Deere and RE338096 Multi-Functional Controller, Integrated Premium Server User Manual Part 4
Deere & Company Multi-Functional Controller, Integrated Premium Server Part 4
User Manual Part 4
CommandCenteI'l" Use Video Display Capability Properly Avoid Backover Accidents ACAUTION: Before moving machine, be sure that all persons are clear of machine path. Give audible warning by sounding horn. Turn around and look directly for best visibility. Use mirrors 3 to assist in checking all around machine. Keep windows and mirrors clean, adjusted, and in good — condition. Use a signal person when backing it view is obstructed or when in close quarters. % Do not rely on a camera to determine if personnel or obstacles are behind the machine. The system can be limited by many factors including maintenance practices, emnronmental conditions, and operating range. inninm’ Avoid Backover Accidents IMPORTANT: Avoid damage to equipment. Correctly understand whether the camera is "mirrored” and whether the Video application is mirrored. ACAUTION: Do not rely on a camera for collision avoidance or bystander detection. To avaid possible injury or death to operator or others, always remain alert and aware of surroundings when operating the machine. Read and understand AVOID BACKOVER ACCIDENTS in this section. 0 Mount camera in a sturdy and secure location. - Understand camera’s field of view. - Keep camera properly serviced. ' Keep camera lens clean. 16-44 PN:10i CommandCenterm Installing Video Display Camera IMPORTANT: Avoid damaging camera by mounting camera securely to equipment and in location where camera will not be pinched, crushed, kicked, or knocked off. NOTE: Camera placement is limited to video camera cable length for camera. Consider camera field of view when selecting location, Tractors equipped With 4100 processor Will have one camera input connector and 4600 processor will have tour camera input connectors. erini 0‘07: 1 Tractors are equipped With one or four, 47pm video connector(s) to attach camera(s). Remove rear cab panel cap screws (A) Remove cab rear panel (B) to access each marked Video camera connector(s) (C, D E or F) Chart shows connector pin/function Information Pin Number Funclion 2‘ 1 Power ‘ 2 Ground L_ 3 Signal 5“ 4 SignaliGround 2 Connect cairiera cable into 4-pin connectors, route cable and mount cairiera at desrreo location 3 lnstall rear panel on cab and tighten screws NOTE: Proceed to Video Application Settings and Editing Triggers in this Operator’s Manual section to select camera settings Aicap Screws D7VIdeo 2 Connector BiRear panel Eivmeo 3 Conneclor in C—Vldeu1Connectur F—Vldeo 4 Cunneclur Video Connectors Location (Equipped with 4600 Processor) mm '9 serum 16-45 PN:lO2 CommandCenteI'l" Three-Camera Video Connectors with Ethernet Cable (If Equipped) GreenStarTl‘ (G83) 2630 Display can supportthree Video inputs for additional vrsrblllty when operating tractor NOTE: These video inputs are in addition to the Generation 4 CommandCenterW Display and display harnesses are avai/able from your John Deere W dealer. Attach a dual monitor display to connector (8) This connector is only available With the 4600 Server The back of 2630 Display can be also connected to GreenStarTl‘ connector (D) or Ethernet connector (A). The Ethernet cable (A) With GSS 2630 Display allows remote access for dealer, With customer approval to View operator (383 2630 Display ® © The lSO M786 connector (0) l5 used to connect to third-party control unit iix :xlmtnan AiEthernet Connector Cilso 11786 Standard Integrated video Harness .vi‘tn Etnernet Cab/E BiMonltor Display Connector Connector (Available With 4600 Server) DiGreenStarW Connector Greenstar is a trademark or Deere a Company Krm2oaoo:::75 iocesee-a 2714“le Navigate to Video Application Settings 1 Select Menu. \ DD 2 SelectApplicationstab. an —> WW! —> MENU 3 Select Video icon. Menu rApp/loatlans Tab rl/ldea/Coh AiRear Camera button E7Vldeo Display Screen Bilnput 2 button F7 Brightness Adiustment Bar Cilnput 3 button G—error Image butlun D—Input 4 button :2'3 UN :25 Example Vldeu Display Screen KTD12030033376 re use": 16-46 PN:103 CommandCenteIm Video Application The Video application is used to observe areas around the machine that are difficult to see from the operators station Only one VICIEO can be Viewed at a time 4500 processor can support up to four camera inputs while 4100 processor can support only one camera input For more information about the different types of displays see Display introduction section Navigate to Video ’l Select Menu pc'sm iiN laws/i3 Eli 2. Select Application tab 3 Select Video application. Switching Cameras lf more than one camera is connected choose between Video inputs by selecting different camera numbers Contrast Adjust video contrast using plus (+) and minus (,) buttons Brighten video by selecting the plus button and darken Video by selecting minus button Mirror Video Select Nlirror Video button to simulate a rear view mirror This swaps lefl and right Sides of video image. IMPORTANT: Important: Determine if camera image is mirrored before usmg Video application. ' iuNilGVlWlS ® Aicamera Icon C—Conlras! Icon B—Mirror Icon Video Triggers Video can be displayed when certain machine functions are performed (For example Reversing PTO engage) 1. Select Edit Triggers to configure settings 2 Select a trigger 3 Select camera input for the current trigger This cairieia is displayed when trigger is activated NOTE To prevent Video from displaying for a trigger, select No Camera 4 Enter Video Timeout length This is the amount of time video is shown after the trigger is activated ' .9Jut'3x' 16-47 PN:lO4 Operating the Radio Using Premium Radio Radio faceplate is made up of different buttons, knobs, and swrtches that allow operator easier access to various audio functions ® A—ON/OFF Button: Press and hold for 2 seconds to turn radio On or Off Press briefly during operation to mute radio B—Volume Control Knob: Turn clockwise to increase and counterclockwrse to decrease volume C—BND Button: Press briefly to select memory level or wave band. D—CD Eject Button: Press to eject CD E—Display: Shows current channel or frequency selected F—Menu Button: Access menu for basic settings. G—Multi-function Rocker Switch: Use to naVIgate within display and sWitch functions. Press left or right to seek up or down to next available station. Press up or down to manually tune frequency, change category when using XM and browse folders when using MP3, CD. or USB H—AUD Button: Press briefly to access audio menu to adjust bass, middle, treble, balance and fade Press and hold to restore factory sound settings (treble and bass for currently used audio source only) Station Buttons 176 can be saved as presets Press and hold to save currentstation (beep Will sound) Press again to bring radio back to saved station Each station button also has specialized functions as described below. l—Station Button 6: When CD MP3, or USB is in use, press to swrtch between display of elapsed and remaining playing time of current track Continued on next page © ®®©®®®® Radio Wim CD Player J—Station Button SISCRL: When CD, MP3, or USB is in use, press to turn scrolling track information on display On or Off. K—Station Button 4ISCAN: When CD, MP3, or USB is in use press to play all tracks for approximately 10 seconds each until pressed again L—Station Button SIMIX: When CD is in use, press to play songs at random until pressed again When MP3 or USB is in use, press to play songs in current playlist at random. Press again to play all songs at random Press a third time to turn off. M—Station Button 2/RPT: When CD is in use press to repeat current track until pressed again When MP3 or USB is in use, press to repeat track Press again to repeat all tracks in current playlist Press a third time to turn off. N—Station Button “Play or Pause Button: When CD, MP3, or USB is in use, press to pause current track. Press again to play. O—TA Button: Press to switch from user/audio menus to current source, exit radio scan functions, turn priority fortraffic announcements On or Off, and cancel traffic announcement while in process (Europe only). When USB in use, press and hold to activate playlist mode. P—SRC Button: Source selection between radio and AUX (also CD USB, and XM depending on model) provided medium is inserted or device is connected and turned On . MO 330008471949" 17-1 PN:105 Operating the Radio NOTE: Play/ist must be created on computer and saved as * m3u or *pls External Sources—Using Premium Radio External audio sources can be connected using convenience port located on rightrhand console/storage tray Sources can also be connected using Bluetooth® functions Use ports to charge certain external audio sources Examples of external audio sources include portable CD player MiniDisc player, or MP3 player. NOTE Some external audio sources, such as smart phones and tablets, are not supported and could shut down system Activate AUX Input NOTE External audio source can only be selected it audio device is connected to extemalAUXinput Connect external audio source using Auxiliary lnput (A) and press SRC button several times until AUX is displayed on radio Adjust AUX Input Volume Volume for connected external audio source can be adyusted using radio volume knob after input is selected as audio source using SRC button 1 Press SRC button several times until installed audio source is displayed 2. Press MENU button GAlN and current setting is displayed 3 Turn volume control knob counterclockWIse oi clocKWise to adjust value from -9 to +9 4 Press the MENU button several times to exit the menu Set Up BI uetooth® Followmg steps must be performed before Bluetooth® can be used NOTE: Bluetooth® connection only relevant to cell phones/external audio sources which are Bluetooth® enabled 1 Enable Bluetooth® oii deVice 2 Press MENU button until BT MODE displays. 