Deere and RE338096 Multi-Functional Controller, Integrated Premium Server User Manual Part 6
Deere & Company Multi-Functional Controller, Integrated Premium Server Part 6
User Manual Part 6
Operating ll/T'M/A utoPo wr'M Transmission Adjusting Set Speeds ACAUTION: Avoid unexpected rapid acceleration. Check and adjust set speeds before putting tractor in motion. Tum key switch to RUN position (for tractors with rightrhand reverser engine must be running to change set speeds). Move lever (A) to Scroll posrtion Forward and reverse set speeds scroll on corner post display pausing at each speed for 2 seconds. Adjust each speed when displayed by rotating set speed adyuster on speed control lever clockwise to increase set speed value or counterclockwse to decrease it NOTE Set speed ad/ustments may affect corresponding set speed of opposite direction (see Adjusting Reverse/Forward Set Speed Ratio in this section). On corner post display, set speed of selected speed oand displays in orange and ground speed oftractor displays in white letters Set speed can be adyusted while tractor is movrng by rotating set speed adyuster dial (C) Increasing set speed value increases ground speed Decreasing set speed value decreases ground speed New set speed shows on display (B) Select set speed approximately 3.2 km/h (2 mph) higherthan desired working speed to obtain maximum productiVity where precise forward speed is not critical (such as plowmg) Tractor reaches higher set speed value during no load or light load condition Maximum ground speed otselected speed band is attained at full throttle when speed control lever (D) is pushed fully forward to end of slot in respective speed oand AiLefl-Hand Reverser Ciset Speed Adjuster Dlal Bicorner Post Display Dispeed Control Lever LeftrHand Rel/else! Shown Cornet Post Dispiay Speed Control Lever ‘oemin innnasfin' 45-4 PN:ZOl Operating ll/T'M/A utoPo wr'” Transmission F2 . . 9 Set Speeds—Gmdellnes and Examples mmm Value of Set Speed 1 is always at least 10% lessthan value of Set Speed 2 This ensures smooth transition between 2 speed bands and is illustrated in followmg examples n NOTE F1 refers to Forward mode for Set Speed in speed band 1, F2 refers to Forward mode for n 20 km/h Set Speed in speed band 2, 1 Example 1: Maximum Forward Set Speeds are selected for each speed band an A0 u. ’S Example 2: Value of Set Speed 1 is reduced to 10 km/h W" (6 mph) Set Speed 2 value is not changed but lower Example 1 portion of speed band 2 has automatically decreased to 9 F2 meet top end of speed band 1 95°th NOTE: Actual set speed increases or decreases at least 2 10% of adjusted speed band and ranges up to 125% 10% is used in illustrations of Examples 3 n and 4, and can differ by 2 5% of speeds shown Fl 10 km/h Example 3: Set Speed 2 is reduced to 5 km/h (3 mph) 1 Set Speed 1 automatically decreases to 4 54.3 km/h (2 872 7 mph), 10712.5% below new value of Set Speed 2. Q n 5 10 IS 20 30 40 Example 4: Set Speed 1 is increased to 20 km/h (12 4 km/h mph), which is higher than value of Set Speed 2. Set Example 2 Speed 2 automatically increases to 272.5 km/h 9 F2 (13 7—14 0 mph) 10—12 5% above new value of Set F25krwh Speed 1. 7m Fl up Fl 4 5 km/h ma . 30 40 ’S km/h Example 3 9 F2 F2 22 km/h Fl Fl 20 km/h / ‘ ‘ O 0510152030A050 km/h Example 4 ‘OSAMQCCCCCEB71972313)?! ' 45-5 PN:202 Operating ll/T'M/A utoPo Wr'” Transmission lVTTM/AutoPowrW Modes and Setting Maximum Speed Press Transmission Shortcut Button on Navigation Bar or follow alternative path: ’l Select Menu . 2 Select Tractor Settings tab. 3 Select Transmission Icon. IVTW/AutoPowrW offers three or four modes for fuel eff: ency and load control from tractor: - Full Auto Mode (A) Automatically adyusts Minimum Engine Speed allowing tractorto use most fuel efficient engine speed under light load. Automatically adiusts Auto Shift Engine Speed Droop alloWing tractorto use peak power under full load - Custom Mode (B) Operator can choose Performance, Minimum Engine Speed, Auto Shift Engine Speed Droop and Load Anticipation reaction. I Pedal Mode (C) (If Equipped) Operator can control wheel speed Independently of engine speed by using the accelerator pedal Operator can only choose Pedal Mode when the tractor is stopped and park brake is applied . Manual Mode (D) Tractor performs as if equipped with normal transmission and reacts to controls. No Fuel Economy or Load Control functions active ~. iaiiiiia :L 7.\7143El”i2 Tructor Setting! uENu Menu 9,. > Tractor Settings Tab Kn w AUTO Transmission Shortcut Button on Navigation Bar -> t Transmission l®oon Transmission Home Page A— Full 11qu Mode 5— Custom Mode c— Pedal Mode D— Manual Mode E— Forward MAX Speed F— Reverse MAX Speed Full Auto Mode (A) Custom Mode (B) Pedal Mode (o) Manual Mode ([7) 0 Auto snirt (or Load Control) ON - Load Anticipation ior Hitcn ON 0 Load Anticipation ior SCVs ON - Auto Snirt Engine Speed Droop - maintained at maximum tractor power 0 Maximum engine speed iimit adiusted according to PTO rated speed - Auto sniit (or Load controi) ON - Auto snirt Engine Speed Droop witn PTO On isAdiuslaole Auto Snirt Engine Speed Droop Witn PTO orr is Adiustaole Performance and Minimum Engine speed Witn Eco On is Adiustaole Performance and Minimum Engine speed Witn Eco on is Adiuslaole Load Anticipation for Hitcn is Adiustaole Load Anticipation lor SCVS is Adiustaole wnen hand throttle control is pulled aii the way to the rearward position - Auto snirt (or Load Control) ON - Load Anticipation ior Hitch ON - Auto snirt Engine Speed Droop maintained at maximum tractor power - Maximum engine speed iimit adiusted according to PTO rated speed wnen nand throttle control is at any otner position - constant engine speed corresponding to the throttle position is commanded Auto sniit (or Load Control) ON Activating Engine Set Speed Button would engage constant engine speed functionality 0 Auto sniit (or Load Control) orr - use when appiication is causing undesired automatic snirting - use wnen operating on steep andiorslipperydownhillslopes a “(See Downhill Operation in Slippery Conditions in Mrs section ) Forward maximum speed (E) or reverse maximum speed (F) displays maximum reverse or forward speed limits To change maximum speed select module, use increase (+) or decrease (-) buttons to set value lncreasrng speed does not change dynamic behavior oftractor If operator changes maximum forward or reverse speed oelow current set speed, set speed decreases to maximum speed and vehicle speed decreases 'OfiAAi 9 undo '92:; 45-6 PN:203 Operating ll/T'M/A utoPo wr'” Transmission Custom IVTT'V'IAutoPowrTM Settings NOTE: All settings pertaining to this page are only applicable when AutoPowrTN transmission is in Custom Mode Load Anticipation allows lVTW/AutoPowrW transmission to predict loads with hitch or SCVs in use. By default, Load Anticipation is enabled in "Full AUTO" mode ln "Custom" mode load anticipation for hitch is enabled when hitch toggle (G) is turned to ON In "Custom" mode, load anticipation for SCVs is enabled when SCV toggle (H) is turned to ON. In "Custom" mode, load anticipation for PTO is enabled when PTO toggle (l) is turned to ON Fuel economy feature may raise minimum engine Speed to 1500 rpm when load antICipation is enabled and either hitch/SCV/PTO is placmg heavy load on engine or SCV is in continuous flow If load on engine is still excessive, load anticipation feature may raise minimum engine speed to i800 rpm Press Transmission Shortcut button on Navigation Bar. Press Custom mode toggle (A). Set ECO Engine Speed RPM ON I Select ECO ON Engine Speed module (B) ' Adiust percentage value using increase (+) or decrease (-) to set desired value. Operator can toggle between ECO On/Off to select between the ECO On and ECO Off Minimum Engine Speeds Set ECO Engine Speed RPM OFF - Select ECO OFF Engine Speed module (C) - Adyust percentage value uSing increase (+) or decrease (e) to set desired value. Operator cail toggle between ECO On/Off to select between the ECO On and ECO Off Minimum Engine Speeds Set Auto Shift Engine Speed Droop PTO ON NOTE Auto Shift Engine Speed Droop PTO ON can be set from 2 % —26 % I Select Auto Shift Engine Speed Droop module PTO ON (E). ' Adiust percentage value using increase (+) or decrease (e) to set oeSired value Set Auto Shift Engine Speed Droop PTO OFF NOTE PTO OFF can be set from 2% — 26 %, - Select Auto Shift Engine Speed Droop module PTO OFF (F) PTO OFF box highlights. - Adyust percentage value using increase (+) or decrease (a) to set desired value AutoPoli/ris a trademark or Deere & Company ivr is a trademark or Deere & Company RXH‘HZT'? ifiJllli3 0 Mod. mum (ltxlnm to“ L tum-l ‘ m saw no»... - (CO F: 135 (E I25 file a...» co .— o m 1600 1500 a. 35 a, 3 / “mama", n1 t25 m Transmission Home Page not...» to p 0 ®\ 2675}. m w: 5%m/ 4%;Q5l Transmission Custom Settings Page we» now A7 Custom Mode Toggle 5— Eco Engine Speed ON C— ECO Engine Speed orr F7 Auto snm Engine Speed Droop PTO OFF (3— Load Anllclpallon (Hitch) l:i— Custom Settings button Toggle E7 Auto snirt Engine Speed H7 Load Antlclpatlon (scvl Droop PTO ON Toggle |— Load Antlclpallun [PTO] Toggle Turn On Load Anticipation - Press Hitch toggle (G) SCV toggle (H) or PTO toggle (l) to on. When SCV toggle is on engine speed is boosted as needed With each use of SCV When Hitch toggle is on, engine Speed is boosted as needed, each time hitch is raised or lowered rot‘azz 00000:: 45-7 PN:ZO4 Operating IVT'M/A utoPo Wr'M Transmission Adjusting Reverse/Forward Set Speed Ratio Reverse/Forward Ratio can be set to operate independentiy of each other or from 0.3 to 1.3 times as fast (in 0.1 increments). Forward and Reverse Set Speeds are same at1 0 setting (1 to 1 ratio) Maximum reverse speed IS up to 20 km/h (12 mph) regardless of ratio Press Transmission Shortcut Button on Navigation Bar. 1 Press Advanced Settings icon. 2 Press Settings tab. 3 Press Reverse/Forward Ratio button (B) to access list of reverse/forward ratio options Forward Set Speed IS 4 km/h Reverse Set Speed km/h (2.5 mph) and Ratio is: (mph) :5: 0 3 1 2 (O 4) o 4 1 6 (o 8) o 5 2 0 (1 2) o 6 2 4 (1 5) o 7 2 B (1 75) o 8 3 2 (2 0) o 9 3 s (2 2) 1 o 4 o (2 5) 1 1 4 4 (2 7) 1 2 4 a (3 0) 1 3 s 2 (3 2) ND ratio because reverse arid iprward sei speeds itmetipn We and“ independeni oieach other p Reverse Set Speed is iimited to be no more than 5 mm (3 mph) iastertiran Forward Set Speed RX/J‘HZZ"? . 