Deere and RE338096 Multi-Functional Controller, Integrated Premium Server User Manual Part 3
Deere & Company Multi-Functional Controller, Integrated Premium Server Part 3
User Manual Part 3
Controls and Instruments Digital Indicators—Tachometer, Ground Speed, Transmission, and Set Speed A—Tachometer: Displays engine speed in multiples of 10 It , , , is displayed no speed signal is being received B—Travel Speed Indicator: Displays travel speed in either miles per hour or kilometers per hour depending an operator selected units (U.S or Metric) lf“- - - is displayed no speed Signal is pemg received. C—Transmissmn Information: Shows iftransmission is in NeutraliN, ForwardiF ReverseiR or Park—P lf"- - - is displayed no gear Signal is being received. lVTW/AutoPdwr” Only: Snows speed bands 1 or 2 and speed settings D—Set Speed Indicator: Shows what speed' is set usmg set speed adiuster A—Tachometer CiTransmlsslon Informallon BiTravel Speed Indlcator Diset Speed Indlcalor *Fo; ll/TW/Ai/mPoiw'” and Cummandduaw equipped tractms Dn/y @090 .03:ij I L IIL W12 LILI mini UN ' “Mums" 15-4 PN:5l Controls and Instruments Gauges—Coolant Temperature, Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Level, and Fuel Level A—Coolant Temperature Gauge: Shows engine coolant temperature between 40—120 3C (104—248 3F) All segments are off when coolant temperature is below 40 “C (104 ”F). All segments are lit when temperature is 120 ”C (248 °F) and above B—Fuel Level Gauge: Displays fuel level in tank Each lighted segment represents 4% of fuel tank total capaCity When fuel tank is full all segments are lit When only bottom segment is lit tank is nearly empty with approximately 39 L (10 gal) remaining NOTE Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) is only available on FT4/ Stage I l/ engine equipped tractors DEF gauge will not show up if not equipped with those engines C—Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Gauge (If Equipped): Displays diesel exhaust fluid level. Each lighted segment represents 4% of DEF fluid tanktotal capacity. When DEF fluid tank is full, all segments are lit When only bottom segment is lit, tank is nearly empty DEF fluio tank should be fillEd whenever fUEl tank ‘5 fillEd Aicoolanr Temperature CiDlesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Gauge Gauge E—Fuel Level Gauge romzz u ’3 CommandARMTM with Generation 4 ® CommandCenterTM Display AiHand Throttle Control I7 Front Hltch Command E—Dirlerential Lock 5. MFWD Lever [ltEqulpped] CiITECW & AutoTriill':W Jicllmate, Radlo. and Resume nghtlng Controls D—Speed Control Lever/Sm“ K—Deptn Adjust Hltch Dlal Lever L—SetlLock/Resume Buttons E—SCV Lock Button/ISE Lock till—Load Depth/Upper Button LImIt/Drop Rate Hltch Dlals F— Generatlon 4 Commandr N—Front and Rear PTO Levers Center”Y O—Joystlck GiRear Hltch Lever H7$CV Control Levers CommandARM’” CommandARM is a trademark or Deere & Company iTEC is a trademark er Deere a Company AutoTlac is a trademark oi‘DeeIe a Company CommandEenteIis a trademark oi‘Deere a Company @4732: aux-55 i9 25w 15-5 PN:52 Controls and Instruments CommandARMTM Joystick Controls Setup lcon appears around controls that may be setup to control other functions Revtew Controls Setup Page (see “Controls Setup in CommandCenterm of this operators manual) to verify function of each control NOTE: Joystick a/Iows operator to assign device with various tractor or imp/ement functions This process is ca/Ied “Assignment" input to function See "Contra/s Setup" in CornrrrandoenterW section of this Operator’s Manua/ for more information, Onlyyoystick (front to pack and side to srde movements) and rocker swttch can be reconfigured. A7 Joystick tit Equlpped) c7 Joystlck Lock Button 5* Joystick Buttons n7 Joystlck Rocker SWitcn Jaysti ck L) Controls Setup icon RXADleE‘EC ignii‘JULiS Commathehterrs a trademark otDeere 4% Company romzz :uuuts: Vi ’3 CommandARMTM Hitch Controls (If Equipped) "Only used for rear hitch AiRear Hltch Command Lever F7 Depth Adjust Hltch Dlal" (Ii Equlpped)‘ Ginrop Rate Hitch Dlal' E—Fronl Hiten Command Hiupper Limit Hitch Dlal' Lever (Ii Equlpped] |— Load Deptn Hllch Dlal' C—Set Button“ DiLock Button” E—Return to Lower Set Paint‘ Hitch Controls ncrezz 15-6 PN:53 Controls and Instruments CommandARM TM SCV Controls NOTE: Reconfigurable SCV Controls allows operator to match device with various implement functions This process is called “Assignment" input to function. See "Controls Setup” In CommandCenterW section of this Operator’s Manual for more information. SCV Look button looks out control inputs to SCV Levers and Front Hitch Lever only Controls Setup lcon appears around SCV that can be reconfigured at any time A—SCV 1 Conlrol Lever E—SCV 2 Conlrol Lever c, SCV 3 Control Lever l:l— SCV A Conlrol Lever E—SCV 5 Conlrol Lever F— From Hitch Midstack/SCV 14 (37 scv 1sconrrol Lever [ll Equlpped] H— scv 6 Control Lever [If Equlpped] |— scv Lock EultonllSE Lock Bulton CommandCenter ls a trademark ofDeere & Company RXALMSSVSS fiximom L) Controls Setup loon R347322 oo 19 cssE CommandARMTM Climate, Radio, and Lighting Controls A—Beacon Lights Butlon BiHazard nghls Button CiFleld nghts 1 and 2 Toggle Button DiRadlo Volume E—Radlo Mule Butlon F— Radio Scan G—Temperature Conlrol HiAlr Flow Conlml I7 Fan Conlrol ©©®® Cllmate Controls and Radlo Controls Rump :oomse l; 30JUL'3 CommandARMTM PTO Controls A—Fronl PTO (ll Equlpped] B—Rear PTO (ll Equlpped) PTO Controls Formatlorl Rump COOOlSA l; 30JUL'3 15-7 PN:54 Controls and Instruments CommandARMTM Left Side Controls Aispeed Control Lever/Shlft Lever aiscv Control Lever Lock C—AutoTracW Resume Bulton DilTECW 1 Button EilTEC‘m 2 Burton I7 DI" Lock Button J—Aulu DIN Lock Button KiAulo MFWD Button L— Hand Throltle Conlrol MiECO ON/OFF Button NiFool Pedal Lock/Unlock FilTECW 3 Button Button GilTECW 6 Button OiFleldCrulsew ON/OFF H—MFWD Butlun Button Command/WM rs a trademark or Deere & Company AutoTIac rs a trademark of Deere a Company rrec rs a trademark er Deere a Company FreidCIurse rs a trademark er Deere a Company CommandARM’” Controls 7 Center Left R3473220033 9 19:35?" CommandARMTM ISOBUS (ISB) Shortcut Button NOTE In an ISOBUS-system an operator can activate a function of an Implement over ISOBUS wa lmplement‘s Operator interface on display (see Connecting ISO Implements and lSO Display Options In Commandcenter” section of Operator’s Manual). After activation, operator can change screen of display in order to operate another Implement or Interact With other applications Deacttvahon of functions on first Implement IS not possrble unless operator manually swttches back to the according screen of first implement. lSB shall provide a direct method to inform all ISOBUS parttcrpants about operators desrre to deactivate functions that was activated by an ISOBUS control ISB/ISOBUS Button (A):Pressing the ISB button sends a “Stop All Implement Operatlons srgnal out on the ISOBUS whrle button IS pressed The reactlon on lSB rs proprietary to the recewrng control unrt CommandARM rs a trademark of Deere a Company CnmmandCenterrs a trademark orDeere & Company Tractor implement Automation rs a trademark ofDeere a Company CommandAR/WW [SE Snortcut Button A—ISB/ISOBUS Button An example lmplement currently using ISOBUS Class 3 automatlon (see Tractor lmplement Automatlonl" section of Operators Manual) is going to lIS safe state. 15-8 PN:SS Controls and Instruments Accelerator Pedal (If Equipped) Foot operated throttle controls engine or ground speed dependent on tranmlsslon mode Depress accelerator (A) to increase engine rpm orwneel speed A—Acceleralor Pedal RDUSZZ 57 '9 mum External Switches CAUTION: To prevent injury or damage caused by tractor movement, he sure transmission is m PARK position before using external raise/lower switches. Stay clear of interference points when using external raise/lower switches. 77:73 UN Tractors Without fender extensions have external hitch raise and lower swrtches (A) mounted on valve stack 74:: Tractors wrth optional fender extensions may have - optional raise (C) and lower swrtcnes (D) on rear fenders "r ' , .. SCV l|| Extend (A) and retract (B) swrtches are available scv Stack Mounted Rear Hm Raise/Lower 5mm: for hydraulic center link External rear PTO swrtch (E) Is also available :xry' AiHltch External Stack Mounted Switch Continued on nexlpnge RDL732 . am 1905 15-9 PN:56 Controls and Instruments Front hrtch and front PTO equrpped tractors may atso be equlpped wnth front mounted externat swntches Tractors equipped with from hrtch may have externa‘ rarse (F) and tower swntches (G) Tractors wrth front PTO may have externar from PTO swnch (H) AiRear SCV Exlend Swllch (If EiExlernal Rear PTO Swltch Equipped) [If Equipped) BiRear scv Relract Switch m FiFront Hitch External Ralse Eqmpped) 5mm. C—Rear Hitch Raise swan G—ant Hitch Exlernal Lower III—Rear Hitch Lower SWltCh Switch H—External Fronl PTO Swllch m Equipped] From Hllch Raise/Lower Swrlches R347322 0000155 19 7a HN‘I) 15-10 PN:57 CommandCenterTM ‘ Onscreen Help Generation 4 CommandCenterW displays are equipped With detailed help information in the software Onscreen help is available in Help Center (found in display menu) or by pressing Information (i) buttons at the top of most pages information outtons link directly to help information forthat page Reading both the operator’s manual and Help Center Application :9 information Burton onscreen help information is recommended Generation 4 CommandCerite/is a trademark of Deere 5 Company i 294949 9999296 Generation 4 CommandCenter Display The John Deere Generation 4 CommandCenterW is designed for maximum ease of use and productivity. One soflware system proVides commonality while hardware options proVide a iaiige of price and functionality The CommandCenter display is attached to the CommandARlVlW There are 7 and 10 inch display options available NOTE: Software in Generation 4 CommandCenteI is on processor, not display 7 Inch CommandCenter Display . Run Page Modules same as 19 inch display ' Shortcut Keys must be expanded to view 10 Inch CommandCenter Display :cha . Title Bar displays currently Viewed Run Page - Large Status Center provrdes inoie information - Shortcut Keys are always Visible 7 inch Disp/ay Mun a. an...