3 Wait 2 seconds until BT ON or BT OFF Turn volume control knob clockWIse oi counterclockWIse to turn Bluetootri is a trademark or Bluetootri S/G CommandCenteris a trademark oi‘Deere & Company Auxiliary arid USB input A—Auxiliary Inpul B—USB inpui Bluetooth® on or off May take up to 5 seconds to change 4 Press MENU button until display shows CONVTYPE. Select connection type phone/audio (default) To pair device, press MENU button until BT Pair displays 6 Enter pin proVided into deVice Pairing process may take up to 5 minutes to complete Bluetooth® symbol flashes while pairing takes place As soon as cell phone/external audio source is successfully paired, phone calls and audio streaming can be received and placed via radio system. Phone information (contact information, call history music etc) does not transferto CommandCenterW NOTE: For further instructions on how to pair cell phone/audio source, select source for connection, and transfer data, see Phone Settings on the CommandCenterT'r’ in this section of this Operator’s Manual. ‘oaAAigou rigrcescrax : 17-2 PN:106 Operating the Radio RXM‘HZT'R tfiJlllt3 Radio Source Select—On Generation 4 CommandCenterTM To access the audto main page, use the shortcut button or follow alternattve path NOTE: Selecting audio source will not turn radio ON Tum radio ON by pressing ON/OFF button on radio faceplate Generatton 4 Audto Shortcut Button RXAOtiS 1 Select Menu. EM 2 Select Tractor Settings tab. , DD 3 Select Audio man. an _> Tractor sgfllngg \_} . Use source select tabs tn audto page to access dttferent "9‘" / audto sources When radto ts ON audio page navtgates M . enu a Tractor Setttn s Tab ~> Audtc icon to current sources home page When radio ts OFF 9 content blockerwtll be displayed @ @ A—FM, AM, and Weather Tab n—use Tab [Premium Radio : A a Been/MP3 Tab [Premium Only) Radlo Only) Eifiluetooth® Audio Tab c—XM Tab [Premlum Radio [Premlum Radio Only) Only) F—Auxlllary Tab © 3“ USB ® Source Select Tabs * llN AM, FM, Weather Channel Home Page NOTE: Refer to Radio Source Selection Generation 4 CommandCenterW page, in this section of this Operator‘s Manual to learn how to navigate to AM, FM, Weather Channel home page A—Display Area: Displays current radto acttvtty/tnforrnation B—Manually Tune Fonivard/Back: Use left or right button to manually tune tn destred statton. Each ttrrte button ts pressed, radio frequency increases or decreases by standard increment. AM FM Weather Channel Horne Page C—Nexthrevtous Station: Select to seek next available 513W)” before or after GUNS”! 513m”- AM presets press preset for 3 seconds while on desned station, until beep" sounds Ftve presets are D—Scan button: Select to cycle through available pre-prograrrted into VVX bank and cannot be changed stattons Each statton broadcasts for 5 seconds before movtng to next statton. Cycle wtll end tt returns to ortginal G—Volume Adjustment: Adyust volume statton or by selecttng button agatn. E—AMIFMlWeather Button Bar: Cycle through channel presets using toggle bar (FMt FM2, AM, \NX) F—Presets: Stx presets cart be programmed to FNl’l, Flt/l2, and AM banks To change FM’t FMZ, and CommandCertterts a trademark ofDeere & Company H—Mute: Silence sound 17-3 PN:to7 Operating the Radio ‘ NOTE: Refer to Radio Source Selection Generation 4 CommandCenter'“ page in this section of this Operator’s Manual, to learn how to nawgate to CD home page Premium Radio CD Home Page (If Equipped) a o o @i‘ on mm. m > 000105 a n A—Display Area: Displays current CD activity/informer tion B—Next/Previous Track: Select to skip back to beginning of Current track or ahead to beginning of next track. C—PlaylPause: Play or pause track D—Volume Control: Adjust volume E—Mute: Silence sound CommandCeriteris a trademark ofDeere & Company Premium Radio XM Home Page (If Equipped) NOTE: Refer to Radio Source Select—On Generation 4 CommandCenterT'i’ page, in this section of this Operator’s Manual, to learn how to nawgate to XM home page a 7“ UN"; A—Display Area: Displays XM radio activity/information. B—Next/Previous Station: Select to seek next available station before or after current station C—(CAT) Category Mode:Select to launch category search mode. Scroll up or down through categories and select station Within category XM Hume Page D—Direct Tune: Select to type desired channel With keypad G—Volume Adjustment: Adjust volume E—XM Channel Bank: Toggle through banks using H—Mute: Silence sound buttons (XM’l XMZ, XMB) F—Presets: Six presets can be programmed per bank. To set press and hold desired preset for at least three seconds CommandCenteris a trademark ofDeere a Company ‘omigoo ai9aCCSE3‘3a‘ ' 17-4 PN:iOE Operating the Radio Premium Radio USB Home Page (If Equipped) NOTE: Refer to Radio Source Selection Generation 4 CommandCenter’“ page: in this section of this Operator‘s Manual, to learn how to nawgate to USB home page A—Display Area: Displays current USB actiVity/information B—Next/Previous Track: Select to skip backto beginning of Current track or ahead to beginning of next track C—Play/Pause: Play or pause track D—Volume Controls: Adjust volume E—Mute: Silence sound CommandCeriteris a trademark ofDeere & Company I! Audio 0 0 use Home Page ‘oeAAig cooooae escape" Premium Radio Bluetooth® Home Page (If Equipped) NOTE: Refer to Radio Source Selection Generation 4 CommandCenter” page, in this section of this Operator’s Manual, to learn how to navigate to Bluetooth® home page. Connect Bluetobth® enabled device to play stored music Radio system is equipped with Bluetooth®, which allows data transfer between radio system and paired close-range Bluetooth® dewce such as cell phone Music stored on dewce does not transferto CommandCenterW A—Display Area: Displays current Bluetooth® actIVity/infbrmatibn. B—NexllPreVIous Track: Select to skip back to beginning or ahead to beginning of next track. C—Play/Pause: Play oi pause track CommandCeriteris a trademark ofDeere E Company Bluetooth is a trademark eteideteem SIG Audit: 0 o Bluetootri® Home Page D—Volume Adjustment: Adiust volume E—Mute: Silence sound ’ODAMQ :ooooaa .. * 17-5 PN:iOs Operating the Radio Auxiliary Home Page NOTE Refer to Radio Source Select—On Generation 4 CommandCenter” page, In this section of this Operator’s Manual, to learn how to navigate to Auxiliary home page, Connect external audro source to listen to stored musrc (see External SourcesiUsing Premlurn Radlo page of this sectlon ofthls Operators Manual). A—Display Area: Drsplays current auxiliary actrvrty/lnforrnatlon. B—Volume Adjustment: Adjust volume C—Mute: Silence sound CommendCenterrs a trademark ofDeere & Company B Audio 0 0 3mm? mm mm' Auxiliary Home Page seam; oo re C5593 Operating Phone NOTE: Bluetooth® enabled device must be paired before using Phone application For more information about pairing dewces see Pairing Bluetooth® Deviceion Generation 4 CommandCenterW in this section of this Operator’s Manual 1 Select Menu. 2 Select Tractor Settings tab. 3 Select Phone icon. NOTE: Phone options AaE are not available during call: so use cell phone if anothernumberls needed Phone controls on this page are disabled while phone is syncing phone book with radio. A—lnput Box: Area to Input phone number B—Backspace button: Cancel typed digit Press and hold to cancel multrple drgits C—Dial pad: Enter phone number using number buttons D—Favontes button: Vrew/edit tavorrtes contacts E—Recent button: Revrew prevrous mrssed calls Incomlng calls or outgolng calls F—Volume Control: Adlust volume G—Mute button: Nlutes microphone. H—Battery Icon: Displays battery life l—Signal Icon: Drsplays current phone signal strength J—Bluetooth® Icon: lf blue, Bluetooth® device ls connected lt grayed out, Bluetooth® devrce IS not connected Bluetooth is a trademark of Bluetooth SIG CommandCenteHs a trademark ofDeere a Company RXLn Hamil 13 Generation 4 Phone Shortcut Button monssmfix «seem . : an . \ an —> TncterSettmgn /—} MENU Menu 4. Tractor Settings Tab 4. Phone icon ® ,7,— Phone Home Page K—Call button: After dialing or selectrng number, press to begin call. 10441900me masses"; 17-6 PN:MD Operating the Radio Phone Book Select Menu. Select Tractor Settings tab. Select Phone Icon. Select Favorites button. J‘WN‘ NOTE New contacts from phone must be added and edited manually on display Phone book from phone does not transfer to display Maximum number of phone numbers that can be stored in CommandCenterW is 30 Maximum number of characters in phone number is 20 A—Favorite List: Llst of avallable contacts B—Add Favorite button: Select to add Contact manually C—Edit Favorite button: Select to edit current contact D—Delete button: Select to delete contact from favorites E—Call button: Select to call selected contact F—Scroll Bar: Select to scroll up or down G—Edit Favorite First Name: Select to edit first name H—Edit Favorite Last Name: Select to edit last name. l—Edit Favorite Phone Number: Select to edit phone number J—Mobile Phone Button: Select to list contact information under moblle phone K—Home Phone Button: Select to list contact information under home phone L—Work Phone Button: Select to llst contact information under work phone M—Delete Favorite button: Select to delete contact CommandCenteris a trademark ofDeere it Company ~. 