16.111113 Transmission Shortcut Button on Navigation Bar RXAOiSC 1mm; 7.\711J/~N' 3 —> Settings d Settings icon Reverse I Forward Ratio , Semngs Tab (‘9‘ [:@~\ A7 Reverse/Forward Module Reverse/Forward Ratio List butlon *oa441; no a, Reverse/Forward Railo 45-8 PN:205 Operating ll/T'M/A utoPo wr'” Transmission Adjusting AutoClutch Sensitivity WW” WM Press Transmission Shortcut Button on Navigation Bar. 1 Press Advanced Settings icon. Press Settings tab. Select appropriate AutoClutch setting Transmission Shortcut Button on Navigation Bar iiiJAN' 3 . Low (A) is for heavy trailer (load) . Medium (B) is for medium trailer (load) ‘ - High (Factory Default) (C) is for light ul llu trailer l (load) —> Settings \ NOTE To keep AutoC/utch from disengaging before / trailer brakes are applied AutoC/utch Sensitivity options allow operator to adjustAutoC/utoh settings “W's” semgs ’99" ‘ sewngs T” to load requirements Larger trailers take lower AutoC/utch Sensitivity settings. AutoCIutch Sensitivity factory default setting is set to High, Autoclutch Sensltlvlcy which Will support most operations. AiLow Autoclutch Sensitivity cingh Autoclutch Sensitivity ' 7 7 Toggle Toggle LOW MED E—Medium Autoclulch Sensitivity Toggle / Autocli/tctl Sensitivity and Acceleration Aggress/Verless Module ‘3844' e 0000:? 45-9 PN:206 Operating ll/T'M/A utoPo wr'” Transmission Putting Tractor in Motion ACAUTION: Avoid possible injury due to sudden or unexpected acceleration. Be aware of set speeds and throttle position before putting tractor in motion. NOTE: Tractor cannot be put in year unless operator is seated Information indicator lights and corresponding message appears on CommandCenter’M display when Forward, Reverse. or NEUTRAL positions are selected and operator is not in seat To Initiate motion, move lever from PARK posrtion to either Forward or Reverse position With operator seated NOTE: Cold conditions may affect ll/T'WAutoPowrW tractor performance: 0 Engine speed will be limited to 1500 rpm if transmission oil temperature is less than 75”C (23 “F). 0 Wheel speed is limited to 5 km/h (3 mph) if transmission oil temperature is less than 715% (5 “Fl Using clutch to put tractor in motion is not necessary. NOTE: In event of seat switch failure, tractor can still be put into motion by cycling {depress/release) clutch or brake pedals. Move reverser lever into Forward or Reverse position Use throttle and speed control levers to obtain desrred speed ivi' is a trademark of Deere & Company AutoPowris a trademark gr Deere a Company L ei‘trHand Re verse! A—Speed Control Lever B—Speed Band Cold Weather Starting When temperature is r10 “C (14“F) or lower, it may take one minute to the release park brake With operator in the seat and shift transmrssron lever in gear Several shifts between PARK and NEUTRAL may be required When temperature is ,10 ”C (14”F) or above, it may take 3 seconds to release park brake With operator in the seat When shift lever is moved to NEUTRAL, corner post display shows N forthree seconds If park brake does not release, N changes back to P Move shift lever back to PARK then back to NEUTRAL until "N" displays more than three seconds Delayed shifting slow hydraulic operation hard steering and limited engine rpm may also be noticeable until operating temperature is obtained ‘CEM‘ 9 0003ch Using Creeper Mode Creeper mode is entered automatically when a set speed ofless than 2 km/h (1 mph) is selected in speed band 1. Default ratio between speed bands 1 and 2 is 2 5 in creeper mode. This is done to eliminate rapid acceleration when lever is moved into speed band 2. For example, if speed band 1 is set at 100 m/h (3281 ft/h), corresponding maximum speed in band 2 is 250 mm (820 2 ft/h) Default ratio may be temporarily overridden (such as when making headland turns) by increasing speed band 2 to a maximum of 10 km/h (6 mph). NloVing lever back to band 1 restores preVious working speeds. Creeper mode is exited when Set Speed 1 is adjusted above 2 km/h (1 mph) or Set Speed 2 is adjusted above 10 km/h (6 mph) In creeper mode, reverse set speed can be set to less than forward set speed Reverse set speed limit can be temporarily overridden by movrng Right-Hand Reverser Lever into Reverse Speed Band and increasing reverse set speed Movrng Right-Hand Reverse Lever from Reverse Speed Band to Forward Speed Band 1 and not changing Forward Set Speed 1 resets Reverse Set Speed to less than Forward Set Speed TM” 00033F1 '9 when 45-10 PN:207 Operating ll/T'M/A utoPo vvr'M Transmission IVTTM AutoPoerM — Accelerator Pedal Mode (If Equipped) Accelerator Pedal Accelerator pedal mode rs a function that allows the operator to control wheel speed rndependently of engine speed by usrng the accelerator pedal (A) whrle usrng hand throttle (B) to keep the engine at a constant speed When the accelerator pedal rs released, the vehrcle decelerates to a minimum travel speed ofO 5 — 2 km/h To come to a complete stop brake pedal with auto clutch function must be used To cover transport applicatrons wrth accelerator pedal (A) only, the operator can leave the hand throttle (B) rn its lowest posrtion; engine speed is increased or decreased from the drive strategy based on fuel econonry settings. When hand throttle (B) rs not at its lowest posrtion, engine speed rs controlled directly by hand throttle (B) whrle accelerator pedal (A) controls wheel speed only This means that the vehrcle mrght not reach the wheel speed commanded by set speed adjuster dral (C), rt the operator rs holding the engine speed at low rpm vra the hand throttle. The accelerator pedal mode rs rntended for applications where rt is important to keep the engrne speed at a constant rpm independent from the wheel speed (mowrng for example). NOTE: If equipped, indicator light (D) is on with accelerator pedal mode activated. lrrdicatorlight (D) goes out when accelerator pedal mode is Lie-activated Activate the accelerator pedal mode Accelerator pedal mode rs actrvated via the AutoPoerll/IVTW transmissron settings screen on the CommandCenterTM The drive lever or lertrhand reverser needs to be rn park positron In orderto actrvate the accelerator pedal mode Fuel economy settings and automatic mode functrons become active when accelerator pedal mode rs enabled To do this press the transmissron button and actrvate pedal mode (E) on the page shown \Azzrn'o £12266 4. ' _1§A NJEEQE EU 31:: ”D ELEM.- :‘li’li E e mac 2: Peda/ Mode E7 Pedal Mode button F— Max Forward Speed (37 Max Reverse Speed H7 Pedal Mode Lock/Unlock Button A7 Accelerator Pedal 8— Hand Throttle Control 0— Set Speed Adjuster Dial o— lndlcaldr Light To de-activate the accelerator pedal mode, move the drive lever or leflrhand reverserto park posrtron, press the transmissron modes R3473220033215 re22ru2'a 45-11 PN:ZOE Operating ll/T'M/A utoPo Wr'M Transmission Using Individual Brake Pedals indii/idual brake pedals (A) and (B) can aSSist With slow speed off-road turning, such as hooking up to implements At low idle AutoCiutch feature stops tractor if operator depresses only one brake pedal IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO DEPRESS CLUTCH PEDAL To assist in hooking up implement depress either brake pedal while slowly increasing engine speed until desired turn is achieved Returning engine speed to low idle while continuing to depress one brake pedal slows tractorto slop ACAUTION:Avoid possible injury. Braking tractor while commanding high engine speed requires higher brake pedal force. Avoid possible injury due to sudden or unexpected acceleration. When brake pedals are released, tractor automatically accelerates to speed currently commanded by throttle and speed control levers. A—Right Brake Pedal B—Left Brake Pedal C—Pedal Lock Tab '" lA’IZB‘ .. 45-12 PN:209 Operating ll/T'M/A utoPo wr'M Transmission Stopping and Parking Tractor 1 Reduce throttle to low engine rpm Depress both brake pedals Brakes actrvate AutoClutch (automatrc clutch function wrthrn transmissron) to stop tractor. It is not necessary to depress clutch ACAUTION: Avoid possible injury due to losing control of tractor. Couple brake pedals (A) together when drivrng on roads. 