“ 19 inch Display CommandCenteris a lradernark ofDeere & Company Command/WM is a trademark of Deere & Company i 094949 9999393 16-1 PN:SE CommandCenterm Generation 4 CommandCenter Processor Generation 4 CommandCenter software runs on a processor separate from the display. There are two processor options available NOTE: Maximum capabilities for each processor are listed Depending on machine configuration, some functions may not be available 4600 Processor - 4 Video Camera inputs - 4 USB Inputs 0 2 Display Outputs 0 Upgradabie for future applications 4600 Processor Wi-Fi Capabilities The CommandCenter 4600 processor contains a nonrenabled Wireless (\M—Fi) transmitter Hardware is present to enable future functionality FCC Part 15 21 Statement Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsmle for compliance could vdid the user's authority to operate the equipment 4600 and 4100 Processors A—AGDD Processor 4100 Processor E—41Di] Processor . 1 Video Camera Input -i use Input - 1 Display Output #294949 com—m '9 25AUC'3 Main Menu Selecting Main Menu button lists all applications installed on display and machine Select left-hand tabs to View different groups of applications NOTE Available applications may vary depending on machine configuration. UN iii” i3 Main Menu Button cz‘ea‘z 00006 16-2 PN:59 CommandCente/W Run Page Structure Main Menu (A) lists all applications installed on display and machine Shortcut softkeys (B) provide quick access to frequently used applications and functions. On 7 in. display select expand button to display shortcut softkeys Run Page Navigation buttons (C) cycle through multiple run pages See Layout Manager for more information. Select the area indicated (D) to display Status Center. Important information for display functions is highlighted, such as GPS Signal strength and available data storage Run page (E) is configured using Layout Manager application See Layout Manager for more information Only on 10 in. display press title bar (F) to display Run Page Selection page Choose desired iuri page from list of available pages See Layout Manager for more information A—Main Menu Distatus Center E—Shurtcut Sofikeys E—Run Page C—Run Page Navigation F—Title Ear/Run Page Buttons Selection m» hum lun vex. u 7 inch Display rm Page cz‘ea‘z 00006 w: l.‘. c'vri Operating System Applications Ovenliew Operating System applications package is installed at the factory and is updated With periodic soflware updates from John Deere These applications are used for basic functions of display Date and Time - information from Date and Time application is used for several important functions on system These include error logging, activations, and data recording 0 Date and time are set automatically if a GPS receiver is connected and receiving valid signal in this case, only set time zone - it can be found on System tab ofthe display menu filli‘flljlflfl Continued on next ridge Date and Time i c94949 00633;: 4970;: 16-3 PN:60 CommandCenteI'li‘ Diagnostics Center WV? MN m. is - Diagnostics Center is the one place to find diagnostics for the entire system - It can be found on System tab ofthe display menu. Dragnasrics Center mama cams—u . we”: 7 Display and Sound - Along With display brightness and volume, Display and Sound can be used to calibrate display and configure multiple displays - It can be found on System tao ofthe display menu Display and Sound ll294949 3:003“ . File Manager “" - Data and setup information can be transferred between displays oi compatible desktop software uSing a USB drive. - It can be found on System tao ofthe display menu Fi/e Manager ll294949 3:003“ . Language and Units “" """V‘m - Use Language and Units application to change A Language, Number Format and Units of Measurement - It can be found on System tao ofthe display menu Language arid Units llSQAgAgCCOOCn‘iA ‘ llN HJH is Software Manager - Use Software Manager to update soflware activate features, and install onscreen help packages - It can be found on System tao ofthe display menu Software Manager HCQAQAQ Cums—u - Users & Access - Users & Access manages usei profiles and locks users out of certain settings - It can be found on System tao ofthe display menu Continued on next page Users & Access ream; oucmt i9 0 16-4 PN:6i CommandCenteIm Controls Setup p: 7.75 UN URL. is - Configures an lSOBUS ortractorjoystiok to control tractor or implement functions - It can be found on Applications tab ofthe display menu Fields iuuiwuno - Field names are used to organize information so it is easierto find and use data such as guidance lines - Use Fields application to setup Clients, Farms and Fields - It can be found on Applications tao ofthe display menu llSQAQA Help Center “"‘ '°""‘7‘3 - Onscreen Help about each application and more is available in Help Center - Not all Help languages are installed at the factory Update display software to install Help for all supported languages - It can be found on System tao ofthe display nienu Help Center Implement Profiles PC'esrziuxi-muwa 0 implement Profiles allows operator to configure implement Connection Type Working Vlfidth, Dimensmns and Recording Triggers 0 it can be found on Applications tab ofthe display menu Implement Profiles ISOBUS VT - Monitor and control ISOBUS 11783 compatible controllers and implements . it can be found on Applications tab ofthe display menu NOTE, Only one lSOBUS controller can be Viewed at a time, If more than one controller lS connected, select Menu button Within ISOBUS VT to View a list of controllers to choose from um. «isms Continued on next ridge ,%1$?\ ISO ISOEUS \/T t'E lSOEL/S l/T Menu i c94949 ooooam ' 16-5 PN:62 CommandCenteI'l" Layout Manager ec-eew w. mums - Use Layout Managerto create and modify run pages so important information and functions can be accessed from the main page. - It can be found on Applications tab of the display menu Layout Manager HCQLWQ " mi“ Machine Monitor “5'5“'5’UN"6”"”3 - Machine Monitor displays machine specific performance values - It can be found on Applications tab of the display menu Machine Monitor llSQAQA Machine Profiles - Machine Profiles allow cperatorto configure GPS offsets and machine dimensions. - It can be found on Applications tap ofthe display menu Machine Profiles iicemg 3 Work Monitor emu." llN ifi‘rlrWiS - Work Monitor displays averaged and totaled machine and operation specific values - It can be found on Applications tap ofthe display menu Work Monitor iiCQAgA . . ‘ ' AMS Applications Ovenliew AMS Applications package is installed at factory, but requires an activation to enable functionality. These applications are installed and updated in packages separate from the Generation 4 Operating System AMS App/icariuns Package Guidance - The Guidance application is used for steering machines through the field along guidance tracks This can he done manually or automatically using AutoTracf’“ - It can be found on Applications tab ofthe display menu Guidance Aurerraa is a trademark er Deere a Company c Aspartame M 16-6 PN:63 CommandCenfeI'M RX/flflfii'? Automation Status Oven/iew - Use Automation Status application to see which tractor EAUTO functions are being controlled and their current status - It can be found on Application tab ofdisplay menu Kraiyns nnnnn—Kl ': 'eu l" a r Tractor Settings Oven/iew WW” 1””“3 Tractor Settings tab allows selection ofapplication main pages Available applications vary depending upon tractor TractorSettlnp configuration. Kraizoa :0 W woman Audio RXAOtSLQVB 7.\707—\U213 - For more information see Operating the Radio section - Use Audio application to adiust audio settings D of this Operators Manual Audio Krai 203 so Joust: Engine ininia - Use engine application to adiust exhaust filter system settings FieldCruiseT’“ settings, or engine iprri. - For more information see Operating the Tractor and Operating the Engine sections ofthis Operators Manual Engine Fie/dCru/se is a trademark of Deere & Company Kraizoam HVAC RxAmestiAim—wcta air conditioning settings. - For more information see Controls and lnstruments _ section of this Operator’s Manualr - Use HVAC application to adjust heating ventilation, and fi Continued on next page 16-7 PN:64 CommandCenteI'li‘ iTEch Rxmim n’villGifi - Use iTEC’" application to program and repeat common 0 tasks 0 * - For more information see iTECW section of this 0 Operator’s Manual irECW i‘TEC is a trademark of Deere & Company KTfilZDS CD nmiiicis Lights Rxmiz - Use Lights application to adiust lights settings - For more information see Lights section of this Operator's Manual. //”' Lights Maintenance and Calibrations WWW-’7" “WW3 - Use Maintenance and Calibrations application to ado/edit serVioe intervals and perform ground radar and slip zeroing calibrations Maintenance and calibrations Krai 203 :0 Phone ermranr miners - Use Phone application to make/receive calls through CommandCenterW - For more information see Operating the Radio section of this Operators Manual Phone CommandCente/is a trademark ofDeere & Company PTO RX/fliZ/fi‘.