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Document ID | 2097893 |
Application ID | EbpthzBDX/KMPQ+41qItZg== |
Document Description | User Manual Part 11 |
Short Term Confidential | No |
Permanent Confidential | No |
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Document Type | User Manual |
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Filesize | 318.41kB (3980074 bits) |
Date Submitted | 2013-10-21 00:00:00 |
Date Available | 2014-04-17 00:00:00 |
Creation Date | 2013-09-11 08:27:14 |
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Document Title | User Manual Part 11 |
General Service
Jack Up the Tractor - Lifting Points and
Support Stand Placement
The rrlustratrons show the recommended \rfirng points for
racking up the tractor Use appropriate and suitabre rifting
Underside View er‘l Points/Supper? Stand Placement
'26241 4.\4:LL'AV' 2
Front Lift Paints Rear erf Porn?
Br Rarse Rrgm Eno orFront c7 Rarse Center or Axre n7 Rarse Lefi Eno or From Er Rarse From no or
Axre e g to Remove Rrgnt (Use Wooden Wedges to Axre e o to Remove Lefi Tractor under tne Basrc
Front vvneer Prevent Axre trom TrHrng) Front wneer vvergnt
Ge Suppufl stand
Pracement on srde of
Ar Rarse Rear or Tractor
e g to Remove Rear vvneer
Fr Suppon stano Rraoement
on Rear AXYeS
Commued an nex\ ndge R34‘322 0c:
General Service
ACAUTION: Use approved lifting equipment on
Jack up tractor on firm, level ground only. Before
doing any further work on tractor, first secure
it using suitable support stands. The special
John Deere tools shown can be used for this
purpose. These support stands are available
from your John Deere Dealer.
Disconnect battery ground cable.
2 Remove front WEing or front hitch, if equipped
Raise front of tractor and install JT072M Rear
Differential Support Stand (A) with KJD10539 Support
Stand Adapter (B) using M20 X 40 mm (10 9 grad
cap sciews to both Sides of tractor
A7 JT07211 Rear Dlflerentlal a, KJD10539 Support Stand
Support Stand (2 used) Adapter (2 used)
JT177211 Rear Differential Support/ wowssg Support Stand Adapter
lN mrrmi
2 i;
: ‘5
% ‘i
e 2
it 3
E i
m a:
1107211 Support Stand “mom 3
mommy Support Stand Adapter
General Service ‘
Service and Connect Snap-to-Connect
(STC)® Fittings @\ .© ®
CAUTION: Do not disconnect STC"M fitting when
under pressure. Failure to relieve pressure before
disconnecting fitting may result in personal (
injury, damage to equipment or both.
SnaprtorConnect fittings are used on steel lines, hose %)
connections and come in a variety of sizes. JDGtSSS
STCW tool (A) is designed as a spacer to move release ( \
ring (8) inward which releases retaining mg (C) JDG1885 U
STCT’“ tool can be purchased through your John Deere“ /
dealer © ® (9
IMPORTANT: Do not use tool to pry fittings apart.
Prying With tool may damage fitting and tool.
AiJDG1BBE s‘rcw Tool Eio-rlng
NOTE: If retainin rin C. backu rin F or Orrin E E—RE'EHSE Rlng F—BackUP ng . .
are damaggd sgeé ifour Johg Deger(e£“ dealergfog ) C_Re"""'"9 R'"9 67MB"! Em‘ (STOW F'mng'
’. Ill—Female End isrcw Fltllng]
replacement kit and replace all three parts.
1 Insert correct STOW tool between release ring and
fitting 6 Make sure release ring (B) is on male end fitting
2 Remove hose or line from connector 7 Push fitting halves together until a definite snap and
3 Before connecting SnaprtorConnect fitting check 5mm stop ‘5 felt
mating surfaces for nicks scratches or flat spots. 8 Pull back on hose to make sure that fitting halves are
4 Check Orring, backup ring and retaining ring forwear locked together
or damage
5 Make sure female end (D) and male end (G) are clean
and free of contaminates
Snap-to-Connect (ETC) IS a trademark of Eaton Corporation
‘oaAAigoo 4ng
Using High-Pressure Washers .
IMPORTANT: Directing pressurized water at
electronic/electrical components or connectors,
hearings and hydraulic seals, fuel injection
pumps, exhaust outlet or other sensitive
parts and components may cause product '
malfunctions. Reduce pressure, and spray
at a 45 to 90 degree angle. When washing
do not direct any water towards the exhaust
or any fill tank openings.
i9 c5593
General Service
Diesel Particulate Filter Sen/ice
IMPORTANT: Using incorrect or unapproved
aftertreatment components can cause damage
to vehicles aftertreatment system and reduce
ability of aftertreatment system to function
correctly. Never interchange aftertreatment
components between Interim Tier 4/Stage III B
and Final Tier 4IStage IV equipped vehicles.
Exhaust Filter Includes Dresel Oxldation Catalyst (DOC)
and Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF). DPF lS deslgned to
retain residual ash, whlch is a noncombustible result of
addltives used In crankcase Iubricatlon 0l|S and fuel DPF
provrdes many hours of malntenance free operation.
At some polnt DPF will require professional servrce to
remove accumulated ash. The exact number of hours of
operation before sen/Ice IS required Will vary dependlng
upon engines power category, duty cycle and operating
condltlons, englne Oll ash content and fuel quallty
Adherlng to John Deere‘sW recommended 0l| and fuel
speciflcatlons will maximlze hours of operatlon before
professional DPF service is required.
As englne owner, you are responslble for performing
requlred maintenance described In your Operator’s
Manual Durlng normal equlpment operatlon DPF
malntenance requlrements wrll depend on rate at whlch
ash accumulates in it Generally DPFs on engines below
175 hp/13D kW wrll require servrclng at about 3,000 hours
while englnes at or above ’l75 hp/130 kW wrll requlre
servrcmg at about 4,500 hours As ash levels rlse In DPF
capaclty for soot storage IS reduced and back pressure of
exhaust system will rise more frequently Exhaust Filter
dash lamp indlcator or diagnostlc gauge will Indicate when
DPF needs servrclng
Removal of DPF ash must be done by removrng DPF from
machine and placlng it into speciallzed equipment. Do not
John Deere IS a trademark er Deere a Company
DPF Filter On Top er Engine
remove ash by uslng water or other chemicals Removrng
ash bythese methods may damage materlal securlng DPF
in Its canlster, resultlng in the loosenlng of DPF element In
canister and subjectlng it to damage from vibratlon
Failure to follow approved ash removal methods may
violate U.S federal state and local hazardous waste
laws, along with damage to DPF resultlng ln potential
denlal of Diesel Exhaust Filter emisslons warranty lt ls
strongly recommended you take DPF to an authorized
John Deere“ servrce locatlon or other qualifled servlce
provider for servicing
When AUTO PARKED exhaust filter cleaning lS enabled,
exhaust temperature may be hlgh under no load or llgtrt
load conditlons at certaln tlmes durlng exhaust filter
cleanlng cycle
Disable exhaust filter cleaning in conditions where it
may be unsafe for elevated exhaust temperatures.
Dlsable automatic exhaust filter cleanlng only when
184419 00::21‘ 49
Exhaust Filter/Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) Ash Handling and Disposal
CAUTION: Under federal, state, and/or local laws
or regul ns, Diesel Particulate Filter ash may
be class ed as a hazardous waste. Hazardous
wastes must be disposed of in accordance with
all applicable federal, state and local laws or
regulations governing hazardous waste disposal.
Only a qualified service provider should remove
ash from the DPF. Personal protective equipment
and clothing, maintained in a sanitary and reliable
condition, should be used when handling and
cleaning a DPF. See your John Deere dealer or
qualified service provider for assistance.
