Deere and RE338096 Multi-Functional Controller, Integrated Premium Server User Manual Part 10
Deere & Company Multi-Functional Controller, Integrated Premium Server Part 10
User Manual Part 10
500 Hour Service ‘ 9 Using a 32 iiiinwrench, unscrew oil filter cover (A) and lift as shown Allow filter (8) to drain into crankcase 10 Remove filter coverWith oil filter (B) attached. 11 While holding cover (A) strike filter (B) against solid surface to remove filter Discard used filter in accordance With local laws and ordinances 12 Remove old O-ring, and replace With new Orring provided With new filter element 13 Press new filter (8) into cover (A) until it snaps into place 14 lnsert filter (8) and cover (A) into oil filter housing (C) Tighten cover to speCification. Speciiicaiion Oil Filter CoveriTordue 40 N in (30 lb rlt) 15 lnstall drain plug after oil has been drained from crankcase. Tighten to specification Speciiicaiion 9 o L Engine Oil Drain PlugiToruue 102 N m (75 lb rlt) 16 Dispose of used oil and oil filter in accordance With local laws and ordinances IMPORTANT: Do not overfill engine. Excess oil ' ~ can cause loss of efficiency. 17 Refill crankcase With seasonal viscosity grade oil See Engine Oil in Fuel Lubricants and Coolant section of this Operator’s Manual Fiani Speciiicaiion 9 0 L crankcaseicar pacily 27 L (23 5 m] .JN 01 18 Check for correct oil level using dipstick. 19 Close and secure hood and reinstall right rear side shield Rt Removing Engine oi/ Filter From Cover 20 Stan engine and check for leaks A70“ Filter Cover C—OII Filter Housln 21 Stop engine Recheck oil level Add oil if necessary B_o,| Flue, g 9 0000053 719729AJ313 2:2 120-4 PN:45l 500 Hour Service Lubricate MFWD or TLSTM (If Equipped) Plus Kingpins, Tie Rod Ends, Steering Cylinder, Axle Pivot and Panhard Rod IMPORTANT: Normal service is every 250 hours. In wet conditions seerce daily or every 10 hours, e; ‘l ‘l E 3 m n Z 3 ‘ J, Fannaro Rod (TLS Plus Only) Axle Pivot (7L5 Plus Only) A—Kingpin Fitlings, Botlom D—Sleering Cylinder Fitlings F—Panhard Rod Fitlings (TLS B—Klngpln Fllllngs, Top EiAxle Plvol Fllungs (TLS Plus Plus Only) C—Tle Rod End Flltlngs Only) GiMFWD Axle Cyllnder Flttlngs (TLS Plus Only) Use John Deere SD Polyurea grease or other grease as _ . speleled ln Fuel, Lubrlcants and Coolant sectlon of this Sighgmy§°d Lubrloate left and rlght fittlngs (F) (TLS Operators Manual Axle Cylinder—Lubricate top and bottom flttlngs (G) (TLS Plus Only) NOTE: Ali fittings, except for axle pivot (E) and Panhard rod (F), are tile same for the ieft and right sides, KingpinsiLubricate fittlngs (A and B) untll grease appeals at orlflce on bottom end ofeach kingpln bearlng Tle Rods—Luonoate fittlngs (C) Steering CylinderiLubrieate fittings (D) Axle PivotiLubriCate front and rear flttlngs (E) (TLS Plus Only). RX 120-5 PN:452 500 Hour Service Lubricate MFWD or TLSTM Plus (If Equipped) U-Joints IMPORTANT: Normal servme is every 250 hours. If used in extremely wet conditions service daily or every 10 hours. Use John DeereTl‘ SD Polyurea grease or other grease as spemfied in Fuel Lubricants, and Coolant section of this Operator‘s Manual Drilled passages in the U-joint allow grease to reach all four bearings from a single grease fitting For normal operations, U-JOints are sealed and not permanently equipped wrth grease fittings. To lubricate proceed as follows: 1. Replace plugs with lVl1D thread 90“ grease fittings. See your John Deere T" dealer for correct part 2 Apply grease to both U-Joints at lubrication points (A). Specification PlugiTorque o 904 N m (a ie .m ins'nniie A—Luhricalion Points Hub U-jomt Lubrication Palms John Deere IS a trademark er Deere a Company 10441900334 reams-a Tighten Wheel and Wheel Weight Bolts CAUTION: Avoid the possibility of personal injury. Never operate tractor with loose wheel or wheel weight bolts. Failure to follow torquing procedure may result in personal injury. Wheel and wheel weight bolts are critical and require repeated torquing to assure secure tightness. IMPORTANT: Failure to follow correct tightening procedure could result in equipment damage. Tighten front and rear wheel bolts (A), hub bolts (B) and wheel weight bolts (C) using appropriate torquing procedures described below A—Rim to Wheel Bolts C—Weight Bolts E—Hub Bolts was '2 no AN‘S 'i' 120-6 PN:453 500 Hour Service Use Wheel Tightening Stand Wheel tightening stand (A) may be used to ard in tightening wheel and wheel weight hardware See Rear Wheels, Tires, and Treads Sections in thls Operator’s Manual Stand wrll support torque wrench (B) and extension when tightening bolts at different heights. See your John Deere” dealer for information on purchasing or fabricating stand A—Wheel Tightening Stand (DFR21S or JDG1U741) B—Torque Wrench John Deere is a trademark ofDeere & Company Tighten Rear Wheel Weight Bolts ACAUTION: Avoid the possibility of personal injury. Never operate tractor with loose wheel weight bolts. Failure to follow torquing procedure may result in personal injury. Wheel weight bolts are critical and require repeated torquing to assure secure tightness. IMPORTANT: Failure to follow tightening procedure could result In equipment damage. Tighten all wheel weight bolts (A) until bolts maintain torque according to specrfications Wheel Welght Attachlng Bulls—Speclflcatlon M16 BoltiTorque 310 N m (230 lb err) M20 BolliTorque sro N m (450 lb err) DllVE tractor approximately 100 m (100 yd) Then check bolt torque and retighten until bolts marntarn torque specufrcatron IMPORTANT: Keep wheel weight bolts tightened to specification. If tractor is operated wrth loose bolts, damage to equipment may occur. Retighten bolts afterworklng 3 HOURS, agaln after 10 HOURS and DAILY for first week of operation or until bolts do not move when retorqued ‘3844' 9 00003:: 120-7 PN:454 500 Hour Service Tighten Front Wheel Bolts ACAUTION: Avoid the possibility of personal injury. Never operate tractor with loose wheel bolts. Failure to follow torquing procedure may result in personal injury. Wheel bolts are critical to operation and require repeated torquing to assure secure tightness. IMPORTANT: Failure to follow tightening procedure could result in equipment damage. Tighten all wheel diskto rim (A) and wheel disk to hub (B) (eight-posmon and two-position wheels) bolts until bolts maintain torque according to specmcations Front Wheel Bolts—Specification \Alheel DlSk to Him Bolts , SrPosltlon Wheel (Mlfi Hardware)7Torque 300 N m (225 lb rlt) Wheel Dlsk to Hub EollsiTorque 600 N rn (445 lb rlt) Drive tractor approximately 100 m (100 yd.). Then check bolt torque and retighten until bolts maintain torque specification IMPORTANT: Keep wheel bolts tightened to specification. If tractor is operated with loose bolts, damage to equipment may occur. Retighten bolts after working 3 HOURS again after 10 HOURS and DAILY for first week of operation Ul until bolts do not move when retorqued 7084M 9 