Deere and RE338096 Multi-Functional Controller, Integrated Premium Server User Manual Part 7
Deere & Company Multi-Functional Controller, Integrated Premium Server Part 7
User Manual Part 7
Performance Ballasting Ballast Types Cast iron wheel weights and front suitcase weights are the preferred form of ballast Liquio ballast in tires should be avoided if practical Since it has a stiffening effect that causes rough ride and makes tractor more susceptible to power hop. lf liquid is used in reartires all tires on axle must be filled to same level which should not exceed 40% (4 o'clock valve stem poSition) Speoific information on use of liquid ballast is given later in this section in some cases it may be necessary or desirable to remove either front or rear ballast A front hitch facilitates this for front ballast Installation and removal of rear weights on outside of wheels requires use of a hoist or forklift. Removal of inner rear wheel weights should not be required after initial installation at factory or dealership NOTE: Depending on mounting position used (hitch. hitch frame or front support). effective weight added to front axle Will be greater due to a leveraging effect caused by weights distance In front of axle Front Weights are available in two forms 7 suitcase weights and a large block weight Front Weights Each suitcase weight weighs 43 kg (95 lb) Up to 24 can be installed on front weight support or a support on front hitch support Standard Weight Support Front weight support effectively adds 134% of its weight to front axle and subtracts 34% from rear axle due to leveraging Front axle multiplier: 1 34 Rear axle multiplier: - 0 34 A 124 kg (273 lb) weight support adds 1 34 x124 : 166 kg (366 lb) to front axle and subtracts 0 34 x124 = 42 kg (93 lb) from rear axle. Front Hitch Support Continued on next page Suitcase Weights on Plant Support When suitcase weights are mounted on a front hitch with support as shown the multipliers are Front axle multiplier :137 Rear axle multiplier : , O 37 A 365 kg (805 lb) hitch weight support adds 1.37 x 365 = 500 kg (1102 lb) to the front axle and subtracts 0 37 x 365 : 135 kg (298 lb) from the rear axle Front Suitcase Weig hts Front suitcase weights mounted on a front weight support or front hitch support adds 144% of theirweight to front axle and subtract 44% from rear axle due to leveraging Front akle multiplier : i 44 Rear axle multiplier : . o 44 A 43 kg (95 lb) suitcase weight adds 1 44 x 43 : 62 kg (137 lb) to front axle and subtracts 0 44 x 43 =19 kg (42 lb) from rear axle roam-snows 190 , M4 75-3 PN:301 Performance Ballasting Large Block Weights Large 900 kg (1954 lb) or 1150 kg (2535 lb) Block Both the 900 kg (1984 lb) block and the 1150 kg (253510) block on elther a standard front welght support or front hltoh adds 144% of 1ts welght to front axle and subtracts 44% from rear axle due to leveraglng Front axle multlpller:144 Rear axle mulllpller : , 0 44 One 900 kg (1984 lb) or 1150 kg (2535 lb) block on standard front support adds 1 44 x 900 =1296 kg (2857 lb) W1 44 x 1150 : 1656 kg (3651 lb) to front axle and subtracts 0.44 x 900 = 396 kg (873 lb) or D 44 X 1150 = 506 kg (1116 ID) from rear axle. Large 1500 kg (3307 lb) or 1800 kg (3968 lb) Block When dlrectly mounted on a front hitch, multipliers are Front axle multlpller :1 45 Rear axle multlpller : 0 4e The 1500 kg (3307 lb) or 1800 kg (3968 lb) block on front L ’ge 5/“ WW” “5"” *9 WV”) hitch adds 1 45 x1500 : 2190 kg (4525 lb) 011 45 x1800 = 2628 kg (5794 lb) to front axle and subtracts O 46 X 1500 : 590 kg (1521 10) or 0 46 x1800 : 825 kg (1525 ID) from rear axle ’084419000015' 719055: Rear Wheel Weights Rearwheel weights are available in 72 kg (159 lb), 205 kg (452 lb) and 625 kg (1378 lb) slzes. Each welght applles total weight to rear axle and none to front axle .. 11 32 Whee/ Weight cannnuea on next page 5954a; 000:5 19 053353 54 75-4 PN:302 Performance Ballasting From Hitch When tractor has a front hitch additional front axle and rear axle loaos due to its welght must be included ln calculating total axle loads Front and rear axle welghts shown in Unpallasteo Tractor Welght Charts are based on tractors With a front walght Support VWh a front hltCh installed instead of a front weight support, the NET amounts of welght changes are used in determlnlng axle loads Ground Engaging Hitch Carrier Hitch :VET WW“ “we" ‘° 492 kg (loss lo) 388 kg (855 lb) ronl axle NET We‘gm Front Hizcn subtracted from rear 80 kg (176 lb) 90 kg (190 lo) we Charts are based on tractors Wlth a front weight support . \Mth a front PTO lnstalled NET amounts of weight NOTE: The front hitch removes 80 kg (776 lb) or 90 kg changes are used In 6615”"me axle loads (798 lb) from rear axle due to leveraging NET Welghl added to front axle 225 kg (496 lb) Front PTO NET Welght subtracted from rear axle 38 kg (84 lb) When tractor has a front PTO, additional front axle welght must be lncluded in calculatlng total axle loads. Front and rear axle weights shown in Unpallasteo Tractor Weight ’0044leooool5' roosezmem Ballasting Suggestions for Specific Types of lmplements used with MFWD Tractors Towed Draft Implements These recommendatlons are offered as starting points when ballasting for operatlons Wlth several common types of implements Some deVlations may be needed for speciflc circumstances Towed oraft lmplements such as olsks chlsel plows and field cultlvators that place small vertlcal tongue loads on tractor drawbar thhout Front Suspensmn 72l0R 7230a 7250a 7270a 7290a 73l0 Front Sullcase Welghls None 03 0a 6 l2 l2 RearWelghls None l palr 205 kg (452 lb) l palr 205 kg l palr 72 kg l palr 72 kg l palf 72 kg (452 lb) (l59 lo) (l59 lb) (lSQ lb) l palf 625 kg l palr 205 kg l palr 205 kg (l378 lb) (452 lb) (452 lb) l palr 625 kg l palr 625 kg (l37& lbl (l375 lo) Winn Welgnr Support Conllnued on next page ‘caArg 000 75-5 PN:303 Performance Ballastlng Towed Trailers, Slurry Tanks and Fertilizer Tanks Trailers that place a high vertical tongue load on tractor MFWD wnn or without front suspenslon Front Ballast 20—24 SmIoase we1gms or900 kg (190410) block Rear BallasI None reqmred 1r rearwelgnts are already Installed II 15 nm necessary to remove them NOTE: lt may be practical to use less front Weight With smaller trailers, but steering security and stability must be assured In all cases percentage on front axle must be increased if needed for steering security and stability 104419 0000152 19 05 Semi-Integral Implements MFWD mm or w1thout front suspension From Ballast 20 Sullcase Welgms or 900 kg (l984 lbl block Rear BallasI None 1344190000152 ,19 Integral Implements MFWD With 0: Without front suspension me Ballast 20 Sullcase WElgNS or 900 kg (1034 lb) 01m Rear BallasI None '>‘< ‘3344190000132 719 75-6 PN:304 Performance Ballasting Determining Ballasted Tractor Weight, Weight Split, Axle Loads, and Required Tire Inflation Pressures Unballasted Tractor Weight Charts provide front axle rear axle, and total weights for most power train and tire size options. From them and information prevrously provrded orr weights of various oallast elements (suitcase weights and wheel weights) front ballast multipliers and front hitch axle loads (if used) the ballasted tractor weight and axle loads can be calculated They are needed to determine if total weight and weight split recommendations are met and to look up required tire inflation pressures Example 1 7230R lvlFWD with CommandQuad” Front Suspension and Front Hitch — 230 Engine HP Front Tires 420 85R34 Rear Tires 450 aoR5o Front Ballast 900 kg (t984 lb) Block on Front Hitch Rear Ballast None From Unballasled Tractor Weight Charts on following pages rront axle weight is 3862 kg (85t5 lo) These charts assume that a front weight support is mounted and does not include errect ora front and rear axle Weight is 5645 kg (t2446 lo) hitch NET changes from deducting rront support and adding front hitch are to add 277 kg (en lo) to rront axle and subtract 93 kg (205 lb) rrom rear axle : 396 kg (873 lb) from rear axle due to leveraging 900 kg (t954 lb) black weight when attached to a Front Hitch adds 900 x i 44 : t296 kg (2857 lb) to front axle and subtracts 900 x o 44 Combine all olthese as Shown Front Axle Rear Axle Base Tractor 3862 kg (85t5 lb) 5645 kg (t2446 lb) Front Hitch +277 kg (6tt lb) -93 kg (205 lb) 900 kg rt984 lb) Block on Front Hitch *1296 kg (2857 lb) 7396 kg (673 lb) Total Totals 5435 kg (tt952 lo) 5t56 kg (tt367 lb) to5et kg (23349 lo) Tractor is ballasted to level of10591 kg (23349 lo) / 230 Eng-HR : 46 kg (102 lo) per Eng-HP (Medium +) Percentage ofweight on front axle is 5435 kg/10591 kg (11982 lb / 23349 lb) x 100% = 51.3%. From Recommended Pressures charts in Wheels, Tires and Treads section for calculated axle loads, required inflation pressures are: Front Inflation Pressure : ’l 5 par (22 psi) Rear lnflation Pressure : 0.6 bar (9 psi) only iftractor is towing an implement that places very little down load on drawhar (disk or field cultivator) For semi-integral plows or towed implements that generate high weight transfer add approximately 0.5 bar (7 psi) for a total of 1 1 bar (16 psi) for rear tires Vlfith aid of an assistant, Visually check tire deflection when tractor is pulling hard in field to confirm tires are not under-inflated with these pressures For trailers, tankers, or any heavy integral implement rear inflation pressures must be increased substantially to support extra weight at transport speeds Exact amount depends on extra load Usually it Will be more than double base amount or 1.34 5 bar (l 9722 pSI) for this example To determine rear axle load exactly, weigh rear axle of loaded tractor on a platform scale Example 2 72t0R lvlFWD tuith CommandQuad"-fl Standard Front Weight support No Front Hitch and No Front suspension — 2to Eng-HP Front Tires 42oi85R34 Rear Tires ABDiBORSD Front Ballast to Suitcase Weights on Front Support Rear Ballast t pair , 625 kg (t378 lb) Wheel Weights From Unballasled TractorWeight Charts rront axle weight is 3667 kg (8084 lo) and rearwelghl is 5696 kg (t2558 lo) : t89 kg (4t7 lb) from rear axle due to leveraging Ten suitcase weights (43 kg [95 lb] each) on standard front support add to x 43 x t 44 : 6t 9 kg (t 365 lb) to rront axle and subtract to x 43 x o 44 The pair of rear 625 kg (t 378 lb) wheel weights adds nothing to the rront axle and t25o kg (2756 lb) to the rear axle Continued on next Woe ‘c64t' 9 000 75-7 RN:305 Performance Ballasting Combine all olthese as shown Front Axle Rear Axle Base Tractor 3667 kg (8084 lb) 5696 kg (12558 lb) 10 Front Suitcase Weights +619 kg (1365 lb) 7189 kg (417 lb) 1 Pair 625 kg (1370 lb) Wheel Weights o +1250 kg (2756 lb) Total Totals 4266 kg (9449 lb) 6757 kg (14897 lb) 11043 kg (24346 lb) Tractor is bailasted to level of 11043 kg (24346 lb) /210 = 52 6 kg (116 lb) per Eng-HP (Light) Percentage ofweight on front axle is 4286 kg / 11043 kg (9449 ib/24346ib)x100% = 38 9% From Recommended Pressures tables for calculated axle loads, required inflation pressures are Front Inflation Pressure = 0 8 bar (12 psi) Rear inflation Pressure = 0 9 bar (13 psi) Only iftractor is towing an implement that places little load on drawbar. This is ideal configuration for a 7210R MFWD tractor without front suspensron when it is used With towed tillage CommandQuad iS a trademark or‘Deere a Company implements such as disks, chisels and field cuitrvators Front weight percentage should be approximately 40% or less to help prevent power hop. Although this tractor is slightly under 40% it is close enough Power hop can still occur but it can be controlled usrng procedures given in this section if percentage is much higher, control may not be possible When this tractor is used to tow large trailers, rear inflation pressure must be increased as outlined in Exampie1 If this tractor is used with heavy integral or semi-integral implements, additional front ballast and higher rear inflation pressures Will be required ’084410 0000153 7107055: 3 22 Controlling Power Hop (MFWD tractors without front suspension) Power hop is a condition where tractor exhibits severe bounce and/or pitch motions at fieid working speeds when pulling a towed implement. It can occur when pulling medium to high drafl loads in loose dry soil on top of a firm base and/or when climbing hills As a result tractor cannot maintain pull due to either loss of traction rough ride or both Make adyustments only after assuring guidelines for optimum performance wrth towed implements have been