184419 00::218 4972
Exhaust Filter Disposal
CAUTION: Proper management of an Exhaust
Filter that has reached the end of its useful
life is required, since the ash or catalyst
material In the devtce may be classified as
hazardous waste under federal, state, and/or
local laws or regulations. Used Exhaust Filters,
which include the Diesel Particulate Filter,
may be exchanged at any John Deere dealer
or qualified serVIce prowder.
‘384419 00
General Service
Do Not Modify Fuel System
IMPORTANT: Increasing horsepower, or altering any
aspect of fuel and air delivery on emissions
certified engines beyond factory rating, will
cause emission levels beyond what is approved
by United States Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA). Violations of EPA regulations
may result in substantial fines to persons or
companies committing such violations.
Tractor warranty is vord rf power level rs
changed from factory specifications.
Do not attempt to service injection pump orfuel
injectors yourself. Special training and special
tools are required. See yourJohn Deere’M dealer.
Never steam clean or spray water on a warm rnyection
pump This could damage pump pans
John Deere Is a trademark er Deere & Company
R3293? occoccz
Do Not Open High-Pressure Fuel System
Highrpressure fluid remaining in fuel lines can cause
serious inyury Do not disconnect or attempt repair of fuel
lines sensors, or any other components between the
highrpressure fuel pump and nozzles on engines with
High Pressure Common Rail (HPCR) fuel system
Only technicians familiar With this type of system can
perform repairs (See your John Deere“ dealer)
John Deere Is a trademark er Deere a cempeny
‘CEM‘ 9 00032
Bleed Fuel System
If Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) indicates fuel system
problem, and fuel system and filters are found to be
correct - or if (even Without a DTC present) tractor does
not run correctly or fails to start, fuel rnyection system may
mm Deere is a trademark of Deere & Company
need to be bled of air Turrr key switch to run posrtion
Electric fuel pump Will start and bleed air from fuel system
Allow pump to run for 30 seconds to l minute before
attempting an engine restart lf problem persrsts, see your
John Deere“ dealer
L'Q ammo is carom
Electrical System Service
Introduction to Electrical Service Section
ln addition to fuses and relays mounted in fuse panels
(behind operators seat), tractors are also equipped With
solid state load centers located in two electronic control
These solid-state load centers replace fused relay circuits
preViously used Their primary function is to control the
majority ofhigh current loads such as rearfender lights and
horn. Load center circuitry monitors loads and voltages
proViding fast reaction time and ability to alert operator if
a Circuit overloads or if voltage is out ofspeCIfication ie
open circuit (undercurrent) or short circuit (overrcurrent)
lf circuit is faulty and a diagnostic trouble code is
generated, circuit Will stay OFF and diagnostic trouble
code will remain active until circuit is recycled by operator
lf circuit or one of its components is turned back ON and
problem is no longer present system Will function normally
As an example if a light circuit is determined to have
an overrcurrent condition load center system will shut
the circuit off If operatorturns light sWitch off and back
on and system senses zero aiiips when light controlled
John Dee/e IS a trademark of Deere a Company
by the switch is off, system will turn system back on and
normal operation will turn back on
lftotal current load of load center exceeds a preset level
software Will automatically shut down system turning off
one circuit at a time. Logic circuit Will wait a few seconds
between circuit shutdowns to determine if total controller
current has fallen below preset level, or if additional
circuits should be turned off
Solid state circuits are rated for a fixed value If additional
electrical dEVICeS need to be added to tractor it is
recommend to use a power strip or convenience outlets
in conjunction with an off/on sWitch Splicing into a wire
in the Wrong location could cause circuit to overload and
shut circuit down
lf extra implement lights and controls such as sWitches
are needed contact your John DeereTl‘ dealer A dealer
can proVide information on correct method to tie in a
light sWitch with one of accessory wires located in 7 pin
terminal on back oftractor
roam; 00::222 i9 moo:
Disconnect Battery - Final Tier 4 and Stage IV Engines
IMPORTANT: To determine with which engine type
tractor is equipped, see Record Engine Serial
Number in Identification Numbers Section
of this Operator‘s Manual.
IMPORTANT: Do not disconnect battery until Selective
Catalyst Reduction (SCR) system has had
enough time to automatically purge system of
Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) . If adequate time is
not allowed for system to be purged, any DEF
remaining can crystallize and plug system. At
temperatures below -15°C(5°F), unpurged DEF
will freeze and damage system components. If
equipped with a battery disconnect system, a
light next to disconnect system is illuminated
while auto-purge is in progress. It shuts off
when complete and safe to disconnect the
battery. If tractor is not equipped With battery
disconnect, wait at least 4 minutes after tractor
stops before disconnecting battery.
Electrical System Service
Load Center Fuses
NOTE Fold seal backrest down to allow easier access
and allow cab lighting to shine on load center when
fuses are being rnspected or replaced
Load center fuse panel (B) IS found dlrectly DEhlfld
operator‘s seat and lust below cab rearwrndow To access
load center, llft up on Operator‘s Manual holder (A)
A—Operator's Manual Holder B—Load Center Fuse Panel
Operator's Manual Holder
Load Center Fuse Panel
134419000022; 192m ‘
Diagram identifies load center fuse location, size and
description. ®
A—Fuse Location Number C—Fuse Use/Descrlptlon
B—Fuse Size
Kl v ©(sM
GNU; (9m .3“
sun mews we , L
l l
3 Q Hump lotflqpmflgm
l l
4 RV
Mrr IMP r-w
@JIEUQ 10A ®
mvro A56,
Load Center — Legend
Contlnued on next page 154419 300224 19 29A;
160-2 PN:507
Electrical System Service l
Kl K2 K3 K4
57 MP 37 ELXA 57 ELX a7 IMP 30 :50 30 go
:1 l:] I: Cl
85 57:]A 86 85 8|7:|A 86 85 an as 85 87A 86
[1:] D Dl:l D HE] H Us 56 as 36 as
30D 30D 30D aoU
e7 87
K7 K8 K9 K10 A B A B
[5:7 HORN 37 IMP 87 u .. ® 69
l: l:l l8: 50"
BEBE” EBDG 3T]: 87A EDS 871:8” is 85D: 87A 86 Morrow. n
30A @
0D 30D 0U 0U
A c E G J A c E G J
1 O W @m @ M @ M 1 ® ,, @M @ um .sUA
atv :SM Saw AC5 some SPARE spam
2 (a loAl]® ml] (9 mflgg l] 2 .mfl .®H guinea MU
stm wwlcw' w): l _ some w
3 @ lOAHQ «all aoAl]@ ml] 3 @ zoAH. 30AD® ml]@ mi]
Ac we er'r-w anv sw cow cow MIRROR
4 9 30A 6) m ® m 4 @ @ m om @ WA
K1—ISO Implement Connector 5— Radio, Primary Display and 16— Nol Used 29—Spare (30 Amp)
Power Relay Interlor Lights (20 Amp) 17— Nol Used su— lso lmplemenl Conneclor
K27Electronlcs Relay 6— PAPros [If Equlpped)(3l) 137 Park Brake Release (30 Amp)
Ks—Electromcs Relay Amp) 197 Seat Controls (20 Amp) 31— Remote error lzu Amp)
KA—lmplement Accessory Relay
KfiiBlower Relay
Ks—Accessones Relay
K7—Warnlng Horn Relay
Ka—lmplement Flood Relay
77 Modular Telematlcs Gateway
(10 Amp)
8— Armrest Control Unlt (1a Amp)
97 Server (15 Amp)
107 Implement Flood nghts (so
207 Not Used
217 Spare (15 Amp)
22— Park Brake Rele
237 Convenlence Outlet
Swltched (30 Amp)
24— Vldeu Camera Power and
Armrest Outlet 1
25— Spare (1:) Amp)
257 Spare (20 Amp)
32— Come Home Mode
llIT'l-l/AuloPowr'l-l (Only)[10
337 Accessorles Power (60 Amp)
34— Blower lvlolor [an Amp)
35— Not Used
36— Not Used
10 Amp)
KS—Not Used Amp)
K107 Not Used 117 Implement Accessory [w
1— Key Swltch (an Amp) Amp)
2—0peralor Presence Swltch (10 127 Not Used
137 ActlveCommand Steerlng [If
Eqmpped) [15 Amp)
3—Arr Condltloner (1a Amp)
4— PAPTOS (If Equlpped](30 147 Not Used
Amp) 157 Convenlence Outlet Battery
(an Amp)
IMPORTANT: (Final Tier 4 and Stage IV Engines
only. To determine which engine your tractor
is equipped with, see Record Engine Serial
Number In Identificatlon Numbers section of
this Operator's Manual.) Do not disconnect
battery until Selectlve Catalyst Reductlon (SCR)
system has had enough time to automatically
purge system of Diesel Exhaust Fluld (DEF).