11.. 1,, _ aim... ail—pun... Menu a Tractor Settings Tab a Phone icon 4. Favorites button mum a W I I mm “A F’none Favorites Page Edit Favorlte 0G) ©u" Number .15555552252 Em Favorite Page N—Cancel button: Select to cancel edits 0— Save button: Select to save eoits ‘omlo comm: ' 7“ UN"; ’3 17-7 PN:lll Operating the Radio ‘ Recent Calls mm a UN n-nm At Recent page operator can review prevxous mxssed g: caHs, mcommg caHs m outgomg cans '“ 1 Se‘ect Menu. Menu a Tractor Sem‘ngs Tab a Pnane [can a Recent burmn 2. Se‘ect Tractor Settings tab. 3 Se‘ect Phone icon. 4 Se‘ect Recent button. I "mu... 00 A; AiRecenl Calls Contact Llsl D—Delele Eulton Bismoll Bars E—Call Butlon C—Add to Favonles Eulton W k 27773.”:xm m. | . .w W W N We'fi"mw Recent Cal/s Page raw; 000m; '9 35593 17-8 PN:M2 Operating the Radio Pairing Bluetooth® Device—On Generation 4 CommandCenterTM Radio system is equipped with integrated Bluetooth® which allows data transfer between radio system and paired close-range Bluetooth® deVIce such as cell phone NOTE Make sure dewce’s Bluetooth® ability is enabled when trying to pair dewce to radio Blueloolh® feature Not ALL dewces are able to use radio’s B/uetooth® feature Select Menu . Select Tractor Settings tab. Select Phone Icon. Select Pair Device button (A). Use Bluetooth® menu on deVioe to locate and start pairing process Wait until connection is established With deVice 6 When provided, enter pairing code displayed in Pairing Code box (B) into device Pairing process will begin immediately UiJébJM—k Once cell phone is connected successfully, Paired with [Device Name] is displayed Up to 5 deVice pairings can be stored in radio‘s Bluetooth® feature When phone is first paired With radios Bluetooth® feature radio sends deVice synchronization request. If request is accepted, phone book is synchronized If not accepted, phone book feature is disabled To later ie-syncronize radio and deVice’s phone book, turn cellphone Off and back On A—Palr DEVICE button B—Palrlng Code Box Eluetootn is a trademark of Eluetootn SIG Continued on next page ’CnAL'Q ooo RX/~ni7§7.'/. UN ES Amm \li—b ‘. Menu 4. Tractor Settings Tab 4. F’none icon 5.00 My“, :1) 1 2 AK ‘ 3 w Amnomt-nmw and 4m 5... [Gem hwnwur'lwxm Mn: ovum m» Pair Device Page Phone | Device Pairing 09 9 g lnklnlng ln pruyes... Pleasewail Mlle a connecllon is eflabllshed wllh your Biueluom firms. Device Pairing Page Phone I nuke Pairing 00 g hiring Code: xxxx mu the code prwlded "no your sake. Iyemelinme me me man; pnxess Mil begin lmmedillei)‘ Pairing Code Page III 4-) a 7“ UN"; '2 RXr‘ini’! . ieoe P13 1‘2 17-9 PN:ii3 Operating the Radio Cell Phone Signal/Battery Strength Five Phone Signal Strength bars (F) indicate maximum ceil phone Slgnai strength. Four Phone Battery Charge bars (K) indicate maximum ceil phone battery charge AiNo Signal GiNo Battery Charge 575720 Percent Signal H75725 Percent Battery Strength cnarge (2—25—40 Percent Signal I7 30750 Percent Battery Strength Charge D745770 Percent Signal J755780 Percent Battery Strenglh cnarge 5775790 Percent Signal K—85—1UI) Percent Battery Strength Charge F7100 Percent signal Strength Battery Paws-I Displays ‘OBAM 9 0000093 719 17-10 PN:ll4 Light Identification arm m UN new A7 Road Lights [High Beam) F— Beliline Lighis K7 RearSIde Roof nghts P— Amber Lens 5— Road nghts [Law Beam] G— From Inner Roof nghts L— Rear Outer Roof lndlcaior 07 Red Lens of omer Hood Lights H7 Front Outer Roof Indicator Lights (Amber) R7 Extremity Indicaior Lights n— Inner Hood Lights Lights (Amber) M— Rear Inner Rom Lights E7 Loader/Road Lights (Low I7 Front Side Roof Lights N7 Rear Fender Lights and High Beam] J7 Rotary Beacon nghls [If 0— Rear Fender Tall/Erake/Indir Equlpped) calm Lrgms Ali I) hts are same for ieft and ri ht side oftractor g 9 Lights are configured on CommandCenterW iight White lights are any extehortractor iights that do not have page (See Configurabie Lights in this section ofthis coiored )enses/nulbs. Operator’s Manual) CammandCents-Iis a trademark ufDee/e 5 Company RJA‘azzuux'rm )9 'DJUL'BV'” 20'1 PN:MS Lights Configurable Lights ACAUTION: Avoid injury or death caused by accidental collision With another vehicle. Always comply with traffic regulations when driving tractor on a road. Dim Road Lights to low-beam for oncoming vehicles. Av0id using Field Light position which could blind or confuse other drivers. Promptly replace or repair damaged or lost lighting devices. See your John Deerew dealer. To access Lights page use shortcut buttons or follow alternative path: 1 Select Menu 2 Select Tractor Settings tab. 3. Select Lights Icon. When Lights page is displayed, operator can select left side tabs (AVF). NOTE Lights page Will temporarily show when selector knob transitions from OFF position to the road lights or field lights posmon 0 A— Field 1 Low Beam 0 3— Field 2 Low Beam 0 (3— Field 1 High Beam - D—Field 2 High Beam ' E— Exit Lighting 0 F— Hood/Beltline Light Following buttons can be used by operator to configure lights - G—Linked Lights: Lights linked or paired togetherthat can be unlinked - H—Unlinked Lights: Unlinked light pairthat can be linked - l—Paired Lights: Light pairthat is always linked - J—Exit Light Timeout: Allows operator to select how long selected lights remain ON afler light selector knob is turned to OFF position - K—Link/Unlink: Press toggle to link and unlink lights on all pages - L—Hood/Loader Road Light Toggle: Press to toggle road lights between hood and loader lights position - M—lmplement Lights: Press to activate implement lights Implement light button only available if there aie Johri Deere is a trademark of Deere & Company CommandCerite/is a trademark eroeere & Company RXH‘HZT" iaiiiiia Generation A Configurable Lights Shortcut Button i7.\405:E3'3 33 —-> fimovsflflngl [—i ”9 um I Menu i Tractor Settings Tab @l“)! > Lights lcori 4;! @/ Q“ CorrlrrlaridCeriterW Light Controls no tenderwork lights ifthere aie fender work lights implement lights Will be controlled by implement lights button. ’ODAMSOOCCCQS i9 cssgm 20-2 PN:116 Lights Steering Column Light Controls CAUTION: Avoi njury or death caused by accidental colli5ion With another vehicle. Always comply with traffic regulations when driving tractor on a road. Dim Road Lights to low-beam for oncoming vehicles. Avoid usmg Field Light position which could blind or confuse other drivers. Promptly replace or repair damaged or lost lighting deVIces. See your John DeereTM dealer. Control lights by using Selector Knob (A) on the steering column Display indicates lighting mode selected (B-E) I A—Selector Knob: Turn knob to OFF parking lights, road lights, or field lights position. I B—OFF Position: Use selector knob to turn lights OFF - C—Parking Lights Posnion: Use selector knob to turn ON parking lights John Deere IS a trademark er Deere a Company fl l Steering Cali/Inn Light 3mm - D—Road Lights Position: Use selector knob to turn road lights ON - E—Field Lights Position: Use selector knob to turn field lights ON 20-3 PN:ll7 Lights Exit Lights RX/.nt7‘§7fi llN 72mm Programming exit lighting allows operatorto select which lights Will remain on and for how long they Will remain on after light selector knob is turned to OFF position Field exit lighting is all lights chosen on exit lighting page and Will be activated tortime selected for the Exit Timeout Field exit lighting will be enabled when light switch has been in “Field" position for at least to seconds during the current key sWitch cycle Field exit lighting Will then be activated when light 5Witch and key sWitch are turned off The order which light sWitch and key sWitch are turned off do not matter Road exit lighting is all lights chosen on exit lighting page and Will be activated tortime selected for Exit Timeout Road exit lighting Will be enabled when light switch has been in Road" position for at least 10 seconds during current key sWitch cycle Roadexit lighting Will then be activated when light 5Witch and key sWitch aie turned off. The