followed They are: 0 No more than 35% of tractor weight (40% if equipped wrth AutoTracT’“) on front axle - ifliquid ballast is used in reartires, it should not exceed 40% fili (4 o'clock valve stem position) - Front and rear inflation pressures are set correctly based on static axle loads. Then if power hop occurs: 1 increase front inflation pressures by 0 4 bar (6 psi) and operate tractor AutoTrac iS a trademark of Deere & Company 2 If power hop stiil occurs increase front inflation pressures by another 0.4 bar (6 psi) and operate tractor Continue to increase front inflation pressure as needed up to a maximum of 0 4 bar (6 psi) above maximum pressure rating for tires (imprinted on tire sidewall). Usually 0 470.8 bar (6—12 psi) above rated pressure for front axle load wril suffice to control power hop 3 if power hop still occurs: Remove all front ballast weights Leave same front maximum inflation pressure from previous step and operate tractor 4. if power hop still occurs install 75% liquid in front tires. Rerinflate front tires to maximum pressure rating fortires and operate tractor NOTE In most cases step 4 Will not be required to control power hop, 700441900364 1927mm 75-8 PN:306 Performance Ballasting Unballasted Tractor Weight Charts NOTE Unballasted weights are calculated by averaging and are based on tractor With a full tank of fuel, no front PTO or front hitch, 3 rear SCV’s) Cat 3 dram/bar and a 7037 kg (75500 lbs) rear hitch, 480/80R50 sing/e steel rear wheels, and 480/70R34 front wheels Each tractor Will be different Have tractor weighed for exact weight splits 721 DR Tractor—1150 MFWD FTAISIage IV eZISW Transmission CommandQuadW Auiopowrwnvrw From kg (16) 3606 (6397) 3667 (6064) 3726 (6214) Rear kg (16) 6104 (13457) 5696 (12556) 5715 (13264) Toia) 9641 (21654) 9363 (20641) 9741 (21477) Front% 36 40 36 Rear% 62 60 62 7210R Tracinr—TLSW Plus FTA/SIage IV e23w Transmission Commanoouaow Amei>owr"-'/IVTYM From kg (16) 4105 (9049) 3963 (6736) 4022 (6666) Rearkg (16) 6126 (13511) 5720 (12611) 6041 (13316) Teia) 10233 (22561) 9663 (21346) 10026 (22164) From % 40 41 40 Rear % 60 59 60 7230R Tractors—1300 MFWD FTA/Slage IV 9213"" Transmission CommandQuad"" AmoPowrW/IVTYM From kg (16) 3663 (6561) 3741 (6247) 3600 (6377) Rear kg (16) 6104 (13456) 5697 (12559) 6017 (13265) Toia) 9715 (22019) 9437 (20606) 9617 (21642) From % 39 40 39 Rear % 61 60 61 7230R Tractors—TLS W Plus FT4/Slage IV 9213"" Transmission CommandQuadW AutoPowr"-‘/I\ITW From kg (16) 4105 (9049) 3963 (6736) 4022 (6666) Rearkg (16) 6126 (13511) 5720 (12611) 6041 (13316) Te1a1 10234 (22561) 9663 (21346) 10062 (22164) From 0/" 40 41 40 Rear 0/" 60 59 60 7250R-7270R Traders—1300 MFWD FTA/Stage IV 9213"" Transmission Commanoouaow AquPowr'M/IVTW From kg (16) 3665 (6521) N61 Avar1ao1e 3762 (6336) Rear kg (16) 6375 (14055) Nei Avar1ao1e 6266 (13662) Te1a1 10240 (22576) Ne1 Avar1ao1e 10203 (22199) From 0/" 36 Mai Avar1ao1e 36 Rear “/6 62 Mei Avar1ao1e 62 7250R-727DR Tractors—TLSW Plus FT4151age IV 9213"" Transmission Commanoouaow AquPowr'M/IVTW From kg (16) 4067 (9010) Ne1 Avar1ao1e 4004 (6627) Rearkg (16) 6399 (14106) Nei Avar1ao1e 6311 (13914) Te1a1 10466 (23116) Ne1 Avar1ao1e 10315 (22741) From 0/" 39 N61 Avar1ao1e 39 Rear % 61 Mei Avar1ao1e 61 Commued on nex‘ nAgE ‘CfiAA‘Q 000 75-9 PN:307 Performanc e Ballasting 7290R Traders—1300 MFWD FTA/Slage IV ezw Transmission Commanoouaow AuloPowr'M/IVTW From kg (10) 4003 (0957) Nut Avariabie 3950 (0774) Rear kg (10) 0430 (14193) N0| Avaiiabie 0350 (13999) Toiai 10501 (23150) No1 Avariabie 10330 (22773) From “/0 39 Nm Avaiiabie 39 Rear “/0 01 Mai Avaiiabie 01 7290R Tractors—TLSW Plus FT4151age IV ezw Transmission Commanoouaow AuloPowr'M/IVTW From kg (10) 4279 (9434) Nut Avariabie 4190 (9251) Rear kg (10) 0459 (14240) N0| Avaiiabie 0372 (14047) Teiai 10730 (23074) Nei Avariabie 10507 (23297) From “/0 40 Nm Avaiiabie 40 Rear 0/" 00 Mai Avaiiabie 00 mm Traeior—1150 MFWD Stage II e20YM Transmission CommandQuadYM AmePewrW/IVTYM From kg (10) 3003 (0119) 3033 (0010) 3057 (0003) Rear kg (10) 0000 (13240) 5450 (12015) 5900 (13157) Toiai 9091 (21300) 9004 (20020) 9741 (21221) From “/0 30 40 30 Rear 0/" 02 00 02 7210R Tractor—TLS'M Plus Stage II 2213"" Transmission CnmmandQuad"" AuloPowr""/IVT’M From kg (10) 4099 (9037) 3050 (0500) 4022 (0990) Rear kg (10) 5099 (13004) 5540 (12231) 5000 (12930) Toiai 9995 (22042) 9404 (20732) 9940 (21927) From % 41 41 41 Rear % 59 59 59 7230R Traders—1300 MFWD Stage II 2213"" Transmission Commanoouaow AuloPowr'M/IVTW From kg (10) 3901 (0000) 3003 (0070) 3000 (0554) Rearkg (10) 5051 (12900) 5495 (12115) 0017 (13205) Toiai 9752 (21500) 9150 (20191) 9517 (21300) From % 40 40 40 Rear % 00 00 00 7230R Traciors—TLSW Plus Stage II 2213"" Transmission Commanoouaow AuloPowr'M/IVTW From kg (15) 4099 (9037) 3050 (0500) 3970 (0771) Rear kg (10) 5099 (13005) 5540 (12232) 5907 (13150) Toiai 9990 (22042) 9404 (20732) 9940 (21927) From % 41 41 41 Rear “/0 59 59 59 TLS is a trademark nfDee/e 0 Company 70044190000135 719 75-10 PN:30E Performance Ballasting Unballasted Tire Weight Charts NOTE Have tractor weighed for exacf weight splits Tractor weighed is 72 70}? with AutoPowr'”, 4 rear SCV’s, Cat 3 drawbar, and 7030 kg (15,500 ibs) rear hitch, arid steel rims. Group 47 Tires Tires with cast rims wii/ be heavier than tires with steel rims 320790954 MFWD MFWD and Duals MFWD wilh TLS"" Plus MFWD with TLS"" Plus and Duals From kg ((99) 9943 (9799) 399( (9799) 4((3 (9067) 4((3 (9067) Rear kg (ios) 5952 ((3(2() 5952 ((3(2() 5974 ((3(70) 6904 ((5220) Tera) kg (ios) 9943 (2( 920) 9943 (2( 920) (0096 (22237) ((0(6 (24297) From 06 40 37 4( 37 Rear % 60 63 59 63 3901904250 Tires MFWD MFWD ano Duals MFWD wilh Tst Plus MFWD with Tst Plus and Duals From kg (ios) 3957 (9724) 3957 (9724) 4079 (9992) 4079 (9992) Rear kg (ios) 59(2 ((3033) 6902 ((4995) 5934 ((309() 6924 ((5044) Tmai kg (ios) 9969 (2( 757) (0759 (237(9) (00(2 (22074) (0902 (24036) From 06 40 37 4( 37 Rear 06 60 63 59 63 19.4949 Tires MFWD MFWD and Duals MFWD wilh Tst Plus MFWD with Tst Plus and Duals From kg (ios) Nat Avariaoie 3905 (96(0) Noi Avariaoie 4027 (9979) Rear kg ((99) Not Avariaoie 6602 ((4554) Noi Avariaoie 6624 ((4603) Tmai kg (ios) N0! Avaiiabie (0507 (23(64) N0| Avaiiabie (0650 (23490) From 06 Nut Avariaoie 37 Noi Avaiiabie 39 Rear 06 N0! Avariaoie 63 Noi Avariaoie 62 490790945 Tires MFWD MFWD and Duals MFWD wilh Tst Plus MFWD with Tst Plus and Duals From kg (ins) 397( (9755) 397( (9755) 4093 (9023) 4093 (9023) Rear kg (ios) 5902 ((30(() 6792 ((495() 5924 ((3059) 6904 ((5000) Tera) kg (ios) 9973 (2( 766) (0753 (23706) (00(6 (22092) (0996 (24023) From % 40 37 4( 39 Rear 06 60 63 59 62 5201954242 Tires MFWD MFWD and Duals MFWD wilh TLS"" Plus MFWD with TLS"" Plus and Duals From kg (ios) 40(( (9943) 40(( (9943) 4(33 (9((() 40(( (9943) Rear kg (ios) 6002 ((323() 9943 ((5392) 6024 ((3290) 7004 ((5440) Tmai kg (ios) (00(3 (22075) (0993 (24235) (0(56 (2239() (((36 (24552) From 06 40 37 4( 37 Rear 06 60 63 59 63 620/70R42 Tires MFWD MFWD and Duals MFWD wilh Tst Plus MFWD with Tst Plus and Duals From kg (ins) 405( (993() 405( (993() 4(73 (9(99) 4(73 (9(99) Rear kg (ios) 6(69 ((3597) 73(4 ((6(24) 6(90 ((3646) 7336 ((6(72) Commued on nex‘ edge ‘OMMQ 0 9 SEE? 3 3 75-11 PN:309 Performance Ballasting 620/70R42 Tlres MFWD MFWD and Duals MFWD wllh Tst Plus MFWD wlth Tst Plus and Duals Total kg (lbs) 10219 (22529) 11365 (25055) 10362 (22845) 11508 (25372) Frbnt % 4o 36 4o 36 Rear % 60 64 60 64 650/65R42 Tlres MFWD MFWD and Duals MFWD wlth TLSW Plus MFWD wlth Tst Plus and Duals FrDrll kg (lbs) 4051 (8931) Nut Avallable 4173 (9199) Not Avallable Rear kg (lbs) 5283 (13761) Not Avallable 6264 (13809) Not Avallable Total kg (lbs) 10293 (22692) Not Avallable 10436 (23008) Not Avallable From % 39 Not Avallable 40 Not Avallable Rear % 61 N0! Avallable 60 N0! Avallable 710/70R38 Tlres MFWD MFWD and Duals MFWD wilh TLS"" Plus MFWD with TLS"" Plus and Duals From kg (lbs) 4051 (8931) 4051 (8931) 4173 (9199) 4173 (9199) Rear kg (lbs) 6194 (13655) 7366 (16239) 6216 (13703) 7388(16287) Total kg (lbs) 10245 (22586) 11417 (25170) 10388 (22903) 11560 (25486) Frbnt % 40 36 40 36 Rear % 60 64 60 64 Group 48 Tires 380/90R54 MFWD MFWD and Duals MFWD wllh Tst Plus MFWD wllh Tst Plus and Duals From kg (lbs) 4063 (8958) 4063 (8958) 4185 (9226) 4185 (9226) Rear kg (lbs) 5942 (13099) 6862 (15127) 5964 (13148) 6884 (15176) Total kg (lbs) 10005 (22057) 10925 (24085) 10148 (22373) 11068 (24402) From % 41 37 41 38 Rear % 59 63 59 62 Asa/anRsn MFWD MFWD and Duals MFWD wllh Tst Plus MFWD wlth Tst Plus and Duals From kg (lbs) 4131 (9108) 4131 (9108) 4253 (9376) 4253 (9376) Rear kg (lbs) 5932 (13077) 6842 (15083) 5954 (13126) 6864 (15132) Tulal kg (lbs) 10063 (22185) 10973 (24191) 10206 (22501) 11116 (24508) From % 41 38 42 38 Rear % 59 62 58 62 520/85R46 Tires MFWD MFWD and Duals MFWD wllh Tst Plus MFWD wlth Tst Plus and Duals From kg (lbs) 4131 (9108) 4131 (9108) 4253 (9376) 4253 (9376) Rear kg (lbs) 6092 (13430) 7162 (15789) 6114 (13478) 7184 (15837) Total kg (lbs) 10223 (22538) 11293 (24897) 10366 (22854) 11436 (25213) From % 40 37 41 37 Rear % 60 63 59 63 620/70R48 Tlres MFWD MFWD and Duals MFWD wllh Tst Plus MFWD wllh Tst Plus and Duals From kg (lbs) 4081 (8998) 4081 (8998) 4203 (9266) 4203 (9266) Rearkg (lbs) 6152 (13582) 7282 W295 W 6174 (13611) w1304418180 ‘ F 75-12 PN:310 Performance Ballasting 620/70R45 Tlres MFWD MFWD and Duals MFWD wllh Tst Plus MFWD wlth Tst Plus and Duals Tbtal kg (lbs) 10233 (22560) 11363 (25051) 10376 (22876) 11506 (25367) Frbnt % 40 36 40 36 Rear “/6 60 64 60 64 eso/asRss Tlres MFWD MFWD and Duals MFWD wllh Tst Plus MFWD wllh Tst Plus and Duals From kg (lbs) 4081 (8998) 4081 (8998) 4203 (9266) 4203 (9266) Rear kg (lbs) 6232 (13739) 7442 (16406) 6254 (13787) 7464 (16455) Total kg (lbs) 10313 (22736) 11523 (25404) 10456 (23052) 11666 (25720) Frbnl “/6 40 35 40 36 Rear % 60 65 60 64 710/70R42 Tlres MFWD MFWD and Duals MFWD wilh TLS"" Plus MFWD with TLS"" Plus and Duals From kg (lbs) 4081 (8998) 4081 (8998) 4203 (9266) 4203 (9266) Rear kg (lbs) 6350 (13999) 7678 (16926) 6372 (14047) 7700 (16975) Total kg (lbs) 10431 (22996) 11759 (25924) 10574 (23313) 11902 (26240) Frbnt % 39 35 40 35 Rear % 61 65 60 65 800/70R38 Tlres MFWD MFWD and Duals MFWD wllh Tst Plus MFWD wlth Tst Plus and Duals From kg (lbs) 4139 (9125) 4139 (9125) 4261 (9393) 4261 (9393) Rear kg (lbs) 6432 (14179) 7842 (17288) 6454 (14228) 7864 (17336) Total kg (lbs) 10571 (23305) 11981 (26413) 10714 (23621) 12124 (26730) From % 39 34 40 35 Rear % 61 66 60 65 Group 49 Tires 480/95R50 MFWD MFWD and Duals MFWD wllh Tst Plus MFWD wlth Tst Plus and Duals From kg (lbs) 4111 (9064) 4111 (9064) 4233 (9332) 4233 (9332) Rear kg (lbs) 6096 (13439) 7170 (15806) 6118 (13487) 7192 (15855) Tmal kg (lbs) 10207 (22502) 11281 (24870) 10350 (22819) 11427 (25187) From % 40 36 41 37 Rear % 60 64 59 63 710/75R42 MFWD MFWD and Duals MFWD wllh Tst Plus MFWD wlth Tst Plus and Duals From kg (lbs) 4279(9434) Net Avallable 4401 (9702) Net Avallable Rear kg (lbs) 6412 (14135) Not Avallable 6434 (14184) Not Avallable Tbtal kg (lbs) 10691 (23569) Not Avallable 10834 (23886) Not Avallable From % 40 N0! Avallable 41 N0! Avallable Rear % 60 Not Avallable 59 Not Avallable ‘054419 3300136 7197061333 3 75-13 PN:311 Performance Ballasting Maximum Load Per Wheel FRONT WHEELS REAR WHEELS Tire size Load Rating 40 km/h 50 km/h Tire size Load Raling 40 km/h 50 km/h (25 mph] (3|) mph) (25 mph] (30 mph] k9 (lb) k9 “hi k9 (lb) k9 (lb) 16 9830 144A8 2800 (6150) — 20 8842 155A8 3875 (8550) — 420 85834 147A8 3075 (6800) — 520 85842 157A8 4125 (9100) — 420190R30 147A8 3075 (6800] — 520‘85R46 158A8 4250 (9350] — 480 70830 141 A8 2575 (5680) — 620 70842 160A8 4500 (9900) — 480 70830 152A8 3550 (7850) — 620170846 162A8 4750 (10500) — 480170R34 146A8 3000 (6600] — 650‘75R38 165MB 5800 [12800] — 48070834 155A8 3875 (8550) — 650:75R38 1698 5800 (12800) 5800 (12800) 540 65830 143AB 2725 (6000) - 650185838 173A8 6500 (14300) - 540 65830 1438 2725 (6000) 2725 (6000) 650185838 1738 6500 (14300) 6500 (14300) 540 65834 152A8 3550 (7850) — 650 65842 158A8 4250 (9350) — 540 65834 1528 3550 (7850) 3550 (7850) 650 65842 170A8 6000 (13200) - 600 65828 147A8 3075 (6800) — 710170838 166A8 5300 (11700) — 600 65828 1478 3075 (6800] 3075 (6000) 710170R38 1668 5300 [11700) 530001700) 600 70830 152A8 3550 (7850) - 710 70842 168A8 5600 (12300) - 600 70830 1528 3550 (7850) 3550 (7850) 710 70842 173A8 6500 (14300) — 771928012: ' Installing Quik-TatchTM Weights Up to 24 Quik-TatchW