3 Move speed control lever to slowest positron 4 Shrfl reverser to PARK position. Using PARK Position ACAUTION: Always place reverser lever in PARK position before dismountrng tractor. Transmission PARK posrtion holds tractorstatiohary 5 Lower Implements and shutoff PTO 6 Shut engine off and remove key Stopping Tractor using Autoclutch Depress both brake pedals Brakes will activate AutoClutch. When brakes are released tractor accelerates to currently commanded speed It is not necessary to depress clutch, reduce throttle, or move speed control lever. ACAUTION: Avoid possible injury. Braking tractor while commanding a high engine speed will require higher brake pedal force. Avoid possrble injury due to sudden or unexpected acceleration. When brake pedals are released, tractor wrll automatically accelerate to speed currently commanded by throttle and speed control lever. x’ s. :ar'rxz LeftrHand Re verse! Shown in Power Zero W A— Brake Pedals 5— Power Zero'" Poslllon C— NEUTRAL Posltlon Using Power Zero"M Position Hold reverser lever in Power ZeroW positron (B) to temporarily hold tractor statronary. NOTE: Depending on speed and load, Power Zero'l’ may not bring tractor to stop if already in motion Using NEUTRAL Positron Transmrssron NEUTRAL positron is obtained (wrth engine ruhnrng) by shrftrng reverser to NEUTRAL posrtroh Tractor wrll roll freely In NEUTRAL posrtron romzz 300001 1 45-13 PN:210 Operating ll/T'M/A utoPo Wr'M Transmission mmwv mums Downhill Operation in Slippery Conditions Press Transmission Shortcut Button on Navigation Bar When transmission page displays select Manual toggle ACAUTION: Avoid possible injury from losing control of tractor while operating on a d°_w"h'” slope. Tractor-wheels may '0” ”d Transmission smmr Button on Navigation Bar skid on slippery downhill slopes. Observe following precautions: - Turn MFWD on. 0 Adjust set speed value to a safe downhill operating speed. - Do not make major speed reductions with speed control lever. *omt- ; 000:: 45'14 PN:ZH Intelligent Total Equipment Control (iTECT'V') CommandARM TM Control Functions lntelligent Total Equipment Control iTECTl‘, allows multiple reoccurring tasks to be performed With touch of one button, up to four sequences. One sequence made up of series of functions, operations and distances used at start of field A second sequence used at water way in center of field. Sequences remain in memory until deleted or overwritten, even if electncal current is SWitched off Each sequence can include up to 20 functions A sequence is a course of events from start of first function to completion of last function that the operator can start by pressing one ofthe sequence outtons iTECTl’ pages are accessed through Generation 4 CommandCenterW. Chart below descnbes item and function from Command/ARM“ image iTEC"" Funclionalily Component Functiontsi A lVT"-’ cAutoPowr"-' Set Speed cnange Set Speed Forward (lVT AuldF‘oWr‘M Only) Upshift or Downshift ln Commanoouao‘V Forward Gear and cnange Transmission Ranges nitn Push Buttons A‘ E C 8 Rear Hiten (itEduipped) Raise Detent and Lower Detent c Front Hitch (ll equipped) Raise and Lower sci/s (command/ARM" Extend Retraet Float and Caneei E iTEC‘V Buttons «2/34 F Front PTO (lf Equipped) OnlOff (3 Rear PTO OnlOff H MFWD 0n OfliAuto I Dllferenllal Lock OnrOflr‘Auto CommandARM is a trademark of Deere & Company iTEC lS a trademark of Deere a Company CommandCenter is a trademark otoeere & Company ll/T is a trademark or Deere & Company AutoPouwis a trademark of Deere & Company CommandQuad is a rrademark otoeere & Company CommandAR/M’” Controls 47-1 PN:212 intelligent Total Equipment Control {iTEC"") ‘ CommandCenterTM Pages Descriptions And Functions iTECW Main Page Use shortcut buttons or follow alternative path ’i Select Menu. 2 Select Tractor Settings tab. 3 Select iTEC’M Icon. - A — iTEC‘M Master Toggle: Toggle iTEC’" ON/OFF - B — Active Assignment Set Button: Select or create an assignment set - C — Assignments List: List ofsequences assigned to iTECT’“ buttons I D 7 Manage Sequences Button: Edit sequence and assign buttons I E — Scroll Bar: Scroll up or down - F — Status List: Shows status of each iTECW sequence step as sequence progresses. - G — Title Bar: Pressing on Title Bar to access application title, help button, and advanced settings (if applicable) ITEC is a trademark er Deere a Company Rxmiw-i iaiiiiia RXMI Menu ) Tractor Settings Tab > iTECW icon ITECW Main Page smiass :00002; '9 35593 Status Area iTEC W Status Area - A—Name: Name of sequence that is currently running - B—Distance: Displays accumulated distance while iTECT’“ sequence is running - C—Status: Indicator of current iTECT’“ status , Off- No sequence execution possrble - Ready , Waiting for iTECW button to which a sequence is assigned to be pressed. , Active , iTEC’" sequence execution active. - "RPM Limit - Engine speed is out of range. - ‘Park , Transmission indicates that park lock is engaged. , "Operator Presence - No operator presence, no iTECW execution allowed Operator returns to seat - Wheel Speed Low - Wheel speeo < O 5 km/h (0 3 MPH) execution is paused. - Complete , Sequence successfully completed. - Aborted , Sequence execution aborted by operator or active abort condition ITEC is a trademark er Deere a Company Continued on next page /® Name: © Planter Raise 2* Status: / Active Distance: 145.5 ft Status Area on Main Page - Error - One or more sequence steps did not execute "Sequences pauses or cannot start if this condition exists. Correct condition to resume sequence. 47-2 PN:213 intelligent Total Equipment Control {iTEC"") iTECTM Manage Sequence Page 1. Select Manage Sequences button on iTECT” maln page - A — iTECw Content Section: Available sequences or sequence asslgnments are dlsplayed - B — Sequences Tab: Vlew avallable delete saved edlt saved, or add new sequences - C — Sequence Assignments Tab: Vlew asslgned sequellces or glve sequence assrgnment - D — Program Button: Manually program sequence we re a trademark of Deere & Campany 7. ~. ne‘J/R'? Manage Sequences Manage Sequences Button new Manage Sequences Page sums; 0000033 19 assent: 22 Sequence Step Status Whenever executlon of a sequence step ls not posslble or ls Interrupted lTECTl‘ system lnforms operator about new lssue by dlsplaylng Informatlon Alert (A) or Fault Alert (F) next to sequence or sequence step Press Alert Symbol next to a sequence (ln assignment area or sequence asslgnment tab) to access the sequence status page to read the steps wrth errors Use scroll bars (D) to scroll up and down llst Select edit sequence button ((3) lfyou want to eolt thls certain sequence Press Alert Symbol next to a sequence step (while in EDIT) for information about the lssueyust tortnat step Both Vlews wrll show a short reason (C) for Issue NOTE: Press lnforrnation Button (B) on any l‘TEC'M page to access a general status page, General status page will list at least all functions that are part of the sequences of current selected implement (assignment set). A7 Informatlon Alert 5— Informatlon Button of Text Descrlpllon D— Scroll Bar E7 0K Button F— Fault Alert (3— Edll Sequence Button rrec ls a trademark qr Deere & Company Contlnueo on next page Raise Planter Last Modified: 5 I 6 l 2012 Sequence Bar sequence Sulusl it“ 0“ one or more Funulons wlthln me am ' Sequence are «united. ‘ r A ' m sequent: mu 5km me step; unul tr «set has been "sowed a, m lollewmx tunumns new We Edl equalit- Sequence Status Page *cmmlmlmo:7 '9 35593 '5 47-3 PN:ZM intelligent Total Equipment Control {iTEC"") iTECTM Edit Page: From lTECT" mam page, follow guldelines llsted below Select Manage Sequences button. Select Sequences tab. Select desired sequence. Select Edit button. 4‘3””? - A — Sequence Step List: List of steps ln selected sequence - 3— Add Step Button: Add new step to sequence NOTE: Insert can be realized by selecting step before ‘Add Step’ Will insert a step after selected one With distance field auto-filled With distance from prewous step It distance is changed. step is sorted accordingly - C— Step Function Input Box: Change selected sequence step function - D— Step Action Input Box: Change selected sequence step action - E— Step Distance Input Box: Access number pad to adjust selected sequence step distance - F— Cancel Button: Exlt Without savmg changes - (3— Next Button: Access next page. - H 7Scroll Bar: Scroll up or down - |— Delete Step Button: Delete step. - J— Notification Button: View lssue for a particular step - K —Sequence Name Input Box: Access keypad to iename sequence - L— Assignment Button: Asslgn sequence to an lTEC’" button - M— Save Button: Save changes - N 7 Sequence Assignment List: Select button to which asSlgn sequence - 0 —OK Button: Accept changes iTEC is a trademark of Deere 4% Company Conllnued on nexi page Rxmwsz' —> Ilium Sequences —> 3....“ Manage Sequences Button a Sequence Tat; s EditEutton un Vuukt O o g” mow-- 105ml @® 9 u 7r 155ml \ lo «a. mm man... "an loud aw Edit Seq®uence Page Nnne 1. Assignment 0 [EU Name Sequeme Name Assignment KTEC 2 llN Note: A sequmu must be asslgnea m omer to be \ .\ g x mm m Name & Assignment Page sequence Assignment 0 ’J E] (’3 in: 1 Asstgnmunl mane) II’EI'. 2 Assignment: (None) in: 3 Assignment (None) in: 4 Asslgnmem (None) m .. Sequence Assignment Page ’03441900000’7 ' 47-4 PN:215 Intelligent Total Equipment Control {iTEC"") ‘ Keyboard Select Sequence Name Input button on Name & Assxgnment page Wlll display a keyboard for name lnput - A — Left and Right Arrow Buttons: Move curser right or left In Input box. - B 7 Backspace Button: Delete lndlvtdual Characters left of cursor in lnput box - C — Return Button: Move CUlSUl to next Ime 0 D — Caps Lock Button: Toggle between capital and lowercase letters. - E — Save Button: Save changes 0 F — Cancel Button: Dlscard changes wtthout savtng 0 G — Symbol Button: Choose symbols confirmed on next page 0g, ufi fiafifiafiifififig yggygyflgflbgfl QfléflflmflLJngyD LLSLSDLJ ,3 m‘ Cmul \EJ © (9 (9 Keyboard 1044190000017 '9 35593 35 47-5 PN:216 Intelligent Total Equipment Control {iTEC"") ‘ iTECTM Sequence Assignments Page: WWW “N » 1. Select Menu. vi: ’ ___ : ’ . - 2. Select Tractor Settings tab. | f”; mmmt 3. Select iTECTM Icon. 4 Select Manage Sequences button. m k “(CO x © 5 Select Sequence Assignments tab (A). (D ""' ”“3" e, i m . mun-«s. w) 3‘ - A — Sequence Assignment Tab: View or change 77 m“ ‘ nun sequences assigned to buttons I B 7 Sequence Assignment List: List otasSignments or openings for potential assignments to buttons I C — Active Assignment Set Button: Cnange selected as5ignment set from list - D — Edit Button: Change selected button assignment and assignment set. - E — Delete Assignment Set Button: Delete aSSignment set I F 7 Edit Assignment Button: Change and set assignment name. I G — New Assignment Set Button: Add a new SeleclAseinnmenlSet aSSignment set H — Cancel Button: Exit Without sailing changes impimonu |— OK Button: Select a preViously highlighted assignment set. I J 7 Available Sequence List: Available sequences to asSign - K 7 Scroll Bar: Scroll list up oi down ""°"""'“3 n ”my.” mum inc: i i I WWW ’ i 3 llKl nam- wan—e E "35.1"”, "w Implement 2 NOTE Assignment Set A set of buttoneassi‘gned sequences for one implement. Witn assignment sets relating to different implements {e g planter and plow) it is easy to sWItch from one set {implement} to another impi-mm A No Sequence Clear Assrgnment Sequence 1 Lasl Modified 7 I2 I 2012 Sequence 2 Last Modified: 7 I 2 I 2012 Sequence 3 Last Modlfled: 5/ 10/2000 Sequence 4 Lasl Modified 12/21/2012 '2. common on next page ‘08441900000’7 '9 ecstz'art C 47-6 PN:217 Intelligent Total Equipment Control (l'TECW') Available iTECW' Options: List and diagram name and illustrate icons for all available iTEOTM function. operation and distance options. 