‘ n’villfrifi - Use PTO application to adjust PTO settings - For more information see Drawoar ano PTO section Of this Operator‘s Manual PTO common on next page 16-8 PN:65 CommandCente/W Rear Hitch RX/~ni7./.QER mum - Use Rear Hitch appiication to adiust ieai hitch settings ' For more information see Hitch section of this a Operator’s Manuai. —— Rear Hitch KTM’Ni SCV RXA013L9537.\7o7—\U213 - Use SCV appiication to adjust SCV setting. - For more information see Hydraulics and Selective Controi Valve section of this Operator’s Manual SCi/ Kraizoa Suspension WM”? - Use Suspension application to aoiust suspension settings - For more information see Operating the Tractor section of this Operators Manuai Suspension KTSiZDfi Transmission nxrmmw. - Use Transmission application to adiust transmission settings - For more information see appropriate transmission section ofthis Operators Manual H: n‘nnew IE} Transmission Nam 16-9 PN:66 CommandCente/W Navigate Generation 4 CommandCenterTM NOTE Images are reference and rrray differ by tractor configuration or operator settings As operator (19 pages through CommandCenter'M, more In- depth information is presented allowing operator to fine tune tractor functions. Navrgating CommandCenterTl‘ Pages ; Use Touch Screen CommandCenterTN buttons or icons " to make selection For input boxes use either key pad, or 3; select input box and scroll adjustment dial (C) to desired f; value. Yellow highlight box appears around selected input 5 box and indicates adjustment dial is active é A—CommandCenter attached to Command/ARM"V (B), commandceme’w and Gummand/‘RMW allows operatorto View selected pages required to operate tractor Display is Touch Screen allowmg operator to touch options on screen to iriove through pages and access tractor functions B—CommandARM’M is made up of buttons joystick (if equipped), swrtches and shortcuts allowmg operator to manage tractor or implement functions C—Adjustment Dial/Close Button allows operator to change values in input boxes Rotating adjustment dial cloCKWise raises input box values. Rotating adjustment dial counterclocKWise lowers input box values Push button one time to close Window Push and hold to close all open Windows inniaiai? D—Shortcut Keys allow operator to access specific functions Without going through CommandCenterT’“ menu E—Run Page Modules are areas allowmg quick access to functions F——Title Bar can be selected on any run page for drop down bar to change run page. G—Menu lists all applications installed on display and machine. Select left hand tabs to view different groups of applications H—Help Button is accessed by pressing title barto view help for page when available l—Advanced Settings Button is accessed by pressing title bar to edit additional settings when available Module Functions J—Close Button is pressed to close current page L—Tabs allow operatorto change to different section K—lncrease/Decrease Value Buttons are used to mm change value wrthrn input boxes Use ++ and - - buttons to make larger incremental changes when adjusting value ratherthan touching + or- buttons For areas that require tighter adjustments, only + and , buttons are available CommandCenter is a trademark orbeere & Company CommandARM is a trademark of Deere & Company KTEi 203 o 16-10 PN:67 CommandCenter“ Activating System - Cold startup occurs when display has not operated in last 24 hours or has lost unswrtcheo power Cold startup takes longer than warrrr startup for orsplay to power up (approximately 30 seconds) Speed wrth Wthh display system actrvates will vary, dependrng upon how recently tractor has been used. There are two types of startups . Warm startup occurs when display has operated in last 24 hours and has NOT lost unswrtched power own/.5 UN ml. rs Navigate Run Pages on Main Page If rrrore than one run page rs rn Actrve Set there are (D rnultrple ways to choose whrch run page rs orsplayeo on rnarn page Title Bar pc'sw UN ml. rs Select title bar at top of rnarn page to display a lrst ofall run pages that are in Active Set Choose a run page to return to marn page. Navigation Arrows Select erther left or right arrows to cycle through run pages AiLeft/Right Navrgalion CicommandCenter Shortcut Finger Swipe Arrows Button B—Flnger Swlpe Swipe finger across display left and right, to cycle through run pages CommandCenter Shortcut Button Select right arrow oelow orsplay rn CommandCenter Navrgatron Bar CZ’SS‘Z 3300633 V'OV'DJUL'SV'” Shortcut Buttons Generation 4 CommandCenterW navigation bar shortcut outtons allow operator drrect access to specrfrc ® (‘9 © ® ® (9 © applications \ r r r . r r r NOTE If CommandCenterY'r’ rs not responding, reset by holding down Next Run Page button (A) and button below (no Icon) for five seconds If resetting CommandCenterW does not resolve issue, contact John Deere” dealer ® AiNext Run Page Hicontrols Setup E 5:33; Hitch 3:53.05 Gen 4 CommandCenter“ Navigation Bar D—Englne K—Audro EiTransmIssIon LiFhone F— PTO Miclose Button G—ITEC N—Adjuslment Dlal CommandCenterr‘s a trademark ofDeere a Company John Deere rs a trademark of Deere a Company KTEl 203 o roasts: 16-11 PN:6E CommandCenteI'l" Navigate to Display & Sound ’l Select Menu. 2 Select System tab. 3 Select Display & Sound icon. A—Brightness Tab Risaund Tab CiMultiple Displays Tab DiAutolDaleight Mode Toggle Ear E—Day Settings F—Nighl Setting Rxmmw. usuu Menu a System Tat; a Display & Sound lcch @r— 323—? ML: %mn»b Quay-vs Display & 3am Main Page KTEtZDEDDCCCGt rigackus'ax ' Display & Sound Display & Sound application adyusts display brightness and volume level. If multiple displays are connected use this application to configure which functions appear on each display If screen touches do not register in correct location use Touchscreen Calibration to realign screen Navigate to Display & Sound 1 Select Menu 2. Select System tab 3 Select Display & Sound application 2275372 3330622 '9 mum Brightness Brightness and Color Mode - Auto Mode Auto Mode is recommended setting This synchronizes display brightness With can light sWitch It cab lights are off display is in Day Mode. lf cab lights are on, display is in Night Mode - Day and Night Modes Select either rnode to prevent display brightness from synchronizing with cat] light sWitch. NOTE: The mode selected does not adjust brightness of a second display Ad/ust brightness of that display through its settings Continued on next ndge p: 2:, UN mar/~13 B—Nighl Mode A—Day Mode mi 19 naamia tl? 16-12 PN:69 CommandCenteIW Brightness Settings P: 7.7,. Select either settings button to dispiay a popup page for corresponding brightness mode Depending on mode seiecteo With settings button, adiust dispiay and cab brightness by usmg pius (+) and minus UN mini/M3 E] (D (-) buttons ps‘i’w‘ UN mxiiwis Ainay Settings CiDlsplay Brightness E—Nignt Setllngs Dicah Brightness IIIII Sound p: 7.77 UN snuiivia Change dispiay volume by seiecting increase (+) or decrease (-) buttons to) Display Vo/ume 623 xgrcgiut'ax' 16-13 PN:7U CommandCente/"i‘ Navigate to Date & Time ’l Select Menu. 2 Select System tab. 3 Select Date & Time Icon. A—12 Hour Time Format E—Time Input Boxes Button F—AM/PM InpuI Box 5724 Hour Time Format G—Dale Input Boxes Button CiTlme Zone Input Fleld III—Date Format InpuI Field RX/J‘li757". llN ~ ”w DI] no —> 3M \—> MENU Menu > System Tab i Date 5 Time lcon {a} m ‘ mum-mm Winn-2mm @jo’ m2 2011 mnmiz-mm n.n.a...m..m.m~ Date ti Time Page with GPS Sync Disabled KTm 203 oooooaa n— ew“... mu.- ‘6) 12'06»: ltmcfiflflilmamugn El // I2Nm /r3 um manwmmmnuh © a 7CF'B"; llN Date & Time Application Information from Date and Time application is used for several important functions on system These include eiiui logging, activations and data recording Date and time are set automatically ifa GPS receiver is connected and receiVing valid signal. ln this case only set time zone Current date and time can be found at any time by selecting Status Center at top of main run page. NOTE Date and Time setting affects how Guidance and Documentation data are filtered on display and desktop software PC’ w L illNitfi‘iQ/tfl Navigate to Date & Time 1 Select Menu 2 Select System tab 3 Select Date & Time application JUL'BV'” 16-14 PN:7i CommandCente/W Change Current Date Date can only be changed ifGPS is not connected or GPS signal is not available. OtherWise GPS signal determines date Date Format does not depend on GPS Signal, and can be changed at any time. 1 Select day, month, or year 2 Use keypad to enter correct value 3 Select Done to apply changes or Cancel to return to previous page without applying changes Date Format 1 Select Date Format box was llN rear/M3 A—Dale Selby User B—Dale Deterrnlned by GPS 2. Select desired date format from list. 3 Select Done to apply changes or Cancel to return to the preVIous screen Without making changes cz‘ea‘z 00006' n reactors: r' Change Current Time Current Time can only be changed if GPS is not connected or GPS signal is not available OtherWise GPS signal determines time. Time Zone and Time Format do not depend on GPS signal and can be changed at any time 1 Select hour or minute 2 Use keypad to enter correct value 3 Select Done to apply changes or Cancel to return to previous page Without applying changes Time Zone 1 Select a continent or ocean and select Next 2 Select a country and select Next. p: 2'5 llN rear/M3 G) G) ‘0 MG) A—Time Set by User E—Time Determined by GPS 3 Select a time zone and select Next. 4 Confirm selected time zone and select OK Time Format Use radio button to select 12 Hour or24 Hourtime format czrem animals '9 wow 16-15 PN:72 CommandCente/W Navigate to Language & Units ’l Select Menu. 2 Select System tab. 3 Select Display & Sound icon. DiCancel button E—Save button A—Language button E—Numerlc Formal button C—Unlts of Measurement button nu ‘ no —> 3m \—>® MENU —/ i\ V Menu ) System Tab > Language 1: Units lcori l-vl‘t imm- uumrwu vmr mum..." ll) Language a Units Page KTmZOSOOCCCGG 1923AUC'3 Language & Units Language & Units is used to change Language Number Format and Units of Measurement Different settings can be created for both the display and for controllers that are displayed in ISOBUS VT Select eithertab to change settings Navigate to Language & Units 1 Select Menu 2 Select System tab ll‘. 