000004: Tighten Rear Drive Wheel to Cast Hub Bolts ACAUTION: Avoid the possibility of personal injury. Never operate tractor with loose wheel bolts. Failure to follow torquing procedure may result in personal injury. Wheel bolts are critical to operation and require repeated torquing to assure secure tightness. IMPORTANT: Failure to follow tightening procedure could result in equipment damage. Tighten all wheel to hub bolts (A) until bolts maintain torque according to soecmcations Wheel to Hub Boltsispeclflcatlon \Nheel to Hub BoltsiTorque 600 N m (445 lb 7“ J Drive tractor approximately 100 in (100 yd) Then check bolt torque and retighten until bolts maintain torque specmcation. IMPORTANT: Keep wheel bolts tightened to specification. If tractor is operated With loose bolts, damage to equipment may occur. Heavy Duty Cast meBolt Hub Shown Retighten bolts after working 3 HOURS again after 10 HOURS and DAILY for first week of operation or until bolts do not move when retorqued ‘C841‘ 9 ooocczr 120-8 PN:455 500 Hour Service Tighten Rear Steel Wheel to Hub Bolts ACAUTION: Avoid the possibility of personal injury. Never operate tractor with loose wheel bolts. Failure to follow torqumg procedure may result in personal injury. Wheel bolts are critical to operation and require repeated torquing to assure secure tightness. IMPORTANT: Failure to follow tightening procedure could result in equipment damage. Tighten all wheel to hub bolts (A) until bolts maintain torque according to soeCifications Wheel to Hub Boltsispeclflcatlon \Niieel to Hub BoltsiTorque 600 N m (445 lb rlt ) Drive tractor approximately 100 m (100 yd) Then check bolt torque and retighten until bolts maintain final torque specmcation. 7 ‘ , innnaiirn Standard Hub Shown IMPORTANT: Keep wheel bolts tightened to specification. If tractor is operated With loose bolts, damage to equipment may occur. Retighten bolts after working 3 HOURS again after 10 HOURS and DAILY for first week of operation or until bolts do not move when retorqued ‘OEAAIQOOCCCSO rlgrl' Tighten Rear Steel Wheels—Cast Hub Bolts CAUTION: Avoid the possibility of personal injury. Never operate tractor with loose wheel bolts. Failure to follow procedure may result in personal injury. Wheel bolts are critical to operation and require repeated torqumg to assure secure tightness. IMPORTANT: Some bolts may loosen as sleeve is tightened. Repeat torquing sequence until ALL sleeve bolts maintain proper torque. Failure to follow procedure could result in damage to equipment. Tighten five hub sleeve bolts (1-5) to initial torque speoifications in sequence shown beginning With center cap screw (A) in lower sleeve Tighten bolts to secondary torque soemfioations using same tightening sequence Drive tractor approximately 100 in (100 yd) Then tighten bolts to final torque speCification until bolts maintain torque specified. Wheel Hub Sleeve Bulls—Speclllcatlun lnilialiTorque 204 N m (150 lb 7n) SecondaryiTorque 4io N m (300 lb rfi) FinaliTorque 60o N m (445 lb 7n) IMPORTAN Keep wheel bolts tightened to specification. If tractor is operated with loose bolts, damage to equipment may occur. Retignten bolts after working 3 HOURS, again after 10 HOURS and DAILY for first week of operation or until bolts do not move when retorqued TODAAiQOOCCCSi iQiEAUC'S'” 120-9 PN:456 500 Hour Service Tighten Rear Wheel Bolts—Heavy-Duty Cast 10-Bolt Hubs ACAUTION: Avoid the possibility of personal Injury. Never operate tractor with loose wheel bolts. Failure to follow procedure may result in personal injury. Wheel bolts are critical to operation and require repeated torquing to assure secure tightness. IMPORTANT: Some bolts may loosen as sleeve is tightened. Repeat torquing sequence until ALL bolts maintain proper torque. Failure to follow procedure could result in damage to equipment. Tighten wheel to hub bolts (1710) to inrtial torque specifrcatrons , in numerical sequence shown , until torque rs maintained Tighten bolts to frnal torque specrficatrons - in numerical sequence , untrl torque is maintarned Wheel to Huh Boltsispeclficallon '2 Heavy nut/Cast Drive Hub Shown Dnve tractor approximately 100 m (100 yd.) Using numerical sequence check bolt torque and retighten untrl final torque specrfication IS marntained IMPORTANT: Keep wheel bolts tightened to specification. If tractor is operated with loose bolts, damage to equipment may occur. lnrlraliTorque 400 N rn (300 in,“ Retrghten bolts afterworking 3 HOURS, agarn after 10 FinaliTurque 5‘0 N m HOURS and DAILY for frrst week of operation ur untrl (450 ”,4” bolts do not move when retorqued ‘OfiAAlQOO 494' 120-10 PN:457 500 Hour Service ‘ Tighten Rear Wheel Bolts—Heavy-Duty 12-Bolt Hubs ACAUTION: Avoid the possibility of personal injury. Never operate tractor With loose wheel bolts. Failure to follow procedure may result in personal injury. Wheel bolts are critical to operation and require repeated torquing to assure secure tightness. IMPORTANT: Some bolts may loosen as sleeve is tightened. Repeat torquing sequence until ALL bolts maintain proper torque. Numbers indicating proper torquing sequences are cast into wheel hub. Failure to follow procedure could result in damage to equipment. Tighten wheel to hub bolts (1-12) to initial torque speCifications in numerical sequence shown until torque is maintained. Tighten bolts to final torque specmcations - in numerical sequence - until torque is maintained. Wheel to Huh Boltsispeclllcatlon iniiiai TorqueiTorque 405 N m (30o lb alt) Final TorqueiTorque (450 lb alt) Drive tractor unloaded in a large figure-8 pattern a minimum of four times and retignten bolts - in numerical order - until bolts maintain final torque soeCification IMPORTANT: Keep wheel bolts tightened to speCification. If tractor is operated with loose bolts, damage to equipment may occur. Retionten bolts afterworking 3 HOURS, again after 10 HOURS and DAILY for first week of operation or until bolts do not move when retorqued. ‘oam; on Clean Dual Beam Radar Sensor (If Equipped) IMPORTANT: Inspect radar sensor horns for dirt or debris build up, which may affect accuracy performance. Service may be required more often in some operating conditions. Avaid use of high pressure washer nozzle pomted directly at radar. Avaid damage to radar and Wiring harness when using sharp tools to remove dirt or packed mud around radar unit. Dual beam radar sensor is located on bottom of transmission Check radar seiisoi (A) for damage Clean radar seiisoi With waiiii water and mild soap Dry with clean soft cloth Dual Beam Radar. CommandQuad"" Transmission Shown A—Radar Sensor 120-11 PN:45E 500 Hour Service Replace Fuel Filters Remove Fuel Filter—9 L Engine A—Hood Release B—Latch Buttons CkDraln Valve DfiWater In Fuel Sensor Conneclor CAUTION: Always shut offengine and remove key before performing maintenance work on fuel filter. IMPORTANT: To determine which engine your tractor is equipped wtth, see Record