0 A—SCV's (I through XV) - A-1 Extend - A-2 Float - A-3 Retract - A-4 Cancel . B—Rear Hitch (If Equipped) - B-1 Raise to height limit - B-2 Lower to set point - B-3 Fast Lower . O—Front Hitch (If Equipped) - C-1 Raise - C-Z Lower - 0-3 Float - 0-4 Cancel 0 D—Transmission - D-1 Gear-Preselect gear ° E—AUTO Transmission1 - E-1 Automatic gear-shin up to highest selected gear; with maximum gear orjust resume based on transmission capabilities. ' F—FieIdCruiseTM On/Off - F-1 set engine to maximum rpm ° G—IVTTM /AutoPoer” Set Speed - G-1 Speed-Set to maximum ground speed . H—Rear PTO On/Off (If Equipped) 0 I—Front PTO OnIOff (If Equipped) ‘ J—Differential Lock On/Off/Auto ° K—MFWD On/Off/Auto Roniwse —UN—06AUGI3 Fl'rst Column: Function, Second Column: Action, Tnl'rd Column: Distance lTEc is a trademam gr Deere a Company FleldCrulse is a trademark of Deere 43 Company NT is a trademark of Deere 43 Company AutoPowr is a trademark of Deere & Company 'lf CammandQuad'" Transmission is in AUTO made, this function can change gears within a range but cannot change ranges. roamepuumw 4905591355 47-7 W27; intelligent Total Equipment Control {iTEC"") Rxmw a UN r ,, Set Up A Sequence NOTE‘ For complete list of functions available, see Description and Display in this section of this Operators Manual Manage Sequences > Sequences Tab > Program Sequence Button > Add Step Button From lTECW main page, follow guidellnes llsted below Select Manage Sequences button. Select Sequences tab. Select Program Sequence button. Select Add Step button. NOTE Operator may select Cancel button (E) to exit editing process Without saving changes Select Function 5‘3””? 5 Select Functlon page appears alloWlng the operatorto select from Ilst oftunctlons (A) Select a function. 6. Select Actlon page appears after function has been selected Select an appropnate actlon 7 Step Dlstance page appears after action has been :33 Rear PTO selected Use keypad to Input ulstance from step to 05 Fleld Crulse 3 take place W“ :L 8. Select OK button to complete and access next page 7”, e . 7, ‘\ 9. Repeat steps 7711 until entlre sequence IS set up 2 Front PTO ’2 ’lO Press next button to access next page 11. Name Sequence page appeals 12 Select Edlt Sequence Name button (B). Keyboard appears to type name of sequence. Select Save button when complete Select Function Page 13 Select Edit Assignment button (C) Llst of avallable aSSlgnments appears Select asSlgnment and press N'"‘“"“"""'"‘ 0 Save button on sequence assignment page. 14 Select Save button (D) to complete process [a "4"“ \ Sequemz Name 3 A— Function List of Save Button © 4 5— Edit Sequence Name E— Cancel Eulton Asslgnment \ 5““0" .m 2 iV c— Edit Sequence Assignment ~J Button Note‘ A segue.” must be Asslgnen .n aide! to be @\ X Cancel ITEC l5 a trademark of Deere a Company 47-8 PN:219 intelligent Total Equipment Control {iTEC"") ‘ Execute Sequence iTECW sequence executron requrres certarn tractor controls be operated In a oartIcular way Sequence wrll NOT execute wnth tractor In PARK posrtlon. Drrve lever must be rn forward positron when executrng set speeds, gears or Automatrc Gear Shrfl Tractor ground speed must be at least 0.5 km/h (0.31 mph). lf a PTO functron IS Included no sequence, PTO must be engaged manually usrng PTO switch for rnltral engagement Before pertormrng sequence usrng SCV functlons relevant SCV levers must be In neutral oosutron Abort current sequence at any time by agarn pressing same iTECTM Sequence button (A-D) used for stamng sequence Currently actrve commanded functrons will be :3 IT! 1'! canceled (for example hrtch motion orSCV flow wrll stop - B if previously initrated as part of sequence) ' 'l ' L‘{:} C Durrng sequence executron a functlon can be actuated In '1 "‘ 12 D manually at any trme wrthout execution of sequence being - - , Interrupted Functlons that are actuated manually are I. ' ' , ' CWT? E Ignored oy ITECW forthe rest otsequence. Relevant alert ' - l - m V icon forthrs functron appears rn Status Area (H) iTEC 1 Turn iTECTM Master Toggle (F) to ON positron 2 Select iTEC‘M Sequence button (A-D) on CommandARM W for desired sequence. 3. Sequence steps appear rn Status Area (H) and shows orogressnon of steps AUVD A— Sequence Button 1 E— iTEC 5— Sequence Button 2 F— Master Toggle c— Sequence Button 3 (37 Assignment Llst D7 Sequence Button 4 H— Status Area Comer Post Display mun—e... We.” I rm ITECW Main Page rTEC is a trademark ofDeere & Company CommandAR/W is a trademark ofDeere & Company ’CDAL'Q more; '9 :ssee'a 47-9 PN:ZZD intelligent Total Equipment Control {iTEC"") Delete iTECTM Sequence 7‘ “ “mm" lf no longer necessary, sequences can be completely deleted When a sequence is deleted all button asslgnments clear and sequence is no longer available for use Manage Sequences Manage Sequences Button From lTECW main page, follow guloelrnes llsteo below ......x....~..rnnm Select Manage Sequences button. Select Sequences tab (B) Select sequence to be deleted Select Delete button (E). Delete Sequence page appears asking operators to confirm deletlng sequence Select delete to remove sequence .U‘H‘WN‘ AilTECW Content Section D—ngram Button E—Sequences Tab E—Delele Butlon C—Sequence Assignments Tab iTEC l5 a trademark of Deere ti Company iTEC Functions—IVTTMIAutoPowrTM Transmission ITECW allows set speeds for lVTTll/AutoPoer’“ transmlssron to be preset Mrnlmum set speed can be saved rs 0 8 km/h (0 5 mph) Changrng set speed or movrng lever ounng executron of sequence wrll not cause lTECTl‘ to abort but set speed changes Wlll not be commanded for remarnder of sequence If iTEC’" sequence commanded set speed exceeds maximum allowable speed in range selected set speeds change, but are restncteo to hlghest or lowest allowable set speed ln current range For example tractor reaches maximum allowable set speed lf transmission is ln speed range F’l and operator executes 50 km/h (3’l mph) command When setspeeo lS changed by lTECW, control unlt reacts as If operator changed set speed pushlng other set speeds up or down as result A— Speed Band 1 5— Speed Band 2 iTEC is a trademark of Dee/e & Company 70M EDDDDCFE '9 C’rWG'Br'” 47'10 PN:ZZl Tractor-Implement AutomationTM (TIATM) Tractor-Implement AutomationTM (TIAT'V') ACAUTION: Although phrases ”transfer control” and "withdraw control” are terms commonly used with TIA’M equipment, at NO time IS implement in total control of an operation. Operator ALWAYS has ability to override TIATM implement. It is operator's responsr ty to make sure implement operation does not damage equipment, or pose danger of injury or death to operator or others close by. T/A /s a trademark or Deere & Company TractorImplementAutomatron a trademark ofDeeIe & Company John Deere Is a trademark of Deere a Company Tractor Implement AutomationTM must not be put in operation when drivrng on public roads or when other persons are close by. For ISO-compliant tractors, TlAW-compattble implements have ability to control certain tnotvtoual tractor functions See your implement Operator’s Manual or contact your John Deere” oealerwtth any questions regarding TIAm . compatible implements ’ODAMQOOOOOW '9 :ekuca 50-1 PN:ZZ2 Tractor-Implement Automation "' { TIA TM) Activating Tractor-Implement AutomationTM Equipment kx 9»: RH a: —} .,.... Menu tsystems Tab tTractorimpiement Automation icon . _> 7:: _p tam.» t Activations Tab A—Activations Tab E—Enter Code Button CiDetalls Button Eistatus Llst FiFealure LISI G—Iniormaimn Butlon D—Scrall Ear @ W, . mam ta». 0 \ , _ WWW Mam, mm... mm ”1°", 0 W... . _ WWW MW mm. Wm. “m 4 _ Manx Mm "town." “'13:! Activaticns Page Response Codes, Text Descriptions, And Corrective Actions Common Response Text Displayed Corrective Action Codes 0 Code Accepted None Required 4 imoiement Not Available to Deactivate Implement already deactivated 5 Implement Already Activated None Required impiement should work as expected a and ii Space Unavailable ror Activation Contact your oeaier ror assistance i7 Demonstration Activation Replaced witn Permanent Activation None Required NOTE: To obtain tractor serial number, see Record Product Identification Number in identification Numbers section of this Operator’s Manual An activation code is required to allow TIAW to function Contact your John DeereW dealer With tractor serial number and implement make, model and serial number DealerWill obtain activation code through John DeereTN StellarSuppoitTN 1. Select Menu Select System Tab 3 Select Application Manager Icon 4 Select Activations Tab (A) When Activations page displays, press Enter Code button (B) Keyboard Will appear NOTE Some Tractor Automation Activation page keyboard characters are grayed out and are not used in activation codes If received activation code includes any characters that are grayed out on T'ractorAutomation Activation page keyboard, request dea/er reconfirm activation code TIA is a trademark or Deere & Company John Deere is a trademark or Deere & Company StellarSuppolt is a trademark or Deere a Company 6 Using keyboard, enter activation code, then select Save/Enter button 7 It activation code is entered correctly confirmation code appears in the enter activation overlay and message is displayed Code accepted indicates activation is complete. 8 If message otherthan Code Accepted appears see table describing most common possible alternative messages and corrective actions it message not listed appears, check and reenter code If problem persists contact your John DeereTN dealer Up to twenty implement names can be vtewed on Tractor Automation Activation page at any given time If additional pages are required, use Scroll Bar (D) displayed in Tractor Automation Activation page right region to scroll to a new page. When a new entry shows up in Feature List (F), that entry will be labeled “Unknown Implement". The text Unknown lmplement’ should change to a real name after first time connecting the implement 50-2 PN:223 Tractor-Implement Automation "' { TIA TM) Operating Tractor-Implement Automation TM IMPORTANT: Various requirements must be met by tractor and implements to allow TIA’M to function correctly. See information in this section of this Operator’s Manual and implement Operator‘s Manual. 