If adequate time is not allowed for system to
be purged, any DEF remaining can crystallize
and plug system. At temperatures below 45°C
(5"F), unpurged DEF will freeze and damage
system components. If equipped WIth a battery
ll/T ls a trademark of Deere & Company
AutoF’owr/s a trademark or Deere & Company
Contlnued on next ndge
277 Convenlence Outlet
237 Rear Chassls Control Unit
Swltched (3a Amp)
(10 Amp)
disconnect system, a light next to the disconnect
system is illumlnated while auto-purge is In
progress. It shuts off when complete and safe to
disconnect the battery. If tractor is not equipped
with battery disconnect, wait at least 4 minutes
after tractor stops before disconnecting battery.
PORTANT: Replacement fuses must be the
same ratlng as orlginal.
Ensure both negative (-) and positive (+) battery
connections are disconnected from both
batteries before fuse inspection or replacement.
‘OSAAlg 3300224 49291.61? 34
Electrical System Service
Open hood. Front load center (B) is at front bottom of
radiator Remove cover (A)
A7Cover <3an - Fuel Transler Pump (15
E—Fronl Load Center Panel Amp]
CiFl - ECU (20 Amp] H—Fs , Nut Used
n—Fz , ECU (2|) Amp] |— F7 - Key Swllch (10 Amp]
E—FJ , ECU (2|) Amp] J# F8 , Sleerlng Comrol um
F—FA , Nol Used (15 Amp)
K—FB - From Chassls Comrol
Uml 2 (If Equlpped wllh
From Hltch, From PTO or
MldrStack scvezs Amp]
L—F10 - From Chassls Comrol
Uml 1 (If Equlpped wllh
Suspended Front Axles")
’0844 0022; 4919mm} AA
Electrical System Service
M aster Fu ses
IMPORTANT: (Final Tier 4 and Stage 4 Engines
only. To determine which englne your tractor
is equipped wrth, see Record Engine Serial
Number in Identification Numbers section of
this Operator's Manual.) Do not disconnect
battery until Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR)
system has had enough time to automatically
purge system of Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) .
If adequate time is not allowed for system to
be purged, any DEF remaining can crystallize
and plug system. At temperatures below 45°C
(5°F), unpurged DEF will freeze and damage
system components. If equipped with a battery
disconnect system, a light next to disconnect
system is illuminated while auto-purge is in
progress. It shuts off when complete and safe to
disconnect the battery. If tractor is not equipped
with battery disconnect, wait at least 4 minutes
after tractor stops before disconnecting battery.
IMPORTANT: Ensure both negative (-) and positive (+)
battery connections are disconnected from both
batterles before fuse inspection or replacement.
Do not attempt to disassemble master fuses
unless instructed by your John DeereTM dealer.
Replacement fuses must be the same
rating as original.
Tractors have two ortnree masterfuses. Fuse module is
located inside battery compartment
Grasp battery compartment cover handle (A) and pull
forward and up to remove cover. Strong magnets secure
Remove top cover retaining screws (B) and remove cover
(C) to access master fuse module
- Backup Hydraulic Pump (If Equipped) (D) 7 175 Amps
- Alternator Battery Relay (E) 7 300 Amps Master Fuses
0 Master Fuse (F) i 300 Amps
Aifiattery Companmenl Difiackup Hydraulic Pump (It
Cover Handle Equlpped)
Biserews EiAlternator Battery Relay
C—Masler Fuse Module Cover F— Master Fuse
Electrical System Service
Welding Near Electronic Control Units
IMPORTANT: Do notjump-start engines with arc
weldi g equipment. Currents and voltages are
too high and may cause permanent damage.
Disconnect the negative (r) battery cable(s)
2 Disconnect the posrtive (+) battery cable(s)
Connect the positive and negative cables together Do
not attach to vehicle frame.
4 Clear or move any wrring harness sections away from
welding area
5 Connect welder ground close to welding point and
away from control units
Aflerwelding reverse Steps 1—5
Keep Electronic Control Unit Connectors
IMPORTANT: Do not open control unit and do not
clean with a high-pressure spray. Moisture,
dirt, and other contaminants may cause
permanent damage.
1 Keep terminals clean and free of foreign debris
Moisture dirt, and other contaminants may cause the
terminals to erode over time and not make a good
electrical connection
. Since control units are the components LEAST likely
If a connector is not in use put on the proper dust cap
or an appropriate seal to protect it from foreign debris
and moisture.
Control units are not repairable
to tail isolate failure before replacing by completing a
diagnostic procedure (See your John Deere dealer)
The Wiring harness terminals and connectors for
electronic control units are repairable.
[c.oA rtgrttJUNC
Using Compressed Air
IMPORTANT: Directing pressurized air at
electronic/electrical components or connectors,
may cause buildup of static electricity and
product malfunctions.
Electrical System Service
Using High-Pressure Washers .
IMPORTANT: Directing pressurized water at
electronic/electrical components or connectors,
hearings and hydraulic seals, fuel injection
pumps, exhaust outlet or other sensitive
pans and components may cause product
malfunctions. Reduce pressure, and spray
at a 45 to 90 degree angle. When washing
do not direct any water towards the exhaust
or any fill tank openings.
..N lemma
Electrical System Service
Sen/ice Implement Power Relay Module
Remove four cap screws (A) and cab rear cover
lmplement Power Relay Module is located in upper
left corner of rear cab panel. Module routes powerto
lmplement Bus Breakaway Connector
Power comes rnto module from battery at battery power
Input stud (H)
Switched power lug (B) is protected by a 60 Amp fuse
(F) Unswrtcheo power lug (C) IS protected by a 30 Amp
ruse (G).
To Change Fuses
1. Press down or] fuse cover tabs (D) and remove fuse
cover (E)
2. To remove pull fuse straight rearward
3. Replace wrth new fuse.
4 Reinstall cover and Sllde tabs over cover edge to
Aicap Screws EiFuse Cover
E—Swllched Power Lug F760 Amp Fuse
C—Unswllched Power Lug (3730 Amp Fuse
D—Fuse Cover Tabs H—Batlery Power Input Stud
implement Power Relay Module Fuses
‘CEM‘ 9 occozzg
Electrical System Service
Handle Halogen Light Bulbs Safely
ACAUTION: Halogen bulbs (A) contain gas
under pressure. Handling a bulb improperly
could cause it to shatter into flying fragments.
To avoid possible injury:
- Turn light switch off and allow bulbs to
cool before changing. Leave switch off
until bulb change is done.
- Wear eye protection.
- Handle bulb by its base. Keep bulb oil free;
wear gloves to avoid touching glass.
- Do not drop or scratch bulb. Keep
moisture away.
. Place used bulb in the new bulb carton
and dispose of properly. Keep out of
reach of children.