Engine Serial Number in Identification Numbers section of this Operator's Manual. NOTE Semce may be required more often under some conditions. Pull hood release (A) and raise hood Depress latch buttons (B) to remove right rear Side shield Pull top ofshield outward and lift shield from brackets on frame 5. NOTE Use a catch pan when draining fuel and removing filter from tractor Clean exterior of filter and mounting aiea Remove Water ln Fuel sensor connector (D) common on next page nxmisimi \42§.UL'3 imam 4. nxA: 42;.ut'3 RXA0134233 4. \ Remove Fuel Filter—6 8 L Engine E—Primary Filler F7 Secondary Filter Open drain valve (C) and drain fuel 7 Remove primary (E) and secondary (F) filters and discard Dispose of drained fuel used filters in accordance with local laws and ordinances IMPORTANT: Do NOT prefill either fuel filter with fuel. 9 Lubricate gasket for primary fuel filterWith fuel and install canister onto base Tighten 3/4 turn after packing contacts base 10. Lubricate primary fuel filter water separator gasket With fuel and install onto filter canister Tighten 3/4 of a full turn after gasket contacts the base 11 Lubricate gasket for secondary fuel filter with fuel and install filter onto base. Tighten 3/4 of a turn after packing contacts base. 12 Connect Water In Fuel sensor connector. 13 Close and secure hood and reinstall Side shield ’oewo 3300054719716i‘m31312 120-12 PN:459 500 Hour Service IMPORTANT: Key must be turned to ON position for 3 minutes before starting engine to provide time to prefill fuel filters. Fuel system IS self-bleeding. Do not try to start engine until 3 minute time elapses or an air lock in fuel system may occur. 14 Tum key to ON position for 3 minutes to allow transfer pump to prefill fuel filters 15 Start and run engine at fast idle for at least 2 minutes ’0 AlsooooosL lQlGAJMSZQ Inspect Engine Air Intake System - 6.8 L Engine IMPORTANT: To determine which engine your tractor is equipped with see Record Engine Serial Number in Ident Ication Numbers section of this Operator's Manual. Pull hood release (A) and raise hood Depress latch buttons (B) to remove left rear side shield Remove battery compartment cover Tighten hose clamp (C) after Elf filter AiHood Release E—Latch Buttons C—Clamp After Alr Fllter Hose Clamp AfterAirFl/ter (Left Side of Engine) ’OMME DDDDlEZ 719723 common on next page 120 '13 PN:460 500 Hour Service 5 Trghten hose cramps before (D) and after (E) first turbocharger 6 Trghten hose Clamps before (F) and after (G) second turbocharger. 7 Trghten hose clamps (H) before and after (I) rntercooler Specmcauon cramp After Second Turbocharger (6)7Tarque 20 N m we b 4") Speomoauoh '>‘< AH Other cramps (or Dr E F‘ H DiTarque m N m (as \bem) 8 Cruse and secure hood and rernsteH slde smerds DiCIamps Before First Giclamp After Second Turbocharger Turbocharger E—Clamps Aher Flrsl Hiclamps aerore Imercooler Turbocharger |— Clamps Afler Inlercuuler F—Clamp Before second Turbocharger Hose Clamps After rnrercoo/er (Right Srde orEhgme) 154419300139 «92mm: 22 120-14 PN:461 500 Hour Service Inspect Engine Air Intake System - 9.0 L Engine IMPORTANT: To determine which engine your tractor is equipped With, see Record Engine Serial Number in Identification Numbers section of this Operator's Manual. 1 Pull hood release (A) and raise hood 2 Depress latch buttons (B) to ieiiiuve left ieai Side shield 3 Remove battery compartment cover 4 Tighten hose clamp (C) after air filter A—Hood Release E—Latch Eutiuns C—Clamp After Air Filter , "/ Continued on next page Hose Clamp After All Filler (Left Side of Engine) 154419;: 055 1916A.0131i2 120-15 PN:462 500 Hour Service 5 Trghten hose clamps before (D) and after (E) turbocharger 6 Trghten hose clamps before (F) and after (G) inlermnler (H). Specrncauon cramp Belare Turbocharger (DJ7Turque Specrncatron AH omer cramps (or E F‘ G)—Torque 7 Cruse and secure hood and rernstaH snde sme‘ds Diclamp Before Turbocharger Eiclamps After Turbocharger F— Clamps Before Intercooler H—Inlercooler 20Nm(178\b-m) 10Nm(88\brm) Giclamps After Inlercooler Hose Clamps After rnrerooo/er (Rrgm Sroe ofEngme) 10441; 0000055 19 ream 22 120-16 PN:463 500 Hour Service Lubricate Cab Suspension System (If Equipped) Lubricate ngaSe fittings (A) with severai strokes ofgrease gun Use John Deere muitI-purpuse glease as specified in Fuei Lubricants and Cooiant section. A—Grease Flulng ‘38441900::'[[ 19 QSJUL‘fir“ 120-17 PN:464 500 Hour Service Back Flush Optional Fuel Water Separator (If Equipped) IMPORTANT: Optional fuel water separator should be back flushed whenever howl IS half full of water or when diagnostic trouble code appears. If, after flushing, trouble code is still displayed, wash filter element. See Service Optional Fuel Water Separator Filter Element in this section of this Operator’s Manual. If code persists, change both fuel filters. Shut off engrne. 2 Close fuel shutoff valve (A) 3 Open bleed screw (8) on top of water separator llo. Allow water and dirt to be released from filter element and settle ln bottom of bowl. NOTE Dram fuel Info appropriate container and dispose of in accordance with local laws and ordinances, As fuel. Water and dirt is drained from bowl in step 4. more water and dirt may be flushed from filter element and collect in bottom of bowl. 4 Push W on dram valve (C) and turn COUNTERCLOCKWISE to drain water and dirt from bowl 5 Close dram valve (C) and allow water and dlrtto settle again 6 Repeat steps 4 and 5 untrl all dirt and water is removed Close bleed screw (B) and open fuel shutroffvalve (A) 8 Start and run engine at fast role for at least 2 mrnutes. If englne won t start or starts and ores. see Replace Fuel Frlters rn thrs sectron ofthis Operator’s Manual and follow Instructions for prrmmg engrne NOTE Filler element In water separator can be back flushed up to five times before being cleaned AiFuel Shut-O" Valve C—Draln Valve B—Bleed Screw ‘38441900 VlQVCESIZZ‘fir‘ ' 120-18 PN:465 500 Hour Service Sen/ice Optional Fuel Water Separator Filter Element (If Equipped) IMPORTANT: Clean filter element after each fifth hack flushing of water separator assembly. Filter element can be cleaned as often as necessary for an indefinite number of times. Replace element if damaged or cleaning becomes Impossible. 1 Shut off engine 2 Close fuel shut-off valve (A) NOTE: Drain fuel into appropriate container and dispose of it in accordance With local laws and ordinances 3 Open drain valve and drain fuel from bowl 4 Loosen lid cap screws evenly In sequence shown. A—Fuel Shuerfl Valve :xvxssmnn ®'- ® Water Separator Lid Continued on next page ‘354419 3300086 497291.613 lsz 120-19 PN:466 500 Hour Service 5 Remove lrd (A), spring cassette (B) ert filter element (C) from hdusrng usnng attached handle 6 Wash filter element in Clean dresel fuel or mineral sprrits 7 Carefully Inspect filter element for damage If damaged‘ or If frlter cannot be cleaned replace filter element 8 lnstall Cleaned or new filter element and spring cassette 9 lnspect lid gasket (D) condrtion and replace if necessary. 