1 Connect TlAT’“ equipment to tractor uSing lSO connection 2 Select AutoTrac’” Resume Button (A) on CommandARM’” . 3 Follow implement Operator‘s Manual instructions to operate implement A—AutoTrac”l Resume Bulton TIA is a trademark of Deere a Company Command/WM is a trademark of Deere & Company AumTraC is a trademark or Deere & Company Auto T7357” Swi ton ’oaA PTO Requirements Before transferring control to implement prepare implement as indicated in implement Operators Manual Transfer control using AutoTrach’ resume sthch as described in implement Operator's Manual. Followmg guidelines must be met before transferring control to implement - Operator in seat 0 Functional PTO system 0 PTO remote control off 0 PTO engaged (PTO switch On). AutoTIac is a trademark of Deere & Company While operating and depending on PTO system capabilities, implement has ability to engage/disengage PTO, change PTO gear or adjust PTO speeo To disengage control turn PTO switch off. NOTE Unless Implement Is authorized to engage PTO when tractor Is stopped, tractor Wl/I prevent engagement of PTO when stopped Implement is however, allowed to disengage PTO 50-3 PN:ZZ4 Tractor-Implement Automation "' { TIA TM) SCV Requirements Before transfernng control to implement prepare rmplement as Inorcated In rmplement Operators Manual Transfer control usrng AutoTrach’ resume swrtch as described in implement Operator's Manual. Followrng guloellnes must be met before transfernng control to rmplement - Operator In seat - SCVs are functional - SCV control levers rn neutral posrtron - SCV levers are not locked. NOTE Set maximum SCV flow/limit which cannot be exceeded by implement AvraT/ac is a trademark of Deere a Company Whrle operating implement has abrlrty to- - Control SCVs dunng operations. - Change SCV flow rate up to set lImIt To orsengage control I Actuate specific SCV lever ' LOCK SCV lever. I Actuate remote control swrtch on fender. NOTE Unless Implement is authorized to adjust SCVf/ow when tractor is stopped, tractor WI” prevent SCV flow adjustments when at a stopped, Implement IS however allowed to stop oil flow. ‘3344190033'02 argroewe'ax ' 50-4 PN:ZZS Tractor-Implement Automation "' { TIA TM) IVTTMlAutoPowrTM Requirements Before transferring control to implement, prepare rmplernent as Indrcated In Implement Operator‘s Manual Transfer control usrng AutoTrach’ resume swrtch as presented ln lmplement Operator‘s Manual. NOTE. Limit 15 determined by maximum speed setting and position of speed control lever This set limit cannot be exceeded by implement Followrng gurdellnes must be met before transfernng control to implement: - Operator rn seat. - No malfunctions present at IVT’” lAutoPowr” transmissron 0 Reverser lever must be In Scroll (E) Power ZeroTN (D), or forward positron (F or G) for left hand, right hand reverser forward posltion (H) for left hand reverser While operating, rmplernent has abrllty to - Adjust speed up to operator set llmlt - Stop tractor ° Drlve tractor agaln after stopplng, wrth operator‘s confirmation Operators approval to start or restart motion 0 Cycle reverser lever Move lever frorn forward to scroll to forward posrtlon agarn Cycle reverser lever when a round baler stops tractor to elect full bale. - Depress clutch pedal or brake pedal whlle tractor rolls to stop Hold pedal down whlle tractor is stopped Tractor starts movrng when pedal IS released If rmplement requests speed To wrthdraw control uslng reverser lever - When driving Move lever out of forward position - When stopped Move leverto Reverse, Neutral or Park To wrthdraw control using speed control lever or speed wheel NOTE: Speed may always be reduced Set speed limit may be increased within 2 seconds after engaging travel speed Auto Mode Current travel speed can be limited by other processes (eg, iTEC'” ). This limit will be observed. However, the limit will not be considered as an intervention by operator - If rmplement commands stopping tractor and speed rs Increased travel speed Auto Mode wrll be ended - Increasing speed can end Auto Mode Implement has all information to lnform operatorthat this rnteractlon wrll AvtoTrac re a trademark or Deere & Company rvr is a trademark er Deere a Company AvtcPomis a trademark or Deere & Company Poul/EV Zero is a trademark er Deere a Company rTEC re a trademark or Deere & Company :ers'zaxlne L eftrHand Re verser © G) e r G) Left-Hand Reverse! Speed Lever A—Park E—Neutral c—Reverse D—Power Zero E—Scroll Positron FiForward Speed Band 1 G—Forward speed Band 2 H—Forward l— Mlnlmum speed end travel speed Auto Mode (see rrnplement Operator's Manual). ’084 50-5 PN:226 Tractor-Implement Automation "' { TIA TM) AutoTracTM Guidance Requirements Before transferring control to implement prepare implement as indicated in implement Operators Manual Transfer control using AutoTracT” resume SWitch as presented in implement Operator's Manual Followmg guidelines must be met before transferring control to implement . Operator in seat. 0 Steering system functional AutoTlac is a trademark dr Deere a Company . AutoTrac W is OFF. I Steering wheel stationary - Vehicle speed below maximum automated speed - Transmissmn not in Park While operating implement has ability to automatically steer tractor To disengage control . Turn steering wheel - Place tractor in Park ‘oaAAi '04 rigroerku Rear Hitch Requirements Before transferring control to implement prepare implement as indicated in implement Operators Manual Transfer control usmg AutoTiacT’“ iesuine SWitch as presented in implement Operator's Manual Implement can automatically control hitch depth. NOTE Set raise limit usrng CommandCenterW Implement cannot exceed limit FolloWing guidelines must be met before transferring control to implement I Operator in seat. Autarrac is a trademark or Deere & Company CammandCenierrs a trademark droeere & Company - Functional hitch system - Hitch control lever in neutral position. - Hitch unlocked While operating implernent has ability to control hitch depth To disengage control I Move hitch control lever. - Lock hitch (transport lock) - Activate fender mounted hitch sWiteh (if equipped) NOTE Unless implement is authorized to adjust hitch depth when tractor is at a standstill, tractor Will prevent hitch depth adjustments when at a standstill roam; cox-us i9 osau Drive Strategy Requirements While operating implement has ability to change drive strategy mode See lVTW/AutoPowr” Custom Settings in Operating IVTW/AutoPowrW Transrnissmn section of this Operator‘s Manual. Before transferring control to implement, prepare implement as indicated in implement Operator‘s Manual Transfer control using AutoTracW resume swnch as presented in implement Operator's Manual ivr is a trademark or Deere & Company AutoPorvris a trademark or Deere e Company Autarrac is a trademark or Deere & Company Following guidelines must be met before transferring control to implement I Operator in seat. I Functional transmissmn . Transmission not in Park To disengage control I Manually select a drive strategy - Place transmissmn in Park 50-6 PN:ZZ7 TouchSetT'V' Depth Control Attaching Implement and Control System ACAUTION: Escaping fluid under pressure can penetrate skin causing serious injury. Avaid hazard by relievmg pressure before disconnecting hydraulic or other lines. If an accident occurs, see a doctor immediately. Any fluid injected into skin must be surgically removed Within a few hours or gangrene may result. IMPORTANT: Hydraulic hoses can fail due to physical damage, kinks, age, and exposure. Check hoses regularly. Any dirt, dust, or other foreign material can damage hydraulic system. Thoroughly clean hydraulic hoses and SCVs before connecting implement to tractor. IMPORTANT: Steam cleaning or using a high pressure washer in the area around the SCV connections and electronics may damage equipment. Any pressure washer exceeding $895 kPa (69 bar) (1000 psi) should be kept a minimum of 200 mm (8 in.) away from connections. NOTE Hose Identification kits are available from your John Deere’“ dealer. 1 Identify extend hose (B) and retract hose (C). 2 Back tractor into position and attach implement to drawbar Be suie that hitch pin is locked into poSition ACAUTION: Prevent possible personal injury. Shut off engine, move SCV lever to neutral position and lock out SCV controls before attaching implements to prevent implement movement. IMPORTANT: Always shut engine off before connecting/disconnecting implement position sensor. Connect/disconnect With engine running Will cause system faults. Shut engine off restart to restore correct function. 