Deere and RE338096 Multi-Functional Controller, Integrated Premium Server User Manual Part 5
Deere & Company Multi-Functional Controller, Integrated Premium Server Part 5
User Manual Part 5
Operating the Engine Engine Fuel System and Power Rating Fuel System IMPORTANT: Modification or alteration of injection system or emi sion control devices will terminate warranty to purchaser. Do not attempt to service injection system. Special training and special tools are required. See your John DeereTM dealer. John Deere is a trademark emeeie & Company Engine Certification/Power Rating KW (hp) rating on engine emissmns certification label specrfies giuss engine kW (hp), which is flywheel power Without fan Battew Disconnect (If Equipped) ACAUTION: Never turn off power on the battery disconnect switch while the engine is running. This could result in serious damage to the tractor electrical components. IMPORTANT: During a long storage period, always turn battery disconnect switch to OFF position. The battery could lose power if the battery disconnect switch is left ON. (Final Tier 4 and Stage IV Engines only.) To determine which engine your tractor is equipped with, see Record Engine Serial Number in Identification Numbers section of this Operator's Manual. Do not disconnect battery until Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR) system has had enough time to automatically purge system of Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) . If adequate time is not allowed for system to be purged, any DEF remaining can crystallize and plug system. At temperatures below -15°C(5°F), unpurged DEF will freeze and damage system components. If equipped with a battery disconnect system, a light next to disconnect system is illuminated while auto-purge is in progress. It shuts off when complete and safe to disconnect the battery. If tractor is not equipped with battery disconnect, wait at least 4 minutes after tractor stops before disconnecting battery. IMPORTANT: Final Tier 4/Stage lV tractor battery disconnect system is equipped with a warning light. Do not move battery disconnect swnch to ”OFF” position until the light goes out. Illuminated light indicates SCR system is in process of draining DEF. Full DEF drain process can take up to 4 minutes. Bette/y Disconnect Switch "OFF AiBattery Disconnect Switch Lever "ON" Binzr Indicator Light [Final TIE! iv Only] Cifiattery Dlsconnect Swltch Lever “OFF" When battery disconnect SWitch lever is in OFF" (A) position batteries are electrically disconnected from tractor electrical and electronic systems. MoVing switch to "ON" (B) posrtion reconnects batteries into system R i' 30-6 PN:lSl Operating the Engine Starting the Engine ACAUTION: Avoid possibility of personal injuw or death. Engine starting With shift lever in gear indicates malfunction of starting circuit. Repairs should he made immediately by your John DeereTM dealer. Do not start engine by shorting across starter terminals. Tractor will start in gear if normal circuitry is bypassed. Start engine ONLY from operator seat. Betore Starting Tractor Move SCV levers to NEUTRAL position Disengage PTO Move hand throttle to slow idle poSition Move transmrssron shift lever to PARK position. :“9’”‘ ACAUTION: Avoid possibility of serious injury or death. Be sure tractor and attached equipment are clear of people and other objects. 5 Depress clutch and brake peoals 6 Sound horn 7 Turn key switch (A) to engage starter. Release key when engine starts. IMPORTANT: Avoid starter damage. Do not operate starter more than 30 seconds. Wait at least two minutes before trying again. If Engine Fails To Start: Check quantity and quality of fuel Check electrical system in cold weather (at or below -6 “C (21 °F)), follow steps listed in appropriate Cold Weather Starting topic in this section ofthis Operators Manual Engine speed is limited to 1500 rpm based on transmission type and transmissmn-hyoraulic oil temperature John Deere is a trademark of Deere a Company NT is a trademark ofDeeIe a Company AutaPewris a trademark of Deere & Company meShi/t is a trademark of Deere & Company A—Key Swrtch lVTW /AutoPowr"V - temperature below -5 “C (23 OF) PowrShittT’“ transrnisSion- temperature below 48 3C (D UF) lf engine fails to start after three attempts it may be necessary to consult John Deere” seNioe technician ‘oaAAigoooooz: ' U) ’3 30-7 PN:i52 Operating the Engine Running the Engine Do not start engine wrth throttle pushed completely forward Avoid excessive engine idling (more than 5 minutes). Prolonged idling may cause engine coolant temperature to fall below normal range Prolonged idling causes crankcase oil dilution due to incomplete fuel combustion and permits formation of gummy deposits on valves pistons and piston rings It promotes rapid accumulation of engine sludge and unburned fuel in exhaust system Operate engine between 1500—2100 rpm Do not operate engine constantly below 1500 rprri during heavy draft usage orwhen tractor is underfull PTO load For maximum tractor performance: . Ensure that tractor is correctly ballasted (see Performance Ballasting section of this Operators Manual). - For e230“ transmission, see e23“ Transmission section of this Operator’s Manual - For lVTW/AutoPowrW transmission see lVTW/AutoPoerl‘ Transmission section of this Operators Manual If engine stalls start immediately to provide lubrication to critical engine parts Allow engine to idle for 20 seconds before turning ignition to off posrtion Contact your John DeerefM dealer if any symptoms that may be early signs of engine problems are detected: - Sudden drop in oil pressure 0 Abnormal coolant temperatures 0 Unusual noise or Vibration - Sudden loss of power 0 Excessive fuel consumption 0 Excessive oil consumption 0 Fluid leaks ’oawoooxmc re 22JUL'}"' Stopping the Engine IMPORTANT: Before stopping an engine that has been operating at working load, idle engine at least 2 minutes at 1000—1200 rpm to cool hot engine parts. If an Exhaust Filter Cleaning has just been performed, increase engine idle time to 4 minutes. If service work is gorng to be performed on Exhaust Filter, increase engine idle time to 10 minutes. IMPORTANT: Final Tier 4 and Stage IV Engines only: To determine which engine your tractor is equipped wrth, see Record Engine Serial Number in Identification Numbers section of this Operator's Manual. Do not disconnect battery until Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR) system has had enough time to automatically purge system of Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF). If adequate time is not allowed for system to be purged, any DEF remaining can crystallize and plug system. At temperatures below 45°C (5°F), unpurged DEF will freeze and damage system components. If equipped With a battery disconnect system, a light next to disconnect system is illuminated while auto-purge is in progress. It shuts off when complete and safe to disconnect the battery. lftrarztor is not equipped with battery disconnect, wait at least 4 minutes after tractor stops before disconnecting battery. 1 Pull throttle back to slow idle position Depress clutch and brake pedals. Put transmission in PARK position. Lower all equipment to ground Make sure SCV levers are in NEUTRAL position @91wa Make sure PTO lever is disengaged . Pull PTO clutch lever rearward to disengage clutch (if equipped). ACAUTION: Remove ignition switch key to help prevent accidents. 7. Turn ignition key to OFF position and remove key 30-8 PN:153 Operating the Engine Cold Weather Starting—Equipped With Glow Plug Starting Aid ( 6.8 L Engines) IMPORTANT: To determine with which engine type tractor is equipped, see Record Engine Serial Number in Identification Numbers Section of this Operator’s Manual. IMPORTANT: DO NOT use starting fluid on tractors equipped with glow plugs. Use of starting fluid on engines wrth glow plugs can cause pre-detonation when contacting heater components. Engine damage may result. NOTE: All 6.8 L engines are equipped With glow plugs Glow plugs are protected by 50 Amp harness in-Iine fuse Use of glow plugs is recommended when cold Weather when temperature is at or below 76 “c (21 ”F). Turn key swrtch to RUN posrtion 2 Engine Preheat Indicator (A) on Corner Post Will illuminate when system is activated 3 Display Wlll start at 15 seconds or less, depending on temperature, and count down until to zero (see table below). 4. At 0, turn key swrtch to start engine 5. If engine does not start, return key to OFF position and repeat steps ’l-4 If Engine Fails to Start: Check quantity and quality of fuel Check electrical system li engine fails to start after three attempts it may be necessary to consult your John Deere”’ dealer Corner Post Display A—Engine Preheat Indicator B—Glow Plug Wait Time rzxiiniqcscn . 2 Intercooler Outlet Temperature Wait Time (Seconds) -15'C(5'F) i5 -lD'C(14‘F) l0 e5=0(23‘ri 5 oacrszwi 5 CW 'F) 2 some?) 0 Wait Time Depending on lntercooler Outlet Temperature :aooeria 30-9 PN:i54 Operating the Engine Cold Weather Starting—Without Optional Starting Aid (9.0 L Engines) w g ACAUTION: Starting fluid is highly flammable. g While using this product do not smoke and make sure to extinguish all flames. Turn off all pilot lights, stoves, heaters, electrical motors, and other sources of Ignition while using this product and/or if vapors are still present. Avoid contact 7 of aerosol with battery terminals, solenoid, or other electrical/electronic components. Do not I overuse this product. Keep cap on container and \_/ store in cool location when not in use. rs NOTE Use of starter fluid is recommended when starting tractor at m below -6 “C (21 ’F}(See Cold Weather Starting—Wm Starting Aid in this section of this Operator’s Manual) A cold Weather starting kit is available from your John Deere dealer 1 Spray starting fluid into air intake screen (A) once for two ortnree seconds 2 Follow steps as outlined in Starting the Engine in this section of this Operator's Manual lf Engine Fails to Start: Check quantity and quality of fuel Check electrical system. A—Air Intake Screen lf engine fails to start after three attempts it may be necessary to consult your John Deerell’ dealer ‘OSAAig ccooocc xgrzzlut'ax ' 30-10 PN:155 Operating the Engine Cold Weather Starting—With Starting Aid (9.0 L Engines—If Equipped) ACAUTION: Avoid personal injury and damage to engine. Inject fluid only while engine is turning. Follow safety information on the container. Do not carry starting fluid cans in5ide cab. Starting fluid is highly flammable. While using this product do not smoke and make sure to extinguish all flames. Turn off all pilot lights, stoves, heaters, electrical motors, and other sources of ignition while using this product and/or if vapors are still present. Av0id contact of aerosol With battery terminals, solenoid, or other electrical/electronic components. Do not overuse this product. Keep cap on container and store in cool location when not in use. NOTE: Use of cold weather starting option is recommended when starting tractor at or below 76 ”C (27 “F), A—Starling Fluid Swnch 1 Stantraotor as described in Starting the Engine in this section ofthls Operator’s Manual. - Afler series oftaps (no more than three) on starter fluid button (A) release starter fluid button forthree IMPORTANT: Avoid starter damage. Do not operate seconds starter more than 30 seconds. Wait at least 0 If engine attempts to start out falters use tapping two minutes before trying again. motion on starlerfluid