weights can be instalied on tractors When required, instali Quik-TatchW weights, balanced on each side of center pin (A) The first two weights must be instailed as a pair To hoio snx weights or fewer in position insert retaining bolts (B) through holes and secure with a nut Tighten to specnfications “-4 no'rm Speciiicalion Retaining BoitsiTurque 170 N m (125 10-0) A—Cenler Pin B—Relaining Bolts Continued on next page 84419 300150 19 27\C\.12 112 75-14 8N:312 Performance Ballasting When eight oi mule weights are installed insert retainers (A) between weights one with threaded hole upward and the other with threaded hole downward. Tighten retaining bolts (8) to speClticatlons Speclflcallon Retaining BoltsiToroue i no N rn (l25 lbefl) A—Retalners B—Retalnlng Bolt ilN norrmi arm 'ODAMQ 0000155 l9 27mm 22 Using Rear Wheel Weights ACAUTION: When installing weights, use appropriate equipment or have job performed by your John Deere dealer. Weights (A) of 72 kg (159 in) or 205 kg (452 lb) can be installed on inside or outside of wheel Ten bolt steel wheels require use of 72 kg (159 lb) weight as a starter weight NOTE: When using 762 mm (30 in) tread setting, only one 205 kg {452 lb) weight can be installed on inside of wheel. Install weights on wheel Wheel Weight Attaching Bolts—Specification Mle EoltiToroue 3lo N m (230 loft) M20 BolliToroue elo N m (450 ion) A—Weights For additional weights, install oolts in previous weight. Rotate alternate weight to align bolts with weight holes Tighten bolts and retlghten after driving approximately IMPORTANT: Inside wheel weights must have 100 rn (100 yd) at least 25 mm (1 in.) clearance between Retighten bolts after 3 HOURS and again after 10 HOURS we'ght ”d "am” C°mp°"e"‘s' of operation, Check tightness every 250 hours 75-15 PN:313 Performance Ballasting Ballasting Suggestions for Hitch Mounted Implements IMPORTANT: Use a scale to check statii: weight, especially with heavy implements. Static weight CAUTION: Do not attempt to transport an remaining on front wheels with implement lifted implement without adequate front ballast. Loss should always be at least 50% of front axle of steering control may result. weight With implement resting on ground. NOTE: implements With a center of gravity greater than Determine the following 670 mm (24 in.) Will have a higher implement code _ . _, and Will require additional weight on rear axle. (See MFWD or MFWD Mm TLSW . Implement Codes in this section for more details } I Front tires With or Without liduid ballast Determine implement Weight (fully loaded) Record WEight Approximate Implement Weight 1786 1819 1914 2009 2104 2199 2293 2388 2483 2578 2672 kg (ib) (3938) (4011) (4220) (4429) (4638) (4847) (5056) (5265) (5475) (5684) (5893) 2 4 6 10 12 12 Front Ballast Required None None 53‘?“ 535”” Front Front Front 66;" Front Front Front V V Weights Weights Weights m: vveighis vveighis Weights Approximate Rear Axle Weight Added by Hitch Load kg (Ih) 3015 3070 3230 3348 3509 3631 3752 3836 3997 4081 4240 (6646) (6769) (7122) (7382) (7735) (8005) (8271) (8457) (8811) (8997) (9347) 70344190000158 3 Tito/'22" Adding Rear Ballast For Front Loader ACAUTION: To help prevent personal injury or death from tractor/loader rollover, add recommended amount of ballast to tractor. Amount of ballast listed is minimum required for normal loader operation. For some operations, additional ballast may be required to maximize stability. Select one of following ballasting options. NOTE More ballast may be required depending on the application Rear Ballast With H480 Loader“ Rear Wheel Configuration Axle aaiiast Hitch Ballast” Single steei Wheeis 2500 kg (5510 lbs) None Single Steel Wheeis 750 kg (1655 lbs] 1000 kg (2205 lbs] sihgie Cast Wheeis 2310 kg (5095 lbs) None sihgie Cast Wheeis 560 kg (1235 lbs) 1000 Kg (2205 lbs) Steel Wheeis With Duals 1590 kg (3505 lbs) Nehe Steel Wheeis With Duals None 885 kg (1950 lbs] Casi Wheeis with Duals 1400 kg (3085 lbs) Nehe Casi Wheeis with Duals None 750 Kg (1655 lbs) aMinimum required With rear tread set at 7800 mm (71 in ) or greater if equipped, include fluid in rear tires In ballast total btea/last must be installed 1200 mm (47 25 in ) behind rear axle 7034419000015: 3 Tito/'22" 75-16 PN:314 Performance Ballasting Using Liquid Ballast ACAUTION: Installing liq ballast requires special equipment and tra ing. See your John Deere dealer or a tire service store. IMPORTANT: NEVER fill any tire to more than 90% full. More solution could damage tires. Water or calcium chloride solution can be used to provide economical ballast. Used properly, itWill notdamage tires, tubes, or rims. However, liquid ballast is not recommended because it results in harsh ride difficulty in handling, spills ifflats occur, and when used in reartires can result in greater susceptibility to power hop ACAUTION: Avoid possible injury due to losing control of tractor. Limit transport speeds to 32 km/h (20 mph) when using liquid ballast. A calcium chloride mixture of 420 gram per liter (3 5 lb per gal) of water Will not freeze solid above .45 “C (.50 “F). A mixture of 600 giani per liter (5.0 lb per gal) will not freeze solid above -50 cC (-60 °F) NOTE Use of alcohol as liquid ballast is not recommended Liquid ballast should be avoided in rear tires since it has a stiffening effect that causes tractorto give a rough ride and generally reduces ability to control power hop If liquid is used in rear tires, all tires on axle must be filled to same level which should not exceed 40% fill Upto 75% fill may be used in MFWD front tires forweight or to proVide stiffness to assist in power hop control Do this as a last alternative Liquid Ballast 75% Full Shown Fill front tires to 40% or 75% full for needed ballast Fill rear tires to maximum of 40% full More solution could result in harsh ride. The followmg charts show how much weight is added in liquid ballast when tire is filled to 40% capacity and 75% capacity 1844' a 0000' 5: 75-17 PN:315 Performance Ballasting Liquid Ballast Charts REAR TIRES FRONT TIRES LIQUID WEIGHT PER TIRE LIQUID WEIGHT PER TIRE 40% FILL 40% FILL 751/. FILL Tire Size 420 g/L (3.5 Ib/gaI) 600 g/L (5.0 Ih/gal) Tire Size 420 g/L (3.5 sun g/L (5.0 420 g/L (3.5 000 g/L (5.0 400 00040 292 kg 3‘3 kg Ih/gaI) Ih/gaI) Ib/gaI) Ih/gaI) (044 I0) (090 I0) 10 9030 100 kg 109 kg 330 kg 355 kg 20 0042 304 kg 307 kg (390 I0) (420 I0) (740 I0) (707 I0) (002 I0) (053 I0) 420105034 I75 kg I07 kg 320 kg 35I kg 520185R42 349 kg 371 kg (300 I0) (413 Ib) (723 I0) (774 Ib) (770 I0) (010 I0] 420.90R30 I70 kg I90 kg 333 kg 357 kg 520 05R40 375 kg 400 kg (391 I0) (420 I0) (734 In) (707 I0) (027 I0) (002 I0) 400970R30 103 kg 197 kg 344 kg 309 kg 020 70R42 415 kg 442 kg (404 ID) (434 ID) (755 In) (E14 I0) (915 I0) (974 I0) 400170034 203 kg 216 kg 301 kg 405 kg 020 70040 450 kg 477 kg (440 I0) (477 I0) (040 I0) (094 I0] (991 I0) (1050 Ib) 5401050130 197 kg 210 kg 370 kg 393 kg 0501750130 400 kg 409 kg (430 It)! (402 I0) (017 I0) (007 I0) (10I5 I0) (1077 I0) 5401050134 220 kg 239 kg 424 kg 440 kg 050 05030 501 Kg 597 Kg (499 It)! (527 I0) (935 I0) (900 I0) (1237 I0) (1310 I0) 000 05020 243 kg 250 kg 450 kg 404 kg 650165R42 401 kg 429 kg (537 I0) (509 Ib) (1000 Ib) (1007 Ib) (004 I0) (947 ID] 0001700130 307 kg 320 kg 575 kg 0II kg 71017OR38 495 kg 526 kg (6761b) (710 I0) (1200 I0) (1347 I0) (1092 I0) (1159 I0) 710 70042 550 kg 597 kg (1231 I0) (1310 I0) 000 70030 050 kg 094 kg (1433 I0) (1529 Ib) ’0044' 9 0000' 50 9 2‘NO/"Z"' 75-18 PN:316 Performance Ballasting Implement Codes IMPORTANT: Use a scale to check static weight, espemally With heavy implements. Static weight remaining on front wheels with implement lifted should always be at least 50 percent of the weight with implement resting on ground. Determine follovwng 0 MFWD, or Triple Link Suspension - Front tires With or Without liquid Find implement code in John DeereW implement operator‘s manual To find implement code for nonsJohn Deerell’ implements use the following procedure l Estimate implement center of gravity (find or estimate foresandsaft balance point) Measure distance from implement hitch point to center of grawty Record distance (inches) Add 37 to this figure 3. Determine implement weight (fully loaded) Record weight 4. Multiply Step 2 by Step 3 Divide by 1000 5 Resulting number is implement code. Use prior information and refer to appropriate chart to determine how many QuiksTatch” weights are required ACAUTION: Do not attempt to transport an implement without adequate front ballast. Loss of steering control may result. NOTE If no quick coupler is used, add 15 to implement code Implemem cdde mos—mos mun—mun MFWD Trlple Llrlk Suspenslon 07175 — — l767204 — — 2057224 — — 2257245 — — 2467266 — — 2677288 — — 2897309 No lronl weigrii Support — $07345 vveigiii sdppdn Only — 346—351 2 — 3527372 4 — 373—393 6 Ne lront weigm Support 39pm a Welght siippim Only 4157436 io 2 4377456 12 4 4577472 l4 6 4737493 l6 8 494p5i4 18 to 5157535 2o 12 5367556 22 M 5577577 24 18 575—591 — is 59276l3 — 20 614—833 — 22 6347555 — 24 Add rd implement code when: Fluid is added rd front mes so 60 Quick edupieris removed is 15 John Deere is a trademark dmeere & Company QulkrTatch is a trademark dr Deere c Company Quik—Tatch“ Weigms Required ‘oeAAigoooois: 75-19 PN:317 Performance Ballasting Measuring Wheel Slip (Manually) IMPORTANT: To properly measure wheel slip, make sure tire pressures are set for axle loads. (See Recommended Pressures tables in both Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads and Rear Wheels, Tires, and Treads sections.) NOTE Tractors equipped With optional radar unit can automatically determine percentage of wheel slip Radar must be calibrated correctly (See CommandCenter’“ section.) 1 Mark a reartire 2 Mark as starting point on ground With tractor moving and implement lowered in ground 3 Follow tractor and mark ground again where marked tire completes ten full revolutions 4 Repeat procedure with implement raised at same working speed. Count revolutions between same two marks 5 Use second count and chart to determine slippage NOTE: ideal slippage is 871 2% (tractors with MFWD) 6 Adjust ballast or load to give correct slippage NOTE Available horsepower is greatly reduced when wheel slip drops below minimum percent CommandCenteris a trademark oi‘Deere it Company o _ c o _ Wheel slippage Chart Wheel Revolutions “/n Slip Result [Step 4) 10 0 Remove Ballast 97192 5 Remove Ballast 9 10 Correct Ballast 87192 is Add Ballast 8 20 Add Ballast 77192 25 Add Ballast 7 30 Add Ballast 003'5r 3 Z‘NOl'Zr'” 75-20 PN:31E Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads Service Tires Safely Explosive separation ofa tire and rim parts can cause serious inyury or death Do not attempt to mount a tire unless you have the proper equipment and experience to perform theyoo Always maintain the correct tire pressure Do not inflate the tires above the recommended pressure Neverweld or heat a wheel and tire assembly The heat can cause an increase in air pressure resulting in a tire explosion. Welding can structurally weaken or deform the wheel. When inflating tires, use a clipron Chuck and extenSIon hose long enough to allow you to stand to one srde and NOT in front of or over the tire assembly Use a safety cage if available Check wheels for low pressure, cuts, bubbles damaged rims or missing lug bolts and nuts .. iima RXr‘rnlnfiA’!