3 Shut off tractor engine. IMPORTANT: Be sure to correctly connect remote hydraulic hoses to couplers. lf hose connections are reversed, machine will not respond to system controls as expected. Mid-mount SCV ports are arranged opposite of front hitch and rear SCV stack ports. Rear scv or From Hitch Exiend:LeftPor1 RelracI:RighI Port MldrMClUliI SCV Extend=Right Port Relracl:Lefl Port John Deere is a trademark of Deere & Company A7 SCV handle 8— Extend Hose c7 Retract Hose of erlng Harness Connector NOTE: SCV Hand/e (A) is only pushed down when couplers are disconnected 4. Connect implement hydraulic hoses For reference see Remote Hydraulic Connections Selective Control Valves in Section 63 in this Operators Manual 5 Install implement position sensor to tractor wiring harness connector (D) 55-1 PN:ZZE TouchSet’“ Depth Control Using TouchSetTM Depth Controls ACAUTION: Avoid personal injury or death. Do not attempt to install depth control sensors on implements not intended for this system. See implement operator's manual. Moving implement control unit, sensor, connectors, or linkages, when engine is running, may cause unexpected movement. Stay clear of implement when starting engine. Tractor selective control valve (SCV I) is used to electronically control raismg, lowering, and setting of implement depth without leaVing cat) 1 Connect implement to tractor 2 Select Menu. 3 Select SCV Icon. NOTE When using TouchSetT”, SCV must be set for feature mode See Hydraulics and Selective Control Valves Section 60 Height setting is upper setpoint implement range (B) Lower limit {depth setting} is bottom portion of Implement range Actual implement position is depicted by indicator (C). Mowng SCV 1 lever (A) into extend or retract detent position with ToucriSet'M in AUTO (G) will command implements’s position to established set point Rapidly moving SCV l lever into extend or retract region and returning to center position with TouchSetT'i’ in AUTO Will adjust implement's position up or down by a fixed amount Repeated lever ”flick" movements Will be summed 4 Using SCV l lever lower implement to desired depth while watching implement and CommandCenterTl’ Implement Posnion (F). 5 When implement is at desired depth press button (E) 6 Using SCV l lever raise implement to deSireo height while watching implement and CommandCenterT’“ Implement Range (B). Continued on next edge D D D D '_’ MENU Menu > scv icon “-11-- © 49 H- m H- m i g 1‘“ : 7M 2 7.“ : 5 mo 5-0 ewes 01805 @1805 :3: scv Page A— scv I Control Lever 5— Implement Range of Implement Position Indlcalur i:i— Upper Selpolnt Button E— LowerSelpoint Button F7 Implement Posilion G— Aulumatlon Mode Status 7 When implement is atdesired height, press button (D) R'M‘SM nnnninn * 55-2 PN:229 TouchSet’“ Depth Control TouchSetTM Continued - Setting Flow 1 Touch bar graph (A) on main SCV Screen to bring up flow tab overiay increase flow by pushing button (B) or to decrease flow push buttons (C) to set desired flow NOTE Bar graph (A) depicts detent flow and amount of detent flow Will be shown in box (D) Detent time drop down box {E} cannot be adjusted when Automation Mode (F) is enabled See Configuring Selective Control Valves - Standard Mode in Hydraulics and Selective Control Valves Section 60 NOTE: Flow is displayed in increments of 0.04 beginning at 004 through 70 located in input box (D). Pushing (+) will increase flow by 004, pushing (++) increases flow by 100, and by pushing (7) and (7 7) will decrease flow setting by same increments 2 Press Automation tab (F) then ON or OFF toggie button (G), to activate the Automation feature A— Detent Flow Bar Graph E— Detent Time Drop 5— Increase Flow Eultons F— Automatlon Tab {3— Decrease Flow Eutluns G— ONIOFF Toggle Butlon D7 \nput on scv Page Flow Tab Automation x’ at 75/4 ~z :xvrs' rzm‘azz 33001 3: 55-3 PN:Zsu Hydraulics and Selective Control Valves ~. iaiiiiia Configuring Selective Control Valves - Access to Settings ACAUTION: Do not operate from loaders in conjunction With Intelligent Total Equipment Control (iTEC’M) to avoid sudden movements and possible accidents. NOTE The SCV Page at right has the Flow Indicators (F) appearing for reference only, the Flow Indicator Will only appear if the SCV is activated and hydraulic oil is flowrng Flow Display (G) Will only appear in yellow when the SCV is activated and hydraulic or] is flovwrig Feature Mode optional connector to be configured correctly. Press SCV shortcut button on Navigation Bar or follow alternative path: 1. Select Menu. 2. Select Tractor Settings tab. 3. Select SCV icon. llN Each SCV can be configured to three different modes standard mode displayed in SCV l (A) independent mode \ displayed in SCV ll (B) or feature mode displayed in SCV O 1805 o 1305 .;1 m 59 fl iii (C) “ Additionally when SCV is set to float as in SCV N (D), SCV Page float symbol (E) appears A7 scv Standard Mode E7 Float symbol 8— scv independent Mode F— Flow Indicator (:7 scv Feature Mode (3— Flow Display 0— SCV Float Operation mmzzoo do 71972CAUG‘37‘ ' 60-1 PN:23i Hydraulics and Selective Control Valves ~. iaiiiiia Configuring Selective Control Valves - Standard Mode SCVs in standard mode have one detent time and one detent flow settings which apply to both extend and retract. Press SCV shortcut button on Navigation Bar or follow alternative path. 1 Select one of the individual SCV’s (A) to access Standard Mode. 2. Select Time tab (B) NOTE: Detent time displays amount of time in input box (E). Pressing (+) Will increase time in 7 second increments up to 10‘ then in increments of 2 seconds up to 20, then Increases every 5 seconds to 30, then by 30 seconds up to C for continuous Pressing {-) Will decrease time setting by the same increments 3 To increase detent time press button (D) orto decrease detent press button (F) Also turning adjustment dial (Duos 01”” 0m: (G) can be used to Increase or decrease detent tirne settings scv Main Page 4 Select Flow tab (C) NOTE FloW is displayed in increments of 0 04 beginning at 0 04 through 10 located in input box (E) Pressing (+} Will increase floW by 0 04, pressing (++} increases floW by 1 00, and by pressmg (-) and {- -) Will decrease flow setting by the same increments 5 To increase flow oiess buttons (D) oi to decrease oiess buttons (F) Also turning adiusting dial (G) can be used to increase or decrease flow settings A— scv Main Page E— Input Box E— Detenl TImB Tan F— Decrease Time/Flow 55V Dem" 7"" C— Detenl Flow Tab buttons of increase TImelFlow (37 Adjusting Dlal buttons SCV Detent Flow ltXr‘im'!‘/"!‘ nsviiwre Display Shortcut Ear ncraz 60-2 PN:232 Hydraulics and Selective Control Valves Activating Independent Mode Press SCV shoncut button on Navigation Bar. 1 Press Advanced Settings Icon. 2. Press Settings tab. Use toggles (A) to swntch lndependem Mode ON or OFF for each SCV NOTE: lf lndependenl Mode is off, the SCV is in Standard Mode A— SCV ON/OFF Toggles E— Scroll Bar lulunum l7 ~. mums iww 3 SC\/ Shancut Sultan an Navlgafian Bar —> Mugs Advanced Semngs lcon . “.9. mm. up [Hawaiian and semngs Page Rm‘az r‘ngfiJUL‘fir‘ ' 60-3 PN:233 Hydraulics and Selective Control Valves Configuring Selective Control Valves - Independent Mode SCVs in lndependent Mode have two detent flow and two detenttime settings one for extend and one for retract Press SCV shortcut button on Navigation Bari ’l Select an SCV that is in Independent Mode 2 Select Detent Time Retract tat) (A) or Detent Time Extend tab (B) NOTE Detent time displays amount of time in input box (F), Pressing (+} Will increase time in 1 second increments up to 70‘ then increments of every 2 seconds up to 20, then increases every 5 seconds to 30‘ then by 30 seconds up to C for continuous and by pressing (r) Will decrease time setting by the same increments, 3 To increase detent time press buttons (E) or to decrease press buttons (G). Also adjusting dial (H) can be used to increase or decrease desired detent time setting 4 Select Detent Flow Retract tab (C) or Detent Flow Extend tab (D). NOTE: Flow is displayed in increments of 0,04 beginning at 0.04 through 10 located in input box (F). Pressing (+} Will increase flow by 0 04, pressing (++} increases flow by 1 00, and by pressmg (-) and (- -) Will decrease flow setting by the same increments 5 To increase flow press buttons (E) or to decrease press buttons (G) Also adjusting dial (H) can be used to increase or decrease flow setting. A— Retract Detent Time Tab E7 Increase Time/Flow B— Extend Detent Time Tab Buttons {2— Relracl Detent Flow Tab F— Input Box D— Extend Detent Flow Tab (3— Decrease TlmelFluW Buttons H— Adjusting Dlal ~. iaiiiiia independent scv Detent Flow Setting (Inninwh Display Shortcut Ear romzz u ::2 e 60-4 PN:234 Hydraulics and Selective Control Valves ~. mums Configuring Selective Control Valves - Feature Mode NOTE: Feature mode requires an optional connector To use feature mode, connect implement to tractor before the key SWitch has been turned on When connected through lSO Bus or implement connector, scws) automatically enter feature mode SCl/ page With feature option is displayed for selected SCl/(s). Tractor also has Class 3 capabilities, FoIIoWing are available feature modes. - TouchSet’“ depth control - AccuDepth” control 0 ISOBUS control 0 Laser Scraper 0 Class 3 Capabilities 1 Connect tractor to implement. Select Menu . Select Tractor Settings tab. Select SCV Icon. Select Feature SCV Module. Select Detent Flow tab (A) Feature scv Settings Page \immpmm To increase flow press (+ or M) button (D) orto decrease press (, or , ,) button (F) Also turning aolustlng olal (G) can be used to set desneo flow setting NOTE: Flow is displayed in increments of 0,04 beginning at 0.04 through 70 located in input box (E). Pressing (+} Will increase floW by 0 04, pressing (++} increases floW by 1 00, and by pressing (-) and (- ,) Will decrease flow setting by the same increments. Display Shortcut Bar NOTE: Only TouchSet’“ depth control uses upper and A7 Detent Flow Tab E7 Input Box lower sgfpglnf buttons (5) and (C) 8— Upper Selpoint nutton F7 Decrease Flow 0— Lower Selpoint button (37 Adjustlng dial 0— Increase Flow 8 Select Upper Setpolnt button (B) to set upper setpolnt to current position 9 Select Lower Setpolnt button (C) to set lower setpolnt to current posmon romzz 0000mm 60-5 PN:235 Hydraulics and Selective Control Valves ~. mums Laser Scraper—for Scrapers Equipped with Scraper Control Unit NOTE Used primarily in areas requiring automated laser guidance system for scraper applications Press SCV shortcut button on Navigation Bar or follow alternative path: 1. Connect tractorto implement. Select Menu softkey. Select Tractor Settings tab. Select SCV softkey. Select Feature SCV Mode. Select Detent Flow tab (A) To lncrease flow press softkey (D) or to decrease press softkey (F) Also turning adjusting wheel ((3) can be used to obtain deswed flow settlng MENU <99.wa 8 Select Upper Setpoint soflkey (B) to set upper setpolnt to current posmon 9 Select Lower Setpolnt soflkey (C) to set lower setpolnt to current posmon A7 Detent Flow Tah E7 Input Box Menu Button a Tractor Semngs Tab a scv Saftkey E- Upper Setpolnl Softkey F7 Decrease Flow Feature scv Settings Page c— Lower Setpolnt Soflkey (37 Adjustlng DIal n— Increase Flow Contlnued on next page Navigation Bar romzz uouozsr 4 9709 60-6 PN:236 Hydraulics and Selective Control Valves CAUTION: Avoid personal injury or death. Movmg scraper control unit, connectors, or linkages, when engine IS running, may cause unexpected movement. Stay clear of implement when starting engine. Tractor selectrve control valves (SCV | and/or SCV lll) are used to electronrcally control raising lowerrng and setting of rmplement depth, wrthout leaving the cab Control lever (A) IS used to manually control SCV | and actrvate an automatic scraper control system. Control lever (8) rs used to manually control SCV Ill and scv Control Levels actrvate a second automatrc scraper control system A— scv I Control Lever B— SCV "I control Lever ncraz ccozsr 49091.61. 