orderwhich the light switch and key switch are turned off do not matter. Li his Pa 9 Exit Li his Select Menu. 9 9 l 9 ) Select Tractor Settings tab Select Lighting Icon - - Select EXI lghting iah 5“” Em “mm 0 Select desired lights and deselect unwanted lights Use Link/Unlink Toggle (C) it operatorWishes to select a set (linked) oi only selectthe right oi left light in a set (unlinked) where applicable Lights E-L are always grouped Without option to select only right or left light Select Exit Light Timeout button (H). When options appear select desired time intervals (N) before lights automatically turn OFF and select OK button (Q) mbpnvfi xio NOTE: Not all possible lights for programmable exit lighting are shown. Lights available are E dependent on tractor configuration 5. AiFront Slde Rool buiion J7 Inner Hood button . E—Rear inner Roar butlon K—Road nght ngh Beam 5 CiLlnklUnllnk Toggle bulton f DiRear side Roof hulton Liouter Hood ouiiori ._ E—Rear Fender butlon M—Fronl inner Rool buflon E F— Loader/Road nghls (Low N—Tlme Selection Interval Lisi and ngh Beams) 075cm” Bar EX” ”"5 5mm" G—Eelt Line butlon Picancel human HiEXII nght Tlmeout button 070K button I— Road Lignl Low Beam button [30094 is 'oiut'ari' 20-4 PN:ME Lights Operating Turn Signals and High/Low Beam A—Turn Signal Lever CAUTION: Prevent collisions between other road users, slow moving tractors with attachments or towed equipment, and self-propelled machines on public roads. Frequently check for traffic from rear, especially in turns, and use turn signal lights. Use headlights and turn signals day and night. Follow local regulations for equipment lighting and marking. Keep lighting and marking visible, clean, and in good working order. Replace or repair lighting and marking that has been damaged or lost. See your John DeereTMdealer. NOTE When turn Signal is activated, a short audible chirping sound will be heard John Deere IS a trademark ofDeeIe & Company m 4UN42905“ 2 axis Turn Signals: Push turn signal lever (A) up for right turn or pull down for left turn Audible chirping sound will start. Return leverto center position after completing turn chirping sound Will stop when lever is returned to position High/Low Beam: Push lever (A) forward to activate high beam headlights, high beam indicator comes on Full lever into center position to operate low beam Pull lever rearward and release to momentarily activate high beams Dim road lights to low beam for oncoming vehicles ‘CEAA‘QDCCDDQS i9 ‘DJUL‘fir‘ ' 20-5 PN:MQ Lights ‘ Safety Lights and Devices ACAUTION: Avoid injury or death caused by collismn With another vehicle. While operating tractor on public roadways oi highways, day or night' - Turn on flashing warning lights, exceptwhere prohibited by law - Turn on headlights by selecting the Road Lights Position of the Light Selector Knob - Dim headlights for oncoming vehicles. - Frequently check for traffic approaching from rear - Always use turn Signals when turning - DO NOT use the Field Light PoSition of the Light Selector Knob Extremely bright lights may blind or confuse other drivers - Make sure Slow MoVing Vehicle (SMV) emblem is installed and Visible. - Make suie all lighting and marking dewces are functional and clean - Comply With all traffic regulations - Promptly replace or repair damaged or lost lighting devices. implement lighting kit is available from your John Deere” dealer John Deere is a trademark etoeeie & Company ’CDAL'QOCCOOQG is 'OJUL'S CommandARMTM Light Buttons Operator can control beacon, hazard, and field lights from the Command/ARM” ratherthan from display scieeiis When lights are on an LED light Will be lit up When off, the LED lightWill be dark Field Lights button has two LED lights, one for Field Lights 1 and another for Field Lights 2 Appropriate LED light Will be lit up When selected A—Eeacon Lights CiFIeld Lights 1 and Fleld B—Hazard nghts Lights 2 Toggle Button CommandARM is a trademark of Deere & Company nni in, ‘mlll '3“ 20-6 PN:iZo Lights Hazard Lights and Extremity Warning Lights F\\\ .. (1 :nr'ms Rxnnnasw Use Safety Lights and Devices CAUTION: To prevent possible personal injury, always operate flashing lights when traveling on highway or public roads, except where prohibited by law. Extremity Warning Lights (D) are needed when tractor width exceeds 3.7 m (12 ft). Always use road lights and transport warning lights when operating tractor on road or highway day or night. Extremity Transport Lights alert other vehi es of your extended width. Use flashing warning lights and turn signals day and night. Follow local laws and regulations for equipment lighting and marking. Push Hazard Buttdn(A) to activate flashing amber hazard lights (B C,D,E, and F) NOTE: Depending on region and installed equipment not al/ lights (B,C.D,E and F) Will be availab/e as indicator lights when Hazard Switch is activated IMPORTANT: To avoid damage, extremity lights may be retracted when parking tractor in storage building. Extremity Warning Lights operate With Hazard Light Button ON Adjust Extremity Warning Lights no more than 400 mm (16 in) from Widest point of tractor '3l.’—\V' 3 R‘XA3132436 4; ab Amber Lights A—Hazard Light Button B—Front Ouler R001 Indlcalur D—Extremily Warning Lights EgRear Fender Indicator Lights Lights Equipped with CiRear Outer Root indicator Amber Lens Lights F~ Eellline Indicator Lights ‘oewg 3300097 rtgrtZJUN‘fir‘ ' 20-7 PN:12i Lights Rotaw Beacon Light (If Equipped) NOTE: If Rotary Beacon Light is not insta/Ied and the Rotary Beacon Switch is activated, a Rotary Beacon DTC Will be generated Push Rotary Beacon Swttch (A) to activate the Rotary Beacon Light (8) When Rotary Beacon Light is not being used: 0 Loosen nut (C) and remove tight assembiy 0 instali rubber protective cap (D) on connector AiRotary Beacon Swltch CiNut BiRotary Beacon Light DiProtecuve Cap '>‘< .L warm/tax. ’CDAL'QOCCOOQD 1; 'OJUL'S 20-8 PN:1Z2 Lights 7-Pin Outlet 7-Prn outlet (A) rs used to connect lrghts, turn signals and remote electrrcal eourornent on trarlers or rrnolernents Tractors equrpped wrth front hrtch have a 77Prn outlet (A) located on front of tractor Always use auxrlrary lrght on towed Implement when tractor srgnals and other lrgnts are obscured If extra rrnolernent lights and controls such as switches '2 are needed, contact your John Deere”’ dealer Your ® dealer can provrde rnformatron on methods to tre in lrght @ swrtcnes wrtn accessory wrres locateo rn 7-Prn outlet on (9 ® (3 DECK 0f tractor ® NOTE Matchrng 7-Prn plug rs aver/able through your John Deerel'r’ dealer. . . A—77PIn Outlet B—Oulle! Numbers FunclloneRear Functioneanl Outlet Numbers (B) Cunnecllun Connection 1 Ground Ground 2 Flood (aka lmplement rrded (aka lrrrplerrrerrt Lrghls) Lrghls) 3 ten Turn Srgrral Left Turn Srgnal 4 Brake Lrghls Not Used 5 Rrghl Turn Srgnal Rrghl Turn Srgnal e Tarl Lrght Tarl Lrghl 7 Accessory Not Used Jnhrr Deere re a trademark ofDee/e & Company 20-9 PN:123 Operator Station Avoid Contact with Agricultural Chemicals This enciosed cab does not protect against inhaling vapor aerosoi oroust If pesticide use instructions require respiratory protection, wear appropriate respirator inside cab Before ieaving cab, wear personai protective equipment as required by pestrcrde use instructions When re-entering coo remove protective equipment and store either outside cabin cioseo box or some other type of seaiable container or inside cabin pesticide resistant container such as piastic bag. Ciean your shoes or boots to remove soil or other contaminated particies priorto entering coo 2x ..‘i m a r; ‘oaAAig ooooogA 25-1 PN:i24 Operator Station ‘ Adjust ComfortCommandTM Seat A—Backrest Tilt Handle - Allows seat back to trlt B—Flip Up Armrest , Can be fllpped up out of the way C—Helght Adjustment Switch - Turn key to "ON" Press lower portlon of swrtch to lower seat or press upper portion of swrtch to raise seat. D—Armrest Tilt Adjustment Knob - Turn knob to adjust armrest angle E—Fore/Aft Seat Adjustment Handle - Lift up on handle move seat forward or backward press handle back down to lock mto place F—Fore/Aft Isolation Handle - Push lever back, lock rnto place With locking bar Seat Wlll absorb shock Impacts whrle tractor rs m motron Seat won t move fartherthat 25 mm in any directlon G—Lateral Isolation Handle - Push down on handle to unlock lateral seat suspension Pull up on handle to lock seat in position H—Adjustment Damper Handle - Air Suspension seat only Controls amount of bounce operator feels whrle orlvmg Can be adjusted to reduce bounce ln seat l—Seat Swivel Handle , Lifl on handle to allow seat to swrvel Push down on handle to lock seat ln positron. J—Lumbar Adjustment Knob , Turn knob clockwrse to add support to lower back. Turn counterclockwrse to lessen resrstance to lower back K—Arm Rest Adjustment Cap Screws , Loosen cap screws to shoe arm rest up oroown. Retighten cap screws. ‘oaAAlgooooogo V‘QV‘EJUL‘fir‘ ' Adjust Heated Leather Seat (If Equipped) Heated seat provrdes two settrngs for rncreased comfort during cold days Heat IS