'nigizia 3 Select Language & Units application ' :‘iut'aw' Language & Units Settings Display Select Language, Number Format and Units of Measurement from list boxes ISOBUS VT lt is possible for controllers that display in ISOBUS VT to have different units of measure than rest of display. Remove check from “Use Same Units of Measure as Display" to enable list boxes for - Number Format - Distance - Area I Volume I Mass - Temperature I Pressure I Force Saving Settings After new settings are selected, select Save button. Display must reboot to apply changes. 2er '9'7JUL'3'" 62E 16-16 PN:73 CommandCente/W Changing Pages and Values Various methods are provided to allow selection and modification of CornrnanoCenterT’“ pages and values - A—Section Tab: To change to different section topic, click desireo section tab 0 B—Icons: Select to open application - C—Bar Graph: To change value, use increase (+) or decrease (-) buttons 0 D—Slider Graph: To change value select slioer graph module and use increase (+) or decrease (-) buttons 0 E—lnput Box: Use increase (+) ordecrease 0 buttons to adjust value. To enter new values or text, select oeSired input box UN"; NOTE When changing values using adjustment dial, Increasing speed of adjustment dial rotation Increases speed of value changes If a large range of values is available a numeric keypad appears allowmg direct input of desired value input Fields CnmmandCente/is a trademark ofDeere & Company KTm 203 0000053 16-17 PN:74 CommendCenteIW Generation 4 CommandCenterTM Status Center Status Center IS found In top region un 10 Inch dxsplay (H ”mm/'77 bottom left regxon an 7 Inch dlsptay Status Center functions' - A—Date & Time: Adlust date and time 0 B—Data Storage: Vlew data usage RXMH'!‘ Status Center Km 203 00c: 16-18 PN:7S CommandCenteI'l" Navigate to Mutiple Displays ACAUTION: Implement Detected Improper operation can cause unintended implement movement. To av0id death or serious injury to a bystander, understand how this display operates the functions of the implement. Read and understand the Implement Operator’s Manual. Message occurs when system detects aii ISOBUS Implement For more information, read Operator Manuals for lSOBUS Implements. ln some cases it may be necessary to operate with more than one lSO terminal display Configure CommanoCenterW to recognize and operate in conyunction With a second ISO display 1 Select Menu 2. Select System tab. 3 Select Display and Sound icon 4 Select Multiple Displays tab CommandCenteris a trademark ofDee/e it Company UN F'FFRlfi A—Edit Button System Tab a Display and Sci/rid lcnna Mu/tip/e Disp/ays Tab .....y. ...... o n .... buddy Mm: Sink D-why 0mm DnD‘IYX W bu: ...... ...... ...... 5......wm... .. 5............. .. ...-.. .. C \a ... Mu/tip/e Disp/ays Page :xiyawa 16-19 PN:76 CommandCente/"l Multiple Displays Generation 4 CommandCenter may be configured to iuii With the followmg John Deere displays connected at cornerpost - Original GreenStar Display (Without Mobile Processor) 0 G82 1800 0 G82 2600 0 G83 2630 Some applications, such as AutoTiac cannot run on both displays at the same time Activations do not transfer between displays automatically They may only be moved using the transfer process on StellarSupport com Installing a 652 or 653 Display 1 Ensure ignition key and CommandCenter are OFF 2. Attach display harness to corner post connector and 267pin display connector to back of display Turn ignition key ON CommandCenter display searches for second display on Implement CANBUS for approximately 90 seconds It CommandCenterwas preViously In Single Display Mode, it displays a message stating, "Multiple Displays Detected . Select a configuration preset Single Display - Do NOT use this option in this scenario. This should only be used if second display is not installed Multiple — Compatibility Mode . iSOBUS implements Will only appear on second display, not CommandCenter Multiple , Implement Viewer - lSOBUS implements Will appear on both second display and CommandCenter Custom Setup . Manually set configurations. pc'sw llN f‘rn‘ii/Ni3 El Mu/tlp/e Disp/ays 6 Cycle Ignition Key off and onto save settings Removing a 682 or 683 Display i Ensure ignition key and CommandCenter are OFF 2 Detach display harness from 26-pin display connector at back of display Turn ignition key ON CommandCenter display searches for second display on Implement CANBUS for approximately 90 seconds if CommandCenter was previously in one of the Multiple Display Modes it displays a message stating, Second Display Not Found 5 Cycle lgnition Key off and on to save settings. Installing an Original GreenStar Display Original GreenStar display can be used for nonrguidance functions such as monitoring a SeedStari planter. NOTE Mobile Processor is not compatible and should not be connected ’l Ensure ignition key and CommandCenter are OFF Attach display harness to corner post connector and display connector. Turn ignition key ON Ensure Tracking is OFF on Original Display See Original Display manual for instructions. IMPORTANT: Ensure tracking has not been turned on since last reprogram or reset of display memory. To clear display ineinoiy press and hold E 2 and Clear buttons and reboot This clears all data stored on display 33062; :or'uuL'ari' Display Calibration Touch Screen Calibration may be required if screen does not register a touch in a desired location Touch screen is factory calibrated and should not need to be calibrated under normal service if calibration does not resolve issue, contact a John Deere dealer 1 Select Begin Calibration 2 A large "X" and instructions are provided to lead operators through calibration process Each time X" is pressed instructions change and ‘X moves to another area of screen. NOTE: if touch screen malfunctions, a USB mouse may be used Connect mouse to display USB port c276372 00::525 i9 C5593 16-20 PN:77 CommandCente/W Software Manager as us llN mil 13 Use Software Manager to update software activate features and find software verSion details Navigate to Software Manager 1_ Select Menu Software Manager 2. Select System tab 3 Select Software Manager application (777%?) nnnnas: 19 IVS—Kut‘il’i 19’} Software Packages “5'53‘7’UN’11JU43 Generation 4 display software and help files are organized 03 into packages Each package is listed individually on 05 * Installations and Updates tab and Version information tap _/ / Generation 4 Operating System ® © ® . Contains display operating system and basic applications . . Aiseneratlon 4 cs CiTractor Applications Generation 4 Operating System HE/P Biseneratlon 4 05 Help o—TiacluiApplications Help - Contains help files for display applications Tractor Applications NOTE: At this time Generation 4 display will not update . Contains tractor suflwme A John Deere defileV with connected controllers such as StarFi‘re receivers. ServiceADVlSOR is required to install package Onscreen Help packages include each language Tractor Applications Help that display supports. - Contains help files fortractor applications Package may be installed Without SerViceADVISOR cz‘ea‘z 000063: 719708 PC 3:3 iuNiiiJUJS Update Display Software Determine Software Versions VerSion numbers for all installed software packages are available in VerSIon Information tab. Download Software Updates use [1‘ Software updates are available for download from [we www stellarsupporlcom. 1_ Select Downloads and Updates 4 Follow instructions available and utilize Software Manager utility to download software update files to a 2 Choose Generation 4 Display updates USB drive 3 VleW ””6355 ”0155 5 Once USB drive has latest soflware take it to machine to install update Continued on nexl nAgE CZ‘GTZ OOOOGfil' 719708 3 HZ 16-21 PN:7E CommandCente/W Install Software Updates 1. Insert USB drive in to USB port in machine or on display 2 When "USB Drive Options" page is displayed, select Install Software This displays Installations & Updates tab of Software Manager Only software packages that are newer than what is currently installed are displayed All packages are selected by default Select Install button lfan update does not start follow the onscreen messages to resolve conflicts IMPORTANT: Do not remove power to display. Do not turn key. Do not remove USB drive. 