22 60-7 PN:237 Hydraulics and Selective Control Valves Total Rear SCV Flow Check flow setting for each function independently (see implement operator's manual Specifications section to determine correct motor flow settings) Followrng rrray ca use purrrp to operate at high pressure I Down pressure systems (drills air seeders, disks) can be considered to be zero flow demand after completion of raise or lower cycle (see Implement Connection Example 1 Pressure Control Valve Applications (Grain Drills or Air Seeders with Constant Dowanressure System) in Hydraulic Connections section). I Auxiliary flow control valves (vacuum flow control) - Open implement flow control valve and adyust tractor flow rate to desired setting (see Implement Connection Example 4 Planter wrth Vacuum Motor and Return Line to SCV Using Motor Return Tip in Hydraulic Connections section) - Cylinder functions where line or orifice restrictions control flow , Adjust tractor flow control to point where function speed begins to decrease. I Auxiliary control valves (implement stack valves, row guidance) adjust tractor flow control to lowest setting resulting in correct operation Determine total flow demand by adding flow requirements for each SCV using settings determined in Step1 lnclude hitch and power beyond flow requirements, if applicable (refer to chart for correct settings). Determine if flow demand exceeds available pump flow (referto chart for available pump flow) I Flow demand is less than available pump flow but has performance coriceiir (see your John Deere”’ dealer) 0 Flow demand exceeds pump flow - Increase engine RPM if possible - Decrease flow setting on noncritrcal functions - Convert implement open center valves to closed center operation if equipped NOTE: Flow measurements made without steering or hitch being used. scv FLOW (Approximate) Fum Flow (43 Pum Flow (53 Pump Flow (35 Engine rpm cm Pump] cm Pump] cmJ Pump] leIn (gpm) leln (gpm) lern (gpm) 800 424(ii2) 2(137) 75(iea) 1500 $5 r3 (22 6) m9 (28 B) i52 (4o 2) 1700 98 3 (2e) i25 (33 0) W4 (46 0) (900 no 7 (29 2) i42 (37 5) (96 (5i 8) 2100 i23 i (32 5) 158 (41 7) 218 (57 6) 2200 i29 3 (34 i) 166 (43 9) 229 (60 5) scv FLOW OUTPUT (ApproximateF scv Flow Selllngs lern (gpm) 015 _ i o i 9 (o 5)= 2 0 6i (i 6) 3 0 i3 6 (3 a) 4 0 2o 4 (5 4) 5 o 28 o (7 4) 6 0 4o 9 (i0 8) 7 o e2i (l6 4) a o 8i 4 (2i 5) 9 0 row (28 3) mo (32 (35) ”o 7 = Minimum Finw Setting ‘Obseri/ed undel no load aAr 2000 rpm and 454 kg (1000lbs)ofload at point of use Hllch Flow Hllch Cyllnder Flow Diameter (mm) Limin 3pm 90°90 71 18 7 100/100 88 23 2 (Dori i 5 (02 26 9 300235 is caru 60-8 PN:23E Hydraulics and Selective Control Valves ‘ Using Six Position SCV Control Levers ACAUTION: To avoid personal injury, ensure that hoses are not reversed. If hoses are reversed, cylinder extends when It should retract. Prevent possible personal injury. Shut off engine, move SCV lever to neutral position and press SCV Control Lever Lock (J) before attaching implements to prevent unintentional implement movement. NOTE Command/ARMW configuration may vary depending on options. Float can be used to allow hydraulic motors to coast when shutting down implement. Neutral and Float are positions SCV lever remains in Without being held. - SCV Control Lever Lock (J): Locks out control rnputs (On SCV Levers (A) through (H) and Front Hitch Lever only) axvrs'maan UN NOTE External Swrtches for the SCV’s (rear tender} and Front Hitch (front hitch casting) as well as the Rear Hitch Lever on the CommmandARMW can still be used to command flow - Neutral (K): Lever returns to center posltion when released except rn float posrtion - Extend (L): (Rearward between Neutral and Extend Detent posntron) Variable flow to extend cylinder proportional to lever movement and flow settings flow stops when released - Retract (M): (Forward between Neutral and Retract Detent posntron) Variable flow to retract cylrnder, proportional to lever movement and flow settings flow STOPS when released Armrest Controls 7 m Positron scv Levers - Extend Detent Position (N): (Rearwaro to "click" position) Tlmeo flow to extend cyllnder, based on detent time setting and at a rate set by flow rate control (see ‘8‘: :23 :l 'J: 3% 23:23:23; Lock Adyusting Trmed Detent and Adyusting SCV Flow Rate (:7 scv ”I K7 scv Lever (Neutral rn thrs sectron) Returns to neutral when released D, scv IV Posmun] - Retract Detent Position (0): (Forward to "click" E7 scv v L7 Extend Range position) Tlmeo flow to retract cyllnoer, based on detent f; :3“; lg n— :E“'a:‘:a‘"9‘ep 1 time setting and rate set by flow rate control (see i : " E" e E" “5' m" Aolusting Tlmeo Detent and Aolusting SCV Flow Rate H SCV x" ,9_ 22:3“ Demm Pusmon rn thrs sectron) Returns to neutral when released - Float (P): (Down rnto locked posrtron) Valves open to sump to allow cylrnder to extend or retract Allows lmplement to follow ground contour. Pull up and out of locked position to disengage NOTE: To relieve hydraulic pressure in irnplernent. move SCV/ever to float position (P), while engine is running, Push SCV lever cover (l) forward when SCV is not in use REFS 60-9 PN:239 Hydraulics and Selective Control Valves SCV Control Lever—Neutral Position Neutral position (A) allows flow to continue until timed detent expires If no timed detent is commanded, then flow is turned off. NOTE SCV control lever should be in neutral position at tractor startup Levers in extend or retract posmons automatically return to neutral when released. Float position remains detented Any position other than neutral is Ignored until lever is cycled to neutral afler engine startup A— Neutral Position in SCV Control Lever - (Neutral) :Aue‘au' SCV Control Lever—Extend and Extend Detent Position Extend Posnion Pull lever (A) rearward of neutral. This extends the cylinder at a rate that varies With how far rearward the lever is pulled Pull lever slightly rearward to extend the remote cylinder slowly Pull lever reanNard against the first detent notch to extend the remote cylinder at maximum rate (See Adjusting SCV Flow Rate in this section) Lever returns to neutral and flow stops when released NOTE: Time Setting is ignored in the retract position Extend Detent Posnion Pull lever (A) reanrvard to “click detent position and release Lever will return to neutral posnion, but flow Wlll continue at maximum rate (See Adjusting SCV Flow Rate and Adjusting Timed Detent in this section) Flow timing begins when the lever returns to center after being in the detent position for 0 8 seconds SCV flow time should be adjusted so cylinder Will be fully extended when time has elapsed ‘ _ t SCV Control Lever Extend arid EMerid Detent A7 Extend Position [Pull Ream/am] Detent can be canceled by moVing SCV lever slightly forward or rearward from neutral after lever has returned to neutral or by holding lever in extend posmon for more than D 8 seconds after lever has entered detent position NOTE Detent posmons are ignored at start up until lever is cycled to NEUTRAL. romzz 000023: :Aue‘au' 60-10 PN:24U Hydraulics and Selective Control Valves SCV Control Lever—Retract and Retract Detent Position Retract Position Push lever (A) fohNard of neutral This retracts cylinder at a rate that varies with hoW far forward the lever is pushed Push the lever slightly forward to retract the remote cylinder slowly Push the lever forward against the first detent notch to retract the remote cylinder at maximum rate. (See Adiusting SCV Flow Rate in this section) Lever returns to neutral and flow stops when released. NOTE Time setting is ignored in retract position. Retract Detent Position Push lever (A) forward to "click" detent position and release Lever Will return to neutral poSition, but flow Will continue at maximum rate if detent time setting is non-zero (See Adjusting SCV Flow Rate and Adiusting Timed Detent in this section) Flow timing begins when the lever returns to center after being in the detent position for D 8 seconds SCV flow time should be aoiusted so cylinder Will be fully retracted when time has elapsed SCV Control Level Ref/act arid Reflect Deterit A— Relract Position (Push Fon/i/ard] Detent can be canceled by moVing SCV lever slightly forward or rearward from neutral after lever has returned to neutral or by holding lever in retract position for more than 0 8 seconds after lever entered detent position. NOTE Detent posmons are ignored at start up until lever is cycled to NEUTRAL. RD17322330323F iQZSAUC'S 60-11 PN:Z4i Hydraulics and Selective Control Valves SCV Control Lever—Float Position Push SCV control lever (A) all the way forward to lock the lever in float position Lever and SCV Will remain in float position until lever is manually returned to neutral Cylinder is free to extend or retract, letting implement follow ground contour NOTE: Time setting is ignored in Float posmon it lever is in t'loat poSition at engine start up, float function Will be disabled (8) until lever is cycled to neutral. Cycle cylinder fully in both directions after being used in the