button sparingly and only until When applying starter fluid, if pre-ignition engine runs on ”5 own. klIOCkIT‘Q '5 detected, stop using starter IMPORTANT: Idle engine at approximately 1000 fluid immediately. rpm with no load for one to two minutes to assure adequate lubrication. Do not operate 2 Followmg are recommendations to follow if engine under fu|| load until engine has reached refuses to start Make sure to turn ignition Key and normal operating temperature. complete followmg steps while engine is cranking - Apply starter fluid in series ofquiok taps ratherthan stream. (was CDOOOCE is mum 30-11 PN:156 Operating the Engine Changing Starting Fluid Can (If Equipped) ACAUTION: Do not use starting fluid near fire, sparks, or flames. Read caution information on container. Protect container against damage. Do not carry starting fluid canisters in5ide cab. 1 Pull nood release and raise hood to access canister (A) 2 Remove safety cap and plastic spray nozzle from new canister 3 Loosen canister and ieniove old can IMPORTANT: To avoid drawing dust into engine, always keep starting fluid canister installed bottom Side up, clean and in position. Right-Hand Side 4 Install new can and tighten canister A_03msler Low Fuel or Low Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Warning Fuel indicator light (A) Will flash and alarm Will sound when approximately 39 L (10 gal) of fuel remains DEF light (B) Will flash and alarm will sound when fluid level is low NOTE: it is recommended that DEF tank be filled at each fuel tank fill. A—Fuel Indicator Lighi Eifllesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Lighi Fuel indicator Light 1am; on ie cesga-a Restarting Engine That Has Run Out of Fuel Fuel pump Will turn off after 1 minute. Key switch must be turned to OFF and back to RUN to turn pump back ’l Fill fuel tank on 2 Turn key switch to RUN position to start electric fuel pump and bleed air from fuel system NOTE, Steps two and three may need to be 3 Allow pump to run for 30 seconds to ’l minute before repeated as necessary if fuel tanks have attempting to restart engine. been removed or drained 1am; on ie cesga-a 30-12 PN:iS7 Operating the Engine Reduce Fuel Consumption Following are guidelines to reduce fuel consumption. - Replace air cleaner fuel, engine oil and transmissionahydraulic filter elements at specified service intervals (see Maintenance and SerVice lnten/als section) or when indicated by CommandCenterW display messages 0 Use recommended oils and lubricants only (see Fuel, Lubricants, and Coolant section of this Operator’s Manual) - Adjust hitch function for most efficient operation (see TouchSet Depth Control section of this Operator’s Manual) - Check tires for correct pressure weekly (see Front oi Rear Wheels, Tires and Treads section of the Operators Manual) 0 Ballast tractor for conditions (see Performance Ballasting section of this Operator’s Manual) CommandCenteIis a trademark ofDeere a Company FieldCruise is a trademark of Deere & Company NT is a trademark of Deere a campany AutaParrris a trademark of Deere & campany - For gear transmissions, select correct gear Always drive in highest possible gear With reduced engine speed Choose gear so engine speed drops 1507250 rpm when tractor is operating and engine is under load (see appropriate transmission section of this Operator 5 Manual). NOTE For light work, reduce engine speed below 2000 rpm, Select gear so that engine speed drops 200~300 rpm when operating, Using FIE/dCIulSQY“ may improve fuel economy (see Using Fie/dCrui‘se’“ in Operating the Tractor section of this Operator’s Manual} - IVT” lAutoPowr” transmissions provide additional fuel saVing advantages (see IVT/AutoPoerl‘ section of this Operators Manual) Using Auxiliary Heaters CAUTION: To avoid electrical shock or fire, use 3-wire, 14 AWG (14 gauge), heavy-duty electrical cord With 15 amp rating, suitable for outdoor use. Always plug electrical cord into outlet protected by GFI (Ground Fault lnterrupter). Before connecting heater to power source, be sure that element i mmersed in coolant. NEVER energize heater in air. Doing so can cause element sheath to burst causmg personal injury. IMPORTANT: Ground fault circuit interrupter on tractor protects tractor only, not electrical wiring supplying power to tractor. Test all ground fault interrupters before each use. YourJohn DeereW dealer has ground fault interrupter-equipped heaters“ - Engine Coolant (1000 \M - Transmission (200 W) 0 Hydraulic Charge Pump (200 W) Connect heaters and ground fault interrupterto ground fault protected iZDavolt electrical outlet John Deere is a trademark of Deere a Company ‘inaiudes a ground fault interrupter roams : 30-13 PN:15E Operating the Engine Using a Battery Booster or Charger ACAUTION: Gas given off by batteries is explosive. Keep sparks and flames away from batteries. Make last connection and first disconnection at pornt away from booster batteries. ACAUTION: Avoid possible injury or death from machinery runaway. Do not start engine by shorting across starter terminals. Machine wrll start in gear if normal circuitry is bypassed. NEVER start engine while standing on ground. Start englne only from operator’s seat, with transmission In neutral or park. IMPORTANT: Be sure that polarity is correct before making connections. Reversed polarity wrll damage electrical system or possibly cause battery to explode. If two or more booster batteries are used, they must be connected in parallel ensuring that booster batteries are producing 12 volt charge. Final Tier 4 and Stage IV Engines only: To determine which engine yourtractor is equipped with, see Record Engine Serial Number in Identification Numbers section of this Operator's Manual. Do not disconnect battery until Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR) system has had enough time to automatically purge system of Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF). If adequate time is not allowed for system to be purged, any DEF remaining can crystallize and plug system. At temperatures below -15°C(5°F),unpurged DEF wrll freeze and damage system components. If equipped With a battery disconnect system, a light next to disconnect system is illuminated while auto-purge is in progress. It shuts off when complete and safe to disconnect the battery. If tractor is not equipped with battery disconnect, wait at least 4 minutes after tractor stops before disconnecting battery. Booster Battery 1 Attach red cable to remote positrve terminal (A) of starter and posrtwe termrnal of booster battery Attach black cable to negative terrnrnal of booster battery Attach other end to ground (8) on tractor frame vars'mw .~ B—Gmund A—Posltlve Termlnal 3 Remove ground cable firstwhen drsconnectrng Battery Charger IMPORTANT: Set battery charger at nominal 12 volt and no more than 16 volt maximum. . Attach posrtwe charger lead to posrtrve remote termrnal wrth charger in OFF posrtion Attach negative charger lead to negative ground at tractorframe. away from battenes Swrtch charger to ON and charge battery according to charger manufacturer’s Instructions Switch chargerto OFF Remove negatrve charger lead first. then positrve lead. ‘384419 003:: rrgrcestrax ' 30-14 PN:159 Operating the Tractor Avoid Contact with Agricultural Chemicals ACAUTION: This enclosed cab does not protect against inhaling vapor, aerosol or dust. 1 When operating in an environment where pesticides are present, Wear a long-sleeved shirt long-legged pants, shoes, and socks 2 lf pesticide use instructions require respiratory protection wear an appropriate respirator lnSlde the cab 3 Wear personal protective equipment as required by the pesticide use instructions when leavrng the enclosed cab. - into a treated area - to work With contaminated application equipment such as nozzles Which must be cleaned changed or redirected 0 to become involved With mixing and loading actrvrties 4 Before re-enterrng the cab remove protective equipment and store either outside the cab in a closed box or some other type of sealable container or inside the cab in a pesticide resistant container such as a plastic bag rs, . 5 Clean your shoes or boots to remove sod or other contaminated particles priorto entering the cab Dx ciiosi Clean Vehicle of Hazardous Pesticides ACAUTION: During application of hazardous 1 Sweep or vacuum the floor of cab pesticides, pesticide residue can build up _ _ _ on the inside or outside of the vehicle. 2 Clean headliners and inside coWlings of cab Clean vehicle according to use instructions 3 Wash entire exterior of vehicle. of hazardous pesticides. 4 Dispose of any wash water With hazardous When exposed to hazardous pesticides clean exterior and concentrations of active or non-active ingredients interior of vehicle daily to keep free ofthe accumulation of according to published regulations ordirectives Visible dirt and contamination ochosz 1972 utcix' Keep Riders Off Machine Only allow the operator on the machine Keep riders off. Riders on machine are subject to injury such as being struck by foreign objects and being thrown off of the machine Riders also obstructthe operator s vrew resulting in the machine being operated in an unsafe manner. 40-1 PN:160 Operating the Tractor Keep Operator Station Window and Door Closed ACAUTION: Avoid undue exposure to noise and debris. Keep wmdow and door closed during machine operation. Make sure that WlndOW and door are properly closed and latched to prevent nurse or debris from entering operator station Using Seat Belts Wilma A—Seat Belts ACAUTION: Minimize chance of possible injury from accident. Use seat belts (A) when operating tractor. Instructional seat IS provided only for training operators or diagnosing machine problems. 79149 sunsauccr'z 2xA: Optional instructional Seat Shawn Keep all other riders offtractorand equipment. Always wear your seat belt. Inspect seat belts and mounting hardware annually (see Annual Servrce section ofthls Operator’s Manual) ‘caAA‘g oooocsA sesame: ' 40-2 PN:16l Operating the Tractor ‘ Using Emergency Exit Removable ieai cab Window provtdes large exit path if cab door lS blocked in emergency situation To open WlndOW, lift lever (A) and push out glass A—Window Lever 7n llN‘f) ’omt 9 00000;: Disconnect Battery - Final Tier 4 and Stage IV Engines IMPORTANT: To determine with which engine type tractor is equipped, see Record Engine Serial Number in Identification Numbers Section of this Operator’s Manual. IMPORTANT: Do not disconnect battery until Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR) system has had enough time to automatically purge system of Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF). If adequate time is not allowed for system to be purged, any DEF remaining can crystallize and plug system. At temperatures below -15°C(5°F), unpurged DEF will freeze and damage system components. If equipped with a battery disconnect system, a light next to disconnect system is illuminated while auto-purge is in progress. It shuts off when complete and safe to disconnect the battery. If tractor is not equipped with battery disconnect, wait at least 4 minutes after tractor stops before disconnecting battery. W27 r sonn‘cr tamer Paths to Important CommandCenterTM Pages A75equence to scv Page eiseguence to Englne Page C75equence to Suspenslon Page Rxmtwns' 3341mm _’-:: .zuu > » Tractor Semngs Tab » SCV icon Menu . . ml ES _} Immun- _, 0 menu . Tractor Settings Tab RXMH) Menu » Engine /cori i‘ill —» ww- >—>@ Menu a Tractor Settings Tab s Suspension lmn RXMH) Ate :oim 40-3 PN:162 Operating the Tractor Changing to a Different Size of Tire IMPORTANT: Before changing size of tire, see Exchanging Tire Sizes In Front or Rear Wheels, Tires, and Treads section of this Operator’s Manual. ‘ amaze r Transmission - Note on Top Speed All three transmissrons can be manually programmed to Irmrt top speed through a dealer Tractors programmed for 50 km/n (31 mph) top speed can be permanently downrated to 40 km/h (25mph) top speed This may be advrsable, rt particular legal requirements for 50 km/h tractors cannot be met. Examples include a different class of driver's Ircense, or Similar restrrctrons If top speed IS changed, thrs must be recorded In the vehicle documents For more rnformation contact your John Deere’" dealer NO TE: it is only possible to uprate the tractor from 40 km/h {25 mph} to 50 km/h {31 mph} If tractor was equipped for 50 km/h before Ieawng the factory :aooezn r 40-4 PN:163 Operating the Tractor Warm-Up Transmission-Hydraulic System Set Detent Time IMPORTANT: Avoid operating tractor under load until transmissmn-hydraulii: system has warmed up. Tractor-hydraulic warm-up procedure is recommended at temperatures at or below -5 “C (23 ”F). 