“ 80-1 PN:319 Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads Tire Combinations IMPORTANT: Avoid excessive power train wear. Do not mix worn and new tires, bras and radial, or tires of different diameters. Do not use R2 tires in combination with R1. Tractors built with Group 47/48 tires may not be converted to Group 49 rear tires. Conversely, a tractor built with Group 49 tires may not be convened to Group 47/48 tires. Mismatched front and rear tire combinations may cause poor performance and other problems. If unable to replace tires with same srze as original equipment, consult your John DeereTM dealer or tire supplier for guidance. Tires are placed into groups by their Rolling Circumference Index (RCI) Rolling circumference rs distance tire travels in one revolution Tires Within a group, regardless of rim Size are same or nearly the same diameter Knowrng and understanding RCI group sizes makes choosing front and rear tire combinations easrer RCl is important for propertractor setup. Since front tires are smallerthan rear tires front tires have to rotate faster to coversame distance as rear Therefore it is important to select correct size to optimize efficiency and ensure longertire life Front tire must be from a group that is five group sizes smallerthan reartire group. For example, if reartires are group 47, front tires must be group 42 Rim SlZe is of no consequence Different rim srze tires such as 480/80R46 and 520/85R42 have same rolling circumference group which is 47 Tire sizes are found in folIoWing tables. lf you have any questions or need assrstance in choosmg correct combination, see your John Deere dealer. Front tread spacing for Group 49 tires (Group 44 fronts) has to be 1930 mm /76 in orwider based on tire size. Not compatible With 762 mm./30 in tread spacing Group 49 tires are only available on the 727OR and 7290R 710/75R425 (Group 49) are available in singles only. 480/95R505 (Group 49) are available in duals only Operators will experience a decrease in turning radius wrth Group 49 tires due to the larger diameter Group 44 front tires Joli/i Deere is a trademark ofDee/e & Company FRONT TIRES Mlnlmum Recommended Row Wldth mm [ln.] 505 559 752 313 FrontTIres mm. mm. mm. mm. (20in) (22in) (30th.) (32in) Front Tire seeiidn width mm (In.] Ap- RCI 5:]: 320 300 420 480 520 620 Group Out mm. mm mm mm. mm. mm. size Side (12.5 mm (16.5 (10.9 (20.5 (24.4 Emmi In] ' in.) in.) in.) in.) eler i499 42 W 32055 35055 42090 450.70 54055 50065 R38 R34 R30 R30 R30 R28 (59in) lEOO ( . . . 43 W 32000 30000 42005 40070 54005 00070 R42 R30 R34 R34 R34 R30 (63in) 44 1:15 62075 (66m) R30 REAR TIRES Minimum Recommended Row Wldth mm. [ln.] ' (22 (30 (32 20in. III.) In.) in.) Rear Tire seeiidn Wldth mm (In.] RCI Apr ‘3" ling: 320 300 480 520 620 710 000 3;: 0% mm mm mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. Sm (12.5 (15 [18.9 (20.5 (24.4 (28 (31.5 mam in.) in.) in.) in.) in.) in.) in.) eler l956 ( 6207 47 mm 53:5 935:5 4500 5208 OR42 7l0i7 (77 49 04 OR46 SR4Z 6506 0R38 ini, 5Rae 2057 300‘ 6207 48 mm SOR‘S 4808 5200 OR46 7l0i7 E007 (81 4, 0R50 5R46 650E 0R4Z 0R38 in) 5Rse 2i72 mm 7i07 49 (855 SR4Z in ) 2Approved in dual configuration only ‘OfiAMQD lngASEZ‘flr‘ ‘ 80-2 PN:320 Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads Exchanging Tire Sizes Changing to a different tire size can have various consequences: - The indicated speed is less than the actual speed - Error messages when using a radar - Increased wear of tires and frontrwheel drive clutch - Tensions in the drive train IMPORTANT: Refilling is only permissible to a tire combination that is authorized for the tractor. It needs to be noted that an adjustment of the transmission ratio may be necessary. Further informa Ion on tire combinations and for calculating the transmission ratio are located in this section of the operator's manual. It also needs to be noted when exchanging tires that an exchange of the oil sight gauge becomes necessary on several tractor models. See your John Deere dealer for more information. When exchanging to a different tire size, an adjustment of the top speed needs to be made. Have this carried out by a John Deere‘M dealer promptly after changing the tire size. In case the tractor is equipped With radar, a renewed calibration by a John Deere dealer becomes necessary. n: ee‘ocooszs 'emiuN'ax ' Tire Inflation Pressure Guidelines Check tire inflation pressure while tires are cool using an accurate dial oi stick-type gauge haVing 10 kPa (01 bar) (’I psi) graduations NOTE: Use a special airewater gauge and measure With valve stem at bottom it tires contain liquid ballast. Correctly inflated radial tires Will show a deflection of sidewall This is normal and will not harm tire Inflation pressures less than 80 kPa (O 8 bar) (12 psi) should be monitored frequently because ofthe increased risk of lowrpressure air leaks NOTE: Bead slip can be experienced in high-traction conditions. with single tire usage Increasing inflation pressure will help but Will reduce traction. Maximum tire pressure is specified on tire sidewall Determine correct tire pressure Integral implements transfer Significant weight to axles always include this Weight when determining correct inflation pressures. Determine correct tire pressure by weighing tractor using folIoWrng procedure Rear Mounted Implement , Front axle should be weighed With implement lowered. Rear axle should be weighed With implement raised Front Mounted Implement , Front axle should be weighed With implement raised Rear axle should be weighed With implement lowered Front and Rear Mounted Implement , Weigh tractorWith both front and rear implement raised Set tire inflation pressures according to weight measured Ballasti‘ng and tire inflation pressure may need to be art/listed When operating conditions change. Use following tire inflation charts Fortires not found in charts referto manufacturers recommended inflation pressures Managing Tire Inflation Pressures Tractors operating With a loader should increase fronttire pressures 30 kPa (0 3 bar) (4 psi) above values listed to compensate for weight transfer Tractors operating on steep side slopes or furrow ploWing should increase rear tire pressures 30 kPa (0.3 bar) (4 psi) above values listed for base pressures 80 kPa (0.8 bar) (12 psi) and above to compensate for lateral Weight transfer. For base pressures below 80 kPa (0.8 bar) (12 psi), pressure should be increased by 30%. ‘oeAAigcc m2 497231337" 80-3 PN:32i Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads Recommended Pressures—Group 42 'nre Size 320/85R33 380/35R34 16.9R30 4201901130 420/90R30 Tire Load Index 143 137 144 142 145 Axle Load kg 116) kPa (bar) [psi] kPa (bar) [psi] 11% (bar) [psi] kPa (bar) [psi] 11% (bar) [psi] 161414000) 12011 2)117) 6210 627197 6210 62719) 6210 627197 6210 62719) 204114500) 12011 2)117) 6210 62)19) 6210 62)19) 6210 62)19) 6210 62)19) 226615000) 12011 2)117) 6210 62)19) 6210 62)19) 6210 62)19) 6210 62)19) 249515500) 12011 2)117) 6210 62)19) 6210 62)19) 6210 62)19) 6210 62)19) 272216000) 12011 2)117) 7010 7)110) 6210 62)19) 6210 62)19) 6210 62)19) 294616500) 12011 2)117) 9010 9)113) 6210 62)19) 6210 62)19) 6210 62)19) 317517000) 12511 25)116) 9510 95)114) 6210 62)19) 7510 75)111) 7510 75)111) 340217500) 14511 45)121) 11011 1)116) 7010 7)110) 0510 05)112) 8310 63)112) 362910000) 16011 6)123) 11011 1)116) 7510 75)111) 9510 95)114) 9510 95)114) 365616500) 16011 6)126) 12511 25)116) 6510 65)112) 10511 05)115) 10511 05)115) 406219000) 20012 0)129) 13011 3)119) 9510 95)114) 11011 1)116) 11011 1)116) 430919500) 23512 35)134) 14511 45)121) 10511 05)115) 12011 2)117) 12011 2)117) 4536110000) 26012 6)136) 15011 5)122) 11011 1)116) 13011 3)119) 13011 3)119) 4763110500) 26012 6)141) 16011 6)123) 12011 2)117) 14511 45)121) 14011 4)120) 4990111000) 310131)145) — 13011 3)119) 15011 5)122) 14511 45)121) 5216111500) 32513 25)147) — 14011 4)120) 16011 6)123) 16011 6)123) 5443112000) 36013 6)152) — 15011 5)122) — 16011 6)126) 5670112500) — — 16011 6)123) — 20012 0)129) "9000363 19 061111332" 80-4 PN:322 Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads Recommended Pressures—Group 42 (Continued) Tire Size 480/7DR30 54055930 sun/55920 GOO/GSRZB Tire Load Index 152 143 147 154 Axle Load kg (Ih) kPa (bar) [psi] kPa (bar) [psi] kPa (bar) [psi] kPa [bar] (psl) (8(4(4000) 55(0 557(5) 65(0 557(9) 65(0 657(9) (050 05)(( 5) 204( (4500) 55(0 53(8) 65(0 53(9) 65(0 63(9) (050 0305) 2259(5000) 55(0 53(5) 55(0 53(9) 55(0 53(9) (050 05)(( 5) 2495(5500) 70(0 7)(( 0) 55(0 53(9) 55(0 53(9) (050 05)(( 5) 2722(6000) 75(0 75)((() 65(0 53(9) 65(0 63(9) (050 0305) 2949(5500) 85(0 55)(( 2) 55(0 53(9) 55(0 53(9) (050 05)(( 3 3( 75(7000) 90(0 9)(( 3) 55(0 53(9) 55(0 53(9) (050 05)(( 3 3402(7500) (050 0303 55(0 53(9) 55(0 53(9) (050 0303 362903000) ((00 ()06) 75(0 75)((() 65(0 63(9) (050 0305) 3955(9500) (200 2)(( 7) 55(0 95)(( 2) 55(0 53(9) (050 05)(( 3 4092(9000) (250 2309) 90(0 303) 55(0 53(9) (050 0303 4309(9500) (400 4)(20) 95(0 9304) 05(0 830 2) (050 0305) 453500000) (500 5)(22) (050 0303 95(0 95)(( 4) (050 0303 475300500) (500 5)(23) ((00 ()0 5) (050 0303 (050 0303 4990(0000) (650 63(24) (200 2)07) ((00 ()06) (050 0305) 52(5(((500) (900 9)(25) (300 309) (200 2)(( 7) ((00 ()05) 54430 2000) (900 9)(25) (400 4)(20) (250 2305) (200 2)(( 7) 567002500) 2(0(2 ()(30) — (400 47(20) (300 370 9) 50970 3000) 220(2 2)(32) — (450 45)(2() (400 4)(20) 5(2303500) 240(2 4)(35) — (500 5)(23) (500 5)(23) 63500 4000) 275(2 757(40) — — (600 67(23) 65770 4500) 290(2 9)(42) — — (800 0)(2s) 59040 5000) 300(3 0)(43) — — (900 9)(29) 703( (( 5500) 320(3 2)(45) — — 2(5(2 (5)(3() 72570 6000) — — — 230(2 3)(33) 74540 5500) — — — 240(2 4)(35) 80-5 PN:323 Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads Recommended Pressu res—Group 43 Tire Size 320/BOR42 sac/amass 4201951134 4901701134 Tire Load Index 141 142 147 143 Axle Load kg (lh) kPa (bar) [psi] kPa (bar) [psi] kPa (bar) [psi] kPa (bar) [psi] 101414000) 5510 55710) 6510 65719) 6510 05719) 6510 0519) 204114500) 6510 s5)19) 6510 s5)19) 6510 05)19) 6510 05)19) 220015000) 7510 75)111) 0510 05)19) 0510 05)19) 0510 05)19) 249515500) 9010 9)113) 0510 05)19) 0510 05)19) 0510 05)19) 272216000) 10511 05)115) 7010 7)110) 6510 05)19) 6510 05)19) 294010500) 12011 2)117) 85(0 05)112) 0510 05)19) 0510 05)19) 317517000) 12511 25)110) 9010 9)113) 7510 75)111) 0510 05)19) 340217500) 14011 4)120) 9510 95)114) 0510 05)112) 6510 05)19) 302910000) 15011 5)122) 9510 95)114) 9510 95)114) 7510 75)111) 305010500) 17511 75)125) 10511 05)115) 10511 05)115) 0510 05)112) 400219000) 20012 0)129) 12011 2)117) 11011 1)110) 9510 95)114) 430919500) 23512 35)134) 14011 4)120) 12011 2)117) 10511 05)115) 4530110000) 20012 0)130) 10011 0)123) 13011 3)119) 12011 2)117) 4703110500) 27512 75)140) 10011 0)120) 14011 4)120) 12511 25)110) 4990111000) 30513 05)144) 20012 0)129) 14511 45)121) 12511 25)110) 5210111500) — 22012 2)132) 10011 0)123) 13011 3)119) 5443112000) — — 10011 0)123) 14011 4)120) 5070112500) — — 17511 75)125) — 5097113000) — — 17511 75)125) — 0123113500) — — 17511 75)125) — 700449000305 19 0011403" 80-6 PN:324 Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads Recommended Pressures—Group 43 (Continued) Tire Size 480/70R34 4801701234 5401651234 GOO/701230 Tire Load Index 146 155 148 152 Axle Load kg [lb] 11% (bar) [psi] 11% (bar) (psl) 11% (bar) [psi] kPa 1har) [psi] 161414000) 6510 65119) 6510 65119) 6510 65119) 6510 65119) 204114500) 6510 65)19) 6510 65)19) 6510 65)19) 6510 65)19) 226615000) 6510 65)19) 6510 65)19) 6510 65)19) 6510 65)19) 249515500) 6510 65)19) 6510 65)19) 6510 65)19) 6510 65)19) 272216000) 6510 65)19) 6510 65)19) 6510 65)19) 6510 65)19) 294616500) 6510 65)19) 6510 65)19) 6510 65)19) 6510 65)19) 317517000) 6510 65)19) 6510 65)19) 6510 65)19) 6510 65)19) 340217500) 7010 7)110) 7010 7)110) 6510 65)19) 6510 65)19) 362916000) 7510 75)111) 7510 75)111) 6510 65)19) 6510 65)19) 365616500) 6510 65)112) 6510 65)112) 7010 7)110) 6510 65)19) 406219000) 9510 95)114) 9510 95)114) 7510 75)111) 6510 65)19) 430919500) 10511 05)115) 10511 05)115) 6510 65)112) 6510 65)19) 4536110000) 11011 1)116) 11011 1)116) 9510 95)114) 6510 65)19) 4763110500) 12011 2)117) 12011 2)117) 10511 05)115) 7010 7)110) 4990111000) 12511 25)116) 12511 25)118) 10511 05)115) 7510 75)111) 5216111500) 13011 3)119) 13011 3)119) 11011 1)116) 6510 65)112) 5443112000) 14011 4)120) 14011 4)120) 12011 2)117) 9510 95)114) 5670112500) 14511 45)121) 14511 45)121) 13011 31119) 10511 05)115) 5897113000) 16011 6)123) 16011 6)123) 14011 £0120] 110(1 1)(16) 6123113500) — 16011 6)126) 15011 5)122) 12011 2)117) 6350114000) — 16011 61126) 16011 61123) 13011 3)119) 6577114500) — 18511 SS)127) — 14011 4)120) 6604115000) — 16511 65)127) — 14511 45)121) 7031115500) — 19011 9)126) — 16011 6)123) 7257116000) — 19011 9)126) — — 7464116500) — 19011 9)126) — — 7711117000) - 20012 0)129) - - 7004419 0003' 80-7 PN:325 Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads Recommended Pressures—Group 43 IF Tires Tlre SIZE IF380/30R38 IF420/85R34 IF600/70R30 Tire Load Index 149 152 159 Axle Load kg [lh] kPa (bar) [psi] kPa (bar) [psi] kPa (bar) [psi] 101414000) 0510 05702) 0510 05012) 0510 05)0 2) 2041 (4500) 0510 05)02) 0510 05)02) 0510 05)0 2) 2200(5000) 05(0 05)02) 05(0 05)02) 05(0 05)0 2) 2495(5500) 05(0 05)02) 05(0 05)02) 05(0 05)0 2) 2722(6000) 0510 05)02) 0510 05)02) 0510 05)0 2) 29400500) 050 05)02) 90(0 90)03) 05(0 05)0 2) 31750000) 900 90)03) 90(0 90)03) 05(0 05)0 2) 340217500) 9010 90)03) 90(0 90)03) 0510 05)0 2) 362910000) 9010 90)03) 90(0 90)03) 0510 05)0 2) 30500500) 1050 05)05) 95(0 95)04) 05(0 05)02) 4002(9000) 