A—Halogen Bulb
Replace Front HID/LED Light Assembly
1. Raise hood.
2. Disconnect harness connector (A)
3. Remove screws (B) and light assembly (C)
4. Replace light assembly
5. Install new light assembly in reverse order of removal
6 Close and secure hooo
AiHarness connecior c—Lighi Assembly
, ©
Right-Hand Side Shown
184419 00::2
Electrical System Sen/ice
Replace Front Grille Halogen Light Bulbs
1 Raise hood
2 Rotate halogen headlight (A) counterclockwise 1/4
turn and remove
3 Dlsconnect Wirlng harness plug by lifting retaining tab
4. Replace light bulb assembly (C)
5 Install new light bulb lrl reverse order of removal
A—Halogen Headlighl C—Light Bulb Assembly
a—Retalnlng Tab
Right-Hand Side Shown
‘CEAA‘QDCCDDD‘ i9 sliul'ax'
Electrical System Service ‘
Adjust Front Grille Lights
Adjust front gnlI ltghts as needed. Perform adjustments
dit each side dftractdr
For High Beam Headlights:
To lower high beam, turn high beam adjustment sciew
(A) counterclocKWise
To raise and tilt in high beam tum high beam adjustment
screw (C) ccunterclcckwtse
To raise and tilt out high beam, tum high beam adjustment
screw (D) ccunterclcckwtse
For Inner Hood Work Light:
To lower low beam headlight turn low beam adjustment
screw (B) counterclockwise.
To raise and tilt in low beam headlight tum low beam
adjustment screw (E) counterclockwise.
To raise and tilt but low beam headlight turn low beam
adjustment screw (F) counterclockwise
A—High Beam Adjustment Dingh Beam Tilt Up And Out
Screw Adjustment Screw
BiLow Beam Adjustment EiLow Beam Tilt Up And in
Screw Adjustment Screw
c—Hrgn Beam Ttlt Up And In FiLow Beam Tilt Up And Out I
Adjustment Screw Adjustment Screw
Right Lights Shown
Electrical System Service
Aim Headlights
AiLow Beam Road nghts
B—Distance. Road Light Low
Beam Center To Ground
Cintstance, 7.5 meters (25 m
D—Horlzontal Line on Wall
F—Dlslance. 914 mm [as In.)
Gifllstance, 355 mm (14 in.)
(Road Light Low Beam Center
To High Beam center) J
1 Park tractor on level surface With low beam road lights
(A) 7 5 meters (25 11) (C) from a straight wall Turn
on low beam road lights
2 Measure distance (B) from center of road light low
beam lamps to ground
3 Mark a horizontal line on wall at same height as center
of road light low beams
4 On wall mark each road light low beam center
5 On wall determine and mark vertical center line
between center of road light low beams
6 Distance (F) between centers of road light low beams
and center line should be 914 mm (36 in) Adjust if
this is not the measurement
7 Turn on road light high beam
:2 llN‘f)
nxn: n ma
EiRoad Light Low Beam Center H—Road Light High Beam Center KilnnerHood Light Beam Center
|— Distance, 787 mm [31 In.)
(Road Ligni ngh Beam
Center To TractorCenter Line)
—oistance, 535 mm [25 In.)
(Road Light High Beam
Center To inner Hood Ligni
Beam Center)
8 Adjust road light high beams so edge of bright area
(H) is at least one tenth of distance (B) above road
light low beam centers (E)
On wall mark each road light high beam center (H)
then mark a horizontal center line between center of
road light high beams
10. Distance (l) between center of road light high beams
and center line should be 787 mm (31 in)
11 Make sure inner hood lights are configured as GM
then turn on field lights lnner hood light beam center
(K) should be on horizontal line between center of
road light high beams
12 Distance (J) between inner hood light beam center(K)
and light center line should be 635 mm (25 in)
‘CEM‘ 9 oo
Electrical System Service
Replace Front, Side And Rear Cab Roof Light
1 Push down light fixture latch tab (A) Remove fixture
2 Dlsconnect harness connector (B) and replace llgnt
3. Connect harness connector.
4 Insert fixture lnto cao root untll it seats and tab snaps
into place
A—Light Fixture Tab B—Harness Connector
Remove Bulb
Electrical System Sen/ice
Replace Brake or Turn Signal Light Bulb
1. Remove screws and tail light lens (B)
2 Press turn signal tab (D) and remove turn signal Wiring
harness (C)
3. Lift brake light tab (F) and remove brake light wiring
harness (E)
4 Turn turn signal (H) or brake light bulb fixture (G) ’l/4
turn counterclockwise and remove from housing
5 Turn brake light bulb fixture (H) 1/4 turn
counterclockwse and remove
6 Pull bulb (I) out of fixture (J)
Install new bulb (l) in fixture (J) and turn fixture (J) 1/4
turn Clockwise to install
8 Reinstall Wiring harnesses (C and E).
9 Reinstall lens and sciews
A—HID Lighl F—Brake Light Tab
E—Tail Lighl Lens G—Turn Signal Bulb Fixture
CiTurn Signal wiring Harness Hifirake nght Bulb Fixture
DiTurn Signal Tab l7 Bulb
Eifirake Light erlng Harness JiFixlure
:xrrwn llN
Electrical System Service
Replace Dome Light Bulb
1 Remove lens wvel (A)
2 Tu vemuve Ilght bulb (B)‘ grasp flrmly and pull straight
Gently push new bulb lnto fixlure until ll seats
4 Remstall cover
A—Cover B—Light Bulb
Remove Cave!
Remave And Replace Bulb
Electrical System Service
Replace Courtesy Light Bulb
Careiuily insert fingers under edges (G) of cover, then
puil cover (A) down to expose buibs
Puii down on coveriront disconnecting front clip (H)
Remove rear clips (F) by siiding cover toward cao
Unpiug courtesy iight connector (B).
Disconnect piug (D) courtesy iight connector (B) and
map light connector (E) Cover With buib assembiy
is now free from cab roof.
Remove courtesy iignt mm (C) from oover
Instail new bulb in cover
Slide rear ciips into roof
Reconnect connectors (B and E), piug (D), then instali
rear ciips before swmging cover front up and snapping
front ciip (H) into place
A7Cover EiMap nght Connector
Bicourtesy nghl Connector FiRear clips
C—Courtesy Bulb G—Edges 01 Cover
DiPlug H—Fronl cup
Remove Bulb From Retaining ng
RXi‘iC‘mn’.“ .
Rm: now
insnnniia .
Electrical System Service
Replace Map Light Bulb
Carefully insert fingers under edges (G) of cover, then
pull cover (A) down to expose bulbs
Pull down on cover front dlsconnectlng front Cllp (H)
Remove rear clubs (I) by Slldlng covertoward cab
Dlsconnect plug (E) courtesy llgnt connector (F) and
map llght connector (B). Cover WIth bulb assembly
lS now free from cab roof
Remove oulo (D) from retalnlng ring (C)
Install new bulb In retalnlng nng
Snap retalnlng rung wuth bulb lnto cover
Sllde rear clips lnto roof.
Reconnect connectors (B and F), plug (E), then install
rear cllps before swxnglng cover front up and snapplng
from Cllp into place.
CiRetaInIng Rlng
F7 Courtesy nght Connector
E—Map Lighl Connector G—Edges 0' Cover
HiFront cup
I— Rear Clips
Remove Bulb From Rezammg ng
.. a (57100
e 1509‘ 3000546 rworwuwaw'
Electrical System Sen/ice ‘
Replace Extremity Warning Light Bulb (If
’l Loosen screws (A).