controlled by swtlch located In left armrest Three settlngs are HlGH (A), LOW (C), and OFF (B). When tractor is shutoff seat also turns off or after one hour of use switch automatrcally turns off To start or restart heat 0 Press swrtch all the way down for HIGH 0 Press swrtch to the mrddle for LOW 0 Press swrtch to top for OFF A—High Setting - Press to activate hrgh heat settrng B—Offr Press to turn heat off. C—Low Setting - Press to actrvate low heat settlng Heated Leather Swltch ’oawe oo 25-2 PN:lZS Operator Station Adjust ActiveSeatTM (If Equipped) ActiveSeatT" has ride zone protection (RZP) a bulilrlfl buffer at high and low end of vertical seat travel resulting in a much smoother ride To receive maximum benefit from ActiveSeat” RZP system, adjust seat to operators height and weight prior to operating tractor. After adjustment, seat automatically moves into protected zone when operator adjusts seat height position to a level at or near vertical seat travel limits A—Back Tilt Handle , Allows seat back to tilt B—Flip Up Armrest , Can be flipped up out of the way C—Height Adjustment Swdch - Tum key to “ON Press lower portion of swnch to lower seat or press upper portion of SWitch to raise seat D—Armrest Tilt Adjustment Knob - Tum knob to adjust armrest angle E—Fore/Aft Seat Adjustment Handle , Lift up handle, move seat forward or backward, press handle back down to lock into place F—Fore/Aft Isolation Handle , Adjust lever to back setting lock into place With locking lever Seat Will absorb shock impacts while tractor is in motion Seat won‘t move fartherthat 25 mm in any direction. G—Lateral Isolation Handle , Push down on handle to unlock lateral seat suspension. Pull up on handle to lock seal in posmon. H—Adjustment Damper Handle - Air Suspension seat only Control amount of bounce operator feels while drivmg Adjust firmer to reduce amount of bounce l—Seat Swivel Handle , Lifl on handle to allow seat to swivel Push down on handle to lock seat in position. ADM/ESSEX is a trademark of Deere a Company J—Lumbar Adjustment Knob - Turn clockwise to add support to lower back Turn countercloCKWise to lessen resistance to lower back K—Armrest Adjustment Cap Screws - Loosen cap screws to slide arm rest up ordown Retighten cap screws. L—Firmness Adjustment , provides three different levels of seat suspension performance Press upper portion “+" of SWitch forthe firmest ride or lower portion “-" for the softest ride 25-3 PN:126 Operator Station ‘ Adjust ComfortCommandTM with HCS Plus1 Cab Suspension Seat A— Height Adjustment Switch - Turn key to "ON" Press lower porlron of swntch to lower seat or press upper portion of swrtch to raise seat B—Heat/Vent Level Control Switch -Press to adjust level of heat or ventrlatron C—HeatNent Select Switch - Press to actrvate heat or ventrlation functrons D—LH Armrest Tilt Adjustment Knob , Turn knob to adjust armrest angle. E—Seat Back Recliner Adjustment Handle - Pull up to adjust back of seat F—Lateral Attenuation Lever - Adjust leverto move seat from srde to srde Lock lever rnto posrtion when at desrred location G—Ride Firmness Control - Pull lever to one or four posrtions to adjust the damping of seat H—ForelAft Attenuation - Adjust seat to control amount of fore/aft movement from tractor. Seat absorbs some movement from shock impacts whrle drrvrng. l—Seat Swivel Handle , Lifl on handle to allow seat to swrvel Push down on handle to lock seat rn posrtion J—Cushion Height Adjustment - Pull to adjust height of cushion up or down K—Fore/Aft Cushion Adjustment - Pull to adjust cushion forwards or backwards L—Fore/Aft Adjustment Lever , ert up on handle move seat forward or backward, press handle back down to lock rnto place ComfortCommand rs a trademark gr Deere & Company ‘ Hydrorpneumatlc cab suspension plus Comforth/nmand’” with HOS Plus Cab Suspensron Seat A—Heated Sea! Swllch M—ldeal Weight Indicator , Gauge shows when seat is adjusted to operators werght ano herght Green markrng will be vrsable when adjusted N—Lumbar Adjustment Knob , Turn knob clockwise to add support to lower back Turb counterclockwuse to lessen resistance to lower back ’omrox :er lezéJUL'Sr'” 25-4 PN:1Z7 Operator Station Using Instructional Seat ACAUTION: Instructional seat is provided only for training operators or diagnosing machine problems. Keep all other riders off tractor and equipment. Always wear seat belt (A). Instructional seat back tilts forward to be used as writing surface (8) Flip up seat (C) tilts up to allow eaSier entrance and egress. .. a nmpn‘a A75eal Bell C—Fllp Up Seal aiwmmg Surlace instructional Seat Converted To Writing Surface 'r Instructional Seat Folded Up For Easier Egress *oawe :000093 '9 35593 Operator Presence Sensor Audiole warning sounds if operator leaves seat with PTO engaged oi it SCV is left in detent flow position After 5 ACAUTION: PTO and/or SCV do not automatically seconds, audiole warning sound will stop disengage when systems sense operator is out of seat. ‘neiiannnnnin unxmiii '3' ' 25-5 PN:lZE Operator Station Adjust CommandARM TM Position 1 Tuiii CommandARMT’“ Adiustment Knob (A) 2 By turning CommandARll/l’” Adiustment Knoo (A), CommandARMW automatically moves to highest possmle setting Push CommandARMW controls down to deSired posmon 3 Once proper height is maintained turn CommandARMT’“ Adjustment Knob (A) in opposne direction to original posmon to look a :cr'rxz AirlommandARMW Adjustment Knob Rxm CommandARM is a trademark or Deere & Company Adjust Steering Wheel and Column Telescope: Rotate knob (A) counterclockwrse and pull or push to extend or retract steering column Rotate knob cloCKWise to look. Till: Pull up on lever (B) and move steering column to desired position Release leverto lock Memory: Push down on foot pedal (C) to allow steering column to move up and out of way for easy entry or exit. Push down on foot pedal and pull down on steering wheel to return steering column to previous setting A—Knob C—Foot Pedal E—Lever 25-6 PN:iZ§ Operator Station Operate Horn Push button on end ofsigna‘ lever (A) to activate horn A—Signal Lever/Horn x’ 1044'; comm: '9 mum 25-7 PN:130 Operator Station Generation 4 CommandCenterTM HVAC Settings To access the main page, use shortcut buttons or follow alternative path. ’i Select Menu. 2 Select Tractor Settings tab. 3 Select HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) icon. - A—Set Temperature Module: Select to access Set Temperature page (M) - B—Auto Air Flow Toggle: Select for air flow to be auto adjusted - c—Defrost Toggle: Select to activate defrost. - D—Defrost and Floor Toggle: Select to activate defrost and floor vents. - E—Defrost, Floor, and Cab Toggle: Select to activate defrost, floor and cab vents - F—Cab and Floor Toggle: Select to activate floor and cab vents. - G—Fan OFF: Move slide barto OFF posmon to turn fan off - H—Fan AUTO: Adjust slide oarto AUTO position to have tan be auto adjusted - l—Fan Increment Bar: Use to aoiust fan speed As slide moves right, fan strength increases As slide moves Iefl tan strength decreases IMPORTANT: If system is not cooling properly, turn air conditioning smtch off to avoid possible compressor damage. - J—A/C Toggle: Use to turn A/C ON or OFF - K—Outside Temperature Module: Displays the temperature outSioe of the cab - L—Set Temperature Page: Page used to aoiust cab temperature - M—lncrease Button: Select to increase temperature in cab. - N—Display Temperature Box Displays the temperature setting - O—Decrease Button: Select to decrease temperature in cab RXH‘HZT'E iaiiiiia RXAOiiESM ,3 menu Generation 4 Shortcut Buttons \ r —> Mama,” )aifim Menu 4. Tractor Settings Tab 4. HVAC icon 69:“? it? ©/ 0" ma J— *3 _-$ t ways , HVAC Page Set Temperature Page ‘OfiAA‘QOOOOOAL samurai: ' 25-8 PN:isi Operator Station Operate Front Wiper and Washer :an Ac'332a14UN41aJuxra x’ AiFronl WIper/Washer Knob 070" F7 Fast Speed Biwasher Icon Dilntermltlent Speed G—Frunl Washer Reservoir E—Slow Speed Wper/washer knob (A) has four positions Push knob in to operate from washer : ‘OfF tt t O t Front washer reservmr (G) Is behind battery compartment n errnr 5” pera '0” cover Fili reservmrwrth a washer flurd In cold clrmates - Siaw Speed . Fast Speed be sure fluid contains antr-freeze ‘3344'9000092: V'gr'mut'ax ' Operate Rear Wiper and Washer (If Equipped) Switch (A) has three posrtions. Right—OFF posrtron Center—ON positron Rear wiper rs activated Left—Rear wrndow washer ON when switch rs held Reiease swrtch to turn OFF rear window washer A—Rear WIper/Washer Swllch 2M3" Operate Right-Hand Wiper and Washer (If Equipped) Switch (A) has three positrons: RightioFF posrtron. Center—ON positron Rearwrper rs actrvated '2 Left—Rear window washer ON when swrtch rs held Reiease swrtch to turn OFF rear window washer AiRIghI-Hand WIper/Washer Swllch 00mm? samurai" 25-9 PN:132 Operator Station Install Business Band or Citizens Band (CB) Radio and Antenna CAUTION: Under no circumstances should business band radio antenna be mounted to rear of cab or antenna cable be routed near harness for electrical