1 Installiumper hose (A) into SCV l couplers. 2 Ensure that transmissmn is in PARK posrtion before startin tractor 9 install Juniper Hose into scv Coupler Select Menu Ranmnn riiiiiiin Select Tractor Settings tab. 33 Y rsnunoc > B Select SCV H20". new Select SCV l display. Menu a Tractnr Settings Tab a SCV lmn Select SCV l Time tab (B) onxiQLn-bw Select increase (+) button (C) to extend flow time to C (continuous) in input box (D) Adjustment dial (G) can also be used to increase or decrease desrred detent time setting A7 Jumper Hose E7 Decrease Time button 5— soil | Delenl Time Tab F— scv | Lever 5— Increase Tlme button (37 Adjustment Dial D7 input Box CnmmandArmW (Islnliwth Generation 4 Shortcut Ear Continued on nexl page rzm'azz nonprm 40-5 PN:164 Operating the Tractor Set Detent Flow 1 Select SCV t flow tab (A). NOTE: F/cw r‘s disp/ayed in r‘ncrernents of 0,04 begr‘nning at 0.04 through 10 /ccated in r‘nput box (C). Pushing (+} Increases flow by 0 04, pushing (++} Increases flow by 100, and by push/n9 (-} and {- -) decreases flow setting by same increments. 2 Set SCV t flow to 8 00 ct above (C) by pressing buttons (B) to rncrease flow or buttons (D) to decrease flow settrng Adtustment dual (G) can be used to rncrease ur decrease desured detent time settmg 3 Putt SCVt tever (E) to extend 4 Set SCV H to C (Contmuous) usrng steps 2 through 7 tn Settmg Time Flow 5 Setect SCV It button and pult SCV tl lever (F) to flow bit 6 Operate engrne at 1400 rpm A— SCV 1 Flow Tab 5— Increase Flaw buttons of Flow Input Box D— Decrease Flow butluns E— scv I Lever F— SCV || Lever (37 Adjusting Dial Command/Um” Generation A Shortcut Bar Cbntrnued on next page Riva“ 40-6 PN:165 Operating the Tractor Monitoring Hydraulic Oil Temperature Select Menu. Select App ations tab. Select Machine Monitor icon. Select Temperature tab Monitor hydraulic temperature screen (A) until temperature reaches 38 “C (100 °F) .‘J‘PFA’NT‘ \im Disconnect Jumper hose and return to normal operation. A— Hydraulic Temperature Screen Return SCV | and SCV ll lei/erto neutral position. Rxmmm uz~u Menu mum —> Applications _i" » Applications Tab Seleu leadln‘ m nispiey O speed I ran: mi a Prom" row-mur- mum-i hi e (teem Kempeumre n. mii-ulun or remwrrm rm”- Dvl "meme... mum Air temmvalurz Mnulk on "mantle » Machine Monitor Icon Temperature Display R347322 concur 40-7 PN:166 Operating the Tractor ‘ Using FieldCruiseTM Engtne must be runntng for FteldCruiseT" adlustment to Rm” ”WW operate an a Q ’ Tumor Sntl _’ FIeldCrulseW utilizes a constant speed governor curve :5“ W l C provxdtng tnstant response to varylng loads. Menu a Tractor Settings Tab a Engine /can leltihg englne speed tn llght load sttuattons may lmprove rue economy. _2 Engtne speed can be adjusted from 1050 to 2100 rpm. Changes to rpm setttng take place lmmedtately NOTE Selecting appropriate CommandCenterm 923'” or IVTW /AutoPowrW setting IS the preferred method of controlling engine rpm, but FIeIoCruIse "" can be Cbnsrdered for certain applications such as PTO operation when balirtg ® —tl mom.” Q 80 Activate FieldCruiseTM 1. Select Menu . Engrne Page Select Tractor Settin stab. 9 Fleld Cruise | Set Speed 1 G Select Engine Icon When engtne page appears, select FieldCruise"M ®\\{ ++ Speed 1 (A) or 2 (B) On/Off toggle button. . Adjust Engine RPM D 1. Select FieldCruisew RPM button (C) 2. At RPM input box (E) select deslred RPM by pressing lncrease RPM buttons (F) or decrease RPM buttons (G) ++" and ‘- buttons Increase or decrease values at htgher rate that + and , buttons 5‘9“!" «"14 A—FietdCruiseW Speed 1 E—RPM Setting input box OnlOfl Toggle button FiRFM Increase buttons BiFIeldCrulsew Speed 2 G—RPM Decrease buttons On/O" Toggle button RPM 59, speed asp/3y CiRPM Speed 1 Input module Ill—RPM Speed 2 Input modute FieldCrurse is a trademark or Deere & Company CommandCente-Ils a trademark ar‘Deere a Company e23 is a trademark of Deere & Company NT is a trademark or Deere a Company AutoPowrrs a trademark or Deere & Company 40-8 PN:167 Operating the Tractor ‘ Intelligent Power Management (If Equipped) lntelligent Power Management (lPM) ls available as factory or field lnstalleo option lPM pronoes controlled power boost of up to 26kW (35hp) or tractor when 0 Acceleratlng at transport speeos, power ooost occurs in steps through range of 23728 km/h (14 3717 4 mph). ' Deceleratlng at transport speeds, power boost ramps oown ln equal steps In range of 23-18 km/h (14 3-11 2 mph) - PTO is under load and consuming moderate power and tractor ls monng at D 5 km/h (0.3 mph) or more. 0 Wm tractor rnovmg and real PTO under load or ln transport above 23 km/h (14 3 mph) power Increase inolcator Wlll appear on dlsplay and lPM level is olsplayeo on CommandCenterW Power increase ls not provrded under draft applications or nonaloaoed rear PTO appllcatlons Power lncrease is only prowldeo when required 1. Select Menu. Select Tractor Settings tab. Select Engine Icon. Select lPM module (A) to activate lPM lPM On/Off toggle appears Toggle ON lPM (C) \lmpneporu lPM engageo mm (D) appears When lPM is engaged, lPM level ls Identifled by solld portlon displayed Segments to rlght of solld portlon lnolcate aodltlonal englne power aoove rateo Ailnlelllgenl Power Managemenl Module E—Power Management on Toggle CiPower Management On Toggle DiPower Managemenl Engaged Icon CommandCenterls a trademark ofDeere it Company Rxm / « 'anlll 1: 53 _> Trlctorsmlngn _> 0 new : C Menu a Tractor Settlngs Tab a Englne lcan 1400 HIM-l 1600 main ‘uE-m " Q0 u—r—M a...“ $3 Intro ._.I mom. .19 p 9 BO inral/rganr Power Management Englne Power 0 L:] __.I/ ooooo.oh ® 30 age [PM On Display ’oaAA' a oooom: 40-9 PN:16E Operating the Tractor Triple Link Suspension Plus (TLSTM Plus) (If Equipped) Triple Link Suspension Plus (TLST'V Plus) provides suspension fortractortront end usmg hydrorpneumaticself leveling system TLS’" Plus can operate simultaneously, yet independently from Load/Depth Control and Hitch Dampening Operating Characteristics ACAUTION: Avoid possible injury. Always make sure transmission is in Park position when working in area of TLSw Plus MFWD. IMPORTANT: Check for adequate clearance wrth TLSW Plus system when attaching front mounted implement. When tractor is stopped or movrng tasterthan 0 5 km/h (03 mph),TLST’“ Plus automatically levels when placing transmission in gear or from park position. TLSW Plus self levels With implement attached and hitch is raised or lowered Cold Weather Operation Use normal cold weather procedures TLST" Plus system may require extra time to function correctly TLST’“ Plus system may not operate it system has not recentered during first 80 seconds of operation Several restarts may he required it it still doesn t start contact your John Deere“ dealer Troubleshooting lf fault occurs in leveling control, SerVice Alert indicator (A) comes on and a DTC message appears on TLS is a trademark or Deere & Company John Deere IS a trademark of Deere a Company CommandCeriteris a trademark ofDeere & Company A—Servlce Alert Indlcator CommandCenterW display. To clearfault, stop and restart engine; iffault reoccurs, contact yourJohn Deere’" dealer TODAMQOOOOOBG '9 'skocp 40-10 PN:169 Operating the Tractor Operate TLS’M Plus and Cab Suspension (If Equipped) IMPORTANT: Cab suspension should never hit end stops. If this occurs, select a stiffer setting. Select Menu . Select Tractor Settings tab. Select Suspensnon Icon. Select desired front axle and cab suspension setting bpfiMA TLST’“ Plus Front Axle Suspension can be set fortwo different firmness levels and a manual positioning option “AUTO” (A), “MAX” (B), and “Manual” (0). Suspended front axle engages whenever tractor speed exceeds 0 5 km/h (0 3 mph). There is a delay in control after tractor begins moVing Suspension is active anytime transmisSIon is not in PARK lf "Auto" (A) is selected suspension reacts in response to surrounding conditions and events. ProVides best possible comfort by looking at inputs such as travel speed, surface characteristics, implement weight implement usage and braking activity if MAX (B) is selected, suspension is set to maximum firmness (e g for operation With a front loader) When travel speed exceeds 30 km/h (18 mph) MAX" setting is deactivated When travel speed drops below 20 km/h (12 mph) again "MAX setting is reactivated. When “Manual (C) is selected, operator is able to adjust chassis height by pressing Raise outton (G) or Lower button (H) Manual setting is overridden when travel speed exceeds 5 km/h (3 mph) When overridden system returns to “Auto Cab Suspension can be set forthree different firmness levels “Auto Sofl (D), Auto Medium" (E) and MAX (F) Auto Soft (D) enables cao suspension to operate from 0°/o—100°/o stiffness Provides best suspension for transport situations Cab suspension moves most With this setting if less cab movement is desired select a stiffer setting. Auto Medium (E) enables cab suspension to operate from 50%71000/o stiffness. ProVides best suspension for field operation. “MAX" (F) enables cab suspension to always operate at 100% stiffness Most suitable for loader operations or operations that require frequent shuttle shifting TLS is a trademark or Deere to Company exam?“ Suspenstou a Manual Setting Menu a Tractor Settings Tab a Suspension icon .L Manuai Settings Page AiFront Axle Suspension Aulu Seltlng bulton BiFront Axle Suspension MAX Setting button CiManual Positioning Setting butlun D—Cab Suspenslon Auto San Setting button «"14 . nst Eicab Suspension Auto Medium Setting button Ficab Suspension MAX Setting button GiRalse button H—Lower outton ‘oettig oo rigrmscrax ' 40-11 PN:i7o Operating the Tractor Using Differential Lock IMPORTANT: Engage differential lock before entering Situation where wheel slippage may occur or when all wheels appear to be turning at same speed. If engaged after wheels begin to spin, damage to differential could result. NOTE On tractors With front and rear differential locksi front axle differential lock Will engage when ear differential lock engages. When one wheel begins to slip differential lock can be engaged by selecting either ofthe two operating positions CummandAR/MW Differential Lock Switch Aulo Lock 7 EnterAuto mode by pressmg Auto Lock swnch (A) on armrest When in auto mode, LED in Auto lock SWitoh (A) illuminates Differential lock indicator (C) illuminates when differential lock is engaged Auto Lock: - Disengages when wheel speed is more than 23 km/h (14 mph) one or both brake pedals are depressed, or turning at angle greaterthan 6 degrees. 