2 Slide shleld (B) away from lens coverto remove.
3 Turn lens cover (C) counterclockwxse to access llght
4. Install new bulb (D) m reverse order of removal.
Aiscrews CiLenS Cover
B—Shleld Dinghl Bulb
Engine Troubleshooting
Engine hard to start or will not start
Engine knocks
Engine runs irregularly or stalls
Fuel pump not operating properly
Incorrect starting procedure
Blown fuse
No fuel
Air in fuel line
Cold weather
Slow starter speed
Crankcase oil too heavy
Incorrect type of fuel
Water, dirt or air in fuel system
Clogged fuel filter
Dirty or faulty injectors
Injection pump shutoff not reset
lnsufficient oil
During warmrup, pilot injection system
will activate and deactivate depending
on engine operating temperature
Low coolant temperature
Engine overheating
Low coolant temperature
Clogged fuel filters
Water, dirt or air in fuel system
Vent on fuel tank obstructed
Dirty or faulty injectors
Continued on next page
Turnkey on and listen for pumping
noise to make sure fuel pump is
Rewew starting procedure
Check fuse
Check fuel tank
Bleed fuel line (Tuin key to RUN for
60 seconds With engine off)
Use cold weatherstarting aids
See Starter Cranks Slowly
Use correct oil Viscosity
Consult fuel supplier Use correct fuel
type for operating conditions
Drain, flush fill and bleed system
Replace filter elements
Have your John Deere” dealer check
Turn key switch to OFF, then to ON
Add oil
This is normal operation
Replace thermostats
See Engine Overheats
Replace thermostats
Replace filter elements
Drain flush, fill and bleed system
Clean vent under ieai cab panel
Have your John Deere” dealer check
. Mo ::00234 49
Below normal engine temperature
Throttle does not allow full engine
Lack of power
Defective thermostat
Defective temperature gauge or
IVTW/AutoPoer” Auto Shift (or Load
Control) may not be set properly
FieldCruiseW may be on and limiting
max engine rpm
Cold oil can limit engine speed to
1500 rpm
Engine overloaded
Low fast idle speed
Intake air restriction
Clogged fuel filters
Incorrect type of fuel
Overheated engine
Below normal engine temperature
Incorrect valve clearance
Dirty or faulty inyectors
Turbocharger not functioning
Leaking exhaust manifold gasket
Implement incorrectly adyusted
Restricted fuel inlet
Incorrect ballast
Continued on next page
Replace thermostats
See your John Deere” dealer
See Operating IVTW/AutoPowr’”
Check the settings for FieldCruiseW
in the CommandCenterf’“ Make sure
full ipni has been selected on display
Warm up transmission/hydraulic oil
See your John DeereW dealer if
problem perSists
Reduce load or shift to lower gear
Make sure FieldCruiseT’“ is set to
MAX rpm
Make sure IVTTM/AutoPowrfl’ is set
If problem persists, see your John
Deere” dealer
Service air cleaner
Replace fuel filter elements
Use correct fuel
See Engine Overheats
Remove and check thermostat
See your John Deere”’ dealer
Have your John Deerefl‘ dealer check
See your John Deere’” dealer
See your John Deere’” dealer
See implement operator‘s manual
Clean or replace fuel line
Adyust ballast to load See
Performance Ballasting
Am: 0234 1927\Cwi 24
Low oil pressure
High oil consumption
Engine emits smoke
Engine overheats
High fuel consumption
Low oil level
Incorrect type of oil
Crankcase oil too light
Oil leaks
Defective turbocharger
Restricted engine breathertube
incorrect type of fuel
Clogged or dirty air cleaner
Engine overloaded
lnjection nozzles dirty
Turbocharger not functioning
Dirty radiator core, Oll cooler, or grille
Engine overloaded
Low engine oil level
Low coolant level
Faulty radiator cap
Loose or defective fan belt
Cooling system needs flushing
Defective thermostat
Defective temperature gauge or
Clogged or dirty air cleaner
Engine overloaded
injection nozzles dirty
Continued on nexi page
Add oil
Drain fill crankcase with correct
quality and viscosity of oil
Use correct viscosity oil
Check for leaks in lines, around
gaskets and drain plug
See your John Deere’" dealer
Unclog engine breather tube
Use correct fuel
Service air cleaner
Reduce load or shift to a low gear
See your John DeereW dealer
See yourJohn Deere“ dealer
Remove all trash and clean coolers
Shifl to lower gear or reduce load
Check oil level Add oil as required
Fill deraeration tank to correct level,
check radiator, and hoses for loose
connections or leaks
Replace radiator cap
Check and replace belt as needed
Flush cooling system
Replace thermostat
See your John Deere“ dealer
Service air cleaner
Reduce load or shift to lower gear
See your John Deere”’ dealer
Am: 0234 iezvxcm 34
John Deere is a trademark of Deere & Company
AtrtaPerrris a trademark of Deere a Company
Fie/dCIuise is a trademark of Deere a Company
CommandEenteIis a trademark emeere a Com
Implement incorrectly adyusted
Excessive ballast
See implement operator‘s manual
Adjust oallast to load See
Performance Ballasting
’oawe 000023; 7197
Transmission Troubleshooting
Transmission oil overheats
IVTW/AutoPowrw transmission
external vent leaks oil
Transmission warning displays
Low transmission OII pressure
Transmission shifts slowly and
tractor steers hard
IVTW/AutoPowrW, e23w or
CommandQuadw transmission
starts out too fast/slow
AirmPowrrs a trademark of Deere & Company
Low oil supply
Excessive oil supply
Oil cooler air passages clogged
Clogged transmission/hydraulic oil
Clogged scavenge pump screen
Diagnostic trouble code has been
Low on supply
Clogged transmission/hydraulic oil
Cold oil
No problem
CommandEenteIis a trademark emeere a campany
John Deere is a trademark of Deere & Company
Fill system With correct oil
Remove oil as needed
Clean oil coolers
Replace filter
Clean screen
See PTl or PTQ codes in the
Diagnostic Trouble Codes section
Fill system With correct oil
Replace filter
See Transmission/Hydraulic System
WarmrUp in Operating the Tractor
Startup gear can be changed through
the CommandCenter’” settings. See
Adjusting Set Speeds
If problem persists see youi John
DeereTl‘ dealer
Hydraulic System Troubleshooting
Entire hydraulic system fails to
Hydraulic oil overheats
John Deere is a trademark of Deere & Company
Low oil supply
Clogged transmission/hydraulic filter
Clogged hydraulic return screen
Oil cooler air passages clogged
l-lighrpressure interrial leak
Low or high oil supply
Oil cooler air passages clogged
lnternal hydraulic leak
lmplement hydraulic load not matched
to tractor or not properly routed back
into tractor hydraulic system
Mid-mount valve (If Equipped) flow
and detent settings incorrect
Clogged transmission/hydraulic oil
Check Sight glass and fill system With
correct oil
Replace hydraulic filter
Clean screen
Clean oil cooler
See your John DeereW dealer
Check sight glass and fill system with
correct oil
Clean oil cooler
See your John DeereW dealer
See Remote Hydraulic Connections
Adjust settings (See Hydraulics and
Selective Control Valves section )
Replace filter
’omie 00::236 492
Hitch Troubleshooting
Insufficient transport clearance
Hitch fails to follow lever
Poor position control
Hitch drops slowly
Hitch fails to lift or lifts slowly
Implement will not operate at
desired depth
Insufficient or no hitch response to
draft load
Center link too short
Center link in wrong position
Lift links too short
Implement not level
lmplement not correctly adjusted
Upper height limit not correctly set
Malfunction in lever position sensor
Circuit or hitch posrtion sensor
Load/depth mix control on wrong
System is reset
Malfunction in lever position sensor
circuit or hitch posrtion sensor
l-litch raterofrdrop not correctly set
Excessive load on hitch
Center link in wrong posrtron
Hitch valve leak
Raise limit switch setting may be
limiting lifl
Lrfl links too short
Lack of penetration
Draft sensor failed
Load/depth le control in wrong
System is reset
Rate-of—orop too slow
Continued on next edge
Adiust center link
Put center link of tractor in correct
hole See Hitch section
Adiust lifl links
Level implement
See implement operator's manual
Aoiust upper height limit in
See your John Deere“ dealer
Adiust upper height limit in
Enable system
See your John Deere“ dealer
Adiust raterofrdrop in CommanoCen-
Red uce load
Put center link of tractor in correct
hole. See Hitch section
See your John Deere’" dealer
Check settings in CommandCenterfl’
Aoiust lift links
