer a call or place a predialed call. Press and hold to turn the phone on or off, or end a call. While using the handset display menu, press to return to previous menu option. Press to activate and navigate the handset menus, or to change case when entering text. Press to delete the last character entered on the display. When in a menu, press to return to idle display. When a call is active, press to mute the handset microphone. Press to switch between call-waiting calls on the same line (if this feature is available from your phone service), or answer an incoming call while the handset menu is active. 38 Volume controls Earpiece Handset display Chapter 3: The User Interface Indicator light CyberGenie key YES / off-hook Menu / up Headset jack On / off / NO on-hook Menu / down Flash hook Microphone Up and down volume control keys Clear / mute (located on the left side of the handset) Press to adjust the earpiece volume louder or quieter. While on the handset menu RingVolume option, press to adjust the ring signal volume. 39 CG 2400 User Guide The Handset Display The display consists of two text lines and a row of status icons. Display Text The text on the handset display varies depending on the handset’s state. Idle mode An assigned handset will display the user’s name and extension when the handset is idle (not in use). Call in progress When you place a call, the number dialed displays on the second row. Once the call connects, the call’s duration will display on the top row. Call ended When you end a call, the duration will display for a couple of seconds before the display returns to idle. While accessing the handset display menu While accessing the handset display menu (see “Using the Handset Display Menu” on page 41), the current menu option shows on the display. Display Icons Shows signal strength. When you move too far away from the base station, the signal will diminish. It always displays. Indicates handset ringer is turned off. Indicates handset keylock is turned on. (The keylock does not stop incoming calls, it only prevents calls from being placed from the handset keypad.) Indicates handset is off-hook. If a call is not placed, the handset will eventually return to the on-hook state and the icon will disappear. Indicates that you have a message in your personal or system inbox. Shows remaining battery charge. It always displays. 40 With the handset menu, you can control advanced telephony functions and customize the handset. To navigate the menu options: Press to access the menu and move through menu options. The active option is indicated by a > to the left. Press to select an option, then to move through the sub-menu options. Press options. at any time to move up one level of menu Press display. to return to idle mode on the handset Chapter 3: The User Interface Using the Handset Display Menu Handset Display Menu Options Menu Path >IntCall >PhoneBook Place an internal call from the handset. Access phonebook information stored in the handset: >PhoneBook >CallName Access and dial a contact stored in the handset phonebook. >PhoneBook >Status Display the date and time of the most recent phonebook download. >PhoneBook >Download Download flagged names and phone numbers from the Contacts List on the computer. >PhoneBook >DeleteAll Delete all phonebook records from the handset. 41 CG 2400 User Guide >Handset >Handset >AutoKeyLock >Handset >BabyPhone Lock the keys on the handset to prevent accidental calling. Use the handset as a baby monitor: >Handset >BabyPhone >Activate Turn on the BabyPhone feature by placing a call from the monitor phone to the speaker phone. >Handset >BabyPhone >SetPhoneNo Set the handset number to be used as a speaker with the handset monitor. >Handset >BabyPhone >InfoTone >Handset >Alerts >Handset >Alerts >RingVolume >Handset >Alerts >RingType Turn off or on an information tone that alerts you that the BabyPhone monitor is working. Control the sound type and volume for different types of handset alerts: Set the ring volume for incoming calls. Set the type of ring for internal or external calls, callbacks, message notification, or pages. >Handset >Alerts >KeySound Set the handset keys to make a clicking sound when you press a key, or to remain silent. >Handset >Alerts >DiscreetRng Turn on or off a feature that starts a ring quietly and gradually increases the volume. >Handset >PhoneLock 42 Access specialized handset options: Control handset access: Prevent a user without the handset PIN from operating the phone. >Handset >PhoneLock >Subscript Prevent someone from subscribing the handset to a base station without the PIN. >Handset >PhoneLock >ChangePIN >Handset >DirectCall >Handset >MasterReset >Handset >Language Change the handset PIN. The default is 1111. Set the handset to dial a specific number regardless of which key is pressed. Reset all handset features to defaults. Change the language that shows on the handset display. Options are English, French and Spanish. >Handset >Display Change the display’s appearance: >Handset >Display >Light Turn the backlight on or off. >Handset >Display >Contrast Chapter 3: The User Interface >Handset >PhoneLock >PowerOn Adjust the contrast. >Handset >AutoAnswer Set the phone to answer automatically when using optional headset for full hands-free operation. >BaseStation Subscribe or unsubscribe a handset to a base station: 43 CG 2400 User Guide >BaseStation >Select Select a specific base station for the handset or set automatic subscription for the base station with strongest signal. >BaseStation >Rename Enter a new name for the base station on the handset. >BaseStation >Delete Unsubscribe a handset from a base station. >BaseStation >Resubscribe Resubscribe a handset to a base station when it has been accidentally unsubscribed from the PC. >BaseStation >Subscribe Subscribe a handset to a base station or to a second base station. >Information 44 View information about calls recently placed from this handset: >Information >LastDialed View the last number dialed. >Information >LastCall View the most recent call’s duration. >Information >TotalCalls Total calling time from this handset. >Information >ShowIPEI View the handset IPEI (International Portable Part Equipment Identity) code for the handset. You can use the speech interface during a CyberGenie session to place calls, control call functions, and access speech menu options. NOTE: If you switch from speech commands to using the handset keypad during a call session, you are no longer in the speech interface for the duration of that session. CyberGenie can be used easily by both the new and the experienced user. When you are not sure what to do, CyberGenie will assist you. Once you learn to navigate through the options, you can select them quickly by speaking or by pressing a key on the handset. In some cases (such as a noisy environment), it will be easier to interact with CyberGenie through the keypad. CyberGenie will prompt you to press the correct numeric keys to indicate your menu selection when that option is available. Chapter 3: The User Interface Speech User Interface Accessing CyberGenie To access the speech interface, press the key. When CyberGenie asks Who would you like to call? you have the following options: Call by name If you answer CyberGenie's Who would you like to call? by giving a name in the contact list that is marked for speech recognition, CyberGenie will attempt to match the spoken word with a name in the contact list. Once successful, CyberGenie will place the call. CyberGenie menu If you answer CyberGenie's Who would you like to call? by saying “CyberGenie,” you can begin to navigate through other available options. CyberGenie help When using CyberGenie, if you are not sure what to do or say, CyberGenie will assist. Depending on the feature you are using, CyberGenie will either repeat the question, or provide more detailed help or options. If you have trouble answering a prompt, remain silent and CyberGenie will repeat the prompt. If you need more assistance, say I need help, or Help and 45 CG 2400 User Guide CyberGenie provides more detailed explanations and options. You can also press the 0 key at any time while working with CyberGenie to get help. Once you are familiar with the system, you can interrupt the prompts by speaking or pressing a key. Other CyberGenie Functions Other speech-activated features include: Forwarding calls Checking messages Call parking Picking up calls Recording memos Lets you enable/disable call forwarding as well as select a forwarding destination. Lets you check voicemail, email, and fax header messages. Places the most recently held external call into park mode, which allows another handset user to pick up the call. Lets you receive the call most recently parked to your handset. Lets you record a memo to yourself. Changing voicemail greetings Gives you access to the voicemail greetings menu. Changing welcome greetings Gives you access to the welcome greetings menu. For all CyberGenie options, follow CyberGenie's instructions to complete the activity. CyberGenie Quick Reference Press the key to answer an incoming call. Press the key to end a call. Start all CyberGenie sessions by pressing the on the handset. key With all of the following commands, you cannot mix speech and keypad commands. If you start in the speech interface and press a key to access a function, you will then be in the handset keypad interface for the rest of that call session. 