0 Engages when wheel speed falls below 19 km/h (12 mph) turning angle less than 6 degrees and brakes are released NOTE When Auto lock switch (A) is pressed, button is always lit until pressed again Differential lock wrll remain in Auto mode until operator selects Manual Lock (5) Differential Lock swrtch (D) or press Auto Lock switch (A) again Differential Lock indicator (C) turns on and off depending on the state of differential lock Manual Lock 7 Enter Manual mode by pressing either Manual Lock sWItch (B) on armrest oi Differential Lock swnch (D) When in Manual mode LED in Manual Lock Currier P05? Display swnch (B) and Differential lock indicator (C) Will be illuminated Press Manual Look switch (8) a second time or depress one or both brake pedals to disengage Manual mode A—Auto Lock Switch C—Diflerenlial Lock Indicator B—Manual Lock SWItch D—Diflerenlial Lock SWItch © \\ // 154419 man): '9 mum 40-12 PN:l7l Operating the Tractor Mechanical Front-Wheel Drive (MFWD) ACAUTION: Avoid personal injury or death. Reduce speed when drivrng on rcy, wet, or graveled surfaces. Ballast tractor correctly to avoid skidding and loss of steering control. Engage front-wheel drrve by usrng MFWD switch mode. rather than AUTO mode for four wheel braking. . r; IMPORTANT: Use AUTO MFWD or Brake Assist when transponing tractor. MFWD can be engaged and drsengaged in all gears (forward and reverse) during operatron and under full load Select one ofthree operatrng modes AUTO MFWD (A) 7 EnterAuto mode by pressing AUTO swrtch (A) on armrest Whrle rn Auto mode LED rn AUTO swrtch (A) rllumrnates MFWD Indicator (C) rllumrnates when MFWD is engaged Followrng rs how MFWD operates rn AUTO positron: 0 MFWD automatically drsengages when erther brake pedal rs pressed, or at speeds above 23 km/h (14 mph) - MFWD automatically engages when speed falls below 19 km/h (12 mph) or when BOTH brake pedals are depressed. 'rJ‘FC'7 Manual MFWD (B) 7 Enter Manual mode by pressing Manual MFWD swrtch (B). Whrle rn Manual mode LED in Manual MFWD switch (B) and MFWD indrcator (C) rllumrnate untrl disengaged To drsengage Manual MFWD mode press rllumrnated Manual MFWD swrtch (B) MFWD rs engaged when transmission rs In PARK mm annfis Brake Assrst i lf nerther Manual or Auto mode are selected, MFWD Will be rn Brake Assrst mode In Brake Assrst mode, MFWD wrll be off unless both brake pedals are depressed at speeds above 5 km/h (3 mph). AiAUTO Swltch C—MFWD Indlcator B—Manual MFWD Switch roam; comm: '9 25 40'13 PN:172 Operating the Tractor AutoiTracTM Assisted Steering System (If Equipped) NOTE Electra-hydraulic steering is required for Auto TraoW to function Refer to Auto Traci“ Operator’s Manual for detailed Instructions - AutoTracW system utilizes StarFireW position receiver (A), and GreenStarW display and mobile processor (B) to asSist operator in steering tractor (see Installing GreenStarW System Components in Operator Station section of this Operators Manual) - Operator must enter implement Width minus overlap deSired in GreenStarT’“ display, and drive first field pass in straight line to enter starting and ending points of desired path - To activate AutoTracW initially push Resume sWitch located on CommanoARMW after GreenStarTl‘ display has been enabled For each field pass aflerthat mark (C) on display should stay in middle of tractor hooo when AutoTrac’” is being used - AutoTracT’“ is a straight-line guidance system Operator mustturn vehicle at end of each pass and to go around any field obstacles Steering control is obtained by turning steering wheel. x’ A—Posilion Receiver C—Mark E—Mobile Processor AutoTrac is a trademark of Deere & Company ‘oeAAig 3300034 xgrzaiut'ax ' 40-14 PN:i73 Operating the Tractor Using Autoclutch (If Equipped) Some transmissions are equipped with an AutoClutch feature. With AutdClutch when the operator presses the brake pedals, clutch is disengaged pressing brake pedals furtherthen applies the ieai orakes (Front brakes as well - if equipped). Continued pressmg ofthe pedals rerengages the clutch to allow the transmission to assist in sloWing the tractor Adjusting AutoClutch Sensitivity Press Transmission Shortcut button or follow alternative path: ’i Select Menu. Select Tractor Settings tab. Select Transmission Icon. Select Advanced Settings icon. Select Settings tab. mwamm Select appropriate AutoClutch setting. . Low (A) is for heavy trailers (load) . Medium (B) is for medium trailers (load) - High (Factory Default) (C) is for light or no trailer (load) NOTE: To keep AutoC/utch from disengaging before trailer brakes are applied, AutoC/utch Sensrtiwty options a/Iow operator to adwstAutoC/utch settings to load requirements, Larger trai/ers take iower AutoC/utch SenSItiVity settings. AutoClutch Sensitivity factory default setting is set to High, which will support most operations. A—Low AutdCIutch Sensitivity C—High AutoClutch Sensitivity Toggle Toggle E—Medlum AutoCIulcn Sensitivity Toggle RXH‘HZT'? iaiiiiia Transmission Shortcut Button on Navigation Bar RXAOiiBCQL 7.\ Eni2 33 _y Ire-aerating. _.y @ MENU Menu » Tractor Settings Tab . mine > Transmission icon RXMI —> Settings Advanced Settings icon i Settings ran Autoclutch Sensltlvlcy @747 ©/ Autoclutch Sensitivity and Acce/eration Aggressiveness Module av'rxz RXi‘iCi R347322 00::260 i9 mus: 40-15 PN:i74 Operating the Tractor Using the Brakes ACAUTION: Avoid possible injury from losing control of tractor: - Lock brake pedals together with pedal lock tab (B) when operating on roads. . Reduce speed if towed load weighs more than tractor or when transporting loads under adverse conditions. Avoid hard braking applications. (See Transporting Towed Equipment, in Transport Section of this Operator’s Manual.) - Tractor wheels may lock and skid on slippery downhill slopes. For lVTW/AutoPowrw tractors, see Downhill Operation and Slippery Conditions, in the IVTW/AutoPowr'M Transmission section. IMPORTANT: MFWD engages 'If MFWD Brake Assist mode is selected and both brake pedals are depressed at speeds above 5 km/h (3 mph) (see Mechanical Front-Wheel Drive (MFWD) in this section for more information). IMPORTANT: Avoid unnecessary wear on brakes and increased fuel consumption. DO NOT rest feet on brake pedals during tractor operation. Test brakes With engine stopped to be sure manual brake system is functioning (see 250 Hour Sen/ice section of this Operators Manual) Use indIVidual brake pedals to assist in making sharp turns when working in field AutoF’owr IS a trademark or Deere 1: Company Lock individual Brakes Together While Transporting AiLeft Brake Pedal BiPedal Lock Tab CiRIght Brake Pedal Depress both brake pedals to stop tractor while disengaging clutch pedal IndiVidual brake pedals can assist With slow speed off road turning such as when hooking up implements For IVTW/AutoPowr’M Tractors Only When operating at slow idle indiViduaI brake pedals stop tractor Without use of clutch pedal To assist slow speed turning, depress either brake pedal While slowly increasing engine speed until desired turn is achieved Returning engine speed to slow idle while continuing to depress one brake pedal will slow tractor to stop ‘354419 330003: 4 , 40-16 PN:17S Operating the Tractor Hydraulic Trailer Brakes (If Equipped) ACAUTION: Avoid possible injury from losing control of tractor equipped with |VT"“/AutoPowrw transmission operating on downhill slopes. Tractor wheels may lock and skid on slippery downhill slopes (see Downhill Operation in Slippery Conditions In Operating IVTTM/AutoPowrW Transmission section of this Operator’s Manual). Remove dust cover from hydraulrctrarler brake coupler (A) Connect pressure hose to brake coupler, makrng sure hose end and coupler are clean IMPORTANT: To reduce brake wear, make sure pressure hose IS connected, select same gear for both downhill and uphill dnvmg, and check hydraulic trailer brake regularly for correct functionality. Depress brake pedals to operate hydraulic trailer brake Brakrng effect depends on pressure applied to brake pedals Brrng tractorrtrailer to complete stop shrrt transmission to PARK before dismounting tractor and orsconnectrng hydraulic Irnes from couplers Seal oonnectrons wrtn dust covers whenever hoses are disconnected A— Hydraullc Brake Coupler 154419 meme '9 mum 40-17 PN:176 Operating the Tractor Trailer Air Brakes (If Equipped) ACAUTION: Avoid possible injury from losing control oftractorequipped with lVTW/AutoPoerM transmission operating on downhill slopes. Tractor wheels may lock and skid on slippery downhill slopes (see Downhill Operation in Slippery Conditions in IVTW/AutoPowr’M Transmission section of this Operator’s Manual). Dual-line braking system employs yellow (A) and red (8) couplers Clean connections oefore attaching air hoses Connect trailer line that goes to yellow air brake coupler (control line) first. Lifl dust cover from trailer air brake coupler and connect trailer hose coupling Seal connections with dust coveis whenever hoses are disconnected Stan engine and allow air system to reach working pressure While air pressure builds Diagnostic Trouble Code and an accompanying iiiessage comes on CommandCenterTl’ display When operating pressure is reached, indicator light and warning display shut off automatically IMPORTANT: To reduce brake wear, make sure pressure hoses are connected, select same gear for both downhill and uphill driving, and check air brake on trailer regularly for correct functioning. IMPORTANT: With trailer lines connected, do not drive tractor until operating pressure ll/T is a trademark or Deere & Company AutcPoiwis a trademark or Deere & Company CommandCenteris a trademark ofDeere a Company Brake Couplers A—Yellow (Dual-line] B—Red (Dual-line] is reached and service alert indicator and warning display are off. Depress brake pedals to stop tractor-trailer while disengaging clutch pedal DepresSing clutch pedal to stop tractor equipped With lVTW/AutoPoerl’ transmission is not necessary (see Stopping and Parking Tractor in Operating IVTW/AutoPowr’l" Transmission section) Trailer air brakes are equipped with an automatic bleed valve which can be checked manually (see Bleed Trailer Air Brake in As Required section of this Operators Manual) ’oewo $00037 V'OVZAJUL'SV'” 40-18 PN:i77 Operating the Tractor Come Home Mode K1 K2 K3 K4 87 IMP 57 ELXA 37 ELX 87 we 30 Sc 30 1:600 :1 [:1 l: I: 85 87A 86 85 87A 86 85 87A 86 85 87A 86 |:| [l D i:i D D CI :1 as 65 as 85 30B 30'] 30'] 30B 87 87 K7 K8 K9 K10 A B A B 87 HORN 87 IMP B7 a7 w ® 55 8:” 86 55 5:” as as 8:” as as 8:” 86 Acc mwm m @ 30D Sol] 30'] sol] ”9 A C E G J 1 (D 3m @ 20A ‘53 @ .53 Kev CSM smv AC: 2 (a i0A|]®mA|].30AU. [I sun mPYos iMP $L 3 @ «MUG mu 30A”@ 303'] NC we iMP Pw cow 30A 4 ®wmsu°gssn ® "in teen B D F H A—zm Fuse Come home mode is used when tractor becomes of brake pedals or steering wheel will engage inoperabie due to faiiures and must be moved backup pump to supply hydraulic oil as needed For e23” transmissions in come home mode, tractor When driving tractor in Come Home Mode, do engine speed is iimited to 1500 rpm and Efficiency not exceed tractor limited capability ManagerW is disabled. u . . . u . Transmission come home active’ Will appear For IVT/AutoPowr transmission in come home mode, on CommandCenterY'i’ display when come maximum tractorspeed is iimited to 5 km/h (3 1 mph) home mode is active NOTE: Removing #32 fuse (A) diverts hydraulic oil 1 Remove fuse #32 (A) and retain through backup pump which supplies hydraulic 2 Start engm e 01/ to brakes and steering Tractor can safely be 3 Step on brake pedal momentarily. moved short distances at lower speeds 4 Depress clutch pedal When tractor is placed in gear, backup pump will 5 Seiect Forward 0V REVEVSE direction start As long as tractor is in neutral any movement 5 Reiease C‘UTCh pedal to put "3510’ '” motion CommandCeriter is a trademark otDeere & Company R3293? 