10 lnstall lid (A) Trghten cap screws rn sequence shown 11 Open fuel shut-off valve 12 Start and run engine at fast idle for at least 2 minutes If engrne won t start or starts and dies, see Replace Fuel Frlters In thrs section dfthe Operator’s Manual and follow instructions for primrng engine 13 Shut off engrne and check for fuel leaks AiLId CiFllter Element E—Sprlng Cassette D—le Gasket Lid Cap Screw Tightening Sequence 10441; 0000055 763F335 vaxnnmw 763F236, nxm mm 1929A. 3 22 120-20 PN:467 1000 Hour Service Perform This and Other Scheduled Services When scheduled sen/ice at airy hourly level is performed also perform all subordinate hourly level services See Observe SerVice intervals in Maintenance and SerVice intervals Section of this Operator’s Manual fortable listing main and subordinate serVice intervals. 154419 ::oo2ii '9 25JUL'3 Replace Cab Recirculation Air Filter ACAUTION: Cab air filters are not designed to filter out harmful chemicals. Follow instructions in implement Operator's Manual and those given by chemical manufacturer when usmg agricultural chemicals. IMPORTANT: Replacement interval can vary according to operating conditions. Normal semce is 1000 hours or annually, whichever occurs first. 1 Remove upholstery cover (A) in headliner by grasping outer edges and pulling down NOTE. When removrng fasteners (5), hold cover (C) in place With one hand 2 Remove fasteners allowmg coverto be lowered. Usmg a clean cloth Wipe down inside and outSide of filter cover before installing new filter. Remove filter (D) and inspect condition. Replace filter when plugged or damaged Install cover (C) and tighten fasteners (B) \imwas Install upholstery cover by lining up ball studs (E) with clip nuts (F) and firmly push up D—Filter E—Ball Studs F—Cllp Nuls A—Upholslery Cover BiFasteners C—Cover Remove Cover Remove Filter ’ODAMSOOCCCN iQZSAUC'S 125-1 PN:46E 1000 Hour Service Replace Cab Fresh Air Filter CAUTION: Cab air filters are not designed to filter out harmful chemicals. Follow instructions in implement Operator's Manual and those given by chemical manufacturer when using agricultural chemicals. IMPORTANT: Replacement interval can vary according to operating conditions. Normal service is 1000 hours or annually, whichever occurs first. 1 Support cover, then turn knot) allowmg covei (A) to swmg down L H? S“ E‘ T K b 2. Using a clean cloth wipe down inside and outside of S we, ”my / mm m filter covei before replacmg old filter. 3 Remove old filter (8) 4. Inspect condition of filter A—Cover E—Air Filter Remove Filter swam innnnnenn Continued on next page ’oewe mom 4929M 125-2 PN:469 1000 Hour Service 5 Replace filter if plugged or damaged NOTE Filter cover latch has three positions, open (A), latched (B) and looked {C} 6 Close cuvel and turn knob 180° t0 securely lock latch Aiopen Position C—Locked Position (: B—Latched Posltlon 2 Air Filter Cover ‘omlg 0000055 497291.61 Clean MFWD or TLSTM Plus (If Equipped) Axle Vent Filter IMPORTANT: Allowmg excess dirt and foreign material to build up in vent filter may cause damage to axle seals. NOTE. If vent filter is packed With dirt soak to solvent before blowing air through breather vent. Remove axle vent filter (A) Clean by blowmg alrthrough vent filter (bottom to top). A—MFWD or TLS’" Plus (If Equipped] Axle Vent Fllter TLS is a trademark or Deere a Company ‘08441930001’5 l Test Coolant and Add Coolant Conditioner first. See Test Coolant and Add Coolant Conditioner in Annual Service SECtIOn 0f IMPORTANT: Perform coolant service every this operatorls Manual. 1000 hours or annually, whichever comes Check TLSTM Plus Accumulator Charge Pressure (If Equipped) Have your John DeereW dealer Check TLST’“ Plus accumulator charge pressure John Deere IS a trademark of Deere a Company ms is a trademark or Deere & Company ::71—\ money” 125-3 PN:47u 1000 Hour Service Check Cab Suspension Accumulator Charge Pressure (If Equipped) IMPORTANT: Check cab suspension accumulator charge pressure every 1000 hours or annually‘ whichever comes first. Have your John Deere“ dealer check cab suspension accumulator charge pressure John Deere IS a trademark of Deere e Cnmpany 125-4 PN:47l Annual Service Handling Batteries Safely Battery gas can explode Keep sparks and flames away from batteries Use a flashlight to check battery electrolyte level Never check battery charge by placing a metal object across the posts Use a voltmeter or hydrometer Always remove grounded (-) battery clamp first and replace grounded clamp last Sulfuric acid in battery electrolyte is poisonous and strong enough to burn skin, eat holes in clothing and cause blindness if splashed into eyes Avoid hazards by: 0 Filling batteries in a well-ventilated area 0 Wearing eye protection and rubber gloves 0 Avoiding use of air pressure to clean batteries - Avoiding breathing fumes when electrolyte is added 0 Avoiding spilling or dripping electrolyte 0 Using correct battery booster or charger procedure If acid is spilled on skin or in eyes: 1. Flush skin With water 2 Apply baking soda or lime to help neutralize the acid 3 Flush eyes With water for 15—30 minutes. Get medical attention immediately If acid is swallowed: 1. Do not induce vomiting. 2. Drink large amounts of water or milk, but do not exceed 2 l. (2 qt) 3 Get medical attention immediately WARNING: Battery posts, terminals and related accessories contain lead and lead compounds, chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and reproductive harm Wash hands after handling. 130-1 PN:472 Annual Service Service Batteries and Connections Aifiattery Compartment Cover Handle NOTE: Although this battery is a maintenance free battery conditions such as long periods of operation at high ambient temperatures and excessive engine cranking may require adding water See label on battery ACAUTION: Never use compressed air to clean batteries. It can cause a buildup of static charge leading to potential injury. Battery gas can explode. Keep sparks and flames away from batteries. Use flashlight to check battery electrolyte level. Never check battery charge by placing metal object across posts. Use a voltmeter or hydrometer. Always remove battery ground cables before positive battery cables and connect them last. Do not let disconnected ground terminal touch metal surface. WARNING: Battery posts. terminals and related accessories contain lead and lead compounds, chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and reproductive harm Wash hands after handling. ACAUTION: Avoid contact with poisonous sulfuric acid in battery electrolyte. Battery acid can burn skin, damage clothing, and cause blindness if splashed into eyes. NOTE For optimum battery performance. keep battery ten’nrnals clean and tight. For replacement batteries. follow manufacturer’s recommendations, 1 Grasp handle (A) and pull forward