system control units or operator controls. Failure to follow these precautions could expose operator to radio frequency energy levels higher than recommended by American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and/or could cause undeSirable performance of electronically controlled systems. ACAUTION: Prevent possible personal injury. Disconnect battery ground cable before any electrical repair. IMPORTANT: (Final Tier 4 and Stage IV Engines only. To determine which engine your tractor is equipped with, see Record Engine Serial Number in Identification Numbers section of this Operator's Manual.) Do not disconnect battery until Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR) system has had enough time to automatically purge system of Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) . If adequate time is not allowed for system to be purged, any DEF remaining can crystallize and plug system. At temperatures below -15°C (5°F), unpurged DEF will freeze and damage system components. If equipped with a batteiy disconnect system, a light next to the disconnect system is illuminated while auto-purge is in progress. It shuts off when complete and safe to disconnect the battery. If tractor is not equipped With battery disconnect, wait at least 4 minutes after tractor stops before disconnecting battery. To determine which engine your tractor is equipped with, see Record Engine Serial Number in Identification Numbers section of this Operator's Manual. NOTE Only tractors equipped With Business Band Radio Mounting and Wiring Option from factory have business band bracket behind head/iner and antenna cables behind right rear corner post cover. See your John DeereW dealer for Business Band Radio and Antenna Installation Instructions Custom Installation Custom CB or Business Band radio installation requires special tools and skills to tune antenna for lowest John Deere is a trademark of Deere & Company Antenna Coaxia/ Cab/e And Business Band Radio Power/Ground Plug Coiled Ben/rid Right Rear Carrier Past Cover Affiracket B—Antenna Coaxial Cable Cifiuslness Band Radio Power/Ground Cable possible VSWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio) Qualified professional should be employed or consulted before attempting installation Contact your John Deere”’ dealer for recommendations. FolloWing specifications are useful to installer Specifications for Factory Installed Radio Installation Kit - RoofAntenna Mount: MNO type - Cable Specifications Cable length is 3 6 m (11.8 ft) from antenna mount to PL7259 radio connector RG758/U cable has 50 ohms intrinSic impedance - Roof Ground Plane: Grounded large antenna counterpoise foil undergieeii cab roofallows installation of either 1/4 or V2 wave antenna. - CB Antenna Normal CB antenna can be attached to factory installed IVINO antenna mount through use of an appropriate adapter Special CB antenna already equipped With MNO base may alternatively be used ’oaw o ooooona 25-10 PN:133 Operator Station Use Auxiliaw Power Strip and Electrical Outlets (If Equipped) é ? L 1. ‘) Auxiliary Power smp Auxiliary Power strip Convenience Outlet IMPORTANT: Power strip is not surge suppressor. Electrical equipment with program memory requires protection from damage of electrical surges and spikes. Power strip (A) provides SlX 12 volt grounded power outlets for use connecting auxiliary equipment This power is 30 amp SWitched and 30 amp unswitched '2 Adapters are available from your John Deere’” dealer Adapters plug directly into power strip To change to sWitched power on adapter remove small tab at end of slot on plug and rotate plug 1803 NOTE: Outlets are protected by a Boeamp fuse 12 volt accessory outlets (F) located on right-hand console or outlet (G) in storage box are used when connecting auxiliary equipment. Pin (l-l) prUVides battery power pin (I) provides ground, and pin (J) prUVides (key) switched power For additional information on connections, see appropriate auxiliary equipment installation instructions or your John DeereW dealer UN aims AiAuxiliary Power Strip FiAccessory Outlet , E—Batlery (Unswltched) [RightrHand Console] C_Gmund 5_Accessmy (mm [In Accessory E/ectncal Outlet /n Storage Box DiBattery (Switched) Storage Box) E—Dlagnoslic Connector Hifialtery [Unswitchedl (DEALER USE ONLY) I7 Ground J— Ealtery [Switched] Accessory Elect/ica/ Out/er Pins John Deere is a trademark oroeere & Company ’ooAA'; ooooors '9 '2JUL'3 25-11 PN:i34 Operator Station Connect Compatible Electronic Equipment All 7R Series Tractors are ISOBUS ready and offer connectlons for Implements conformlng to both ISO 11786 and 11783 standards ISO 11786 (A) provrdes radar or GPS speed signal See Configuring Tractor for (BPS/Radar rn this sectron GreenStar” corner post connector (B) allows any GreenStar” display connectron. See your John DeereW dealer for compatible adapter harnesses IMPORTANT: USE ISO 11783 (F) only with ISO 11783 compliant components. Other uses could damage tractor electronic components. ISOBUS ready preparatlon Includes ISO 11783 standardized connector on rlght hand console and implement connector on tractor rear facilitating tractor/rmplement communrcations ert the Release (D) when disconnecting the rmplement from the connector on back of tractor Ailso 11786 Standard E—Hanole I, Connector (Corner Post F—lmplement Connector = nght] (Tractor Front] [If Equlpped) e—creenStarw Connector Gilso 11733 Standard (Corner Post Lem Connector [RIght-Hand Cilmplement Connector Console] (Traclor Rear] D—Release Implement connector on Tractor Rear 2x13145174 EXAS'R/lnf‘rn /30 11783 Connector on Right Conso/e John Deere is a trademark affleere a Company Greehstar rs a trademark ofDeeIe & Company 25-12 PN:135 Operator Station Configure Tractor For (BPS/Radar Tractors equipped with radar must be re-configureo when switching to GPS radio as true ground speed input signai. To configure tractor 1 Remove screws (A) and oowerstrip (B) (if equipped) or cover piate 2. Inside rightrhand consoie iocate one Wire iead marked “GPS and one marked Radar". Remove radar connector (C) from tractor harness connector (E) Remove dust cap (F) from GPS connector (D) Instail GPS connector into tractor harness connector Instail dust cap onto raoar connector Reinstail power strip (if equipped). F” Remove Screws And Optional Power Strip Nmu‘!‘ On tractors not equipped With radar two control unit addresses have to be changed to ado a GPS signal © Contact your John Deere” oeaier © A—Screws D—GPS Connector BiFower Slrlp E—Traclor Harness Connector c—Radar Connector F—Dust Cap mm. “‘r w ”\i Configured Connector For Radar Remove Connector John Deere IS a trademark er Deere & Company ’OMMOD in i9 mums" 25-13 PN:136 Operator Station Mount StarFireTM Receiver ACAUTION: Falling while installing or removing global positioning receiver can cause serious injury. Use ladder or platform to easily reach mounting location. Use sturdy and secure footholds and hand holds. Do not inst | or remove receiver m wet or my con ons. Mount StarFireTl‘ receiver (A) on StarFireT” receiver bracket (B) NOTE: Refer to your John Deere’“ dealer or to StarFire "' receiver installation instructions for further compatibility See your John Deere’“ dealer for compatible adapter harnesses, A—StarFireYM Receiver B—SIarFireYM ReceiverBrackel SterFire W Receiver Bracket StarFiIe is a trademark of Deere & Company John Deere IS a trademark ofDeeIe & Company 10441900000»; '9 CBAUC' 25-14 PN:137 Operator Station Install GreenStarTM System Components IMPORTANT: This vehicle employs one or more CAN bus networks. Connecting unapproved devices to vehicle network (5) may cause machine to degrade tn performance or fail to perform properly. Further, unapproved devices that ; attempt control of tractor functions should not g be connected to implement network (ISOBUS). Attach bracket to corner post mounts (A) g 2 Attach display to bracket using Wing nuts (B) (prOVided :; >< With display) Attach Bracket To Currier Post Mount 3/9 3. Attach harness to corner post connector (C) and lower GreenStar’” display connector (D) on back of display 4. Position display so it is comfortable to reach and does not obstruct operator View. 5. Connect StarFire’” receiver connector (E) to StarfireW receiver (F) NOTE: See your John Deerem dea/er for compatible adapter harnesses, A7Corner Post Mounts DiGreenStarW Display E—thg Nuts Connector c—Creenstarw Corner Post E—SlarFtreW Recetver Connector Connector Connect SiarF/re'“ Receiver F—SlarFtreW Receiver Jonn Deere is a trademark ofDeere & Company GreenStar is a trademark ameere & Company StarFiIe is a trademark of Deere & Company *om'; comm: '9 '2JUL'3 25-15 PN:13E Operator Station Install Machine Communications Radio (MCR) Antenna (If Equipped) NOTE This antenna is only be available for machines that have a factory Installed Machine Communications Rad/oi ”John Deere FarmSIghf” and MCR" opt/on Remove antenna from storage under passenger seat 2 Remove cap from MCR antenna post (A) from rear left roof 3 Screw MCR antenna (B) onto MCR antenna post A—MCR Antenna Post B—MCR Antenna MGR meme P05? Connect MCE’ Antenna mm Deere Farmsignfis a trademark nf Deere & Company 25-16 PN:139 Operator Station Connect AutchracTM Assisted Steering System (If Equipped) Rxmnnnna Sta/Fire W Receiver NOTE: Electrorhydrau/r‘c steering is required for AutoTraCY'r’ to function Refer to AutoTracW Operator‘s Manual for detaried Instruotrons . AutoTraC” system utrlrzes StarFire” positron receiver (A) and GreenStarW Drspiay 2630 (B)1 to assist operator In steenng tractor - Operator rnust resume manual oontroi at end of each pass and when field obstacles are encountered Steering controi is obtarned by sirnpiy turning steenng wheel. NOTE See your John Deere W dealer for compatible adapter harnesses AiPosIIIon Recelver CiAutoTraCW Resume auiton 5710.4 Inch dlsplay n77 Inch dlsplay StarF/re ts a trademark or Deere & Company John Deere rs a trademark er Deere a Company CommandCenterts a trademark droeere & Company GIeenSzaI rs a trademark or Deere a Company Aytarrac ts a trademark or Deere & Company ‘GreenStarD/sp/ay 1800 (C) on 2600 (o) are compatible John Deere’” 46170 CommandCenter‘” John Deere” 4100 CommandCenter’” ’0844190 300 A.