0000303 "9'24JUL‘3" ‘ 40-19 PN:17E Operating CommandQuadTM Transmission Transmission Description and Controls CommandQuad W transmission has a hydraulically shifted range box which proVides 20 forward and 20 reverse speeds (40 km/h ECO or 50 km/h ECO versions) Lefl hand reverser (H) provides fully modulated shifl capability between forward and reverse When shifting directions wrth left hand reverser (H) and changing ranges, direction must be established before ranges shift. Operator does not have to depress or release clutch pedal when shifling. When performing range shift, lights next to selected range button on CommandARM’" blink until shift rs complete. In Auto Mode engine speed, range and gear are commanded automatically to achieve set speed and to manage heavy and light loads NOTE: During a range shift the c/ufch will be modulated Range Lock Mode: Range buttons (A, B C) proVide three shiflable ranges. Use Range Lock buttons when operating in conditions where range change is not needed or when operating With significant draft load. Changing ranges With significant draft load would result in interruption ofground speed Mum-Range Mode: Multi-Range button (D) provides automatic range shifting when in Auto Mode There are four power shiftable gears in any range Selected ranges can be shifted manually using shift lever (E) or automatically when shift lever (E) is set in AUTO position Left Hand Reverse! A7 A Range Button E7 snrn Lever e— a Range Button F— Set Speed Adjusler oral o— 0 Range Button (37 Hand Throttle o— Mullerange Button H— Len Hand Reverser romzz 00 2:4 ringCSEZ‘fir‘ ' 41-1 PN:i7a Operating Command Quad "' Transmission Operating Transmission ACAUTION: Avoid personal injury or damage to tractor. If engine starts with left-hand reverser lever in forward or reverse positions, there is a malfunction in starting circuit. Repairs should be made immediately by your John Deere’M dealer. IMPORTANT: Prevent Transmission or Clutch Damage - Never depress clutch pedal while tractor is rolling downhill or coasting, as serious transmission damage may result. 0 Never attempt to start tractor by towrng or pushing. ‘ Stop tractor completely before shifting to PARK position. - Avoid excessive ballast. - Clutch pedal must be fully depressed to disengage clutch. Never rest foot on clutch pedal while tractor is moving. NOTE: The seat assembly contains an operator presence safety dewce to prevent Initiation of movement of tractor Without operator sitting in seat Shifting Transmission Auto Mode—Place leftrhand reverser (H) into desired directional slot Slide transmrssron shift lever (E) right into AUTO slot When in Auto Mode, operator iriay select Range Lock Mode by pressrng srngle range button (A, B, or C) While transmission is in Range Lock Mode it is only able to shift through gears in selected range To put transmission in MultirRange Mode, select MultirRange button (D), transmissron shifts through gears and ranges that are selected in Transmrssron page When in Full AUTO mode, the minimum engine speed is 1200 rpm Transmission shifls gears based on throttle position and set speed while in Auto Mode. When throttle is pulled back transmission shifts to selected Start Gear (see Multi-Range Button Settings in this section) Wheel speed can be set by scrolling set speed adjuster (F) up ordown iTEC’" function can control set speedswhile in Auto Mode Manual Mode—Place leftrhand reverser (H) into desired directional slot Slide shift lever (E) left. In Manual Mode, operator selects desired range by pressing range button (A B oi C) in each rairge there are four geais Use shift lever (E) to shift up (+) oi down (-) through geais While usrng Range Lock Mode operator must select different ranges by pressing one of range buttons (A B or C). While using MultirRange Mode (D) operator does not have to select different ranges, transmission shifts through gears and iairges when shift lever (E) is pumped forward or backward iTECTl‘ function can control gears while in Manual Mooe. Additional Information Following are when operator should use shift lever (E) to shift between iariges Continued on nexl page rzcr L eftrHand Re verse! Eishlft Lever F— Set Speed Adjuster GiHand Throttle H—LeftrHand Reverser AiA Range Button o—o Range Eulton c—c Range Eulton D—MullirRange Button . When in highest gear in one range single bumping shift lever (E) causes transmrssron to Shift to appropriate gear in next rairge (D4 to E range) - When in mid-gear in one range double bumping shift lever (E) causes transmission to shift from one range directly to speedrmatched gear in next range (D2 to E1). . Pressing and holding shift lever (E) Will cause transmission to shift up continuously based on engine speed, load, gears and ranges if in MultirRange Mode or load and gears if in Range Lock Mode. Corner post display shows transmission‘s current state (P N F, or R), selected gear (1.4) and range (AVE) (referto Ground Speeds in Specifications section for range/gear settings) NOTE: When engine shuts oft ieft hand reverser remains in its selected position but transmrssron shifts into neutral To start engine. put left hand reverser in Park 41-2 PN:iao Operating Command Quad "' Transmission threshold is 700 rpm When stall threshold is reached clutch may disengage To engage transmrssron, rriove left hand reverserto PARK, reduce load, then shirt back into desired operating direction. Tractor cannot be put in gear unless operator is seated Information indicator lights and corresponding message appears on CommandCenterll‘ display when Forward, Reverse or Neutral positions are selected and operator is not in seat To initiate motion move lever from Park Tractor protects against engine overspeed. lf engine position to Fen/yard or Reverse position With operator is running at full speed in current gear. transmission seated. Will automatically shift up to protect the engine from cverspeeding Transmission may shift up gears but not When clutch is disengaged, gear matching adjusts gear ranges if engine speed reaches 2800 mm to allow for smooth clutch reeengagement When engine speed of more than 1500 rpm is commanded stall no e22 00002:: 49722 Adjusting Set Speeds ACAUTION: Avoid unexpected rapid acceleration. Check and adjust set speeds before putting tractor in motion. 1 Turn key swrtch to RUN position 2 Move left-hand reverser out of Park position Forward and reverse set speeds will scroll on corner post display pausing at each speed for 2 seconds 3 Adjust each speed when it displays by rotating set speed adjuster on speed control lever forward to increase set speed value or rearward to decrease it NOTE: Set speed adjustments may affect corresponding set speed of opposite direction (see Adjusting Reverse/Fon/i/ard Speed Ratio in this section) On comer post display, set speed of selected speed band is displayed in orange and ground speed of tractor is displayed in white Set speed can be adjusted while tractor is movrng by rotating set speed adjuster dial (B) increasing set speed value increases ground speed Decreasing set speed value decreases ground speed New set speed (A) is indicated on display 4 Select set speed that is approximately 3 2 km/h (2 mph) higher than desired working speed in orderto obtain maximum productrvrty in applications where precise forward speed is not critical such as plowrng Tractor reaches higherset speed value during no load or light load condition. A— Set Speed B— Set Speed Adjuster Dial Se! Speed Adjuster Dial Continued on next page RDL7322 3300246 i9 26AJMS r2 41'3 PN:iai Operating Command Quad "' Transmission CommandQuadTM Ranges A—A Range E—CDE Range 5—3 Range F— DE Range ‘ C—c Range G—Sel Speeds D—BCDE Range ‘ a. © ' :- Ii “ I ®O©®®® Se! Speeds rm Given Gears m kin/h (Group 48 Tiles) :0 Ranges Mm Se: Speed km‘h (mpn) Max 5e: Speed km‘h (mpn) ARange 24 (1 5) 54 (34) BRange 50(3)) 114(70) CRange 80(50) 188(117) BCDE Range (As Seiected) 5 o (31) 4d d or 50 u (24 9 or 3) ()3 CDE Range (As Seiected) a o (5 0) 40 0 pr 50 u (24 9 Di 3) 1)a DE Range (As Seiscted) 15 o (9 3) 40 0 or so 0 (24 9 or 3) 1)3 Set Speeds Fm Given Gears (Glaup 43 Tires) aE/ecrrpnycai/y nrnned based on Iransm/ss/on specificanons 41-4 PN:182 Operating Command Quad "' Transmission CommandCenterTM Transmission Main Page CommandQuadw transmission offers two modes to get most fuel efficiency and load control from your tractor: 0 Full Auto—Automatically adiusts minimum engine speed, alloWing tractorto use most fuel EfflClEm engine speed under light load. This mode automatically responds to loads created by use of hitch or SCVs (load anticipation) During PTO use top engine speed is automatically limited to prdwde appropriate PTO speed 0 Custom—Operator can choose Auto Shift Engine Speed ECO Engine Speed or Load Anticipation reaction. Press Transmission Shortcut Button on Navigation Bar or follow alternative path: 1. Select Menu. 2. Select Tractor Settings tab. 3 Select Transmission Icon. Forward maximum speed (E) or reverse maximum speed (F) displays maximum forward or reverse speed limits To change maximum speed select appropriate maximum speed module Max Speed Forward or Max Speed Reverse page appears Use increase (+) or decrease (,) buttons to set maximum speed if operator changes maximum forward or reverse speed below current set speed, set speed decreases to maximum speed and vehicle speed decreases. RXAOiSSV' 2 fixiieuum Transmission Shortcut Button on Navigation Bar RXAOiiBCQL fiximegr’u _y mums-«ing- _.y MENU Menu > Tractor Settings Tab ) Transmission icon © 7—,® OI»- ® - W me Q} m. 1200 1500 m... in.