See implement operator‘s manual
See your John Deerefl’ dealer
Aoiust load/depth mix in
Enable system
Aoiust rate-of—drop in CommandCen-
Symptom Problem Solutlon
Hitch too responsive Load/depth le control not correctly Adlust load/depth mix in
set CommandCenterll‘
Hitch settles too fast after tractor is Internal Circuit leakage See your John Deere'” dealer
parked and engine shut off
Hitch will not move (controls not Fuse(s) blown Replace fuses
working, including rear raise/lower
External raise/lower switches will Failure of raise/lower switches See your John Deere“ dealer
not move hitch connector‘ or erlng harness
Lever in transport lock Move lever out oftransoon. Unlock
hitch at CommandCenterll’
CommandCeme/ls a trademark ofDee/e & Company
John Deere rs a trademark of Deere & Company
’0844 a 00023‘ 4903mm: 22
Selective Control Valve (SCV) Troubleshooting
Remote cylinder will not lift load
Remote cylinder rate of travel too
fast or too slow
Direction of remote cylinder travel
is reversed
Hoses will not couple
Detent does not hold or releases
too soon
SCV lever does not release
Implement does not operate or
does not operate correctly
Flow check
Excessive load
Hoses not completely installed
Incorrect remote cylinder size
SCV control lever lock engaged
Incorrect or damaged hose tips
Incorrect flow rate
Incorrect hose connections
Incorrect hose male connectors
Detent time set incorrectly
Pressure restriction With some
Flow control or detent release setting
Float is being commanded
Lever mechanism failed
Built in pressure leakage with some
Flow control or detent release setting
Incorrect hose connections
CommandCenteris a trademark ofDee/e 1: Company
Cycle SCV levers
Reduce load
Attach hoses correctly
Use correct size cylinder
Release SCV control lever lock
Replace hose tips
Adyust flow rate on CommandCenterW
Reverse hose connections
Replace connectors With ISO standard
Set ti me correctly
Reduce oil flow by changing metering
valve setting
Adjust detent relief setting
Do not push lever down in forward
See your John DeereW dealer
Increase oil flow by changing metering
valve setting
Adjust detent relief setting
Reverse hose connections
See your John DeereW dealer
’ODAMQ comma ie two
TouchSet Depth Control Troubleshooting
Depth control does not function
John Deere IS a trademark er Deere & Company
Implement transport lock-up valve
Cylinders not "rephased"
Machine operating at different depths
Cylinder leakage
Insufficient tractor hydraulic pressure
Hydraulic hoses not connected
Open valve
"Rephase” (synchronize) cylinders
IMPORTANT: Be sure all air is bled
from depth control system
Work on softer ground and/or in
normal operating conditions
See implement operator‘s manual
Check for leakage
Repair or replace cylinders see your
John Deere’" dealer
Check tractor hydraulic pressure
use correct size cylinders fortractor
Reconnect correctly
‘crw: 2, mama
Electrical System Troubleshooting
Voltage indicator displayed when
there is low battery voltage (key ON
and engine OFF)
Voltage symbol displayed and
service alert indicator flashing
indicating low charging voltage
(engine running)
Voltage symbol displayed and
service alert indicators flashing
indicating excessive charging
chirping noise from side console
Batteries will not charge
Starter inoperative
Defective battery
Low charging voltage
High resistance in charging circuit
Indicator malfunction
Low engine speed
Alternator belt slipping alternator not
Detective battery
Detective alternator
Excessive electrical load
Faulty connection to alternator
Defective regulator
Noise is normal
Loose or corroded connections
Sulfated or worn-out batteries
Loose or defective alternator belt
Transmission in gear
Faulty neutral start switch or starter
solenoid malfunction
Loose or corroded connections
Continued on nexl page
Check electrolyte level and specific
Have your John Deere” dealer check
charging circuit
Have yourJohn Deere” dealer check
charging circuit
Have your John Deere“ dealer check
increase speed
Check belt tension
Check electrolyte level and specific
Have your John DeereW dealercheck
Decrease load
Check Wiring connections
Have yourJohn Deere” dealer check
7R series tractors use solid-state
electronic drivers instead of relays to
control turn signal lights The tractor
warning system prayides a turn Signal
indicator beep replacing the relay
clicking noise
Clean and tighten connections
Check electrolyte level and specific
Aoyust belt tension or replace belt
Place transmission in PARK
See your John Deere“ dealer
Clean and tighten loose connections
23A 4970 ,
Starter turns over slowly
Light system does not function;
rest of electrical system functions
Entire electrical system does not
Blower malfunctioning
Blower operates only in PURGE
John Deere IS a trademark er Deere a Company
Low battery output
Blown fuse
Low battery output
Crankcase oil too heavy
Loose or corroded connections
Blown fuse
Faulty battery connection
Sulfated orworn out batteries
Blown master fuse
Blower does not work
Blown fuse
Blown blower reSistance assembly
See your John Deere“ dealer
Replace fuse
Check electrolyte level and specific
Use correct Viscosity oil
Clean and tighten loose connections
Replace fuse
Clean and tighten connections
Check electrolyte level and specific
Replace master fuse
Check for stored codes, total cab
electrical loao may be exceeding
solid-state load center capacity
Replace fuse
See your John Deere” dealer
104419 :ooo2oA 19 magma 22
Operator Enclosure Troubleshooting
Blower not keeping dust out of
operator enclosure
Blower air flow too low
Heater will not shut off
Cab pressure indicator reads low
Air conditioner not cooling
Intermittent cooling
Water leaking from under seat
Seat suspension sticking
Defective seal around filter element
Defective filter
Excesswe air leak
Blower air flow too low
Clogged filter or air intake screen
Heater core or evaporator core
Heater hoses connected incorrectly
Blower swrtch off
Blower speed too low
Door or Window not latched
Restricted fresh arr filter
Damaged door or window seal
Loss of seal around evaporator
housing hoses refrigerant lines
control linkage, wrres, etc
Low voltage
Low refrigerant
Belt slipping
Heater on
Compressor stuck
Arr restriction
Plugged air conditioning condensate
drain hoses
Heater hoses leaking
Foreign obyects under seat
Continued on nexl Woe
Check seal condition
Check filter for correct installation
Replace filter
Seal air leaks
See Blower Air Flow Too Low
See your John Deere” dealer
Turn swnch on
Use higher blower speed
Latch door orwindow
Clean or replace filter
Replace damaged seals
Seal any openings
See your John Deere“ dealer
See your John DeereW dealer
Check belt tension
Turn heaterto off position
Rock compressor pulley pack and
Clean side screens radiator and Oil
Clean drain hoses
Replace heater hoses
Keep area underseat completely clear
roemig 3
Seat suspension not working
Radio does not function
Blown fuse
Blown fuse
John Deere rs a trademark or Deere & Company
Replace fuse
Replace fuse
‘3344190000233 49
Tractor Operation Troubleshooting
Tractor bounces orjumps
John Deere Is a trademark or Deere a Company
Power hop/wheel hop
See Controlllng Wheel Hop ln the
Performance Ballastrng section
Check weight Split
Check ballast
Check lnflation pressures
See your John Deere”’ dealer
1844' a 00002
Premium Radio Troubleshooting
"NO CD“ displayed
”NO PLAYABLE DISC" displayed
”NO MUSIC FILES” dlsplayed
”iPod NOT SUPPORTED” displayed
Bad sound quality, skipping,
difficulty in finding tracks, and/or
difficulty in loading or ejecting
CD Will not play
No playable files on medla
No playable files on medla
No Front Aux connected whlle iPod
iPod connected not supported
USB connected not supported
CD-R may be affected by a CD-R‘s
quality, the method of recording the
quality of the musrc that has been
recorded orthe way the CD-R has
been handled
No CD has been loaded in the player
Change media
Include muslc flies to media
Connect front Aux cable
Disconnect rPod
Dlsconnect USB
Play CD you know is good to see if
error corrects itself lf an error occurs
repeatedly or lf an error cannot be
corrected contact your dealer lf radio
displays an error message wrrte It
down and provrde rt to dealer when
reportlng problem.