5 A progress indicator displays percentage of each package that has been installed A green check mark is displayed when package installs successfully. Message displays when software update is finished Some software packages require a reboot to finish installation. Select Reboot button to restart display Troubleshooting When a software package fails to install, system rolls back all software to version before update started Record error message if software update fails Remove frles from USB drive and reload software update to USB drive Repeat software installation process. lf software update continues to farl contact a John Deere dealer System Rollback System rollback reverts all installations and updates that have occurred since selected date C—Inslall Successful A—lnslall Button E—Progress Indicator 1. Select System Information tab. Select System Rollback button Select Recent Updates input box. bulk) Select desired software installation date and time Select OK button. NO TE: Dealer update identifies software related to a machine controller update Cannot rollback to a versron prevrous to a dealer update 5 Select Rollback button to start System Rollback IMPORTANT: Do not remove power to display. Do not turn key. 6 A message is displayed if Rollback was successful. 7 Select Reboot button or display automatically reboots after 30 seconds Activations Use this tab to manage activations on the display requires display serial number challenge code and may require a confirmation code in order to generate a code Select Details button to find this information A single code may include multiple features but it can perform only one type ofaction (activation or deactivation) For example, one code may activate three features, while a separate code would be needed to deactivate two features Enter Activation or Deactivation Code 1 Select Enter Code button “ iuNillJUJS A—Details Bulton E—Enter Code Bulton 2 Using keyboard, enter activation or deactivation code Select OK button 3 Record confirmation code, and enter code at CZ‘GTQ 0000613 16-22 PN:79 CommandCenteI'l" Remote Software Updates (If Equipped) Servrce ADVlSORW Remote (SAR) provrdes John DeereW dealertechnrcran or company person ability to update vehicle software remotely using John Deere“ telematrcs Infrastructure Servrce ADVlSORT’“ Remote User Interface on CommandCenterW informs vehicle operator when new software rs available for download or installation. Interface allows operator to accept or cancel software download. When software update has successfully downloaded, operator is able to initiate software installation CommandCenterT’“ Interface Informs vehicle operatorabout programming status and final result 1 Select Status Center bar 2 Select Software Download bar Sen/roe ADV/30R rs a trademark or Deere & Company 3 When Software Updates page displays operator can' Status Center Bar > Software Download Bar - Cancel download - Download software - install software by followrng on-screerr instructions r c94949 :ooozr mum's: ' File Manager Data and setup information can be transferred between displays or compatible desktop software using a USB drive it rs also Important to backup data to a USB drive periodically NOTE Data can be transferred to Apex and several third-party desktop applications Update Apex or third-party desktop application If there are issues With transferring data Display internal memory is intended to have enough capacity to store all data from a machine per season A message wrll appear when 90% of memory is used Data should be exported and deleted before rrrerrrory used exceeds 90% Continued on next ndge cz‘ Ff/e Manager Navigate to File Manager 1 Select Menu 2 Select System tab. 3 Select File Manager Application 16-23 PN:ao CommandCenteIm ‘ Import Data import data from USB drive Use this option in the foilowmg examples - Import field names and guidance lines from another 2630 display or compatible desktop software NOTE: Choose 653 2630 card format when exporting from Apex, To use Iiries from other Greenstar displays, unload liries In to Apex and then export in 653 2630 card format. Ifguidance lines aie in the same field and created with the same tracking method, the display handles the following conflicts Different Name Same Line If lines are the same name ofguidance line on display is replaced by name on USB drive Same Name, Different Line Ifthere are two different lines with the same name line on USB drive is renamed when imported For example "Track1" is renamed "Track1(t)" Export Data Data is copied to USB drive Use this option in the fotlowmg examptes " ‘70 ‘4»: ® A—lmport Data B—Export Data - Transfer guidance lines to another Gen 4 CommandCenter, GSS 2630, or compatible desktop soflware ' Transfer setup information to another display or compatible desktop software ' Transfer screen shots and log files to a USB drive. Select guidance lines scieen shots and log files for export All data in each option is exported when selected Remove Data Select “Delete files aflertransfer check box to ieinove scieen shot and eiioi log files from display afterthey are exported to USB drive Guidance lines are not removed when check box is selected Use edit option in AutoTrac Guidance application to remove guidance lines CZ‘GTZ 0000648 71970333213 292 Capture Screen Shots Select area highlighted in top left corner of screen Press and hold until screen flashes and display makes camera shutter sound Insert USB drive and select Export Data to transfer screen shots to drive A—Screen Shot Area - su- Guldanta m u;- sex rm. mm it Im- mm min max L: In W: my.“ 16-24 PN:ai CommandCenleI'M Navigate to Diagnostics Center ’l Select Menu. 2 Select System tab. 3 Select Diagnostics Center icon. A—Application Diagnostics D—Display Bicontroller Diagnostics E—CAN aiis iiito C—Trouhle Codes RX/.nt7"'2 UN 11 ,. w an _> sysmii new I Menu s System Tab a Diagnostics Center lcoh Diegnesties Center NM 203 o anew Diagnostics Center Diagnostics Center is the one place to find diagnostics for the entire system Select one ofthe tabs for more information. Controller Diagnostics - Access Diagnostic Addresses Trouble Codes, and information specific to each deVice connected on CANBUS Trouble Codes - View all active or stored Trouble Codes Readings - View Diagnostic Readings for Processor, Monitor, and Display by 7272 funimhta CANBUS Info - View Diagnostic information for each CANBUS NaVIgate to Diagnostics Center 1 Select Menu 2 Select System tab 3 Select Diagnostics Center application cz .. 16-25 PN:B2 CommandCenteIm Controller Diagnostics Controller Diagnostics displays the followmg information for controllers connected on CANBUS Device - Each device in list is identified by DeVice ID, CAN Address, and CAN Network location Codes - Indicates if deVice has trouble codes Message Count - Number of CAN messages display has received from controller Use zero button at bottom of page to reset nie ' 'age count for all deVices Viewing and Sorting Select button next to View by" to change way controllers are displayed Available Views are All Devices - All controllers connected to display are shown Implement BUS Devices - Only controllers on Implement CANBUS are displayed. Vehicle BUS Devices . Only controllers on Vehicle CANBUS are displayed. Select button next to Sort by" to arrange list according to these filters De Vice 0 List sorted by deVice ID Has Codes - List sorted by if device has trouble codes 2275372: u; '9'7JUL'3'” Diagnostic Mode Select a controller from Controller Diagnostics list for more detailed information NOTE: Display is set to Diagnostic Mode when a controller is selected. Diagnostic Mode is removed when controller page is closed Diagnostic Addresses IMPORTANT: Changing settings in Diagnostic Addresses may damage machine or implement controllers. Follow instructions, and use caution when changing address values. Controllers have addresses that store values for different settings Each Address is identified by an Address Number and Type Data addresses can only be Viewed (for example soflware version information) while Input addresses can be edited (for example calibration settings) Trouble Codes Current and stored codes forthe selected controller are displayed. Select a code from list to View code details Controller Information Controller Information displays detailed speCifications and identification information from controller croa‘? momma. r: . Hide Diagnostic Center Display is set to Diagnostic Mode once a controller is selected Select Hide Diagnostic Center to minimize application and return to main page Hide button is useful for accessing another part ofdisplay during a calibration procedure. To return to the same diagnostic page, select Diagnostic Center application from menu NOTE: Leaving display in Diagnostic Mode is not recommended, because it can negatively affect performance iUNiofiJ.,l3 Hide Diagnostics Center Remove Diagnostic Mode by cIoSing controller page 2275372 3330631 '9 mum 16-26 PN:83 CommandCenteI'l" Trouble Codes Trouble Codes displays all current and stored codes that have occurred on the system Select Refresh button to clear, and then retrieve all codes Select Clear Codes button to remove all codes from display PC'EZZ? UN rm. A—Retresh button B—Clear Codes hutlon cz‘oa‘: 0000635 '9 :eAUe'ax 3 Viewing and Sorting Select button next to "View by" to change the way codes are displayed Available Views are Code . View by Code lists all codes on display Code Type, Details, Status and Count are all displayed. Select a code from list to View Code Details. Dewce - View by “Der/ice“ lists all controllers on CANBUS DEVICE lD, CAN Network and if deVice has codes are all displayed Select a controller in list to VleW DEVICE Codes PC’E’E’E’! airliner. 