“ ©/ 11— Full Auto Mode 57 Custom Mode C7 Informatlon and Settlngs Icon of eco ON/OFF Toggle m... _r.... :15 °"é.l/ m us A 2:: m m .2: teas ® E— Maximum Forward Speed F— Maximum Reverse Speed (3— Custom semngs H7 Startup Gear Toggle romzzooxzr 4923 2'32" 41-5 PN:iao Operating Command Quad "' Transmission CommandQuadTM Custom Settings NOTE: Settings discussed on this page are Dn/y app/icab/e when ComrnandQuadTN transmission is in Custom Mode Press Transmission Shortcut Button on Navigation Bar. 1. Press Custom Mode toggle. Under light loads, fuel can be saved by shifting up and throttling back. Auto mode does this automatically While shifting in custom mode however, system Will not reduce engine speed below ECO Engine Speed (A B) set by operator Auto Shift Engine Speed Droop (E F) sets permissible drop in engine speed (under full load) before Custom Mode automatically downshifts Lower percent means transmissmn downshifts earlierand higher percent means transmission downshifts later Load Anticipation (G, H and l) features allow CommandQuadW transmissmn to predict loads when hitch SCVs or PTO are in use. Load anticipation both shifts down transmission and increases engine speed to maintain wheel speed. This selection determines whether transmissmn increases engine rpm to get ECO Engine Speed above 1500 rpm when either hitch or SCVs are used If hitch is lowered or raised system increases engine rpm if engine speed is below 1500 rpm. lf SCVs are set to extend or retract above 25% flow rate engine increases rpm automatically PTO load anticipation setting determines whetherthe engine speed should be raised to maximum engine speed determine by throttle and field cruise limit If engine cannot keep minimum engine speed above 1500 rpm, transmission downshifts. SCV set to continuous flow also causes engine to increase rpm Load Anticipation is enabled in "Full Auto" mode selected on Transmissmn page by default. in "Custom" mode, load anticipation for hitch is enabled when hitch toggle (G) is turned to ON in "Custom" mode, load anticipation for SCVs is enabled when SCV toggle (F) is turned to ON in "Custom" mode, load anticipation for PTO is enabled when PTO toggle (I) is turned to ON Set Auto Shift Engine Speed Droop PTO 0N NOTE Auto Shift Engine Speed Droop PTO ON can be set from 6% —26 % - From Transmission page, select Custom Settings button (D) - Select Auto Shift Engine Speed Droop PTO ON module (E) Value adiustment page appears. - Adjust percentage to deSired value by using increase (+) and decrease (-) buttons Set Auto Shift Engine Speed Droop PTO OFF NOTE: Auto Shift Engine Speed Droop PTO OFF can be set from 20% 7 26 %. Continued on next Woe RX/J‘HXT'? taunts Transmission Shortcut Button on Navigation Bar —® 0“ “W" “ .......... a... an... t 215 e no at £12 c as F We Q m. 0 w 6&3. : 1200 moo me in . ....... / .W \ oi .®/ (9 ,n-oz Transmission Home Page mm. min“ 0 non-i 26% W W I: i I: an: EJ—YK—EJ Transmission Custom Settings Page (9 .L A7 Custom Mode Toggle 5— Eco Engine Speed ON 0— Eco Engine Speed OFF D— Custom Setllngs hulton E7 Auto snirt Engine Speed Droop PTO ON F7 Auto snirt Engine Speed Droop PTO OFF 6— Load Anticipation (Hitch) H— Load Anticipation (sow l7 Load Anticipation (PTO) - From TransmiSSion page select Custom Settings button (D) - Select Auto Shifl Engine Speed Droop PTO OFF module (F). Value adjustment page appears I Adiust percentage value to deSired value by uSing increase (+) and decrease (7) buttons Set ECO ON Engine Speed - From Transmtssmn page select ECO ON Engine Speed module (8) Value adiustment page appears - Adiust percentage to desned value by using increase (+) and decrease (,) buttons. REF 2484949LGi31i2 41-6 PN:ia4 Operating Command Quad "' Transmission Set ECO OFF Engine Speed Turn Load Anticipation ON - From Transmissions page, select ECO OFF Engine - From Transmission page, select Custom Settings Speed module (C) Value adiustment page appears outton (D) - Adiust percentage to desired value by using increase - Use Hitch Load Anticipation toggle (G) SCV Load (+) and decrease (-) buttons Anticipation toggle (H) or PTO Load Anticipation toggle (I) to turn hitch, SCVorPTO load anticipation ON orOFF @4732: OOOOZLB 1919AJ313 22 41-7 PN:iaS Operating Command Quad "' Transmission Advanced Settings Page Press Transmission Shortcut Button on Navigation Bar. 1 Press Advanced Settings Icon. 2 Press Settings Tab. 0 A— Softshift Toggle Bar: Use to change Softshifl to AUTO ON or OFF 0 B— Multi-Range Toggle Bar: Use to change Multi Range button range to DE CDE, or BCDE - (2— Start Gear button: Select to access list of two different start gear options for selection. 0 D—ReverselFonivard Ratio button Select to access list of reverse/forward ratio options 0 E— Back Up Alarm ONIOFF Toggle: lf Equipped Multi-range Button Settings Multirrange button can be set for applicable ranges (B) and start gear (C) Ranges available forthis button are DE, CDE, or BCDE. When MultirRange button is selected, transmission is able to shift through these ranges when in both Manual Mode and AUTO Nlode. Start gears available for Multi-Range button vary from B1 to D4 ln AUTO Nlode, start gear is also used as low idle gear. In any Range Lock Mode, start gear is Gear 3 Adjusting Reverse/Forward Speed Ratio During shuttle shift, reverse gear can be selected to match forward gear Reverse/Forward ratio can be set to operate independent of each other same as, between 1 to 3 gears slower, or 1 to 3 gears fasterthan selected forward gear ln Manual lVlode transmission uses this setting to choose new gear in same range in opposite direction. In AUTO Mode transmrssron uses this setting to adjust set speed in opposite direction NOTE: If +3 is selected and gear is currently C4 in forward, C4 rs range/gear In reverse lndependent setting allows tractor to remember last forward and reverse gear setting Once gear is manually changed in reverse direction gear automatically returns to lastgearwhen changing directions lfgear is not manually changed when in reverse direction, then forward gear and reverse gear remains same when changing directions In AUTO Nlode, reverse and forward set speeds function independent of each other Enable/Disable Softshift Soflshift provrdes smoother shifting between gears by proViding short intermediate engine rpm adjustments between each gear shift Continued on next Woe RX/J‘HZT'? 1fiJlll13 Transmission Shortcut Button on Navigation Bar 711JAN' 3 —> Settings Advanced Settings icon t Settings Tab WWI 0N OFF 02 a MI “MN Ill” independent Ell/G) led up Alm- we} Transmission Settings Page 2 - During upshift engine rpm momentarily decreases at beginning of shift and then returns to current throttle setting. - During downshift engine rpm momentarily increases at beginning of shift and then returns to current throttle setting rzcvazz 00249 492211.613 1i‘2 41-8 PN:ias Operating Command Quad "' Transmission Tractor Speed Displays on Corner Post Display and CommandCenterTM Set speed (A) is the maximum ground speed of selected range Ground Speed Ground speed (B) value on tractors equipped with radar Will always show a lower value than set speed selected if there l5 measurable wheel slip A— Set Speed 5— Ground Speed Rcz‘ezzcaoozu 19 ‘SJUL‘fir‘ ' Downhill Operation in Slippew Conditions CAUTION: Avoid possible injury from losing control of tractor while operating on a downhill slope. Tractor wheels may lock and skid on slippery downhill slopes. Observe the following precautions: - Slide shift lever (A) to the left to select Manual Mode. 0 Select an appropriate gear and range to reduce skidding. ' Turn MFWD on. A— Shift Lever R347322 0000243 '9 'swca 41-9 PN:187 Operating e23TM Transmission Operating e23.TM Transmission with Right-Hand Reverser ACAUTION: Avoid personal injury or damage to tractor. If engine starts with shift lever in gear, there is malfunction of starting circuit. Repair should he made immediately by your John Deere’M Dealer. IMPORTANT: Prevent transmission or clutch damage: - Never depress clutch pedal while tractor is rolling downhill or coasting as transmission may over-speed and cause serious damage to the transmission. ‘ Never attempt to start tractor by towing or pushing. - Operator can always move shift lever to PARK Position; however, park brake will not engage until ground speed is below 1.75 kmlh (1.0 mph). - Avoid excessive ballast. - Avoid continuous operation underfull throttle and full load conditions below 1800 rpm. Shift transmission using lever (A) on CommandARMTM Transmission can be shifted, Without use of clutch pedal, into forward or reverse Clutch pedal allows operator maximum manual control of modulation for ease of connecting implements operating in confined areas, or slow movement of tractor during precise maneuvers Depress clutch pedal to preselect forward or reverse command gear from park When shift lever is moved from PARK to NEUTRAL position, park brake releases and corner post display (B) shows ore-selected forward or reverse gear and letter N for NEUTRAL. When lever is in forward or reverse, display shows F" or an “R" along with commanded gear Engine only starts With shift lever (A) in PARK or NEUTRAL Shifts are made one at a time by "oumping the shift lever Multiple “bumps or pushing and holding lever forward or pulling and holding lever rearward may result in skip shifts NOTE The seat assembly contains an operator presence safety device to prevent initiation otmovernent of tractor Without operator sitting in the seat. NOTE When the tractor is loaded to below/owrdle speed, the transmission may default to NEUTRAL for powertrarn protection The park brake engages once the Wheel speed drops below 175 km/h (10 mph), John Deere Is a trademark er Deere & Company Corner Post Display A— Transmission smn Lever 3— Corner Post Display Tc re-engage transmission, move transmission lever to PARK, reduce load, and shift into desired operating gear A diagnostic trouble code is stored and displayed when this condition occurs 44-1 PN:iaE Operating 9237'" Transmission Shifting e23TM Transmission with Right-Hand Reverser Shift Lever Positions PARK7 Rear slot (A) 7 The park brake is applied when lever is fully forward in the rear slot. NEUTRAL — Right slot (B) — The park brake is released when lever is moved to the right slot Reverse — Center slot (C) — The tractor begins moving rearward when the lever enters this slot Push lever forward for downshifts and pull rearward for upshrfls. Forward— Front slot (D) — The tractor begins movrng forward when lever enters this slot. Push lever forward for upshifts and pull rearward for downshifts NOTE: Transmission is in NEUTRAL position whenever shift lever is not in PARK) ion/yard, or reverse posrtions IMPORTANT: Operator can always move shift lever to PARK Position; however, park brake will not engage until ground speed is below 1.75 km/h (1.0 mph). Repeated engagement of the park brake, while the tractor is moving, may damage the park brake. Command Gears NOTE: Optimum engine speed is 7800 7 2200 rpm in full load conditions Using higher gear and lower engine speed for light load operation saves fuel and reduces wear. Under full load conditions, use full throttle engine speed Each time transmission enters forward or reverse shift pattern, transmission starts in command gear, shown on corner post display Transmission starts out in F8 and R4 after engine rs started These are default command gears Startup default command gears may be changed from F1 - F13 in forward and Rt , R6 in reverse (see Setting Stan Gear in this section) Command geartemporarily changes to the last gear used when shuttling between forward and reverse or shifting from gear to neutral Forward Gear— Gears between F1 and F13 may be preselected by depressing clutch pedal putting the shift lever in front (forward) slot and bumping the shift lever up or down until the desired command gear is displayed Reverse Gear— Gears between R1 and R6 may be preselected by depressing clutch pedal putting the shift lever in center (reverse) slot, and bumping the shift lever up or down until the desired command gear rs displayed. Transmission wrll start in the preselected forward or reverse gear when clutch pedal is released Continued on next Woe “L no UN (9 Lever Diagram A— PARK 3— NEUTRAL C7 Reverse Gears 0— Forward Gears Cold Weather Starting When temperature is 710 “C (14“F) or lower, it may take one minute to the release park brake with operator in the seat and shift transmission lever in gear Several shifts between PARK and NEUTRAL may be required to release park in extremely cold conditions When temperature rs -10 OC (14“F) or above, it may take 3 seconds to release park brake wrth operator in the seat Rm- 494%.613 rrz 44-2 PN:iaa Operating e23TM Transmission When shift lever is moved to NEUTRAL coirrei post