154419 ::c:23r: '9 zsz-a
Diagnostic Trouble Codes ‘
STOP, Sen/ice Alert, and Information Indicators
NOTE All STOP, Semioe Alert, and lnformation lndicators
are accompanied by an Informative message,
diagnostic trouble code, and/or fau/t description
shown on CommandCenterW
STOP Indicator (A): Light flashes and alarm sounds
continuously A serious malfunction has occurred
requiring immediate attention or the tractor wrll be
damaged Control unit (8), diagnostic trouble code
(C) system (D) and solution (E) are identified on
CommandCenterW. When control unit detects a
malfunction or condition out of range" a diagnostic
trouble code containing the control unit followed by an
industry standard number are displayed. Numbers to the
left of the decimal indicate the malfunction and numbers
to the right ofdecimal indicate the condition
IMPORTANT: Engine wrll shut down automatically
if STOP signal is received when operator is
out of the seat for longer than 3 seconds
and the transmission control is in PARK.
CommandCenter’M display can be reset
by cycling key switch.
lfsrtuation allows to stop operations immediately, reduce
engine speed to idle, then shutdown engine and turn key
ON to observe CommandCenter“ display for problem
identification and solution It may be necessary to access
the stored codes, see Using Diagnostics, Stored Codes
and CAN Statistics. Correct problem before restarting
Follow solution on CommandCenter’” or if situation
cannot be corrected contact your John Deere“ dealer.
When either a Service Alert or lnformation lndicator is
displayed, place tractor in park and shut off engine
Service Alert Indicator (F): Light flashes and alarm
sounds five times indicating a performance or operational
problem has been detected which must be resolved
as soon as possible Continued operations can cause
a Service Alert to escalate into a STOP indicator lf
appropriate corrective action is not taken soon (servrced.
repaired operated in a different manner) a significant
reduction in performance and/or damage to machine wrll
lnformation (INFO) Indicator (G): Light comes on
continuously and alarm sounds for 2 seconds indicating
a fault condition Tractor operations can continue without
damage but, performance of some functions rriay be
degraded. Operating in a different rriaririer may correct
and clear out of range condition Some Servrce Alerts
CommandCenterr‘s a trademark ofDeere a Company
John Deere IS a trademark of Deere & Company
CommandAR/lfl is a trademark of Deere a Company
>3] "mm 5“
Diagnostic Trouble Codes
A—STOP Indicator
B—Conlrol Unll
CiDlagnostlc Trouble Code
F—Service Alert Indicator
Gilnlormatlon Indlcator
and Information lndicators can be ”acknowledged" and
cleared by pressing CommandARMW Controls Confirm
button lfcondition still exists diagnostictrouble code may
reappear later Restart engine to verify active diagnostic
trouble code still exists before contacting your John
Deere“ dealer.
’oaw 9 000023:
Diagnostic Tm uble Codes
Accessing Diagnostic Trouble Codes
Seiect Menu.
Seiect System tab.
Diagnostics Center icon
Seiect Trouble Codes tab.
Seiect controi unit (A) desired
Seiect diagnostic code (B) for code dispiay
A—Conlrol Unll B—Dlagnosllc Code
RX/m mun 13
—>-— ‘,—>\—>m~
Menu 4. System Tab a Diagnostics Center/Cona Tmub/e Cndes Til)
Imumimm. 0 ® a
new" AK am
0 m mm: mm. (Immi-
AK ooi [521571 n; i mm
Diagnosuc Trouble Code
‘384419 3
Diagnostic Trouble Codes
Armrest Interface Control Unit (AIC) appear may be corrected simply by cycling key switch
Diagnostic Trouble Codes
Although diagnostic codes listed below are not a complete
or by following the solution on CommandCenter’” page
then cycling key sthch
list ofoiagnostic trouble codes they do reflect codes '1 CDWECfiVE BEND” cannot be taken after CyClinQ DDWEHO
which may be observed while operating tractor and have "301“ or lf there are any WESUWS CONTECT your JUN]
corrective action operator can take. Many codes which Deere” dealer
Diagnostic Trouble Code
AlC 000158 04
Electrical System
Armrest switched suppiy voltage low Reduce eiectricai load or increase engine rpm to
attempt vehicle recovery
AlC 00062812
Electrical System
Control unit in programming mode
AlC 00062912
Electrical System
Restart engine to attempt recovery
AlC 00063912
Electrical System
Restart engine to attempt recovery
AlC 520285 02
Operator controis
Rear Hitch Lock SWltch fault Put switch to center position to attempt system recovery
AlC 520285 03
Operator Controls
Rear Hitch Lock Switch voitage fault Set sivitcn to uncpressed position to attempt system
AlC 52028511
Operator controis
Rear Hitch Lock Switch stuck fault Set sztch to center position to attempt system recovery
AlC 520286 02
Operator Controls
Rear Hitch Lower set point switch fault Put switch to center position to attempt system
NO 520286 04
Operator controis
Rear Hitch ioiver set point sivitcn voitage iauit Set switch to uncpressed position to attempt
system recovery
AlC 52028611
Operator controis
Rear nitcn lowerset point switch stuck iauit Set switcn to center position to attempt system
AlC 520870 02
Operator controis
Configuration data fault and reset to factory default
NO 520871 02
Operator Controls
Configuration data iauit and reset to iactory oetauit
NO 520872 02
Operator controis
Configuration data fault and reset to factory default
AlC 521128 02
Operator controis
Range switch CDE circuit fault Switch disabled
AlC 521128 08
Operator Controls
Range sWilch CDE stuck fault Set sWilch to unoressed position to attempt system recovery
AlC 52113202
Operator Controls
Range switch 0 Circuit fault Switch disabled
AlC 521132 08
Operator controis
Range switch c stuck iauit Set switch to unpresseo position to attempt system recovery
AlC 521133 02
Operator Controls
Range stvitcn B circuit fault SWitch disabled
NO 521133 08
Operator Controls
Range switch 5 Stuck rauit Set switch to unpresseo position to attempt system recovery
AlC 521136 02
Operator controis
Range switch A circuit fault Switch disabled
AlC 521136 08
Operator controis
Range switch A stuck fault Set switch to unpresseo position to attempt system recovery
NO 521422 02
Operator Controls
Rear iiitcii position controi rauit Rotate controi to attempt recovery
AlC 522189 02
Operator controis
iTEC sequence switch 3 4 circuit fault Switch disabled
AlC 522546 02
Operator controis
Ubshilti‘downshift switch circuit fault Switch disabled
AlC 523349 02
Operator Controls
AutoTrac resume sivitcn voltage fault Set switch to uncpressed position to attempt system
NO 523349 09
Operator controis
AutoTrac resume sivitcn voltage fault Set switch to uncpressed position to attempt system
NO 523670 02
Operator Controls
Drive lever Circuit fault Ground speed lever disabled
AlC 52367011
Operator controis
Drive lever stuck fault Set leverto neutral position to attempt system recovery
AlC 523671 02
Operator controis
Driver lever speeo band sivitcn fault Return to park and restart engine to attempt recovery
AlC 523776 02
Operator controis
Transport Lock switch stuck rauit Set switch to unspressed position to attempt system
AlC 523923 02
Operator Controls