float posmon to insure cylinder is filled With oil A7 Float posltlon [Push Down) of Disabled Float Function 5— Float Poslllon and SCV Lockout RXA SCV Control Level Float Position =ch 00 — n .11- Q E is? 7 752 E u: .2. i .2. ; Ono: 61w; g SCV Float and Lockout recaiut'a: i' Operator Presence Sensor An audible warning Will sound if operator leaves the seat With transmission in PARK or NEUTRAL With SCV control in "Continuous oi Timed Detent" modes Afler 5 seconds, the audible warning stops. NOTE SCV does not disengage when operator leaves seat REUSZ 241 '9 :aiut'a 60-12 PN:242 Hydraulics and Selective Control Valves CommandARMTM Joystick (If Equipped) Operating SCVs With Joystick - The Control Setup lcon appears around Controls that may be setup to control other functions. Review the Controls Setup page to verify the function of each control - The axes ofthe Joystick (A) operates combinations of programmed front or rear SCV(s) functions. - Tractors equipped Witn either CommandQuadm orthe e23fl’ transmiSSions can select gear upshift (button 5) (B) and downshift (button 7) (B) for their multi-functional control lever buttons located on top ofthe lever - Joystick activation indicator light (C) is ON when Joystick is active. - Joystick lock (D) is used to lock out electrornydraulio functions for SCV(s) assigned to Joystick. - Rocker swrtoh (E) operates combinations of programmed SCV(s) functions A7 Joystick [If Equipped] n7 Joystick Lock 5* Joystick Buttons E7 Joystick Rocker Switch oummanaARMW WSW c7 Joystick Activation WU UNI“; Indicalor Light (_‘ b 4 L) Controls Setup lcon Continued on nexi page rzcr 60-13 PN:243 Hydraulics and Selective Control Valves ‘ Joystick Controls Custom Setup RXA0133"C 7 w. 3-:19 7UN721’IZWS ES —>wc=«m \—>. Meriu iAppllcatlons Tab > Controls Setup lcori Controls Setup Shortcut Button on Navigation Bar Press Controls Setup Shortcut Button on Navigation Bar or follow alternative path: .(nnuals Sllup o Select Menu. Select Applications tab. Select Controls Setup Icon. Select Joystick Tractor Mode (A). Select deSired Custom Assignments buttons (B through D) to change programmed function 6. Press edit function button (E) NOTE: Joystick buttons 5 (F) and 7 (G) are preassigned from the factory for up and downshifting respectively With the CommandQuadW and the e23W transmissmns 9‘93””? A— Joystick Tractor Mode E— Rocker Switch Bi Edit Function Button F— Juystlck Button 5 c— FrontlBack Movement (37 Joystick Button 7 D7 Lefl/nght Movement A\0 Continued on next page mum :30:2L2 19 ULSE"” m 60'14 PN:Z44 Hydraulics and Selective Control Valves 1 Press seiect function button (A) an Add Assignment page 2 Select from list of functions (B) tractor is equipped With and press desired function to assign 3 Press close out button (C) to go back to Add Assignment page 4. Press save button (D) to save assigned function. Operator can set any SCV uii any axis in rocker swnch of the Joystick NOTE Some functions shown may not be available depending upon what options the tractor is equipped With. of Close Out Button D— Save Function Bulton A7 Select Functlon Button 5— Available Functions List “mm“... o em! swm m m m um um )y Add Assignment Page seieu Fumuoli Fwnl "lull Raise! Lamar scv I Exlond / mm: 50! ll Emmi I mm: scv m Extend / Reina saw Select Functinn Page 7 ‘ Ml Aullnlrilnl 0 (when!) rlSuiin‘anflh m [E M :1”. fi Sal/e Function button owin- lily-i 5am "Infla- mmzzo 2 Views: 60-15 PN:245 Hydraulics and Selective Control Valves Hydraulic Option Connector Harness Operation If tractor rs equipped with 9-pm connector (B), lnstall hydraulrc optron connector harness (A) This allows ootlcnal hydraullc functlcns (see table below) Implemenl Jumper Harness Pan Number SCV Conlmlled Hltch NOTE Jumper harness msables lurch valve and allows hymn valve to operate mm SCV AA39951 NOTE Additional hydraulic plumumg organs may be required A— Hydraulic Oplion Connector Harness B— SrPin Conneclur Opuonal Conneclor REUSZ ::o24: mm M A '9 mum 60-16 PN:246 Laser Scraper Laser Scraper—for Scrapers Equipped with Scraper Control Unit NOTE Used primarily in areas requiring automated laser guidance system for scraper app/Icaflons Press SCV shortcut button on Navigation Bar or follow alternative path: 1. Connect tractorto implement. Select Menu Button. Select Tractor Settings tab. Select SCV Button. Select Feature SCV Mode. Select Detent Flow tab (A) To increase flow press button (D) orto decrease pres button (F) Also turning adjusting wheel (G) can be used to obtain oeSIred flow setting <99.wa 8 Select Upper Setpornt button (B) to set upper setporn to current position 9. Select Lower Setpomt button(C) to set lower setpoint to current position Press Automation tab (H) then ON or OFF toggle button (I) To activate the Automation feature A— oetent Flow Tab F— oeereese Flow as Upper Setpolnt Button cf Adjustlng Dial c, Lower Setpolnt Eulton H— Automatlon Tab n— Increase Flow I7 ON/OFF Toggle Button E— Input Box MENU Menu Button a Tractor Settings Tab 4. SCV Button Conlrnued on next 9195 ~. mums Automation reggre Navigation Bar x’ rzcz‘azz 00262 497251.613 rrz 62 —1 PN:247 Laser Scraper CAUTION: Avoid personal injury or death. Movmg scraper control unit, connectors, or linkages, when engine is running, may cause unexpected movement. Stay clear of implement when starting engine. Tractor selective control valves (SCV l and/or SCV lll) are used to electronically control raising lowering and setting of implement depth, Without leaving the cab Control lever (A) is used to manually control SCV l and activate an automatic scraper control system. Control lever (B) is used to manually control SCV Ill and soy Control Lei/er: activate a second automatic scraper control system A— scv I Control Lever B— SCV "I control Lever R347322 0000252 i9 ZSAJMS 22 62-2 PN:Z4E Remote Hydraulic Connections Connecting Hydraulic Hoses—Rear of Tractor ACAUTION: Escaping fluid under pressure can penetrate the skin causing serious injury. Av0id the hazard by relieVing pressure before disconnecting hydraulic or other lines. If an accident occurs, see a doctor immediately. Any fluid injected into the skin must be surgically removed within a few hours or gangrene may result. ACAUTION: Engage Joystick Lock (A) (If Equipped) and SCV Control Lever Lock (8) before attaching or detaching hydraulic hoses to prevent unintentional implement movement and possible personal injury. IMPORTANT: Hydraulic hoses can fail due to physical damage, kinks, age, and exposure. Check hoses regularly. Any dirt, dust, or other foreign material can damage hydraulic system. Thoroughly clean hydraulic hoses and SCVs before connecting implement to tractor. IMPORTANT: Steam cleaning or using a high pressure washer in the area around the SCV connections and electronics may damage equipment. Any pressure washer exceeding 6895 kPa (69 bar) (1000 psi) should be kept a minimum of 200 mm (8 in.) away from connections. NOTE See Attaching Implement and Control System in TouchSetW Depth Control Section of this Operator's Manual 1 Lock out SCV controls 0 JostickiPress Joystick Lock (A) - CommandARMwiPress SCV Control lever Lock (B) 2 Clean dust covers Rotate dust covers up to expose couplers. IMPORTANT: Be sure to correctly connect remote hydraulic hoses to couplers. If hose connections are reversed, machine will not respond to system controls as expected. Mid-mount SCV ports are arranged opposite of front hitch and rear SCV stack ports. Rear SCV or Front Hitch EXIend:Left P071 RelracFRighl Port Midrlvlounl scv Extend:Right Port Relracl=Lel1 Pan NOTE, Remote cylinder couplers are designatedl through IV (E) with I being the bottom receptacle Continued on next page ..‘l xnaii Couplers mm High Pressure Relief Levers E7 SCV Identifier Number F— Exlend Hose (3— Retract Hose A7 Joystick Lock 8— SCV Conlrol Lever Lock (3— Relracl Icon D— Exlend Icon 3 Check ifsyrribols on receptacle identification plate (C) or (D), indicating cylinder movement, match cylinder travel direction 4. When using SCV With singleracting cylinders plug hose into extend side of receptacle (F) When connecting doubleracting cylinders, extend Side Will be left side and retract is right side (G). 5 Push hose(s) firmly into receptacle(s). non“ CCDDiOS 4942 r. 63-1 PN:249 Remote Hydraulic Connections NOTE: SCVS are color coded for easier identification SCV Numbers And corrESpondm calms Hose Identification kits are available from SCV ”WW Color your John Deere” dealer. SCVi Green SCV ll Blue scv iii Brown scv W Black SCV V Violet scv Vi Gray TouchSet is a trademark ofDeere & Company John Deere is a trademark eroeere & Company R347322 0000198 1912AJ313 22 Disconnecting Hydraulic Hoses—Rear of Tractor ACAUTION: Prevent possible personal injury. Lock out SCV controls before detaching implements to prevent implement movement. 1 Lower implement to ground before disconnecting hydraulic hoses. NOTE To relieve hydraulic pressure in hoses. move SCV joystick to float position, while engine is running UN 36/. 2 Move SCVyoystick (lf Equipped) to float posmon for a few seconds while engine is running. ximw 3 Lock out SCV controls: - Joystick — Press Joystick lock (A) - CommandARM’” SCV 7 Press SCV control lever lock (B) 4 Push handle (H) down slightly to relieve any pressure buildup of trapped oil before remdvmg hoses IMPORTANT: Forcing orjerking SCV hoses when disconnecting can damage hose ends and SCV couplers. If hoses cannot be removed easily, relieve pressure in hydraulic system by moving SCV lever to float position for a few seconds with engine running and using t handle (H) to extract hoses. Couplers with High Pressure Reii‘ef Levers man llN isrrm >< 5 Pu“ hOSSS Stralght GUI from couplers. A7 Joystick -J0ystlck lock E7 SCV Identlller Number 6 Clean coupler area before closing dust cover. 5— C°mmandARMW ' 55" F— Eden" ”“53 control lever Lock (37 Retract Hose 7 Rotate dust covers down to cover couplers Ci 3‘9"“ “3°" H— Hand'e D— Relracl Icun R347322 aux-s9 i9 c5593 63-2 PN:ZSD
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