\ACDJUL' x—wee tr 25-17 PN:14D Operator Station Monitor Bracket Mounts '2 From Corner Post Mounting Points AiFront Corner Post Mounting BiRear Corner Post Mounting Points Points Front ooiiiei post mounting points (A) and ieai coinei post mounting pomts (B) aie used to connect impiement monitors to cab using M10 cap screws See your John John Deere is a trademark of Deere & Company :9 x—w mum AUNAOGL’ AR Rear Corner Post Mounting Points DEERE-m oeaiei for brackets that utiiize these mounting points ‘ 84w oooocr Use Manual Mirror (If Equipped) Loosen mirror aiin locking knob (A) and siide minor aim to desneo posmon Securely tighten tacking knob when adjustment is complete Push on mirrorto move surface into desired position Using a soft cloth after mirror is adiusted, Wipe any smudges off face of mirror A—Mirror Arm Adjustment Knob E—error Arm Cilnslde Edge Dioutside Edge E7Upper Edge F7 Lower Edge x’ Manual Mil/oi A “ mount reruut' 25-18 PN:14i Operator Station Use Electric Mirror (If Equipped) :9 it © i ‘i a: Rea/View Mirror SWircii Elecmca/ Rear-View Mirror (Rigm-Hand Side Shown) Aiselectlon Swltchinghl CiAngle Lefl F—Tilt Down error DiTllt Up G—Eleclncal REBFVIEW Mirror E—Selectlun Swllch—Lefl Mirmr EiAngle Righi 1 Select right (A) or left (B) mirror. 2 Push adjustment sthch to angle mirror Iefi (C Ul right (E) 3 Push adiustment switch to tilt mirror up (D) ordown (F) ‘omi 9 000003i Use Telescoping Heated Electric Mirror (If Equipped) :9 l.’—\R‘ 6 a h J, ® 2 Z 4 e x :4 Te/escopirig E/ecmca/ Rearrl/iew Minor (Rig/70mm Side Shown) REBIrl/lEW MIIIOI Swilcii Aiselectlon SWIIChinghI CiExlend GiTill Up K—Mirmr Mirror DiRelracl Hill“ Down E—Selectlun Swllch—Lefl Mirror EiAngle Len I7 Healing Swllch FiAngle Rigni J7 Telescoping Arm 1 Select right (A) 0' ‘Efl (B) mirror Pressing heating sWitCh (l) turns mirror heating on or 2 push adjustment swnch to extend (C) or retract (D) off. When heat is on swnch is illuminated. Healing Will continue until it is swilched off or key swilch is lurned off 3 PUSh adjustment SWltch 101‘” mliiOFUD (G) ordown (H) if heating sthch is not manuallyturned off mirror heating . Will restan when key sthch is turned 10 aCCBSSUIy 0i en 4. {ash adiustment swnch to angle mirror left (E) or right posnion ‘784419177777777727 ‘Q‘WJV‘i i 25-19 PN:142 Operator Station Refrigerator or Storage Space (If Equipped) NOTE: Refrigerator only works when ignition key is in RUN or ACC positions Use refrigerator controls to adjust temperature inside of refrigerator. Levels are from off to 5, With 5 being coldest temperature possible A—Reingeramnsmrage Space B—Refrlgeramr Controls roam 9 0000033 '9 'SAUC'S 25-20 PN:143 Operator Station Position Left-Hand Steps '470 Aways—w; x—w: Vlfide Steps and Hand RailsiTractors Equipped with Group 47/45 Tires Narrow Steps and Hand RailsiTractors Equipped VI/lfh Group 47/48 Tlles Rx—waiam 4JN4251.'—\213 l/Wde Steps and Hand Railsil'ractors Equipped Vl/lm Group 49 Tires Narrow Steps and Hand RailsiTractors Equipped Wit/7 Group 49 Tires A—Lower Side Panel 1 D—Slep Posilioning Bolts G—Handrail E—Luwer Slde Panel 2 E—Slde Bracket 1 [Wlde Slaps H—Upper Slde Panel 1 CiPanel Poslllonlng Bolts Only) |7 Upper Slde Panel 2 F75Ide Bracket 2 [Wlde Steps JiMIddle Step [Group 49 Tlres Only) Only) NOTE: Step assembly can be adjusted to either wide or narrow position. For wide positioned steps, use round holes in upper and lower Side Remove lower side panels 1 and 2 (A, B) by removing bolts (C) on both sides of step assembly pane/s. For narrow steps, use square holes To swrtch from Wide position to narrow position, Slde in upper and lower side panels. brackets (E F) need to be removed, and the lower side panels (AB) need to be shifted into narrow position as Remove steps by removmg bolts (D) shown waioazznfiie 12 common on next page 25-21 PN:144 Operator Station To switch from narrow posrtion to wrde positron attach srde brackets 1 and 2 (E F) to lower and upperside panels (A SH l) Side brackets must be ordered through a dealer for tractors shipped from factory with narrow steps Use bolts (D) to aoyust rndwrdual steps to match step assembly wrdth. NOTE: Upper side panels (H,/) do not have to be removed to change step positions. Oh tractors equipped with Group 49 tires, positroning bolts for mrddle step (J) are also used to hold handrarl (G) in place Item Measurement Cap Screws Torque After correctly posrtionrng steps and handrarl, tighten cap screws to specrfled torque. Part Part Number Group 48 Srde Bracket t (E) R542430 Group 48 Srde Bracket 2 (F) R542429 Group 49 Srde Bracket t (E) R543230 Group 49 Srde Bracket 2 (r) R542654 Specification 73 N m (54 lb-fl) ‘3344190000034 492241.613 2:2 Right-Hand Service Steps ACAUTION: Exhaust and muffler may be very hot. Do not use right side steps to access front step. Fixed upper step above right fuel tank (A) allows access to right srde of cab for servrce. Three pivotrng middle steps (B) and one bottom extendable step (C) provide access to upper step Three mrdole steps (8) pivot rnto positron Pull down on step to posrtlon When done usrng step, lrft up, step wtll latch Into place Bottom step (C) slides under fuel tank when not in use ACAUTION: To avoid injury, use handheld slot (D) on lowest right-hand step to lower and raise step. To extend bottom step, pull lock pm (E) forward until completely removed from step support Grasp step usrng handhold slot (D) and pull outward and down untrl completely extended Fully Insert lock pm (E) In step support to secure bottom step when lfl stored posrtioh Retract and securely store all mrodle and lower steps when not rn use Use handholds to move steps A7Upper Step E—Mlddle Plvotlng Steps C—Butlum Exlendable Slap Difiotlom Step Handhold Slot E—Lock Pln comm 9 0000035 '9224UC'3'" 25-22 PN:14S Operating the Engine Exhaust Filter System Overview Machine is equipped With emissron compliant engine which cleans and filters exhaust gas Under normal machine operation and With system in AUTO mode system requires minimal operator interaction To avoid buildup of diesel particulates ul soot in exhaust filter system 0 Utilize AUTO Exhaust Filter Cleaning mode - Avoid unnecessary idling - Use proper engine oil (see Diesel Engine Oil in Fuels, Lubricants, and Coolants Section ofthis Operators Manual) - Use only ultra low sulfur fuel (see Diesel Engine Oil in Fuels, Lubricants and Coolants Section of this Operators Manual) Exhaust Filter System Clean IMPORTANT: Disable mode (D) should be used when temporarily connected to an indoor ducted exhaust system for diagnostic and repair activ s. Exhaust Filter Cleaning will automatically reset hack to AUTO mode after every key cycle. NOTE: Parked Exhaust Filter Cleaning indicator (A) may be active or inactive (grayed out) depending on exhaust filter restriction level (see Parked Exhaust Filter Cleaning later in this section of this Operator’s Manual) There are two exhaust filter system modes AUTO (C) and Disabled (D). Use shortcut buttons or follow alternative path to change filter cleaning setting. kamN—t Select Menu . Select Tractor Settings tab. Select Engine icon. Select Auto Exhaust Cleaning Mode (B). Select Auto Exhaust Filter Cleaning Mode toggle (C) to allow exhaust filter system to perform clean as required IMPORTANT: AVOId Disabled mode unless lng absolutely necessary. Repeated disabling or ignoring prompts to perform manual / parked cleaning procedure will cause additional engine power limitation and can eventually lead to required dealer service. RXM‘HXZ’” UN 15.. i7. Generation 4 Engine Shortcut Button RXAOlTCCLi. 