and upward to remove battery compartment cover Strong magnets hold cover in place ‘4F’738 nxmnama “‘5‘ ‘9’ \425.UN'3 mares. nxA: IMPORTANT: (Final Tier 4 and Stage IV Engines only. To determine which engine your tractor is equipped with, see Record Engine Serial Number in Identification Numbers section of this Operator's Manual.) Do not disconnect battery until Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR) system has had enough trme to automatically purge system of Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) . If adequate time is not allowed for system to be purged, any DEF remaining can crystallize and plug system. At temperatures below -15°C(5°F), unpurged DEF will freeze and damage system components. If equipped with battery disconnect system, a light next to disconnect system is illuminated, while auto-purge is in progress. It shuts off when complete and safe to disconnect battery. If tractor is not equipped with battery disconnect, wait at least 4 minutes after tractor stops before disconnecting battery. Disconnect Negative battery cables, then Positive battery cables Remove any corroSion wrth terminal brush then clean terminals and battery posts using baking soda and water solution. Rinse With clean water and air dry Connect posrtive battery terminals, then connect negative battery terminal Apply thin coat ofgrease to cable ends If batteries have been removed for service, slide batteries back into compartment. install battery retaining clamp Replace battery compartment cover Line up cover supports at bottom of cover and pivot cover into place Magnets secure cover. ‘oaAAig oo 130-2 PN:473 Annual Service Test Coolant and Add Coolant Conditioner IMPORTANT: Perform coolant service every 1000 hours or annually, whichever comes first. ACAUTION: Explosive release of fluids from pressurized cooling system can cause serious burns. Shut off engine. Only remove can when cool enough to touch with bare hands. Slowly loosen cap to release pressure before fully removmg. 1 Pull hood release (A) and raise hood IMPORTANT: Do not open deaeration tank cap when engine is warm. Doing so will add air to coolant system. 2 Slowlyturn deaeration tank cap (D) to relreve pressure Remove cap 3 Test coolant using TYZBGDS COOLrGARDW l| Test Strips avarlaole from your John DeereW dealer NOTE: Follow instructions on back of reader card In test strip pack when testing coolant. 4 Add TY26603 COOL-GARDW l| Extender (available from your John Deere”’ dealer) as rndrcated by the color matrrx on reader card rn test stno pack Coolant level should be between lVlrn Cold Line (B) and Max Cold Line (C) on deaeratron tank lttank rs too full drarn a small amount of coolant from system before extender rs aoded NOTE Visually check cap o-nng for sealing effectiveness A correctly sealing o-nng Will have Imprint of tank neck mating surface with no apparent scratches or leak paths, If oering is not sea/mg correctly, replace Gap. COOLVGARD rs a trademark or Deere & Company John Deere is a trademark or Deere & Company ..~r lfiAPR'X 9 0 L Engine Deaeratron Tank A—Hood Release B—Mln Cold Llne C—Max Cold Line DiDeaerauon Tank Cap 5 Install deaeratron tank cap. 6 Close and secure hood ’omr 9 000mm mum w: 33m A. \ 130-3 PN:474 Annual Service Replace Cab Recirculation and Fresh Air Filters ACAUTION: Cab air filters are not designed to ter out harmful chemicals. Follow instructions In implement Operator's Manual and those given by chemical manufacturer when using agricultural chemicals. IMPORTANT: Replacement interval can vary according to operating conditions. Normal service is 1000 hours or annually, whichever occurs first. See Replace Cab Recirculation Air Filter and Replace Cab Fresh Air Filter in Annual Service section of this Operator’s Manual. ‘omig 00 Inspect Seat Belts CAUTION: |f seat belt system, including mounting hardware, buckle, belt, or retractor shows any sign of damage such as cuts, fraying, extreme or unusual wear, discoloration or abrasion, the entire seat belt system should be replaced immediately. Replace belt system only with replacement parts approved for your machine. inspect seat belts (A) and mounting hardware If seat belts need to be replaced see your John Deere” dealer A—Sea! Bells John Deere re a trademark ofDee/e & Company 154419;: 1:3 '926JUL'3'” 130-4 PN:475 Annual Service ‘ Inspect Primary and Secondary Engine Air Filters IMPORTANT: Inspect filters annually or when related diagnostic trouble code appears. Replacement interval may vary due to operating conditions. If primary filter appears good upon inspection, but diagnostic trouble code remains ON, replace primary engine air filter. Replace secondary engine air filter at every second primary filter change. Carefully remove and examine primary and secondary filters for breaks tears or excessive dirt accumulation To inspect filters 1 Remove battery compartment cover 2. Unfasten two clamps (B) and open filter cover (A). 3 Pull handle (D) towards front of tractorto release primary air filter from raised retainer (E) 4 Remove primary filter (C) 5. Clean dirt from inside of canister and cover IMPORTANT: If a filter is dirty, replace it. Do not attempt to clean filters. 6 Carefully inspect primary filter looking for excessive dirt and debris accumulation oi rips in filter element Replace if excesswely dirty oi if damaged Aicover DiHandle E—Clamps E—Retainer c—anary Air Filter Continucd on next page 130-5 PN:476 Annual Service ‘ 7 To protect air intake system, only remove secondary filter far enough from canister to allow inspection Pull on handle (8) to slide top part of secondary filter (A) out first. Inspect secondary filter IMPORTANT: Failure to properly install primary and secondary filters will cause damage to engine. When installing primary airfilter, make sure filter is properly seated behind raised retainer. Replace secondary filter every second primary air filter change or if secondary filter is found to be damaged or excessively dirty. 8 Ifsecondary filter is found to be in good condition and has been replaced at last primary filter change reinsert it into filter canister Then reinstall original - or Install new - primary filter Replace filter and battery covers IMPORTANT: Install new secondary filter immediately to prevent dust from entering air intake system. 9 If secondary filter is damaged or excessively dirty, or if primary filter has been replaced once before without replacing secondary filter, remove and discard secondary filter 10 To install secondary filter (A) place tab (C) in slot (D) 11. Firmly press around edge of secondary filter to properly seat filter against filter housing. 12 Install new or reinstall original primary filter 13 Close cover and fasten cover clamps. 