46 VO ICE (SAY ) KEY CYBE RG ENIE O PTION DES CRIP TIO N ACCE SS THE C YB ER GE NIE SP EE CH INTERFACE MENU RETURN TO TO P L EVE L FROM A NYWHERE IN THE MENU TRE E YES YE S (IN RE SPO NSE NO (IN RESP ONS E TO CYBE R GE NIE) ACCE SS CALL MANA GE MENT ME NU ( SEE “CAL L MA NAG EMENT ” O N P AGE 47) MAIL MENU ACCE SS MAIL ME NU G RE ETINGS ACCE SS GRE ETING S MENU G OODBY E END CY BER G ENIE S ES SION G ET HE LP NO PHO NE ME NU TO CY BER G ENIE) ME NU NEE D HELP FRO M CYB ER GE NIE Chapter 3: The User Interface Basic commands FOR CURRE NT ACTIV ITY Call management VO ICE (SAY ) KEY O PTION DES CRIP TIO N CALL BY NAME 61 STA RT CALL -BY -NA ME DIAL EXTE RNAL NUMBER 62 DIAL EX TE RNAL NUMBER DIAL 63 DIAL EX TE NSION 63 SWITCH BETWE EN TWO CAL LS WHE N O NE EXTE NTIO N SWITCH CALL PROCE DURE IS ON HO LD RETRIEVE 64 RETRIEV E A P ARKE D CAL L WHE N A P ARK ED CA LL IS WAITING ( ONLY A LLO WED WHE N HANDS ET IS IDLE ) HANG UP 64 END SE T UP A 65 SE T UP PARK THIS CALL 65 PA RK THE F ORWARD MY 66 F ORWA RD ALL 67 STO P CA LL 68 SE ND CAL L TO CO NFE RENCE AN A CTIVE CA LL A CO NFERENCE CALL WHEN TWO CA LLS A RE O N THE L INE CALL CAL L O N HOL D WHEN ONLY O NE CA LL IS O N THE L INE CAL LS CALLS STO P FORWARDING FO RWARDING REJ ECT THIS CALL THE RE JECTIO N MES SA GE A ND DISCONNE CT 47 CG 2400 User Guide Unified mail management Outgoing message management VO ICE (SAY ) KEY O PTION DES CRIP TIO N READ NE W MAIL 71 REA D NEW READ S AVE D MAIL 72 REA D S AVE D MAIL RECO RD A MEMO 73 RECO RD A MAIL MEMO VO ICE (SAY ) KE Y OP TION DE SCRIPTION VO ICE MAIL GREE TING S (AND /O R ) PE RSONAL G REE TINGS 811 ACCESS P ERSO NAL GREE TING S VO ICE MAIL GREE TING S (AND /O R ) SY STEM GREE TING S 812 ACCESS S YSTE M GRE ETINGS WE LCO ME GREE TING S (THEN ) BUS INE SS 821 ACCESS B US INE SS HOURS GRE ETING HO URS G REETING WE LCO ME GREE TING S (THEN ) NON -BUSINES S 822 ACCESS 823 ACCESS TEMP ORA RY WE LCOME NON -B US INE SS HOURS GRE ETING HO URS G REETING WE LCO ME GREE TING S (THEN ) TE MPO RARY GRE ETING G REETING REJ ECTIO N MES SAG E 48 83 ACCESS REJE CTIO N MES SAG E The Server The CyberGenie@Work server is the background program that runs CyberGenie@Work. It automatically loads when you start your PC. NOTE: If is The CyberGenie button on your Windows system yellow, check that the tray indicates that the software is loaded. USB cable is properly connected and the base station is powered.) When is green, the server is running. When is red, the server is shut down. When is yellow, the PC is not communicating with the base station. Chapter 3: The User Interface Graphical User Interface The Application The CyberGenie@Work application is the software user interface. The server can run with the application closed, but you have to open the application to interact with the program from the computer. To access a CyberGenie@Work application window from the Windows taskbar: Double-click in the Windows system tray to open the Call Progress window directly: 49 CG 2400 User Guide To access a CyberGenie@Work application window from the Windows taskbar: 1. Right-click in the Windows taskbar to open the CyberGenie rollup menu. 2. From this menu, click the desired application. NOTE: Always shut down the application and the server before shutting down your computer to keep from losing data. To close the application: NOTE: With the server closed, CyberGenie will not log calls, but you can still place external calls from the handset if the base station is powered and the handset charged. 1. If the application is open, close it. Click in the upper-right corner of any application window. To shut down the server and/or your computer: 2. Right-click on the Windows taskbar to close the CyberGenie@Work server. 3. Click Shut Down from the CyberGenie rollup menu. A series of status messages will appear indicating that the system is closing down. Do not power down your computer until the status messages no longer display! 4. Power down the computer the way you normally would. To restart the CyberGenie server: CyberGenie@Work automatically starts up when you turn on your computer. To restart it without rebooting your whole system: 1. Right-click on the Windows taskbar. 