720mm EB _> Tumor Sntlm _> new i C Menu lTractorSettirigs Tab lErigirielcon mmm mum 0 0 D : 14oomii1eooirmn 5&3 F3? smut rum chain. win mar Exhaust FilterCleanlng G) ) Automukrllrercle-nin; Pi” © Exhaust Filter Cleaning AiExhaust Fllter Cleanlng CiAUTO Exhaust Fllter Mode Cleaning Mode Toggle B—Auto Exhaust Cleaning D—Dlsable Exhaust Filler Mode Cleaning Mode Toggle 6 Select Disable Exhaust Filter Cleaning Mode toggle (D) to disable exhaust filter system ‘oaAAigcooooze '9 Caspar ' 30-1 PN:146 Operating the Engine Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) System Overview ‘/.l"'?"i «.77 UN sore System AiscR Catalyst E—DEF Dosing Injector CiDEF Doslng Unlt DiDEF Tank Header Assembly IMPORTANT: Do not remove battery leads for at least 4 minutes after engine stops. The SCR system automatically purges itself of Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) immediately after the engine is stopped. If adequate time is not allowed for lines to be purged, residual DEF can freeze and possibly damage components of the SCR system during cold-weather exposure. ln order to comply with national and local emission requirements this engine series contains a Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) system. The main components of the SCR system include the SCR catalyst (A), DEF dosing injector (B), DEF dosmg unit (C) DEF tank header assembly (D) and DEF tank (E) The SCR system is effective at reducing the nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions NOx is a major component ofsmog and acid rain. During combustion NOx molecules are formed in the exhaust DEF is injected into the exhaust stream before the SCR catalyst Through a chemical reaction in the SCR NOx is converted into nitrogen and water Water vapor is a normal by-product of combustion During cold-weather operation at loW exhaust temperatures E—DEF Tank this water vapor can condense and resemble white smoke from the exhaust This Will dissipate as operating temperature increases and the water is further vaporized This situation is considered normal A DEF solution begins to crystallize and freeze at .11 DC (12 °F) Vlfith climate temperatures that can range much colderthan this, DEF is expected to freeze in the DEF tank For this reason, the DEF tank contains a heating element that proVides rapid thaWing of DEF upon start-up The heating element cycles to maintain fluidity during operation as needed DEF is not dosed upon initial start-up, therefore it is not necessary to have liquid DEF at cold start-up. lf DEF quality deteriorates and it is no longer within specifications, the engine can derate DEF should be crystal clear With a light ammonia smell lf DEF appears cloudy has a colored tint, or has a profound ammonia smell it is likely not Within specification A Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) is displayed, informing the operator to replace the DEF. Upon replacement of DEF and operation ofthe engine under load for a period of time or an exhaust filter cleaning the code automatically goes away With no required input from the operator izx s: R uzwiat‘ '9'2JUL'3'” 30-2 PN:i47 Operating the Engine Auto Exhaust Filter Cleaning Mode Auto mode allows Exhaust Filter System to perform exhaust filter cleaning whenever required Cornerpost Display indicators and CommandCenterW prompts proVide operator information related to exhaust filter system actIVity Exhaust Filter Cleaning Indicator (A) illuminates when exhaust filter system is performing exhaust filter cleaning. IMPORTANT: During exhaust filter cleaning operation, there may be higher exhaust gas temperatures and engine may operate at elevated idle. Exhaust Filter Restricted—Depending on operating conditions, Exhaust Filter System may request a Change in tractor operation CommandCenterW prompts describe spemfic operational changes needed AiEXhaust Fllter Cleanlng Indicator CnmmaridCente/is a trademark ofDeere & Company 30-3 PN:i4E Operating the Engine ‘ Parked Exhaust Filter Cleaning WW mm” Parked exhaust frlter cleaning rs automated to allow system “a I Tractor 5.1“”. I O to clean exhaust filter when required Dunng process :5: engine speed IS controlled by system and machine must remain parked to complete procedure Trme required for MENU * WWW Settings Tab a Engine MD" Parked Exhaust FrlterCleaning process rs dependent upon level of exhaust filter restrictron ambrent temperatures mum in. m and current exhaust gas temperature CommandCenterW prompts provrde estrmated time for completron. 0 o O ‘2 Follow ath to erform Parked Exhaust Frlter Cleanrn ‘3 l? p p 9 1400 mi. 1600 m. 159 93;: 1. Select Menu. 2 Select Tractor Settings tab. “um‘nmw'm WW”, 3 Select Engine Icon. 7' 4 Select Parked Exhaust Filter Cleaning button (A). 5—“ 00000.“: 5. Conditions for Parked/Service Regeneration to ® 80 occur are as follows: - Stop Tractor Motion ’ ignegfgf‘gfrgpeed to ‘0‘” “me Parked nimciunmg 0 LT} _ Engage Park PMp-nlrkmfnuawllmcwhu‘ nmnr—mrwcmm If any of these conditrons are not met service "'"mmmm' regeneration may not occur V‘“""""""'“ ”a. 6 Select Next button (B) once conditions are met « 'Efmmtlrémm IMPORTANT: During parked exhaust filter “MM“, rmvzxmmm cleaning operation, engine may operate wimmmnm‘ at elevated idle. Jam-rm “lawman/mm Engine speed will be controlled by machine during filter cleaning. NOTE At any time during parked procedure, mm Plummmmg 0 process can be cancelled by advancmg throttle, engaging transmission, selecting cance/ button. or stopping engine, 7 When process starts status page appears 0 “WWW" ““9“” Parked filter cleaning has two steps preparation and cleanrng During preparation Exhaust Frlter . System controls engine speed to rncrease exhaust 0 Emu‘mwumwwmm temperature During cleaning dresel particulates or soot are cleaned from Exhaust Filter System. Parked exhaust filter cleaning may exceed 40 minutes 8 Once parked filter cleaning process IS complete select Close Window button (C) to return to prevrously opened screen. A7 Parked Exhaust Filter 0— Close Wlndow button Cleanlng button 5— Next hutlon CommandCente/rs a trademark ofDeere & Company ’cmmeoocccm «a 22mm 30-4 PN:149 Operating the Engine Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR) System - Final Tier 4 and Stage IV Engines IMPORTANT: To determine with which engine type tractor is equipped, see Record Engine Serial Number in Identification Numbers Section of this Operator‘s Manual. IMPORTANT: It is unlawful to tamper with or remove any component of the aftertreatment system. It is also unlawful to use Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) that does not meet the specifications provided or to operate the vehicle with no DEF. IMPORTANT: Using incorrect or unapproved aftertreatment components can cause damage to vehicle‘s aftertreatment system and reduce ability of aftertreatment system to function correctly. Never interchange aftertreatment components between Interim Tier 4/Stage III B and Final Tier 4IStage IV equipped vehicles. NOTE: SCR system monitors quality of DEF flowing through it If a fluid other than DEF at correct urea concentration is detected, system will display a diagnostic trouble code and a four hour internal counter starts, After four hours. engine power and speed are derated SCR system supplies Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) to engine aftertreatment system DEF Works in conjunction With tractor aftertreatment components to reduce emissions. See Fuel, Lubricants and Coolant section in this Operator’s Manual for specifications and information about DEF Tractor electronic systems monitor DEF level to assure piopei performance Cornerpost displays current DEF level (A) When quantity of DEF reaches reduced levels systems change tractor operation Refilling DEF tank will cause system to return tractor to normal operation Refilling DEF tank eveiy time tractor is refueled is recommended See Filling DEF Tank in Fuel, Lubricants and Coolant section of this operator’s manual DEF level and operation changes. Normal Operation—When DEF level is Within this range (B), DEF symbol is on and tractor operates normally Always maintain fill Within this level for uninterrupted performance D—LoW DEF Level 1 E—LoW DEF Level 2 A7DEF Level Gauge B—Normal Operation Range C—DEF Symbol Low DEF Level 1—When DEF level drops to first red bar (D), DEF indicator flashes and a diagnostic trouble code are displayed Tractor operates normally, but refill of DEF tank is recommended. Low DEF Level 2—When DEF level falls below this point (E) DEF indicator stops flashing A diagnostic trouble code is displayed and engine power and speed aie derated Refill DEF tank and restarttractorto iesuine normal operation. DEF freezes at 711”!) (12“F) and will not flow to the SCR system Tractor systems seiise loW temperature and allow engine to start even With no DEF flow Engine coolant is used to thaw fluid in DEF tank When engine is running. lf system senses that DEF has thawed and SCR system is operating normally Within forty minutes, tractor is allowed to continue operation If DEF floW is not sensed Within forty minutes a diagnostic trouble code is displayed and a four hour internal counter starts After four hours, engine power and speed are derated FreeZing and thaWing of DEF does not degrade it Rx 43 30-5 PN:iSo
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