display shows N for three seconds If park brake does not release, N" changes back to P Move shift lever back to PARK then back to NEUTRAL until “N" displays more than three seconds Delayed shifting, slow hydraulic operation, hard steering, and limited engine iprn may also be noticeable until operating temperature is obtained Shifting Without Using Clutch Pedal Gear to Gear— Hold leverto shifl up or down until desired gear is reached Transmission shifts one gear at a time until lever is released Gear to Geari Quickly bump" lever to shift up or down to desned gear Transmission iriay skip gears if lever is moved fasterthan transmission can shift Shifting Using Clutch Pedal IMPORTANT: Clutch pedal must be fully depressed to completely disengage clutch for correct operation. Gearto Geari Depress clutch pedal and hold or bump" leverto shifl up or down until desired gear is displayed. Transmissmn goes into commanded gear when clutch pedal is released Transport Shifting When tractor is in light load condition the transmission can shift faster by rapidly bumping shift lever until the desired transport speed is reached To reach transport speed quickly from a stop, depress the clutch and “pump" the shift lever to F13 Transmission will shift directly to F13 when the clutch pedal is released to reach the desired gear such as transport, transmrssron can shift fast by rapidly bumping" shift lever to reach transport speed Press and Hold Shifting When operator holds the shifter in the up ordown position, the transmission will shift through the gears one gear at a time Double Shift The transmrssron may shift two gears at a time by double "bumping shift leverto slow down or speed up A double “bump down shift is useful in field operations when hitting tough spots Double bumping" may also be useful in making headland turns Ground Speed Matching ACAUTION: Avoid possible accidentand injury from loss of vehicle control. Never coast down hill. The transmis5ion wrll shift gears to match ground speed as clutch is released ifthe tractor is traveling above start up gear or F13 speed The transmissron Will not match ground speeds as clutch is released afterthe tractor slows when clutch pedal is depressed at gears F13 and below The transmisSIon will remain above start up gear or F13 even if the tractor comes to a complete stop In manual mode the trahsmrssron Will not up shift to match ground speed as clutch is released if tractorspeeds up while clutch pedal is depressed. R347322 0000022 19 19A.G13 22 44-3 PN:1eo Operating e237M Transmission Operating e237M Transmission with Left-Hand Reverser ACAUTION: Avoid personal injury or damage to tractor. If engine starts wrth shift lever in gear, there is malfunction of starting circuit. Repair should he made immediately by your John Deere’M Dealer. IMPORTANT: Prevent transmission or clutch damage: - Never depress the clutch pedal while tractor is rolling downhill or coasting as transmission may overspeed and cause serious damage to the transmission. - Never attempt to start tractor by towing or pushing. - Operator can always move shift lever to PARK Positi n; however, park brake will not engage until ground speed is below 1.75 kmlh (1.0 mph). ' Avoid excesswe ballast. - Avoid continuous operation underfull throttle and full load conditions below 1800 rpm. Place left-hand reverser (A) into desired directional slot Shift transmission using lever (B) on CommahoARMTM The transmission can be shifted, Without use of clutch pedal, into forward or reverse The clutch pedal allows operator maximum manual control of modulation for ease in connecting implements operating in confined areas, or slow movement oftractor during precise maneuvers Depress clutch pedal to preselect forward or reverse direction from park. When leftrhand reverser (A) is moved from PARK to NEUTRAL position, park brake releases and corner post display (C) shows ore-selected forward or reverse gear and letter N for NEUTRAL. When lever is in forward or reverse display shows “F or an “R" along With commanded gear. Engine only starts with leflrhand reverser (A) is in PARK oi NEUTRAL Shifts are made one at a time by “bumping" lever (B) Multiple bumps or pushing and holding lever forward or pulling and holding lever rearward may result in skip shifts NOTE The seat assembly contains an operator presence safety dewce to prevent Initiation of movement of tractor Without operator sitting in seat A7 Left-Hand Reverser c7 Corner Post Display 8— Transmission smn Lever NOTE When the tractor is loaded to very low engine speed. the transmission may default to NEUTRAL for powertrain protection. The park brake engages once the wheel speed drops below 1 75 km/h (7.0 mph). To rerengage transmission. move shift lever to PARK. reduce load, and shift into deSIred operating year. A diagnostic trouble code is stored and displayed when this condition occurs 44-4 PN:iQi Operating e23TM Transmission Shifting e23TM Transmission with Left-Hand Reverser Shift Lever Positions PARK7 Lower lefl slot (A) 7 The park brake is applied when lever is fully inward in slot NEUTRAL — Middle slot (before Park) (S) — The park brake is released when lever is moved to this slot. Forward— Upper right slot (C) — The tractor begins moVing forward when lever enters this slot Push lever (E) forward for upshifts (+), pull rearward for downshifts (7) Reverse — Lower right slot (D) 7 The tractor begins moVing rearward when lever enters this slot Push lever (E) forward for upshifts (+) pull rean/vard for downshifts 0 IMPORTANT: Operator can always move shift lever to PARK Position; however, park brake will not engage until ground speed is below 1.75 kmlh (1.0 mph). Command Gears NOTE: Optimum engine speed is 1800 7 2200 rpm in full load conditions, USIng higher gear and lower engine speed for light load operation saves fuel and reduces wear. Under full load conditions, use full throttle engine speed, Each time transmission enters forward or reverse shift pattern, transmission starts in command gear, shown on corner post display Transmission starts out in F8 and R4 afler engine is started These are default command gears Startup default command gears may be changed from F1 - F13 in forward and R1 , R6 in reverse (see Setting Stan Gear in this section) Command geartemporarily changes to the last gear used when shuttling between forward and reverse or shifting from gear to neutral lnitial command gear can be changed before initiating motion to match operation Forward Gear—Gears between Ft and F13 may be preselected by depressing clutch pedal and pushing or pulling shift lever until desned command gear is displayed Reverse Gear—Gears between Rt and R6 may be preselected by depressing clutch pedal and pushing or pulling shift lever until desired command gear is displayed The transmiSSion Will start in the preselected fon/vard or reverse gear when clutch pedal is released Cold Weather Starting When temperature is 710 ”C (14“F) or lower it may take one minute to release park brake With operator in the seat and the transmissmn shifted into gear. Several shifts between PARK and NEUTRAL may be required to release park in extremely cold conditions Continued on next rude A7 PARK B7 NEUTRAL c— Forward D7 Reverse E— Shift Lever When temperature is -10 “C (MCF) or above, it may take 3 seconds to release park brake With operator in the seat When left hand reverser is moved to NEUTRAL, corner post display shows "N" for three seconds If park brake does not release "N" changes back to “P Move left hand reverser back to PARK then back to NEUTRAL until “N" displays more than three seconds Delayed shifting slow hydraulic operation, hard steering. and limited engine rpm may also be noticeable until operating temperature is obtained. Shifting Without Using Clutch Pedal Gear to Gear7 Hold lever to shift up or down until desired gear is reached The transmissmn shifts one gear at a time until lever is released Gear to Gear7 Quickly bump leverto shift up or down to desired gear The transmission may skip gears if lever is moved faster than transmission can shift Rm- 49491.61? iiz 44-5 PN:192 Operating e23TM Transmission Shifting Using Clutch Pedal IMPORTANT: Clutch pedal must be fully depressed to completely disengage clutch for correct operation. Gear to Geari Depress clutch pedal and hold or “bump" lever to shift up or down until desired gear is displayed Transmrssmn goes rnto displayed gear when clutch pedal is released Transport Shifting When the tractor is in a light load condition the transmission can shift faster by rapidly “bumping" the shift lever until the desired transport speed is reached. To reach transport speed quickly from a stop depress the clutch pedal and “bump the shift leverto F13 The transmission will shift directly to F13 when the clutch pedal rs released Once the tractor rs underway in F13, rapidly bump the shift leverto reach the deSired gear Press and Hold Shifting When operator holds the shifter in the up or down position the transmission Will shifl through the gears one gear at a time Double Shift The transmission may shift two gears at a time by double “bumping shift leverto slow down or speed up A double “bump down shift is useful in field operations when hitting tough spots Double "bumping rriay also be useful in making headland turns Ground Speed Matching CAUTION: Avoid possible accidentand injury from loss of vehicle control. Never coast down hill. Transmission will shift gears to match the ground speed as clutch is released ifthe tractor is traveling above start up gear or F13 Transmission Will not match ground speeds as clutch rs released after tractor slows when clutch pedal is depressed at gears F13 and below The transmission remains in above start up gear or F13 even if tractor comes to complete stop. in manual mode the transmission wrll not up shift to match ground speed as clutch is released if tractorspeeds up while clutch pedal is depressed romzz 0000030 rigrigifiie 22 Setting Startup Gears Press Transmission Shortcut Button on Navigation Bar. 1 Press Advanced Settings icon. 2. Press Settings tab. 3. Press Forward Startup Gear button (A) List of fonA/ard gears appears 4 Select desired gear and press Done button to finish selection 5. Press Reverse Startup Gear button (B). List of reverse gears appears 6. Select desired gear and press Done button to finish selection A— Forward Gear button 5— Reverse Gear button RXH‘HZZ"? ~. 16Jlll13 Transmission Shortcut Button on Navigation Bar \711JAN'3 —'> Settings \ Advanced Settings icon ) Settings Tab Forward I levers: Startup Gear PC]; at: Forward and Reverse Startup Gears llN 1TSFP'? :xrs'mm rorazz 000003 44-6 PN:193 Operating 923"" Transmission CommandCenterTM Transmission Main Page The e23W transmission offers three modes of operation to optimize fuel efficiency and load control of the tractor These modes are selected from the CommandCenter’” transmission main page - Full AUTO (A) 7 Automatically adjusts engine speed and gear selection to optimize fuel economy and performance. This mode automatically responds to loads created by the hitch or SCVs During PTO use, engine speed is automatically controlled to provrde appropriate PTO speed - Custom (B) 7 Similarto Full AUTO mode except the operator can modify some of the limits and parameters used in Full AUTO mode See custom transmisSion settings in this section 0 Manual (C) — Operator selects engine throttle posrtion and gear. Maximum Ground Speed The maximum tractor ground speed may be limited through the transmiSSion main page. Forward maximum speed (D) and reverse maximum speed (E) displays maximum forward and reverse speed limits Changing Maximum Ground Speed Press Transmission Shortcut Button on Navigation Bar. i Press appropriate speed limit on the Transmission Main page The value adjustment page appears 2 Adjust the ground speed to the desired value by using increase (+) and decrease 0 buttons Also turning adyusting dial (K) can be used to increase or decrease ground speed settings NOTE If operator changes maximum forward or reverse speed oe/ow current speed. the set speed (F) decreases to the maximum speed and the vehicle speed will decrease Efficiency Managerw Set Speed There are two programmable set speeds foreach direction used in Efficiency Managerw. They are activated by pushing the set speed buttons on CommandArmW. Once activated Efficiency ManagerW will shift gears and change engine speed so that the ground speed wrll match RXAOiSSV' 2 7.