14 Reinstall battery compartment cover. Aisecondary Fllter CiTab BiHandle Dislot ’omiooooooaz 4929i Check TLSTM Plus Accumulator Charge Pressure (If Equipped) Have your John Deere“ dealer check TLSW Plus accumulator charge pressure John Deere IS a trademark of Deere a Company TLS IS a trademark or Deere & Company i—\ isozna'aw 130-6 PN:477 Annual Service Check Cab Suspension Accumulator Charge Pressure (If Equipped) IMPORTANT: Check cab suspension accumulator charge pressure every 1000 hours or annually, whichever comes first. Have your John Deere“ dealer check cab suspension accumulator charge pressure John Deere ls a trademark of Deere & Cnmpany Replace Trailer Air Brake Air Dryer Filter (If Equipped) 1 Wm engrne in OFF posrtron, manually depress release valve msrde red airtrailer brake coupler (A) 2 After all arr pressure lS released, remove trailer air brake dryer filter (B) and drscard 3 Lubncate new filter seal wrth clean oil 4 Install new trailer arr brake dryer filter (B) until gasket contacts arr dryer surface Hand tighten addrtional 1/2 tum RX) AiRed Air Trailer Brake B—TrallerAIrBrake DryerFIlter Coupler Rxm mm mama, 0033700 49 130-7 PN:47E 1500 Hour Service Perform This and Other Scheduled Services Observe Servme intervals in Maintenance and Servme lntervals Section of this Operator’s Manual fortable listing When scheduled sen/ice at any hourly level is performed mam and subordinate seerce intervals. also perform all subordinate hourly level services See 154419 mm -9 25mm 135-1 PN:479 1500 Hour Service Change Transmission/Hydraulic Oil and Filter and Clean Sump Screen 1 Drlve tractor to warm transmussron/hydraulic oil to 3590 (100°F). 2 Park tractor on level surface 3 Lower hitch 4 Let engme run at idle for 172 minutes then stop engrne Move drawbar to side so Oll can drain unobstructed. 6 Remove transmrssnon (“am plug (A), reservonr drain CommandQuad'“ Reservoir arid Transmission Drain Plugs plug (B), PTO drain plug (C) and each axle final drive ‘ drain plug (D) (one per side) (9 A—Transmissiun Drain Plug CiPTO Dram Plug BiReservolr Draln Plug DiAxle Final Drlve Dram Plug (One Per Side] Continued on next page 419 mom; 19 29A; 135-2 PN:4BD 1500 Hour Service 7 Remove suction screen cover (A) Remove cap screw (B) to remove suctlon screen cover 8 Remove suctlon screen and wash carefully ln cleanlng solvent Blow dry wrth compressed arr IMPORTANT: When installing scavenge and lube lines on suction screen cover, do not forget to install O-rmgs. Failure to do so wrll cause leakage. 9. lnstall screen and Oil llnes (If removed) making sure gaskets and O-nngs are correctly pdsrtroned '>‘< 10 Remove transmlssion/hydraulic Oll fllter (C). Suction Screen Location CommandQuad"“‘ TIansm/SV 11. Lubrrcate new filterseal wrth clean hydraulic orl Sians (Left Side er Tractor) 12 lnstall filter untll gasket contacts surface Hand tighten addrtldnal 1/2 turn 13 lnstall draln plugs after Oll has dralneo. Tlgnten to soeclficatlcn Speclllcatlon Dram PlugiTurque 102 N rn (75 lb en) «; Aisuctlon Screen Cover CiTransmIssIon/Hydraullc on E E—Suctlon Screen Cover Cap Fllter :5 Screws % Suction Screen Location rvr W/Aumpcwzm Transmrss/on (Left Srde of Transmrssron) l 'V " V ' ‘ Transmrssion/Hydraulic Filter (Left Srde of Tractor) Conlmueo on next page 104419 :ooooo; «9 24 135-3 PN:4Bl 1500 Hour Service 14 Remove fill tube cap (A) and add 160 L (42 3 gal) of hydraullc ml See Fuel, Lubrlcants and Coolant sectlon ofthls Operators Manual fur flll volume. IMPORTANT: Fully insert and firmly tighten fill cap to assure proper hydraullc system operatlon. 15 Install and firmly tighten flll cap 16. Start and leave englne at slow ldle for 5 mlnutes. Oil level should rlse in sight glass as tractor operates 17. Shut off engme and welt at least one hourto allow Oll to stabilize before Checklng oil level Rear of Tracie! A—FIII Tuhe Conlmved on nexl page 104419 :ommm; 19 29AJ513 34 135-4 PN:4B2 1500 Hour Service 18 Check oil level in sight glass (A) at ieai oftractor IMPORTANT: Wait at least one hour after engine was shut offto checktransmission-hydraulic oil level. Overfilling transmission-hydraulic oil can result in decreased operating efficiency. Except when operating in side-hill or high volume applications, keep oil level at or slightly below top of normal operating range. Never fill system above maximum operating level. NOTE Oil level may need to be adjusted based on expected operating conditions See spec1al operating condition instructions be/ow, 19 lftransmiSSIon-nydraulic oil level is at or below add Oil indication (B), slowly add oil to reach top of normal operating range indicator (C). Use oil as specified in Transmissionrl-lydraulic Oil in Fuel, Lubricants and Coolant section ofthis Operator’s Manual From add oil level, adding approximately these amounts of oil Will oring oil level to top of normal operating range Transmission \Nithout Optional Au» iiiary Oii Reservoirr CommandQuad " Add With Optional Auxiliary Oii Reservoir Commandoiiag' 20 L (21 qt) 22 L (23 qt) ivrriiiAumPenr 16 L (17 qt) 18 L (19 qt) e23"-' 16L(17ql) iSLUqu) aAcivai volume may vary depending on addiiionai SW: and tractor options Road Transportation: In applications where tractor is mainly used for road transport and light hydraulic work adjust oil level to lower end of normal operating range A lower oil level allows tractor to operate irioie effiCiently at transport speeds With less power loss and heat generation IMPORTANT: Examine oil level indicator. If tractor is not equipped with optional auxiliary oil reservoir, maximum operating level indication will be as shown (D). If tractor has optional on reserv0ir installed, maximum operating level indicator Will be higher (E). For Side-Hill Applications or High Oil Volume Requirements: To prevent low oil levels, additional oil may be required When operating on Side hills oi When usmg implements which require large volumes of oil to function Oil level should be at or slightly below maximum operating level (D or E). A—TransmissionrHydraulic Oii Slght Glass BiAdd 0ii CiNormal Operating Range D—Maximum Operating Level [Without Opiionai Auxiliary 0ii Reservoir) EiMaxlmum Operating Levei [With Optional Auxiliary 0ii RESENOITI TCSAMQ c 19r29fi.’313 4m 135-5 PN:483 1500 Hour Service Change MFWD or TLSTM Plus Wheel Hub Oil 1. Park tractor on level ground VP 2 Maneuver tractor forward or backward untrl drain/fill plug (A) rs at bottom of hub 13 Open drarn/fill plug and drain oil 4 When oil has completely drarned, maneuver tractorsu that words OIL LEVEL , HYVGARD (B) or OIL LEVEL (C) cast rnto wheel hub are honzontal IMPORTANT: Use correct lubricant. Wheel hubs with brakes must be frlled with John DeereTM Hy-Gard"M oil. Wheel hubs without brakes are filled with John DeereW GL-5 Gear Lubrrcant. 5 Refill wheel hubs wrth orl. Add correct orl depending upon whethertractor rs equipped wrth front brakes If tractor is equipped wrth front brakes words cast rnto front hubs wrll read OlL LEVEL , l-lYeGARD. Fill front brake hub wrth John Deere“ HyeGaro“ oil. . lf only words OIL LEVEL are cast Into front hubs tractor rs not eourpped wrth front brakes Use John Deere“ GL-5 Gear Lubrrcant See Gear Orl or Transmrssron and Hydraulro Orl rn Fuel Lubnoants 7m and Coolant sectron ofthrs Operators Manual. 