13 ® (9 Aislop Alert C—Into Alert B—Service Alert czvem 0000635 '9 moon 2: Code Details Select a trouble code to view code details AiTrouhle Code Type Eicode Status BiTrouhle Code Number Ficount CiDevlce ID GiTrouble Code D—CANBus Network H—Trouhle Code Description ‘36 tl‘hwblncoda. mo: 0 ©W ©x_] “WWW” Sm» ecu-m “no: any." Mum Supply Voting. Hign<@ Mymwum-mm mkommmnuo‘r. Code Deter/S czvem 0000635 '9 :5 16-27 PN:84 CommandCenteI'M Readings The following rnformatron is avarlable in Readrngs. Hardware I Displays and Server , Part Numbers - Serial Numbers - Operational Hours I USE Presence Electrical - Unswrtched Voltage I Swrtched Voltage - Implement and Vehrcle CAN - CAN High , CAN Low Other NOTE: Machine must be equipped to receive certa/‘n fnformaI/‘on I Radar lnput Status I Radar Frequency I lmplement Swrtch Status ~29739Jut'3x' CANBUS Information Select lmplement CAN for infermatlcn on GPS receiver, second ISOBUS dlsplay, and lSOBUS lmplements Select Vehicle CAN for lnformation on machlne controllers such as the englne, hydraulics and transmisslan Some values display a green dot or a yellow dot wrth an exclamation pornt. A green dot means value rs wrtmn normal range whrle a yellow oot rneans value rs out of normal range Depending on machrne and rmplement confrguratron yellow mrght be expected by 5335 iuuioelhra (D Aisreen Indlcator. Normal Range BiYellow Inurcamr, cm or Range cz‘oa‘: oooooe‘ 16-28 PN:BS CommandCenterm CANBUS Values Network Status Active I System rs workrng as expected In addrtion to display, at least one controller rs connected and communrcatrng on CANBUS Inactive I Drsplay rs not communrcating wrth any other controllers orr CANBUS lf display rs only controller on CANBUS Total Message Count Increases but Network Status rs rnactrve Total Message Count Total message count rs number of messages sent over CANBUS. When machrne rs runnrng, thrs value counts up contrnuously since there are always messages sent on CANBUS. CAN Hrgh and CAN Low Voltage Drsplay reads peak voltage ratherthan average voltage. Srnce multrmeters typrcally read average voltages do not compare multimeter readrng with drsplay readrngs. Peak CAN Hrgh and Peak CAN Low voltages normally range between 1.8 and 3 3 Volts Bus Utilrzation lnformatron on CANBUS is sent rn messages between controllers The John Deere rmplement CANBUS rs runnrng at a baud rate of 250 kbd, meanrng rt can swrtch power up to 256,000 trmes per second to transmrt messages Thrs is a BUS utilizatron of100 percent If a controller, such as an rmplement rs not runnrng as expected a BUS utrlrzatron of 45 percent or hrgher could be a reason torthe rssue Some devrces cannot send and recerve all necessary messages due to hrgh BUS load. NOTE: Some ISOBUS implements do not work with BUS loads higher than 25 percent A working StarFire GPS receiver causes a BUS load of about 577 percent, Unplugging implements or GPS receivers can reduce BUS utilization Baud Rate Baud Rate rndrcates how fastthe BUS rs working lSOBUS and John Deere rmplement BUS are runnrng at a rate of 250 kbd. Any controller connected to this system must work at 250 kbd otherwrse rtwrll not functron properly CANBUS State and Error Counts Four CANBUS states are possrble - Active 7 CANBUS is runnrng without any problems I Passive r Passrve errors have occurred I Warn 7 BUS Warn errors have occurred. I Otfe BUS Off errors have occurred If one of these errors occurs, drsplay records number of times rt happens Passive Error Count I If value counts up higher than zero a controller on CANBUS did not recerve all messages lmportanl rnformation mrght have been lost Thrs rs most lrkely due to hrgh CANBUS Utilrzatron BUS Warn Count - If value counts up higher than zero a controller on CANBUS has Issues BUS Off Count - If value counts up higher than zero a controller on CANBUS has rssues lt mrssed a certarn number of messages and does not recerve messages anymore Important rnformatron has been lost It most Irkely occurs In combinatron with high CANBUS Utilrzatron. Overrun Error Count - Overrun Error Count rndrcates that applrcations or controllers on CANBUS recerve messages faster than they can process them Thrs results rn mrssrng messages and maltunctron otthe system It most Irkely occurs In combinatron with hrgh CANBUS Utrlization cz‘oa‘: oooooee 16-29 PN:86 CommandCente/"i‘ ‘ .2 16‘.C\ 1? Navigate to Users & Access ’l Select Menu. DD 2 Select System tab. an I syn” \ I & 3 Select Users & Access icon. MENU / \ / Aiuser Profiles Tab D—Edil Button BeAccess Groups Tab E—View Button Menu a System Tab a User & Access lcorr Cichange Profile Button exis'awi Krai 203 0 Users & Access Users & Access manages user profile settings to lock users out of certain features User Profiles 0 Change display profile and set PlN for administrator “59’s & “”555 ECCBSS Access Groups 1 Select Menu 0 Store display features that are locked. 2 Select System tab Navigate to Users & Access 3 Select Users & Access application cz‘ea‘z DDDDSLE P:"7ss llN lei. i3 User Profiles Display can be set to one of two profiles Administrator or Operator The active profile is displayed above profile list i Administrator Profile Administrator profile always set to Full Access Group. It allows unlimited access of all features, and ability to lock and unlock features in Operator Profile A PIN can be set to lock users out oftne Administrator Profile A—Admlmstrator PI'O'I'E B—OPEratm PI'O'I'E Operator Profile Profile must be active profile and Administrator Profile Operator profile always set to Limited Access Group. It is must have a PIN for features to be locked restricted to only features it is given access to. Operator Continued on nexi page cz‘oa‘ 300644 elQVDEAJSle irz 16-30 PN:a7 CommandCenteIm Change Active Profile Select Change Profile button and select profile from list NOTE. If a PIN has been created for the administrator profile, it must be entered when swrtchrng from Operator Profile to Administrator Profile Add/Change PIN Select Edit button for Administrator Profile Select Add/Change PIN button Aichange Proflle Button B—Edit Button © C—Vlew Button rl9708AJSl M2 Access Groups Access Groups store display features users have access to Full Access group is able to use all features on display while Limited Access group can be restricted to only certain features NOTE: Full Access Group can not be edited. Limited Access groups can only be edited if Administrator Profile is Active Profile, Select View button to display Access Group Summary Select Edit Group button to make changes to Access Group illNilStlH 13 ® A—View Button B—Edil Group Button iooakaie iiz Edit Access Group For each application listed ‘None Locked" is displayed if no features are locked When features are locked they are listed unoerthe application name and rcon changes tolocked Select an application to highlight it and select Edit button Edit Access Rights page displays a list of features that can be locked or unlocked by toggling lock/unlock sWitch Save changes by closing page. llN ml. is 55“ ® A—Unlock Icon B—Lock Icon 2275372 ::::547 i9 DDAJMS 22 16-31 PN:BE CommandCenteI'l" ‘ Navigate to Layout Manager Select Menu. Select Applications tab. 3 Select Layout Manager icon. NOTE Layout Manager opens In last used run page A—Active Set Tab BiAll Run Pages Tah C—Edit Button Rxmmw niiiiiw M... i»- Menu > Applications Tab DD DD Menu > Layout Manager lcori m Manger 0 name on_ “ions 2 fun we: Alllurl has i E] in Layout Manager Page Krei 203 ooooosn Layout Manager Use Layout Managerto create and modify run pages so important information and functions can be accessed from the main page. Run pages are made of "modules" or blocks that contain information and buttons. Modules can be added removed and rearranged on a run page. Unlimited Run Pages can be created and saved Only one Run Page Set can be created Navigate to layout Manager as w ll‘. 'nigizia Layout Manager 1. Select Menu. 2. Select Applications tab 3 Select Layout Manager application CZ‘SS‘Z 00006 Active Set llN ml. 13 Active Set is a collection of Run Pages grouped together D for an operation (i e planting or tillage) Select Active Set to display Edit Run Page Set page. “We SE! 0063A 97‘0JUL‘37‘3 ithiifitlu 13 Rename Active Set Next to Set Name select Edit button to rename Active Set Add Run Page to Active Sat Select Add Run Page button to display a list of run pages that can be added to the set Choose one of the run pages and select OK Continued on nexi Woe ® A—Edit Button B—Add Button cz‘oa‘z cooooaA ugxoiut' 16-32 PN:BQ CommandCenter'l" ‘ Edit Run Pages in Active Set Select one of the run pages to show a row of buttons for editing that run page Select Edlt button to change the modules on run page Select Duplicate button to create a new run page With same modules Select Up and Down buttons to change order of run pages Run page order IS used when cycling through pages on main page. Select Remove button to delete run page from Active Set Run pagers strll in All Run Pages llSt‘ Just no longer in Active Set p: 7.7.2 UN ln.l,.13 A—Edit Button B—Dupllcate Button C—Move up Button D—Move Down Button E—Remove Button NOTE: Remove button is not shown if only one run page IS In Active Set cz‘ea‘z ooooeerx V'OV'DJUL' Add, Edit, or Duplicate Run Pages The same interface IS displayed when adding editing, or duplicating a run page A new run page starts out blank, whrle duplicate or edited run pages have existing modules Run Page Name Every run page must have a unroue name Select Edit button to elther name or rename Iun page Add Module Select Add Module button and choose application With appropriate content From lrst find module wrth desired information and select Add button NOTE: The same module can only be placed 0’] H Ill” page (NICE p752? llN ln.l,.13 ® A—Edit Button B—Add Module Button NOTE: Start with larger modules before adding smaller modules to fill in space, Use grid to determine amount of space required for a module. czrem :: Rearrange Modules Once added to run page select module to highlight it. Press and shoe module to move It to an open area PC'EZL? llN ln.l,.13 Move Module Remove Module Select module to highlight it and select Remove button Dr, W. llN ln.l,.13 Remove Module Button czrem mass: '9 'OJUL'S ere 16-33 PN:eo CommandCenteI'l" AutoTrac Guidance Use Guidance application for steering machines through field along guidance tracks Guidance can be done manually, or automatically using AutoTrac Manual Guidance (included feature) Manual Guidance also known as Parallel Tracking, enables operator to steer manually along guidance tracks using onscreen light bar map and audible tones A StarFire receiver is required to operate Manual Guidance Parallel Tracking shows the machine’s position in a field relative to a track determined during the first pass through the field Parallel Tracking has modes to follow a straight or curve track Use the machine icon, lightbar, and line on the display to know which way to steer to stay on the path parallel With the last Audible alerts allow the operator to focus on the field AutoTrac Guidance (activation required) AutoTiac is an assisted steering system that automatically steers the machine through the field AutoTrac requires ll‘. 