1100 1)06) 950 95)04) 05(0 05)02) 430919500) 1200 2)07) 9510 95)04) 0510 05)0 2) 453000000) 1250 25)00) 1050 05)05) 05(0 05)02) 470300500) 1300 3)09) 1100 1)00) 05(0 05)02) 499001000) 1400 4)(20) 1200 2)07) 0510 05)02) 521001500) 1500 5)(22) 1200 2)07) 05(0 05)02) 54430 2000) 1000 0)(23) 1250 25)00) 05(0 05)0 2) 567002500) 1750 75)(25) 1400 4)(20) 0510 05)02) 509703000) 1050 05)(27) 1450 45)(21) 9010 90)03) 012303500) 215(215)(31) 1500 5)(22) 95(0 95)04) 63500 4000) 24012 4)(35) 1600 6)\'237 1050 05)05) 657704500) — 1000 B)(26) 1100 1)0 6) 00040 5000) — 1050 05)(27) 1100 1)0 0) 703105500) — 200(2 0)(29) 1200 2)07) 725706000) — — 1200 2)07) 740400500) — — 1250 25)00) 771107000) — — 1300 3)09) 79300 7500) — — 1400 4)(20) 016500000) — — 1450 45)(21) 039100500) — — 1500 5)(22) 061009000) — — 1000 0)(23) 00450 9500) — — 1600 6)(23) "9000307 19 0010'1'10'37'1' 80-8 PN:326 Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads Recommended Pressures—Group 44 Tire Size 3501501242 4201551235 5401751134 5201751230 IF620l75R30 Tire Load Index 150 149 157 153 154 Axle Load kg 115) kPa (bar) [psi] kPa (bar) (psi) kPa (bar) [psi] kPa (bar) [psi] kPa 1har) [psi] 151414000) 4010 4)10) 5510 55)19) 5510 55)15) 10511 05)0 5) 5510 55)112) 204114500) 4010 4)15) 5510 55)19) 5510 55)15) 10511 05)0 5) 5510 55)112) 220515000) 5010 5)17) 5510 55)19) 5510 55)15) 10511 05)0 5) 5510 55)112) 249515500) 5510 55)19) 5510 55)19) 5510 55)15) 10511 05)0 5) 5510 55)112) 272215000) 7010 7)0 0) 5510 55)19) 5510 55)15) 10511 05)0 5) 5510 55)112) 294515500) 5510 55)112) 5510 55)19) 5510 55)15) 10511 05)0 5) 5510 55)112) 317517000) 9010 9)113) 7010 7)110) 5510 55)15) 10511 05)0 5) 5510 55)112) 340217500) 10511 05)05) 7510 75)111) 6510 65,19) 10511 05)0 5) 5510 55)112) 352915000) 11011 1)0 5) 5510 55)112) 7010 7)00) 10511 05)0 5) 5510 55)112) 355515500) 12011 2)117) 9510 95)114) 7510 75)111) 10511 05)0 5) 5510 55)112) 405219000) 13011 3)119) 10511 05)05) 5510 55)112) 10511 05)05) 5510 55)112) 430919500) 14011 4)120) 11011 1)05) 9010 9)113) 10511 05)05) 5510 55)112) 4535110000) 15011 5)122) 12011 2)07) 9510 95)114) 10511 05)0 5) 5510 55)112) 4753110500) 15011 5)123) 13011 3)119) 10511 05)0 5) 10511 05)05) 5510 55)112) 4990111000) 1750 75)125) 14011 4)120) 1100 1)05) 1050 05)05) 5510 55)112) 5215111500) 19011 9)125) 14511 45)121) 1200 2)07) 10511 05)05) 5510 55)112) 5443112000) 22012 2)132) 15011 5)122) 1250 25)0 5) 10511 05)05) 5510 55)112) 5570112500) 25012 5)135) 15011 5)123) 13011 3)119) 10511 05)0 5) 5510 55)112) 559711 3000) 25012 5)135) 15511 55)124) 1400 4)120) 10511 05)05) 5510 55)112) 51230 3500) 25012 5)141) 17511 75)125) 14511 45)121) 10511 05)05) 5510 55)112) 53500 4000) 30013 0)143) 17511 75)125) 15011 5)122) 11011 1)00) 5510 55)112) 5577114500) 32013 2)145) 15011 5)125) 1500 5)123) 12011 2)0 7) 9010 9)113) 55040 5000) — — 15511 55)124) 12511 25)115) 9510 95)114) 7031115500) — — 15011 5)125) 13011 3)119) 9510 95)114) 7257115000) — — 1900 9)125) 14011 4)120) 10511 05)05) 74540 5500) - - 210121)130) 14511 45)121) 11011 1)0 5) 7711117000) — — 2151215)131) 15011 0)123) 11011 1)0 5) 7935117500) — — 23512 35,134) 17511 75)125) 12011 2)117) 5155115000) — — 25012 5)135) 1550 55)127) 12511 25)05) 5391115500) — — — 19011 9)125) 12511 25)05) 55150 9000) — — — 20012 0)129) 13011 3)119) 5545119500) — — — 2151215)131) 1300 3)09) 9072120000) — — — 23012 3)133) 14011 4)120) 9525121000) — — — 24012 4)135) 15011 5)122) 9979122000) — — — — 15011 5)123) '3 000:'55 1; 051: —\ 80-9 PN:327 Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads Tire Load Rating The trre industry uses a number called load rndex" to define a load ratrng of a trre This chart lists, for a given load index maximum amount of weight that can be supported by each tire at manufacturers rated pressure IMPORTANT: Tire load capacity may exceed allowable For tractors equipped wrtn duals load carrying capacity per tire rs reduced axle loading. Tractor should he ballasted according to engine power and weight split guidelines. See Performance Ballasting Section for more information. Tire Load Index Maximum Load per Tire-Singles Maximum Load per Tire-Duals 137 2300 kg (5071 lbs) 2024 kg (4462 lbs) 141 2575 kg (5677 lbs) 2266 kg (4996 lbs) 142 2650 kg (5642 lbs) 2332 kg (5141 lbs) 143 2725 kg (6006 165) 2396 kg (5267 165) 144 2600 kg (6173 lbs) 2464 kg (5432 lbs) 145 2900 kg (6393 lbs) 2552 kg (3927 lbs) 146 3000 kg (6614 165) 2640 kg (5620 165) 147 3075 kg (6779 lbs) 2706 kg (5966 lbs) 146 3150 kg (6944 lbs) 2772 kg (6111 lbs) 149 3250 kg (7165 165) 2660 kg (6305 165) 150 3350 kg (7365 lbs) 2946 kg (6499 lbs) 151 3450 kg (7606 lbs) 3036 kg (6693 lbs) 152 3550 kg (7626 lbs) 2946 kg (6667 lbs) 154 3750 kg (6267 165) 3300 kg (7275 165) 155 3675 kg (6543 lbs) 3410 kg (7516 lbs) 157 4125 kg (9094 lbs) 3630 kg (6003 lbs) 156 4250 kg (9370 165) 3740 kg (6246 165) 159 4375 kg (9645 lbs) 3650 kg (6466 lbs) 160 4500 kg (9921 lbs) 3960 kg (6730 lbs) 163 4675 kg (10747 165) 4290 kg (9457 165) 164 5000 kg (11023 lbs) 4400 kg (9700 lbs) 166 5300 kg (11664 lbs) 4664 kg (10262 lbs) 167 5450 kg (12015 lbs) 4796 kg (10573 lbs) 166 5600 kg (12346 165) 4926 kg (10664 165) 170 6000 kg (13226 lbs) 5260 kg (11641 lbs) 171 6150 kg (13556 lbs) 5412 kg (11931 lbs) 173 6500 kg (14330 165) 5720 kg (12610 165) 175 6900 kg (15212 lbs) 6072 kg (13366 lbs) 176 7100 kg (15653 lbs) 6246 kg (13775 lbs) 176 7500 kg (16535 165) 6600 kg (14551 165) 179 7750 kg (17066 lbs) 6620 kg (15036 lbs) 'CflAMQOOCC'GQ 1927mm 80-10 PN:326 Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads Tightening Front Wheel Bolts—MFWD ACAUTION: Avoid the possibility of personal injury. Never operate tractor with loose wheel bolts. Wheel bolts are critical and require retightening. NOTE Both Inner and outer bolt patterns of disk have one tight fit hole and one slot fit hole 180“ from each other, for improved wheel centering, IMPORTANT: Front duals are not approved or recommended for use With standard MFWD and/or TLS’M Plus tractors. Wheel Disk-lo-Rim 1 Install bolt ln tight fit hole (A) and hand tlghten bolt 2 Install bolt ln slot fit hole (8) and hand tlghten bolt 3 Install and hand tlghten remalrling wheel dlsk-to-rim bolts 4 Tighten all bolts to speCiflcatlons. Specification Wheel Dlskrlorern Bolts 8 PDSlthrl Wheel (we Hardware)7Torque 300 N rn (225 lem NOTE See Determining Rim Type in this section if unsure of hardware size IMPORTANT: Carefully follow procedure for tightening wheel bolts. Failure to do so could lead to wheel hub damage. Wheel Disk-to-Hub (Eight-Position and Two-Position Wheels) 1. Install cap screw in tight fit hole (C) and hand tlghten cap screw. 2 Install cap screw ln slot fit hole (D) and hand tighten cap screw. 3. Install and hand tlghten remaining wheel dlsk-to-hub cap screws 4. Tighten all cap screws to speClficatlons Speciiieaiion Wheel DlskrlorHLib BollsiTorque 600 N rn (445 lb-lt) 5 Drive tractor 100 "l (100 yd) and retlghten bolts 6 Retlghten bolts afterworking 3 HOURS, 10 HOURS, and DAILY for first week of operation and every 500 hours TLS IS a trademark of Deere it Company A—WheeletoeRim Tight Fit Hole C—DisketoeHub Tight Fit Hole Biwheel-lo-le Slot Fit Hole D—DlskrtorHub Slot Fit Hole IMPORTANT: Carefully follow procedure for tightening wheel bolts. Failure to do so could lead to wheel hub damage. ’CDAL'QOOCLMGA lQl'l.’AR'3"' 80-11 PN:329 Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads Checking Toe-In (MFWD and TLSTM Plus Axles) 1 Make sure tires are in straight forward poSition by derlng tractor in a straight line for at least ’lS 24 m (50 ft) Verify equal lengths of steering cylinder are showmg on either Side oftractor Measure distance between centerline oftires at hut) level in front of axle using an outside bar of each tire or an inside bar of each tire. Mark point that lS measured Move tractor forward until front tires are rotated 180° 5 Repeat Step 3 at rear oftire, at same point Determine difference between front and rear measurements Difference may be in either direction (toe-in ortoe-out), but should be adlusted to + or -3 mm (1/8 in). Setting toerin as close to D as possmle will provide least amount oftire wear on hard surfaced roads ‘33441 9 00001 on Adjusting Toe-In (MFWD and TLSTM Plus Axles) 1. Check to make sure axle is centered 2 Loosen clamp nut (B) on right or left side oftie rod 3. Remove pin and nut (A). 4 Remove tie rod end (C) from wheel hub housing. NOTE: Setting resin to + or 73 mm {1/8 in.) will provide least amount of tire Wear on hard surfaced roads 5 Rotate tie rod end (C) as necessary to obtain toe-in oi toe-out less than specifications Each turn equals approximately 3 mm (’l/S in) change Specification Toerin or Toer .L rm A—Nul and Pin E—Clamp Nul C—Tie Rod End outiDistance + or 73 mm (lifi ln) NOTE: Clamp cap screw threads should point 6 Tighten each nut to specifications to front 0f tractor. Specificalion TleVRod Clamp NutiTordue 162 N m (120 loft) ‘OfiAAlQOOCC‘ c rlngASEZ‘fir‘ ‘ 80-12 PN:330 Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads Setting Steering Stop Positions IMPORTANT: These settings allow 20 mm (0.79 in.) minimum clearance at maximum turn and full axle os ' alion. Check for interference with front weights, tie rods, and side frames. lf equipped, fenders may deflect against side frame, and/or grille screen during full turn. A minimized turn radius may be obtained by utilizmg a shorter stop position. 1 Adyust tenders (if equipped) and tread settings before setting steering stop posmons 2 Select correct steering stop position for tire size and tread setting See tollowmg charts x’ i1 3 Set steering stops to correct position by measuring bolt length, as illustrated STEERING STOP POSITIONS 4 Tighten steering stop retaining nuts to specrfications. Bolt Length 5 , Position Tum Angle (MFWD and TLSW Plus Axle) peclflcatlon mm “M Steering Stop Retaining , NulsiToroue 250 N m 0 52: 47 m 85) (185 (M) 1 47 60 (2 36) 2 42' 73 (2 e7) 5 Turn steering wheel fully to the right Impact knuckle 3 38, 87 (3 43) housing to steering stop five times. Repeat for left side A 34, 98 [3 86) 6 Retighten steering stop retaining nuts to specifications 5 30’ 109 (4 29) 7 Verify clearance by turning steering wheel fully to the 6 25F 123 (4 84) I“ and then to the right NOTE Settings listed are approximate, due to variations In tire Size, Proper steering stop setting Is obtained when the tire is 20 mm {0.79 in.) away from frame or side panels, when axle is fully oscillated, TLS is a trademark of Deere & Company ‘0844193000163 ‘ 80-13 PN:33i Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads Eight-Position MFWD Wheel Settings NOTE A through H are used for all tires 480 mm (18 9 In } or smaller Tread settings are measured at bottom center [me of trre Use dragram at the right to adlust rm and disk, to obtain a desrred tread settrng for all tires 480 mm (18.9 In) or smaller Usmg a star shaped pattern torque dusk to rrm bolts as needed to mamtarn torque Specmcallun Drsk to Run EollsiTorque 310 N m [230 lbrfl] spemrmanon Dlsk [0 Hub NutsiTorque 600 N m (450 run) Retrghten bolts afterworking 3 HOURS 10 HOURS, and DAILY for the first week of operatlon and then every 250 hours IMPORTANT: Carefully follow procedure for tightening wheel bolts. Failure to do so could lead to wheel hub damage. Adjust fenders and steerrng stops as required usrng the tables and oragrams on the followlng pages flea 1574 m (so w) 1673 m (66 w) r 777 l.’ \l (sa rN) Conlmued on nexl ndge ® ream \ll.’ (1s m) ”1'37”” ® ms; am (an m) © 7 r as kw m m) 80-14 PN:332 Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads NOTE I through P are used for 540, 600, and 620 sized tires Tread settings are measured at bottom center line of tire Use diagram at the right to adjust rim and disk to a deSired tread setting for 540 600 and 620 sized tires Using a star shaped pattern torque diskto rim bolts as needed to maintain torque Speciricaiion Disk [0 Rim Bolts—Torque 3io N m (230 lh-fi) Speciiicaiion Disk to Hub Nutyraique 600 N m (450 lbrfi) Retighten bolts after working 3 HOURS 10 HOURS, arid DAILY for the first week of operation and then every 250 hours IMPORTANT: Carefully follow procedure for tightening wheel bolts. Failure to do so could lead to wheel huh damage. Adjust fenders and steering stops as required using the tables and diagrams on the following pages. TLS is a trademark of Deere ii Company filo i 5‘5 iii ‘.l (52 iN) LF‘HV i 676 l.’ ‘.l (56 iN) via—e (ID i m iii ‘.l (10 iN) i373 l.".l (12 iN) ‘l® i sari l.’ ‘.l (14 iN) ® i 979 l.’ ‘.l in iN) © ms l.’ ‘.l (32 iN) ® mt l.".l (as iN) '>‘< Wheel Positions For MFWD arid TLSW‘ Plus Axles sour; OOOC'EE i9 li‘,l/~?l$ 22 80-15 PN:333 Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads ‘ 710 mm Extra Wide Deluxe Pivoting Front Fenders 1. Install fender assembly (A) to pivot assembly (B) using four 19M7786 cap screws (0) NOTE: Position fender assembly in middle position for initial setup. 2 Tighten cap screws to harness bracket (D) to specmcatlons. Specification Fender Posllloh lo Plvot AssemblyiToroue 70 N m (52 rum A—Fender Assembly Cicap Screws 57mm Assembly D—Harness Bracket *cau'; ooodeF '9 use"; Final Fender Positioning NOTE: Height can be positioned per customer preference 1 Posrtion fender so that center of fender (A) is m lme WIth tlre center (B) as shown 2 Torque all cap screws 3 Verify fender clearance by turmng steering wheel to left stop and nght stop A— Fender Center Llne B— Tlre Center Llne ’osws :33": Visri'mn'aw' MFWD Fender Settings—Deluxe Pivoting Fenders Bracket Positions The bracket (A) that contacts fender stop (B) can be replaced as rt wears A—Brackel B—Stop Confirmed on next page 1044190000171 '9'2AT’?131‘A 80-16 PN:334 Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads To prevent damage to tender by contact with wheel or hood place fender bracket and fender stopper in recommended positions 3.. Dnlu Elkaflmflwu-nd ©® ®® NOTE The following positions are only recommendations Depending on tire size, fender size, and steering stop @® ®® position, fenders may need additional adjustment from recommended positions listed above m4“ noon-7' '9 '2AT’?13 24 Stopper Positions NOTE The following positions are only recommendations, Depending on tire size, tender size, and steering stop position, fenders may need additional adjustment from recommended positions listed below insert cap screw (A) into bracket (B) Screw on stopper (C) from above. Stopper (C) can be replaced as it wears Some adiustment may be necessary if tender contacts hood on tight turns. Move stopper (C) towards axle, from G position to A position to move tender further away from hood Some adjustment may be iiecessaiy it tire contacts tender on tight turns Move stopper (C) away from axle from A position to (3 position to move tender further away from tire Aicap Screw B—Bracket Continued on nexl ndge c—smpper ‘osAAigooooi‘i x a im‘arz‘a 80-17 PN:335 Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads A B,U n,w E,X F.Y 00'“ Front Tire, Fender, and Steering Stop Settings Table Explanation NOTE: This exp/ains tab/es on next several pages First row across top of page lrsts tread spacmg (A) In mullrmeters and Inches Column one lists tire srze (B). First number (C) in column two identifies that an eightrpositron rim rs used. Frrst letter (D) rndicates which dragram to follow from Erght-Posrtron MFWD Wheel Settrngs Next number (E) rndrcates what steenng stop posmon to use from Settrng Steenng Stop Posrtrons located rn this section. Next letter (F) rs bracket posrtron and stopper positron settrng whrch are taken from MFWD Fender SettingsiDeluxe Prvoting Fenders located rn this sectron Last two entnes rndrcate turmng radrus (G) rn mrllimeters and rnches 320/80R42 (FltW) AiTread Spacing BiTlre SIZE C—ElghtrFoslllun Rim DiTread Setting mmama Eisteerlng smp FiBracket and Stopper Seltlngs GiTurnIng Radius 10441900372 lQUSAUC'S'” 80-18 PN:336 Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads 1150/1300 MFWD Axles, Tire, Fender, and Steering Stop Settings NOTE Further adjustment is necessary if tire or fender contacts tractor on Wide turns Model 7210R has the option of the 1150 or 1300 axle, all other models have the 1300 axle NOTE: 7R Series Tractors have 9” oscillation on all rigid front axles when manufactured 5" osCillation stops can be ordered through a dealer and installed on rigid front axles with 9“ to offer better turning radius by limiting axle oscdlation and the potential for tractor/tire contact TLS front axle has 9” oscillation and is not adjustable. 1150/1300 MFWD Axles, wnh 9a Oscillation Stops, Tire, Fender, and Steering smp Semngs me Sue 1524 mm 1575 mm 1626 mm 1676 mm 1727 mm 1773 mm 1829 mm (60 m.) (62 m.) 164 m.) (66 m.) [68 m.) 170 m.) 172 m.) 8454 N A 8848 N A 8030“ N A 8th)h 32080842 7210 mm AWE“ 6641 111111 AWE“ 6204 mm AWE“ 5860 mm 284111 261 111 244111 231 111 8448 N A 8838 N 1 8026 N A 8018 32085838 6550 mm A 1°81 6114 mm A M 5772 111111 A M 5414 mm 258111 ”‘5 E 241 111 “‘3 e 227111 “‘3 e 213111 8650“ 80402 38080838 N“ N“ N“ N“ 7396 mm N“ 6824 mm Ava1lable Ava1lable Avaflable Avaflable Avaflable 291 111 269 111 8454 N A 8848 N A 8030“ N A 8th)h 38085834 7210 mm AWE“ 6641 111111 AWE“ 6204 mm AWE“ 5860 mm 284111 261 111 244111 231 111 8464 N A 8858c N A 8030“ N A 8th)h 420 85834 8327 mm AWE“ 7303 mm AWE“ 6204 mm AWE“ 5860 mm 328111 288111 244111 231 111 8464 N A 8848 N A ECSC“ N A 8th)h 420 90830 8327 mm AWE“ 6641 111111 AWE“ 6204 mm AWE“ 5860 mm 328111 261 111 244111 231 111 8464 N A 8858c N A SCAG“ N A 8th)h 16 9830 8327 mm AWE“ 7303 mm AWE“ 6732 mm AWE“ 5860 mm 328111 288111 265111 231 111 8464 N61 885A 1161 8c48 1161 802C 480 70830 8327 mm A A m 7303 mm A 1 m 6732 111111 A 1 m 5860 111111 328111 ”‘5 E 288111 “‘3 e 265111 “‘3 e 231 111 885A 8c48 803C 480 70834 A Nf‘m A Na 7303 mm A Nf‘m 6732 111111 A Nf‘m 6294 111111 va1a e 131 a e 288111 va1a e 265111 va1a e 248111 8164 8048 8838 54065330 402111388 5375 111111 Avggble 637‘ 111m 402111388 6249 mm AvaN11Da‘81e 330 111 263 1n 246 1n BJSA 8848 54065834 N“ W W 7350 mm N“ 6778 mm N“ Ava1lable Ava1|able 41311388 269 Ava1lable 41511388 1n 267 1n 8848 , No1 Not Not Not No1 N61 “MEWS Ava1lable Ava1|able 41311388 41511388 Ava1lable 6;: A?” 41511388 8854 , Not N61 N61 1161 Not N61 6007mm Ava1lable Ava1lable 4va11ae1e Ava1lable Ava1lable 7:3; W 4va11ae1e 8854 1 Not Not Not Not Not N61 'F600°70R3O Ava1lable Ava1lable 4va11ae1e Ava1lable Ava1lable 733: A?” 4va11ae1e fVI/me fenders use posmon a Wee fenders Lise pesmen c wee tenders use positron 4 Conhnued 611 next page 700489 0003' 80-19 8N:337 Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads 1150/1300 MFWD Axles, W13 9” OSCIIIBIIOH smps, Tlre, Fender, and s133nng 5133 Semngs Continued me sIze 1330 mm 1330 mm 1931 mm 2032 mm 2033 mm 2133 mm 2134 mm 2235 mm (74 In.) (76 In.) (70 In.) (so In.) (32 In.) 134 In.) (as In.) (33 In.) BE1E 3303 3000: 331011 320 30342 3131103313 5500 mm A NAD‘AA 5215 mm 7315103313 5299 mm A NAD‘AA 5334 mm ’ 217 In V“ 3 205 In 209 In V“ 3 212 In 3303 3303 3000: 31100 320 35333 A13N1°3t3I3 5131 mm AvaN11ua‘b1e 5215 mm 7313103313 5299 mm AvaN11ua‘b1e 5334 mm 202131 205171 209171 212171 8E3Ea EF2F~ 851Gq BHOH 330 30333 Avggtbb 6334 mm 731213.313 6037 mm 7315103313 5673 mm 731213.313 5334 Inm 251 W 2301" 223171 212171 331 E 3303 3000: 31100 330 35334 A13NI1°3t313 5500 mm 731213.313 5215 mm 7315103313 5299 mm 731213.313 5334 mm 2171" 205171 209171 212171 3323” 3303 3000: 331011 42035334 Avggtbb 5943 mm 731213.313 5215 mm AV§11Datb1e 5299 mm 731213.313 5334 Inm 234131 205171 209171 212171 BE1E 3303 3000: 331011 42090330 A13NI1°3t313 5500 mm 731213.313 5215 mm 7315103313 5299 mm 731213.313 5334 Inm 217 In 205 In 209 In 212 In 3323“ 3313: 3000: 331011 Not N01 Nut N01 16 9330 5943 mm 5537 mm 5299 mm 5334 Inm A13I13313 234 An A13I13313 220 AA A13I13313 209 AA 31313313 212 An BE1E 3303 3003 31100 N31 N31 Not N31 430170330 , 5500 mm 5215 mm 5299 mm 5334 mm A1313313 217 A" 31313313 205 AA A13I13313 209 AA 31313313 212 AA BEZD 8F1E 3003 331011 N31 N31 Not N31 430170334 , 5943 mm 5537 mm 5299 mm 5334 Inm A1313313 234 An 31313313 220 AA A13I13313 209 AA 31313313 212 An 311120 3N1E 3003 3303 540 65330 5904 mm A N1°t31 5543 mm 31131131313 5257 mm A11311D3'313 5342 mm A N1°t31 232 In V5‘ 3 E 213 In 207 In 210 In V5‘ 3 E 311130 3N2D 3013 3303 540 65334 6339 mm A N1°t31 5992 mm 31131131313 5630 mm A11311D3'313 5342 mm A N1°t31 250 In V5‘ 3 E 236 In 222 In 210 In V5‘ 3 E 311130 3N2D 801E 3303 600 65323 6339 mm A N1°t31 5992 mm 31131131313 5630 mm A11311D3'313 5342 mm A N1°t31 250 In V5‘ 3 E 236 In 222 In 210 In V5‘ 3 E 311143 3N30 3023 3313 600 70330 6370 mm A N1°t31 6429 mm 31131131313 6031 mm A11311D3'313 5717 mm A N1°t31 270 In V5‘ 3 E 253 In 239 In 225 In V5‘ 3 E 311143 3N30 802E 3313 N01 N31 N01 N01 13600 70330 6370 mm , 6429 mm 6031 mm , 5717 mm , 270 AA A13I13313 253 AA A13I13313 239 AA A13I13313 225 An A1313313 “WIde fenders use pesInun 3 “WIde fenders use pesInun 0 “11/33 fenders use pnsIrIon E ”WIde fenders use pesInun D 1150/1300 MFWD Axles, W11h 5° Oscillation Stops. Tlre. Fender. and Steering 510p Sellings me Sue 1524 mm 1575 mm 1626 mm 1675 mm 1727 mm 1773 mm 1329 mm 160 In.) 162 In.) 164 In.) (66 In.) 160 In.) 170 In.) (72 In.) 3A5A N31 3343 N31 3020 N31 3020: 320130342 7210 mm A A 31 6641 mm A A 31 5772 mm A 1 31 5360 mm 234 In 1313 e 261 In 1313 3 227 In 1313 e 231 In 3A43 N31 3333 N31 3020 N31 301 E 320135333 6550 mm A A 31 6114 mm A A 31 5772 mm A A 31 5414 mm 253 In 1313 e 241 In 1313 3 227 In 1313 e 213 In 3A6A N31 3343 N31 30303 N31 3020: 330130333 3327 mm A A 31 6641 mm A A 31 6204 mm A A 31 5360 mm 323 In 1313 e 261 In 1313 3 244 In 1313 e 231 In 3A5A N31 3343 N31 3020 N31 BD1D 330135334 7210 mm A A 31 6641 mm A A 31 5772 mm A A 31 5414 mm 234 In 1313 e 261 In 1313 3 227 In 1313 e 213 In COMVWCG 071 ND)“ 939D 80-20 PN:333 Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads 1150/1500 MFWD Axles, WI1h 5° Osullauon Stops, Tlre, Fender, and Steering Slop Semngs Tire Size 1524 mm 1575 mm 1521; mm 1571; mm 1727 mm 1773 mm 1829 mm (50 In.) (52 In.) (54 In.) (55 In.) (55 In.) (70 In.) (72 In.) 8A5A N 1 8858r N 1 8030” N 1 ED2D" 420 85534 8327 mm A 1001 7303 mm A 1°51 6204 mm A fm 5860 mm 328 III ”‘5 e 288 III ”‘5 E 244m ”‘3 e 231 III BASA N 1 8848 N 1 8030” N 1 ED2D" 420 80530 7210 mm A 1001 6541 mm A 1°51 5204 mm A fm 5860 mm 284 III ”‘5 e 251 III ”‘5 E 244 In ”‘3 e 231 III 8A5A N 1 8858 N 1 8030” N 1 ED2D" 168530 8327 mm 505105815 7303 mm 505:515 6204 mm 5052815 5860 mm 328 III 288 III 244 In 231 III 8A5A N 1 885A N 1 8638 N 1 8D2c 480 70530 8327 mm 505105815 7303 mm 505:515 6204 mm 5052815 5860 mm 328 III 288 III 244 In 231 In 885A 8648 8D3c 480 70R“ 50:11:55 AvaNHDa‘me 7303 mm 502E515 6732 mm 50:11.5‘815 6294 mm 288 III 255 In 245 In 815A 8.148 BKSB 54065530 A Nf'm 8375 mm A I 51 6687 mm A NAO‘N 6248 mm A Nf'm V313 5 330 m V313 5 253 m vaIa 5 245 A" V313 5 BJSA 8K48 540155534 N“ N“ 7350 mm N“ 6778 mm N“ 50505515 150515815 150505515 (50515815 50505815 288 In 257 III BKAB N51 N51 N51 N51 N51 500 55525 50505515 50515815 50505515 50505515 50515815 62;: W” 50505815 BKSA N51 N51 N51 N51 N51 500 70530 50505515 50515815 50505515 50505515 50515815 7:3; :2” 50505815 BKSA A N51 N51 N51 N51 _ N51 I5600 70530 50505515 50515815 50505515 50505515 50515815 ’33; W” 50505815 “VI/Ids fenders use pasmun c “VI/Ids fenders use 5050mm 8 "V1055 fenders use p55I1I5n A 1150/1500 MFWD Axles, WI1h 5" Osullauon smps, Tlre, Fender, and s1eenng smp Semngs Conunued Tire SIZE 1330 mm 1950 mm 1981 mm 2052 mm 2035 mm 2155 mm 2134 mm 2255 mm (74 In.) (75 In.) (75 In.) (50 In.) 152 In.) (84 In.) (as In.) (33 In.) 8515 8505 85082 8510512 Not N51 Not N51 320 80542 A 5500 mm 5215 mm 5288 mm 5384 mm AIaI1a51e 217 m 50515815 205 m 751515515 209 m 50515815 212 m 8505 8505 850:32 BHDG“ Not N51 Not N51 320 85538 A 5131 mm 5215 mm 5288 mm 5384 mm AIaI1a51e 202 m 50515815 205 m 751515515 209 m 50515815 212 m 8515 8515 85082 8510512 Not N51 Not N51 380 80538 A 5500 mm 5587 mm 5288 mm 5384 mm AIaI1a51e 217 m 50515815 220 m 751515515 209 m 50515815 212 m 8515 8505 850:32 BHDG“ Not N51 Not N51 380 85534 5500 mm 5215 mm 5288 mm 5384 mm Avauame 217 m AvaI1ab1e 205 A" 50505815 209 A" AvaI1ab1e 212 A" BEZE” 8505 85082 8510512 N51 N51 N51 N51 420185534 5848 mm 5215 mm 5288 mm 5384 mm AvaI1a51e 234 m AvaI1ab1e 205 A" AvaI1581e 208 A" AvaI1ab1e 212 A" 851 E 8505 8:3082 85052 Not N51 Not N51 420180530 5500 mm 5215 mm 5288 mm 5384 mm Avauame 217 m AvaI1ab1e 205 A" 50505815 208 A" AvaI1ab1e 212 A" 8E1E 8515: 8:3082 85052 Not N01 N51 N51 15 8530 5500 mm 5587 mm 5288 mm 5384 mm AvaIIa51e 217 m Avauame 220 m Avauame 208 A" AvaI1ab1e 212 A" 8E1E 8505 8605 BHOF N51 N51 Not N51 48070530 5500 mm 5215 mm 5288 mm 5384 mm AvaI1a51e 217 m AvaI1ab1e 205 A" 50505815 208 A" AvaI1ab1e 212 A" commune on 52x1 page 80-21 PN:338 Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads 1150/1300 MFWD Axles, wI1n 5= Oscillation smps, Tlre, Fender, and 51eenng Slop SeuIngs Continued .an SIZE 1330 mm 1330 mm 1931 mm 2032 mm 2033 mm 2133 mm 2134 mm 2235 mm (74 In.) (75 In.) (79 In.) (so In.) (32 In.) 134 In.) (95 In.) (33 In.) 9E2D 8F1 E 950: 3H0d 4301701334 A Nf‘b, 5948 mm A N‘D‘b, 5597 mm MEN‘S“ 5299 mm A N‘D‘b, 5334 mm “‘3 E 234 In ”‘3 e 220 In 209 III we a 212 In 3M20 8N1E 300: 930: 540 55930 5904 mm A Na, 5543 mm 53305 5257 mm 3103121015 5342 mm A Mm, 232 In V5‘ 3 E 219 In 207 In 210 In V5‘ 3 E 3M30 3N2D 301: 930: 540 55934 5339 mm A Na, 5992 mm magma 5630 mm 3103121015 5342 mm A Mm, 250 In V5‘ 3 E 235 In 222 In 210 In V5‘ 3 E 3M30 3N2D 801E 930: 500 55923 5339 mm A Na, 5992 mm magma 5630 mm 3103121015 5342 mm A Mm, 250 In V5‘ 3 E 235 In 222 In 210 In V5‘ 3 E 3M43 3N2c 802E am: 500 70930 5670 mm A Na, 5992 mm magma 6031 mm 3103121015 5717 mm A Mm, 270 In V5‘ 3 E 235 In 239 In 225 In V5‘ 3 E 9M43 3N2c 302E 931: N01 N61 N01 N01 )F600 70330 6370 mm , 5992 mm 6031 mm , 5717 mm , 270 m Avename 235 m Manama 239 m Manama 225 m Avavlame aVI/Ide fenders use posmon F ”VI/me fenders use pngnon c ”W015 fenders use pasman E ”Fender not compaIIb/e mm mIs settmg NOTE: Further adjustment 1‘s necessary if tire 0r fender contacts tractor cn W/‘de turns. 