3 6 Apply prpe sealant wrthTEFLON® , or eourvalent to g threads of drarn/frll plug 59’ 7 Install dram/fill plug and O-rrng. Trghten to § specrfroatrons Specmcatron Hub Wlthoul Brakesicapaclly 3 a L (4 0 qt) Hub Wrth Brakesicapaclly 3 9 L (41 qt) PlugeloeHubiTorque 70 N rn r (52 lb -lt) g 8 Repeat procedure with other wheel hub e John Deere rs a trademark at Deere & Company HyeGaro Is a trademark ofDeeIe & Company TEFLON rs a registered trademark of DuPont Co ‘0844‘9 DDODCCE 135-6 PN:4B4 1500 Hour Service Change MFWD or TLSTM Plus Axle Housing Oil 1. Remove drain plugs (D) from axle houSing and differential houSing 2. install drain plugs after Oil has drained Tighten to speCifications Specification PlugsrtorAxle Housing—Torque 70 N rn (52 lb -lt) 3 Remove fill/check plug (A) 4 Fill axle housing With John Deere” Hy-Gardi’i‘ oil as specified in Transmissmn and Hydraulic Oil in Fuel Lubricants and Coolant section of this Operators Manual Add pil until level is even With bottom of fill/check hole Specilicalion Axle Housingicapacity M 4 L (15 2 qt) 5. Install till/check plug. 6 Start and run tractortprseveral minutes then remove fill/check plug and recheck oil level Add additional Oil as necessary Operate tractor and recheck pil level until level is correct 7 When oil level is correct apply pipe sealant With TEFLON® or equivalent, to threads of fill/check plug (A) 8 Install fill/check plug Tighten to specifications Speclflcatlon AiFIII/Check Plug E—Tie Rod Fill/Che ck Hole Drain Plugs insinman CiTLSW Plus Accumulator {If Equlpped] DiAxle and Dlflerenllal Houslng Draln Plugs PlugslorAxle HousingiTordue 70 N rn (52 lb sit) John Deere is a trademark of Deere 3 Company HyrGard Is a trademark ofDeeIe a Company TEFLON is a registered trademark at DuPont Co ’oaAA'soooomi: '929AU 135-7 PN:4BS 1500 Hour Service Lubricate Draft Link Support Shaft Bushing Use John Deere” SD Polyurea grease or other grease as specified See Fuel Lubricants and Cootant sectron In true Operator’s Manua‘ Apply one or two shots of grease to support shaft grease fittmg (A) Aisuppon Shaft Grease Fitting John Deere Is a trademark er Deere & Company Left S/de Under Rear of Tractor 184410 000003: 135-8 PN:486 1500 Hour Service Inspect Fan Belt and Fan Belt Tensioner NOTE Fan drive belt IS equipped With automatic lensioner which does not require adjustment 1 Pull hood release (A) and raise hood 2 Depress latch buttons (B) to remove right rear side shield. a 3mm 3 Dlsconnect vustromc fan drlve harness connector 4 Release tensron on belt usrng ’l/2 ln. dnve ratchet or breaker bar (C) on belt tensloner (D). '>‘< 5 Remove belt from alternator pulley 6 Release tensuon on oelt tensnoner (D) and remove breaker oar AiHood Release C7112 In. Drlve Breaker Bar B—Lefl Rear Side Shield D—Bell Tensioner Release Tension with Breaker Bar Conhnued on nex‘ ndge ‘oaAAlgooooosr 135-9 PN:4B7 1500 Hour Service 7 Measure 21 mm (13/16 in) from (A) and put mark (B) an mounting bracket 8 Rotate tensmh am With torque wrench uhtii marks (A and B) aiigh together Iftorque wrench measurement is not Within spemfication, replace tensmner mechanism Specification Tension ArmiTorque (8723 N N (1597204 in ii) A—Mark on Tensioner Ann B—Mark on Mounting Brackel Commued on nex‘ ndge Check Tension Specification ‘omi 9 ooooosr 135-10 PN:4BE 1500 Hour Service 9 lnspect fan belt for cracks, damage, my excessive weal Replace lt necessaly ’lO lnstall belt accordlng to tan belt layout dlagram M Relnstall VlSTlOnlC fan dnve harness connector 12 Install right veal swde shleld 13 Close and secure hood 6 8 L Fan Belt Layout 9 O L Fan Belt Layout 135-11 PN:4BQ 1500 Hour Service ‘ Change Front PTO Housing Oil and Filter (If Equipped) IMPORTANT: Normal front PTO service interval is every 1500 hours. However, change oil and replace filter afterfirst 250 hours of tractor use. 1 Remove mi (A) and drain (B) plugs. Install drain plug after all has drained Remove filter (C) Lubricate new filter seal with clean hydraulic oil 01pr Install filter until seal contacts surface. Hand tighten additional t/2 turn NOTE: When temperatures can be expected to drop below .5: C (23“ F). use John Deere’“ Low Viscosity HyeGard'M oil as specified in Use Correct Viscosdy Front PTO Oil In Cold Weather in Fuel, Lubricants and Coolant section of this Operator’s Manual, awn UN an 6 Fill With appropriate John Deere’" l-lyrGard’" as specified in Transmission and Hydraulic Oil or Use Correct Viscosity Front PTO Oil In Cold Weather in Fuel, Lubricants and Coolant section otthis Operator‘s Manual Fill through fill hole (A) until all is even With bottom of hole worms 7. Install fill plug 8 Start tractor and operate front PTO. After a few minutes of operation stop tractor and recheck pil level at fill plug. Add more oil if necessary A—Checleill Plug C—Filler BiDrain Plug John Deere is a trademark or Deere & Company HyrGard IS a trademark of Deere a Company ,CW, ; OOOCCBF 135-12 PN:490 1500 Hour Service Replace Open Crankcase Ventilation Filter (6.8 L Engine Only) NOTE: To determine which engine your tractor is equipped with, see Record Engine Serial Number in identification Numbers section of this Operator’s Manual Pull hood release (A) and raise hood Depress latch buttons (B) and remove right rear side shield Depress latch button (C) and remove right front side shield Remove filter lid (D) Remove open crankcase ventilation filter from inside of filter housing (E). To install new filter, align tabs on new filter With tabs on inside of filter housmg Replace lid and hand tighten Reinstall front and ieai side shields and close and seouie hood AiHood Release DiFlller le Binght Rear Latch Buttons E—Fllter Houslng Cinght Fronl Latch Button Open Crankease Ventilation Filter ’ODAMSOOCCCQO leZSAUC'S 135-13 PN:49i 1500 Hour Service Drain Fuel Tank Sump Drain fitting lS recessed into inboard edge of ngnt fuel tank Open drain tee (A) Drain fuel from tanks until clean fuel appears from tank A—Drain Tee 10441900335 lQZXCAUC'S Replace Fuel Tank Vent Filter Remove tour cap screws (A) and lift off cab back panel Fuel tank vent filter (B) is located under back panel un tractor leftrside side. Remove fuel tank vent filter and install new filter Aicap Screws B—Fuel Tank Venl Filter x’ Remave Fuel Tank Vent Filter *ommooxwe lQZXCAUC'S 135-14 PN:492 1500 Hour Service Replace Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Tank Vent- FT4/Stage IV Engines CAUTION: DEF contains urea. Do not get the substance in eyes. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with large amounts of water for a minimum of 15 minutes. Do not take internally. In event DEF is ingested, contact a physician immediately. Reference Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for additional information. IMPORTANT: To determine with which engine type tractor is equipped, see Record Engine Serial Number in Identification Numbers Section of this Operator’s Manual. Replace filter after first year of operation and every THREE years thereafter. Using incorrect or unapproved aftertreatment components can cause damage to vehicle’s aftertreatment system and reduce ability of aftertreatment system to function correctly. Never interchange aftertreatment components between Interim Tier 4/Stage III B and Final Tier 4IStage IV equipped vehicles. If DEF is spilled or contacts any surface other than the storage tank, immediately clean the surface with clear water. DEF is corrosive to painted and unpainted metallic surfaces and may distort some plastic and rubber components. NOTE Procedure IS Similar for tractors with battery disconnect, 1 Remove cap screws (A) and shield (B). 2 Remove DEF tank vent (C) located above DEF dosing unit. 3. lnstall NEW DEF tank vent 4. Reinstall DEF tank shield (B) and DEF tank shield cap screws (A). Tighten to specification. Specification DEF Tank Shield Cap Screw/siTorque 37 N m (27 lb 41) ‘oaAAig 00:3:9‘ rigracwe'ax ' 135-15 PN:493 2000 Hour Service Perform This and Other Scheduled Services Observe Servme intervals in Maintenance and Servme lntervals Section of this Operator’s Manual fortable listing When scheduled sen/ice at any hourly level is performed mam and subordinate servrce intervals. also perform all subordinate hourly level services See 154419 mm -9 25mm Adjust Engine Valve Clearance - Tier 2/Stage Number in ldentif/‘cation Numbers section of H Engines this Operator's Manual. NOTE TU confirm Wh’Ch engine WW ”30”” ’5 See yourthn Deereil’ dealer for correct engine valve equipped With see Record Engine Serial clearance John Deere l5 a trademark of Deere & Company 902.—\N'3"' 140-1 PN:494 3000 Hour Service Perform This and Other Scheduled Services Observe Servme intervals in Maintenance and Servme lntervals Section of this Operator’s Manual fortable listing When scheduled sen/ice at any hourly level is performed mam and subordinate servrce intervals. also perform all subordinate hourly level services See 154419 mm -9 25mm Adjust Engine Valve Clearance—FT4/Stage Number in ldentif/‘cation Numbers section of N Engines this Operator's Manual. NOTE TU confirm Wh’Ch engine WW ”30”” ’5 See yourthn Deereil’ dealer for correct engine valve equipped With see Record Engine Serial clearance John Deere l5 a trademark of Deere & Company 142'1 PN:495 4500 Hour Service Perform This and Other Scheduled Services Observe Servrce intervals in Maintenance and Servrce lntervals Section of thrs Operator’s Manual fortable listing When scheduled sen/ice at any hourly level rs performed mam and subordinate servrce intervals. also perform all subordinate hourly level services See 154419 300211 ' 9 mum Replace Transmission Drive Shaft Damper See your John Deere”’ dealertd replace transmrssrdn drive shaft damper. John Deere IS a trademark afDeeIE & Company Rxems mom '932,—\N'3'r' 145-1 PN:496 4500 Hour Service Access Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Dosing Unit and Tank Vent Filters - FT4/Stage IV Engines 1 Remove cap screws (A) and shield (B). 2 Diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) dosmg unit filter (C) is located on bottom of dosing unit 3 DEF tank vent filter (D) rs located Just above dosing unit 4. Install ln reverse order Trghtenlo specrficatron Speclllcatlon smerd Cap Screw/siTurque 37 N rn M (27 lb rlt) z; Aishleld Cap Screws (7 used) CinEF Doslng Unlt Filter ‘f E—Shleld D—DEF Tank Vent Flller I ;; ‘CfiM‘Q 0003: 145-2 PN:497 4500 Hour Service Changing Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Dosing Unit Filter ACAUTION: Avoid contact with eyes. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes With large amounts of waterfor a minimum of 15 minutes. Reference the Materials Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for additional information. IMPORTANT: If DEF is spilled or contacts any surface other than the storage tank, immediately clean the surface with clear water. DEF is corrosive to painted and unpainted metallic surfaces and can distort some plastic and rubber components. Spilled DEF, if left to dry or if only wiped away with a cloth, leaves a white residue. Improperly cleaned DEF spill can interfere with diagnosis of Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) system leakage problems. NOTE SerViCing DEF dosmg unit filter may require remowng additional covers or components See Access DEF Dosrng Unit for location Information Remove DEF dosing unit filter cover (A). 2 Remove and discard DEF dosmg unit filter equaliZing element (B) 3 Insert Black" end of DEF dosing unit filtertool (C) into DEF dosing unit filter (D) until CLICK is felt or heard indicating DEF dosing unit filtertool is fully engaged NOTE: A too/ sucri as a screwdriver can be inserted into DEF dosirig uriit fi/ter tool s/ot to assist removal, 4 Pull DEF dosmg unit filtertool and DEF doSing unit filter from DEF dosmg unit Discard DEF dosmg unit filter and DEF dosmg unit filtertool ® §\//\© © DEF Dosing Unit Filter A—DEF Dosing Unit Filter Cover E—DEF Dosing Unit Filter Equalizing Element CiDEF Dosing Unlt Filter Tool D—DEF Dosing Unii Filter 5. Clean DEF dosmg unit threads and mating surfaces With distilled water 6 Lubricate new DEF filter Orrings with clean engine oil Carefully insert DEF dosmg unit filter into DEF dosmg unit. . install new DEF dosmg unit filter equaliZing element into DEF dosing unit filter Install DEF dosing unit filter cover and tighten to speCifications Specification DEF Dosing Uriil Filler CoveriTorque 23 N in (204 lb Vin) r LT iQV'ZJUL'Sr'” 145-3 PN:49E 5000 Hour Service Perform Service And All Subordinate Observe Service Intervals in Maintenance and Servrce Services Intervals Section ofthls Operator’s Manual fortable listing _ _ main and subordinate servrce tasks When scheduled servrce at any hourly level Is performed also perform all subordinate hourly level services See Replace Engine Crankshaft Damper See your John Deere“ dealertd replace engine torsional crankshaft damper. John Deere /s a trademark ofDeere & Company 148'1 PN:499 6000 Hour Service Perform This and Other Scheduled Services When scheduled sen/ice at any nourly level is performed also perform all subordinate hourly level services See Observe SerVice intervals in Maintenance and SerVice intervals Section of this Operator’s Manual fortaole listing main and subordinate serVice intervals. 154m ::oo2ii '9 mum Drain, Flush, and Refill Cooling System - 6.8 L Engine See your John Deere”’ dealer to drain flush and refill cooling system John Deere is a trademark of Deere & Company ’CmAieoo: 3 remap-a ‘- Drain, Flush, and Refill Cooling System - 9.0 L Engine See your John Deere“ dealerto drain, flush and refill cooling system John Deere IS a trademark or Deere & Company 70844190 '37' 150-1 PN:SOD
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