'nigizia <9 a StarFire receiver and an integrated steering system on the machine to operate Afleroperator enters a reference path (Track 0) in AutoTrac machine will steer itself parallel to that track if all conditions are met. The AutoTiac Guidance application prowdes the tools to. - Set up a guidance track - Change track Width - Aoiust settings to improve guidance performance I Engage AutoTrac ' View exit codes cz‘ca‘ JUL‘fir“ Navigate to Machine Profile 1 Select Menu. 2 Select Applications tab. 3 Select Machine Profile icon. A—Machine Tab BiGPS Oflsels Tab Ciconnecllon OHSEIS Tah DiMachlne Proflle Name Input Field E— Machine Type Inpui Field F7 Cancel Bution G—Save Butlun non aoAueia an an _> Applicatlont _> ID.“ Menu iApp/Icatlons Tab > Machine Profile lcori 03 ©\' mm... . lonmnr / i @ M. M. m... we Slim 16-34 PN:9i CommandCente/W Machine Profiles Machine Profiles allow the operatorto configure machine dimensions and GPS offsets These offsets and dimensions are important for system performance Machine Settings If machine is detected by display machine type is automatically populated OtherWise select list box to choose machine type Depending on machine type selected, additional dimenSions may be required - Four Wheel Drive Tractor Front Axle , Distance from articulation point to center of front axle Articulation point is pivoting point of machine when making a turn Rear Axle - Distance from articulation point to center of rear axle Articulation point is pivoting point of machine when making a turn - Track Tractor Center of Rotation , Distance from pivot point of machine to rear axle GPS Offsets - GPS Lateral Offset ll‘. 'nigizia Machine Profiles , Lateral distance (left or right) from center line of machine to center ofGPS receiver This value should be set to 0 0 unless GPS receiver is offset to the left or right of center line of machine Guidance and Mapping applications require GPS Lateral Offset settings - GPS Inline Offset - lnline distance from center of rear axle on machine to center of GPS receiver Mapping application requires GPS lnline Offset settings ' GPS Height - Vertical distance from GPS receiver to ground Connection Offsets ' Inline distance from center of rear axle to connection point. Connection point connects implement to machine Mapping application requires Connection Offset settings. Navigate to Implement Profile 2 Select Applications tab. Select Menu. 3 Select Implement Profile icon. Aiconnection Type Tab E—Wurking Widlh Tab CiDimensions Tab D—Wurk Recording Tab Eiconnection Type Name Input Field F7 Pivot Oflset Input Field Gicancel Eulton H—Save Eulton ernizsw animals 33 —> ‘ mum-I- >—> Menu a Applications Tab a Implement Profile lcon 16-35 PN:92 CommandCenter'l" Implement Profiles Use Implement Profiles to configure lmplement Connection Type, Working Vlfidth Dimen5ions and Recording Triggers These offsets and dimensions are important for system performance Connection Types ' Determines the trailing actions of the implement being towed behind machine. Connection Type should reflect the connection type oithe current implement lt should also match one of the machine connection types specified in the Machine Profiles section Mapping application requires Connection Type settings 0 Pivoting Hitch , Some implement types consist ofa pivoting hitch and do not pivot at the connection point of the machine For these implement types, a Pivot Offset setting is required This option only appears it Rear 3-Point is selected as a machine connection type Working Width 0 Working Vifidth determines Width of the area worked lt is also used to determine the distance between each pass in the field Guidance Mapping, and Area Totals applications require Working \Mdlh Dimensions - Lateral Offset , Lateral distance from center pomt of machine to center point of working width of implement. Guidance and Mapping applications require Lateral Offset setting ll‘. 'RLHWB ‘4'“ implement Profiles 0 Center of Rotation , lnline distance from connection point to the center of rotation of implement while in working position Usually, Center of Rotation is the implement’s load bearing parts that make contact with the ground Mapping application requires Center of Rotation setting Work Recording - Recording Triggers determine when map recording is turned ON and OFF. Mapping application requires Work Recording settings. NOTE In Manual mode, operator must push Record or Pause button to turn Coverage Map recording ON or OFF Not all Recording Triggers are available for all machines, and many Recording Triggers require ground speed i come 0033338 4972' Navigate to Machine Monitor ’l Select Menu. 2 Select Application tab. 3 Select Machine Monitor icon. Aispeed & PowerTah E—Pressure J. Volume Tab CiTemperalure Tab D—Electrlcal Tab E—Produclivily Tab F7 Machine Monitor Measuremeni Display G—Scroll Ear l?.lllN‘? g: _> Applicallon: MENU Menu . Applicancns Tab > Machine Monitor icon ‘7llN‘? Example Machine Monitor Screen KTEl 203 0000062 16-36 PN:93 CommandCente/"l Machine Monitor Machine Monitordisplays machine specific performance values Groupings of values include 0 Speed and Power - Fuel and Pressure 0 Temperature 0 Electrical - Hours NOTE. Values available in each group depend on machine model Select tabs on left-hand side ofthe page to sthch between groups Select a value to VleW a popup ofiust that value If a value is not available, dashes Will be shown. pc'sz'n UN lfi‘J/Nlfi Machine Monitor Navigate to Machine Monitor 1 Select Menu 2 Select Application tab 3 Select Machine Monitor application JUL'SV'” Navigate to Work Monitor ’l Select Menu. 2 Select Applications tab. 3 Select Totals and Averages icon. Aiwork Monllor Llst B—Scroll Bar C—Rese! All eruniqr ~ #W i Work Monitor loori Menu > Applications Tab u“ a I? m... mm. mm A Away mm. ml? ruslkur my a ll r m Mum-Uta mm mm am y; Away 035W“ am , mm- um. ya ‘ 1.5-». mg ‘ mmm ”mm-y n.‘ n m... m AVE)“ mm M man. mu m _____.J ©i r“ .mfi: lflflfifll I i4, wm Monitor Page KTfil rm 0 Work Monitor Work Monitor displays averaged and totaled machine and operation specific values Select a value on the page to view a popup Window otiust that value Use the reset button at the bottom ofthe page to clear all values except instant values Date and time of the last reset Will be indicated next to the button To be calculated correctly, some values require implement working width. Use the Edit \Mdth button on a popup window to change working width. This button opens the lmplement Profiles application For inoie information, see Implement Profiles section p757.” UN rear/M3 Work Monitor Navigate to Work Monitor 1 Select Menu 2 Select Application tab 3 Select Work Monitor application. cz‘ca‘: ooooc‘: xgrcgiut'ax ' 16-37 PN:94 CommandCente/W Work Recording When Work Recording is ON rirap recording and counters that require a recording trigger accumulate. Counters requiring Work Recording include - Area Worked - Time Worked - Productivity - Average Fuel Per Area 0 Average Working Speed Select Work Recording in the bottom right hand cornerto View a popup wrndow wrth recording settings Recording status is based off the current recording trigger selected in Implement Profiles. ltthe recording trigger does not fit the current operations press Edit button to change the selected recording trigger For irroie information see Implement Profiles section NOTE If recording trigger is set to manual, work recording can be swrtched on or off by pressing the recording button JUL'SV'” Navigate to Maintenance & Calibrations ’1 Select Menu. 2 Select Tractor Settings tab 3 Select Maintenance & Calibrations icon. Aiservlce Intervals Tab Bicallhratlons Tab c—Semce Intervals List DiAdd Service Interval Button EiEdlt Service Interval Button F—SCruII Bar RXnniac?‘ no I an —> VIKIOPSQIIIw 1—} Q7 menu Menu )TlacloISettlngS Tab iMaintenance ii calibrations/con u. ”an a Imam- .