70344100000173 .19. P1344 80-22 PN:340 Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads TLSTM Plus Axle Tire, Fender, and Steering Stop Settings NOTE, Further adjustment may be necessary if tire or fender contacts tractor on wide [urns TLS"" Plus Fronl Tire. Fender. and Sleering Slop 6515an We 5I15 1524 mm 1575 mm 1626 mm 1676 mm 1727 mm 1775 mm 1529 mm (60 In.) (62 In.) (64 In.) (66 In.) [68 In.) (70 In.) (72 In.) 5A5A N 1 5545 N 1 5030“ N ‘ 502E)h 320 50542 7210 mm A 1051 6641 mm A 1051 6204 mm A M 5560 mm 254 In ”‘5 5 261 In V515 5 244 In “‘3 5 231 In BASA 5535 5620 501 E 320 55535 7210 mm A N‘O‘N 6114 mm A N‘O‘N 5772 mm A N‘D‘N 5414 mm 254 III V“ 5 241 III V“ 5 227111 “‘3 5 213 In 8858" 8C4Ca 8D3Da 350 50535 A N‘D'N A N‘O‘N 7303 mm A N‘O‘N 6732 mm A N‘D‘N 6294 mm u515 5 V313 5 255 m V313 5 265 m u515 5 245 m N51 N51 N51 N51 N51 N51 N51 380 80R42 Ava115 81E Au5115515 Ava1l5 515 Ava11a 515 Ava115 515 Ava115 515 Ava11ab1e 5A5A N 1 5545 N 1 50305 N ‘ 502E)h 350 55534 7210 mm Au51105515 6641 mm Ava11uab1e 6204 mm M58515 5560 mm 284171 251 171 244171 231 171 BASA N 1 5555“ N 1 50405 N ‘ 503E)h 420 55534 5327 mm Au51105515 7303 mm Ava11uab1e 6732 mm M58515 6294 mm 328 171 288 171 265 171 248 171 . N51 N51 N51 N51 N51 N51 N51 “0‘8“” AV5115515 Ava11ab1e Ava1lab1e Ava11eb1e Av511ab1e AV5115515 Av511eb1e BAeA N51 5555“ N51 5030“ N51 5D2Db 420190530 5327 mm Ava11ab1e 7303 mm Ava11ab1e 6204 mm Ava11ab1e 5560 mm 328171 288171 244171 231 171 BAeA N51 5555“ N51 5040“ N51 5D3Db 16 9R30 5327 mm Ava11ab1e 7303 mm Ava11ab1e 6732 mm Ava11ab1e 6294 mm 328 171 288 171 265 171 248 171 5A6A N51 555A N51 5045 N51 5020 450170530 5327 mm A ‘ 51 7303 mm A ‘ 51 6732 mm A ‘ 51 5560 mm 325 In ”‘5 5 255 In V515 5 265 In “‘3 5 231 In 556A 5055 5030 480170R34 Avggme AvaN11ua‘b1e 8423 ’"m AvaNHDa‘ma 7396 mm Avgg‘me 6294 mm 332 1n 291 171 248 171 SJSA 51<35 540 65R30 N“ N“ N“ 7350 mm N“ 6249 mm N“ Ava11ab1e Au5115515 Av51lab1e Au5115515 Ava11ab1e 289 171 246 171 BJEA 5K45 540 65R34 N“ N“ N“ 5470 mm N“ 6775 mm N“ Ava11ab1e Au5115515 Av51lab1e Au5115515 Ava11ab1e 333 171 257 171 N51 N51 N51 N51 N51 N51 N51 540 75R34 Ava115 81E Au5115515 Ava1l5 515 Ava11a 515 Ava115 515 Ava115 515 Ava11ab1e 5K45 N51 N51 N51 N51 N51 N51 600 55MB Ava115 515 Au5115515 Au5115 515 Au5115 515 Ava115 515 6:25:01 Au5115515 BKSB N01 N51 N51 N51 N51 N51 60070530 Au5115515 Au5115515 Au5115515 Au5115515 Au5115515 7:33 a” Au5115515 BKSB Not N51 N51 N51 N51 N51 ”60070830 Au5115515 Au5115515 Au5115515 Au5115515 Au5115515 7333 mm Au5115515 N51 N51 N51 N51 N51 N51 N51 620‘75R30 Ava11ab1e Au5115515 Av51lab1e Au5115515 Au5115515 Ava11ab1e Ava11ab1e . Not N51 N51 N51 N51 N51 N51 |F62O€75R30 Ava11ab1e Au5115515 Av51lab1e Au5115515 Au5115515 Ava11ab1e Ava11ab1e av1/II15 fenders use posmon 5 3Wm renders use posmon 0 “M55 fenders use pusman A Commued on nex‘ KNEE VOfiAMQDD ‘ 3 80-23 PN:341 Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads Tst Plus From TIre, Fender, and Steering smp SeuIngs Continued THE SIZE 1850 mm 1930 mm 1951 mm 2032 mm 2053 mm 2133 mm 2154 mm 2235 mm (74 In.) (76 In.) (75 In.) 150 In.) 152 In.) 154 In.) (56 In.) (55 In.) 5E1E 5E1F“ 5:306h 51—1011 320 50942 A Na 5500 mm A “TL 5557 mm AVEN‘EA‘A 5299 mm A Nf‘m 5354 mm “‘3 E 217In V“ E 220 In 209 III V“ 5 212 In 5E01= 5909 5000b 51100 320 55935 Avg)?“ 5131 mm 41:11:55 5215 mm Avggme 5299 mm Avg)?“ 5354 mm 202111 205111 209111 212111 BESW" EF4XC 553V“ 8H1ZF 350 50942 Avg?“ 7553 mm Avg?“ 7005 mm AVEN‘EA‘B 6565 mm Avg?“ 5751 mm 299111 275 m 25E 1" 227 W 5E2E’ BF1F 5600: 51—1011 350 50935 Avg?“ 5945 mm Avg?“ 5557 mm AVEN‘EA‘B 5299 mm Avg?“ 5354 mm 234111 220111 209111 212 W 5E1 E BFDF 5:306h BHOG 350 55934 Avg?“ 5500 mm Avg?“ 5215 mm AVEN‘EA‘B 5299 mm Avg?“ 5354 mm 217 177 205111 209111 212111 5E2E’ BF1F 5600: 51—1011 4201551934 Avg?“ 5945 mm Avg?“ 5557 mm AVEN‘EA‘B 5299 mm Avg?“ 5354 mm 234111 220111 209111 212 W 5E5w 594x“ 553v“ 511226 4201551935 Avg?“ 5709 mm Avg?“ 7005 mm AVEN‘EA‘B 6565 mm Avg?“ 5215 mm 343111 275 m 25E 1" 245 m 5E1E 5919: 5:306h 51—1011 4201901930 Avg?“ 5500 mm Avg?“ 5557 mm Avg)?“ 5299 mm Avg?“ 5354 mm 217 In 220 In 209 In 212 In 5E2Eq 5919a 5000b 511011 15 9930 9023515 5945 mm Avg)?“ 5557 mm 19023515 5299 mm Avg?“ 5354 mm 234111 220111 209111 212 W 5E1E 8F1E 5009 51100 N51 N51 N51 N51 4501701930 , 5500 mm 5557 mm , 5299 mm 5354 mm 75515515 217m AuaI1a5Ie 220 m 711515515 209 m Ava11ab1e 212m 5E2D 8F1E BG1F 511011 N51 N51 N51 N51 4501701934 , 5945 mm 5557 mm , 5673 mm 5354 mm 75515515 234 m AuaI1a5Ie 220 m 711515515 223 m Ava11ab1e 212m 511420 5N1 E 5009 BPDF 540 55930 5904 mm A Na) 5543 mm A Na) 5257 mm A Na) 5342 mm A Nf‘b‘ 232 In ”‘5 E 215In ”‘5 E 207 In ”‘5 e 210 In ”‘5 e 511130 13sz 5019 8P1F 540 55934 5339 mm A Na) 5992 mm A Na) 5630 mm A Na) 5717 mm A Nf‘b‘ 250 In ”‘5 E 236 In ”‘5 E 222 In ”‘5 e 225 In ”‘5 e 5N5V 505w 593x 5407““ AVENHDatb‘E 1902113515 5757 mm 4137555 7724 mm 1902113515 66” mm AvaNHDa‘me 345111 304 m 250 W 511130 13sz 501E BPDF 500 55925 5339 mm A Na) 5992 mm A Na) 5630 mm A Na) 5342 mm A Nf‘b‘ 250 In ”‘5 E 236 In ”‘5 E 222 In ”‘5 e 210 In ”‘5 e 511140 5N3D 802E 8P1F 500 70930 5570 mm A Na) 6429 mm A Na) 5051 mm A Na) 5717 mm A Nf‘b‘ 270 In ”‘5 E 253 In ”‘5 E 239 In ”‘5 e 225 In ”‘5 e 511140 5N3D 802E 8P1F 1950070930 5570 mm 711191121515 6429 mm A Na) 6051 mm 1111:3515 5717 mm A Nf‘b‘ 270111 253 In V5‘ 3 E 239111 225 In V“ a 506W 594x N51 N51 N51 N51 N51 N51 620‘75R30 AvaIlame AvaIIa51e AvaI1a51e AvaI1a51e 8:53: mm Ava1lab1e 7147 mm AvaI1a51e m 281 17‘ 506W 594x N51 N51 N51 N51 N51 N51 19520 75R“ AvaI1551e AvaI1551e AvaI1551e AvaI1551e 5553 3” Ava1lab1e 7%: mm AvaI1ab1e “WIde fenders use pesman E “WIde fenders use pesman F “AW/tie fenders use posmon v “VI/1:19 fenders use posmon W *Noz ava/lab/e .I/Im WIde fenders ‘WIde fenders use pesInan c COMVWCG 0H HDX‘ DIED 7094419 80-24 PN:342 Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads Was fenders use posmnn D MO ::001‘4494&JUN 80-25 PN:343 Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads 1150/1300 MFWD AXIeS' With From HitCh’ NOTE: 7/? Series Tractors have 9“ oscillation on all rigid Tlrei Fenderi and Steering St°p Settlngs (If front axles except for tractors ordered with Group Equipped) 44 front tires 5" ossillation stops are installed With Group 44 front tires With rigid 1300 front axle 5" oscillation stops can be installed on rigid front axles With 9" to offer better turning radius by limiting axle ossilletion and the potential for tractor/tire contact TLS front axle has 9" osCiIIation andis not adjustable NOTE: Further adjustment is necessary if tire or fender contacts tractor on Wide turns. Model 7210/? has the option ofthe 1150 or 1300 axle. all other models have the 1300 axle If tire size is not listed in the folloWing charts, see 1150/1300 MFWD Axles, Tire, Fender, and Steering Stop Settings in this section 1150/1300 MFWD. With 9° Oscillation Stops, With From Hitch. Front Tire. Fender. and Steering Stop Settings Tlre Slle 1524 mm 1575 mm 1626 mm 1676 mm 1727 mm 1778 mm 1829 mm 160 in.) 162 in.) 164 in.) (66 in.) [68 in.) 170 in.) (72 in.) 814614 Not 6646 NM ECSC“ NM 602Dh 320l80R42 6327 mm A I b, 6641 mm A , b, 6204 mm A , b, 5660 mm 326 iii va‘ a e 261 iii ”‘3 e 244 iii ”‘3 e 231 iii 6050C ED4D: 380l80R38 A Nf‘b, A Nf‘b, A Nf‘b, A Nf‘b, 7396 mm A Nf‘b, 6624 mm vaia e val a e val a e vaia e 291 m vaia e 269 m 6565c 0040“ 8030b 420 85R34 A Nf‘b, A Na), 6423 mm A Nf‘b, 6732 mm A Nf‘b, 6294 mm vaia e val a e 332 m vaia e 265 m vaia e 245 m 866A 6046 6D3cd 480 70“" Augigble Avggble 5423 mm Avgg‘ble 6732 mm Availua‘ele 6294 mm 332 in 265 in 246 iii 8K4B , Not Not Not Not Not Not 54065334 Available Available Available Available Available 62;: mm Available axee , Not Not Not Not Not Not 6007mm Available Available Available Available Available 632: mm Available SKGB Nol Not Not an Nol Not ”6007mm Available Available Available Available Available 53:? W" Available “Wide fenders use position 5 “Wide fenders use pesiiien c "l/lflde fenders use pDSltlarl A ”Fender not Compatible With this setting 1150/1300 MFWD. Wilh 9° Oscillation Stops, with Front Hitch, Front Tire. Fender. and Steering Stop Settings Continued me SIZE 1330 mm 1930 mm 1931 mm 2032 mm 2033 mm 2133 mm 2134 mm 2235 mm (74 In.) (76 In.) (78 In.) (so In.) (32 In.) [34 In.) (86 In.) (as In.) 6E1E sror EGGS" BHOH 320 80R42 MEN‘S“ 5500 mm Avgf’a‘b,e 5215 mm ANNE“ 5299 mm Avgf’a‘b,e 5364 mm 217 in 205 in 209 iii 212 in 8E3Ea EFZF" 8(3qu BHOH 360 60R36 A N‘D'b, 6364 mm A Nf‘b, 6037 mm MEN‘S“ 5673 mm A Nf‘b, 5364 mm “‘3 E 251 m V“ e 236 in 223 in V“ e 212 in BEZEa EFiF BGUG" BHOH 420i85R34 A N‘D'b, 5946 mm A Nf‘b, 5567 mm MEN‘S“ 5299 mm A Nf‘b, 5364 mm “‘3 E 234 m V“ e 220 in 209 in V“ e 212 in 8E2D 6F1E SGOF BHOH 450.70R34 Avgfa'me 5946 mrrl AVEN‘E‘ME 5567 mm ANNE“ 5299 mm AVEN‘E‘ME 5364 mm 234 in 220 in 209 iii 212 in 8M3C 6N2D 901p BPDF 540 65R34 6339 mm A Nf'b, 5992 mm A Nf‘m 5630 mm A\ Nf‘m 5342 mm A Nf'b, 250 in V“ E 236 in l“ e 222 iii “5‘3 e 210 in V“ E BMAC 6N3D 9025 8P1 F 600 70530 6670 mm A Nf'b, 6429 mm A Nf‘m 6091 mm A\ Nf‘m 5717 mm A Nf'b, 270 in V“ E 253 in l“ e 239 in l“ e 225 in V“ E BMAC 6N3D 802E 8P1F Not Nol Not Not ‘FEOO 7on30 6%; ,mn’" Aliallable 62:: mm Avallable 6%; mm Aliallable 5;}; T,” Aliallable eWide lenders use position F CDMlHuEd eii iiexl page 7094219 0003' 80-26 PN:344 Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads “W105 fenders use pesmen 0 “V1055 fenders use pesmen E 1150/1300 MFWD, W00 5” OscIllanon Slaps, wnh From Hllch, Front TIre, Fender, and Steering s1op SeuIngs Tire Size 1524 mm 1575 mm 1626 mm 1676 mm 1727 mm 1775 mm 1529 mm (50 In.) (52 In.) (54 In.) (as In.) (55 In.) (70 In.) (72 In.) 5555 N ‘ 5545 N 1 5020 N 1 EDZD" 320150542 7210 mm A M 6641 mm 5 1°51 5772 mm A 1°51 5560 mm 254 In 0515 e 261 In ”‘5 E 227 In ”‘5 E 231 In 5565h 5030c ED2D“ 350150535 5051;!“ 505112515 8423 mm 5051;!“ 6204 ’“m 5051:1515 5860 mm 332 In 244 In 231 In 5555h 5040c EDSD“ “0'85““ 5051;!“ 505112515 7303 mm 5051;!“ 6732 ’“m 5051:1515 6294 mm 255 In 265 In 245 In 5555 5045 5030 450170534 Avggbb 5v5fi‘515 7303 mm Avggbb 6732 mm Avggbb 6294 mm 255 In 265 In 245 In 5355 5545 540 65534 W N“ W 7350 mm N“ 6775 mm NM 50505515 50505515 50505515 50505515 50505515 259 In 267 In BKSE Not 1151 Not Not Not N01 600 70530 50505515 50505515 50505515 50505515 50505 515 7:3: mm 50505515 BKSB , N51 1151 N51 N51 N51 N51 ”6007mm 5v51|551e 5v511551e 5v511501e 5v51|551e 5v511551e 733; mm 5v51|551e fVI/Ide fenders use posmon 0 ‘WIde fenders use pesmen 5 “V1055 fenders use pesmen 5 1150/1300 MFWD, Wilh 5° Oscillalion Slaps, Wilh From Himh, From Tire. Fender. and Sleering Stop Selfings Continued me 5115 1550 mm 1930 mm 1951 mm 2032 mm 2053 mm 2133 mm 2154 mm 2235 mm (74 In.) 176 In.) (75 In.) (so In.) 132 In.) 154 In.) (56 In.) (55 In.) 5515 5505 5000* 5505" 320 50542 5v511D5'01e 5500 mm A N‘O‘b‘ 5215 mm 5V5NI1:015 5299 mm A N‘O‘b‘ 5354 mm 217 In V“ e 205 In 209 In V“ e 212 In 5515 5515 5000* 5505" 350 50535 5v511D5'01e 5500 mm A N‘O‘b‘ 5557 mm 5V5NI1:015 5299 mm A N‘O‘b‘ 5354 mm 217 In V“ e 220 In 209 In V“ e 212 In BEZEa EF1F BECK}1 EHOHq 42055534 A N‘D'm 5945 mm A N‘O‘b‘ 5557 mm 5V5NI1:015 5299 mm A N‘O‘b‘ 5354 mm “‘3 E 234 In 0515 e 220 In 209 In ”‘3 e 212 In 5520 8F1E 5005 5505 450170534 513121515 5945 mm A N‘O‘b‘ 5557 mm 5V5NI1:015 5299 mm A N‘O‘b‘ 5354 mm ’ 234 In 0515 e 220 In 209 In ”‘3 e 212 In 511030 51120 5015 5505 N0! N0! 