2. Click Start Up. 50 You can also minimize the application window. This lets you view some call activity without obscuring other applications you might want open on your monitor screen. When the window is miniaturized, a limited amount of information is displayed. Chapter 3: The User Interface Miniaturizing the Application Window To miniaturize the application window: Click in the upper right corner of the application window. To move the miniaturized window: Click anywhere on the window and drag it to the desired position on the screen. To maximize the miniaturized window: Double-click on the border of the miniaturized window. Areas on a Window Panels Application buttons A panel is an area on an application window. Generally, the panel to the left shows available resources, while the panel to the right shows detailed information. Application buttons are on the bottom window border. Clicking an application button opens the corresponding application window: The Call Progress button accesses the Call Progress window. From this window, you can graphically track calls in progress and perform various call functions. The Contacts button accesses the Contacts window. From this window you can view, add, edit, and delete contact names and numbers. 51 CG 2400 User Guide The Configuration button accesses the Configuration window, from which you can edit configuration settings. The Call Log button accesses the Call Log window, which displays a list of all calls in and out. The CyberGenie@Work Help button accesses the online help, which provides procedural information. Clicking on the CyberGenie logo on the bottom left of the window border will display information on the version of CyberGenie@Work you have installed. You can also access registration from this window. Line indicators The line indicators on the right side of the window border show phone line status: Green indicates a line is available. Red indicates a line is in use. Amber indicates that outbound calling has been turned off for this line. Amber broken indicates that the system cannot detect a dialtone on the line. Off (no light) indicates the line is not connected. 52 You can use the buttons on the application menu bar to quickly access such features as adding a contact record or activating a contact for speech recognition. Use the search fields to quickly find contact names. The icon indicates this contact’s name and number can be downloaded to your handset. The Chapter 3: The User Interface Contacts Window icon indicates this contact is activated for speech recognition. Configuration Window The information displayed on the detail panel on the right changes depending on the option selected to the left. The application menu bar provides quick access to such features as adding or deleting a user record. Click on a configuration option in the resources panel on the left to display details for each option. If you click a second time on either Handsets or Users, lists of available handsets or active users will also display in the resources panel. Click again to hide the sub-options. 53 CG 2400 User Guide Call Log Window The application menu bar provides quick access to such features as filtering or printing the call log information. You can view records of calls made through your CG 2400 System. You can also view detailed information for each call. Call Progress Window From any application window, you can click this button to display a miniaturized view of the Call Progress window. The Call Detail summary panel shows all current call activity. The call resources view buttons on the User/ Contact panel change the information displayed in the left panel. You can display active handsets, users with mailboxes or a full list of contacts. The Call Details panel graphically displays call activity for the air channel highlighted in the Summary panel at the top. Click to display a text description of the call in the bottom of the Call Details panel. Line indicators show which lines are in use. 54 To access online help, click on the application menu, or access it through the CyberGenie@Work rollup menu. To get help for a specific window, press F1 while in the window. If you right-click while over specific fields, a What’s This? pop-up appears. Click What’s This? for fieldspecific information. Chapter 3: The User Interface Online Help 55 56 CG 2400 User Guide
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