scv i controi lever sensor voltage iauit Set lever to neutral position to attempt system
NO 523923 04
Operator controis
scv i controi lever sensor voltage iauit Set lever to neutral position to attempt system
NO 523953 02
Operator Controls
lVT speeo controi lever sensorcircuit iauit Return venicie to Park to attempt venicie recovery
AlC 523953 03
Operator controis
lVT speed control lever sensorcircuit vpitage nign Return vehicle to Park to attempt vehicle
AlC 523953 04
Operator Controls
lVT speed control lever sensor circuit voltage low Return vehicle to Park to attempt vehicle
NO 524019 31
Operator Controls
Ground speeo controi iever position rauit Return to Park position to attempt system recovery
AlC 524020 31
Operator controis
Reverser leverout of bark Return to park and restart engine to attempt recovery
Continued on next Woe ‘oaAAigooooonx
Diagnostic Trouble Codes
ntagnosttc Trouble Code
AlC 524021 31
Operator Controls
Reverse drlve lever SWllch fault Lever dlsa bled
NO 524096 02
Operator Controls
Hand throttle voltage fault Hand throttle dlsabled
NO 524096 03
Operator Controls
Harld throttle Voltage fault Hand throttle dlsabled
AlC 524096 04
Operator Controls
Harld throttle Voltage fault Hand throttle dlsabled
AlC 524101 02
Operator Controls
ch Vl control lever sensorvoltage taolt Set lever to neutral posrtron to attempt system
NO 524101 03
Operator Controls
ch Vl control lever sensorvoltage taolt Set lever to neutral posrtron to attempt system
AlC 524101 04
Operator Controls
scv \/l control lever sensor voltage fault Set lever to neutral pusllloh to attempt system
AlC 524102 02
Operator Controls
ch v control lever sensor voltage taolt Set leverto neutral poSltlan to attempt system
NO 524102 03
Operator Controls
ch v control lever sensor voltage taolt Set leverto neutral poSltlan to attempt system
AlC 524102 04
Operator Controls
scv v control lever sensor voltage fault Set leverto neutral posltlurl to attempt system
AlC 524103 02
Operator Controls
ch lV control lever sensorvoltage taolt Set lever to neutral posrtron to attempt system
NO 524103 03
Operator Controls
ch lV control lever sensorvoltage taolt Set lever to neutral posrtron to attempt system
AlC 524103 04
Operator Controls
scv lV control lever sensor voltage fault Set lever to neutral pusllloh to attempt system
AlC 524104 02
Operator Controls
ch lll control lever sensor voltage tault Set lever to neutral posrtron to attempt system
NO 524104 03
Operator Controls
ch lll control lever sensor voltage tault Set lever to neutral posrtron to attempt system
AlC 52410404
Operator Controls
scv lll control lever sensor voltage taolt Set lever to neutral posllluh to attempt system
AlC 524105 02
Operator Controls
ch ll control lever sensorvoltage taolt Set leverto neutral paSltlan to attempt system
NO 524105 03
Operator Controls
ch ll control lever sensorvoltage taolt Set leverto neutral paSltlan to attempt system
AlC 524105 04
Operator Controls
scv ll control lever sensor voltage fault Set leverto neotral pusltlurl to attempt system
AlC 524212 02
Operator Controls
Rear hllch syntcnes (ralse or lower) Stuck fault Set SWltch to unspreSSed paSltlon to attempt
system recovery
‘coAA‘g 00002:: :9 .4»
ActiveSeatW Control Unit (ASU) Diagnostic appear may be corrected simply by cycling key switch
Trouble Codes
or by tcllcwtng the solutloh on CommandCenterTl’ page
then cycling key SWltch
Although diagnostic codes IlSted below are not a complete
IlSt ofdlagnostlc trouble codes they do reflect codes Itcorrectwe action cannot be taken afler Cyclmg Dowerto
whlch may be observed whlle operating tractor and have "3010f or if there are My WESUWS CONTECT your 40h”
correctlve action operator can take Many codes which Deere” dealer
ntagnosttc Trouble Code
ASU 000628 12
Electrlcal System
AcllyeSeat control uhlt programmlhg System dlsabled
ASU 524010 31
Electrlcal System
AcllveSeat ralse ano lower solenold clrcttll laolt Restart englne to attempt recovery
CommanoCenrer ls a trademark oroeere & Company
John Deere is a trademark or Deere & Company
‘coAA‘g oooogt' l
Diagnostic Trouble Codes
Automatic Temperature Control Unit (ATC)
Diagnostic Trouble Codes
Although diagnostic codes listed below are not a complete
list ofdiagnostic trouble codes they do reflect codes
which may be observed while operating tractor and have
corrective action operator can take. Many codes which
appear may be corrected simply by cycling key switch
or by following solution on CommandCenter page, then
cycling key sthch
It corrective action cannot be taken after cycling power to
tractor or if there are any questions contact your John
Deere dealer
Diagnostic Trouble Code System
ATC 00062812 HVAC System
Control unit programming System disaoied
ATC 000639 14 HVAC System
Restart engine to attempt yenioie recovery
ATC 520870 02 HVAC System
Configuration data fault and reset to iactory default
ATC 520871 02 HVAC System
Configuration data fault and reset to iactory derattit
ATC 520872 02
ATC 523848 07
ATC 524219 02
HVAC System
HVAC System
HVAC System
Conngttration data rauit and reset to lactory deraoit
Airflow mooe motor restricted motion Cycle mode switch to attempt recovery
Derog sensor lault Automatic ionction disaoied Use manual mode
419 3300242719714JUN'37'”
Brake Control Unit (BRC) Diagnostic Trouble
Although diagnostic codes listed below are not a complete
list ofdiagnostic trouble codes, they do reflect codes
which may be observed while operating the tractor and
have corrective action operator can take Many codes
which appear may be corrected simply by cycling key
sthch or by following solution on CommandCenterW
page, then cycling key sVi/itch
It corrective action cannot be taken after cycling powerto
tractor or if there are any questions, contact your John
Deere“ dealer
Diagnostic Trouble Code System
BRC 000158 04 Brake System
Control unit switched supply yoitage low Reduce eieotnoai load or increase engine rpm to
attempt yenicie recovery
BRC 00062812 Electrical System
Control ttnit in programming mode
BRC 00260218 Hydraulic System
Hydraulic oii level low Check oii level according to Operators Manual procedure
Secondary Brake
BRC 523841 31
Secondary brake position rattit Return to Park Cycle secondary brake ieyer Restart
engine to attempt yenicie recovery
BRC 524088 31 Bra Ke System
Brake cooiing cycie lault Restart engine and cycle tne brake pedai to attempt yenicie
room; no
Diagnostic Trouble Codes
Chassis Control Unit (CCU) Diagnostic appear may be corrected Simply by cycling key switch
Trouble Codes
or by following solution on CommandCenter page, then
cycling key SWitch
Although diagnostic codes listed below are not a complete
list ofoiagnostic trouble codes they do reflect codes liCDWECtil/E BEND” cannot be taken after Cyding DDWEHO
which may be observed while operating tractor and have "3010f or if there are My WESUWS 5001351 your J00”
corrective action operator can take. Many codes which Deere dealer
Diagnostic Trouble Code System Solution
CCU 000096 03 Fuei System Low tuei 1eve1 Fuei venicie
ecu 00009617 Fuel System Fuel level low Fiii ruei ano DEF tani
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