5101 No! “0‘65““ 6233 3” 50505515 52:: a” 5115115015 533% mm 5115115015 52?; a” 50505515 511040 51120 5025 5515 N0! N0! 5101 No! 60°me 63% 3” 50505515 52:: a” 5115115015 623; 3” 5115115015 5:12; a” 50505515 511040 51120 5025 5515 5101 N51 N01 5101 1F600170R30 6570 mm , 5992 mm 6051 mm , 5717 mm , 270 m 515115015 236 m 50505515 239 m 515115015 225 m 515115515 aV1055 fenders use posmon F ”Wm fenders use pesmon 0 NOTE' Further adjustment may be necessary if tire er fender contacts tractor 0n Wide turns If fire size is not Ifsted in the fe/Iowfng charts. see 1100/1300 MFWD Axles, Trre, Fender, and Steering Stop 5500an In this section ‘08441900001‘5 .19. 80-27 PN:345 Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads TLSTM Plus With Front Hitch Tire, Fender, and Steering StOP Settings (If EquiPPEd) fender contacts tractor on Wide turns NOTE If tire sizes are not listed In the followrng charts. see TLSW Plus Axle, Tire, Fender, and Steering Stop Settings in this section Further adjustment may be necessary if tire 0r TLSW Plus. mm mm Hllch. TIre. Fender. and Steerlng Stop Semngs me We 1524 mm 1575 mm 1626 mm 1676 mm 1727 mm 1778 mm 1829 mm (66 In.) (62 In.) (64 In.) (66 In.) (66 In.) (70 In.) (72 In.) BAGA 55458: ECSC” ED2Dc 320 80R42 6327 mm Avggb‘e 7303 mm Avg‘z‘b‘e 6204 mm Avgfa‘b‘e 5666 mm 328 m 288 m 244 m 231 m 66662 ECSC“ BDSD” 360 60636 A Nf‘m A Na 6423 mm A Nf‘b‘ 7396 mm A Nf‘b‘ 6294 mm vaia e veI a e 332 m Vaia e 29‘ m vaia e 248 m Nut Not Not N61 N61 N61 N61 . 3 380 80R42 Avaiiabie Availa Die Avaiiabie Avaiiabie Availa Die Availa Die Availa Die 6666“ ECSC” 6D3Dr 426 85R34 A N‘D'm A Nf'b‘ 6423 mm A N‘D‘b‘ 7396 mm A Nf‘b‘ 6294 mm vaia e veI a e 332 m Vaia e 29‘ m vaia e 248 m Nut Not Not N61 N61 N61 N61 1 3 420 BSRSB Avaiiabie Availa Die Avaiiabie Avaiiabie Availa Die Availa Die Availa Die 666A 6056 6030 460 7OR34 A Nf‘m A Na 6423 mm A Nf‘m 7396 mm A Nf‘m 6294 mm vaia e veI a e 332 m Vaia e 29‘ m vaia e 248 m BJGA 8MB 540 65R34 N“ N“ N“ 6476 mm N“ 6776 mm N“ Avaiiabie Availabie Avaiiabie Availabie Availabie 333 m 267 in Nut Not Not N61 N61 N61 N61 540 75R34 Avaiiabie Availa Die Avaiiabie Avaiiabie Availa Die Availa Die Availa Die Nut Not Not N61 N61 N61 N61 600 mm AveIIanie AvaIiabIe AvaIiaeie AveIiebIe AvaIiabIe AvaIiabIe AvaIiabIe N6! No! N01 N61 N61 N61 N61 ”6007“” Avaiiabie Availabie Avaiiabie Avaiiabie Availabie Availabie Availabie Nut Not Not N61 N61 N61 N61 620 75R30 Avaiiabie Availa Die Avaiiabie Avaiiabie Availa Die Availa Die Availa Die , 9 Nut Not Not N61 N61 N61 N61 “20‘7“” AveIIanie AvaIiabIe AvaIiaeie AveIiebIe AvaIiabIe AvaIiabIe AvaIiabIe fWIde fenders use pusltian A ~‘Wn1e fenders use pas/tron 6 “wee fenders use posmnn c ~7Ire not available on 1100 axle TLSW Plus. with From Hiich. Tire. Fender. and Sieering 616p Semngs Conlinued THE sIze 1880 mm 1936 mm 1981 mm 2632 mm 2663 mm 2133 mm 2164 mm 2235 mm (74 In.) (76 In.) (76 In.) (66 In.) (62 In.) (64 In.) (66 In.) (66 In.) 6E1E 6F1F“ 6566b BHOH 320 BOR42 Avm‘b‘e 5500 mm AVQE‘A‘E 5567 mm 41315526 5299 mm Avm‘me 5364 mm 217 In 220 In 269 In 212 In 6525r 6F1F 6000 BHOH 360 BORSB AVENHZ‘A‘E 5946 mm A Nf‘m 5567 mm AVEN‘E‘D‘E 5299 mm A Nf‘b‘ 5364 mm 234 In va‘ a E 220 In 269 In V“ e 212 In BEEW“ SFSX' 6657! 8H4Zr‘ 360 80R42“ A N‘D'b‘ 6709 mm A Nf'm 7677 mm Avgfgb‘e 7771 mm A N‘D‘b‘ 7193 nInI “‘3 E 343 In V5‘ 3 E 302 In 30610 V“ e 263 In 6525r 6F1F EGOG BHOH 42DIBSR34 AVQIDE'A‘E 5946 mm A Nf'm 5567 mm AVQE‘D‘E 5299 mm A NW 5364 mm 234 In va‘ a E 220 In 209 In V“ e 212 In 6E6w SFSX' 604w BHBZV‘ ND‘ ND! ND‘ ND‘ 42665636d 6709 mm 7677 mm 7161 mm 6656 mm Avaiiabie 343 m Avaiiabie 302 m AvaIiebIe 280 m AveIiabIe 262 m 6E2D 6F1E BG1F BHOH 46676634 A N'D'm 5946 mm A Nf'm 5567 mm A Na 5673 mm A N‘D‘b‘ 5364 mm ’5‘ a e 234 In V5‘ 3 E 226 In ’5‘ a e 223 In V“ e 212 In CDMWUEG DH HEX‘ KNEE VCfiAMgUUUUVfi 80-28 PN:346 Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads TLSW Plus, quI From HI1eh, TIre, Fender, and s1eenng smp SeuIngs Connnued THE sIze 1830 mm 1930 mm 1931 mm 2032 mm 2083 mm 2133 mm 2134 mm 2235 mm (74 In.) (75 In.) (73 In.) [an In.) 132 In.) 1:14 In.) (as In.) (as; In.) 8M3C BNZD 301: 8P1F 54o 65R34 6339 mm A Na) 5992 mm A Nf‘m 5630 mm A Na 5717 mm A N‘D‘m 250 In ”‘5 E 236 In ”‘5 E 222 In ”‘5 e 225 In ”‘5 a BMW 905w BPSX Nut Not N01 No! N51 5401757134“ , 8757 mm , 7724 mm , 6611 mm AIaIlame Avaflame 345 m AIaI1ame 304 m Name 260 m Avaflama BMSC 9N3D 802E 8P1F 600 707330 7537 mm A Na) 6429 mm A Na) 6051 mm A Na) 5717 mm A NAME) 297 In ”‘5 E 253 In ”‘5 E 239 In ”‘5 e 225 In ”‘5 e BMSC 9N3D 802E 8P1F No! Not N01 N51 \F600I70R30 7537 mm , 6429 mm 6091 mm , 5717 mm 297 m Name 253 m Avaflame 239 m AIaIIame 225 m Avaflama 905w BP4X C Nut Not Not N01 No! N51 62°75“) Avavlame AvaIIaee Avaflame Avaflame 8853 m’“ Avavlame 7‘47 mm Avaflab‘e 349 In 231 In \F620I75R Not Not Not Not £5036:er Not 712:4;m N51 30" AVEVIEME Avaflame Avaflame Avaflame 349 Avauame Avaflama In 231 In fVI/Ide fenders use pas/non E ‘WIde fenders use pesman F “W/de fenders use posmon c ”Tue nut available an 1100 axle ‘WIde fenders use pasman v ‘WIde fenders use pusman W 419::001‘6 ' 80-29 PN:347 Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads 1150/1300 MFWD Axles, With Front Loader, Tire, Fender, and Steering Stop Settings (If Equipped) NOTE Further adjustment may be necessary if tire or fender contacts tractor on Wide turns Model 7210/? has the option of the 1150 or 1300 axle, all other models have the 1300 axle Pivoting fenders are not available with front loaders NOTE: Group 44 tires are not compatible with front loader 1150/1300 MFWD Axles, Wilh 9° Oscillalion Slaps, Wilh From Loader. From Tire, Fender. and Sleering Stop Selfings Tire Size 1524 mm 1575 mm 1626 mm 1676 mm 1727 mm 1773 mm 1629 mm (60 In.) (62 In.) 164 In.) (61; In.) [68 In.) 170 In.) (72 In.) 6457 884V 803V 6027 320180R42 7210 mm A Nf'bA 6641 mm A N1m61 6204 rnrn A N1m61 5660 mm 264 In V5‘ 3 E 261 In V“ e 244 In V“ e 231 In 6447 BB} 8027 6017 320185R38 6550 mm A Nf'bA 6114 mm A N1m61 5772 rnrn A N1m61 5414 mm 256 In V“ E 241 In V“ e 227 In V“ e 213 In 8057 6047 SBOIBDRSB N“ W W N“ 7396 mm N“ 6624 mm Av61lab1e AveIIebe Aveneme AvaI1eb1e AvaI1ab1e 291 In 269 In 6457 884V 803V 6027 SBOIBSRSA 7210 mm A Nf'bA 6641 mm A N1m61 6204 rnrn A N1m61 5660 mm 264 In V5‘ 3 E 261 In V“ e 244 In V“ e 231 In SM} 8857 8047 8D} 420185R34 6327 mm A Nf'bA 7303 mm A N1m61 6732 mm A N1m61 6294 mm 326 In ”‘5 E 266 In “‘3 e 265 In “‘3 e 246 In SM} 8847 803V 6027 420190R30 6327 mm A Nf'bA 6641 mm A N1m61 6204 mm A N1m61 5660 mm 326 In ”‘5 E 261 In “‘3 e 244 In “‘3 e 231 In SASV N A 8857 N A 8047 N A 6027 16 9630 6327 mm A 1°61 7303 Inm A 1mm 6732 mm A 1mm 5660 mm 326 In ”‘5 E 266 In “‘3 e 265 In “‘3 e 231 In SASV N A 8857 N A Bow N A 6027 46070630 6327 mm A 1°61 7303 mm A 1mm 6732 rnrn A 1mm 5660 mm 326 In ”‘5 E 266 In “‘3 e 265 In “‘3 e 231 In 8857 8C4» 8D} 46070634 A Nlmm A Nf'bA 7303 mm A N1m61 6732 rnrn A N1m61 6294 mm va1a e V313 e 288 m vaIe e 265 AA Va1a e 248 AA 8167 8J4 6K3 SAOIGSRSO A Nlmm 6375 mm A N102) 6667 mm A Nlmm 6249 mm A N1m61 va1a 6 330m V313 e 263m va1a 6 246m veIe e 635 8K4 540165634 N“ N“ N“ 7350 mm N“ 6776 mm N“ Av61lab1e AveIIebe Aveneme Av61lab1e 141516616 269 In 267 In 6K4 , No1 Not Not No1 No1 No1 60065328 Av61lab1e Avaflame Aveneme Avaneme Av61lab1e 6;: AW” Avaueme 6K5 . No1 Not Not No1 No1 N61 600 70630 Av61lab1e Avaflame Aveneme Avaneme Av61lab1e 7:3: A?” Avaueme 6K5 , No1 Not Not No1 No1 No1 'FEDO 70630 Av61lab1e Avaflame Aveneme Avaneme Av61lab1e 733: A?” Avaueme 1100/1300 MFWD Axles, wnh 9° OseIIIauon smps, wnh From Loader, From me, Fender, and Steering smp Semngs Conunued TAAA SIZE 1330 mm 1330 mm 1031 mm 2032 mm 2033 mm 2133 mm 2134 mm 2235 mm (74 In.) 176 In.) 170 In.) 100 In.) 132 In.) 134 In.) (86 In.) 133 In.) 6E2 SF} 8627 6H2 Nor N61 Not No1 320180R42 5946 mm 6037 mm 6126 mm 6215 mm Aveneme 234 An Avename 23A AA 41616616 241 AA Avename 245 AA 6E1 8F1r 8617 81—117 Nor N61 Not No1 320165636 5500 mm 5567 mm 5673 mm 5761 mm Aveneme 217 A" Avename 220 AA 41616616 223 AA Avename 227 An 6E3 BFSV 8637 6H3 Nor N61 Not No1 3BOIBUR38 6364 mm 6474 mm 6565 mm 6656 mm Aveneme 251 An Avename 255 AA 41616616 258 AA Avename 262 AA Conhnued on nex‘ KNEE VOfiAMQDD ‘ 3 80-30 PN:346 Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads 1100/1300 MFWD Axles, Wllh 9“ Osclllallon 510p5,WIIh Front Loader, Fronl Tlre, Fender, and Sleerlng 510p Selllngs Conllnued Tlre SIZE 1330 mm 1930 mm 1931 mm 2032 mm 2033 mm 2133 mm 2134 mm 2235 mm (74 m.) (76 m.) (73 m.) (30 m.) (32 m.) (34 In.) (36 In.) (33 m.) BEL 331, 361, 331, N61 N61 N61 N61 330135334 , 5500 mm 5537 mm 5673 mm 5761 mm Manama 217 m Manama 220 m Manama 223 m Manama 227 m 8E3 333, 363, 333, N61 N61 N61 N61 42035334 , 6334 mm 6474 mm 6565 mm 6656 mm Manama 25, m Manama 255 m Manama 253 m Manama 262 m BEL 331, Est 331, N61 N61 N61 N61 42090330 , 5500 mm 5537 mm 5673 mm 5761 mm Manama 217 m Manama 220 m Manama 223 m Manama 227 m 8E2 331, Est 331, N61 N61 N61 N61 16 9330 5943 mm , 5537 mm , 5673 mm 5761 mm Manama 234 m Manama 220 m Manama 223 m Manama 227 m BEL 330, 360, 330, N61 N61 N61 N61 43070330 , 5500 mm 5215 mm 5299 mm 5334 mm Manama 217 m Manama 205 m Manama 209 m Manama 212 m 8E2 332, BS} 332, N61 N61 N61 N61 43070334 , 5943 mm 6037 mm 6126 mm 6215 mm Manama 234 m Manama 233 m Manama 24, m Manama 245 M 31/127 BNO 301, 331, 540 65330 5904 mm A Na, 5543 mm Avgf’a'm 5630 mm Avgfa'me 5717 mm A Mm, 232 111 V5‘ 3 E 213 m 222 m 225 111 V5‘ 3 S 31/137 BN2 302, 332, 540 65334 6339 mm A Na, 5992 mm Avgf’a'm 6031 mm Avgfa'me 6170 mm A Mm, 250 111 V5‘ 3 E 236 m 239 m 243 111 V5‘ 3 S 31/137 BN2 301, 331, 600 65323 6339 mm A Na, 5992 mm Avgf’a'm 5630 mm Avgfa'me 5717 mm A Mm, 250 111 V5‘ 3 E 236 m 222 m 225 111 V5‘ 3 S 31/147 3N4, 304, 334, 600 70330 6370 mm A Na, 6962 mm Avgf’a'm 7054 mm Avgfa'me 7147 mm A Mm, 270 m V“ E 274 m 273 m 231 m V“ E 8M4 3N4, 304, 334, N61 N61 N61 N61 13600 70330 6370 mm , 6962 mm 7054 mm , 7147 mm , 270171 Manama 274 m Manama 273 m Manama 231 m Manama 1150/1300 MFWD Axles, Wllh 5“ Osclllallon Slaps, Wllh Fronl Loader, Fronl Tlre, Fender, and Sleerlng Slop Selllngs Tire Size 1524 mm 1575 mm 1626 mm 1676 mm 1727 mm 1773 mm 1329 mm (60 m.) (62 m.) (64 m.) (66 m.) (63 m.) (70 m.) (72 m.) 645, Nm 334, N61 8C} NM 302, 32030342 7210 mm 6641 mm 5772 mm 5360 mm 284 m Avan‘ab‘e 261 m Avan‘ab‘e 227 m Avanlab‘e 231 m 644, 333, 8C} 301, N61 N61 N61 320135333 6550 mm 6114 mm 5772 mm 5414 mm 258 m Avan‘ab‘e 241 m Avan‘ab‘e 227 m Avanlab‘e 213 m SAGV Nm 334, N61 8C3 NM 303, 33030333 3327 mm 6641 mm 6204 mm 6294 mm 328 m Avan‘ab‘e 261 m Avan‘ab‘e 244 m Avanlab‘e 248171 645, 334, 8C} 301, N61 N61 N61 330135334 7210 mm 6641 mm 5772 mm 5414 mm 284 m Avan‘ab‘e 261 m Avan‘ab‘e 227 m Avanlab‘e 213 m SAGV Nm 335, N61 364, NM 303, 420 35334 3327 mm 7303 mm 6732 mm 6294 mm 328 m Avan‘ab‘e 2&3 m Avan‘ab‘e 265 m Avanlab‘e Z48 1m 6715, 334, 8C} 302, N61 N61 N61 420 90330 7210 mm 6641 mm 6204 mm 5360 mm 284 m Avan‘ab‘e 261 m Avan‘ab‘e Z441r1 Avanlab‘e 2:“ 1n SAGV 335, 8C} 302, N61 N61 N61 16 9330 3327 mm 7303 mm 6204 mm 5360 mm 328 m Avan‘ab‘e 28E 1" Avan‘ab‘e 244 m Avanlab‘e 23‘ m SAGV 335, 8C} 302, N61 N61 N61 430 70330 3327 mm 7303 mm 6204 mm 5360 mm 328 m Avan‘ab‘e 2&3 m Avan‘ab‘e Z441r1 Avanlab‘e 2:“ 1n 00711171qu on 32x1 930: ’OMMO 80-31 PN:349 Front Wheels, Tires, and Treads 1150/1300 MFWD Axles, Wllh 5“ Osclllallon Slaps, Wllh Fronl Loader, Fronl Tlre, Fender, and Sleerlng Slop Selllngs Tire Size 1524 mm 1575 mm 1626 mm 1676 mm 1727 mm 1773 mm 1329 mm (61) In.) 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(33 In.) 3205“” Avgloa‘me 5:???” AVENHDE‘D‘E 5222‘?” AVENHDatme 5223i” AVENHDE‘D‘E 5:231?" 3205““ Avgloa‘me 5122:3’” AVENHDE‘D‘E Sign?“ AVENHDatme 53:15?“ AVENHDE‘D‘E 53;???" “MORE Avgloa‘me GEE‘NEE’” AVENHDE‘D‘E 63:23?” AVENHDatme 62253:” AVENHDE‘D‘E 623??” “0‘55“" Avgloa‘me SEEK???” AVENHDE‘D‘E Sign?“ AVENHDatme 53:15?“ AVENHDE‘D‘E 5;???” “0‘55““ Avgloa‘me 52:;3’” AVENHDE‘D‘E 62:22?” AVENHDatme 612%???“ AVENHDE‘D‘E 6552f” 420.90R30 Avgloa‘me SEEK???” AVENHDE‘D‘E Sign?“ AVENHDatme gig?“ AVENHDE‘D‘E 53???” 16 QRSO Avg)?“ 52%???” AngbVe sgggfim Avgloa'me 52:31:” AVENHDE‘D‘E 5223‘?” 450.70R30 Avgloa‘me 52:;3’” AVENHDE‘D‘E Sign?“ AVENHDatme gig?“ AVENHDE‘D‘E 5;???” “WORM Avgloa‘me 52:;3’” AVENHDE‘D‘E 62:22?” AVENHDatme 612%???“ AVENHDE‘D‘E 6552?” 5’40 65mm Sig?” Avggme 53:13 am Avgfa'me SEEEEW Avgloalme {Bigoém Avggbb 5’40 65““ GgEEEm Avggme SEEEE’” Avgfa'me SSEEEW Avgloalme 5:221?” Avggbb 80-32 PN:350
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