\716JUL13 r... man (9/ ® Transmission Main Page Adjusting oiai A7 Full AUTO Mode G7 ECO Englne Speed 0" 8— Custom Mode Setting 0— Manual Mode H— ECO Englne Speed On D7 Maximum Forward Speed Semng semng l7 Cuslom Sefllngs hutlon :7 Maximum Reverse Speed J7 eco Level button Seltlng K— Adjusting Dial F7 Sel Speeds Module the set speed The set speeds are changed through the set speed adjusting wheel (See EffiCiency Manager”’ in this section) romzz 000003 '5 44-7 PN:i94 Operating 9237'" Transmission Efficiency Manager'M on the e23’M Transmission Efficiency Manager“ controls transmrssron gear shifting and engine speed to maintain the desired ground speed (set speed) Shift desiSions are based on load conditions throttle command and operator settings I Efficiency ManagerW is always running in Full AUTO and Custom modes - Efficiency Manager“ iuris in Manual Mode when the set speed buttons are active. Using Effrcrency ManagerTM I The Efficiency ManagerW indicator light (C) is on the corner post display - The tractor will only reach the set speed if the engine throttle is set to maximum engine rpm I In high load applications the throttle should be set to maximum rpm. I The transmrssron iriay shift gears if eitherthe hand throttle or foot throttle is changed - The operator has a choice of setting two separate set speeds I The set speed is adjusted on the active set speed button by using the set speed adjusting wheel (A) on the shift lever Press eitherset speed button 1 or 2 then rotate set speed adjusting wheel clockwrse to increase speed and counterclockwise to decrease set speed Repeat process for setting the second set speed. The transmission may shift gears with changes in set speed. I Bumping the shift lever when in Full AUTO and in Custom modes, temporarily makes a large change in the set speed The transmission may shift gears and the engine speed may change. The speeds stored in the set speed buttons (8) do not change - Efficiency Manager“ will not shift gears if the clutch pedal is partially depressed - If the clutch pedal is fully depressed and the tractor is stationary Efficiency ManagerW selects the startup gear and may reduce the engine speed. I Efficiency Managerwill select the start-up gear when shifting from neutral or park to gear - If the clutch pedal is fully depressed and the tractor is moving above the startup gear speed, Efficiency Manager’” selects a gear and engine speed to match the ground speed I If the clutch pedal is fully depressed and the tractor is movrng below the start-up gear speed, Efficiency ManagerTl’ selects the start-up gear speed NOTE Efficrency ManagerT'r’ set speeds can be programmed into iTECW, A7 Set Speed Adjusting Wheel of Efficiency Manager . 5* Set Speed Buttons Indicator Light Efficrency Manager indicator Light Efficiency Manager is a trademark ofDeere a Company irEc is a trademark ofDeere a Company romzz 00000:5 44-8 PN:1QS Operating e23” Transmission Efficiency Manager” on e23” Transmission in Manual Mode Efficiency ManagerTN is activated in Manual Mode by pressing either of the set speed buttons (A) on the CornmanoArrn” - Pressing the same set speeo button a second time in Manual Mode Will disengage Effimency Manager” - Bumping the shift lever in Manual Mode when efficiency manager is active, disengages Efficiency Manager”, shifls geais and changes engine speed to match the engine throttle position 0 All other features and functions of Efficiency Manager” are the same between Full AUTO Mode and Custom Mode IMPORTANT: When disabling Efficiency Manager”, the engine rpm changes to match throttle position, possibly resulting in tractor acceleration. A7 Set Speed Butlons Speed Buttons with LH Reverser hora 44-9 PN:196 Operating e237M Transmission Custom Transmission Settings NOTE Settings on this page can only be modified when ”‘0‘”? V" WW3 Effioienoy Manager is in Custom or Manual Mode Auto Shift Engine Speed Droop (D) and (E) limits the engine speed droop under full load before Efficiency Manager’” automatically downshifts A lower percentage means less droop is allowed before downshifting NOTE: Auto Shift Engine Speed Droop can be set from 6% 726%. Different values may be entered for operation With or Without the PTO Press Transmissmn Shortcut Button on Navigation Bar. On Mode bar, select Custom or Manual Mode. - mi , n m ‘0 f E) 125 53-. i Setting Auto Shift Engine Droop “W Q“ "°“" 0 m ; 1200 1400 in u '2 NOTE Auto Shift Engine Speed Droop PTO ON m m 63, l M can be set from 6% —26 % / /"'"""' \ j g - Select Custom Settings button (A) 09 © i» - Select Auto Shift Engine Speed Droop PTO ON module (D) Value adjustment page appears 0 Adjust percentage value to desired value by using increase (+) and decrease (,) buttons Transmission Hgiiie Page (um Swim o Minimum Engine speed (8) and (C) limits how much Efficiency Manager” shifts up and throttles back to save fuel under light loads. \ 26% [Fl Minimum Engine Speed NOTE Auto Shift Engine Speed Bump PTO OFF WI can be set from 14% 7 26 % nuo- noon - From Transmission page select Custom Settings button (A) - Select Auto Shift Engine Speed Droop PTO ON (D) or Auto Shift Engine Speed Droop PTO OFF (E) Value Custom Settings Page adjustment page Will appear A7 Custom Settings huiton E7 Engine Droop PTO OFF - Adjust percentage value to desired value by using 5’55“? E"9'"E 5999“ 0“ F 5::"29L d A t ‘ _ a ing — I (2 pa n ICIpa ion increase (+) and decrease () buttons 0— Eco Engine Speed OFF Toggle Setting of scv Load Anticmaiion Turn Load Anticipation ON n— Engine “mop PTO 0N 1099's . Settin H— PTO Load Antici alion - From Transmission page select Custom Settings 9 Toggle p button (A) - Use Hitch Load Anticipation toggle (F) SCV Load Antimpation toggle (G) or PTO Load Anticipation toggle (H) to turn hitch, SCV or PTO load anticipation ON or OFF romzz 000003 44-10 PN:197 Operating lVTT""IAutoPoer'VI Transmission Controls Identification A utoPowrm Controls AiLeft-Hand ReverserControls CiLeft-Hand Reverser Lever Binght-Hand Reverser Dispeed Control Lever AutoPowr’” transmission proVides infinite ground speeds in forward mode from 50 meters per hour (164 feet per hour) to 50 km/h (31 mph) depending on tractor specifications Reverse mode provides infinite ground speeds from 50 meters per hour (164 feet per hour) to 20 km/h (12 4 mph) Maximum speeds may vary slightly due to tire size AutoPowr’” tractors are equipped with either leftrhand reverser or rightrhand reverser Leftrhand configuration requires two levers Left-hand reverser lever (C) controls tractordirection, park and neutral Speed control lever (D) is located on CommandARM T" and controls ground speed Right-hand reverser option conSists of right-hand reverser lever (8) located on CommandARMT’“ and controls tractor direction, park neutral and ground speed AutoPomis a trademark of Deere & Company @© E—Set Speed Adjusting Wheel There are two variable speed bands in forward direction on all tractors Tractors equipped wrth left-hand reverser have two-speed bands in reverse Tractors equipped With right-hand reverser have single reverse band Set speeds are maximum ground speeds in each speed band Speed control lever must be pushed to end of slot to achieve set speeds Rotate set speed adiusting wheel (E) clocKWise to increase speed and counterclocKWise to decrease set speed. RDUS22 0:7 192AJUN'3'” 45-1 PN:isE Operating ll/T'M/A utoPo Wr'M Transmission Left-Hand and Right-Hand Reverser Shift Patterns Park (A): Engages park brake preventrng tractor from rollmg,‘ orsplay hold tractor stationary " appeals on corner post Neutral (B): Drsengages park brake allowrng tractorto roll, but does not transmlt power to wheels, "N" appears on corner post orsplay Reverse (C): Transmlts power to wheels for rearward travel "R" appears on corner postdlsplay Power ZeroTM (D): Hand-held zero posutron temporarlly holds tractor statlonary on relatrvely flat surface Scroll Posmon (E): Scrolls through set speeds on corner post orsplay contmuously wmle tractor IS not moving Forward Speed Band 1 (F): Transmits pdwertd wheels forforward travel, "F1" appears on corner post dlsplay Forward Speed Band 2 (G): Transmits pdwertd wheels forforwaro travel, "F2" appears on corner post display Forward (H): Transmlts power to wheels for forward travel "F" appears on corner post dlsplay Minimum Speed (I): Transmits power to wheels rn orrectlon selected A—Park F—Furward Speed Band 1 E—Neutral G—Forward Speed Band 2 CiReverse HiForward DiFUWEr Zerdw l— Minimum Speed E—Scroll Poslllon L eferand Re Verser © (9 G) LefteHand Revelser Speed Level RDUSZZ '>‘< 19 wow; 45-2 PN:199 Operating ll/T'M/A utoPo wr'” Transmission Operating the Transmission ACAUTION: Avoid personal injury or damage to tractor. fengine starts With lever not in PARK position, there is a malfunction in the starting Circuit. Repairs should he made by John DeereW dealers. IMPORTANT: Prevent transmission or clutch damage: - Never depress clutch pedal while tractor is rolling downhill or coasting, as serious transmission damage may result. - Never attempt to start tractor by towing or pushing. - Operator can always move shift lever to PARK Position; however, park brake Will not engage until ground speed is below 1.75 kmlh (1.0 mph). ' Avoid excessive ballast. - Clutch pedal must be fully depressed to completely disengage clutch. Never restfoot on clutch pedal while tractor is moving. NOTE‘ Operator presence safety device is built into seat to prevent movement of tractor while in gear without operator sitting In seat Starting Engine Jntin Deere is a trademark of Deere & Company IMPORTANT: Tractor with left-hand reverser can start In neutral. Tractors with right-hand reverser cannot start in neutral. If tractor does start in neutral, contact John DeerelM dealer for repair. Ensure transmission is in PARK position; corner post monitor wrll display "P" for park Start engine Stopping Engine For tractors with Ieflrhand reverser, reduce engine speed to low ipiii pull speed control lever back to slowest setting and depress brake pedals until travel stops Move left-hand reverser leverto PARK posrtion Slowly release brakes and stop engine Fortractors with rightrhand reverser reduce engine speed to low rpm pull rightrhand reverser lever back to slowest setting and depress brake pedals until travel stops Move right-hand reverser leverto PARK posmon Slowly release brakes and stop engine ACAUTION: Always place reverser lever in PARK position before dismounting tractor. R347322 0000029 '9 moo: 45-3 PN:ZOD
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