-. (0)] Maintenance 5 Callblatloris Page KTEt 203 ooooorrs Maintenance & Calibrations Maintenance & calibrations application allows the operator to set up service intervals and perform caliorations on machine components Navigate to Maintenance & Calibrations 1 Select Menu 2 Select Tractor Settings tab pr 27/. UN 31‘ 3 Select Maintenance & Calibrations application czvem 0000623 '9 mum 16-38 PN:95 CommandCente/"r‘ Calibrations Use this application to perform wheel slip calibration and radar calibration For a tractor perform wheel 5le calibration and radar calibration Within this application Radar Calibration A radar device needs to be calibrated when it rs first installed on the machine orthere rs a difference between radar speed and actual ground speed Currently the system supports John Deere dual beam radars. NOTE In Windy conditions, movmg parts such as leaves. dust, or gravel can cause inaccurate radar speed Wheel Slip Calibration Calibrate wheel slip rfthere is a mismatch between radar speed and wheel speed. For more information see Machine Monitor i=2'5275 llN mi. @9 is $59} A—Radar Callbrallon B—Wheel Sllp Callbrallon Perform calibration whrle driving With arr unloaded machine on a hard dry clean and level surface NOTE: Wheel slip calibration is only available on a connected and calibrated radar device Make sure radar speed is accurate before performing wheel slip calibration cz‘ea‘z 3300626 Service Intenials Servrce intervals are reminders of when regular maintenance needs to be performed on a machine if a servrce interval is not defined at the factory press the Add Service Interval button An unlimited number of servrce intervals can be added Once a service interval is created it is added to the list and displayed With the name elapsed time and interval amount - The operator selects the name to identify the specific servrce interval - Elapsed indicates the number of hours Since the servrce interval was reset - Interval is the number of hours between each service The intervals are sorted from least amount of time due to the most amount of time due They are then sorted by name in alpharrrumerrcal order, With priority given to numbers. Twenty hours before the service interval is due the system Will inform the operator that the machine Will need to be serviced soon Once the message has been acknowledged, the system wrll inform the operator about the upcoming service at every startup until service interval is reset czrem 3300623 '9 CSJUL'S 16-39 PN:96 CommandCenteIm ‘ Navigate to Controls Setup mmw-s ieiiiiis Controls Setup page allows usei to asSign device (E) With various implement functions (H) Once completed function may be performed by activating aSSigned deVioe 1;: CAUTION: ISOBUS Controller detected Geneiarien 4 Controls Setup Shortcut Button Improper operation can cause unintended eat—wen implement movement. NOTE Some ISOBUS/cysticks may not be equipped To avoid death or serious injury to bystander, DD understand how this display operates the '3“ ’ ”Dunno". functions of each machine “5”” Read Operator’s Manual for ISOBUS Implements. Mm, > App/mam“ Tab > Controls 59M? ,mn Message above occurs when system detects auxiliary ‘°""°"‘""’ ° control. if necessary reView or change lSOBUS Joystick assignments Immediately after message, operator can decline or accept by presSing appropriate buttons if “Decline is selected, all ISOBUSyoysticks are disabled lf “Accept” is selected all lSOBUS ijSIlCKS are enabled NOTE: When lSOBUS joystick is detected or is 3% reassigned operator must ensure' ©/ . 0 All users know which function is mapped m to each control. 6) : - Controls are properly labeled a - Controls provide safe implement operation. Controls Setup Page Extagnslrgigvvpnszvnch ISOBUS compliant joystick is used A_Juystick Mode IE0" F_Function prayer equipped W'm ‘50 implement BiJoystick Tab GiAdd or Edit Assignment control unit Sprayer has two controlled functions' pump C—lnput DEV” Bum," on/off and boom on/off. Using Controls Setup feature Distatus Hinelete Assignment Button each function may be assigned to one of ISOBUS Joystick E—SOWCE '— 55m” 5‘" sthch es Controls Setu Pa e p g 2. Select Applications tab. Use shortcut buttons or display touch screen 3- Select Controls Setup icon. 1 Select Menu. KTEtZDBDD llN (hit. is Controls Setup An integrated tractoryoystick combined With this John Deere display performs some tractor functions or some implement functions when combined With an lSOBUS implement. An ISOBUS ioystick combined with this John Deere display and an lSOBUS implement can perform some _ functions or the lSOBUS implement NaV'Qate ‘0 90""0'5 59!“? NOTE The ISOBUS implement and ISOBUS 1 Select Menu joystick are required to be Auxiliary Control 2 S | tA ‘. at'ons tab New (AUX-N) capable 55“ pp'“ ' 3 Select Controls Setup Application. CZ‘SS‘ZDD 16-40 PN:e7 CommandCenteI'M UN rim. is Controls From the left-hand side ofthe Controls Setup page, select one of the following controls- - Tractorjoystick Enable or Disab/e Controls - lSOBUS ioystick 0 Tractor functions 0 lSOBUS implement ' Input + Implement + Function Assignments Tractor functions Depending on the selected control, the following ' Functions + DEVICE + Input combinations (as5ignments) are posSible ISOBUS implement Tractorjoystick - Function + DeVice + Input 0 input + Source + Function ISOBUS joystick CZ‘SS‘Z 000063' Setup and manage the assignments Pi'Sii’iUNiwwta To add or edit any assignment, select the desired control, select Input or Function and press either Edit or tap anywhere in the selectable area Once assignment is completed, a status icon is shown (9 © Aistart a guided assignment CiRemove assignment Setup Buttons Wllard B—Add or edit asslgnmen! czvem ooooce' Joystick Mode Set up tractorioystick for operating either tractor functions or lSOBUS implement functions Depending on the tractor model and its configuration, the operator can select OFF - Tractorioystick is disabled Front/Mid SCVs Joystick Mode ISOBUS - Operate ISOBUS implement functions only. - Excluswely operate front or mid SCV functions for 6R Loader Mode tractor Tractorjoystick is set up for operating front loader for SR 7R 8R tractors For additional information, referto tractor - Operate tractor functions for ER 7R, SR, and 9R SCV advanced SEITWQS tractors Tractor Functions cz‘ea‘z oooose' 16-41 PN:9E CommandCenteI'M Automation Status Automation Status gives operator the ability to control tractor functions externally Automation Status displays which tractor functions are baing controlled and their current status Example 1 SCV Function- SCV status set to AUTO Implement actively controls SCV’i Implement requests SCV flow to be set at 32% in extend direction 1 Select Menu. 2 Select Applications tab. 3 Select Automation Status icon. Press Activations button (F) to naVigate to Software Manager application AiFunctlon Distatus BiREqueSI Eiscroll Bar c—Reasun F—Acllvalluns button RXM‘IHES'A Applications \ _> usuu Menu > Applications Tab iAuzomation Status Icon mm“... 5121.», o o Automation Status Page Kraizoa :oooorrz Read ISOBUS Implement Operator’s Manual ACAUTION: Implement Detected Improper operation can cause unintended implement movement. To avoid death or serious injury to a bystander, understand how this display operates the functions of the implement. Read and understand the implement Operator Manual. Message shown above displays when system detects ISOBUS implement For more information, read Operator Manuals for ISOBUS Implements. CommandEente-Iis a trademark ofDeere a Company Generation 4 CommandCenterW display can be used as display deVioe for airy implement meeting ISO 11783 (ISOBUS) standard This includes capability to control ISOBUS implements When used in this manner, information and implement control functions placed on the display are proVided oy implement and are responsibility of implement manufacturer. Some of these implement functions could provide hazard either to operator or bystander. Read operator manual proVided by implement manufacturer and observe all safety messages in manual and on implement prior to use Krai 203 o 16-42 PN:99 CommandCenteI'l" ISOBUS VT This John Deere display supports ISOBUS M783 compatiole implements These implements can be Viewed and operated Within the lSOBUS Virtual Terminal (VT) When an ISOBUS implement is connected, graphic files forthe user interface are loaded into lSOBUS VT Then lSOBUS VT provides a means for the operator to navrgate through and operate all available functions of lSOBUS implement. Navigate to ISOBUS VT 1 Select Menu u: an? ll‘. 'nrxwa MAN 2. Select Application tab 3 Select lSOBUS VT application. Connected ISOBUS Implements The Generation 4 display loads and communicates With different lSOBUS implements at the same time A list of all connected lSOBUS implements is displayed after selecting menu button. Select desired lSOBUS implement and press Done button to view implement‘s user interface. Troubleshooting If ISOBUS VT screen is no longer operable, out display still is, issue is most likely related to lSOBUS implement ll’: «isms Switch ignition off and restart machine or unplug lSOBUS implement connector and reconnect StarFire GPS Receiver The StarFire GPS Receiver acquires global positioning and differential correction signal through a single receiver A Terrain Compensation Module (TOM) is integrated into the receiver, and is a navrgational aid used With the receiver to enhance vehicle posrtion and course parameters prowded by GPS. TCM corrects for vehicle dynamics, such as roll and pitch on side-slopes, rough terrain or varying soil conditions An accurate TCM calibration is necessary for proper operation See the StarFire Receiver operators manual for setup and calibration instructions 7' eisma Navigate to StarFire GPS Receiver 1 Select Menu 2 Select or Applications tab 3 Select ISOBUS VT application 16-43 PN:ioo
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